NIKE NSW Fall/Holiday 2008

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8.8.8 PLAYMAKER by Neville Wakefield CHAPTER 1, The Principles A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DISILLUSIONED BALL PLAYER by Jason Jules CHAPTER 2, The Team THE PERFECT PLAY by Datwon Thomas CHAPTER 3, Instant Replay PLAYMAKER by Kunichi Nomura CHAPTER 4, The Stadium THE PRINCE SUSPECTS FOUL PLAY by C.R.Stecyk CHAPTER 5, The Uniforms


Within Nike Sportswear a capsule collection has come to fruition. Designed at the crossroads of performance innovation and iconic styling, it is a hybrid, seamlessly melding aesthetic comforts with an ever-evolving future. Its process is a move towards new creation and territory, never stopping, only occasionally glancing back and taking a moment to absorb. This is the apex of what Nike Sportswear represents: the cutting edge of engineering, craftsmanship and contemporary styling, filtered through Nike’s DNA. This platform provides a rich playing field where change is the norm and new becomes classic. Here, legacy garments are redesigned, repurposed and bettered to the highest standards of current performance and style. It is the gear of the Playmaker who thrives on the heritage of the past, the passion of the moment and the unexplored of the future, allowing them to make a play that will one day be the mark of a new record. Welcome to the NSW Collection.


PLAYMAKER by Neville Wakefield Just before the shortly thereafter decisions are made in a twilight tense. They concern the things that we know but do not fully apprehended. They might, for want of a better term, be described as belonging to the cognitive peripheries. These are the territories where knowledge and certainty are blurred by instinct and awareness, where everything is held in the liminal state of becoming or play. Being able to move freely within this barely defined time and space has been described as many things. It has in one way or another been attributed of virtually all catalytic figures who have made their mark on history, whether in the arts, sciences, politics or in the realms of social life and sport. These are figures whose interest is inclined towards momentum rather than goals and who prefer in life, as on the field, to be movers as opposed to goal-hangers. Their aim is not playing to an end result, the final score of a closed system. Rather their role is about the distribution of possibility. And while it’s a role that often eludes description it is one that is carried by the idea of what it is to have game – to make of any situation a creative field. Living in this tense is to understand the world in the manner of quantum physics. Reading a situation, as much as understanding the particle nature of matter, is an act of fluid interpretation. Here, the twilight tense reveals not absolute truths but patterns of probability since the exact nature of things can never be know since they are always on the move, always affected by our interjection; by our desire for truth over interpretation. For the playmaker, like the physicist such finalities can never be known. The clock is never stopped. Time never stands still. The playmaker understands his or her position at the fluid interstices between what has been done and what has yet to happen. The field is one of quantum uncertainty for which even measure and understanding are acts of agency that change the rules of the game. Controlling such a field is never the goal since to do so is to render it in a state of artificial suspension. Instead the playmaker distributes probability and in doing so the opportunist becomes the creator of opportunity. And just as Heisenberg, the godfather of modern physics maintained that, “the more precisely the position is determined the less precisely the momentum is known”, so the playmaker operates on similar principle. Whether speaking of the artist who seeks openings in the body of received ideas, the writer or curator who seeks renewals in the context of that which has gone before, the midfielder, point guard or quarterback who creates fluid opportunity out of rote strategy, the playmaker is defined less by facility than by attitude. He or she is not defined by history or constrained by the past. Nor is their understanding based on what is known any more than their agency can be said to be predictable or determined. What matters perhaps is a sense of being in a time and place under constant redefinition. Facility, in this instance, may be less important than proprioceptive awareness, the sense one has of oneself as able to move freely within dynamic fields. And this may well be the elusive quality and character of the playmaker for whom the immediate pleasure of creating opportunity always outweighs the deferred pleasure of chasing goals.



The Windrunner was created as a practical training jacket for runners. But sometimes being practical means looking behind you in order to leap ahead. Designed by Geoff Hollister in the 1980’s, a decade of pretentious flash, Mr. Hollister instead found inspiration from garb of the Northwest Indians. The tribes, living in the ever-changing climate of the Northwest, wore cedar bark robes in the summer, to help them stay cool, and animals hides that extended past their shoulders in the winter, to help slick away rain. Their designs were the perfect case study for the needs of modern day runners. And so the Windrunner was born. But due to its solid design, specifically, the matching pant and shiny color schemes, it transcended into an identity piece for those rocking the streets as well as the track. Within a few months of debuting at the 1980 Track and Field Trials in Eugene, Oregon, the Windrunner could be seen on break-dancers from Compton to Brooklyn. A practical-repurposed-bastardized jacket for over 30 years, the Windrunner has made its mark on both sportswear and pop culture and now returns to its roots as it reappears in 2008.

100% Nylon Body with Transparent Upper Chevron Reverse Coil Bonded Pocket Zippers with Built in Zip Garage Tonal Body Color Zip Pullers

Available Colorways: FALL 08





FLYWIRE WINDRUNNER They say to leave good enough alone. We agree. Unless you happen to create Flywire, a lightweight technology that revolutionizes sportswear. Imagine a paper-thin shoe, no more than two microns thick, whose only support comes from threads. This is Flywire. Six and half years in the making, the revolutionary Flywire technology consists of high-strength threads that function like the cables on a suspension bridge with support engineered precisely where a foot needs it. Flywire has allowed Nike to make its lightest and strongest footwear ever. Track spikes are now under 100 grams, a weight never before achieved. And while Flywire won’t necessarily make you faster, it will certainly not slow you down. Flywire also enables light apparel to be even lighter without compromising strength or support. Take the Flywire Windrunner for example. Every strand is laid by hand on top of ultra-thin Japanese nylon. Iconic chevron is digitally printed. All this without sacrificing durability, weatherproofing or aesthetics.

