Floodgates 090 - Jan-Mar 2016

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by Senior Pastor Dr Daniel Ho


n a world when almost everything becomes increasingly difficult, uncertain and challenging, we as Christians wonder what our challenge will be like in 2016. Our politics appear vague and befuddling. There is a lack of clarity and direction. Law and order appears to be deteriorating. The economy and therefore the cost of living are a great concern to all.

ingly so in the coming days. But courage also to take a stand for the gospel of Jesus Christ. That the gospel is Good News, indeed the best news, for all peoples on earth. It requires courage therefore to reach out and share with all peoples here in our nation. But courage is also needed to identify with certain people groups when these have come to faith in Christ. To assist, to care and to disciple them.

Amidst such trends, how should Christians respond? How are we to prepare ourselves? What will 2016 hold for us?

On top of that, courage is also needed to confess when we are wrong or have sinned in our lives. In fact, it requires more courage to do this than the former. The latter requires much humility, grace and strength to do so. But it is only then that Christians are authentic and credible. People, including non-Christians, do not expect Christians to be perfect. In fact, people in general are kind and big-hearted. And if Christians were to confess when they are wrong most people are generally very accepting if not encouraging. It does not destroy one’s credibility but instead establishes one’s authenticity.

Know that, firstly, we will be challenged in terms of our character. Our integrity will be stretched in a greater manner as Christians. Our consistency, principles and values will be put to the test. We will be challenged to cut corners or to take short-cuts in our life, our work and commitments. We will be tempted, for example, to exchange our character for cash. And when times are challenging we are tempted to go for quick and easy money at the expense of our integrity. We might also be quietly tempted to go for comfort and convenience rather than pay the high cost of our commitment to Christ. That our principles, values and practices cannot be compromised for the sake of a comfortable or convenient lifestyle will continue to be challenged. Will we give in? Is it worth it to give in? Know that, secondly, we will be tested with regards to our courage. Courage to draw the line and take a stand in terms of what we will do and not do in our places of work or responsibility. It will not be easy and increas-

May we Christians live such lives so that the principle of nothing to hide, nothing to lose, nothing to prove and nothing to fear becomes our guiding principle. This is consistent with Scripture where Apostle Paul writes, “For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men” 2 Corinthians 8:21. Finally, we will be stretched in terms of our confidence in God. Because of the challenges, some of us will face trials and testing of various kinds. How we respond in such times is critically important. Jesus has never

promised that if we follow Him things are going to be easy. In fact, He says, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up the cross daily and follow me” Luke 9:23. The cross, as we know in the Christian faith, represents suffering as Christ Himself suffered on the cross. Jesus is not saying that we will definitely suffer but the reality of suffering is always there. When we suffer for righteousness sake, and prayerfully not because of our own foolishness or sins, we can respond sometimes by being angry with God as some Christians do sadly. Or we can also respond by blaming it on others or even on ourselves. All these responses can cripple us and prevent us from moving forward. The right response should be to ask God about what He is teaching us and helping to mould us to become in the process. In other words, we must ask ourselves, “What can I learn from it and how can I grow through it?” In that way and when we persevere we mature through it in the process. This is precisely what Apostle James says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” James 1:2-4. In the midst of challenges, trials and testing in 2016, God is concerned about our maturity and wholeness and how much we reflect Christ in our character, courage and confidence in God. May we all come through superbly!


by Chin Keat Meng

“But I cry to you for help, O LORD; in the morning my prayer comes before you”

“So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer”

Psalm 88:13

Ezra 8:23

DUMC members congregated very early in the morning for fourteen consecutive days, some arriving as early as 5.00 am, at the Dream Centre in Hall 1 (Auditorium on Sundays). This year, the morning prayer meeting was held from 5.30 to 7.00 am daily from 4 to 17 January.

