How to make money with youtube

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DISCLAIMER This is the part of the report where I outline how I made a bunch of money using these methods, but I can’t guarantee the same for you. Except I’m supposed to do it IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS. No, I can’t guarantee you’ll make any money using the methods outlined here. If you’re smart, though, I think you’ll be able to figure it out.

A New Angle: Adsense

In this report, I’m going to show you how I’m making $8,000+ per month just by placing Adsense ads on YouTube videos. I don’t sell anything. These videos are 1 and ½ minutes to 4 minutes long. I don’t appear in any of these videos. I don’t even have to use my own voice if I don’t feel like it. I do it by creating a CERTAIN TYPE of video and then using my SPY TAGS or RELATE BAIT techniques on them.

EARNINGS CHART This is about how much you can expect to earn per video by placing Adsense ads on it: 25,000 views = $75 50,000 views = $150 100,000 views = $300 200,000 views = $600 300,000 views = $900 400,000 views = $1,200 500,000 views = $1,500 600,000 views = $1,800 700,000 views = $2,100 800,000 views = $2,400 900,000 views = $2,700 1,000,000 views = $3,000 You can find out how much money other people’s videos are making by checking this chart.

Think it’s hard to get this many views? Wrong. You just have to create the right kinds of videos.

Semi-Viral Video Secret

A lot of people like to say that you can’t make a viral video. Viral videos happen by accident. And they’re partly right. I can’t show you how to make a Gangnam Style viral video. I don’t know how to make videos that get hundreds of millions of hits. I just don’t. If I ever figure it out, I’ll come back and let you know. In the meantime, we can make a very solid passive income off something I call SEMI-VIRAL videos. If we define a semi-viral video as one that gets 100,000+ hits and makes $300+, then YES, you can make that happen 90% of the time. I can show you how to do that. Remember, this is completely scalable, so your income is only limited by the number of videos you’re willing to produce. Also, remember that you’re not limited by any type of budget. These videos are free to create. But if you want to scale up fast, you can outsource all or part of them, too.

Semi-Viral Secret Niches Niches are INCREDIBLY important in the YouTube game. Certain niches get very few clicks, no matter how expensive and amazing and helpful the video is.

Certain other niches get insanely EASY clicks. Videos in these niches barely even have to try and they’ll get hundreds of thousands of views.

THESE ARE SEMI-VIRAL VIDEO NICHES. This has taken about 4 months of digging and research, but here is my very short list (because these aren’t easy to find) of SEMI-VIRAL Video Niches that are worth working in:

Fact/Trivia Videos

Example channel:

Toy Videos

Example channel:

Parody Videos

Example channel: Look, I could have included things like “video games” or “compilations” or “cats” or a hundred other niches that do get a lot of views easily, but here’s the thing: Video game videos are incredibly hard to monetize now because you’re required to be under contract with a network. Compilation videos don’t follow TOS, so they could be taken down at any time. Cats… Well, how are you realistically going to get hundreds of funny cat videos?

These are niches that are INSANELY easy to get hundreds of thousands of clicks in, but are also EASY to CREATE, UNLIMITED in HOW MANY YOU CAN CREATE, and DON’T BREAK ANY RULES. They’re also pretty much guaranteed to be successful 90% of the time. Sure, you’ll have a dud here and there, but you can count on almost all your videos in these niches making you at least a few hundred dollars. And then you’re going to have your 1020% that are going to make thousands over their lifetime. You might be complaining that there aren’t enough niches here or you don’t like these niches. Too bad! This is what the market wants right now. I wish they all wanted videos of me mindlessly clicking on websites, because that would be really great for me, but they don’t. None of us can control what the YouTube demographic wants, but we can serve them (okay, we’re serving them mindless entertainment, but that’s what they’ve come to YouTube for). I could have written a mile-long list of nonsense niches and that would have made a lot of people happy, but I’m not here to scam you and send you off to work 20 hours a week on some YouTube goose chase because some smarmy internet guy told you it would work. These are the videos I invest all my time and money into creating. They’re the ones I’ve settled on after tons of trial and error and nearly a hundred different kinds of videos that bombed, that didn’t earn money back, that took me 3 days to create and got 150 views. I’ve gotten through all the bad experiences to come out on the other end with the hard-earned knowledge of which niches work and which don’t.