28 Grams,100% Nylon, Zipper Lace Tape.

Available Colorways:



Washed Green



A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DISILLUSIONED BALL PLAYER by Jason Jules Thursday. A rare, sunny day in London... Morning. Me and my girlfriend are in a coffee shop in East London before she heads off to work. There’s a guy, about fifty - a kinda local wino. He’s always dapper even in his down-at-heelness...Today he’s wearing a white vest, a thick brown belt over some off-white work pants - tucked into a pair of sixteen-eye brown leather boots - loosely laced with thick soles. Around his neck is a neck-a-chief - ruggedly tied as if for function not for look. He’s also got a hat on - a kind of trilby number, slightly beat. Always friendly and personable, he’s part of the local fabric on this end of town. His is a weird, but distinctive style that never seems to fail him. We often wonder how a man like him has ended up like that. He and one of his mates are at the doorway of the coffee shop, about to leave when this old folk song - all strings and weeping harmonica - comes on the sound system... I open my eyes and there’s darkness all around, I close my eyes and I can feel you near/ I call your name and there’s silence - not a sound/ But in my dreams your voice is all I hear...To sleep is all I want/ To be with you is all I need...When it’s over he says to us, leaving - ‘That’s the song I played at my girlfriends funeral.’ Later... l go to the nearby outdoor market. The vintage clothing market on a Thursday is amazing - a whole raft of stuff vintage American garms, French work-wear, British post war stuff, a few old school basketball sneakers - plus art, object d’art, books and tons of trash in between. The stall holders vary from the really friendly to the totally stone faced. Since a lot of the people who shop here are dealers themselves there seems to be an air of territorialism among many of the stall merchants - protective of their patch as if it were some kind of intellectual property. Having said that, it’s a great place to hang out and kill time on a Thursday ...and maybe bump into people I know from around the way. One particular guy I’d seen around the market before is here again today. ‘Watcha’, I say, ‘Alright mate’ he replies. ‘You working here now?’ I ask having clocked him standing behind one of the stalls for a hot minute last week. He is a well turned out chap with a shaved head - clippers, 1/ 1.5m. Graduated. They’d call it a GI back in the nineteen sixties, I think. He also sports a big bushy beatnik poet type beard. You couldn’t miss him. ‘Nah’, he says, ‘I just help out.’ He smiles. ‘ I do a bit of buying and selling. I have a look on one stall and, if I see anything I think someone on another stall would like, I buy it and sell it on to them.’ There’s a glint in his eye. ‘Well, if they don’t wanna communicate with each other...’ He ends his sentence with an almost apologetic shrug. ‘But that’s our secret, right,?’ he says heading back towards the maze of crowded stalls. ‘Of course,’ I say. ‘No doubt.’ 1 hour later... I’m queuing at the hole in the wall, outside a bank just off the market square. It’s lunch time now. Ahead of me is just one guy - a city-slicker type appropriately attired in an ill-fitting suit with too much sheen in the fabric and too much fabric in the leg and sleeve. It’s as if he’s been shrunk in the wash. He kind of looks like an estate agent made good, but then it occurs to me that the terms ‘good’ and ‘estate agent’ are mutually exclusive. Sitting on the ground beside the cash point is a homeless lady - I say lady - she looks anywhere between 25 and 55, with a blanket over her legs and dirt on her face and hair. I dig in my shirt pocket - and give her a couple of quid. No reason. Just felt like it. With the incredible-shrinking estate agent gone, I regard the machine with my usual paranoia. I can’t figure what it is, but the machine looks wrong - like it’s been tampered with. The lady on the ground, says, ‘Don’t worry, it’s alright, the bank did that’ ‘Ah. Ok’... I say... ‘Did what?’ ‘They came and took the white thing off -’, she first points, then stands up and shows me. ‘They came and took off the white cover that goes on the front there’ -she points to where the card goes in - ‘and see that grey gluey stuff? she points to the top of the machine, just above the key pad and screen - ‘there was a strip of metal there. They took that off too.’ ‘Why was that then?’ I ask. ‘Me and my boyfriend were sitting here. We saw some blokes put the metal strip on there - that’s where the camera goes to read your pin number. And they put a micro chip in the other bit to read the card.’ She sits down again. ‘We saw them do it ages ago and told the people at the bank but they wouldn’t listen. Then a women who uses this machine told us her bank statement said she was buying things in Egypt. She’s never even been there! So we told her.... And that’s when the people from the bank came and ripped those things out.’ ‘Those guys could have stolen millions.’ I say. ‘That’s right. Me and my boyfriend tried to tell ‘em the same day we saw it, but because we’re homeless they ignored us’, she says. ‘Big mistake’ I reply, ‘big mistake’.

Late afternoon... Hanging with my mate Remi and his op-o Darren in his West End office. We’re chatting shit and necking a couple ice cold drinks - as you do on such a sunny day in London town. It’s getting on in the afternoon - nearly five o’clock. ‘I’m just popping out.’ Remi announces. ‘Where you off to?’, asks Darren surprised at Remi dashing to the door. ‘I fancy combing my hair’, he explains,’It’s been a couple of weeks.’ Remi has a thick nappy afro head. The kind of hair that would make a Black Panther jealous - if ever he bothered to comb it out. ‘Wow, what’s come over you then?’ ‘No, nothing. Sometimes I just get the urge to change things up - I’m getting bored of wearing this hat. And so, gentleman, I need to buy an afro comb. Back in a mo.’ Myself and Darren continue setting the world to rights until Remi returns from his expedition. ‘Amazing.’ He says, walking through the door. ‘You’d think that in the year 2008 there’d be one establishment in the square mile where a fella can buy an afro comb when he wants one.’ ‘So what you gonna do?’ Asks Darren. ‘Well, I bought a new hat didn’t I,’ says Remi, producing this amazing black felt fedora from a bag, with a smile. Later still. Train. Homewards. Miserable. The pain from my injury has started to wind me up. It’s been six weeks since I fractured my leg during practice. The physio said it would be ‘between six months-to-indefinitely’ before I could play again...’indefinitely...We’ll have to see how it heals up.’ So, what does a basketball player do when he can’t play? Hang out? Get depressed? Or get depressed hanging out. It wasn’t so long ago, I think to myself, that I was the play maker - calling the shots, shaping the game, keeping my eye on the ball all the way to the hoop...I was good. Now I’m just hobbling on the sidelines watching everyone else live their lives. My mind drifted back to the days’ events...The wino, the homeless woman, matey at the market, Remi and his afro-comb... Home. ‘The thing is’, my girlfriend says to me when I eventually get home still feeling more than a little sorry for myself. ‘If you don’t call the shots and make your own plays - whether you’re playing basketball or involved in anything else, then “indefinitely” is going to feel like a very long time. It doesn’t matter what game you play - it’s how you play it that counts, right?’ ‘Of course.’ I say.

LASER RUNNER A paradox. We took the classic design of the Windrunner and added more to create less. Made with an ultra-lightweight material that is stretchy yet waterproof. Laser cut ventilation and pockets that veer toward invisibility. And under the hood, a storm flap as well as a dry and content runner. The Laser Runner marries the best designs from our past as well as the best high performance materials on the market. The result, a sleek running jacket that withstands Mother Nature at her moodiest.

