How the Dubai Visa Services has helped travellers During COVID – 19?

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How the Dubai Visa Services has helped travellers During COVID – 19? Dubai Visa Services played a pivotal role for travellers who faced a hard time getting a Dubai Visa during Covid-19. Read on to know about how our visa agency helped tourists during the pandemic.

What did the travellers face during COVID-19? Visiting tourist places or travelling during Covid-19 turned out to be a nightmare for tourists all around the world including Dubai. Governments of almost every country put travel restrictions, curfews, lockdowns & safety precautions in place. While these practices helped in curbing the spread of the disease, it had a negative impact on tourism & hospitality industry. People had to face a hard time getting a visa for Dubai for business, travel or emergency purposes.

How did Dubai Visa Services help travellers? Dubai Visa Services played an active role in helping tourists get Dubai visas in a hassle-free manner. Here are a few ways in which our professional visa agency helped travellers during Covid-19:

Giving Information about Dubai Travel Advisories The professional in-house team of visa experts made sure to give all the important information regarding Dubai travel advisories. This information typically included:    

Pre-requisites before travelling to Dubai. Conducting a PCR test to ascertain Covid symptoms. Rules to follow after arriving in the Dubai airport. Additional instructions to adhere to after leaving the airport.

Providing Robust Support during Acquisition of Dubai visa UK

Our in-house team was available 24/7 to address all the doubts, concerns & queries of tourists who were planning to visit Dubai for leisure, business or

emergency purposes. Every agent of our visa team is well-trained and holds a significant amount of experience when it comes to Visa-related work (documents required, eligibility criteria, restrictions & more).

Thorough Vouching of Dubai visa UK Applications Our professional team vouches each submitted application. Once that is done, the applicant is given details about required documents that need to be attached with the application. Then the applications are processed to the embassy. Vouching is done to ensure a smooth & hassle-free visa acquisition!

Providing Information about International Travel Requirements Dubai has laid out a specific set of rules for all those travellers who will be undertaking international travel to Dubai. Dubai Visa Services ensured to give out all the required information about such rules to our valued clients. This helped them to effectively prepare their travel itinerary.

Notifying Travellers about Medical Travel Insurance Dubai Visa Services was at the forefront when it came to protecting tourist’s health interests. Our team took ownership during the entire visa acquisition process & prompted clients to avail medical travel insurance. This was a prerequisite for visiting Dubai. By nudging customers to take reliable medical travel insurance, our visa agency was able to avert unnecessary expenses to be borne by travellers if they faced any health emergency. These are a few ways in which Dubai Visa Services helped travellers during Covid-19.

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