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As the newly appointed chair of the Dublin International Film Festival, and on behalf of the hardworking, passionate Board and our Deputy Chair Elaine Gill, it is my privilege to warmly welcome our audiences, industry colleagues and partners, supporters, friends and patrons to our 2023 Festival.
Film is an exceptionally powerful medium for transporting us to other worlds, enabling us to experience the lives of others and explore our own feelings and ideas more deeply. And film festivals offer us a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves intensely in many such experiences over a short period, in the company of other fans, losing and finding ourselves repeatedly through the portal of journeys and stories offered only by the big screen. As someone who used to take holidays dedicated to fully enjoying the pleasure of this festival, I know in my bones what DIFF in particular delivers both to general audiences and to film makers present and future.
Established in 2003 by our sorely missed friend Michael Dwyer, and by David McLoughlin, DIFF this year celebrates its 21st birthday. The board especially wishes to acknowledge the support of two key state agencies: The Arts Council/ An Comhairle Ealaíon, and Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland.
And we are delighted to welcome our fine new Sponsors and Partners.
The festival’s dynamic team, led by the inspired and inspiring Gráinne Humphreys, and supported by our invaluable volunteers, has assembled a truly wonderful programme of films and events for this year, including 16 Irish films.
Our warm thanks to the dedicated outgoing Chair, Aidan Greene, under whose leadership the festival successfully navigated many challenges, including interruptions in various years due to both snow and the pandemic. However, it is to you, our audiences that our most heartfelt thanks are due. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible during the next 10 magical days.
Trish Long Chair of the Board