1 minute read
that my parents Food is the way tell me, "I love you."
Nevertheless, I’m simultaneously consumed by cultural representations of what familial love should be; what it should look like—the idyllic house with the white picket fence, the heartfelt rom-coms that end with an earnest proclamation of love, the storybooks with parents kissing their children goodnight. And I’m left asking, is this how love should be?
Storge celebrates my parents’ and many other Asian parents’ way of loving their children. This piece refutes the idea that there is one way to love or a best way to express care and affection. Here, I invite and demand viewers to consume Asian consumption and our way of loving. True, our affection may be less tactile or verbal, but it is by no means detached. Now, munch, crunch, slurp, burp. Salivate a little, for the stomach is not so far from the heart.