Club Life November 2014

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Editor: Jacqui Barry



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Emirates Golf Club Senior Management


hat an amazing Club we have… as a member, when you look at everything that is happening, you realise that you could be there every day and every evening as there is so much going on. Look at the number of golf events being held, the gym and SensAsia Urban Spa…add to it, swimming, tennis, Padeltennis and the various social events and there really would be no time, nor need to go elsewhere in town. Emirates Golf Club is the golfing and social hub of Dubai…what more could anyone want? Over the coming months, running up to Christmas, there are even more events taking place so why not make the most of what is on your doorstep and enjoy being with your fellow members. 26 years on from when I first joined the Club, I still have the same interest and enthusiasm for everything that goes on here. We all have the odd moan about how things could be improved but at the end of the day, it’s a ‘second home’ to many of us. Enjoy your Club and please try to support golf and social events; it’s a unique place and the best members’ Club in the region.

Christopher May

Chief Executive Officer

Craig Haldane

Andrew Whitelaw

General Manager

Andy Meech

Director - Golf Course Maintenance

Head of Sport and Leisure

Barney Coleman

Adele Cowgill

Ganesh Mangathil

Keith Wilkes

Chef Max Grenard

Culinary Director

Congratulations to our Emirates Mixed Amateur Open Champions, Noemy and Luiz Bertoul who beat Maura Duggan and Paul Byrne on the first hole of a play-off. Commiserations to Maura and Paul – disappointing for them, especially when having to give a shot on the first play-off hole but well done to all. The recent Diwali Scramble was a great success with 128 players taking part. Considering the numbers, it was fantastic that everyone got around in about four and half hours…and had an enjoyable time too with various food and beverage stations as well as dancing and massage stops! Many thanks to the main sponsors, Midcom, for their support of this wonderful event. It was good to see so many people supporting the evening function too – it was a full house! As we head into November, the Club matchplays will get underway so please don’t forget to check the deadlines for each round…no extensions will be allowed so it is up to you, as participants, to arrange these matches in good time, bearing in mind that there will be course closures as well as the Dubai Ladies Masters and the Dubai Desert Classic taking place before the first round deadline.

Head of Sales and Marketing Director of Golf

In House Publishing Manager Retail Manager

Martin Drugan

Food and Beverage Manager

Saeed Ahamed

Financial Controller

• Majlis course closed 2nd - 6th November 2014 for overseeding. Following the overseeding golf carts are not allowed on the Majlis course until 12th February 2015. Golf trolleys are allowed and provided during this walking period. • Majlis course closed 5th - 14th December 2014 for the Omega Dubai Ladies Masters • Majlis course closed 18th January - 1st February 2015 for the Omega Dubai Desert Classic Finally the weather is changing and becoming much cooler so make the most of the pleasant temperatures; don’t forget it’s walking only on the Majlis from 6th November 2014 to 12th February 2015 so it’s time to take advantage of our caddies too...there’s no better way to play golf than to play it in great weather, walking, with a caddie to carry your clubs… I love it!

Andrew Matthews PGA, Membership Services Manager

Stephen Deane

Head Academy Professional

Enjoy your golf!

EGC Key Telephone Numbers

Jacqui Barry

Members Golf Reservations 04 417 9800

Main Switchboard

04 417 9999


04 417 9801


04 417 9850


04 417 9875

SensAsia Urban Spa

04 417 9820

Haridas Palliyalil

Resident Engineer

Follow Emirates Golf Club on Facebook for the latest news, views and special offers. We already have over 21,600 likes. Follow us on Twitter @emiratesgc and Instagram @emiratesgc

Now that we have well and truly started our season a thank you is

in order to our Club management for setting everything up for us to enjoy the season ahead. Thanks to everyone for your time and effort and for the roles you play in keeping this Club ticking over and improving – team managers, committee and professionals. Our courses are looking in great shape, the Majlis especially as it is being prepared to receive the lady golfers for the Omega Dubai Ladies Masters in December which is not too far away now. Well done to Craig and his team at Golf Course Maintenance for all the work you do on the courses which, we all accept, is not an easy job. Apart from the Omega Dubai Ladies Masters and the Omega Dubai Desert Classic (in January), we have many exciting events ahead so I look forward to seeing you at these tournaments.

I am always happy to play golf with any members… ladies, gents, juniors and staff members, so don’t hesitate to approach me if you would like a game.


It’s at this time of year when we have many visitors to our Club who are always made very welcome by members and staff. To anyone planning a golfing trip to the UAE, please come and play at Emirates Golf Club where you will experience great Arabian hospitality and marvellous food and beverages; don’t forget to try out our fantastic restaurants too.

in’s Club Capta Message


hen asked recently by Jacqui, to write my second column for Club Life, I honestly did not know where to start. It would be normal for me to talk about myself and about life at the Club but I would like to start by talking about Jacqui, because, without her, nobody would be able to read what I have to say. Jacqui, I want to let you know that things you do for our members and for the Club do not go unnoticed and you are a very necessary component of this Club. I appreciate your dedication and service and I know that others do too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your commitment; you are not only a valued member of this Club but you are a dear friend to all of us and we all love you!

Love you all, my dear members Kamal Kosta Club Captain 2014-2015

COMPETITION RESULTS Mashreq Medal in association with BMW & Ruth’s Chris Steak House Friday 3rd October 2014

Damani and Flaherty go low in Mashreq Medal


ikhil Damani and Clement Flaherty recorded the rounds of the day in the October Mashreq Medal Championship, in association with BMW and Ruth’s Chris Steak House on the Majlis course. The duo, both in Division B (handicaps 11-20), were delighted with their 4-under par rounds but it was Damani who clinched top prize and the best net of the day with a better back nine score. Emirates Golf Club is delighted to welcome on board Ruth’s Chris Steak House as prize sponsors for the Monthly Medals. Damani received a Steak House gift certificate to the value of AED 1,500 while

Flaherty received a voucher for AED 450 for the Friday Brunch. Third place in Division B went to Craig Dunn following his 69. Our new Vice-Captain, Johnny Aldridge, found his form with a gross 74; his two over par tally was enough to win best gross of the day and best net (70) in Division A (handicaps 0-10) winning a voucher for AED 2000 for Ruth’s Chris Steak House. Jignesh Sangani was runner-up in this division and Job Mogire was third with a 71 net. Sudhir Vora managed a net 76 in Division C (handicaps 21-28) to claim top prize in his category.

