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Editors notes
from The Funnel - Corporate Innovation Magazine | Autumn 2021
by The Funnel | Corporate Innovation Magazine by Spyre Group
Dear reader,
The team and I are so excited to offer you this edition of The Funnel. If you ask most people whether they like surprises they will answer positively. Reality, however, is that most people look at surprises positively only when things happen that they like. They call other surprises “problems”. Our world is going through a major surprise for almost two years now. In this issue we wanted to focus on matters of innovation in security and military organizations. We found ourselves surprised as we realized to what extent the pandemic impacted such organizations and the corporate world in general.
The problem actually turned into a surprise in the sense that organizations discovered new capabilities to innovate. They simply were left with no other choice. Another theme that emerged from this issue’s articles is “Leadership” as desperate times were a call to leaders across the world to take extraordinary steps. Those leaders emerged both from management roles and also from rank and file positions.
What organizations can and should learn is that just as they were able to innovate during a pandemic which left them no choice but to do so, they should also embrace innovation during times of apparent calm. This is because experience teaches us that whatever industry we are in these days, it is probably going under some form of disruption.
I wish you enjoyable reading,
Ahi Gvirtsman Chief Editor & Co-founder at Spyre