WEDNESDAY 7 NOV 09:00 - 11:00 EPP Group Study Days 1st Session - Hall 4
09:00 - 10:30 Resolution Committee - Room 203
11:00 - 12:30
7-8 NOV 2018
Messukeskus Congress Centre Helsinki, Finland
Roundtable “A Digital Europe for Everyone” (Presented by EPP Women, SME Europe, EDS) with Commissioner M.Gabriel - Fazer café
11:00 - 12:30
Roundtable “A new Social Contract for Europe” (Presented by EUCDW, ESU, YEPP) with Commissioner M.Thyssen - Arena
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch - Restaurant
International Sign Language
It is #Up2EU
Opening Press Conference - Press Conference Room
EPP CONGRESS: 1ST PLENARY SESSION - Hall 5 Welcome by Kokoomus and KD Reports of the EPP President, EPP Secretary General and President WMCES 14:45 Presidents Parliamentary Assemblies OSCE and NATO 15:00 Chairpersons EPP Member Associations 15:30 Key Debate: ’Prosperity for everyone-more growth and jobs’ 16:00 Chairmen EPP Groups in the Parliamentary Assemblies CoR, OSCE, COE, NATO and Euronest 16:30 Key Debate: ‘Europe’s Migration Challenge’ 17:00 Discussion and Vote on Congress Documents, Resolutions, Emergency Resolutions, Statutory modifications Election EPP Vice-President 17:45 EU Opposition Leaders, Party Leaders and Ministers 19:30 Debate Spitzenkandidaten time may vary
Working languages Plenary Sessions EN-FR-DE-ES-IT-PL
20:00 Closing 1st Plenary Session
20:00 Departure to Delegates Dinner in the Helsinki City Hall
SIDE PROGRAM 08:45 – 11:00
WMCES Breakfast Debate “The Future of Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines” - Room 204
08:45 – 11:00
WMCES Breakfast Debate “Kremlin’s Trolls: The West’s Ability to Tackle Hostile Influence” - Room 205
09:00 - 10:30
ESU: Seniors in a digital society (by invitation only) - Club Restaurant
09:00 - 11:00
SME Europe: SME and the digital Future: From industry over trade to culture (by invitation only) - Room 206
EPP Group in the CoR ‘EPP Cities Event’ - Room 203
11:00 - 13:45
WMCES Honorary Board (by invitation only) - Room 205
12:30 – 14:00
WMCES Lunch Brief: “The Day After: Results of the US Mid-Term Elections” - Room 204
EPPtalks “Innovate and Educate” - Arena
EPPtalks “United in Diversity” - Arena
European Ideas Network (EIN) - Hall 4
“Experience Finland” by Young Kokoomus - ‘Village’
Social Media Corner: Workshops with Facebook and Google - Gallery
“EPP Young Members Network: ‘Meet your Spitzen’ (by invitation only) - Fazer café
Delegates Dinner hosted by the Mayor of Helsinki J. Vapaavuori and Kokoomus (for GOLD, ORANGE and GREEN badges only) - Helsinki City Hall
20:00 - 22:30 EPP Summit Heads of State and Government and Opposition Leaders (Restricted to the members of the EPP Summit - upon invitation only) - Room 101
Updated 5 November 2018
THURSDAY 8 NOV 08:30 - 09:45 EPP Group Study Days 2nd Session - Hall 4
08:00 - 09:45
7-8 NOV 2018
Messukeskus Congress Centre Helsinki, Finland
SME Europe: General Assembly - Room 206
08:30 - 10:15
SIDE PROGRAM 08:00 - 09:45
WMCES - Room 204 and 205
WMCES Breakfast Debate “Keeping the Union Together: Overcoming the East-West Divide” - Room 204
09:45 - 13:30
08:00 - 09:45
EPP Congress: 2nd Plenary Session - Hall 5
WMCES Breakfast Debate “The Future of European Defence Cooperation - Room 205
Pitches for President: EPP Candidates President European Commission (EPP Spitzenkandidat)
10:30-12:00 Working languages Plenary Sessions EN-FR-DE-ES-IT-PL
Election of the EPP Candidate President European Commission (EPP Spitzenkandidat) (Secret Ballot)
Interventions EU Brexit Negotiator, EPP Secretary General, Deputy Prime Ministers, EU Heads of State and Government
International Sign Language
Presidents European Parliament, European Commission and European Council, EPP President, Chairman Kokoomus
13:00 Announcement result Election of the EPP Candidate President European Commission
Followed by Acceptance Speech of the EPP Candidate President European Commission
It is #Up2EU
13:30 Closing of the Congress
13:00 Press Conference EPP Spitzenkandidat - Press Conference Room
Followed by Photoshoot with EPP Spitzenkandidat - Village
13:30 Lunch - Restaurant
From 13:30 Departures to airport
Updated 5 November 2018