▣ KOICA’s Aid Policy on Environment Mr. Han-Deog Cho Director, Country Programming Team for Asia and the Pacific, Eastern Europe and CIS, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
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▣ What is KOICA?
KOICA is a central aid agency of the Korean Government. KOICA: 9 Administers Korea’s grant-aid and technical assistance to developing countries; 9 Works to reduce poverty and promotes socio-economic development in developing countries; 9 Pays particular attention to the achievement of MDGs. 1
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▣ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
MDGs are internationally agreed development goals at the UN Millennium Summit (Sep.2000)
Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development
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▣ Guiding Principles for KOICA’s Aid
In compliance with the ‘Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (March 2005)’, KOICA puts values on:
Ownership Alignment Harmonization Managing for results Mutual accountability
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▣ KOICA’s Priority Sectors
Education Health Governance Rural Development Information & Communication Technology Industry & Energy Environment
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â–Ł Why does KOICA care for environment?
Global Warming
Abnormal Weather Conditions Water Pollution Farmland Erosion
Overdevelop ed & Damaged Environment
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▣ KOICA’s aid policy on environment Environmentally Sustainable Development
Waste management Air, water, and pollution management Water supply and sewage management Environmental impact evaluation Conservation of forests, afforestation, and reforestaion Conservation of bio-diversity including maritime resources Development of eco-industry
Institution Building
Environmental Infrastructure Build-up
Capacity Building 6
Awareness Raising
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▣ Environmentally Sustainable Development
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Our Common Future, 1987)
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â–Ł Waste Management
Collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials that are usually produced by human activities, in an effort to reduce their effect on human health or local aesthetics or amenity
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â–Ł Air, water, and soil pollution management
Controlling of pollution that is unintended side-effects of economic activities
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▣ Water supply and sewage management
Provision of water of various qualities – drinking water, industrial water, agricultural water, etc. – different users Collection and disposal of wastewater; removing contaminants from wastewater
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â–Ł Environmental impact evaluation
Process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of economic activities
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â–Ł Conservation of forests, afforestation, and reforestation
Developing, maintaining, and protecting the forests by growing and planting new seedlings, fighting insects and diseases that attack trees
Template ▣PowerPoint Conservation of bio-diversity including maritime resources
Maintenance of “the variability among living organisms from all sources” (Rio Earth Summit 1992)
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â–Ł Institution Building
Provide consultations on the development of proper environmental regulatory institutions reflecting the realities of partner countries
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▣ Capacity Building
Promote ownership of partner countries on environmental problems and their solutions Secure and train proper number of experts who would deal with environmental problems
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▣ Environmental Infrastructure Build-up
Support the partner countries’ efforts to establish research facilities Provide equipment and materials for the protection of environment
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▣ Awareness Raising
Mainstream environmental issues in the development policies of partner countries Enhance the understanding of the people on the values of environment Promote participation of various stakeholders in policy-making on environment
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â–Ł Development of eco-industry
Provision of clean technologies, renewable energy, waste recycling, nature and landscape protection, and ecological renovation of urban areas
PowerPoint Templateproject of western region in China ▣ Afforestation (2001-’05/$5 million)
â–ŁPowerPoint Seed sources and nursery technology development Template project, Indonesia (2005-/07/$1.6mil) (1) Construction of facilities Propagation Room
Shading House
Hedge Orchard
Hedge Orchard
Templateand nursery technology development â–ŁPowerPoint Seed sources project, Indonesia (2005-/07/$1.6mil) (2) Gathering seed sources and nursing saplings
Templateand nursery technology development â–ŁPowerPoint Seed sources project, Indonesia (2005-/07/$1.6mil) (3) Study tour in Korea
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â–Ł Project Implementation Process of KOICA
Project identification & design Appraisal & selection of candidate projects Agreement on the project between Gov’ts of Korea and Partner country Project implementation and monitoring Project evaluation & reporting 23
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