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Anthem for you by Kimberly Gaubault (McCrae

Forum UNDERTHEGARGOYLES06 Anthem for you

By Kimberly Gaubault (McCrae)



I understand that on some days you will nurse lonely you will argue with mirror swallowing distorted images telling yourself that you are not this kind of ugly you will select colors that say “available” and draw on a face that will make you believe that the last one who doubted your beauty was both blind and stupid I fear that in those moments you will forget in the middle of lonely is one you are the one who has overcome insurmountable obstacles maybe not the same as mine but they were your mountain to climb and you climbed it scaled it to peak and met thin air but thickened resolve you a perfectly shaped masterpiece with flaws and failures that make you irreplaceable you are not the catch line to a phrase nor the chorus to the latest song you are a bridge a bridge the bridge the connection between a broken yesterday and a whole tomorrow you will never pass this way again and you are glad about it and this way will miss you will covet your strong stance and your sturdy stride as they will try to pull you back will not know why but will try nonetheless and you will NOT let them you will keep walking will not expend energy on running

from that which cannot follow it cannot follow they cannot follow you cannot go back they cannot follow you cannot go back they cannot follow you will not go back you are made of more than tearful moments and well-crafted insults you are affected by words that sting words carelessly placed to harm you you acknowledge it all but never crumble you are sand you are waves you cannot be still you are waves you cannot be silent you are waves at times white capped and wily you are waves you are ebb and you are flow and all the while you are God’s rendition of peace be still you will stretch your hands to the sky remind the sun, “This spirit created you” and you will walk like a million sunsets are bowing at your feet you unbreakable you and you will be here long after your spirit has evacuated the shell that you have painted perfection I understand that on some days you will nurse lonely but you will be defined by the snow angels you left behind when you fell stretched steadied yourself and got back up again

Gaubault (McCrae) ’00 is an intentional lover of people and advocates for defining one’s personal freedom. Hear Gaubault (McCrae) recite her poem at alumni.duke.edu/magazine

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