In View Autmun 2010

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Salvator Rosa Inspired by nature, magic & philosophy

Autumn 2010

Dulwich Picture Gallery chief curator Xavier F. Salomon introduces a new cycle of exhibitions, starting with an artist whose works encapsulated the Romantic ideal and were inspired by nature, magic and philosophy 15 September – 28 November


ith Salvator Rosa, Dulwich Picture Gallery inaugurates a new cycle of exhibitions: Rediscovering Old Masters: The Melosi Series. Generously sponsored by Arturo and Holly Melosi, this series will explore little known Old Masters and will look also at specific aspects of the careers of more celebrated artists. Rosa was a famous painter during his lifetime and became an almost mythical figure for 18th century English collectors

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and writers. His landscapes above all encapsulated the Romantic ideal and its quest for the ‘sublime’ in nature and art. John Dennis wrote that the ‘sublime’ – like Rosa’s art – was inspired by ‘Gods, deamons, Hell, Spirits and Souls of Men, Miracles, Prodigies, Enchantments, Witchcraft, Thunder, Tempests, raging Seas, Inundations, Torrents, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Monsters …’ Looking at Rosa’s paintings one is pervaded by a similar sense

(1615 – 73) Bandits, Wilderness and Magic ‘Precipices, mountains, wolves, torrents, rumblings – Rosa’

Cover: Salvator Rosa (1615 – 73) Poetry, c. 1641, oil on canvas, 116.2 × 94.2 cm, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, The Ella Gallup Sumner and Mary Catlin Sumner Collection Fund © 2009. Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art/ Art Resource, NY/Scala, Florence. Previous page top: Salvator Rosa (1615 – 73), Self-Portrait. c. 1647, oil on canvas, 99.1 × 79.4 cm, The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Bequest of Mary L. Harrison, 1921 © The Metropolitan Museum of Art/ 2010. Photo Scala. Bottom: Scene of Witchcraft, c.1646 – 49, oil on canvas, 72.5 × 132.5 cm, The National Gallery, London © Bought, 1984, The National Gallery, London, This page top: Bandits on a Rocky Coast, c. 1655, oil on canvas, 74.9 × 100 cm, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Charles B. Curtis Fund, 1934 (34.137) © The Metropolitan Museum of Art/ 2010. Photo Scala

of awe and wonder at the miracles of nature and human life. In general, Rosa’s art is linked to his landscapes; those scenes that Horace Walpole perfectly summarised as: ‘precipices, mountains, wolves, torrents, rumblings Salvator Rosa’. The Bandits on a Rocky Coast is an example of the type of landscape, often inhabited by menacing armed men and bandits, which were collected avidly throughout Rosa’s life. The exhibition, divided thematically, presents a substantial selection of these works. However, Rosa was not only a painter of landscapes and feral surroundings, but also a poet and satirist, with profound philosophical interests. Born in Naples, the artist spent most of his life in Florence and Rome, where he lived with his mistress, Lucrezia Paolini, moving in literary, academic and theatrical circles. Rosa was famous for his depictions of scenes of witchcraft - one of the most

beautiful and horrifying examples of which has been lent by the National Gallery in London – that were painted for some of his friends and patrons. In 17th century Italy, witchcraft was considered a force to be reckoned with, and witches’ trials were common. Rosa not only represents magic in the literal way – human sacrifices, witches and broomsticks, frightening creatures and wax dolls – but was also inspired by the magic aspect in ancient sources. From the Bible, or mythological texts, he chose to represent, in his own words, subjects that were ‘altogether and in every way new and never touched by anyone else’. Jason and the Dragon is one such painting, representing the moment in which the classical hero charms to sleep the fearsome dragon that guards the Golden Fleece, thanks to a potion given to him by his lover Medea. The canvas powerfully evokes ancient times when mythical creatures and heroes roamed the earth. In View Autumn 2010 3

‘Subjects in every way new and never touched by anyone else’

Curator’s lecture

Thursday 16 September 12.30/Linbury Room Free, no booking Left to right: Salvator Rosa (1615 – 73) The Death of Empedocles, c. 1665 – 70, oil on canvas, 135 x 99 cm, Private Collection © Eastnor Castle Collection/ Photographic Survey, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London. Salvator Rosa (1615 – 73) Jason and the Dragon, c. 1663 – 64, oil on canvas, 77 x 65 cm, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Purchase, Miss Olive Hosmer Fund, Photo: The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Christine Guest.

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Many of Rosa’s paintings were fierce satirical comments on his times. Fortuna, a large canvas in which the allegorical personification of Fortune showers her gifts on a group of animals, was meant as a direct criticism of contemporary artists and patrons. In the foreground, a pig proverbially snuffles pearls, while a book, laurel wreath and a painter’s colours and brushes are trampled on by a donkey. Another allegory, The Frailty of Human Life, depicts theatrically the briefness of human life. Probably inspired by the premature death of Rosa’s son Rosalvo during the plague of 1656, the picture portrays the gruesome figure of death presenting a piece of paper to a small child, on which is written: Nasci pena, vita labor, necesse mori (To be born is pain, life is labour, death must be). Rosa was fascinated by the philosophical writings of antiquity, and often portrayed Democritus, Socrates and Diogenes. Towards the end of his life, however, he became more interested in philosophers

who described and dealt with the power of the elements and the forces of nature. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Death of Empedocles, where the ancient philosopher is seen as he leaps into the crater of Mount Etna. The sources do not agree on this event: while some say that Empedocles threw himself into the volcano to prove that he was divine, others argue that he did so out of curiosity, or that it was simply an accident. Rosa’s compelling image of the tiny figure coming to terms with the vast mystery of the power of nature, in the guise of Etna, is a fitting epitaph for the painter himself. The first major exhibition of Salvator Rosa in this country since 1973, the show at Dulwich reunites almost 40 of the most famous and beautiful works by the painter. It will be a unique opportunity to admire Rosa’s macabre and enigmatic subjects and his philosophical and scientific concerns, and to marvel at his haunting and melancholic poetry. Xavier F. Salomon, Arturo and Holly Melosi Chief Curator

Norman Rockwell’s America Gallery director Ian Dejardin looks ahead to the first major show of the American artist’s work in Britain Back cover: Norman Rockwell (1894 – 1978) Volunteer Fireman 1931, oil on canvas. 104 cm × 79 cm, signed lower right. Saturday Evening Post cover, March 28, 1931. LNM #C322. © 2010 by SEPS, Curtis Publishing, Indianapolis. © 2010 Photographic image courtesy of National Museum of American Illustration™ Newport, RI. Archives of American Illustrators Gallery™ New York, NY. Left: Norman Rockwell (1894 – 1978) Petticoats And Pants – Man Wearing Kilt, Woman Wearing Suit 1918, oil on canvas. 67 cm × 56 cm, signed lower right. Judge Magazine cover, June 1, 1918. LNM# C85. © 2010 Photographic image courtesy of National Museum of American Illustration™ Newport, RI. Archives of American Illustrators Gallery™ New York, NY. Norman Rockwell (1894 – 1978) The Runaway – Runaway Boy And Clown 1922, oil on canvas. 91 cm × 61 cm, signed lower right. Life magazine cover, June 1, 1922. LNM #C119. © 2010 Photographic image courtesy of National Museum of American Illustration™ Newport, RI. Archives of American Illustrators Gallery™ New York, NY.


