1 minute read

Spring Bird Migration 4/19/23

Nature’s Grandest Spectacle: The Spring Migration of Birds

Prairies, forests and wetlands of our latitude come alive in April and May with a rich diversity of birds that only weeks earlier were wintering in habitats ranging from the southern United States and Mexico to Central America and northern South America. Who are they? Join Colorado birding expert Ted Floyd for two evening lectures and two field sessions covering the whys and wherefores of one of nature’s grandest spectacles: the spring migration of birds. Start your birding journey in the classroom where Ted discusses the questions we’ve all asked since childhood: Why do birds migrate in the first place? How do they know where to go? He’ll also explore birds’ amazing physical feat of flying hundreds or even thousands of miles in a relatively short time. Discover modern resources for enjoying bird migration that contribute to basic science about avian biology, including digital recorders and cameras, smartphones, apps, and software such as eBird and iNaturalist. In the field (at destinations within a 90-minute drive of campus), experience direct contact with scores of bird species, many of them on migration layovers or in the process of actually migrating. In addition to watching and listening, record your sightings and upload your data to global databases used by scientists to monitor and protect bird populations. Come away with a new understanding of one of nature’s most spectacular and mind-boggling annual routines. Please note: The Saturday field trips involve walking several miles on level, well-maintained trails.

Four in-person sessions

Wed., Apr. 19, 26, 2023, 7–9 pm MT Bird-watching field trips, Sat., Apr. 22, 29, 8 am–12 pm MT $190

Ted Floyd is the long-time editor of Birding, the flagship publication of the American Birding Association, and the author of many articles and books, including How to Know the Birds (2019) and the Field Guide to Birds of Colorado (3rd printing, 2021). He has taught college courses in ecology, evolution, entomology, conservation biology and other topics.

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