Storm-FIT 100% Nylon Taffeta, 2-Way Stretch, 73 Grams All Seams No Sew Construction Laser Cut Bonded Reverse Coil Zippers With Built In Zip Garage Laser Cut breathability at Neck Storm Flap Fully Adjustable Hood with Drawcord Channel Bonded Sleeve Pocket with Internal Eyelet Film Details at Stress Points Rounded Back Hem with Toggle Adjustability Mesh Liner

Available Colorways: FALL 08


Washed Green

Cool Grey

M65 Leave it to Nike to put a high-tech spin on a cult classic. The M65 military jacket, a staple in movies and on the streets after it debuted on the backs of soldiers in 1965, gets an high-tech update in the Fall 08 NSW Collection. Classic features like the signature protective hood, four front pockets and button-in insulated lining remain, while new additions like laser-cut bonded pockets and self-tapping fabric to reduce seams make this an even more functional piece than the version worn by military men. With its breathable fabric and waterproof capabilities, this NSW M65 gets a Storm 5 rating, perfect for the peace-loving sportsman who prefers battling the elements.

Storm-FIT Dobby 3L With Printed Tricot Back Fully Bonded/Taped Construction Laser Cut Pockets with Pill Reinforcements Pop-Out Hood

Available Colorways:




Comet Red

STADIUM JACKET The birth of an icon is instant. It fills the darkness with light. And so it was in 1865 when when a college baseball team began sewing the letter “H” to their team uniforms and the stadium jacket was born. Designed exclusively for varsity players, it was a badge of pride, the robe of athlete warriors, a cloak for those dedicated to the game. It became, and remains, the defining silhouette of American sport apparel. But like all great icons, its original purpose would transform. Soon not only athletes, but fans began sporting it. In ballparks as well as on the streets. And now, forty years later, the vibe is the same but we’ve made it water repellant with a hidden waterproof zipper instead of buttons, added a Melton wool body with high quality Japanese leather sleeves lined in a micro ripstop taffeta. To the Stadium Jacket, we bow with great respect. It has served playmakers throughout the ages and now, as part of the NSW collection, will evolve once again.

Water Repellant Melton Wool Body (90% Wool, 10% Nylon) Cow Leather Sleeves Thermore Fill No Sew Pocket at Chest Striped Rib Available Colorway Shown HOLIDAY 08


A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DISILLUSIONED BALL PLAYER by Jason Jules Thursday. A rare, sunny day in London... Morning. Me and my girlfriend are in a coffee shop in East London before she heads off to work. There’s a guy, about fifty - a kinda local wino. He’s always dapper even in his down-at-heelness...Today he’s wearing a white vest, a thick brown belt over some off-white work pants - tucked into a pair of sixteen-eye brown leather boots - loosely laced with thick soles. Around his neck is a neck-a-chief - ruggedly tied as if for function not for look. He’s also got a hat on - a kind of trilby number, slightly beat. Always friendly and personable, he’s part of the local fabric on this end of town. His is a weird, but distinctive style that never seems to fail him. We often wonder how a man like him has ended up like that. He and one of his mates are at the doorway of the coffee shop, about to leave when this old folk song - all strings and weeping harmonica - comes on the sound system... I open my eyes and there’s darkness all around, I close my eyes and I can feel you near/ I call your name and there’s silence - not a sound/ But in my dreams your voice is all I hear...To sleep is all I want/ To be with you is all I need...When it’s over he says to us, leaving - ‘That’s the song I played at my girlfriends funeral.’ Later... l go to the nearby outdoor market. The vintage clothing market on a Thursday is amazing - a whole raft of stuff vintage American garms, French work-wear, British post war stuff, a few old school basketball sneakers - plus art, object d’art, books and tons of trash in between. The stall holders vary from the really friendly to the totally stone faced. Since a lot of the people who shop here are dealers themselves there seems to be an air of territorialism among many of the stall merchants - protective of their patch as if it were some kind of intellectual property. Having said that, it’s a great place to hang out and kill time on a Thursday ...and maybe bump into people I know from around the way. One particular guy I’d seen around the market before is here again today. ‘Watcha’, I say, ‘Alright mate’ he replies. ‘You working here now?’ I ask having clocked him standing behind one of the stalls for a hot minute last week. He is a well turned out chap with a shaved head - clippers, 1/ 1.5m. Graduated. They’d call it a GI back in the nineteen sixties, I think. He also sports a big bushy beatnik poet type beard. You couldn’t miss him. ‘Nah’, he says, ‘I just help out.’ He smiles. ‘ I do a bit of buying and selling. I have a look on one stall and, if I see anything I think someone on another stall would like, I buy it and sell it on to them.’ There’s a glint in his eye. ‘Well, if they don’t wanna communicate with each other...’ He ends his sentence with an almost apologetic shrug. ‘But that’s our secret, right,?’ he says heading back towards the maze of crowded stalls. ‘Of course,’ I say. ‘No doubt.’ 1 hour later... I’m queuing at the hole in the wall, outside a bank just off the market square. It’s lunch time now. Ahead of me is just one guy - a city-slicker type appropriately attired in an ill-fitting suit with too much sheen in the fabric and too much fabric in the leg and sleeve. It’s as if he’s been shrunk in the wash. He kind of looks like an estate agent made good, but then it occurs to me that the terms ‘good’ and ‘estate agent’ are mutually exclusive. Sitting on the ground beside the cash point is a homeless lady - I say lady - she looks anywhere between 25 and 55, with a blanket over her legs and dirt on her face and hair. I dig in my shirt pocket - and give her a couple of quid. No reason. Just felt like it. With the incredible-shrinking estate agent gone, I regard the machine with my usual paranoia. I can’t figure what it is, but the machine looks wrong - like it’s been tampered with. The lady on the ground, says, ‘Don’t worry, it’s alright, the bank did that’ ‘Ah. Ok’... I say... ‘Did what?’ ‘They came and took the white thing off -’, she first points, then stands up and shows me. ‘They came and took off the white cover that goes on the front there’ -she points to where the card goes in - ‘and see that grey gluey stuff? she points to the top of the machine, just above the key pad and screen - ‘there was a strip of metal there. They took that off too.’ ‘Why was that then?’ I ask. ‘Me and my boyfriend were sitting here. We saw some blokes put the metal strip on there - that’s where the camera goes to read your pin number. And they put a micro chip in the other bit to read the card.’ She sits down again. ‘We saw them do it ages ago and told the people at the bank but they wouldn’t listen. Then a women who uses this machine told us her bank statement said she was buying things in Egypt. She’s never even been there! So we told her.... And that’s when the people from the bank came and ripped those things out.’ ‘Those guys could have stolen millions.’ I say. ‘That’s right. Me and my boyfriend tried to tell ‘em the same day we saw it, but because we’re homeless they ignored us’, she says. ‘Big mistake’ I reply, ‘big mistake’.