This isn’t my best guess as to what might work.

This is what works. Right now. Why would I share this with you? Well, how quickly do you think the fact/trivia niche or the toy niche is going to fill up? There’s plenty of room for now.

Creating Semi-Viral Videos Without turning this into a video production course, I want to give you a REALLY basic rundown of how I create my videos. As I’ve said before, this isn’t a YouTube BASICS guide, so if you need any information on the nitty gritty basics of creating videos, I guarantee you can find a video about how to do it on YouTube.

Fact/Trivia Videos 1. I collect facts/trivia + list ideas from these websites: Users create lists that are voted upon by other users. Not only does this give you a great idea for lists, but it also lets you know which types of lists are popular and which aren’t. A comedy website that gets tons of traffic for it’s hilarious list-style content. Generally appeals to a male demographic. Similar to, but appeals to a more female demographic. An endless supply of top 10 lists. Even more top 10 lists.

Top trending stuff in different categories, like Pictures, Tech, News, Videos, and Science. 2. I turn those facts into a short script between 150 and 350 words. Here’s an example video script that I haven’t turned into a video yet: 5 Mental Disorders You Won’t Believe Actually Exist If you live on planet earth, you should be aware by now that human beings are some very bizarre creatures. There’s the man on the street who yells at you to “get a job!” while you’re on your way to work, there’s the odd aunty at Christmas who ALWAYS remembers your birthday, but doesn’t seem to remember where she is, and there’s that guy who broke up with you claiming that you were crazy, when given your complete awesomeness, it is blatantly obvious that he is the crazy one. However, there are some significantly more bizarre behaviors, in the form of diagnosable mental disorders, that you won’t believe actually exist. 1) Stendhal Syndrome – “The art is TOO beautiful” Symptoms include dizziness, anxiety, confusion, rapid heartbeat, and even psychosis, when exposed to immense beauty, especially art. Yes, art. 2) Boanthropy – “I believe I am a cow” A delusional disorder in which a person believes that they are a cow or an ox. Sufferers may be seen on all fours eating grass. 3) Coprolalia – “You bleeping bleep” Excessive and uncontrollable use of obscenities or derogatory remarks. Sufferers of coprolalia aren’t just angry or expressing themselves passionately - their language is involuntary and out of context. 4) Aboulmania – “I don’t know” A disorder characterized by pathological indecision. People with this disorder become overwhelmed by even small decisions, and become obsessed with the uncertainty of potential outcomes. 5) Foreign Accent Syndrome – “My new voiz, its maqnifique!” A rare speech disorder involving a sudden change to a person’s speech, such that they speak in a different language or specific accent. While you may not believe that these rare disorders actually exist, remember that some psychological theories suggest that the difference between abnormality

and normality is only a difference of degree. In short: to some extent, we all believe we are cows. Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe so you can get notified when I put out new videos!

3. I find photos to match the content. Because of the nature of your video, pretty much all photos used in your Fact/Trivia videos fall under the category of FAIR USE. Here’s what the U.S. law says about it: U.S. Code Title 17, Chapter 1, § 107 Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use "Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.

Now I will undoubtedly have a couple of people argue with me about fair use laws because the words “fair use” can’t even be used without causing an enormous argument. If you’re a fair use skeptic for some reason, you can always buy stock photos for about $1 each if you buy in bulk on any stock photo website. It will increase the cost of creating a video, but if you have issues with fair use of copyrighted material, it’s a solid alternative. 3. I record myself reading the script using Audacity (free to download). 4. I drop it all in my video editor. If you own a PC, you should already have Windows Movie Maker. (Free)

If you own a Mac, you should already have iMovie. (Free or $5) If not, you can download these and get them up and running in about 10 minutes. They’re both extremely easy to use programs, especially for our purposes. So, I just drop my audio script into the video editor, drop my pictures in, and then make sure my pictures match up to the parts where I’m talking about what’s going on in those pictures. 5. I export the video and upload to YouTube. DONE! Now, of course you’re going to need a description, tags, etc., and I’ll get into all that later with some really cool tricks, but this is how you create the video. It’s really easy.

