Michael Healy
An Túr Gloine’s Stained Glass Pioneer David Caron
Photograph courtesy of Matt T. Healy

Child (based on a design by
A.E. Christopher Whall), partially painted by Michael Healy, The Annunciation (1903), Catholic Cathedral, Loughrea, County Galway (photographs courtesy of Jozef Vrtiel)

Michael Healy, St Conaill Caoil and Dallan Forgaill (1911), ink and water colour, made for the Catholic Cathedral, Letterkenny, County Donegal. (Image and photograph courtesy of NGI)

Healy, page from his diary of 1916 (20 April to 17 May (collection and photograph courtesy of NIVAL)

Michael Healy, The Last Judgement (1936–40), Catholic Cathedral, Loughrea, County Galway(photograph courtesy of Jozef Vrtiel)

Far Angelico, The Annunciation (c.1440–5), Convent of San Marco, Florence.
Michael Healy, The Annunciation (1937–8), Blackrock College, Blackrock, Dublin (photograph courtesy of Jozef Vrtiel)