Adel Safwat (Regional Manager Mashreq Gold), and Nikhil Damani

Engineer’s Cup Friday 24th October 2014 Champion: Qamar Rasheed Runner Up: Nikhil Damani Third: Kevin Roy Division A (0-12) Winner: Andrew Robinson Runner Up: Vipen Sethi Division B ( 13-24) Winner: Dilip Kumar Runner Up: Nelly Amarnani Nearest The Pin – Sponsored By Dunning Golf Hole # 4 Alan Salem Hole # 15 Patrick Mulligan

37Pts 37Pts 36Pts

Seniors’ Champion Ewan Cameron receiving his prize from Club Captain Kamal Kosta

34Pts 34Pts 36Pts 35Pts

SENIORS’ CHAMPIONSHIP Friday 25th October 2014 Seniors’ Champion: Runner Up: Third: Over 60’S Category Winner: Net Division Best Net: Second Net: Third Net:

Ewan Cameron Scott Doak Veneet Mohan

Gross 75 Gross 76 Gross 78

Charlie Stricklin

Gross 82

Ed Hesson Amresh Sangani Kish Bandopadhyay

Net 65 Net 71 Net 72

in’s Lady Capta Message



inally we can feel that the summer is nearly over. We have been waiting almost four months to see the start of this season and it is worth it! We have wonderful sunshine, but much cooler and no humidity, so the weather is perfect. We will have many events, tournaments and fun competitions ahead so even if you have just got a handicap or if you are new to our Club, do not worry at all as we are all ready to support you and make friends with you.

On 13th October we had the Pink Ball Charity competition. This year we had 88 members playing and almost 100 came for lunch and the raffle draw for which we had so many lovely prizes Congratulations to all the winners! (I just wish I had won!).

This month on Friday 21st November in the evening we are going to welcome Peter Cowen for a dinner and Q & A session. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how famous he is! So everybody, don’t forget to book your seat or table. It will be a great evening.

I have to say a huge thank you to everyone who kindly donated items for this charity event and to all of you for buying tickets. I do appreciate it very much.

Have a great month of golf ahead!


Pairs Matchplay Monday 6th October 2014 RAFFLE WINNER Petra Daman Willems LONGEST DRIVE – FOR SILVER DIV. Hole # 16 Carolyn Thompson LONGEST DRIVE – FOR BRONZE DIV. Hole # 3 Gillian Black Nearest the Pin in two - for all players Hole # 9 Sanchia Oberholster Nearest the Pin for all players Hole # 2 Anvita Kapoor Hole # 8 Mimi Hosking Hole # 12 Viv Caley Hole # 17 Jo Docherty

PINK BALL Monday 13th October 2014 WINNERS: Sulafa Hamdan, Veronica Elias Mimi Hosking, Arathi Appaiah 51.5 RUNNERS-UP: Fiona Berry, Viv Caley Sue Hopwood, Sandra Chia 52.5 THIRD: Anvita Kapoor, Afifa Clark Josephine Docherty 52.7 BEST DRESSED Martha Wong, Naima Maya TEAM 1: Lynne Dickinson, Elvie Smith BEST DRESSED Mitsuko Emmerson, Maria Petre TEAM 2: Paula Savage, Carol Burns NEAREST TO THE PIN HOLE # 4 Maria Petre (Sponsored by Al Dobowi LLC ) HOLE # 7 Mini Philip (Sponsored by Chill Salon) HOLE # 11 Lynne Dickinson (Sponsored by Clyde & Co.) HOLE # 15 Cathrine Clark (Sponsored by Gargash)

Thank you to all the sponsors for their support in the raffle. Virgin Atlantic tickets were won by Martha Wong; DP World donated hospitality at the DP World Tour Championship which was won by Johnny Aldridge. The Mercedes-Benz prize was won by Cathrine Clark. Thank you to House of Windsor for their vouchers and to Arabian Golf for capturing all the photos on the golf course and at the presentation. The contribution and generosity from members and sponsors was overwhelming and helped raise a total amount of AED 14,000. Thank you to everyone for your help and support.

Mitsuko Emmerson Lady Captain 2014-2015


Sponsored by

SILVER “A” DIVISION (HCP. 0 – 14) Winner

Cathrine Clark

Net 67

Runner Up

Naima Maya

Net 70

Viv Caley

Gross 81

Overall Best Gross

SILVER “B” DIVISION (HCP. 15 –23) Winner

Natalii Gupta

Net 70

Runner Up

Sabine Choudry

Net 71

BRONZE DIVISION (HCP. 24 –42) Winner

Ladies Seniors’ Championship Monday 27th October 2014 LADIES SENIORS CHAMPION

Carolyn Thompson

Gross 77


Jenny Ayres

Gross 82


Cathrine Clark

Gross 84

Elise Hanson

Net 69



Mieke Slotboom

38 Pts


Jayshree Gupta

37 Pts

Ingrid Sjodoff

Net 70

s te utle esit Rm Com

Monday 20th October 2014


Ladies’ Medal




Competition Results

he Lady Beginners’ Group which meets on a Tuesday morning has had a good start to the season and we have welcomed several new members to the group. For the first few weeks we are playing a relaxed scramble format on the front nine of the Faldo, so everyone can get used to being out on the course without feeling any pressure. I would encourage all lady members who are beginners (no matter how inexperienced)

by Helen Srivastava

to come and join us. It’s a great way to improve your game and have lots of fun along the way. We meet every Tuesday around 8.45am, though once a month we have a clinic with one of the golf professionals at 9.00am instead. This month we had a great clinic with Jonathan Craddock when we picked up lots of tips to improve our chipping and putting.

If you would like to join in, please contact the Lady Vice-Captain, Helen Srivastava, on 050 657 6496

Ladies’ Inter-Club Challenge 2014-2015 The Address Montgomerie won their first league game in the Ladies’ Inter-Club Challenge last month. The results were The Montgomerie - 263 points, Al Badia Golf Club - 246 points, Emirates Golf Club - 230 points, Sharjah Golf & Shooting Club - 220 points.

MIXED COMPETITION RESULTS Volvo Golf Champions Series Thursday 9th October 2014

Emirates Mixed AMATEUR Open


Nigel Thompson

Points 36

Runner up:

Andrew Robinson

Points 36


Anand Jamnadas Lakhiani

Points 34

Best Gross:

Edoardo Galeppini

Gross 77

Sponsored by Infinity powered by Al Dobowi

Bertuols Clinch Sudden Death Play-off in Emirates Mixed Open


oemy and Luiz Bertuol triumphed on the first hole of a sudden death play-off over Paul Byrne and Maura Duggan to clinch the Emirates Mixed Amateur Open sponsored by Infinity powered by Al Dobowi. Maura Duggan and Paul Byrne started the final day with a four-shot cushion over their closest rivals Moshe Kohli and Naema Maya after a fabulous opening 65 on the Faldo course. Despite starting the final round well, reaching 10-under par at one stage, they slipped back on the back nine to finish with a 75 and 4-under par score for the Championship. Noemy and Luiz signed for a level par 72 on day one and followed it up with a 4-under 68 on the Majlis to force a sudden death playoff. Ironically the pairs met in the Mixed Foursomes Matchplay Championship final in May, with the Bertuol’s coming out as victors on that occasion. History was to repeat itself in the sudden death play-off; Duggan and Byrne were under pressure from the outset as they had to give a shot to the Bertuol’s on the Majlis first hole, which is stroke index 9.