The fast and prayer, as explained by Deputy Senior Pastor Chris Kam, was organised at the church level to centre our thoughts on the Lord as we start the year, both on a personal and corporate level, and to help inculcate prayer discipline into church life, as prayer represents the powerhouse of the church. Prayer, coupled with the spiritual discipline of fasting enables a heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, allowing us to hear more clearly what God is saying about the church, and consequently blessing the church and the community through our prayers.

It was a privilege to take part in and witness the revitalising power of prayer and worship as carried out in the morning meetings, and then continue to focus on God through fasting the rest of the day. The spiritual discipline of fasting is not about giving up our dietary needs. It is about centring on God, quite literally hungering for Him, and increasing our focus and time commitment to prayer and meditation. A true fast according to Mahesh Chadva and Roger Forster will burn away unbelief, will invite the revival and edification of our own faith, and release victory and the miraculous in difficult and impossible situations.


“Breakthrough comes when we submit ourselves to God through prayer and worship,” said Pastor Chris, who led and supervised the morning meetings of the fast and prayer this year. “This is the undergirding foundation of the Gospel, of our relationship with the Holy Spirit within us. Everything we do must be for the sake of the Gospel, empowered by the Holy Spirit, in a spiritual environment of prayer and worship.”

“I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours ” John 17:9 In blessing the church, we were encouraged to build prayer altars together in our cell groups. We also prayed for our church leaders and the church-governing bodies at the national level. We prayed for families to uphold God’s teachings above all other preoccupation, and for children to be rededicated to the Lord. We lifted up the community serving ministries and occupations within and without the church. With the nation at heart we prayed for Malaysia, based on some of the eight domains of society: businesses via the workplace, education, entertainment and creative arts, media, sports and politics. For the harvest field, we raised up persecuted Christians and the countries that persecuted them like Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and China. We also prayed for our brothers and sisters at the various stages of their missions abroad, in the countries mentioned above.

“Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you ... Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper” Jeremiah 29:7 The distinguishing mark of this year’s fast and prayer was most definitely the prayer walks on both Sundays. “This is not the first time as we used to do this before on a church-wide basis and through cell groups,” said Pastor Chris. “We sort of lost this for a few years.” An idea of Pastor Margaret in conjunction with our prayers for the community, we were sent out to pray “on site and with sight.” We walked the road circling the inner part of Section 13’s industrial area - the spiritual circle formed by DUMC and other churches on the first Sunday, while some members replicated in a small way the Jericho walk by walking seven circuits inside the auditorium. “We walked in an anti-clockwise direction as a prophetic act to undo the work of the enemy in our lives,” testified Brother Timothy Chong, an active member of the intercessory team. “Many encouraging prophecies and testimonies were received following this exercise.”

On the morning of the last Sunday the prayerwalk was organised within the compound of the Dream Centre as members were encouraged to walk as the Spirit led them to different parts of the church. During the prayerwalk, Brother Timothy was led to the renovated church office, and he shared with the congregation the insight that he received - that of newness and change. Just as David passed the crown to Solomon, so will Pastor Daniel soon pass the mantle of senior pastor to Pastor Chris. “I can also sense the Holy Spirit saying, just as the architectural marvel of Solomon’s Temple did not impress him in 1 Kings 9:4-7, God is looking beyond the physical church office to the heart of the leadership.”

For those who missed this fast and prayer, there will be more opportunities throughout the year as they will be organised for 3 consecutive days at each round, as well as the regular church prayer meetings every other Tuesday night. So see you there!

Other powerful insights the Spirit gave to our brothers and sisters, included the vision of the youth returning to the Lord, and the last wave of spiritual arrival to come. Of the power of worship, one testimony indicated that though different groups were walking at their own pace distant from each other, they were led to sing the same worship song – “Jesus We Enthrone You”!


NEW MUMMIES M I N ISTR Y by Palm H Feist & Staphanie Mun Chen


are you a new mummy or a mummy of young children? Do you find it difficult adjusting to being a mummy? Does it seem that the journey will never get easier? Do you feel lonely? Do you long for a place where you can share without being judged? Do you worry about falling into the “comparison trap”? Do you need prayer?

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” Ephesians 2:8-10.

