1 minute read
Thursday, June 15, 2023 & Friday, June 16, 2023
The Dublin Chamber Corporate Charity Cup is all about fitness, team building and friendly competition!
Join the fun by putting together a team and take part in a variety of challenges throughout the event.
This is your opportunity to reward your employees’ efforts to stay healthy, support your community and have a great time while doing it!
Team competitions include corn hole, bingo, yoga, a football toss, 3-on-3 basketball, pickleball, volleyball, obstacle course, soccer, relay races and more!
Competitions are broken down by division based on the number of people employed by your company.
To register your team or to learn more visit DublinChamber.org/CharityCup23.
Questions? Call 614-889-2001.
Membership Investment Schedule
Membership is active for 12 full months from your anniversary date. Business membership is based on the number of full-time equivalent employees, and may be a tax-deductible business expense.
Business Membership Levels (check appropriate box)
❑ Shamrock (1-9 employees) $295
❑ Limerick (10-49 employees) $540
❑ Emerald (50-99 employees) $760
❑ Waterford (100+ employees) $1,299
Would you like to display a membership plaque? ❑ YES ❑ NO
I would like to receive emails on the following:
❑ Educational Programming
❑ Job Posting
❑ Group Purchasing Programs
❑ Coupon Deals
Payment ❑ Check ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express (Make check payable to Dublin Chamber of Commerce)
Membership Agreement (must be signed)
I understand that membership in the Dublin Chamber of Commerce constitutes my express permission for the Chamber to transmit via facsimile, email, text messages or US mail, at the addresses and numbers I provide, from time to time, information and correspondence, including but not limited to those relating to property, goods, services, events, meetings or notices, and the availability thereof. I understand that my mailing and email addresses and phone numbers will, from time to time, be made available to other members of the Chamber and that there is not an “opt out” procedure for the same. If I attend Dublin Chamber events or meetings, I grant permission to the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, the Dublin Chamber Civic Foundation and anyone authorized by the Chamber to have unlimited right, without charge, to use my likeness in photos, videos, recordings and in all media now known or hereafter created to be used and distributed in perpetuity for promotional and publicity purposes. also agree to abide by the Chamber’s bylaws and membership policies, as amended from time to time. No refunds. Benefits and dues are subject to change without notice.
Return completed application and membership dues to: Dublin Chamber of Commerce, 129 S. High St., Dublin, OH 43017. Questions? Call the Chamber at 614-889-2001 or visit www.DublinChamber.org.