Luiz hit a superb mid-iron to within 10 feet of the cup to clinch the prestigious championship. Ashley Anderson and Tony Azoulay combined well to record rounds of 72 and 70 for a 2-under tally of 142 to take third place overall. Cathrine Clark and Jack Duguid impressed with rounds of 77 and 73 to earn best gross prize for the tournament.

Also in the prizes were: Best net day 1: Moshe Kohli and Naema Maya


Best net day 2: Ninu Smith and Lionel Smith


Best gross day 1: Mimi and Mark Hosking


Best gross day 2: Jenny Ayres and Ian Scott


L-R: Lady Captain Mitsuko Emmerson, Surender Kandhari, Luiz & Noemy Bertoul, Club Captain Kamal Kosta



Sponsored by Midcom

Mani, Nihalani and McDonald’s Light Up Diwali Scramble

The Diwali Scramble sponsored by Midcom, was staged for the third successive season and attracted a fabulous turnout of 128 players over the Majlis course. The competition was strong with only 0.4 of a shot separating

the top three teams. Stathis Stathis, Haris Michaelides, Naima Maya and Tania Sangani signed for a 58.5 total to take runners-up place. Ishu Rupani, Harish Rupani, Ed Hesson and Eddie Hesson also produced an excellent display with a 58.6. All players were treated to on-course entertainment and the evening produced a grand finale with traditional Indian dancing and cuisine. Midcom sponsored

Winning Team


all the prizes for the winners and Club Captain, Kamal Kosta, was joined by Mr Anurag Bhushan, the Consul General of India, to conduct the prize presentation. Also in the prizes for their precision on the nearest the pin prize holes were Eric Koeman (holes 4 & 7), Achal Ghai (hole 11) and Stathis Stathis (hole 15).

Competition Results


okul Mani, Pavan Nihalani and Ian and June Mcdonald lit up the Majlis course with an array of birdies to win the Midcom Diwali Scramble with a 58.2 tally.


Montgomerie Clinch their Fourth Quaich Triumph


he Quaich was staged for the fourth time last month over the magnificent Majlis course. The Quaich is an inter-club matchplay fixture between Emirates Golf Club and the Montgomerie Dubai. The first time the event was staged was back in April 2013 under the captaincy of Moshe Kohli. The then Club Captain along with John Brash (Montgomerie Captain) conceptualised the event and they have remained ‘perpetual Captains’ of this competitive, yet social fixture.

The Montgomerie clinched their fourth successive win by a 6.5 to 3.5 margin. The Ryder Cup style match witnessed three of the eight matches making it to the 18th hole but a keenly fought battle saw the Montgomerie continue their winning streak.

The EGC team was captained admirably by Moshe Kohli who teamed up with Kush Sama to defeat John Brash and Alex Andarakis 3&1 in the lead out match. Manoj Kapur and Ghanshyam Manghnani drew their match with Akram Skaik and Masoud Sobati. Ewan Cameron and Iain Everingham were narrowly defeated on the last hole by Alex Kuk and Cedric Fevre. Dileep Kumar and Gurmukh Ghuldu secured a 4&2 victory over Rudi Klingenschmid and Damien Murray. All competitors enjoyed the occasion, from the tournament giveaways to the competitive rivalry, and the day concluded with a fabulous five-course dinner with beverages in Le Classique restaurant.

Daman Investments International Pairs Qualifying Event Friday 31st October 2014

WINNERS Gaurav Verma, Surjit Namli 46 RUNNERS UP Achal Ghai, Gurinder Jit Singh 42 THIRD Qamar Rasheed, Rajinder Razdan 41 NEAREST THE PIN HOLE # 2 Viv Caley NEAREST THE PIN IN THREE SHOTS # 16 Manoj Kapur

Pro’s Tip


PRO’S TIP OF THE MONTH by Senior PGA Professional

Alastair Brown

Shallow out your shortgame The biggest problem I encounter with pitching/ chipping is the clubface gets too closed and loses loft and the angle of attacking the ball is too steep. If you grip too tightly the club gets lighter which is incorrect; this leads to a fast wristy action during the swing which shuts the clubface loft and steepens the angle of attack. This results in fat and thin shots and heavy divots.

Learn to maintain loft and keep the backswing and through-swing wide and shallow, brushing the grass not digging into the ground. Try to keep the hands and wrists soft and passive, feeling the full weight of the club in your hands. Maintain the soft full length of arms during the swing not folding them during the backswing or through-swing. Notice the right arm stays straight.

A simple drill is to place a ball onto a tee halfway in the ground. Lie your sand wedge on its back so the loft is facing the sky and take a normal grip keeping the shaft neutral (not leaning too much forward). Practice sweeping the club under the ball and striking the tee not the ball or ground. The more confident you get the more you can start to accelerate and lengthen the motion. Have fun with this one!!

For specialist individual/group short game sessions please contact Alastair on 0509155814 or

9 lf

Charity Go

Golf Fore Autism Inaugural Invitational Charity Golf Day


Wednesday November 12th 2014 Almouj Golf, The Wave, Muscat

lmouj Golf Course Superintendant Steve Johnson and his wife Kylie are raising the awareness of autism in Oman, following the diagnosis of their young son Lachlan, who was born in 2009. When they noticed that Lachlan was not reaching developmental goals by the end of his first year, the Johnsons searched Muscat for a specialist able to assess Lachlan’s needs but found there were limited resources. While on vacation in their home country of Australia, Lachlan was eventually diagnosed with a condition called Sensory Perception Disorder which falls within the Autism Spectrum. Following his diagnosis, the Johnsons researched more about his condition and its treatment and found there is a limited awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Oman and limited treatment as a result. The latest studies in the United States show that one in every 68 children has Autism Spectrum Disorder – one in every 42 boys and one in every 189 girls. The Golf Fore Autism Inaugural Invitational Charity Golf Day is taking place at Almouj Golf on Wednesday 12th November in a bid to raise both funds and awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). All funds raised from the event will go directly to the Association for Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities to assist with education, programmes and purchasing of resources for those impacted. This 18-hole team event will take place on the championship

course at Almouj Golf as a combined team Stableford. Spaces are still available for Emirates Golf Club members who wish to enter a team at a total cost of OMR 1,500*. The total price includes entry for a team of three players, 18 holes on the championship course, team prizes, dinner and refreshments after play and a number of company benefits including three A-frame sponsor boards with company branding, exposure through Almouj Golf social media sites and commemorative pin flag. *Flights and accommodation are not included. In addition to the tournament, there will also be a Charity Fundraising Auction which includes a selection of fantastic sporting memorabilia! • Henrik Stenson signed and framed shirt and the 3-wood club he used to win the 2013 DP World Tour Championship and European Tour Shot of the Year • Individual entry to the European Tour Golf Day at Jumeirah Golf Estates Earth Course, played the day after the DP World Golf Championships, Monday 24thNovember 2014, including return business class flights with flydubai • Individual entry to play the Majlis Course following the 2015 Dubai Desert Classic, played at the

