Dashboard in a Day Using Power BI
Make the Most of Your Data
This one-day, hands-on, online workshop will cover the core capabilities of Power BI Power BI is a free interactive data visualization application developed by Microsoft with a primary focus on business intelligence that gives a single view of your data, that allows you to monitor and report on organizational data in real time No coding or algorithms are required!
“Everyone’ssittingonapileofdata.Let’s identifyabusinessquestion,andthengo getthedatatosolvethatquestion.”
-AmyPhillipsWhat You’ll Learn
Inthisone-dayworkshop,participantswilllearnto: Connectto,import,andtransformdatafroma varietyofsources
Usedatamodelingtoexploredatawithpowerful visualizations
BuildaninteractivedashboardandutilizethePower BIService
PleasenotethisisatechnologyheavyclassYouwillbe onlaptopsutilizingExcelandPowerBIformostofthe workshop.Thereisatwo-tothree-hourassignment whichneedstobecompletedoutsideofclasstime
Meet Your Faculty
Amy Phillips Daniels Executive Education
AmyLPhillipsisaformer professorofteachinginthe DepartmentofBusiness Information&Analytics,Daniels CollegeofBusiness,andisacore memberoftheExecutive EducationfacultyHerteaching andprofessionalinterestshave spannedtechnicalareasin businessincludingweb developmentanddatabase managementSheistheco-author oftheawardwinningandbestsellingtextbookBusinessDriven InformationSystemsAmyreceived herMEdineducationaltechnology in1995fromPlymouthState CollegeinNewHampshire,where shewasalecturerShejoinedthe UniversityofDenverfacultyin 2000Sheistheauthorofthe leadingMIStextbookintheworld, Business-DrivenInformation Systems,nowinitssecondedition
AvarietyofprofessionalswillbenefitfromtheDashboardina Dayworkshop:
Alllevelsofprofessionalswhousedatatosell,marketand makedecisionsandarelookingtotransformdatainto actionableorganizationalintelligence
NopriorPowerBIexperienceisnecessary;afamiliarity withExcelisrecommended
Dashboard in a Day was a fantastic introduction to Power BI! The handson learning and Amy’s engaging teaching style made me confident that I could create powerful dashboards to help my team make better, datadriven decisions.
Workshop Agenda
Introduction to Power BI and Power BI Demo
-Mary Haynes Past
Module 1: Accessing and preparing the data (LO1)
Module 1: Accessing and preparing the data continued
Module 2: Data modeling and exploration (LO2)
Module 3: Visualizations (LO2)
Module 4: Building a dashboard (optional Power BI service demo) (LO3)
Module 5: Collaboration and distribution (option Power BI service demo) (LO3)
Questions and Answers
DU Executive Education, part of the nationally recognized Daniels College of Business, has spent over 60 years enhancing the skills of working professionals through innovative, impactful programs. With a legacy grounded in ethical leadership and diversity, our programs are crafted to meet the demands of today’s dynamic business environment Each year, we partner with dozens of organizations and hundreds of clients, fostering growth through a practical, industry-oriented curriculum and faculty who bring both csuite experience and academic excellence Our commitment to actionable learning means you’ll gain skills you can immediately apply, empowering you to drive measurable results and lead with purpose.
Through DU Executive Education, you’ll expand your network within Denver’s vibrant business hub and engage in immersive, hands-on workshops that turn classroom knowledge into real-world solutions. Join us to advance your career with the skills and support needed to excel
ReadytoadvanceyourcareerwithDUExecutiveEducation? Reachouttousforanyquestionsaboutthereimbursementprocessorprogramdetails: executive.education@du.edu https://daniels.du.edu/executive-education/