15 minute read

Aligning Values and Commitment with Passion and Opportunity

Dean Broome has been an inspiration to me in so many ways. She has always been accessible, and on her trips to the St. Petersburg area, has always connected with me and my husband Dick. Most recently, I have a friend who is losing her sight due to a genetic disease, and Dean Broome connected me with a physician at Duke who is leading in ophthalmic research. My friend now has an appointment at Duke. Dean Broome will be sorely missed. Thank you, and best wishes.

Sandra Averitt, BSN’67

Thank you to Dean Broome for your years of service to the School and leadership in the nursing profession.

Carlie Felion, MSN’13

Thank you for your leadership and for keeping the Duke Nursing program strong.

Kim Kingzett Behm, BSN’76

Alumni Salute Dean Broome

Thank you for your continued investment in diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Julie Neboh Baker, BSN’10, MSN’13, DNP’20

Thank you, Dr. Broome, for the continued effort to move this great School of Nursing forward. We wish you well in the next chapter of your journey, and you will always have a special place at Duke!

Kenya Chavis-Gomez, MSN’14

Having graduated in 1961, I had no personal contact with Dean Broome but have been able to participate in several Zoom meetings with her. It seems that surely she has continued the tradition of keeping DUSON one of the highest ranked nursing education institutions in the country. I’m very proud to be an alumna of DUSON and offer my thanks and appreciation for all the contributions Dean Broome has made.

Carol Seaton Dolan, BSN’61

Thank you for all you have done over the past seven years to advance my beloved alma mater. DUSON has thrived under your leadership, and, for that, I am grateful. I always knew we had a stellar program. You built on past successes and took DUSON to the pinnacle – No. 1 level. Not many programs remain No. 1 or in the top five year after year. It is so nice to have the recognition. Thank you for leading us to the top!

Since the first day I met you, when you visited Philadelphia and came to our home to meet some suburban Philadelphia DUSON alums, your warmth, genuineness and poise have made you very approachable. I love how you encourage collaboration, listening and varying ideas. The teamwork you have led is pervasive throughout DUSON. All are working for a common goal and progressing in a unified direction.

Kathy Viall Gallagher, BSN’75

We have enjoyed working with Dean Broome through our respective participation on the Board of Visitors and Nursing Alumni Council. From our very first meeting, we were impressed with her strategic vision, focus on leadership, passion for research, and overall commitment to making DUSON the best nursing program in the World! It’s been delightful, as well, to get to know Dean Broome and Carroll personally through a variety of social events to include Duke football and basketball games and our military service banter about “their” Army and “our” Air Force. Her legacy as DUSON’s 11th Dean will endure, and we wish both Marion and Carroll all the best as they embrace the next chapter of their life adventure.

Broome shares a conversation with Professor Emerita Katherine Pereira, MSN’02, DNP’12.

Dean Broome, you were a pleasure to work with, and I learned so much from you about servant leadership! Thank you for your mentorship, support and friendship over the years. You will be missed, and I wish you all the best in your retirement!

Katherine Pereira, MSN’02, DNP’12, Professor Emerita

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Dean Broome on the advisory board. Her strong sense of commitment and experience in navigating a top-ranked nursing program has been demonstrable. The common-sense approach to analyzing systemic issues and her respectful sense of humor have and will carry her far. We will surely miss Dean Broome and wish her well on her next adventures. She will, of course, forever remain a Blue Devil!

Sue Frederick, BSN’77, MD’83

As a Duke grad, I wish to congratulate Dean Broome on her retirement and to express great appreciation for her continued expansion of the DUSON legacy for excellence in nursing education and leadership in the advancement of the profession of nursing. Before her tenure at Duke, I had the pleasure of collaborating with Dr. Broome on several projects through the Midwest Nursing Research Society that promoted quality and creativity in nursing education. Indeed, the profession as a whole can thank her for her vision and leadership in preparing nurse scientists and practitioners to contribute at their highest level to advancing health and health care for all people.

Patricia E Whitenight Underwood, BSN’66, PhD, RN, FAAN

During my time at Duke, she made herself accessible to all the DNP students. She made sure that she was involved and invested in our education.

