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In-Person Reminders

All in-person classes can be found in this section and are color-coded in crimson. Any class that includes an outing or field trip will meet in person for all sessions of the course.

Costs Included

The cost of parking is included for any session meeting on the University of Denver campus. Admission tickets to events, exhibits and in-person activities are also accounted for in the class price.

Planning to Come to Campus

Once registered for a lecture or course you will receive a confirmation, as well as additional emails with important information including parking instructions, classroom location and course specifics. PLEASE READ THESE CAREFULLY before heading to campus to avoid delays in accessing the designated parking garage or locating the unlocked door to your building.

Inclement Weather Policy

All classes meeting in-person (on-campus or elsewhere) follow the University of Denver closure schedule. Students will be notified of any changes to the schedule.

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