4 minute read

An Announcement

*All Events are an Hour Long Excluding Bonding* Zoom Link For all Events: https://tinyurl.com/zoomdublinkc

This event is mainly asynchronous but this Wednesday 5/5 @ 1pm we will be doing a synchronous event. We will have an hour dedicated to gaining unlimited service hours from making posters, flyers, or toys for the John Muir Hospital.


Friday 5/14 @3pm: Tappy Trees+Bonding

Friday 5/21@3pm: Math for Unicef and Freerice

Sunday 5/31 @1pm: Open Volunteering Event(You choose)

And as always CMN Card making is still going on.

Question of the Month: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

How It Works:

Fill out the the form below answering this month' s question of the month. The officers will pick the best/funniest/most interesting response. The winner will get 5 member points and those who participated will get 3 member points. The winner ' s response will be highlighted in next month' s newsletter(can be anonymous). So, what are you waiting for??? This is a quick and easy way to get some member points and to allow us to learn about you!

Form: https://forms.gle/g8DBGZ4LcTumENRDA Due By: Friday 5/14 at 11:59pm

Learn about the experiences of other Key Club Members at events!

"We did a FreeRice/Math for UNICEF event where we could choose which service project we wanted to do out of the two. I did Math for UNICEF and it was really cool. We went on a website and answered basic math algebra questions. The more questions I got right, the more money was donated for kids. It was really nice to be able to contribute to the betterment of kids worldwide by doing something so simple!" -Ria Khatri

-Ria Khatri

"This event was really nice! This was the first event that I attended this term and its really nice seeing the new officers lead this event. They did an amazing job and played nice music. I' m very proud of how far they have already come and think they are amazing officers. I was able to raise a lot of money for this event and I was really happy! Overall great event!" -Richard Chung

"In this service event, I made dog toys from old tshirts that were lying around. The meeting had an extremely chill atmosphere, with classic pop songs playing in the background and everyone focusing on their own projects. It felt liberating to take time out of my day and simply work on a hands-on project, and I hope to participate again in the future. " -Deya Liao

Tip 1: Start studying for finals NOW! Try not to procrastinate on studying because it will become overwhelming.

Tip 3: The HUB is always really helpful if you need help studying for finals.

Tip 2: If you have questions or need advice on specific AP Tests, feel free to contact the officers through Instagram, discord, or the Dublin Key Club email.

Tip 4: Always remember that grades don’t define who you are, what you are going to be or your life after college. Try your hardest in high school but if it doesn’t turn out the way you expected, THAT’S OKAY!

Tip 5: On the week of finals, please get your sleep. Do NOT pull all nighters because your brain will not function as needed the next day.

Tip 6: Remember that everyone is different. You might not be as good at math as others but THAT’S OK! Everyone is different which means everyone’s paths, aspirations and goals are different and DO NOT try to suppress them.

Tip 7: You don’t NEED a review book for an AP test (though it is suggested); some resources I recommend to study are a) the teacher’s lectures, b) Tom Richey videos / crash course and c) fiveable.com / myap.org Tip 8: This counteracts my previous tip but if you need a review book, reach out to us in Discord! I have tons to lend out and I’m sure some of the other officers do too!

Tip 9: Remember to take breaks and relax! I know it can be hard to find time to do so but even a few minutes here and there will help. It is very important to not overwork yourself and to keep your mind refreshed. Tip 10: If you are wondering how much you need on your final to get a certain grade in the class, make sure to check out rogerhub.com! This can be really helpful in prioritizing classes as well!


Tip 11: Make sure to end the school year with a BANG! This year might not have been your ideal year. You might have been distracted during class and you might have not joined as many clubs as you would have wanted, but that’s because this year hasn’t been ideal either. No matter what you have gone through or how this year has been for you, FINISH OFF STRONG and look forward to another amazing year. You got this!

The Announcement Is that we will be Introducing...

Monthly Game Nights

On the first Friday of this month we will be having a game night! Come get to know other Key Clubbers, get to know officers, and have a great time! Feel free to bring a few friends who aren 't in Key Club as well!

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