Emirates Golf Course - Tuesday 3rd February 2015 including return business class flights with flydubai • Pin flag from the 2014 Dubai Desert Classic 25th Anniversary signed by all past champions • Cobra driver used by Greg Norman during his stint as world number one with signed certificate of authenticity. • Signed pin flag from 2013 USPGA Championship winner Jason Dufner • Pin flags from 2012 and 2013 PGA Grand Slam of Golf signed by participating players • International and USA golf bags from the 2013 Presidents Cup signed by the teams, courtesy of the PGA Tour of America • Pin flag from the 2014 Ryder Cup signed by eight of the victorious European Team • Cricket bat signed by current Australian Test captain Michael Clarke If you are interested in entering a team or making a bid on any of the above exciting memorabilia, please contact Steve directly on

ns ee itttio ma Troim-N C


Tri-Nations 18th October 2014


he annual Tri-Nations event took place on 18th October between England, Ireland and Scotland, captained by Johnny Aldridge, Brian King and Gary Black respectively.


The format was 36 holes of betterball matchplay, with rounds on both the Faldo and the Majlis. This event was started over 20 years ago when it was originally called the ‘Challenge Match’ between England and Ireland. Several years later, Scotland was included and the Tri-Nations evolved. RESULTS

Teams in the origi 1. The Coffee Pot trophy was the original trophy from the first England v nal England v Ire land Challenge Ma tch 1990 Ireland matches and this was awarded to the overall winners, England 2. The Bill McBride Ireland v England Trophy was awarded to England 3. The Tom Henry Memorial Cup for the Scotland v Ireland match was awarded to Scotland 4. The Culloden Cup (England v Scotland Trophy) was awarded to England 5. The Tony Hutchinson Framed Birch for the overall losers (requiring a thrashing to get going), was awarded to Ireland


MC for the evening was Tony Hutchinson who did a great job as always.






t is difficult to put into words how much the experience of playing in the Tri-Nations meant to me and being Captain of the English Team. WOW! The golf courses were in excellent condition. Every aspect of the tournament was first class and made players feel so very special.

There have been many high points, and lots to make me smile, not least of which was winning :-) Thanks Team England, great effort! Let’s make a repeat for next year and support Mark Donovan as our new captain of the English Team.



From the Captains..


Thanks again to Barney and the Golf Office and to Jacqui Barry who took all the photos during the day and the evening, and to all employees and members of Emirates Golf Club who made our day so memorable. Best regards, Johnny Aldridge


t was indeed a great day! I will admit to being a little concerned after the morning session, but deep down I knew that we had the strength in depth to pull it off. I even considered that we could have pulled off “The Miracle @ the Majlis”, when I saw the scoreboard, as I played the 9th hole in the afternoon. Alas, It was not to be! The English team with their young pretender of a captain, and their many ringers, were just too good. We did not win the overall event, but I think we can claim the moral victory, as our team consisted of 100% Scottish thoroughbreds, and we were clearly the ‘Best Dressed’ team on the day. The Scotland team welcomes their new Captain, Scott MacPherson. I am sure that “little Buddha” will rise to the challenge. Gary Black Captain, Team Scotland


he Irish team played really well on the day but we were outmatched and beaten by both the English and the Scots and we offer our sincere congratulations to them both. We would like to pay special tribute to the EGC ground staff who had the courses in perfect condition and our buggies suitably decorated.

I have been honoured to be the Irish Captain of the Tri-Nations team for the last three years. As per the rules of this competition, the losing captain must retain his job so I therefore look forward to year number four! Brian King


Greenkeeper’s Cuttings

Greenkeepe Cuttings




y article this

month discusses points taken from an article written by Derf Soller, found in the USGA archives.

Putting GreenS It’s Time to Set a Speed Limit The speed of putting greens is by no means a new topic of discussion. In fact, when searching through the Turfgrass Information File at Michigan State University, one can find references to green speed over a century ago. In July of 1933, an anonymous author even penned a short poem entitled “A Round of Golf” , discussing the impact of green speed on his round: He putted the first with one and holed the second with two. He missed his drive on the third, on the fourth he started to stew The fifth was three over par, the sixth rimmed the cup for an eight, On seven he busted his mashie, the next one he blamed to fate. At the turn he had a cool sixty, but on the next he lifted his head; The eleventh darn green was spongy and at twelve he began to see red. Of course the thirteenth is unlucky; on fourteen he twisted his wrist; The fifteenth proved very disgusting He beat the sixteenth with his fist. With two more to go he got steady and sunk a long putt on the last. “The only sweet green on the golf course! The rest, dear me, are too fast”

GOLFER EXPECTATIONS Throughout the history of the game, golfer expectations have varied and continue to vary from golfer to golfer and facility to facility. Most golfers expect a certain green speed when stepping onto a golf course and their reasons can be based on any number of factors. But, as players, we are likely not to be familiar with everything the golf course superintendent and his colleagues have had to deal with or what they have had to do to prepare the golf course for play that day. Not surprisingly, weather conditions top the list. The stimpmeter was developed to assist golf course superintendents in providing the most consistent playing conditions

possible across all greens at that particular golf course for that day. Notice I said consistent, not fast. The stimpmeter should be used by superintendents to gauge the speed of the putting greens and to adjust maintenance practices as needed. Adjustments may include raising the height of cut, increasing sand topdressing, rolling greens, or adjusting water applications and fertility rates. While it is understandable that golfers desire a certain pace of greens, the greater concern should be that the putting greens should be as consistent as possible throughout the course on the day they play. Consistency would also include smoothness. A smooth putting surface that delivers true ball roll is much more important than speed alone. The goal of consistency should also apply to the practice putting greens where golfers warm up before their round. The practice putting green should provide a good indication of what the green speed will be for that golf course on that day. Consistency in green speed throughout the course is a realistic expectation. Expecting the greens to roll the same speed from day to day throughout the year is not realistic since it is simply not possible. The geographic location, sun and wind exposure, and topography all play a part in the daily challenge to provide consistent putting greens, not to mention the different weather conditions each and every day. While comparisons of one course with another are inevitable, they often overlook many underlying and influential factors that impact the ultimate presentation of a facility. Turf varieties vary from course to course. Geography, climate, soil types, construction methods, budget, futility, sun exposure, wind movement, drainage, recent environmental conditions, recent cultural practices performed etc., all add even more variability from one day to the next and from one course to the next. Take the golfer who has just returned from a special event at a golf facility across town, where it is likely that the superintendent and colleagues there invested many hours in preparing for this special event. When this same golfer then returns to his or her home course, it is unrealistic to expect that the putting greens will be the same as those just played the day before. Keep in mind that it is common for golf facilities to temporarily peak golf course conditioning for a special event, but seldom is this sustainable for the long term. Doing so is often cost prohibitive, plus, the increased frequencies of mowing and rolling needed to achieve smoother, faster putting greens often desired for championships and special events can eventually lead to turf failure.