sentiment or humour. ockwell (1894 – 1978) came to embody a particular kind of benign American We recognise ourselves in his images; and self-image, a form of Americana profoundly his work is not all laugh-out-loud funny. He related, I have always thought, to the cinema also produced some of the most searing of Frank Capra. It is no surprise to learn that, images in support of the civil rights today, one of Rockwell’s greatest collectors is movement, not to mention portraits of Steven Spielberg – the indelible image of ET Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy. riding his bicycle across the moon is very There has never been a major show of Rockwell, I think. Norman Rockwell in this country. Dulwich – in the wake of our summer revelation of one Rockwell was of course an illustrator of his heroes, N.C. Wyeth – is most famous for his long ‘A knack for capturing going to put that right with association with the Saturday Evening Post, something true, even this year’s Christmas exhibition, Norman Rockwell’s whose covers he designed when embedded in America. The show will regularly, becoming by degrees arguably the most sentiment or humour’ include, among examples of his drawing and painting from popular artist in America. all parts of his career, all 322 of his Saturday And artist he was – a master of the oil Evening Post covers over 47 years. medium, highly educated visually, a brilliant The Rockwell exhibition runs from 15 draughtsman, with a knack for capturing December 2010 to 27 March 2011. something true, even when embedded in In View Autumn 2010 5

In the third of her series of articles on the gallery’s education activities, Gillian Wolfe describes the public programmes

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waiting lists for the few venues for art he gallery’s public programmes classes in South London, so ours are a real embrace practical art workshops all bonus for those needing to find first-class year round, Saturday study days and an tuition during the day, in the evenings annual lecture series. or at the weekend. The light and airy Sackler Studio has courses and classes on a range of themes and media, and is always bursting with Ginger and Varley energy and creativity. Some people may remember Ginger, the gallery cat with a big personality. He loved Public programmes may relate to the being in the Sackler Studio and would curl up current gallery exhibition but not always. alongside our naked life model to feature in As all art is a matter of shape, texture, many a painting and drawing. Now, Varley colour, composition, pattern and style, (named after a Canadian the door is open for us to run ‘A small car drove in painter), a miniature mixture almost any practical courses on any theme. past the studio and of Maltese and Yorkshire terrier, watches from his doll’s Families make colourful along the cloister’ basket and is fussed over by creations together on Sunday participants, all part of the afternoons and all summer ‘Art wonderful Dulwich eccentricity. in the Garden’ attracts children, parents, grandparents and carers to work alongside Sometimes participants are eccentric artists, together making wonderful art items too. We have a marvellous photograph of to hang in the trees, to wear, fly or take home. course members watching in astonishment as a small car drove in via the Gallery Road Life classes and watercolour are the entrance, past the studio and right along favourite adult courses. There are long

Art Bus volunteer drivers wanted! The Education department at DPG is seeking expressions of interest from volunteer drivers to take part in a proposed new Art Bus venture.

‘Life and watercolour classes are the favourites’ the cloister, assuming the disabled entrance sign included vehicles! As the studio is booked up all the time, we now run regular adult art classes at various off-site venues, including St Barnabas church hall, the Scouts hut by Dulwich Woods and Dulwich Library. These classes are always full and we could do more if anyone could suggest another local low-cost venue. Saturday Study Days are held for those unable to come on weekdays: lunch with the tutor turns these events into an enjoyable social experience. The popular Contextual Lecture Series was suggested by a local Dulwich resident some years ago when people were clearly suffering ‘art history lecture fatigue’. We changed to lectures where eminent speakers discuss the social, political, religious and cultural climate in which art is made and these now attract large and erudite audiences. In the next issue, Gillian Wolfe writes about the education department’s community engagement projects.

We hope to be offered this Art Bus during the bicentenary in 2011. A mini bus, it would transport art materials, equipment and an artist to community partner sites across south London, spreading the word about DPG and its pioneering education initiatives. We can take up this offer only if we have enough responsible and experienced volunteers to drive the bus. So if you are an experienced driver with a full, clean driving licence and willing to assist, we would love to hear from you. The Art Bus would go mainly to community centres for elderly people as part of our Good Times: Art for Older People at Dulwich programme; to nurseries, as part of our Learn Together project; to youth clubs for workshop sessions in our Urban Youth programme; and to schools, when playground parking is possible. If you think you can help please contact Sarah Freeman, deputy head of education on 020 8299 8733 or email s.freeman@

Photographs by Janie Airey.

In View Autumn 2010 7

Masterpiece a Month: Presiding Genius Ian Dejardin Director, Dulwich Picture Gallery


o celebrate the bicentenary next year, I have come up with a new kind of exhibition, based on my contention that Sir John Soane’s enfilade represents one of the best settings for great paintings in the world. Armed with this belief, some three years ago I started talking to the directors of some of the foremost museums in the world, offering them the opportunity to showcase one stunning masterpiece each, one every month, throughout the year – at the end of the enfilade on a special display wall. To my delight, they understood the importance of the occasion and, with very few exceptions, they responded positively. So, here is the list:

• January – Sir Thomas Lawrence, Portrait of Sir John Soane (The Sir John Soane Museum, London) • February – Velazquez, Don Sebastian de Morra (The Prado, Madrid) • March – Vermeer, The Music Lesson (The Royal Collection, London) • April – El Greco, The Vision of St John (The Metropolitan Museum, New York) • May – Veronese, Venus and Mercury present Eros and Anteros to Jupiter (The Uffizi, Florence) • June – Rembrandt, Titus as a Monk (The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) • July – Ingres, Comtesse d’Haussonville (The Frick Collection, New York) • August – Van Gogh, Self-Portrait with Felt Hat (The Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam) • September – Gainsborough, Mrs Sheridan (National Gallery of Art, Washington DC) • October – Constable, The Leaping Horse (Royal Academy of Arts, London) • November – Hockney, Mr and Mrs Clark with Percy (Tate, London) • December – Domenichino, The Adoration of the Shepherds (National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) There: enough outright genius to preside over Soane’s magical space for a whole year. The 12 masterpieces feature in a Dulwich Picture Gallery 2011 wall calendar available from the gallery shop for £9.99, £9 Friends. The cover shows the full-length portrait of the Comtesse d’ Haussonville by Ingres, which the artist noted in a letter ‘aroused a storm of approval among her family and friends’.

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Dulwich Picture Gallery Bicentenary Celebrations: An explosive start to 2011 Barbara Richardson previews some of the many events to be organised by the Friends and others during the bicentenary year

Big Bang, 9 January

The celebrations to mark Dulwich Picture Gallery’s bicentenary year will start at 12 noon on Sunday, 9 January in the gallery garden, with a range of activities designed to involve the whole community. Admission to the gallery’s permanent collection will be free to all that day. Food and drinks: A wide variety will be available in the grounds with fresh fish and chips from Sea Cow, Spanish flavours from Barcelona Tapas, stylish breads and bakes from Luca’s Bakery, with drinks and lunch available at the Gallery Cafe. Music: Students from JAGS, the Charter School, Dulwich Prep and Kingsdale School will play music in Christ’s Chapel. Family Drop-in, Gallery Costumes: Children (four years and over with one adult) can make a model of the gallery to wear, using card, pens and paints, in the Sackler centre with resident artist Erica Parrett from 2 – 3.30pm. Founders’ tribute: Ian Dejardin will lead a tribute to the three founders of Dulwich Picture Gallery, Sir Francis Bourgeois (who died on 7 January 1811) and Mr and Mrs Noel Desenfans, in the gallery mausoleum during the afternoon. Fireworks display: The day’s celebrations will conclude with a grand fireworks display (and a big bang) at 5.00pm.