Toy Videos These are done in a completely different style and will require your hands to be seen on camera. This won’t appeal to everyone, but you have two other niches to choose from and can ignore this one completely if it doesn’t interest you. But just go check out the stats on some of these videos. It will blow your mind how much money can be made in this niche.

1. I go to the top performing TOY CHANNELS. These include: There are probably a lot more out there, but these are the ones I keep up with. While I’m there, I check out with toys are trending and which of their videos are getting the most views (in the past week or two). 2. I go to Amazon and BUY THOSE TOYS. 3. I make a video of me opening and reviewing those toys. I’ll also show how to use it or what you can do with it. The more creative you can be with this, the better. Check out all the channels I linked to above and get an idea of how they do it. This is a very, very profitable niche if you can have fun and enjoy doing it. If not, ask your spouse. This might just be their secret dream job. 4. I export the video and upload to YouTube. 5. I sell the used toys on Ebay or Amazon or give them away to friends and family. DONE!

Parody Videos 1. I find out what’s trending. What’s TRENDING is the most important part of any parody video. Here are the best places for finding trends: Top trending stuff in different categories, like Pictures, Tech, News, Videos, and Science. Google Hot Trends Top trending Google searches. YouTube Trends Dashboard What’s been getting the most views on YouTube in the past 24 hours. Rotten Tomatoes Great place to find the top box office hits, top TV shows, and top new releases. Movie related parodies are guaranteed click factories. 2. I go to the current YouTube videos or blogs for these trends. From there, I can see what the general reactions are to the trend. See what all the different views are. I can pick up ideas for jokes. You can almost create an entire script just from YouTube and blog comments. If I need more jokes, I might hire a joke writer on Fiverr (more info on that in the outsourcing section). 3. I download videos of the thing I’m parodying from YouTube.

For example, if I was parodying Frozen, I would download trailers from Frozen. You can use this site to download YouTube videos: 4. I edit it and do a voiceover. Fiverr really comes in handy for these types of videos because you can get all types of voices for your parody videos. You can get people who sound just like the guys who do movie trailers or you can get people who do incredible impressions of celebrities. You can get people who sing to do parody songs. Look at this person who is making a KILLING using Fiverr voices and movie trailers to make movie trailer parodies (check out their Honest Trailers): Some of their videos are making $20,000+ BIG IMPORTANT NOTE: With parody videos, you are DEFINITELY allowed to use copyrighted video content. This is not really a gray area in copyright laws. This type of parody content has always been allowed. Don’t be afraid to use content from major studios. 5. I export the video and upload to YouTube. DONE!

OUTSOURCING: I’ll admit that 2 of the 3 niches above require some creativity, but guess what? You can outsource creativity! This is a really easy thing to outsource because it’s a fun job. Here are just a few of the Fiverr gigs you can use to outsource your video content:





RELATE BAIT This unique strategy was invented by me – so I can guarantee you haven’t seen it anywhere else. WHY THIS METHOD IS SO INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE: Ask any highly successful YouTuber where most of their views come from. You might guess it’s from YouTube searches or maybe Google searches or blog backlinks. Nope. The #1 place you’re going to get most of your traffic is from RELATED VIDEOS. So your goal should be to get into the RELATED VIDEOS section of videos that are getting tons of clicks. I’ll show you my AWESOME trick for doing this.

WHAT THIS METHOD DOES: This genius little trick gives you the power to get into the top of the related videos section of extremely viral videos for less than $5. (No. Fiverr is not involved.)

This means tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of free clicks on your video.



1 Upload your video.

2 Find the viral video you want to get into the RELATED VIDEOS section for. The viral video MUST meet these criteria for this strategy to work: 1. Video must have been uploaded within the past 4 days. 2. Video must have 50,000+ views. 3. Video must be legitimately related to your video, even if loosely. Examples: Theirs is a parody video about The Lion King and yours is a parody video about Game of Thrones IS OKAY. Theirs is a parody video about The Lion King and yours is a Beer Trivia video IS NOT OKAY.