TURF HEALTH There is a direct and obvious relationship between attempting to achieve

consistently high green speeds throughout the entire golfing season and struggling putting green turf health. For cool season species like bentgrass and Poa annua, this is especially obvious during the heat of summer. USGA agronomists continually advocate the importance of establishing maintenance standards to provide the superintendent with realistic guidelines for preparing the golf course for daily play. These standards must not be static, but rather dynamic to allow for adjustments when needed. During the heat of summer, closely mown surfaces possess very little leaf tissue to produce food and energy through photosynthesis. Anticipating hot and extreme conditions and raising the height of cut prior to such conditions can go a long way towards improving turf health. It is bewildering that golfers who love their golf course passionately are sometimes more convened with elevated green speeds than protecting the health and integrity of the putting greens. Some golf facilities are as little as one day away from a severe disease outbreak, heat stress problems or turf failure that can diminish playability of the golf course for a long period. The turf will grow back, but promoting recovery and maintaining good playability at the same time is next to impossible. Much like the human body, turf can be subject to either acute or chronic health issues. Acute issues involve a severe or sudden onset of illness or disease, whereas chronic issues result from long-term exposure. Many of the turf issues observed during Turf Advisory Service visits are of the chronic nature. As with our own bodies, if the behaviour is not changed and the influence eliminated, the outcome can be lethal!

WHAT IS YOUR GREEN SPEED LIMIT? The first step is to identify limiting factors for each putting green on a golf course. Biological limits can be evaluated by inspecting turf health, impact of trees (shade, air movement, root competitions), access points on and off greens (traffic concentration), weather conditions that change dramatically throughout the golfing seasons, topography, and equitable hold locations. For years in the state of Montana there was no speed limit. On the State’s highways during daylight hours, drivers were permitted to drive at a speed that was “reasonable and prudent.” Eventually, in order for the State to be eligible for federal highway funds, a speed limit was implemented. If making this comparison to a golf course, it is important to determine a reasonable and prudent putting green speed, otherwise, turf health and playability will be compromised. Architecture and agronomics should be the guiding lights when determining appropriate green speeds. There is much more involved in

identifying the best green speed range for a golf facility than simply picking an arbitrary number that sounds good. Instead of discussing how fast the greens were, how great would it be to hear a golfer say, “Boy, didn’t those putts roll true today? Those greens were so smooth and consistent!”

Understanding Green Speed When you ask the starter what the speed of the greens is on any given day, do you actually understand what the numbers represent or how that number is obtained? • For the record, the stimpmeter value is the average distance the ball rolls when released from a fixed point on the stimpmeter. • Preferably, a virtually flat area on a green is selected. • Three balls are rolled from the stimpmeter and the average ball roll distance is marked. • A second set of three balls is then rolled from the marked spot in the opposite direction of the first roll, and the average is again noted. • The two averages are added together and divided by two to establish the distance of ball roll in feet and inches (e. g. greens are rolling 10’ 6’’). • Thus, the stimpmeter reading is not a speed at all. It is a distance. However, in the golf lexicon, this number is equivalent to the speed of the greens.

Colm McLoughlin Accepting the Presidential Distinguished Service Awards from The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins


ubai Duty Free’s Executive Vice Chairman, Colm McLoughlin, and past Captain of Emirates Golf Club, was recently named as a recipient of the Irish Presidential Distinguished Service Awards 2014 for the Irish abroad, making him one of a select group of people, and the first Irish person living in the UAE, to be recognised by the Irish government for his outstanding contribution to Irish business and communities abroad. He accepted his award on 30th October at Áras an Uachtaráin from the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins. The Presidential Distinguished Service Awards were introduced by the Irish government in 2012 with the aim of recognising persons living abroad who have given sustained and distinguished service in key areas such as business, education, community, arts and culture, sport, charitable works and peace. Colm McLoughlin has been nominated in the category of Business and Education, while his support of the Irish community in the UAE is also acknowledged On hearing the news of his nomination, Colm McLoughlin said: “I am absolutely thrilled and honoured to be selected for this award. Although it is designated as a personal award, I recognise that it belongs equally to many Irish people in the UAE, both past and present, who have supported the Irish community here. I am also delighted that the UAE is being recognised in this way.” Colm McLoughlin arrived in Dubai in July 1983 and was part of 10man team from Aer Rianta, the Irish airport authority, to

The President of Ireland, Mic hael D. Higgins with Colm and Breeda McL oughlin

establish Dubai Duty Free on behalf of the Government of Dubai. He remained on as head of the operation and has been the driving force behind establishing Dubai Duty Free as a US$1.8 billion business with a global reputation which is hugely successful and employs 22 Irish staff. Over the past three decades, Colm has been an integral part of the Irish community in the UAE and, as a result of his success as a business leader, He has greatly enhanced the reputation of Ireland and the Irish in the UAE. The Irish Ambassador to the UAE, Patrick Hennessy, said: “I would like to extend my congratulations to Colm McLoughlin, who is the first Irish person in the UAE to receive this Presidential Distinguished Service Award. During his time in the region, Colm has been hugely important in helping to increase business ties between the UAE and Ireland and has always been readily available to visiting delegations, including the large trade delegation led by An Taoiseach which visited in January this year.”

Craig Haldane Director - Golf Course Maintenance The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins and Dubai Duty Free’s Executive Vice Chairman Colm McLoughlin, photographed at Áras an Uachtaráin accepting an Irish Presidential Distinguished Service Awards for the Irish abroad (Business and Education category) at a special ceremony held on 30th October.

b tee omLmait Fit C


Dear Members,


t is so great seeing lots of you back in the gym and participating in all our other sport and leisure activities Every month Fit Lab seems to be getting busier and offering more activities to help enhance the services on offer to our members and guests.

The latest addition is the new Aqua Bootcamp class which will commence in November. Aqua Bootcamp is one of the latest classes introduced in the UAE and has been a huge success at Talise Wellness Jumeirah. The class is great for losing weight, toning up, putting less pressure on bones and joints, plus it is a fun class that gets results. For further information please contact one of the Fit Lab Team.