Late afternoon... Hanging with my mate Remi and his op-o Darren in his West End office. We’re chatting shit and necking a couple ice cold drinks - as you do on such a sunny day in London town. It’s getting on in the afternoon - nearly five o’clock. ‘I’m just popping out.’ Remi announces. ‘Where you off to?’, asks Darren surprised at Remi dashing to the door. ‘I fancy combing my hair’, he explains,’It’s been a couple of weeks.’ Remi has a thick nappy afro head. The kind of hair that would make a Black Panther jealous - if ever he bothered to comb it out. ‘Wow, what’s come over you then?’ ‘No, nothing. Sometimes I just get the urge to change things up - I’m getting bored of wearing this hat. And so, gentleman, I need to buy an afro comb. Back in a mo.’ Myself and Darren continue setting the world to rights until Remi returns from his expedition. ‘Amazing.’ He says, walking through the door. ‘You’d think that in the year 2008 there’d be one establishment in the square mile where a fella can buy an afro comb when he wants one.’ ‘So what you gonna do?’ Asks Darren. ‘Well, I bought a new hat didn’t I,’ says Remi, producing this amazing black felt fedora from a bag, with a smile. Later still. Train. Homewards. Miserable. The pain from my injury has started to wind me up. It’s been six weeks since I fractured my leg during practice. The physio said it would be ‘between six months-to-indefinitely’ before I could play again...’indefinitely...We’ll have to see how it heals up.’ So, what does a basketball player do when he can’t play? Hang out? Get depressed? Or get depressed hanging out. It wasn’t so long ago, I think to myself, that I was the play maker - calling the shots, shaping the game, keeping my eye on the ball all the way to the hoop...I was good. Now I’m just hobbling on the sidelines watching everyone else live their lives. My mind drifted back to the days’ events...The wino, the homeless woman, matey at the market, Remi and his afro-comb... Home. ‘The thing is’, my girlfriend says to me when I eventually get home still feeling more than a little sorry for myself. ‘If you don’t call the shots and make your own plays - whether you’re playing basketball or involved in anything else, then “indefinitely” is going to feel like a very long time. It doesn’t matter what game you play - it’s how you play it that counts, right?’ ‘Of course.’ I say.


LOOPWHEELER COLLECTION The NSW design team was on a quest to refine the Athletics West 1977 hoody. A high-quality performance sweatshirt used by Oregon track club runners from an historic era. Where this would lead them, no one could have imagined. And that’s where the story begins. A long time ago, before everything was instant and plastic, a young boy in Japan had a fleece sweatshirt he adored. His name was Satoshi Suzuki. Years later, as he outgrew the sweatshirt, he tried to find one of the same quality. But no matter how hard he searched, the craftsmanship was gone. So, he started Loopwheeler. While most companies have visions of changing the future, Mr. Suzuki’s was to save the past. In his words, to create a “future heritage”. One that would preserve the quality of the fleece that he had come to love as a boy. But love takes work. And in the case of Loophweeler, that work requires dealing with archaic machines that operate off leather belts and require the constant guidance of skilled craftsmen. The process is slow and finicky and absolutely worth it. The machines, some of which are over 80 years old, spin so slowly that gravity is able to pull on the fleece, giving it a heavy, spongy feel. All of it the highest grade. Each sweatshirt contains 460 grams of French Terry fleece, uses four needle flat seaming and is cut and screen printed by hand. We’ve added screen-printed graphics as well as a blaze orange label, the original swoosh design of Nike sportswear. But the machines are temperamental. And the days of making spare parts are long gone. It’s a dying art. But, more importantly, it is an art. Today, thanks to the undying passion of young boy, Loopwheeler makes the best fleece on the planet. By uniting Nike’s innovative vision with Satoshi Suzuki’s obsession, we are preserving a future heritage. And this is why we’ve chosen to partner with them.


AW 77 LOOPWHEELER FZ French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

Available Colorways:



Cool Grey



Vivid Blue


Comet Red Grey Heather

LOOPWHEELER TEE 100% Cotton Ring Spun

Available Colorways: FALL 08


Cool Grey


Soft Pearl

LOOPWHEELER CREW French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

Available Colorways: FALL 08


Cool Grey


Washed Green

LOOPWHEELER CREW French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

Available FALL Colorway Shown

LOOPWHEELER CREW French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

Available Colorways:



Dk Loden

Grey Heather

WINDRUNNER LOOPWHEELER FZ French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit Available Colorways: HOLIDAY 08

Dk Loden


Grey Heather

AW 77 LOOPWHEELER HZ French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

Available Colorways: FALL 08


Cool Grey



Soft Pearl



Grey Heather

LOOPWHEELER TEE 100% Cotton Ring Spun

Available Colorways: HOLIDAY 08



Grey Heather Comet Red

LOOPWHEELER PANT French Terry, Circular Knit Cotton, 400 Grams Woven Loop Label at Back Pocket Available Colorways: HOLIDAY 08


Grey Heather

THE PERFECT PLAY by Datwon Thomas It starts with wanting to play. It’s that simple. You see a bunch of kids approach. Teams are being chosen, high-fives slap as nicknames get called, “I got Mousey...I got Boobie, I pick Shasta...I got the new kid.” You finally get called. Your excitement flows into the burn of wanting to win. And win bad. This is before the business of it all. This is the time of no money, no fame, no highlights, no houses, no groupies, no bling, no entourage, no coaches, no endorsements deal, no rookie year, no contract disputes, no misquotes, no publicists, no agents, no trainer, no interviews, no draft parties, no mentors, no drugs, no bills, no mandatory practice, no expectations, no fans, no refs, no rules, no timeouts, no flights, no season ending injuries, no newspapers, no guest list, no strip clubs, no weapons, no lawsuits, no apologies... just you, your sweat and the next play, the play that will make you the star of the neighborhood, at least until the next game. The moment at hand is all that matters; it’s the play that will solidify you as the go-to-guy in the future. The play that will take you from being the quiet kid from down the block to the worldrenowned superstar you are to become. The play that will open the doors to a future you can’t even dream of yet, because you have a play to make first. Do you jab step to get your defender off balance? Do you zag left, even though the quarterback drew the play on your back to zig right by the blue van? Do you swing the broom stick at the 2-2 pitch? Do you run at full speed or save your sprint power til you reach the third manhole cover? What play do you make? You make the right one, the one that gets you picked first for the next game. The play makes you confident, the play makes you stronger, the play makes you better for the greater good. The play makes you work harder in school so you can get the rush of the play in front of thousands. The play gets you to travel to distant lands. The play pays for your higher education. The play gets your Mom out the hood. The play starts to change your life. But are you playing or getting played? Is this your only way to play? Is the physical activity the only way you can play make? Has the play changed lives other than your own and those closest to you? Are you a selfish player? Or a player that makes it a little better for all those you don’t even know?. Does your play set up your teammates as well? Does it set up your community? Does your playmaking make a difference in the world? See, that’s where the real play making begins. The global scale determines your playmaking worth. Just as your skills on the court or field will be recognized as iconic on the international level, your play making abilities can be felt in a realm beyond sports. To be a total playmaker is having the ablity to step away from your comfort zone and dominate another arena, ala the business world like a hall of fame, 5-time professional basketball point guard, who provides opportunities to those who want to help themselves or like a living legend professional football running back who establishes affordable housing for the lower class. Playmaking isn’t just about making three-pointers, hitting homeruns and throwing touchdowns, it’s about changing lives through sports and spirit. To understand it fully, dig for the back story on your favorite sports hero, more than likely their history is deep rooted in this type of playmaking. So, play on player, but just remember, you are only as good as your last move, so make your play count.