InSight series of talks by contemporary architects who specialise in designing art galleries and museums, acknowledging the influence of Soane. There is also Art in the Open Air, three talks by sculptors including Peter Randall-Page whose work, Walking the Dog, will stand in the gallery garden. Visits and Walks for Friends

London visits will include the Soane Museum (by candlelight); Pitzhanger Manor; St. Peter’s Church, Walworth; the Bank of England and Soane’s tomb and other monuments. London walks will look at buildings inspired by Soane. Concerts

In February, there will be a cello and piano recital in association with the Musicians’ Company. A concert including music that Elizabeth Linley is known to have sung will be held in September, when Gainsborough’s portrait of her will be the subject in the Masterpiece a Month series. A piano recital by Imogen Cooper will follow in November. Dinners

There will be two special dinners in the gallery, one for 1811 Club members in January, and another Gala dinner in June, which will be open to all Friends. The Fourth Friends’ Exhibition

Throughout 2011

Events organised by the Friends during the year will pay homage also to Sir John Soane, architect of Dulwich Picture Gallery, who made his first visit to Dulwich on 8 January 1811, and will celebrate the development of his building into the world class gallery it is today. Clockwise from left: Johannes Vermeer (1632–75), A lady at the virginals with a gentleman (‘The Music Lesson’), c.1662–65, 73.3 x 64.5 cm, The Royal Collection, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. JeanAuguste-Dominique Ingres (1780 – 1867) , Portrait of the Comtesse d’Haussonville, c. 1845, Oil on canvas, 131.76 x 92.08 cm, Purchased by The Frick Collection, 1927. David Hockney, Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy, 1970–1, Acrylic on canvas, 213.4 x 304.8 cm, Tate Gallery, London, Presented by the Friends of the Tate Gallery 1971. Thomas Gainsborough (1727 – 88), Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1785–87, Oil on canvas, 220 x 154 cm, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Andrew W. Mellon Collection.

A Friends’ exhibition at which all the works can be bought will be held in Dulwich Picture Gallery for two weeks from the Easter weekend and is open to all Friends. A History of the Gallery

A compact illustrated history of the building (rather than the collection) will be published in conjunction with The Dulwich Society.


Masterpiece a Month: a special series of evening lectures will feature one of the 12 masterpieces being lent to the gallery each month in 2011. Other lectures during the bicentenary include Displaying Art, an


An Italian Film Festival will be mounted by GalleryFilm from 10 – 12 July to celebrate the Cy Twombly and Nicolas Poussin: Arcadian Painters exhibition. In View Autumn 2010 9

Friends in focus Jill’s Quarter

The Big Bang: 9 January As you will see in the bicentenary feature on pages 8 – 9, we have been working hard on the ideas sent in by you earlier in the year for celebrating the bicentenary of Dulwich Picture Gallery. Please make a note now of an important bicentennial date, Sunday 9 January. To be known as the ‘Big Bang’, this is the date on which the celebrations will start. There will be entertainment for everyone, music, children’s activities, food and drink, free entry to the permanent collection, ending with a fireworks display. Gallery architect Sir John Soane visited Dulwich on January 8, 1811. Soane’s portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence, lent to the gallery by the Soane Museum, will be on display in January as the first in the series ‘Masterpiece a Month’. St Cecilia Bicentenary Appeal I am delighted to say that the Appeal has reached its first target of £20,000, which has in turn released another £10,000 from the Pilgrim Trust. We have also been given £5,000 towards the conservation of the frame (without which, of course, the

painting cannot be displayed) and we now need just over £4,000 to complete the restoration of both the painting and its frame. Thank you to all who have been so generous with your donations. It will be wonderful to see the restored painting of St Cecilia back in the gallery as the Friends gift to celebrate the bicentenary. Please contact me or a member of the Friends committee if you would like to make a donation – and help to put St Cecilia back in place. Membership Secretary Debbie Barton, our membership secretary for the past four years, is retiring in January. I would like to record our grateful thanks to her for the many hours she has spent keeping the records straight in such a masterly fashion. Nothing seems to have fazed her and she dealt with the most complicated query with good humour. It was a fortunate day for the Friends when she agreed to take over the position.

We have been equally fortunate in finding a successor. Pippa South has agreed to take over with the assistance of Pippa Hawkesford, who has been helping Debbie for the past year. Dulwich OnView Congratulations to the Dulwich OnView team for winning first prize for the best small site at the 2010 Conference of Museums and the Web in Denver. Dulwich OnView is an invaluable means of communication, complementing In View and the DPG website. Gallery Tours Finally, I have recently discovered that many of you do not know that there are free guided tours in the gallery every Saturday and Sunday afternoon at 3pm. If you would like to know more about the permanent collection then this is your opportunity. Jill Alexander, chairman Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery

New Entrance and Shop for Gallery September brings some exciting developments. Apart from the new exhibition, Salvator Rosa: Bandits, Wilderness and Magic and the unveiling of Peter Randall-Page’s sculpture Walking the Dog in the gallery garden, there will be a new shop and entrance hall arrangement within the gallery itself. Regular visitors will be well aware of the problem: the current shop is too busy to allow ticket sales to take place there – yet everything about the architecture tells visitors that this is where they should enter the building. When they reach the door only to find that they need to traipse all the way back and round the Cloisters to enter at the side entrance at Gallery 13, they are

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understandably peeved. And the desk in Gallery 13 does nothing to add to their sense of being welcome. So, we have taken a bold decision. From September, the current shop will relocate to Gallery 13, while the room it vacates is turned into a welcoming and imposing entrance hall, lined with paintings. Visitors will enter up the main path from the College Road gate, through the porch. They will then exit through the shop in Gallery 13 (although disabled access will still be through this gallery). The design of these two spaces has been entrusted to Small Back Room, the brilliant design group whom you may have seen on television as Mary Portas’s

chosen designers in the popular Mary, Queen of Shops. Closure of Gallery The work will take place in the first fortnight of September – so please make a special note in your diaries: the gallery (including the shop) will close between Tuesday, 31 August and Tuesday, 14 September while the installation and rehanging goes ahead. We hope that you will all visit after the re-opening to admire our new look. Ian Dejardin Please note: The Gallery Cafe and the Friends’ desk in the Cloisters will remain open – for tickets and membership renewals in the latter case

Online art competition most popular ever The Paul Nash: The Elements competition run by Dulwich OnView, the award-winning online magazine, was the most popular Dulwich Picture Gallery online exhibition ever, with 120 entries and more than 2,000 people voting, writes competition organiser Shapa Begum. The brief for the Nash competition was to create any flat art based on the gallery and inspired by the exhibition. There were two

categories, adult and under 18. Local schools entered enthusiastically and artists sent in their work from all over the south of England. The introduction of a people’s vote enabled individuals to vote online for the first time for their favourite work of art. There was also a director’s choice winner in each category. A later portrait competition, inspired by the The Wyeth Family exhibition, has now closed, but you can vote for your favourite until 12 September. Go to and click. Enter next competition The brief for the next competition, based on Salvator Rosa: Bandits, Wilderness and Magic, is ‘to depict an allegorical scene inspired by Rosa’s work’. Just photograph your artwork and send the image to DOV, where it can be seen by thousands of potential voters.

A life in pictures The latest in our series of profiles on new committee members features Karen Dowley Karen’s career might aptly be described as a ‘life in pictures’. Even her gap-year before going up to Cambridge to read Modern Languages was spent assisting at a fine art gallery and as a part-time intern at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Karen later turned down an offer to pursue postgraduate research in Renaissance painting in favour of joining Fischer Fine Art in London’s St James’s, where she encountered such modern masters as Henry Moore, David Bomberg, John Bellany and Leon Kossoff.

Subsequently, at Thumb Gallery in Soho, Karen worked with contemporary British artists, and curated the first show in London of artists from postperestroika Moscow. Karen was recruited by Angela Flowers gallery in 1991 to exhibit and promote its group of artists, including Sir Edward Paolozzi, Patrick Hughes, Nicola Hicks and Peter Howson, in Europe (drawing on her fluency in French and German) and the USA. After joining the board, Karen was able to find new markets and buyers – both corporate and individual – for Flowers’ large group of painters, sculptors and photographers. Following a ten-year break to start a family of three children (all of whom are now studying in Dulwich schools), Karen was invited recently to rejoin Flowers, to reinvigorate the gallery’s involvement in Europe.

Above: Jonathan Cowell Allotment Vision oil paint on canvas 100 × 60 cm winner, adult section. Left: Salvator Rosa (1615 – 73) Jason and the Dragon, c. 1663 – 64, oil on canvas, 77 x 65 cm, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Purchase, Miss Olive Hosmer Fund, Photo: The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Christine Guest.