Cynthia Jovanov, DNP’19

It was a pleasure to meet Dean Broome in 2017 at our 50th class reunion for the class of 1967. Warm and pleasant conversations took place as we shared history and accomplishments through the years for the School of Nursing.

Kristen Wolfe Goff, BSN’67

I enjoyed meeting Dean Broome at several reunions and appreciated her welcoming and enlightening comments during the events. I want to thank her for her leadership and for the growth of the School.

Sandra Walsh Taylor, BSN’60

Dean Broome, congratulations and thank you for facilitating the incredible legend of exacting nurse education that DUSON has been and continues to be. I wish you the best with your next professional and personal endeavors.

Dwayne Eddie Bell, MSN’20

I remember having dinner with Dr. Broome when we were still living in San Diego (years ago), and a conversation we had inspired me to obtain a PhD in nursing. That one evening made such an impact on my life and career. I feel so thankful to have attended Duke for my MSN and for the contacts I made while there.

Kelly Pretorius, MSN’10

Thank you for your leadership.

Quiana Duncan, DNP’19

Dean Broome embodies the attributes of scholar, mentor, facilitator and ambassador of nursing. Her leadership and vision made DUSON the top nursing school in the country. Her heart is with the students, ever mindful of growing and supporting their success with a holistic view of their needs to advance their nursing careers. She is present to alumni, the worldwide nursing community, current faculty, staff, students and the university community. Her dedication is felt by all who have the joy of coming to know her. DUSON has been blessed to have Dean Broome continue the legacy. I will miss Dean Broome and genuinely appreciate her kindness towards me with every interaction. With heartfelt wishes for her future.

Mary Ellen Wright, BSN’81

Joan M. Stanley, BSN’71, and Dean Broome present Christy with an Honorary Alumnus Award.

Dean Marion Broome will be remembered for her many contributions to DUSON and Duke University. She clearly rose to the challenge of maintaining and building upon DUSON’s reputation as one of the premier nursing schools in all of America. She embraced a myriad of opportunities and challenges and developed consistently successful action plans and strategies to achieve results. Her positive influence on teaching, research, increasing diversity, the student experience, and DUSON’s fiscal integrity will be appreciated for many years into the future.

Christy Bell, Board of Visitors, Honorary Alumnus ’16

As a donor to the School of Nursing, I want to thank you for your years of service and wish you all the best in retirement. You have truly been an inspiration.

Gary Markel, Friend

I have so enjoyed getting to know you during your tenure as dean. Your able leadership, organizational skills, creativity and energy are most noticeable and appreciated. Thank you for being so available to the NAC and including the alumni in planning for the future of DUSON. I am gratified for your efforts to take the School of Nursing to a higher level. Saying goodbye is difficult. However, I wish you much joy, good health and happiness in your future life.

Stay True Blue and “Go Duke!”

Virginia B. Lang, BSN‘67

Dean Broome has been only supportive of advancing my nursing career and my involvement with the Nursing Alumni Council. I have had the fortune of learning from her leadership, appreciating her guidance and celebrating her impressive impact on the nursing profession.

Andrew Benson, MSN’09, DNP, CRNA, FAAN

At the end of our careers, we all want to know that we have made a difference in the lives of others. Marion Broome has served our country, having spent 21 years in the Army Nurse Corps. She has cared for pediatric patients at the bedside, and her research will continue to make a difference in the lives of peds patients for generations to come. Dean Broome has served at the national leadership level on myriad boards and has authored books and papers on transformational nursing leadership. As a graduate of DUSON myself, I am proud to say that her leadership and her extraordinary dedication to the pursuit of excellence have elevated DUSON and its incredible national reputation to the highest levels of success.

Dean Broome has used her life in support of a greater good, and her legacy will stand as a template for how to achieve excellence as a nurse and as a person committed to making a positive difference in our world.

Marion, congratulations on beginning this next leg of your journey, and thank you for making such an extraordinary difference in the lives of so many people.

