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First Aid Course with Mini First Aid
Mini First Aid is a leading voice in first aid training and education. They are the top provider of paediatric (children’s) first aid across the UK. The First Aid Classes are suitable for children of this age group and provide first aid knowledge required for a first aid emergency The session meets the new 2020 UK National Curriculum Requirements and will take place over the course of a morning, resulting in a certificate of achievement.
The course focuses on the following areas of first aid;
Bleed and bruising
Minor burns and scalds
Chest pains
Communication and casualty care
Primary survey
Recovery position
Servere bleeding
Book buddies Form 6 with Form 3
Form 6 children will support younger children in the school to develop their core reading skills. As role models to the younger children in the school, they will help them with their daily reading. Each Form 6 pupil is given a younger child to mentor and guide
Transport For London
The aim of this session is to promote safe, responsible and respectful behaviour on and around London's transport system These sessions are delivered by experienced School Liaison Officers, who may be accompanied by members of the local Metropolitan Police Service Safer Transport Teams The presentations and resources are designed to support the PSHCE curriculum.