Free trial of Art Fund membership for Friends The Art Fund is offering Friends of DPG three months’ free entry to 200 charging galleries, museums and historic houses in the UK and 50 per cent off entry to many major exhibitions. An independent charity founded in 1903, the Art Fund and its members help to save art for everyone to enjoy. The fund makes grants to galleries, including one of £110,000 to Dulwich Picture Gallery for the new sculpture by Peter Randall-Page to celebrate the bicentenary. Recently, Art Fund members have also helped secure an important gold Napoleon mourning ring for the Soane Museum in London. For the next three months, Friends will receive free entry to hundreds of venues that usually charge admission, and half-price entry to exhibitions such as Gauguin at Tate Modern and Journey through the Afterlife: Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead at the British Museum. To find out more and sign up for your three-month free trial visit www.artfund. org/dulwich. The offer is open until 30 September 2010. In View Autumn 2010 11

InSight lecture series Ceramics

o the See als ery ics Gall Ceram Anne tour by th in Hawor s l event Specia

Pots have been an essential of life since the first civilisations; of such value that, through the centuries, artists refined and decorated them with rich patterns and subtle glazes, making them works of art. They combine domesticity and elegance, the useful and the exquisite. This series begins by tracing the development of ceramics and provides a context to talks by two notable contemporary ceramicists who will discuss their practice and the influences which have led them to produce work of contrasting styles.

An Introduction to World Ceramics Wednesday 22 September ■ This chronological survey features some key themes in the evolution of ceramics from Asia, the Islamic world and Europe. It explores how concepts of utility, religious belief, literature, trade, rituals of dining and drinking and royal patronage have all influenced the search for technical excellence and inspired a variety of vessel forms and surface decoration. ■ Anne Haworth lectures at the V&A. She was a senior specialist in the ceramics department of Christie’s in London, after training at Bonham’s. From 1995 to 2002 she lived in Shanghai and visited many of China’s ancient kiln sites.

A River Runs Through It Wednesday 6 October ■ It has been several years since ceramicist Annie Turner went back to the river of her childhood and began to respond – creatively – to its landscape. It was always in her mind (a period of gestation as she worked on other projects; a necessary distancing perhaps) and has guided her work ever since. The River Deben in Suffolk is for Annie a haunted place, where for many generations her family have lived and worked. ■ Annie has exhibited in Britain, Germany, Austria and America. She was featured in the BBC documentary Contemporary Visions in 2003. Her work can be seen in The National Museum of Wales and the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. 12 In View Autumn 2010

10.30 – 11.30am/Linbury Room Series of 3 £25, £20 Friends Single lecture £10, £8 Friends Coffee afterwards

A Sense of Place Wednesday 20 October Potter Julian Stair’s work varies in scale from domestic to monumental, and is characterized by a subtle palette of greys, reds and white in stoneware, porcelain and brick clay, and appears in more than 20 public collections. He specialises in commissions and site-specific installations: a 130-piece installation for a private client in 2009 and three groups for Chatsworth House this year. For his PhD at the Royal College of Art in 2002, Julian researched the origins of English studio pottery. He will touch on these studies as he traces the development of his work from the 1970s through to the present day. ■ A senior research fellow at the Camberwell College of Art, Julian was deputy chair of the Crafts Council 2000 – 08 and winner of the European Achievement Award by the World Crafts Council in 2004.

Clockwise from top: Deruta maiolica lustre dish, 1520 ©V&A Images. 5 pots, Julian Stair, 2010. Net, Annie Turner, 2010.

Tickets available from the Friends’ desk in the gallery or call 020 8299 8750 Monday to Friday 10am – 12 noon. There is a £1 handling fee for credit and debit card bookings. Leave a message outside these hours or e-mail For membership enquiries only, call 020 8299 8751.

InSight lecture series Watercolour, Oils, Acrylic Applying paint to a surface enables artists to express what they want the viewer to see and comprehend. In choosing a paint the artist may think of colour, texture, translucency, ease of working, the tradition they follow. But materials have their own secrets to reveal, their own genius. Showing paintings over the centuries, three experts explore the artists’ choices, the limitations and versatility of the chosen medium and reveal how artists have worked their paint to communicate their art.

10.30 – 11.30am/Linbury Room Series of 3 £25, £20 Friends Single lecture £10, £8 Friends Coffee afterwards

Oil Painting across the Ages Wednesday 3 November ■ The history of oil painting is a long one, much longer than traditionally believed. Using images from the National Gallery and other major collections Jill Dunkerton describes the properties of oil paint and covers its use from medieval painting through to the development in the 19th century of manufactured paint in tubes. She will explain also how it was used to produce works by artists ranging from Van Eyck and Titian to Van Gogh. Jill Dunkerton is a restorer in the conservation department at the National Gallery. She is the author of many articles and books on painting technique.

Painting in Watercolour: the Light in the Pigment Wednesday 17 November ■ A bit like playing the recorder, everybody starts with watercolour, but very few ever master its subtleties. It is the sketcher’s medium par excellence, portable and quick-drying. Some, like Cézanne or Paul Klee, treat it like stained glass, overlaying blocks of transparent colour. This is a wide-ranging exploration of what watercolour is really capable of. Timothy Wilcox is a curator and writer. His exhibition, The triumph of watercolour, was shown at Dulwich Picture Gallery in 2005.

Modern Paint Matters Wednesday 1 December ■ From the 1930s to the present, artists have embraced new media and methods in the creation of paintings. Extending their range to include non-traditional paints and pretty much anything else that could be stuck to the canvas has resulted in some of the most exciting and innovative modern and contemporary artworks. This talk will feature key moments in the development of modern painting, together with descriptions of techniques and a discussion on how well this art is faring. Patricia Smithen is head of conservation, Tate. Clockwise from top: The Arnolfini Portrait, Jan van Eyck, 1434, National Gallery. No Woman, No Cry, Chris Ofili, 1998, Tate. Montagne Sainte Victoire, Paul Cézanne, 1839 – 1906, Tate.

Tickets available from the Friends’ desk in the gallery or call 020 8299 8750 Monday to Friday 10am – 12 noon. There is a £1 handling fee for credit and debit card bookings. Leave a message outside these hours or e-mail For membership enquiries only, call 020 8299 8751. 13 In View Autumn 2010

In View Autumn 2010 13

GalleryFilm: Screenings and more… Each sociable evening includes: ■ an introduction to the film ■ free themed refreshments ■ a free prize draw ■ DVD sales (please bring along your unwanted DVDs)

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) Cert 15/126 minutes Monday 27 September Directed by Walter Salles, starring Gael Garcia Bernal, Rodrigo de la Serna

Forbidden Planet (1956) Cert U/98 minutes Monday 18 October Directed by Fred M. Wilcox, starring Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen ■ Shakespeare’s The Tempest is transformed in this landmark science-fiction film. Spacemen travel to a planet ruled by Dr

Bar opens 7.15pm Programme begins 7.45pm Linbury Room £8, £6 Friends

■ Adapted from the celebrated memoirs, The Motorcycle Diaries is the riveting story of young Che Guevara’s formative travels through South America in the 1950s. It’s a visually stunning road movie where the most important journey takes place within its hero’s head – Guevara goes from disaffected medical student to rebel with a cause. Oscar and BAFTA award winner. ✚ Includes wine and canapés donated by Herne Hill’s Number 22 Restaurant ✚ Raffle prize – Book: Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life by Jon Lee Anderson donated by Herne Hill Books

Aparajito (1956)

Edward Morbius who has built a kingdom with his daughter and obedient robot Robby. The good doctor is plagued by his mad quest for knowledge through his ‘brain booster’ machine, and by Freudian ‘monsters from the id’, as his daughter discovers other men and learns to kiss. Includes ground-breaking special

effects and a highly unusual electronic music score. ✚ Includes wine and canapés donated by Romeo Jones Delicatessen & Café

