The University Writing Program Presents a
Encountering Stories: a showcase of the One Book, One DU shared prompt responses
event held on Tuesday, October 23rd @ 6pm We are pleased to announce our Call for Submissions for the third annual celebration and showcase of firstyear writers’ responses to DU’s One Book, One DU shared prompt. We welcome One Prompt responses in all genres—including multimodal texts (e.g., songs, videos, graphic arts/comics) and spoken performances—by first-year students. If your work is accepted, it will be displayed at the showcase event on Tuesday, October 23rd from 6pm –7:30 pm in the AAC Special Events Room. Five authors will be invited to read or perform their work at the event. Submissions will also be considered for publication in Many Voices, One DU volume 3 (authors notified of publication in early January 2019).
Submission Guidelines: 1. Responses may be submitted electronically (by students or by instructors on behalf of students) to the selection committee at 2. Authors must be DU first-year students responding to the One Prompt. 3. Submissions must also include the following information: • Subject Line of E-mail: Name & “Encountering Stories Submission” • Body of E-mail: Name, FSEM Instructor, & Full Title of Submission • Attachment: Your Response to One Prompt. Written submissions should be
Microsoft Word documents. Visual submissions can be sent as PDFs. Audio and
movie files may need to be sent as a link.
Submission Deadline: Friday September 21st by 6pm e-mail: image © Kristin Klein (kkleinrn) /