3 Go to and either sign up or sign in.

4 Click on the red CAMPAIGN button. Choose ONLINE VIDEO.


When you fill in your campaign details, keep your budget at $4 per day. IMPORTANT: Make sure you UNCHECK “YouTube Videos” from your NETWORKS. Only YOUTUBE SEARCH should be checked.


If your LOCATIONS AND LANGUAGES section looks like this, continue. If not, change it so that it’s the same as the screenshot above.


Copy and paste the URL of YOUR YouTube video that you want to promote.


Don’t touch the advanced settings. Just click SAVE AND CONTINUE.

9 Set your Max Cost Per View to 0.02. YouTube might try to warn you that you won’t get many clicks at this rate. Ignore it. It’s wrong. 0.02 is as low as you can go. At 0.01 your ads won’t show.

10 Under TARGETING, click on the dropdown box labeled NARROW YOUR TARGETING. Click on PLACEMENTS.

11 Under ADD MANUALLY, copy and paste the URL of the viral video you want to show up in the RELATED VIDEOS section for. Then click ADD. Next, click DONE.

12 Click SAVE TARGETTING GROUP and you’re done. Your ad is now ready to run. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! After your ad gets approved, which can take up to 24 hours, your ad will start showing up at the top of the RELATED VIDEOS section as an AD.

THEN THE MAGIC HAPPENS Within a few days of your ONE DAY ad ($4) running, your video will start to show up as one of the related videos for that video… IN THE ORGANIC SEARCH RESULTS.

Why does this work? When most people run an ad, they run it across all of YouTube, spreading data all over the place. A few people click on your video from here, a few click from there, a few click from some other place. The clicks are spread all over hundreds of YouTube videos. But we’re doing something different here. We’re running an ad on ONE SINGLE VIDEO. Who does that? That’s weird. Why would they do that? Well, they’d do it if they were privileged with some secret knowledge of how those YouTube algorithms work. See, YouTube’s bots pick up on the fact that after watching that VIRAL VIDEO, hundreds of people then click on YOUR VIDEO. It doesn’t matter that it’s an ad. This makes a connection between that VIRAL VIDEO and YOUR VIDEO.

This tells the Tube Bots that YOUR VIDEO is a RELATED VIDEO. If you had run your ad the normal way, you’d have gotten 2-3 clicks from that viral video, 2-3 clicks from some other viral video, 5 clicks from some other video, 4 clicks from something

else, etc., etc., and that would have used up your $4. But with the Relate Bait method, ALL of those clicks are connected to ONE SINGLE VIDEO, forcing a connection between your video and the VIRAL VIDEO. LAST STEP: Go monetize your video! (I don’t recommend monetizing until AFTER your ad has stopped running, which I explain in further detail in the QUESTIONS section below.) While all those thousands of monetized clicks are rolling in, get to work on your next video.

QUESTIONS ABOUT RELATE BAIT Q: Can I get into the RELATED VIDEOS section for MULTIPLE videos? A: YES. You can use this method on MULTIPLE videos. You can get on the RELATED VIDEOS section of as many videos as you like. Just go back to #11 and change the URL of the video you want to be in the RELATED VIDEOS section for. You’re going to need to spend $4 and do a 1-day ad again for each new video you want to run your ad on. Q: How many days should I run my ad? A: You should only need to run your ad for 1 day or until your $4 budget runs out. Q: How soon will my video show up as a paid ad in the RELATED VIDEOS? A: This typically takes 24 hours or less. Q: How soon will my video show up organically in the RELATED VIDEOS? A: YouTube bots have to detect the activity, so it can vary, but typically 2-4 days. Q: How long will my video STAY in the RELATED VIDEOS? A: Normally they will stay there forever, because of the snowball effect. Since your video is in the RELATED VIDEOS, it will get clicked on more after people watch the VIRAL VIDEO,