Cert PG/110 minutes Monday 15 November Introduced by Andrew Robinson, friend and biographer of director Satyajit Ray, and author of The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and the Making of an Epic ■ Satyajit Ray’s second Apu Trilogy film, Aparajito (The Unvanquished), won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival in 1957. It led to Ray’s world reputation as a great cinematic artist, admired by directors as various as Kurosawa, Renoir and Scorsese. Beginning with a magical evocation of the sacred city of Benares beside the River Ganges, underscored by Ravi Shankar’s soul-stirring music, Aparajito takes the epic story of Apu from boyhood

into awkward adolescence in Calcutta. His relationship with his widowed mother is perhaps the most moving mother-son duet portrayed on film. ✚ Includes wine, beer and Indian snacks donated by Ganapati South Indian Kitchen, Peckham ✚ Raffle prize – Andrew Robinson’s new book Sudden Genius ✚ Andrew Robinson’s books will be on sale

✚ Raffle prize – Book: The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester donated by Herne Hill Books

Tickets available from the Friends’ desk in the gallery or call 020 8299 8750 Monday to Friday 10am – 12 noon. There is a £1 handling fee for credit and debit card bookings. Leave a message outside these hours or e-mail 14 In View Autumn 2010

Special events GalleryFilm for Kids: Swallows and Amazons (1974) Cert U/92 minutes Sunday 5 December at 3.45pm £4 Directed by Claude Whatham, starring Virginia McKenna, Ronald Fraser, Simon West ■ Based on the family classic by Arthur Ransome, Swallows and Amazons follows the Walker and the Blackett children and their dinghies (named ‘Swallow’ and ‘Amazon’) to Wild Cat Island in the Lake District of 1929. Here they have adventures – sailing, camping, fishing, exploration and piracy! ✚ Free juice and popcorn ✚ Raffle prize – Book: Swallows and Amazons donated by Tales on Moon Lane Book Shop, Herne Hill

rtplay’, After ‘A pthe dro y in famil op worksh

Jazz in the Garden Charles Cary-Elwes and Friends Saturday 11 September 6.30 – 9.30pm (gallery garden open from 6pm) £18, Friends £15 ■ Enjoy a relaxed evening in the gallery garden with Charles and his jazz group ■ Listen to mainstream jazz and swing ■ Returning favourites joining Charles on the night include: Carlos Lopez on tenor sax, Nick Kacal on bass, Andy Trim on drums. Featuring singer Jack Valentine ■ Special appearances by Singers Rochana Jackson and Zara Manning from JAGS ■ Jazz bands from Dulwich College ■ Gallery Cafe open for light meals – booking is essential: 020 8299 8717 ■ Bring a picnic and buy drinks from the wine stall

Charles Cary-Elwes

It’s A Wonderful Life (1946) Cert U/130 minutes Monday 6 December Directed by Frank Capra, starring James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore ■ The ideal Christmas movie and regarded as the most inspirational American film of all time. George Bailey (James Stewart) is on the verge of taking his own life – until his guardian angel intervenes and helps him realise that life really is worth living. ✚ Includes mulled wine and festive snacks ✚ Raffle prize – bottle of wine donated by Majestic Wine, Dulwich

Nick Kacal

Carlos Lopez

Supper with Music Thursday 30 September

‘An Evening in America’ 7.30 – 11pm in the Gallery Cafe £10 per person (plus £14.75 for two courses, £16.95 for three) Martin Byatt, guitar, and Susie Hawkins, mezzo-soprano, perform songs by George Gershwin, Cole Porter, James Taylor, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan and Simon and Garfunkel ■ Enjoy an evening of American music, food and wine.

In View Autumn 2010 15

Special events Desert Island Books with Stephanie Calman

Visit to the Ceramics Galleries at the V&A

Thursday 7 October 7.30pm/Linbury Room £12, £10 Friends, includes a glass of wine ■ Stephanie Calman is a humorous writer and broadcaster whose Happy Families column appears in The Daily Telegraph. Her many TV and radio appearances include the Today Programme and Have I Got News for You. She will be talking about the eight books she would take on a desert island and signing copies of her latest book, How (Not) to Murder your Husband.

Wednesday 27 October 10.30am – 12 noon Convene at the meeting point behind the main desk at the Cromwell Road entrance. The galleries are reached by lift so please be prompt. £12, £10 Friends ■ An opportunity to view the V&A’s world-famous collection of ceramics, following the completion of phase two of these innovative displays which opened to international acclaim in June 2010. The visit will begin with an analysis of materials and techniques before focusing on China. This is where fine translucent porcelain was invented, where the classical monochrome wares of the Song dynasty were brought to perfection and where blue and white porcelain evolved, to make an enormous impact on the evolution of world ceramics. We will view ceramics for display, for dining and tea-drinking from Europe and Asia and consider the legacy of Victorian collectors, including George Salting and Lady Charlotte Schreiber. ■ Anne Haworth lectures regularly at the V&A. She was formerly a senior specialist in the ceramics department of Christie’s in London, after training at Bonham’s. From 1995 to 2002 she lived in Shanghai and visited many of China’s ancient kiln sites. © South Kensington. Maximum number 25.

Music: Simon Lane and Karina Lucas Song Recital Wednesday 20 October 7.30pm/Gallery £22, £20 Friends Meet the musicians after the concert when wine will be served ■ Acclaimed young pianist Simon Lane is joined by mezzo-soprano Karina Lucas, his fellow Park Lane Group Young Artist of 2007, to give a song recital. Karina and Simon were among the small selection of artists chosen and recommended by Making Music in the Concert Promoters Network brochure 2009–10. Their recent engagements include recitals at the Leeds Lieder festival, St. James’s Piccadilly and Brighton Festival. ■ They will be performing Haydn’s Cantata Arianna a Naxos, Hob. XXVIb:2, two songs from ‘Années de Pèlerinage’ Italy bk.2 by Liszt, Grieg’s Sechs Lieder op. 48, Mahler’s Rückert-Lieder and Cuatro madrigales amatorios by Joaquín Rodrigo Vidre.

Quiz night: fast, furious and fun A night to remember Saturday 13 November 7.00 for 7.30pm in the gallery £18, £15 Friends Includes a glass of wine and a fork supper (vegetarian option available) Make up a table of six or be allocated to a table ■ You may not remember all the answers but you won’t forget the evening in a hurry. Questions will cover subjects such as food and drink, music, books, sport, art and architecture. ■ See your name in lights on the big scoreboard. Top right: Chinese Imperial porcelain dish painted with the Peaches of Longevity 1723 – 35.

16 In View Autumn 2010

Christmas card signing and Christmas bazaar Thursday 18 November 6.00 – 9pm/Gallery and Cloisters No charge (pay bar in the gallery) ■ Artist David Gentleman will be signing his DPG/Friends Christmas card, an exquisite watercolour of his snowbound Suffolk garden, in the gallery. ■ Solve your Christmas present needs in one visit ■ Stalls with a wide choice of gifts made by local artists: pottery, scarves, jewellery, cushions, ceramics, glassware, leather-bound books, quilts, bags, prints, cards, alpaca clothing and accessories. Please note: cash or cheque payments mainly; cards taken by two stall holders only.

