In some cases, the payday loan turns out to be a burden for life because it can reach to an extent that it becomes impossible for you to repay the full amount you have borrowed because the amount becomes unaffordable. This case usually occurs when interest rates become higher and you can not pay the final amount each time.
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The amount is generally unaffordable if the only way to pay it is another loan. Sometimes, the business is responsible for the situation since it offers loans to someone who is already stuck in other loans, or who is not in a suitable financial situation, in which case they can ask for a refund or compensation, after proving that the company did not treat him fairly. Unjust means proposing misconceptions, plans or schemes that put the borrower in a situation where he is surrounded by financial crises.
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The borrower can prove that the company was responsible for the amount of unaffordable status for him, because he gave out the loan, even after seeing the cheques and the financial status of the borrower, the amount is now so great that he is more likely to consume half of his income, which makes it impossible to repay back the loan. The borrower may, therefore, require compensation or reimbursement of the amount.
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The question now arises as to what amount should be claimed for compensation, which depends entirely on the current situation. Was it clear to the lender that the amount is becoming unaffordable for the client, and if so, why did the lender lends money? The amount after which the loans lends were becoming too high to get paid back by the clients should be refunded or compensated
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Although it is unlikely that the client will get the full refund, he can claim as much as possible and let the judiciary decide. The customer can simply request to withdraw the unaffordable credits from his credit account and repay any interest he has paid.