which further confirms the Tube Bots idea that your video is related. So, most of the time, your video will stay put for a very long time/forever. Q: Where will my video rank in the RELATED VIDEOS section? A: With this method, your video should get right up to the top 3-5 results. If not, try running your ad again. Q: Can’t I just click the PROMOTE button on my video inside YouTube instead of going into Adwords? A: No. If you go through YouTube to start your Adwords campaign, you can’t use the placement targeting. Q: How much do I need to spend on my ad? And how many clicks is it going to get? A: You’re going to need at least $3 or $4 in ad budget to show up in the RELATED VIDEOS section. At 2 cents per click, you’re going to get about 200 clicks from [VIRAL VIDEO] to YOUR VIDEO, which should be enough to show YouTube’s bots that your videos are related. If not, add on a dollar. It shouldn’t take more than 150-300 of these clicks to get in that goldmine called RELATED VIDEOS. Q: Can my video be monetized WHILE I’m running an ad through Adwords? A: Yes, it can. BUT some people will click out of your video when they see that they have to sit through an ad to watch it. Since that brings down your retention rate (retention rate is how long viewers typically stick around to watch your video), and bringing down your retention rate COULD make it a little harder to get in the RELATED VIDEOS, I don’t recommend

monetizing your video until AFTER you’ve stopped running your ad. Q: When I check my analytics, how can I tell how many views came from being in the RELATED VIDEOS section? A: YouTube calls these views SUGGESTED VIDEO views.

Q: How is this going to make me any money? A: This should be obvious, but I just want to make it extra clear. A monetized video getting thousands of clicks is going to make hundreds or thousands of dollars from adsense alone. Here’s a chart to give you some idea of what you can make from adsense ads on your videos:

EARNINGS CHART This is about how much you can expect to earn per video by placing Adsense ads on it: 25,000 views = $75 50,000 views = $150 100,000 views = $300 200,000 views = $600 300,000 views = $900

400,000 views = $1,200 500,000 views = $1,500 600,000 views = $1,800 700,000 views = $2,100 800,000 views = $2,400 900,000 views = $2,700 1,000,000 views = $3,000

SPY TAGS This is another really cool method I came up with that works about 80% of the time. Unlike RELATE BAIT, it’s completely free and takes 2-3 minutes to complete. But the disadvantage is you’re a lot more limited on which videos you can get on the RELATED VIDEOS section for. This method can get you into the RELATED VIDEOS section of a really popular video within a few days if it meets the following criteria: - It has to be in the same niche and sub-niche as your video. So, if your video is going to be about a new PlayDoh toy, the video you’re going to use the Spy Tags method on must also be about a Play-Doh toy. - The video should have 10,000+ views. - The video should have been released within the past 2-3 days. BUT NO MORE THAN 3.

1 Go to the video you want to use the Spy Tags method on. Click on TOOLS – WEB DEVELOPER – PAGE SOURCE.

Now you can see the HTML for the page, including some of the tags that the YouTube video creator entered when they uploaded their video.

Just search for the word “KEYWORDS” in all that html and now you know some of their tags.

You can also use this trick to come up with tags for videos when you’re feeling stuck.

2 Now that you have the keywords for the video, you’re going to use those exact same keywords in YOUR tags. And get this: You don’t have to use those keywords in your title. But it certainly won’t hurt if you do.

3 You can’t see ALL of the other video’s keywords, and sometimes people don’t use a lot of keywords. That’s okay. Just use the keywords you can see. IMPORANT: You also need to put the NAME OF THE CHANNEL that the video is from in your tags. Like this: disneycartoys

4 You can only use this method to get on the RELATED VIDEOS section for one popular video, so make sure it’s one that’s going to get tons of hits. If the channel the video is hosted on has 200,000+ subscribers, it’s a really good bet. Now sit back and enjoy the free traffic.

SUB-NICHE BEAST There’s an INSANELY awesome tool for discovering YouTube sub-niches & trends out there and NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT. Why? I don’t know. Go to: Enter your possible niche keywords in the search bar. For instance, if you’re considering creating a video about a Divergent parody, you could search for “Divergent” or “Divergent parody”. Hit enter.

Now click on Web Search, then choose YouTube Search from the dropdown menu.

MAGIC! You now can see the current interest + past interest in the search term Divergent.

This is on a scale from 1-100, not actual estimated search queries.

What I Do: I only act on searches that are CURRENTLY at 80+. This guarantees a ton of interest in my keywords. Like I said before, I’m after EASY clicks. I just want to serve up exactly what people are looking for.