Tickets available from the Friends’ desk in the gallery or call 020 8299 8750 Monday to Friday 10am – 12 noon. There is a £1 handling fee for credit and debit card bookings. Leave a message outside these hours or e-mail

InTown lecture series The third in the series of lectures about major exhibitions in other London galleries

7 for 7.30pm/Linbury Room £10, £8 Friends Includes a glass of wine

Venice: Canaletto and His Rivals Thursday 28 October ■ This exhibition of 18th century views of Venice includes many of the masterpieces of the genre from collections in Europe and America. While some of the 55 exhibits are well known, notably those by Canaletto from the National Gallery and the Royal Collection, others have never been seen in public before. The paintings are arranged in chronological order to emphasize the different responses of the various artists – who include Luca Carlevarijs, Michele Marieschi, Bernardo Bellotto and Francesco Guardi – to the beautiful (and in most cases littlechanged) subject matter. ■ The exhibition runs at the Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery from 13 October – 16 January. ■ Speaker Charles Beddington was curator of Canaletto in England: A Venetian Artist Abroad at Dulwich Picture Gallery, 2006 – 7, and is an authority on Canaletto and Venetian view paintings and a dealer in Old Master paintings.

Treasures from Budapest: European Masterpieces from Leonardo to Schiele Thursday 4 November ■ Anticipating Hungary’s presidency of the European Union in 2011, this autumn the Royal Academy will present an exhibition of masterpieces from the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, with additional key loans from the Hungarian National Gallery. ■ Graham Greenfield, RA lecturer, will talk about this exhibition which showcases one of the finest art collections in Central Europe, and includes more than 200 works by all the major European artists from Leonardo to Schiele. Many of the masterpieces will be on show in the UK for the first time. ■ The exhibition runs at the Royal Academy from 25 September – 12 December.

Pioneering Painters: The Glasgow Boys 1880 – 1990 Tuesday 16 November ■ Graham Greenfield returns to Dulwich to talk about this exhibition. It is the first in more than 40 years to celebrate the major achievements of the Glasgow Boys, the loosely knit group of around 20 young painters who created such a stir at home and abroad in the final decades of the 19th century. The principal artists, Guthrie, Lavery, Crawhall, Walton, Henry and Hornel, have now been widely acclaimed for more than half a century. The exhibition, drawing on acknowledged masterpieces from public collections and rediscovered works from private hands in an exciting juxtaposition, marks another phase in their national and international recognition. ■ The exhibition runs at the National Gallery from 30 October – 23 January.

Gauguin Thursday 25 November ■ Rosalind Whyte, a lecturer at Tate Modern, talks about the Tate’s major Gauguin exhibition, the first in London for more than 50 years. She will provide an overview of the life and career of this French Post-Impressionist painter. One of the most famous artists of the early 20th century, Gauguin travelled extensively and painted scenes as far afield as Peru, Martinique and Paris. In common with the Tate Modern exhibition, the lecture will feature many of his iconic paintings, including scenes of the artists’ colony of Pont-Aven in Brittany and haystacks in the Breton landscape. As well as the broad sweep of his travels, this lecture will explore the development of his style, from his early Impressionist-inspired work under the tutelage of Camille Pissarro, to his own distinctive, colourful mode in the scenes from his later years. ■ The exhibition runs at Tate Modern from 30 September – 16 January.

Clockwise from left: Egon Schiele, Two Women Embracing, 1915. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London in collaboration with the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest and with the partnership of the Hungarian National Gallery. Canaletto, The Riva degli Schiavoni, looking West, about 1735 © By courtesy of the Trustees of Sir John Soane’s Museum, London. James Guthrie, Hard at it, 1883, Oil on canvas, 31.1 x 46 cm. Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow City Council (through Glasgow Museums). Bought by Glasgow Museums 1967. An exhibition from Glasgow Museums in association with the Royal Academy of Arts. For more information about Royal Academy exhibitions, and to purchase tickets visit the RA website at or call 08442 090 051. Gauguin, Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?,1897, Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

In View Autumn 2010 17

Advanc e for the booking se even ts is essentia l as are stric numbers tly on som limited e event s

London visits and a local walk The Cartoon Museum Wednesday 6 October 2.30 – 4.30pm Meet at the Museum entrance at 35 Little Russell Street £12, £10 Friends ■ Home to the finest examples of British cartoons, caricature and comic art from the 18th century to the present day, the Cartoon Museum is unique. A comprehensive introductory talk by the curator will be followed by an opportunity to tour the galleries at your own pace. © Tottenham Court Road and Holborn

The Optical Museum Wednesday 20 October 2.30 – 4pm Meet outside Boots chemists on the corner of Craven Street and the Strand £10, £8 Friends ■ Founded in 1901, the Optical Museum has a remarkable collection of more than 14,000 outstanding objects and archival items related to the history of ophthalmic optics (optometry), the human eye and visual aids, as well as the representation of these subjects in art. Many of the objects in the museum are rare or unique. Our visit will include a talk by the curator. © Embankment and Charing Cross S Charing Cross

Clockwise from top right: A Bar at the Folies-Bergerè, Edouard Manet (1832-1883). The Samuel Courtauld Trust. Fan by Walter Sickert. Hand up the girl who burnt down the East Wing last night © Ronald Searle.

Courtauld Gallery Thursday 4 November 2.30 – 4pm Meet at the entrance to the gallery in the central courtyard of Somerset House £12, £10 Friends ■ The Courtauld Collection is regarded as one of the finest small museums in the world. Our private tour will last approximately 1½ hours and cover a range of paintings from early Renaissance to the 20th century. There are outstanding examples of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings (Manet, Monet, Renoir, Degas, Seurat and Gauguin as well as a major group by Cezanne) and 20th century works by Modigliani, the Fauves, the German Expressionists and Kandinsky. The famous Pissarro of Lordship Lane station is here! © Temple S Charing Cross

The Fan Museum Wednesday 1 December 11am – 12.30pm Meet at the front door of the museum at 12 Croom’s Hill SE10 £12, £10 Friends ■ The Fan Museum is the only museum in the world devoted entirely to every aspect of fans and fan-making and is home to a collection of more than 3,500 fans from around the world – dating from the 11th century to the present day. Our guided tour will explain how and why fans have been used as ceremonial tools, fashionable accessories, status symbols, commemorative presents and advertising giveaways. S Greenwich. The Museum is a short walk away

Local walk: East Dulwich Grove Sunday 17 October 2.30 – 4.30pm Meet at the junction of Village Way and Half Moon Lane £6, £5 Friends ■ This walk, led by Ian McInnes, will go from Village Way (originally the western part of East Dulwich Grove) through to Lordship Lane. Highlights include early arts and crafts houses, some by wellknown Dulwich builder Ellyatt & Porter, the site of the pre-WW1 police box, the ‘Dutch’ Estate, the St Saviour’s Infirmary, the Presbyterian Church and many others.

Tickets available from the Friends’ desk in the gallery or call 020 8299 8750 Monday to Friday 10am – 12 noon. There is a £1 handling fee for credit and debit card bookings. Leave a message outside these hours or e-mail For membership enquiries only, call 020 8299 8751. 18 In View Autumn 2010

Gallery Miscellany Saved from Bankruptcy Kate Knowles, head of communications, Dulwich Picture Gallery, who retires in September after 17 years, recalls the impact of media coverage and marketing on the gallery’s fortunes The first thing I did when I arrived in 1992 – working two days a week only because that was all the gallery could afford then – was to ring the press. I tried to speak to as many of the key journalists as possible. My most successful call was to Brian Sewell, arts correspondent of the Evening Standard. ‘I can never get to Dulwich’, he said, ‘it’s too far away’. I replied: ‘I’ll pick you up at nine tomorrow morning’, and put the phone down. It worked – and he has reviewed every exhibition since. Within three months press coverage raised visitor numbers by a quarter to 25,000 a year. The next step I took was to institute regular events, including lunchtime lectures, advertising them in a very cheap leaflet. The leaflet told visitors how to get to the gallery (by train, bus or car – a map was included) as well as where they could eat locally. Eventually the local council agreed to allow signposts to the gallery. I also looked in guides to London when I was abroad, and Dulwich was never mentioned. So I jotted down the name of the publisher and wrote to them when I got back. Now almost every guidebook in the world mentions the gallery. I arranged joint ventures with other more popular galleries. We produced joint leaflets, called Soane’s London, and Alternative Old Masters with The Wallace Collection, Apsley House and Kenwood. I asked a firm that made printing machinery to print our leaflets on their open days without charge, and they did.

