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Officer Get To Know You

Question for the officers: What Was Your First Impression of Key Club?



In simplest terms, my first impression of Key Club was ...insane. We were in-person and almost a hundred people had crowded around poor Ms. Sheaff's classroom! I could not find a desk and had to sit on the ground with 50 or so people who resorted to the same fate. The president at the time was my FMP mentor and was always incredibly sweet to me. The positive and friendly atmosphere of the Key Clubbers I met (who have now graduated), will always remain in my memory.

Priya(co- vice president): I always thought of Key Club as a nice escape from the stress of school! I found comfort in helping out the community and talking to fellow Key Club members. I hope I can help new members feel the same way!


Aryan(co-vice president): My first impression of key club was that it is a great place to volunteer and meet new people.

My first impression of key club was that it was a super fun and safe place! When I walked into my first key club meeting, everyone was super kind and willing to get to know each other. Key club is the best and most wholesome community I have ever been a part of! <3

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As an incoming freshmen, I have realized that KEY club is one of the most welcoming clubs of DHS and I immediately realized I belonged here. Unlike other club meetings where officers and members just go over slides with no member and officer bonding, KEY club is more than that and it welcomes new members every single meeting. Also there are rewards for participating, endless opportunities to earn service hours and division events allowing us to meet even MORE people. I could go on and on about the beauty of this club but all I can say is that this was one of the most impactful things that made my freshmen year an amazing one. At first I didn 't know what Key Club was but I found out about it at the Club Rush so I decided to go to the first meeting. When I entered the classroom, it was soooo packed and there was barely any room to sit but there was pizza lol. I felt like it was completley different from all other clubs because of the positive atmosphere and the dedication to community service which was evident in their upcoming events!

To be completely honest, when I first heard about Key Club, I thought that it was a club where people made keys LOL. However, when I did more research about it, I found out that it is actually a service/volunteering club! I also heard many good things about this club, so I decided to give it a shot. My first impression of Key Club when I joined a club meeting and service event was that everyone was really nice, outgoing, and welcoming for new people. At first I was a little scared to talk to people, but I quickly came out of that shell since everyone here is so kind :) When I went to their first meeting after the club fair, my first impression was about how was many people showed up. It led me to think that this must be a great club! Little did I know how big it actually was, until I went to my first DCM during the summer (I believe). It was so fun and everyone was really nice and funny. Also the atmosphere was really welcoming and I enjoyed my time there.

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