BUT THERE’S MORE. Scroll down further and there’s a treasure trove of hidden information for you to profit from.

Now you can see related YouTube searches that you might have never thought of. NOTE: If you click on the RISING button, a lot of times instead of a number, you’ll see the words BREAKOUT.

This is supposed to mean that it’s new and getting offthe-charts high search volume. This is incredibly unreliable. Take the “breakout” keywords with a grain of salt. If there’s an actual number shown, that’s ALWAYS reliable. This might seem like a simple tool, but it can MAKE you thousands and SAVE you thousands on keywords and niches that just aren’t as popular as you would have assumed they were. I only found this AFTER I had invested $100 in videos for a keyword - which I thought was mega popular - that was only 34 on the Google Trends chart. Needless to say, those videos bombed. I could have avoided the whole fiasco if I had known about this first.

Plus: Check out the HOT SEARCHES in the left sidebar. This will show you the very top searches happening right now.

If you can’t get clicks from hot news that can’t possibly be saturated because it was JUST RELEASED, then you can’t get clicks from anything.

Some Cool Ranking Tricks If you take one thing away from this report, I intended it to be the really AWESOME techniques outlined in RELATE BAIT and SPY TAGS. But here are some other neat ranking tricks that aren’t quite as amazing, but are still worth talking about.

Sub Jump

Ever wonder why some YouTubers are SO pushy about getting you to subscribe? Well, yeah, more subscribers is good for a lot of reasons, but get this: When someone subscribes to your channel after watching your video, that gives your video more “rank juice”. Rank Juice is a terrible name, but you see what I’m getting at. It’s one component of how YouTube decides how high to rank your video on YouTube searches. How to do it: Make sure that your video always ends with a call to action: “Don’t forget to subscribe!” or “Please subscribe” or “Subscribe to my channel to be updated when new videos are released”. My split testing has shown “Don’t forget to subscribe” to be most effective for my videos, but get creative and try different variations and see what works best for you. Extra tip: I don’t advocate buying views, likes, etc. on Fiverr, but the ONE thing I will say can be effective is buying subscribers on Fiverr. It gives your channel some social proof and can help with the “Sub Jump” method with new videos. Extra extra tip: Put an image at the end of your video like the one I’ve shown below. Draw a subscribe button on that image

(it’s just a rectangle with the word SUBSCRIBE in it). Then add a Subscribe annotation to where the rectangle is.

This increased subscribers for me by over 20%. If you don’t know how to work with annotations, just watch this video someone made about how to do it:

Sneaky Title Juice

This one works on so many levels, it’s incredible. How to do it: After you fill in the description of your video, write “Here are some more of my awesome videos:” Then copy and paste in the titles of your other videos, plus the links to them. It should look like this: Disney’s Frozen Anna and Elsa Parody parodies

Hilarious Finding Nemo 2 Parody with Marlin and Dory parodies

Why it works:

Any words in your description work just like tags! They’re almost just as effective as tags, if you can believe it. (Who knows how long this will remain the case.) This means that even if your video is about Aladdin or Sleeping Beauty, you can show up for keywords like Finding Nemo and Disney’s Frozen WITHOUT doing anything against TOS.

So for every extra link + title included in your description, you’re greatly increasing how often your video shows up in different YouTube search results. This is more effective than it sounds. I’ve gotten tens of thousands of clicks from searches when the searcher was looking for a different type of video but ended up clicking on mine because they liked the title and thumbnail. They NEVER would have seen my video if I hadn’t put those links in the description. WARNING: Careful to only include videos that actually somewhat relate to your video. In this case, these are all Disney parodies, so someone looking for a Sleeping Beauty parody would probably also be interested in a Finding Nemo parody. It won’t do you a lot of good to include links to completely unrelated videos. Why it works #2:

For some reason, when you link to a video in your description, it’s VERY likely to show up in the “related videos” for that video. Which means A LOT more clicks for it. Supposedly, you can’t control what shows up in your own “related videos” section, but this trick proves that you can control it a little and use it to your advantage.

Why it works #3: This is obvious, but it’s another link to your video, which some people will click on when reading your description, so that’s even more clicks.