Royal Connections A Dulwich Picture Gallery portrait of James I by John De Critz features on a current first class stamp. The image represents the royal house of Stuart in a Royal Mail programme to celebrate the portraiture of the British monarchy.

Our visitors tended to come at weekends so we targeted groups who could visit midweek, among them members of NADFAS, the University of the Third Age, the National Trust, and the Art Fund. I started a database for groups and contacted their organisers. Soon group visits rose from one a week to four a day. On discovering that the managing director of MORI, Brian Gosschalk, lived nearby, I asked him whether his market research company would conduct a free survey among visitors. He agreed and this enabled us to learn much more about our visitors and to target our marketing campaigns more effectively. The gallery was originally part of a wealthy foundation, Alleyn’s College of God’s Gift, but since it is a charity dedicated to schools, it was reluctant to give us more than £150,000 a year – while small government-funded museums were getting a million pounds a year. The gallery could not survive on the money provided by the charity and would be faced sooner or later with bankruptcy. Press conference attracted vital support We held a press conference at Christie’s and the gallery’s plight was featured on the BBC news and in the national press. It worked: philanthropist Vivien Duffield rang and said: ‘How much do you need to avoid bankruptcy?’ and a cheque for £200,000 followed in the post.

Then we got a call from Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover, who said: ‘If you become independent of the charity that looks after you, I’d be happy to be your chairman.’ That was the most wonderful piece of luck – he’d just completed the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery and his term as chairman of the Royal Opera House – and he was looking round for a new and worthwhile project. From that moment we were saved. Largely through Lord Sainsbury’s influence, we were able to put on regular exhibitions and to employ Rick Mather to design a new extension and renovate the gallery. We approached a well-known advertising agency, McCann Erickson, and asked them to create a free advertising campaign for us. They produced highly-original copy and designs (see illustrations) for London tube posters to launch the re-opening of the gallery in 2000. We were very fortunate that Tate Modern opened in the same month, which meant that every journalist who came to see the new Tate would come to see Dulwich – the newest and the oldest. The resultant press coverage led to a big rise in visitor attendance figures. Although visitors who have never been to Dulwich before think that it’s difficult getting here, the local community of Friends makes up for this. No other museum has such committed Friends as Dulwich has. Apart from donating up to £250,000 a year to the gallery, they put on wonderful events all through the year. The Friends don’t see Dulwich as just a gallery, more a way of life. After 17 years it’s one I shall miss. In View Autumn 2010 19

Tuesday evening lecture series Crossing Frontiers: a Journey through Art This series examines art from around the world and will show that although art from different countries and periods varies, there can be surprising similarities

Art Down Under: Australian Art from the convict years to the modern era Tuesday 21 September ■ Dreamtime, convicts and early settlers – artistic responses to life in the strange new continent were seen initially through European, and especially British, artistic traditions. In the 19th century, Australian Impressionism and the ‘Heidelberg School’ challenged the dominance of the ‘Victorian’ style, with Tom Roberts, Arthur Streeton and others producing works which became Australian icons. The First World War was a watershed in Australian and New Zealand history. No longer subservient to Europe, artists now found their own language to depict the unique landscape and culture of ‘Down Under’. At the same time, indigenous artists began to respond to contemporary life, while retaining many of the traditions of their ancestors. Lecturer: Val Woodgate

Travellers’ Tales: Italian Art through the eyes of Victorian Travellers Tuesday 28 September ■ Italy in the mid-nineteenth century may have been a collection of poor, fragmented states, but it was also the destination for many English travellers. Byron, Ruskin, the Brownings and Dickens all travelled there, along with many others, and wrote of the art and culture they discovered. This talk will explore the history of Italian painting through the eyes of such travellers, revealing how they reacted to the early Renaissance beauty of Fra Angelico or the turbulent exuberance of Tintoretto. We shall hear also what they thought of Italy at large, in an age when crossing the Alps was a major – and possibly dangerous – undertaking. This sort of cultural travel was not for the faint-hearted! Lecturer: Jo Walton

All the speake rs lecture e for Tate xtensively B Modern ritain, Tate , throug hout Britain a interna nd tionally

7.45 – 9.15 pm/Linbury Room Series of six lectures £50, £40 Friends Single lectures £10, £8 Friends Bar beforehand and in the interval

Degenerates and others – German Art in the 20th Century Tuesday 5 October ■ Many major German artists, along with others from elsewhere in Europe, were reviled by the Nazis and included in the Entartete Kunst (Degenerate Art) exhibition in Munich in 1937. However, innovative and exciting German art started much earlier, with the Expressionist Die Brücke group in 1905 and Der Blaue Reiter in 1911. This lecture examines these early modern movements, looks at the Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) of the 1920s and anti-Nazi art, coming right up to date with controversial and imaginative artists such as Joseph Beuys, Rebecca Horn and Anselm Kiefer. Lecturer: Frank Woodgate

‘Constructing the Future’: Early 20th Century Russian Art Tuesday 12 October ■ After the break-up of the Soviet Union and with the reinvigoration of Russia as an economic and political force, interest has grown in Russian art. Russian buyers have made great efforts to ‘repatriate’ their artistic heritage. Moreover, recent exhibitions in London have underlined the importance of the Russian avantgarde in the development of modern art in the early 20th century. This talk will explore the work of some of the key figures, such as Kandinsky, Malevich and Goncharova, and will then discuss how artists were required to use their talents in the service of the Party and the State and in the dissemination of the ‘progressive ideas of socialist realism’. Lecturer: Peter Scott

Clockwise from top left: Tom Roberts, Shearing the rams, 1890, Melbourne. Max Beckmann, Carnival, 1920, Tate. Amedeo Modigliani, Gypsy Woman with Baby, 1919, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. Sir Henry Raeburn, The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch, c.1795, National Gallery of Scotland. Wassily Kandinsky, Cossacks, 1911, Tate. Filippo Lippi, Madonna with Child and Two Angels, c.1465, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.

20 In View Autumn 2010

Friends Committee Chairman: Jill Alexander 020 7274 0948 friendschairman@ Hon Treasurer: David Parry 020 8670 3992 Hon Secretary: Jane Reid 020 8670 6151 Hon Membership Secretary: Debbie Barton 07599816207 friendsmemberships@

Futurism, ‘Poor Art’ and Provocation: Italian 20th and 21st Century Art Tuesday 19 October ■ Italian artists of the 20th century sought to break with the art of the past, to provoke and challenge notions of what art should be. At the beginning of the 20th century the Italian Futurists celebrated industrialism, encouraged radicalism and later supported Mussolini. It was a hugely influential movement. This talk will look at other important and innovative Italian artists, including Modigliani, Morandi and the ‘Arte Povera’ group who used inexpensive, everyday materials to create their art works. It will explore also how Italian artists are still continuing to shake things up today. Lecturer: Melanie Paice

A Highland Thing? 18th to 20th Century Scottish Art Tuesday 26 October ■ For many years Scottish artists found it necessary to travel south to make their names and careers in art, but with the increasing importance of the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow from the end of the 18th century, an independent Scottish art scene emerged. These developments will be traced through individuals such as Sir Henry Raeburn, the first artist to find success whilst remaining in his native Scotland, and Sir David Wilkie, important as one of the first to export Scottish art. This lecture will look also at the parallels between Scottish and other European art, as well as periods of divergence, touching on art movements such as the Glasgow Boys and the Scottish Colourists. Lecturer: Rosalind Whyte

Tickets available from the Friends’ desk in the gallery or call 020 8299 8750 Monday to Friday 10am – 12 noon. There is a £1 handling fee for credit and debit card bookings. Leave a message outside these hours or e-mail friendsticketing@