W2W for New Mummies Ministry is a community of both new mummies and mummies with young children (0-6 years of age). Recognising that new motherhood can be an exciting joyful journey, many however go through a whole spectrum of emotions; not forgetting being tired and overwhelmed at the same time. This ministry aims to support and minister to new mummies in DUMC through prayer and life-on-life relationships. Our vision is to help mummies embrace this journey that God has for us, and encourage each other to grow in Christ - to love God, our spouse and children even more deeply as we follow His way. Whatever your circumstance: anticipating a new-born through pregnancy or adoption, a stay-home mum, a full-time/part-time working mum, a ‘mompreneur’ who runs a business from home or


outside, a home-schooling mum, a mum of children with special needs … we long to connect with you, to journey with you and see what God has in store for you.

Background It all started in 2013, when a new mummy from DUMC reached out for help via Facebook, and another fellow DUMC mummy responded and they got connected. We started off with a handful of new mummies coming together to pray for each other and our children in one mummy’s home whilst having a play date, and also meeting up for lunch once a month without kids! We believe in nurturing new friendships, rallying women to be more honest, to be more equipped holistically and to find our identity by journeying alongside one another. According to research studies, a great majority of the happiest and most content-

ed mothers, found ways to connect with other mums on a regular basis. The gift of friendship among mothers is a treasure. When we gather, we ask meaningful questions. We want to know how each mummy is currently holding up. Recipe swapping is all well and good... gardening hints are helpful; but a support group that dives into matters of the heart and which prays for each other is indeed precious What we do together as a support group :

Monthly Luncheon We organise a small group mummy luncheon sans children every 2nd Sunday of the month (usually) after church celebration. At each meeting, there will be time to get to know other mums in an accepting small group atmosphere. Real talk is liberating. It frees us from assumptions that we are alone in our struggles. We value taking a risk and sharing real life

stories in order to allow God to work in healing someone’s isolation. Often times we find ourselves laughing at our own predicament and also find hope-filled insights from other mums. It serves as both a place of nurture for committed Christian women and a "safe place" to bring other community mummy friends. It often becomes a bridge into the church. Daddies are the unsung heroes too, as they step up to babysit the children during our fellowship lunch. Anne, mother of twins, Ashton & Austin (3 years old) “I decided to join the Mummies Luncheon for new mums hoping to get as much advice as possible on how I can be a better mum and more importantly how to juggle everything together without falling apart since I was a first time mum. What I experienced was very encouraging as I was also able to share some tips as well as receive some solid advice which made me feel very glad that I am on the right track after all. This was lunch with mummies who were just ‘hi-bye’ friends when we saw each other at church but we just connected immediately and talked non-stop until we all got our signals to get back home. And I truly enjoyed not only the wholesome meal but it was also one without any interruption. That hasn’t happened in a very long time. Overall, I loved it for the encouragement and

“booster” it gave me to keep going and reminded me of the scripture in “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down” Proverbs 14:1. It was good to be reminded of how important our roles are as mothers.”

W2W New Mummies Facebook page The ministry connects with mummies on its Facebook page, and has started to share spiritual inspiration, new mum tips and encouragement, family outings, education/craft, recipes, family relationships and healthy living tips. Weekly updates of “Mummy Musings" and "Mummy Matters" help the ladies reflect on our God-given role as a wife and mum, share struggles, challenges and also encouragement to help us walk closer with the Lord on our journey together.

Mums in prayer & playdates Mums in Prayer aims to equip mummies to use scripture to pray for our children and fight our daily battle using God’s word. Started in 2014, a mummy graciously offered her home and time to lead other mummies through a booklet entitled “Praying the scripture for your children” by Jodie Berndt. We used scripture to pray for almost everything: our children, their salvation, their love for God’s Word, their zeal to promote God’s Kingdom, their character, the develop-

ment of their gifts; and also for God to meet each mummy’s individual needs. It was held once a month: mothers coming together to create a continuing bond of prayer support.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” Matthew 18:19.

