Insights Discovery Workshop

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Enhance Self-Awareness, Communication, & Team Dynamics

Communication is a crucial business skill, yet it can be difficult to master In this half-day workshop, you’ll explore your Insights Discovery Profile and learn how to apply it to enhance personal leadership, team dynamics, and workplace communication Discover your communication style, understand the styles of others, and understand how to collaborate effectively Through personal reflection and peer activities, you’ll gain practical skills and heighten self-awareness for improved professional relationships and increased performance

What You’ll Learn

YouwilldelveintoyourInsights Profile,discussInsightscolorsand theirmeanings,andcompletepeer activitiesThiswillenableyouto: Recognizeandleverage differenceasstrengthratherthan weakness

Honeyourleadershipstyleto connectwithandmotivateothers Buildtrustandharnessthe strengthsofyourteam

Communicatewithdiffering styles

Developself-awarenessforhow youshowupintheworkplace

Manageyouremotionsthrough emotionalintelligence

Createacontextforpersonal growth

TheInsightsPersonalityAssessment isaweb-basedevaluatorthatis completedonlinebeforethe workshopDrawingfromthe psychologyofCarlJung,itgeneratesa personalizedInsightsPersonalProfile. Thiscomprehensivereportemploysa simplefour-colormodeltohelp individualsunderstandtheirunique communicationstyleandstrengths Duringtheworkshop,youwillreceive yourInsightsDiscovery®Profilewhich includesadetailedanalysispersonal toyou.Thisprofileincludesyour:










Meet your Faculty

Amanda Cahal Executive Education Certified Insights Specialist

Amandaisanadjunctfacultymember andtheDirectorofGlobalPrograms fortheExecutiveandProfessional MBAPrograms

Sheteachesinavarietyofcorporate programs,focusingonintercultural competence,globalbusiness,and emotionalintelligence Herworkin ExecutiveEducation’scorporate programsfocusesonintercultural competence,globalbusinessand emotionalintelligencewithcorporate clientsincludingNewmontMining, Anadarko,Crocs,ColoradoParksand Wildlife,andFullContact

SheiscertifiedintheInsights DiscoverySystem,theIntercultural DevelopmentInventoryand Thunderbird’sGlobalMindset Amandahashermaster’sdegree fromtheLondonSchoolof EconomicsandPoliticalScienceand hasalsostudiedatKebleCollege,the UniversityofOxford

Communication is Key Insights Discovery®

Program Logistics: What to Expect

This half-day workshop takes place in-person at the University of Denver Sessions occur in the morning (9:00 a m to 12:30 p m ) and/or the afternoon (1:00 to 4:30 p m ), and include coffee and tea

Participants complete the Insights Discovery Assessment prior to the workshop, through NovoEd, a leading digital Learning Management system. You can expect to receive instructions on how to access your NovoEd learning portal and assessment two weeks before the class begins.

In class, participants will review emotional intelligence, communication preferences, understanding different styles of communication, learn new team building activities and debrief the individual Insights reports

Overall, individuals are more self-aware, teammates communicate better with each other, and we are more efficient and productive as a company It’s a rare example of a true ‘win/win’!”

– Drew Lawrence, Flashover Strategies

Insights for Groups: Maximize Your Investment

While Insights Discovery offers numerous benefits for individuals, it‘s even more effective completed with other members of your team. If you chose to attend this workshop with three or more individuals from your organization, you‘ll not only receive a 15% discount, but:

Build a deeper understanding of your team members' communication styles, preferences, and strengths.

Recognize individual differences, so teams can communicate more effectively, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts

Increase collaboration by understanding each other's perspectives and building synergy, rapport, and trust within the team.

Leverage diverse viewpoints to tackle challenges and generate innovative solutions.

Insights Discovery promotes empathy and appreciation, strengthening relationships and creating a positive team environment

By leveraging individual strengths and promoting open communication, teams can enhance overall performance and productivity.


DU Executive Education, part of the nationally recognized Daniels College of Business, has spent over 60 years enhancing the skills of working professionals through innovative, impactful programs. With a legacy grounded in ethical leadership and diversity, our programs are crafted to meet the demands of today’s dynamic business environment Each year, we partner with dozens of organizations and hundreds of clients, fostering growth through a practical, industry-oriented curriculum and faculty who bring both csuite experience and academic excellence Our commitment to actionable learning means you’ll gain skills you can immediately apply, empowering you to drive measurable results and lead with purpose.

Through DU Executive Education, you’ll expand your network within Denver’s vibrant business hub and engage in immersive, hands-on workshops that turn classroom knowledge into real-world solutions. Join us to advance your career with the skills and support needed to excel

ReadytoadvanceyourcareerwithDUExecutiveEducation? Reachouttousforanyquestionsaboutthereimbursementprocessorprogramdetails:

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