EXERCISE TIP OF THE MONTH Single Leg Hip Extension • Lie on an exercise mat with your knees bent so that your feet are flat on the floor. • Raise one leg off the floor and bend your knee up towards your chest. This is the start position. • Perform the exercise by pushing down through your other heel and pushing your hips up, raising your glutes off the mat. • Continue until your hips are in a straight line with your torso. • Hold for a count of one. • Return to the start position by lowering your hip to the floor. Complete 10 repetitions for one set before changing legs. This exercise is great for strengthening glutes and core which will help your lifestyle on a day-to-day basis and it will also help your golf game!!

Tennis The Tennis ladies had a great tournament for Breast Cancer Awareness month on October 20th. It was fantastic to see so many ladies participating in this great event; thank you to Monika from the Elite Tennis Academy for organising it. Tennis at EGC is growing all the time with 20 ladies participating in the latest tournament which is our largest field to date.

Fitness Activity Schedule SUNDAY












07.30 - 08.30 Artistic Yoga

07.30 - 08.30 Artistic Yoga

07.30 - 08.30 Artistic Yoga

07.30 - 08.30 Artistic Yoga

07.30 - 08.30 Artistic Yoga

07.30 Artistic

08.45 - 09.45 ZUMBA STEP (Tracy)

08.45 - 09.15 Insanity (Tracy)

08.45 - 09.45 ZUMBA TONING (Tracy)

08.45 - 9.45 PURE 30/30 (Elaine)

08.45 - 09.45 ZUMBA (Tracy)

8.45 Primary (6year

FIT FOR KIDS The Fit for Kids sessions on Friday with Rob Whelan are doing great and getting popular. If you have kids who may be interested in doing this, please contact Fit Lab Healthy Regards, Andy Meech Head of Sport & Leisure

10.00 - 11.00 ZUMBA TONING (Tracy) 10.00 - 11.00 BOOTCAMP (Robert)


9.30 - 1 Grad (8 yea

09.20 - 09.50 Metafit (Tracy)

Congratulations to all prize-winners. Winners: Amanda Cohen & Janet Jackman Runners-Up: Mescal Harper & Philippa Stumbles


10.00 - 10.30 Insanity (Tracy)

10.00 - 11.00 BOOTCAMP (Robert)

10.00 - 11.00 BOOTCAMP (Robert)

10.45 Pre - Pr (5 yea

11.15 Pre-schoo 1 and (3 and 4

11.45 Grad (7 yea

12.45 Grad (9 yea

14.00 Grad (12 ye 18.30 - 19.00 METAFIT (Tracy)

18.00 - 19.00 Artistic Yoga

18.30 - 19.00 METAFIT (Tracy)

18.00 - 19.00 Artistic Yoga

19.05 - 19.55 Insanity 50min (Tracy)

19.00 - 20.00 Artistic Yoga

19.05 - 19.55 Insanity 50min (Tracy)

19.00 - 20.00 Artistic Yoga

18.00 Artistic

19.00 - 20.00 TRX Suspension Outdoor (Claire)

19.00 Artistic

20.00 - 21.00 20.00 - 21.00 20.00 - 21.00 20.00 - 21.00 20.00 - 21.00 Weightloss Yoga Weightloss Yoga Weightloss Yoga Weightloss Yoga Weightloss Yoga

20.00 Weightlo

19.00 - 20.00 TRX Suspension Outdoor (Leanne)


08.30 c Yoga

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11.45 ol Level d2 4 years)

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14.00 de 3 ars+)

15.30 de 7 ears+)

19.00 c Yoga

20.00 c Yoga

21.00 oss Yoga


unning is fun, inexpensive can be done anywhere and involves practically no learning of skills. Most of us know how to run from a relatively young age and so the only training required is not necessarily ‘how to’ run but rather how to train the body (mainly the cardiovascular system) to run greater distances. Running has had some bad press over the years, especially long term, long distance running. One concern of recent literature is stress fractures. Stress fractures are small breaks in the bone that do not completely immobilise a runner but are extremely painful, resulting in many runners having to stop. There are a few however who can run through this pain, although this is strongly advised against, as the damage can be irreversible. Surprisingly most stress fractures occur about a month into an increased running regime as the bone is going through an adaptive remodelling phase and is actually, for a short time, weaker than before. Therefore this would be the time to be

on the look out for signs and symptoms of stress fractures and to take notice of pain if you have any. Stress fractures generally present as a deep burning pain that is aggravated by weight bearing and activity. There may also be some swelling and pain when you touch the suspected area, but not always. Suspected stress fractures will need to be confirmed with a bone scan or MRI, as they are often missed on X-rays. Generally six weeks away from running is required for a stress fracture to heal,


This month we take a look at the Common Greenshank (Juvenile) whose scientific name is Tringa nebularia The Common Greenshank is a shorebird and is categorised under wader family of birds. Waders are typically long-legged wading birds such as storks and herons. The common habitat of the bird is on

Common sense paired with the latest research would suggest making running part of an overall fitness regime rather than running being your entire fitness regime. A recommendation would be two to three days a week running, one long distance with one to two interval training runs of a shorter overall distance, to boost cardiovascular fitness. Two to three days of the week should be spent on resistance training with weights which will help to increase the rate of bone formation and counteract the breakdown from excessive long distance running. Also in order to prevent future lower back problems from running and the daily activities of life, I would suggest building some spinal support and strength through Pilates. For bookings and enquiries, please contact Bespoke Wellness on 055 372 4670 or email


am introducing a new feature this month called Birds of the Emirates. One of the new employees at golf in DUBAi, Akhil Menon, IT Manager, is passionate about bird photography so I thought it would be a good idea to feature a different one each month. I have to admit, my own knowledge of birds is very limited; I can recognise some…the Hoopoes, the Indian Rollers…and the crows – we all know them!!

but remember this is a general rule of thumb and everyone is different and it may take longer. Ensure that you stick rigidly to your therapist’s advice.

Fit Lab




coastal shores, mudflats, creeks and inland wetlands. Greenshanks are brown in breeding plumage while grey-brown during winters as seen in the photograph. The flight call of this bird is a characteristic shrill trisyllabic djiu-djiu-djiu with equal stress on all syllables. The bird is known to feed on small invertebrates, fish and amphibians; they are subarctic, migratory and breed from northern Scotland eastwards across northern Europe, Middle East and Asia. They are winter visitors to the UAE and they breed on dry ground near marshes, laying eggs in ground scrapes. This image was taken on Emirates Golf Course in June 2014 within one of the water hazards in the early hours of the morning. The location is an ideal place for the bird for a morning preening session and a good spot to get some early morning feed.