God’s word is the sword with which we fight the enemy of our souls and the weapon to protect the hearts of our children. We now meet right after the celebration service at the Strollers Area. Do come for support and prayer! Shanti, mother of Rayden (3 years old) “My first Mums in prayer and playdate. Ah, how can I describe it? It was so many wonderful things! The ample good food and friendship, sharing of GOD and motherhood and just knowing and seeing other mothers go through struggles I was too ashamed to talk about, things I thought were too mundane to ever raise to really difficult things. This really soothed my mummy heart.


The highlight for me which I deeply treasure was when the mothers got into groups of three and we talked about the challenges we have with each of our children and then together we prayed for each of them submitting them to our Father. We prayed over them as if they were all our own. That instant connection among us showed me how we are all one family together going through this, a family in Christ. We need not do this motherhood thing alone. At the end of it, there was this realisation how we are all children, even if we are mothers, and how we can't do this without our Heavenly Father. He is in charge and our children ultimately belong to Him. Also I learnt that He sends us angels to help us in this journey. And they come in all sorts of mummy shapes and sizes! We truly do have each other.”

Special events

During school holidays, we organise special outings. They are good days of fun and fellowship: enjoying the sunshine, having packed snacks. The kids have great fun! Coral Lean, mother of Lucas & James (1 & 3 years old) “It was really a fun experience for us to hang out with other mummies and kids during the picnic. We are looking forward to the next activity.


It was a joy to see the children not only have tons of fun with each other, they were learning from each other; the older ones set a good example for the younger ones. ”

Arrows and Bows Corner (ABC) “Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court” Psalm 127:3-5 In line with DUMC’s vision of a family who worships together stays together, both W2W for New Mummies & Men Alive power an “Activity Library” that will help/guide new parents to manage their young kids during worship celebrations. We believe that by providing the necessary tools, new parents will be able to learn how to guide their child(ren) to adapt and behave in an appropriate manner during weekend celebrations. This will enable children as young as 2 years-old to feel a sense of belonging to church worshiping and praying together, listen-

ing/understanding kid-bite sizes).




With Arrows & Bows Corner working alongside Manna Pad, we hope that the toys/activities provided will help lengthen the attention span of young kids by keeping them occupied while learning the message in kid-bite sizes via the Manna Pad at their own seats. As some of the toys/activities provided will be related to the sermon of the day and Christianity as a whole, kids would definitely be nourished spiritually as well. With a more focused child, parents with young kids would thus be able to listen to the sermon and we hope there will be more and more of it in the long run! With the anticipated outcomes, we hope to be able to meet the objectives of addressing the main needs of new parents listed below: Parents with young kids would be able to listen to the sermon (as much as possible) Kids to be able to learn something from the sermon (in kid-bite sizes) Get help in managing restless kids


from cell groups


by Godwin Supramaniam & cell group

am Godwin, the cell leader of a Cheras Cell group. Whilst we met week after week on Fridays, as a cell group, we were challenged by the Lord to do something tangible to touch the lives of people in need. So in 2011 we were introduced to a Karen refugee (Myanmar) family in need.

have been truly blessed to see many of these families ultimately resettled in 1st world countries and that God had used us in a practical way to help them in their transition in Malaysia. They tell us they can’t remember our names but they will never forget our faces and our acts of love and they will pray for us!!

Giovana’s husband had by then been resettled in the USA. Her move was pending. She had 2 children, one of whom has a congenital defect. The CG members would visit her regularly with the food pack from CES’s Foodbank , pray for her and help her in practical ways. Today she is happily settled in the USA with her husband and still keeps in touch with some CG members through Facebook.

These acts have also brought the CG members closer together as we spend time together during these visits upholding each other in prayer. It has also excited the CG as we share our stories and excitement at our weekly CG meeting and many have since ventured out to serve in the Foodbank packing, cooking meals for the Street people at CES’s Drop in Centre, organizing a Christmas outreach to a nearby Orang Asli community, participating in our Street church Christmas celebration & going or planning to go on short term mission trips.

