DCSL Admissions Policy

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Admissions Policy


POLICY NAME Admissions Policy

UPDATE BY Director of Admissions

REVIEWED ON September 2024

NEXT REVIEW September 2025 (Annual)

DEVELOPED BY/ AUTHOR Director of Admissions

Admission to Dulwich College Seoul

Admission to Dulwich College in Seoul (DCSL) is determined by a number of factors. Applicants are admitted based on the student’s ability to succeed socially and academically in our dynamic learning environment as well as demonstrating a good work ethic, a history of school‐appropriate behaviour, and a desire to attend the College. To be successful at Dulwich, students must be willing to work hard and be committed to our programme. Teachers provide the support necessary for students to become confident, independent learners. Additionally, we expect parents to be supportive of and involved in their child’s education. It is the student, however, who is responsible for putting forth the effort to meet the school’s academic expectations.

Dulwich College in Seoul expects students and parents to understand and support the school’s aim to serve a diverse population. Our students come from a variety of racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The administration, teachers, students, and parents are always working to maintain an environment that is welcoming for all students. Each application is reviewed by the Admissions Committee, comprising of the Head of College, Head of relevant School, Head of Admissions, and the Additional Educational Needs faculty (if applicable).

The decision to offer a place to a prospective student will be taken by the Head of College guided by the Admissions Committee. Admission is based on academic evaluations and assessments, English proficiency, past school records, student interviews, teacher recommendations, and any diagnostic testing that will help the Admissions Committee to understand any special learning needs an applicant may have. Year level placement will be determined by the birth date of the applicant, unless there are successful previous years of education out of age group evidenced in application documents.

Admissions Criteria

Students wishing to enroll into the College must meet legal regulations for students to be eligible for admission to a foreign school in Korea. All students wishing to enroll into Dulwich College Seoul must fill in our application form and are subject to the admissions criteria set out below.

Current legal regulation for students to be eligible for admission to a foreign school in Korea state that the applicant must fulfil one of the following criteria:

1. The child of a parent who does not possess the nationality of the Republic of Korea;

2. A Korean national (including a person with dual nationalities) who has resided in foreign countries for not less than three years (1,095 days);

3. A child of a naturalised Korean parent in accordance with the standards and procedures prescribed in Article 60-2 (I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and following the deliberation of the relevant School Governance Committee under Article 31 of the Act.

Students will enter the College at their appropriate year level. It is the policy of the College to place students in ageappropriate year groups as per schedule (“Year Placement Guidelines”). Students entering Nursery must have turned 3 by the 1st September cut‐off date and so on as we progress up the College. Students will be placed in Year Groups according to their date of birth. Exceptions are made only in extraordinary circumstances and the decision is made by the Head of College.

Students applying for Nursery/Reception

Students entering Nursery and Reception must be toilet trained. Parents will need to provide a completed Developmental Checklist. Where possible the family will meet in person with a member of the Admissions Committee. All applications to Nursery and Reception are reviewed by the Admissions Committee prior to being offered a place.

Students applying for Years 1‐2

Students applying for entry into Year 1 and Year 2 must submit current/prior school records The student will also meet with a member of the Admissions Committee before the Admissions Committee reviews the application or a place is offered. A Confidential Report from current class teacher or Principal will be required if the meeting in person is not available. The blank form will be provided directly to the school by Dulwich College Seoul

Students applying for Junior School (Years 3‐6)

Students applying for admission to the Junior School undertake assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. The Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) consists of verbal, quantitative and non‐ verbal assessments. Students will also complete a 15-to-30-minute writing assignment. Students will meet with a member of the Primary School Leadership Team before the Admissions Committee reviews the application or a place is offered. Candidates whose first language is something other than English will also take an “English as an Additional Language” assessment

Students applying for Senior School (Years 7‐13)

Students applying for admission to the Senior School undertake assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. The Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) consists of verbal, quantitative and non‐ verbal assessments. Students will also complete a 60‐minute writing assignment. Students will meet with a member of the Senior School Leadership Team before the Admissions Committee reviews the application or a place is offered. Candidates whose first language is a language other than English will also take an “English as an Additional Language” assessment.

IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) Entry Requirement:

Students enter Year 12 at Dulwich College Seoul with the expectation that they will attempt the full Diploma

programme. Students who have completed an International GCSE or GCSE programmes are required to have achieved a minimum of 3 x B grades and 2 x C grades to be accepted onto the IBDP. For most HL courses, students are required to have achieved a B grade at International GCSE or GCSE level. The exceptions are HL Mathematics and HL Physics, both of which require an A grade at International GCSE level Mathematics.

If a student has not studied a particular subject at International GCSE or GCSE level, or under another examination system, it is sometimes possible to start the subject without any prior knowledge at IB Diploma level. Students are advised to consult the appropriate Head of Department or the IB Diploma Coordinator if the are considering a subject they have not studied previously.

Should a student not meet the minimum entry requirement, either for the IB Diploma in general, or for a specific subject, the College will look carefully and considerately at a student’s circumstances, attitude and academic record.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Students who require additional English language teaching in order to access the curriculum successfully are provided with English as an Additional Language (EAL) support. Our EAL specialist help students develop the skills necessary to complete their schoolwork in English by liaising and planning with the student’s class and subject teachers. Students who are not native English speaker, but who are fluent in English and have age-appropriate literacy skills in English are not classed by the College as EAL learners.

In order to ensure a balanced and diverse student body, Dulwich College Seoul reserves the right to limit the enrolment of EAL students (dependent on the level of support required).

Learning Support

Students receive additional Learning Support if they have:

• A significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age

• A disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities generally provided for children of the same age in school.

Student who requires Learning Support are accepted into the school on a case by case basis. The needs of the child and their families are considered against current levels of staffing, expertise, and resources within the school.

When seeking admission to the College parents should include details of any learning support that their child has received at their previous school(s) via the relevant section of the student application form.

In addition to providing copies of previous school reports and Individual Education Plans (if applicable), parents should also provide copies of reports from any other professional source (such as an educational psychologist or doctor) that has a direct bearing on the child’s intellectual, physical, and emotional development.

The College recognises that it should only admit those students for whom it can make adequate provision. Additional adult support or specialist resources may be considered necessary, in order for the school to make adequate educational provision for a student. This additional cost will be required to be met by the parents. After admission, the College will regularly monitor the progress of all students to assess how their future learning needs can best be met. The College is not staffed or equipped to support children with severe learning disabilities or severe physical handicaps. False disclosures or failure to disclose a student’s needs at the application stage will jeopardise a student’s place at the school.

Waiting Lists

An applicant will be placed on the Candidate List after the initial application (completed application form, supporting documents and non-refundable application fee) has been received.

Once all items are received and the Admissions Committee has determined that the applicant meets the entry requirements, the candidate will be offered a place or, if there are no available places or the application is for a future academic year, placed on a Waiting List. Priority will be given to:

• a child of a full‐time faculty member

• a qualified sibling of a current enrolled student

• a qualified sibling of a new student who has completed the application process

• a qualified child transferring from another Dulwich College or returning Dulwich College Seoul student

• a qualified child of an Old Alleynian

Waitlist positions are not disclosed to parents. Waiting lists are maintained for one academic year only.

After one academic year has passed, parents of candidates on the Waiting List will be contacted and asked if they wished to re-apply for the next academic year. Latest supporting documents, application fee, and necessary assessment will be required for such cases. We reserve the right to keep applicants that do not possess the required documents on the waitlist until they are able to furnish the required documents.

The Head of School will be informed when a year group is nearly full and when there are more applicants than places available. Potential applicants are informed when the year group is full so they can make an informed decision on whether to proceed with their application. Applicants who wish to be on the waitlist must complete all entrance assessment to be considered.

Acceptance and Placement Deposit

Applicants accepted for admission will receive an invoice following the acceptance letter. Upon notification of acceptance, parents are invited to confirm their intention and pay placement deposit (refund policy subject to Terms and Conditions). If payment is not made by the date specified in the invoice, the applicant’s place will be forfeited and may be given to another applicant. No student will be allowed to attend class until his or her Tuition Fees, Placement Deposit, Capital Levy, and other charges have been paid. Placement Deposit is not refundable if you cancel your admissions.