PLAYMAKER By Kunichi Nomura

プレイメーカー、それは人を動かし、ボールを動かし、事を起こす。 戦略家であり、支配者であり指揮者、彼の頭の中にすべては計画される。 この世に存在する人間全てにはそれぞれの才能と技術がある。 そしてそれを どう生かすかは自分次第だ、それこそが自由と呼ばれるもの。 しかしあらゆるフィールドにおいて人が集まり、その中で勝とうとするのならば、 変化を起こそうとするのならばプレイメーカーが必要となる。 戦略とは適材適所であり、各々の才を理解し適所に配置すること。 後は一人のプレイメーカーさえいればいい。 最高のフットボールチームを作るのに10人のクォーターバックは要らない。 最高のオーケストラを 作るのに10人の指揮者は必要とされない。 後はプレイメーカーに任せればいい。彼は事を起こさせる。 そしてその結果がどうなるかはプレイメーカーだけが知っている。

NSW CHAPTER 4, The Stadium 21Mercer


THE PERFECT PLAY by Datwon Thomas It starts with wanting to play. It’s that simple. You see a bunch of kids approach. Teams are being chosen, high-fives slap as nicknames get called, “I got Mousey...I got Boobie, I pick Shasta...I got the new kid.” You finally get called. Your excitement flows into the burn of wanting to win. And win bad. This is before the business of it all. This is the time of no money, no fame, no highlights, no houses, no groupies, no bling, no entourage, no coaches, no endorsements deal, no rookie year, no contract disputes, no misquotes, no publicists, no agents, no trainer, no interviews, no draft parties, no mentors, no drugs, no bills, no mandatory practice, no expectations, no fans, no refs, no rules, no timeouts, no flights, no season ending injuries, no newspapers, no guest list, no strip clubs, no weapons, no lawsuits, no apologies... just you, your sweat and the next play, the play that will make you the star of the neighborhood, at least until the next game. The moment at hand is all that matters; it’s the play that will solidify you as the go-to-guy in the future. The play that will take you from being the quiet kid from down the block to the worldrenowned superstar you are to become. The play that will open the doors to a future you can’t even dream of yet, because you have a play to make first. Do you jab step to get your defender off balance? Do you zag left, even though the quarterback drew the play on your back to zig right by the blue van? Do you swing the broom stick at the 2-2 pitch? Do you run at full speed or save your sprint power til you reach the third manhole cover? What play do you make? You make the right one, the one that gets you picked first for the next game. The play makes you confident, the play makes you stronger, the play makes you better for the greater good. The play makes you work harder in school so you can get the rush of the play in front of thousands. The play gets you to travel to distant lands. The play pays for your higher education. The play gets your Mom out the hood. The play starts to change your life. But are you playing or getting played? Is this your only way to play? Is the physical activity the only way you can play make? Has the play changed lives other than your own and those closest to you? Are you a selfish player? Or a player that makes it a little better for all those you don’t even know?. Does your play set up your teammates as well? Does it set up your community? Does your playmaking make a difference in the world? See, that’s were the real play making begins. The global scale determines your playmaking worth. Just as your skills on the court or field will be recognized as iconic on the international level, your play making abilities can be felt in a realm beyond sports. To be a total playmaker is having the ablity to step away from your comfort zone and dominate another arena, ala the business world like a hall of fame, 5-time NBA champion point guard, who provides opportunities to those who want to help themselves or like a living legend NFL running back who establishes affordable housing for the lower class. Playmaking isn’t just about making three-pointers, hitting homeruns and throwing touchdowns, it’s about changing lives through sports and spirit. To understand it fully, dig for the back story on your favorite sports hero, more than likely their history is deep rooted in this type of playmaking. So, play on player, but just remember, you are only as good as your last move, so make your play count.


THE PERFECT PLAY by Datwon Thomas It starts with wanting to play. It’s that simple. You see a bunch of kids approach. Teams are being chosen, high-fives slap as nicknames get called, “I got Mousey...I got Boobie, I pick Shasta...I got the new kid.” You finally get called. Your excitement flows into the burn of wanting to win. And win bad. This is before the business of it all. This is the time of no money, no fame, no highlights, no houses, no groupies, no bling, no entourage, no coaches, no endorsements deal, no rookie year, no contract disputes, no misquotes, no publicists, no agents, no trainer, no interviews, no draft parties, no mentors, no drugs, no bills, no mandatory practice, no expectations, no fans, no refs, no rules, no timeouts, no flights, no season ending injuries, no newspapers, no guest list, no strip clubs, no weapons, no lawsuits, no apologies... just you, your sweat and the next play, the play that will make you the star of the neighborhood, at least until the next game. The moment at hand is all that matters; it’s the play that will solidify you as the go-to-guy in the future. The play that will take you from being the quiet kid from down the block to the worldrenowned superstar you are to become. The play that will open the doors to a future you can’t even dream of yet, because you have a play to make first. Do you jab step to get your defender off balance? Do you zag left, even though the quarterback drew the play on your back to zig right by the blue van? Do you swing the broom stick at the 2-2 pitch? Do you run at full speed or save your sprint power til you reach the third manhole cover? What play do you make? You make the right one, the one that gets you picked first for the next game. The play makes you confident, the play makes you stronger, the play makes you better for the greater good. The play makes you work harder in school so you can get the rush of the play in front of thousands. The play gets you to travel to distant lands. The play pays for your higher education. The play gets your Mom out the hood. The play starts to change your life. But are you playing or getting played? Is this your only way to play? Is the physical activity the only way you can play make? Has the play changed lives other than your own and those closest to you? Are you a selfish player? Or a player that makes it a little better for all those you don’t even know?. Does your play set up your teammates as well? Does it set up your community? Does your playmaking make a difference in the world? See, that’s were the real play making begins. The global scale determines your playmaking worth. Just as your skills on the court or field will be recognized as iconic on the international level, your play making abilities can be felt in a realm beyond sports. To be a total playmaker is having the ablity to step away from your comfort zone and dominate another arena, ala the business world like a hall of fame, 5-time NBA champion point guard, who provides opportunities to those who want to help themselves or like a living legend NFL running back who establishes affordable housing for the lower class. Playmaking isn’t just about making three-pointers, hitting homeruns and throwing touchdowns, it’s about changing lives through sports and spirit. To understand it fully, dig for the back story on your favorite sports hero, more than likely their history is deep rooted in this type of playmaking. So, play on player, but just remember, you are only as good as your last move, so make your play count.