Benson, center, with former Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Dean Kevin W. Sowers, MSN’89, RN, FAAN, President, Johns Hopkins Health System Alumni Salute Dean BroomeExecutive Vice President, Johns Hopkins MedicinePatricia Davidson and Dean Broome

Alumni Salute Dean Broome

Dean Marion E. Broome has made a positive impact on my life as a nursing leader and as a DUSON Board of Visitors member. I first encountered Dr. Broome when I was inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in 2011. Her writings and passion centered on responding to the National Institute of Medicine’s 2010 “Future of Nursing Report.” As editor-in-chief of “Nursing Outlook,” she wrote passionately about this challenging report and the need for nurses to be part of leading change and advancing healthcare across the globe.

Ten years after that first encounter, I now have the privilege to be working Erdman and Broome at the 2019 Reunion Weekend with Dean Broome as a member of DUSON’s Board of Visitors. Her skills at commanding an audience, motivating a team, collaborating with all, listening to new ideas and giving credit to those around her are truly remarkable.

Through my experiences, I have witnessed a great leader, an amazingly talented educator, a top-notch scientist, a nursing advocate, a patient advocate and a student/ faculty coach. Her ability to connect with individuals or groups on any level is a true gift. To be a true leader, you have to have followers. Dean Broome, you not only have followers, you have fans. I wish you the very best in the next chapter of your life. I am honored and blessed to have encountered and worked with you over the last 10 years. I will take lessons learned with me always. Thank you.

Lynn Erdman, Board of Visitors, Honorary Alumna ’19

Thank you, Dean Broome, for your outstanding leadership of DUSON, its students, faculty, staff, alumni, and Duke Health System colleagues over the past seven years! Your smile, subtle sense of humor, integrity, incredible knowledge, and gentle but strong leadership have given us all reason to be proud!

Joan Stanley, BSN’71

I first met Dr. Broome in 2011; we were co-speakers at a conference hosted by the Institute of Pediatric Nursing. Listening to Marion speak, I knew immediately that she was passionate about pediatric nursing and was an experienced researcher. Over the past 10 years, I have had the opportunity to get to know her as a respected colleague and friend of nursing. She has provided leadership on a number of initiatives, most recently as chair of the AACN PhD Pathways to Excellence Task Force that will provide a new foundation for developing the next generation of nursing researchers. Thank you, Marion, for your dedication and contributions to nursing. Best wishes for a fun and productive retirement! (You notice I did not say relaxing!)

Muff Urbaniak, BSN’67

You are a true leader, one who has impacted the life of so many, including myself. Your passion, kindness, dedication, clarity, vision and work ethic make you a role model to me and everybody in our community. I want to thank you for everything you have done, and I’m sure that the next chapter and journey ahead will be as amazing and rewarding as everything you have done. I hope our paths will cross again soon!

Orit Ramler Szulik, Board of Visitors

You have unselfishly given of yourself and provided guidance, mentorship and direction throughout your tenure at DUSON.

Thanks for all of the support that you have provided me as a member of the DUSON Alumni Council, as well as the Duke Advancement of Nursing Center of Excellence (DANCE)! You are so inspirational and uplifting!

The International Year of the Nurse & Midwife is extended through 2021. This is an opportune time to highlight and recognize all of your work, dedication and sacrifices. The contributions that you have made at DUSON and in nursing will prepare us for a myriad of nursing paradigms.

On behalf of all of us, thank you very much, Dean Broome! We will truly miss you!

Cheryl Brewer, MSN’94, PhD, RN

Dean Marion Broome is a shining star in the field of her expertise. She genuinely embraces the members of the NAC. One of my favorite memories of the Dean is her true sensitivity to the commitment of diversity on all levels.

Dean Broome continually acknowledges accomplishments regardless of how small it may seem to the person receiving the compliment or kind gesture. I have been fortunate to be the recipient of her lovely thank you cards and letters.

She is regarded as an expert scholar and leader in nursing research and practice. She has published books and consumer publications. The list goes on.

Her dedication to research that is changing the future of healthcare is absolutely dynamic!