The OTHER Description

You hear a lot about how you should make sure to use plenty of keywords in your video description, but something not many people talk about is your CHANNEL description. Most people don’t know this, but your channel description can actually help your rankings if you know how to take advantage of it.

Any keywords used in your channel description will increase the “rank juice” for any videos trying to rank for those same keywords. So if you’re making toy videos, you better be sure that every important toy keyword you’re using is also included in your channel description. Think of your channel description as a place where you can put TAGS for your CHANNEL and you’ve got the idea. Here’s someone’s channel description who is taking full advantage of this and is getting tons of traffic:

Here’s a video someone made on where to go to change your channel description (you can stop watching after about the 30 second mark):

Caption Secret

Everyone says you should caption your videos because it can help your ranking, and it can a little. But here’s another reason: After you caption them, COPY AND PASTE the text into your DESCRIPTION, because the words in your description REALLY matter. Every keyword you can legitimately fit into that description is going to help you show up in searches and increase your ranking.

Here’s a video on how to caption your videos:

Obvious Description Non-Trick

I hate to include this here because it’s not really a trick, but it’s really important. When you’re writing in the description for your YouTube video, don’t throw one or two sentences in there. Treat that thing like you’re getting paid $10 per word. Descriptions are important! That’s why I’m telling you to link to your other videos in them, and to copy and paste your captions into them. Every word in your description gets treated like a tag. So you basically have unlimited tags. Write your heart out. WARNING: I see some people on YouTube keyword stuffing by doing things like this: Disney Disney Disney Frozen Frozen Frozen

Frozen Anna Toy Review Frozen Anna Toy Review Frozen Anna Toy Review Princess Dolls Princess Dolls Princess Dolls

That’s not going to fly with YouTube. It seems somewhat effective, I’ll admit that. These videos are getting pretty high rankings right out of the gate with this technique. But it’s not going to be worth it when all their videos get removed and their account is banned. So pump as many words as you can in those descriptions BUT keep it real and make sure you’re talking like a real person to other real people.

SPIDERTUBE CHECKLIST 1. Pick a semi-viral niche. 2. Do your sub-niche research. Make sure your main sub-niche keyword has an 80+ in the Google Keyword Tool. 3. Create your video + upload. 4. Use SPY TAGS or RELATE BAIT on your video.

5. Repeat.

QUESTIONS Which should I use – Relate Bait or Spy Tags?

I find Relate Bait to be more effective than Spy Tags, but it costs money, while Spy Tags is free. So, if you have the money, I recommend Relate Bait, but Spy Tags is an EXCELLENT free option.

When do you get paid by YouTube? You actually get paid by Google through Adsense. You get paid the month AFTER the month you earned the money. So, if you made $5,000 in August, you’ll get paid in September. Most people are paid between the 21st and the 26th. The payment is deposited into your bank account. They don’t issue payment via Paypal.

How do I monetize my videos?

How long did it take you to start making $8,000+ per month? 3 months. I’m still pretty new to YouTube, to be honest, so I hope to be ramping up a lot over the coming months.

Do you use multiple channels?

Yes, I have 10+ channels for different niches. This keeps my subscribers from getting confused if they subscribed because of my Disney parody videos and then I start posting a bunch of fact videos. Here’s a YouTube video about how to create multiple channels:

Aren’t thumbnails important?

Yes, it’s important to have eye-catching and interesting thumbnails. This isn’t a basics course, though, so I’m not going to go in-depth on things like thumbnails or channel art. Do a Google search and you can find a lot of good, free information on that.

Should I buy YouTube views off Fiverr? No. Here’s why:

1) They’re normally very LOW retention views – meaning that the person or bot clicks on your video and then quickly clicks out of your video. That tells YouTube that your video isn’t very good, because people are clicking right out of it as soon as they click into it. This is a major part of how YouTube ranks videos, by how long viewers stay and watch, so this is really serious. 2) If your videos are monetized while you’re paying for views, you’re definitely breaking TOS and are risking having your YouTube and Adsense accounts banned.

How can I contact you with any questions/suggestions? Email me at

Can I see some more earnings shots?

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to work with you and show you my methods. I hope you will put these techniques into action immediately. Then get back to me with your results!

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