THE PERFECT PLAY by Datwon Thomas It starts with wanting to play. It’s that simple. You see a bunch of kids approach. Teams are being chosen, high-fives slap as nicknames get called, “I got Mousey...I got Boobie, I pick Shasta...I got the new kid.” You finally get called. Your excitement flows into the burn of wanting to win. And win bad. This is before the business of it all. This is the time of no money, no fame, no highlights, no houses, no groupies, no bling, no entourage, no coaches, no endorsements deal, no rookie year, no contract disputes, no misquotes, no publicists, no agents, no trainer, no interviews, no draft parties, no mentors, no drugs, no bills, no mandatory practice, no expectations, no fans, no refs, no rules, no timeouts, no flights, no season ending injuries, no newspapers, no guest list, no strip clubs, no weapons, no lawsuits, no apologies... just you, your sweat and the next play, the play that will make you the star of the neighborhood, at least until the next game. The moment at hand is all that matters; it’s the play that will solidify you as the go-to-guy in the future. The play that will take you from being the quiet kid from down the block to the worldrenowned superstar you are to become. The play that will open the doors to a future you can’t even dream of yet, because you have a play to make first. Do you jab step to get your defender off balance? Do you zag left, even though the quarterback drew the play on your back to zig right by the blue van? Do you swing the broom stick at the 2-2 pitch? Do you run at full speed or save your sprint power til you reach the third manhole cover? What play do you make? You make the right one, the one that gets you picked first for the next game. The play makes you confident, the play makes you stronger, the play makes you better for the greater good. The play makes you work harder in school so you can get the rush of the play in front of thousands. The play gets you to travel to distant lands. The play pays for your higher education. The play gets your Mom out the hood. The play starts to change your life. But are you playing or getting played? Is this your only way to play? Is the physical activity the only way you can play make? Has the play changed lives other than your own and those closest to you? Are you a selfish player? Or a player that makes it a little better for all those you don’t even know?. Does your play set up your teammates as well? Does it set up your community? Does your playmaking make a difference in the world? See, that’s were the real play making begins. The global scale determines your playmaking worth. Just as your skills on the court or field will be recognized as iconic on the international level, your play making abilities can be felt in a realm beyond sports. To be a total playmaker is having the ablity to step away from your comfort zone and dominate another arena, ala the business world like a hall of fame, 5-time NBA champion point guard, who provides opportunities to those who want to help themselves or like a living legend NFL running back who establishes affordable housing for the lower class. Playmaking isn’t just about making three-pointers, hitting homeruns and throwing touchdowns, it’s about changing lives through sports and spirit. To understand it fully, dig for the back story on your favorite sports hero, more than likely their history is deep rooted in this type of playmaking. So, play on player, but just remember, you are only as good as your last move, so make your play count.



THE PERFECT PLAY by Datwon Thomas It starts with wanting to play. It’s that simple. You see a bunch of kids approach. Teams are being chosen, high-fives slap as nicknames get called, “I got Mousey...I got Boobie, I pick Shasta...I got the new kid.” You finally get called. Your excitement flows into the burn of wanting to win. And win bad. This is before the business of it all. This is the time of no money, no fame, no highlights, no houses, no groupies, no bling, no entourage, no coaches, no endorsements deal, no rookie year, no contract disputes, no misquotes, no publicists, no agents, no trainer, no interviews, no draft parties, no mentors, no drugs, no bills, no mandatory practice, no expectations, no fans, no refs, no rules, no timeouts, no flights, no season ending injuries, no newspapers, no guest list, no strip clubs, no weapons, no lawsuits, no apologies... just you, your sweat and the next play, the play that will make you the star of the neighborhood, at least until the next game. The moment at hand is all that matters; it’s the play that will solidify you as the go-to-guy in the future. The play that will take you from being the quiet kid from down the block to the worldrenowned superstar you are to become. The play that will open the doors to a future you can’t even dream of yet, because you have a play to make first. Do you jab step to get your defender off balance? Do you zag left, even though the quarterback drew the play on your back to zig right by the blue van? Do you swing the broom stick at the 2-2 pitch? Do you run at full speed or save your sprint power til you reach the third manhole cover? What play do you make? You make the right one, the one that gets you picked first for the next game. The play makes you confident, the play makes you stronger, the play makes you better for the greater good. The play makes you work harder in school so you can get the rush of the play in front of thousands. The play gets you to travel to distant lands. The play pays for your higher education. The play gets your Mom out the hood. The play starts to change your life. But are you playing or getting played? Is this your only way to play? Is the physical activity the only way you can play make? Has the play changed lives other than your own and those closest to you? Are you a selfish player? Or a player that makes it a little better for all those you don’t even know?. Does your play set up your teammates as well? Does it set up your community? Does your playmaking make a difference in the world? See, that’s were the real play making begins. The global scale determines your playmaking worth. Just as your skills on the court or field will be recognized as iconic on the international level, your play making abilities can be felt in a realm beyond sports. To be a total playmaker is having the ablity to step away from your comfort zone and dominate another arena, ala the business world like a hall of fame, 5-time NBA champion point guard, who provides opportunities to those who want to help themselves or like a living legend NFL running back who establishes affordable housing for the lower class. Playmaking isn’t just about making three-pointers, hitting homeruns and throwing touchdowns, it’s about changing lives through sports and spirit. To understand it fully, dig for the back story on your favorite sports hero, more than likely their history is deep rooted in this type of playmaking. So, play on player, but just remember, you are only as good as your last move, so make your play count.