As evidenced by our COVID-19 pandemic crisis, in one of her podcasts, Dean Broome makes sure to let us know that she is a believer in two things — relationships and communication. She never misses a beat!

I trust that the next person carrying the torch will have an excellent roadmap upon which to follow.

Thank you for your stand-up leadership.

Aliki Martin, DNP’13

Dean Broome, it has been an honor to have volunteered under your leadership for the Nursing Alumni Council and Duke DC Regional Board. You are truly an example of strength and resilience especially during the past year with the pandemic and social justice. You have brought recognition to DUSON through your collaboration with other schools within the Duke network. You have continued the tradition of DUSON’s top university rankings nationwide. Of course, DUSON is also known internationally. I wish you well in your new endeavors and look forward to seeing again in the near future.

Christine Fulgencio, MSN ‘99

From left to right: Aliki Martin, DNP’13; Celeste Tombs, MSN’00; Christine Fulgencio, MSN’99; and Cheryl Brewer, MSN’94

(January 1 – June 30, 2021)

Waldrop Named New DNP Program Assistant Dean

Julee Waldrop, DNP’10, PNP,

FAANP, FAAN, assumed leadership of the DNP program as its assistant dean on June 1, 2021.

She has taught nursing, primarily NPs, for more than 20 years, teaching many different courses, primarily children’s and women’s health but also pathophysiology, pharmacology and health assessment as needed. She has taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago-Urbana campus, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and The University of Central Florida and is a certified nurse educator.

As a certified pediatric nurse practitioner, family nurse practitioner, and primary care practitioner, her clinical area of expertise is holistic newborn care, including the mother and her support systems. Her expertise as a clinician and educator led to a faculty practice award from the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties and membership as a Fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Her research and scholarship focus is on infants, young children and mothers.

She is editor-in-chief of “The Journal for Nurse Practitioners,” and in this leadership role for the NP profession, seeks to support and encourage new authors to showcase the excellent work they are doing in clinical practice, research, policy and advocacy. She has also been a CCNE site evaluator for seven years.

Waldrop earned a BA in Education with a specialization in physical education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, her BSN from Texas Woman’s University and MS from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She graduated from DUSON in 2010 with her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.

We welcome Julee back to DUSON.




Humphreys Reuter-Rice



Devon Noonan

promoted to

Associate Professor Track I

Karin Reuter-Rice

promoted to

Associate Professor Track I

Tolulope Oyesanya

promoted to

Associate Professor Track II

Schenita Randolph

promoted to

Associate Professor Track II

Brigit Carter

promoted to

Professor Track II

Beth C. Phillips promoted to

Associate Professor Emerita

Janice C. Humphreys

promoted to

Professor Emerita

National Institutes of Health/ NINR (RO1)

“Expanding Technology-Enabled,

Nurse-Delivered Chronic Disease Care (EXTEND)”

MPI Ryan Shaw

Co-Investigators Qing Yang and

Allison Lewinski

$3,368,082 (March 15, 2021 –

December 31, 2025)

National Institutes of Health/ NIAID (RO1)

“Novel Biased Beta2-AR Ligands as

Asthma Therapeutics”

MPI Julia Walker

$3,166,566 (March 15, 2021 –

February 28, 2026)

NC Department of Health and Human Services/CDC

“Sickle Cell Data Collection Program in North Carolina”

MPI Mariam Kayle Co-Investigator Paula Tanabe

$723,786 (September 30, 2020 – September 29, 2023)

National Institutes of Health/ NIMH (K08)

“Telehealth to Reduce Suicidality and Improve HIV Care Engagement in Tanzania”

PI Brandon Knettel

$693,741 (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2024)

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles/ NIH (R01)

“Emergence of Arm Reaching Behavior and Lateralization of Motor Control in Infancy”

PI Ran Xiao

$181,158 (September 17, 2020 –

June 30, 2025)

Alpha Phi Foundation

“Improving the Visibility of Women:

Patients as Partners in Management of

Uncontrollable Hypertension”

PI Bradi Granger

$100,000 (May 1, 2021 –

April 30, 2023)

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