The Placement Deposit will be used as a credit for any unpaid fees or other sums due to the college when a student leaves the school. Until credited, it will form part of the general funds of the College. More details about the Deposit Refund Policy are set out in the Terms and Conditions Governing Enrolment and Admissions to Dulwich College Seoul.

Admission Appeals

If we do not offer a student a place at the College, this will be because the student has shown through the College assessment procedure that the student is unable to meet the standards required to access the curriculum. Students are permitted to re‐sit the assessment tests after 12 months have passed. The College is not under any obligation to release the results of the assessment tests.

Withdrawal by the College of an Enrolment Offer

If any of the following occurs, the offer of enrolment or the enrolment itself can be withdrawn, suspended or made subject to new terms and conditions:

• The College determines that there has been any breach of the College’s policies, procedures or Terms and Conditions

• Circumstances as described in our Terms and Conditions arise that entitle the College to exclude or remove a student, withdraw or suspend enrolment or make enrolment subject to new terms and conditions.

• There has been any misrepresentation or inadequate disclosure about the prospective student

• The College determines at any time that it cannot reasonably meet the child’s needs at the end of a given Key Stage.

Safeguarding Check

After admitted students start school at the College, admissions send emails to new students’ previous schools to collect any safeguarding related information. Previous schools’ Child Protection Officer (or Admissions Office) email contact information is collected in the application form with parents’ consent for the College to contact them in regards their child’s safeguarding information. The College Admissions’ email to previous schools are individualized to have child’s legal name and Year level information. Previous school’s CPO (or Admissions Office) are guided to contact the College’s CPO or Headmaster when there is any information to share with the College. If there are no safeguarding issues relating to the above student, no further action is needed.

Year Level Courses

Dulwich College Seoul offers the following Year level courses:


• English National Curriculum Foundation Stage - Nursery

• English National Curriculum Foundation Stage - Reception

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 1 - Year 1

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 1 - Year 2

Junior School:

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 2 - Year 3

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 2 - Year 4

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 2 - Year 5

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 2 - Year 6

Senior School:

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 3 - Year 7

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 3 - Year 8

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 3 - Year 9

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 4; IGCSE/GCSE - Year 10

• English National Curriculum Key Stage 4; IGCSE/GCSE - Year 11

• International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Key Stage 5 - Year 12

• International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Key Stage 5 - Year 13

Year Placement Guidelines

Transitions of each S chool /Key Stage in DCSL

Transitions - Early Year to Junior School

All children wishing to transfer from Early Years to Junior School are able to do so without an entrance test. However, any learning issues must be highlighted by the current school to the receiving school to ensure that adequate support can be continued to be provided.

Transitions - Junior School to Senior School

Students in Year 6 are reviewed by the Head of Year 6, Heads of Learning Support in the Junior and Senior School and the Deputy Head Academic of Senior School during the second and third term. Any learning issues must be highlighted by the current school to the receiving school to ensure that adequate support can be continued to be provided. Special arrangements may be requested of parents or parents may be informed of the chance of nonadmittance before the end of the next Re-enrolment deadline.

Transition between Key Stages of Senior School

All students making the transition between Key Stages (Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4, Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5) are subject to a review to confirm they are capable of taking on the challenge of the next Key Stage. In addition, and exceptionally, during Key Stage 4 and 5, a student may follow a modified curriculum that involves sitting fewer external examinations.

Student – Teacher Ratio

In line with the student-teacher ratios in Dulwich International schools, the ratio for Dulwich College Seoul will be as follows:

Nursery: 8:1 student adult ratio

Reception: 8:1 student adult ratio

Years 1-3: 22 students per class; 1 classroom teacher, 1 teaching assistant

Years 4: 22 students per class; 1 classroom teacher, 2 teaching assistants for 3 classes

Years 5-6: 22 students per class; 1 classroom teacher, 1 teaching assistants for 3 classes

Years 7‐11: 22 students per class; 1 subject teacher

Years 12‐13: 14 students per class; 1 subject teacher

The College reserves the right to increase the maximum number of students in each class under special circumstances with approval from the Head of College.

School Year and Duration

The course follows the school academic year commencing around 3rd week of August and concludes around 4th week of June. All courses offered are full time over 10 months of the year. The school typically runs from 8.15am to 3.30pm from Monday to Friday.

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