4 The Stadium


“Ever ride waves in Oklahoma?” Buzz Murdock from Hell’s Kitchen, the nomadic lead character of the 1962 television series “Route 66” needed to know. It was part of his operational treatise to confront oppression wherever he encountered it during his fictional rollabouts in a Chevrolet Corvette. So he sweated some aquanaut about truth and beauteous manhood. The namesake of Buzz’s theatrical enterprise was dubbed the Mother Road by Pulitzer Prize winning author John Steinbeck and as the Main Street of America by the civic boosters whom lobbied for its creation in 1926. US Route 66 ran 2,450 miles from near the Navy Pier in Chicago to the Santa Monica Pier by Los Angeles going through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona and California. It was the first paved cross country connection, a vital link between the west of mid and the rim of the Pacific. Hyperion’s lair was conjectured to have been out there somewhere. Titans waited tempestuously in the newly accessible hinterlands anticipating the arrival of mere mortals, and conceptualizing worthy tests of valor for them. When the travelers disembarked in mass the world gasped at the wonder of the novel automotive Acropolis. “AVAILABLE BY THE SLICE” Sign, Saint Louis

Monuments and wonders of nature line the thoroughfare. And unmarked bone orchards too. Nameless vacancies where no translucent alabaster angels fly escort. Failed luxury transports succumb to elemental torments in fallow farmer’s fields. Torn fenders litter the median strips. Broken down jalopies oxidize in the arroyos. These stranded aesthetic entities are perfect in their forms. Better wisdoms squandered the aforementioned aspirants leaving behind fresh parking spots on the concourse for all who dared to follow in their wake.


Lake Michigan. The ivy covered baseball sanctuary of Wrigley Field is at 1060 West Addison. The Harry Caray Ho-ly Cow Memorial statue sits outside the park; a talisman hopefully intended to counteract the dreaded curse of the billy goat. Skyscrapers. Al Capone’s supposed vault of plunder is still undiscovered beneath Cicero. Brick tenements. The Gemini Giant brandishes a rocket as he looms over Wilmington’s Launching Pad. Abraham Lincoln’s home is the pride of patriotic Springfield. Our Lady of the Highway is reverently enshrined at Waggoner. Saint Louis’s Jefferson Gateway Expansion Arch angles towards the Mississippi River. Farms. The Blue Whale is weirdly washed up in Catoosa. A 66-foot tall illuminated animated soda bottle stands by Arcadia Tejas. Cadillac Ranch rises irrationally from the fields of Amarillo. Helium domes….

“THERE’S NO OTHER PLACE LIKE THIS PLACE ANYWHERE NEAR THIS PLACE SO THIS MUST BE THE PLACE” Sign, Texas Shiprocks. Gallup’s El Rancho. WhatABurger is royally situated in Kingman. Petrified Forests. Pueblos. Stucco tee pees function as the cherished Wigwam Motel at Holbrook. A giant ferrocement jackrabbit resides outside of Joseph City next to a billboard proclaiming, “HERE IT IS.” Radiator Springs the heavenly happy place of the motion picture Cars was also hereabouts. Grand Canyons. Bugsy Siegel motored up the six six to invent Vegas. Seabiscuit dominated at Santa Anita in Arcadia Califas pulling away from the pack on the inside rail. Arroyo Secos. Chevy Chase vacationed at the road’s terminus to score a gat during the Griswald’s expedition to Wally World. The Will Rogers Highway programmatic architectural support and heraldic plaque fronts the expansive Pacific at the end of the trail.

“I NEVER MET A MAN I DIDN’T LIKE.” Will Rogers The dust bowl of the 1930’s turned good land into wasteland and transformed prosperity into annihilation. So, successful only in their absolute failure hundreds of thousands grabbed onto the fabled highway and cleared out of the remnants of towns atomized into chocking particulate matter. Owing nothing except for everything they had, the escapees embraced a desperate mobility. Route 66 was the MVP because it was a fascinating raconteur which gave off the seductive sent of possibility and the hope of change. The road was a well of sustenance, a conduit of social criticism and a literary and artistic muse. Americans worshipped the Madonna of mobility as they escaped into a malleable future. Inspiring the specter of possibility, 66 delivered both the motive and opportunity to break out and become someone else somewhere else. There was no luck involved. It was all preparation and opportunity.


Decommissioned in 1985, bypassed by Interstates, forgotten but never necessarily forgiven. The deserted route was forlorn and vacant as sin while it hemoraged the congealed lifeblood of a country on empty. Nobody had the heart to listen in on this national rejection conversation. Like a long distance collect call placed to a dry tanked gas station’s pay phone that was pulled out by its wire roots, word never got through. Ungentlemen remained behind as they washed dishes in a Kansas rib joints, spooned with waitresses twenty years their senior and had a marvelous time hating the same songs. Losing small is a harder deed than winning big.

“AMERICA NEEDS YOUR MONEY BUY WAR BONDS EVERY PAY DAY” Sign, Bagdad, California 1943 John Doe Number One, Timothy James McVeigh holed up for twelve days at the Imperial Motel at Kingman in 1994. While he would later become most hunted man in America, the decorated war hero remained there unnoticed for nearly two weeks. Federal prosecutors later said that the locale was the hatching site for the Oklahoma City bombing, which was perpetrated just up the highway. Sic Semper Tyrannis. Old Main Street was now that kind of place. By 2008 the World Monuments Fund had designated Route 66 to be a leader on the Endangered Monuments site list. Monarchs of infinite space exiled to extinction, these vanities will never again be anvils beaten by Cupid’s hammer.

“DON’T FORGET WINONA” Sign, Arizona For God and country in dis-service to the empire. The fool is the sole agent of truth, a maligned distracter who serves up critiques of the powers that be. The innermost outcast is ignored because to seriously focus on his veracity would mean disruption of the status quo. In a police state enjoyment is verboten. Therefore free societies historically spawn entertainment and court jesters get feted at the Kennedy Center or canonized as saints or knighted or are honored with retrospectives at the Louver. Dancing, singing and heaving excrement onto the polished boots of the great. These are things worth aspiring to. The road continues to deliver. Imposing in its disintegration Route 66 is still the trust worthiest oracle around, an endless avenue to nowhere disrupted, truncated and lying in stately abandonment. Oblivion is the counter-movement. It’s got a good beat and you can last chance to it.