Peter Belchamber Editor, In View Pat Cox Tickets Stephen Henden IT Sally-Ann Johnson Marketing/Communications/ Dulwich OnView Barbara Kley Tickets Dianne Lim Friends’ desk Eve Mitleton-Kelly Visits and Walks

Gerry Ratzin Tickets Barbara Richardson Lectures, Friends Exhibition, Tickets Jenny Sweeney Lectures/Jazz Co-opted: Karen Dowley Friends Exhibition, 2011 events Amanda Greatorex Graphics Pippa South Membership Dulwich OnView Yang May Ooi, Angela Macdonald, Ingrid Beazley, Steve Slack, Angela Corrias, Anna Sayburn, Bella Tullo GalleryFilm Paul Youngbluth, Steve Slack, Frank Edwards, Anna de Pass, Ingrid Beazley, Bella Tullo Lectures Susan Wood, Anne and Doug Smith, Esther Appleby Tickets Vanessa Sutcliffe

In View   Magazine of the Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery Editor Peter Belchamber Designer James Alexander, Sub-editors Caroline Annesley, Gerry Ratzin, Barbara Kley, Pat Cox Printers AF Litho, Croydon,

Help needed Wanted: writers, photographers, filmmakers, artists, anyone with ideas… Contribute to the online cultural magazine Dulwich OnView (www. Are you interested in people and their stories? Are you passionate about arts, music and cultural events at Dulwich Picture Gallery and other venues in the area? We are looking for volunteers to contribute to this exciting project. Contact the acting editor dulwichonview@

Friends’ Desk Volunteers at the Friends’ desk in the gallery play a vital role encouraging visitors to become Friends and selling tickets for events. Contact Dianne Lim: 020 8693 6423 Sponsorship Would you like to be associated with Dulwich Picture Gallery? We are looking for sponsorship of Friends’ events and would be delighted to hear from you. Contact friendschairman@

In View Autumn 2010 21

Friends Membership information From the Hon Membership Secretary Membership Cards If you have paid for your renewal for 2010/2011 please make sure you extract your cards from the covering letter. If you have yet to renew your membership for the next year starting 1 September 2010, another form is included in this mailing. Please return the form and payment to me, or contact me (see below) as soon as possible. It is never too late to renew. Please consider setting up a Banker’s Order for your renewal. If you have lost your card or it has been stolen, please send me a Stamped Addressed Envelope and I will replace the card. Cards cannot be replaced without an SAE.

Gift Aid We are very grateful to all our Friends who sign Gift Aid declarations. We reclaimed more than £36,000 from HMRC last year, and it makes a significant difference to our funding. If you are not signed up (check your card for a code ‘G’) or no longer pay either Income or Capital Gains tax, then contact me on 07599 816 207. Change of Address Please let us know! Many of our mailings are hand delivered (up to 50%) and these are unlikely to be forwarded.

E-mail me! Get even more from your Friends’ membership – register for the monthly e-newsletter to be kept informed of the latest gallery and Friends’ events and news. Just send your name, address and e-mail to

22 In View Autumn 2010

Visits to the Gallery Please bring your card and remember to get a ticket for free entry from the gallery entrance desk. This allows everyone to keep accurate records of visitors. If you do not have your card then please ask to sign the Friends card book at the desk. You must enter your name, address and phone number – this will be checked by the Hon Membership Secretary and any queries followed up. Contact me at: friendsmemberships@ Pippa South, FDPG Memberships c/o Dulwich Picture Gallery, Gallery Road Dulwich, London SE21 7AD Tel: 020 8299 8751 or 07599 816 207

Please note Photographs taken during Friends’ events may be used in the Friends’ magazine In View, in the online magazine Dulwich OnView or on the Friends’ flickr site.

What’s on

September – December 2010

September ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

11 15 15 16 20 21 22 27 28 30

Sat Wed Wed Thurs Mon Tues Wed Mon Tues Thurs

6.30 – 9.30pm 10am 6.30pm 12.30pm 6 – 8pm 7.45 – 9pm 10.30 – 11.30am 7.15 for 7.45pm 7.45 – 9pm 7.30 – 11pm

Gallery garden Gallery Gallery Linbury Room Gallery Linbury Room Linbury Room Linbury Room Linbury Room Gallery Cafe

Jazz in the Garden Salvator Rosa: Bandits, Wilderness and Magic exhibition opens 1811 Club private view Curator’s lecture: Salvator Rosa Friends private view Lecture series: Crossing Frontiers – Australian Art InSight lecture series: Ceramics – An introduction GalleryFilm: The Motorcycle Diaries Lecture series: Crossing Frontiers – Italian Art Supper with Music: ‘An Evening in America’

20 12 14 20 15

7.45 – 9pm 10.30 – 11.30am 2.30 – 4.30pm 7.30pm 7.45 – 9pm 2.30 – 4.30pm 7.15 for 7.45pm 7.45 – 9pm 10.30 – 11.30am 2.30 – 4pm 7.30pm 7.45 – 9pm 10.30am –  12 noon

Linbury Room Linbury Room * Linbury Room Linbury Room * Linbury Room Linbury Room Linbury Room * Gallery Linbury Room Cromwell Road entrance

Lecture series: Crossing Frontiers – German Art InSight lecture series: Ceramics – A River Runs Through It London visit: The Cartoon Museum Desert Island Books with Stephanie Calman Lecture series: Crossing Frontiers – Russian Art Local walk: East Dulwich Grove GalleryFilm: Forbidden Planet Lecture series: Crossing Frontiers – Italian Art InSight lecture series: Ceramics – A Sense of Place London visit: The Optical Museum Music: Simon Lane and mezzo-soprano Karina Lucas Lecture series: Crossing Frontiers – Scottish Art Visit to the Ceramics Galleries at the V&A

20 12 18 16 20 18 14 21 12 18 16 21 16

Linbury Room

InTown lecture series: Canaletto and his Rivals


Linbury Room Linbury Room * Gallery Linbury Room Linbury Room Linbury Room

InSight lecture series: Watercolour, Oils, Acrylic – Oil Painting InTown lecture series: Treasures from Budapest London visit: Courtauld Gallery, Somerset House Quiz Night GalleryFilm: Aparajito InTown lecture series: The Glasgow Boys InSight lecture series: Watercolour, Oils, Acrylic –  Painting in Watercolour

13 17 18 16 14 17 13

Gallery and Cloisters Linbury Room Gallery

Christmas card signing and Christmas Bazaar InTown lecture series: Gauguin Salvator Rosa: Bandits, Wilderness and Magic exhibition ends

16 17

Linbury Room * Linbury Room Linbury Room Gallery Gallery Gallery

InSight lecture series: Watercolour, Oils, Acrylic – Modern Paint Matters London visit: Fan Museum GalleryFilm for Kids: Swallows and Amazons GalleryFilm: It’s a Wonderful Life Norman Rockwell’s America exhibition opens 1811 Club private view Friends private view

13 18 14 14 5

15 2

October ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

5 6 6 7 12 17 18 19 20 20 20 26 27

Tues Wed Wed Thurs Tues Sun Mon Tues Wed Wed Wed Tues Wed

28 Thurs 7 for 7.30pm

November ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

3 4 4 13 15 16 17

Wed Thurs Thurs Sat Mon Tues Wed

10.30 – 11.30am 7 for 7.30pm 2.30 – 4pm 7 for 7.30pm 7.15 for 7.45pm 7 for 7.30pm 10.30 – 11.30am

■ ■ ■

18 Thurs 6 – 9pm 25 Thurs 7 for 7.30pm 28 Sun

December ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

1 1 5 6 15 15 20


Wed Wed Sun Mon Wed Wed Mon

10.30 – 11.30am 11am – 12.30pm 3.45pm 7.15 for 7.45pm 10am 6.30pm 6-8pm

Special events




* See London visits and a local walk, page 18 In View Autumn 2010 23

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