How to Get an Ecommerce Business Setup License in Dubai
Should You Start A Business In Dubai? In the last couple of years, Dubai has become quite a fascination for entrepreneurs all around the world. They have built on their infrastructure and provide several facilities that can aid the growth of any start-up business In Dubai. That being said, there are a few intricacies of setting up an ecommerce business i n Dubai . Along with acquiring an ecommerce license in Dubai, you also have to cater to the other laws and regulations of the city. Reading this presentation will help you answer all the commonly asked questions about the same.
What Should You Know Before Setting Up An E-Commerce Business In Dubai? If you have been a part of this industry for a while, you must know that setting up an ecommerce business in Dubai is rather easy. However, you cannot defy the laws and regulations of the country while doing so. The Dubai authorities are quite strict and will not let any random individual start their e-commerce business here. If you set up a business in Dubai, you will have to begin by acquiring an ecommerce license. This license is issued by the DED or Department of Economic Development department in Dubai. As long as you do not have this license, your business will be considered illegal, and you will not be allowed to perform any transactions.
How Can You Get An E-Commerce License In Dubai? Obtaining an ecommerce license can be quite a stretch without proper knowledge about the steps. Here are some of the preliminary measures you must ensure to obtain this license.
Decide on the legal structure of the business Choose a convenient location Register your company name Apply for the license Apply for the Initial Approval Certificate Draft the Local Service Agent Agreement and MOA Register your physical office in Dubai Get the final approval of your license Comply with the import/export requirements Open a corporate banking account
How Much Can An Ecommerce License Cost In The UAE? While the precise cost of an ecommerce license in Dubai can depend on several processes and other factors regarding the ecommerce Business Company setup in Dubai, you can still estimate it. You should mainly consider the following things to know how much the license might cost.
The size of your business The number of VISAs you have applied for If the office space is required as per the package chosen If your business is on the mainland or free zone
Once you have figured these points out, your costs for the license can vary from anywhere between AED 15,000 to AED 48,000. If you are tight on the budget and are looking for more reasonable prices, it is best to choose a free zone.
Benefits of Acquiring an Ecommerce Business License Some of the things you can benefit from with an ecommerce business setup in UAE are: Zero personal or corporate taxation Lower operating costs Granted resident visa for 3 years, and No currency restrictions
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