PHOTO Credit: Akhil Menon, Golf in Dubai

What’s On


CAPTAIN’S YEARBOOK Jacqui Barry As many of you know I put together a Captain’s Yearbook each year for the outgoing Captain. This year an extra copy was purchased so that members could see it, which is in the Men’s Locker Room at the moment. Some people have even asked for details on how to obtain a copy so here’s the link to the book where it can be viewed online and purchased.

COOKING DEMO Members of Emirates Golf Club were invited to join the culinary team at Emirates Golf Club and learn the art of making the perfect Gnocchi on Tuesday 7th October. In this cooking class the culinary team demonstrated how to make traditional pillow-light Gnocchi from scratch along with three different sauces! It was well-attended and enjoyed by all. Thank you to Chef Jeffrey and his team. yearbooks/a-year-in-review-dickpurchase-9758091?vk=Yp8VzEbbAI

Dear Member, With the festive season fast approaching, Emirates Golf Club is proud to announce an exciting range of packages and events that are sure to brighten up this special time of year for you, your family and your friends. Whether you wish to enjoy an intimate festive gathering, welcome in the New Year in style or if you just need a helping hand in the kitchen, we guarantee an unforgettable experience at Emirates Golf Club. Bookings for the 2014/15 festive season are now open. Find full details online at or pick up a copy of our festive brochure, which will be on display in November. For further information or to make a reservation, please contact +971 4 417 9999 or email

19 Every Friday 12.30 to 4.00pm

What’s On


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY GOLF Monday 10th Friday 14th Saturday 15th Monday 17th 20th-23rd Monday 24th Friday 28th

Ladies’ competition suppored by Special K Mashreq Medal in association with BMW & Ruths Chris Steak House Junior Open Heritage Trophy Round 1 Dubai World Championship, Jumeirah Golf Estates Heritage Trophy Round 2 Clubhouse Trophy



13.00 08.35-11.35 08.30

Majlis Faldo Faldo

08.30 13.00

Majlis Majlis

SOCIAL Tuesday 4th November


M’s Terrace, 2pm-3pm

Members of Emirates Golf Club are invited to join the culinary team at Emirates Golf Club and learn the art of making White Fish Mousse with Sauce Vierge on Tuesday 4th November. In this cooking class the culinary team will demonstrate how to make the perfect mousse along with the popular French sauce. Members are invited to enjoy a plate at the end of the session! Wednesday 26th December

Thursday 27th December

Members’ Quiz Night, 7.00pm

Korean Themed Night, 7.00pm

An Evening with Peter Cowen Friday 21st November, 7pm

Spend an evening with one of the most successful coaches on the European Tour, Peter Cowen, on Friday 21st November at 7.00pm in the Royal Majlis. Recognised as one of the best coaches in the world, Peter has worked with a host of top players, including major winners, Louis Oosthuizen, Graeme McDowell, Martin Kaymer and Padraig Harrington, as well as many other European and Ryder Cup stars including Lee Westwood, Henrik Stenson, Darren Clarke, Thomas Bjorn and Steve Webster. The dinner with Peter Cowen will be followed by a Q&A session. Peter will be taking some questions from the floor, providing a unique insight into his golfing experiences. The evening will be led by a team of Academy Professionals and includes a delicious buffet dinner for AED 125 per member or AED 150 per member’s guest. Date: Friday 21st November

Timing: 7.00pm

Venue: Royal Majlis

This event is open to members and members guests of Emirates Golf Club. Advanced bookings are required.

For more information and to reserve your space, please contact +971 4 417 9999 or email www.

Club News

20 EGC Halloween

Swing by M’s restaurant to try our delicious new menu

Dear Member, November sees the launch of our new menu at M’s restaurant. Following a busy summer of tasting, adjusting and practicing for the culinary team, we are delighted with the new menu, which offers a unique blend of Mediterranean flavours with Middle Eastern promise. Look out for some brand new additions to the pizza menu, as well as a host of new main course dishes. The varied selection of healthy starters, salads and cold mezze provide the ideal way to start your meal, while the dessert selection won’t disappoint those with a sweet tooth. We look forward to welcoming you to M’s over the coming weeks! Kind regards, Jeffrey Brothers Executive Sous Chef Emirates Golf Club


Club Update

Please note the below dates for your diary: Friday 21st November; we will host a dinner and Q&A with Pete Cowen. Our Emirates Academy is in association with Pete and he will be sure to have some interesting tales to tell including some from the 2014 Ryder Cup matches. Please note the date for the Emirates Amateur Open has moved back to the 5th and 6th March 2015. Majlis Starter Hut As you will have noticed the old Majlis starter hut has been removed due to poor condition. The starter is now permanently based in the white hut. Please can you assist the starter team with the change to the operation by collecting your scorecard and handicap slip from the starter hut before advancing to the first tee box. The starter will spend most of his time in the new starter hut but also be present on the first tee box to update you on any relevant course conditions for the day. Faldo Bunkers You will no doubt be aware the Faldo bunker sand has been replaced with silica sand. The sand will need time to bed in and you may experience more plugged lies to start with. Please also remember to rake the bunkers thoroughly (including footprints to your ball) out of courtesy to your fellow golfer. Over the past month we have started to reduce the quantity of sand and take measures to reduce the possibility of the ball plugging. For general play we recommend you prefer your lie from plugged lies and for tournaments follow the below:

ALL BUNKERS on the Faldo course are classed as Ground Under Repair ‘Through the green’. Your options are: 1. Play the ball as it lies in the bunker 2. Lift and drop the ball, without penalty, within one clublength of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief OUTSIDE the bunker. Note you cannot drop on a putting green.

Club News


ongratulations this month go to Noemy and Luiz Bertuol for winning the Al Dobowi Emirates Mixed Amateur Open in a sudden death play-off on the back of their Mixed Matchplay victory in May. Our Seniors’ Championship winners were crowned this month with Ewan Cameron and Carolyn Thompson taking the plaudits. Qamar Rasheed defended the Engineer’s Cup off the black tees over the Majlis course with 37 points so well done to him! Thank you to all who supported the Diwali Scramble, a superb turnout of 128 celebrated the festival of light.