“GET YOUR KICKS ON ROUTE 66” Sign, Hollywood

NSW CHAPTER 5, The Uniforms 08 Fall Collection Overview / 08 Holiday Collection Overview

FALL 2008





French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

100% Nylon Body with Transparent Upper Chevron Reverse Coil Bonded Pocket Zippers with Built In Zip Garage Tonal Body Color Zip Pullers

Storm-FIT 100% Nylon Taffeta, 2-Way Stretch, 73 Grams All Seams No Sew Construction Laser Cut Bonded Reverse Coil Zippers With Built In Zip Garage Laser Cut Breathability At Neck Storm Flap Fully Adjustable Hood With Drawcord Channel Bonded Sleeve Pocket With Internal Eyelet Film Details At Stress Points Rounded Back Hem With Toggle Adjustability Mesh Liner

Available Colorways:

Available Colorways: Black

Cool Grey Concord

Vivid Blue

Available Colorways: Black

Cool Grey Concord

Soft Pearl





Available Colorways: Concord



80% Cotton And 20% Polyester French Terry, 360 Grams Lasercut Bonded Reverse Coil Zippers on the Front and Left Sleeve Bonded Hood Peak Construction with Internal Draw Cord Channel

28 Grams 100% Nylon Zipper Lace Tape

Available colorways:

Available Colorways: Black

Cool Grey




Washed Green



Washed Green

Cool Grey

FALL 2008

E-76 ½ ZIP JACKET (detail)



NRC TRACK JACKET 100% Nylon Storm-FIT Shell with 2-Way Stretch 100% Polyester Mesh Sewn Construction with Single Welt Pockets 2-Way Separating Reverse Collar and Waterproof Zippers Storm Flap Striped Rib Cuff and Bottom Hem

100% Nylon Ripstop Fabric Rainwear Approved Sewn Construction Reverse Coil Zippers Zip-Out Hood Lycra Spandex Bound Cuffs Lasercut Breathability Under The Arms Storm Flap Zip Pouch on Chest Pocket Available Colorways:

Available Colorways: Black

Cool Grey





71% Polyester 29% Cotton Double Knit (5% Organic Cotton) Sewn Construction

M65 (detail)

Storm-FIT Dobby 3L with Printed Tricot Back Fully Bonded/Taped Construction Laser Cut Pockets with Pill Reinforcements Pop-Out Hood

Available Colorways: Washed Green

Cool Grey


Available Colorways: Concord


Cool Grey


FALL 2008

MTF 他 LENGTH TEE (detail)




French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

Dri-Fit Jersey With Bio Polish 60% Cotton And 40% Polyester 1x1 Double Knit Rib Neck 100% Cotton Lycra Bound Cuff And Rounded Bottom Hem Offset Side Seam

Available Colorways:

Available Colorway Shown Black

Cool Grey

Concord Washed Green

Available Colorways: Black

Grey Heather


RINGER TEE (detail)


Soft Pearl


Dri-FIT Jersey with Bio Polish 60% Cotton and 40% Polyester 1x1 Double Knit Rib Neck 100% Cotton

Dri-FIT Jersey With Bio Polish 60% Cotton And 40% Polyester 1x1 Double Knit Rib Neck, 100% Cotton Self Fabric Octagon Blocking On Back

Available Colorways:

Available Colorways: Black



Grey Heather





100% Cotton Ring Spun

51% Cotton, 45% Polyester and 4% Spandex Sewn Construction Adjustable Webbing Buckle Fake Fly Reinforced Stress Points Toggle Adjustability at Bottom Hems Slash Side Pockets Key Pocket Inside Waistband Binding Pocket on Back

Available Colorways: Black

Cool Grey


Soft Pearl

Soft Pearl Grey Heather Berry

Available Colorways: Black

Cool Grey






French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

80% Cotton And 20% Polyester French Terry, 360 Grams Lasercut Bonded Reverse Coil Zippers on the Front & Left Sleeve Bonded Hood Peak Construction with Internal Draw Cord Channel

Available Colorways:

Available Colorways: Obsidian

Comet Red Grey Heather

Available Colorways: Obsidian



French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit

French Terry, 400 Grams 100% Cotton Circular Knit



Grey Heather

Dk. Loden



Comet Red

STADIUM JACKET Water Repellant Melton Wool Body (90% Wool, 10% Nylon) Cow Leather Sleeves Thermore Fill No Sew Pocket at Chest Striped Rib

Available Colorways:

Available Colorways: Dk Loden Mulberry

Grey Heather


DOWN VARSITY JACKET Nylon Shell, 800 Goose Down Fill No Sew Construction Engineered Tonal Rib Stripe #2 Swoosh Tonal Embroidery Back Right Placement

Comet Red

Available Colorway Shown

Dk Loden Grey Heather

SPRINT JACKET Storm-FIT 3-Layer Stretch Twill Laser Cut Details at Chest and Side Pockets Magnet Closures at Pocket Available Colorway Shown

Available Colorways: Mulberry





LSD JACKET (detail)


PARKA (detail)

PARKA 100% Nylon Stretch Soft Shell Waterproof Chest Pocket Adjustable Cuffs

Storm-FIT V Dobby: 3L w/printed Tricot Back, 180 gsm Details: All seams no sew construction Laser cut bonded reverse coil zippers with built in zip garage Laser cut/no sew cuff adjustability Laser cut breathability under arm Bonded sleeve pocket with internal eyelet No sew storm flap Zip-off hood Articulated sleeves Film details at stress points Offset side seams Rounded back hem with toggle adjustability Interior Plaid Sublimation Reflective Film Details

Available Colorways: Reed

Available Colorways: Dk. Loden



EUGENE TRACK JACKET Water Repellent, Breathable Softshell Nylon Composite No-Sew Construction Water Repellent Reverse Coil Zippers Reflective Silkscreen Woven Loop Label

M65 Storm-FIT Dobby 3L with Printed Tricot Back Fully Bonded/Taped Construction Laser Cut Pockets with Pill Reinforcements Pop-Out Hood Available Colorways: Comet Red

Available Colorways: Black



Dri-FIT Jersey with Bio Polish 60% Cotton and 40% Polyester, 178 GSM 1x1 Double Knit Rib Neck 100% Cotton, 25 GSM Tonal Reflective Screen

100% Cotton Ring Spun Available Colorways: Obsidian





Mulberry Grey Heather Comet Red

Available Colorways: Mulberry





Dri-FIT Jersey: Bio-Polish 60% Cotton, 40% Poly, 178 Gsm 1x1 Double Knit Rib 100% Cotton, 25 GSM Seaming and Graphic Blocking Mimics HO08 Running Tee Tonal Reflective Plaid Print

Dri-FITJersey: Bio-Polish 60% Cotton,40% Poly, 178 GSM 1x1 Double Knit Rib 100%Cotton, 25 GSM Seaming and Graphic Blocking Tonal Reflective Plaid Print

Available Colorways:

Comet Red


Dk. Loden


LOOPWHEELER PANT French Terry, Circular Knit Cotton, 400 Grams Woven Loop Label at Back Pocket Available Colorways: Obsidian

Available Colorways: Mulberry


Grey Heather




Grey Heather


TWILL 1ABO PANT (detail)

French Terry, Circular Knit Cotton, 400 Grams Woven Loop Label at Back Pocket

100% Cotton Twill with water repellant finish

Available Colorways:

Available Colorways: Obsidian

Grey Heather

NSW-Tonal direct embroidery


Cool Grey

Grey Heather

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