Please be reminded of the following course closure dates: • Majlis course closed - 2nd to 6th November 2014 for overseeding • Majlis course - 5th to 14th December 2014 for the Omega Dubai Ladies Masters • Majlis course - 18th January to 1st February 2015 for the Omega Dubai Desert Classic The Majlis course will be walking only from Friday 7th November 2014 until Wednesday 11th February 2015 in preparation for the Omega Dubai Ladies Masters and Omega Dubai Desert Classic. All of the caddies at Emirates Golf Club are employed to work within the Club in other positions and the demands of the operation dictate that their day job comes first; therefore it is not always possible for us to organise and guarantee caddies. Request for caddies can be made on the following numbers at the listed times and while we cannot always guarantee a caddie for your game, we will try our best to meet your request. Please ensure that all requests for caddies are given at least 24 hours in advance of your tee time. Ummer Mobile: 050 676 8148 Thursday to Monday, 8.00am to 6.00pm Jega Mobile: 050 578 6800 Tuesday and Wednesday, 8.00am to 4.00pm The following minimum caddie fees apply: Members and Member Guests - AED 120 Visitors - AED 150 Happy Golfing! Kind regards, Barney Coleman Director of Golf

MEET THE TEAM Emirates Golf CLUB Reception

L-R · Heba Raslan Janice Kulasooriya Valance Daniel Mayette Felonia Joana Marie Sunga

e l o H h t 19


Kirsten, daughter of Micky Brigg, gave birth to a baby boy Milo John recently, another grandchild for a very proud Micky!

Congratulations to EGC Honorary Member, Henrik Stenson and his wife Emma on their new arrival, baby Alice, a sister to Lisa and Karl

Dick Purchase was delighted to have another grandchild when his daughter, Sarah, gave birth to a baby girl, Alisa.

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, and his delegation played the Majlis course last month which they thoroughly enjoyed and were suitably impressed with the quality of the course.

Completing the line-up of proud grandparents are Chris and Steve Dyball, whose daughter Jane, had her first baby, Jacob, in September

Members Mark Lewis, Shane Martin and Phil Lynagh on Creative Masters Trip, Old Course

Maya Srivastava took these photos recently at a mini golf course in New Brighton on the Wirral, UK. They have two courses there and their Championship course is based upon golf holes around the world which includes holes 9 and 18 of the Majlis

Comedian Michael Mcintyre was visiting Dubai and could not wait to get a game in at EGC. Pictured with professional Gareth Quigley

Thailand Tour Current and life members of EGC met up recently in Thailand for a week’s golf tour. L-R: Gerry Feerick (living in Singapore), Paul Turner (living in Sydney, Australia), Cameron Bellman (living in Singapore), Micky Brigg, Julian Nicholas, Pete McKenzie, Mike Tracey & Darren Cole


Former world champion Boxer, Prince Naseem Hamed with Andy Matthews

Sign seen in Australia!

The Middle East Golf Awards (MEGA) Finalists were announced with Emirates Golf Club being shortlisted in a number of categories including F&B Team of the Year, Golf Course Maintenance Team of the Year, General Manager of the Year (Andrew Whitelaw) and Teaching Professional of the Year (Stephen Deane and Alastair Brown).

Members’ Consultative Committee (MCC)

Kamal Kosta Captain 2013-2014

Boyd Edmondson

Mitsuko Emmerson Lady Captain 2013-2014

Buddy Morin

Dear Members, Emirates Golf Club is pleased to announce that we have now confirmed the new Members’ Consultative Committee (MCC). Congratulations to the following members who have been selected to join our incoming Club Captains, Kamal Kosta, Mitsuko Emmerson, Johnny Aldridge and Helen Srivastava on the committee. • Pavel Foubik • Buddy Morin • Walid Al Attar • Ghaleb Farha • Boyd Edmondson

Johnny Aldridge Vice Captain 2013-2014

Ghaleb Farha

Helen Srivastava Lady Vice-Captain 2013-2014

Pavel Foubik

Walid Al Attar

The Members’ Consultative Committee (MCC) was formed in 2008 and has been an extremely successful forum for members to voice their feedback to the management on a monthly basis. The new committee will meet each month from September to May, along with representatives from the Club. Further details and the profiles for each of the committee members can be found on the members’ zone of

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the new committee members for agreeing to be a part of this important group; over the past two years, feedback from the previous committees meant that over 50 points were raised and actioned to further improve the member experience. We look forward to working with the new team to make even more positive changes at Emirates Golf Club.

All committee members will discuss their own ideas and observations and they will also bring feedback from other members to the meetings; if you have an agenda item that you would like to have raised in the next MCC meeting please contact one of the committee members.

Best Regards, Andrew Whitelaw General Manager

Emirates Golf Club Receives Sustainability Award at IAGTO Awards


mirates Golf Club has been presented with the Efficient Use of Resources Award at the prestigious International Association of Golf Tour Operator (IAGTO) Awards held in Lake Como, Italy on 30th October. This is a fantastic accolade, which highlights Emirates Golf Club’s sustainable approach to irrigation water technology in a region where pressure on the water resource is key. At the 15th annual awards ceremony, IAGTO partnered with the Golf Environment Organization to recognise environmental and social excellence in the golf industry and the sustainability awards have rewarded and raised awareness of the remarkable work being done by many of IAGTO’s 800 golf courses and resorts around the world. For Emirates Golf Club, this is a nod to all the

hard work done by the Golf Course Maintenance team in installing the new irrigation system last year. The state-ofthe-art irrigation system along with other key initiatives have resulted in a significant benefits to the environment, including a reduction in irrigation consumption by 34%. The Club also initiated a turfgrass reduction programme to minimise areas requiring high maintenance, including fertility, mowing and irrigation providing numerous environmental benefits. Craig Haldane, Director of Golf Course says: “The installation of the irrigation system took 208 days and over 150,000 man hours to complete. This project is a major milestone that has allowed us to maintain the course to the exacting standards that our members and guests have been accustomed to enjoying, ensuring that Emirates Golf Club remains the premier club in the region for many years to come.

Technology has moved on considerably since the previous irrigation system was installed in 1988. The new system, using over 8,800 metres of mainline piping and 33,500 metres of lateral piping, makes use of the latest technology and delivers water savings by ensuring increased distribution efficiency throughout the golf course.” Dubai Golf’s Adele Cowgill, Head of Sales & Marketing and Pansy Gonsalves, Senior Manager CRS & Sales accepted the award on behalf of Emirates Golf Club at the awards ceremony on the final night of the International Golf Travel Market, the golf tourism industry’s annual global trade show.

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C’est La Vie at Le Classique

Gastronomique French Friday Brunch at Le Classique Join us on Fridays between 12.30pm and 4pm for an afternoon of traditional French fare, live music and entertainment for the whole family in the stunning surrounds of Emirates Golf Club. Our gastronomique brunch offers sharing style starters, an array of delicious á la carte main courses, delightful desserts and a formidable fromage counter. Food and soft beverages AED 150 per member, AED 165 per member’s guest, AED 180 per guest Food and selected grape beverages AED 280 per member, AED 295 per member’s guest, AED 310 per guest Food, selected grape and house beverages AED 330 per member, AED 350 per member’s guest, AED 365 per guest AED 55 for children between 6 and 12 years Children below 5 dine for free For reservations please contact Le Classique at Emirates Golf Club on +971 4 417 9999, email or visit

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