This began our CG’s journey to help Myanmar refugee families. Once a month, on Sundays after celebration and lunch, CG members will visit these families with the food packs & provisions from our Foodbank and connect with them. We

I strongly encourage CGs to get involved in some form of ministry collectively. It will

not only bring God’s love to a world that badly needs it but it will also enable the members to build community among themselves and see how God can even use them to touch lives. It must start with the CG leader, himself willing to venture out for God. Our church should be represented in every CG rising up and adopting a refugee or poor family or some ministry and outside the four walls of a CG meeting. The clarion call "See a hurt, heal it, See a need, meet it" resonates our church's Mission statement; establish community services in our nation bringing God's love and justice to a needy society. May that become a reality in all our CGs and may we multiply our impact for JESUS in the Klang Valley and beyond many more times. So Church, join a CG and do something for JESUS!


by Jerry Teo & cell groups


erry led two CGs and they have been active in reaching out to the needy. Besides being involved in the Street Ministry-Christmas Program for a few years now and the initiative of #StreeTez (HOPE & BLESSING Tshirt), they are also involved in adopting poor families and sending them food packs.

Q1: What did you do as a cell group? We adopted a family - Paruwathy’s family - a single mother with 2 daughters. We visit the family and pass them the food packs on a monthly basis.

Q2: When did you start? 1 March 2013

Q3: Why did you do what you are doing with the needy (reason/objective/ goal)? Cell group leader – Jerry Teo (CES staff) Jerry Teo (CES staff) shared a lot of stories from his work and expressed that they felt the need to support Paruwathy’s family. We prayed and started the monthly visits.


Q4: Any significant moment spent with the family or transformational story during the process? The family was troubled by a drunken housemate. Hence, they were forced to move out of fear. They moved to a small room. God answered our prayer by providing Paruwathy the current accommodation with a much better room/facility and gracious landlord. God's provision for this family is evident through her change of job (lighter work in her current job as she had struggled to carry out the tasks before due to her back pain).

Q5: Based on your experience and participation as a cell group, what has been encouraging? In the beginning there was some distance between cell group members and Paruwathy. After 2 years, she has become very open. It is encouraging to see that she has become more joyful and happy now. Paruwathy even introduced a few friends to the PJ drop-in-center. She attended our Tamil celebrations four times in 2015.

Q6: What is your message to other cell groups and the church at large? Do it as cell group instead of as an individual. We share the burden together and encourage each other. We learn that it is important not to just live a life of comfort for ourselves, but to live a life of generosity - by inte - ally investing time, money and effort into another person (or persons), knowing that there are no strings attached to the help we offer to this family. If your cell group leader calls you to do it, step up and just do it in obedience.


e can hardly remember when we actually decided to take up this challenge to adopt a Myanmarese Refugee family. Time has flown by and without being conscious of it, we have been visiting them for the last three to four years. We were visiting different families to assess how we could help when we stumbled on this family of five who lacked so many basic necessities. I still remember clearly how sad it was to see the living conditions of our adopted family. The children had no nutritious food of any kind and our hearts were burdened to adopt them. During our first visit, as we entered their home , we were overwhelmed by the stench and we found it hard to breathe. We could smell a mix of moth balls, rotting furniture and cockroaches; all blended into one. What they had were basic and they could only afford moth balls to fend off pests. They could not even afford to buy soap and detergent to keep themselves or the house clean. They had barely enough mattresses for each child and the only sofa in the house was infested with cockroach eggs cases. The foam had disintegrated to the point where its wooden frame was exposed. As we interviewed the father, Pat Song, we realized that they were surviving on RM1000 a month. This amount was to feed and house seven people besides

by Debbie Yeow & cell group paying the utility bills. In our current economic situation and the increasing cost of living, how can one person's salary feed the entire household? And for how long? How could we not be burdened by their plight? Could we still sit comfortably in our homes without thinking about them? Could we still sleep in our air conditioned rooms while there was no mattress for them to sleep on? These questions bothered me a lot... I am blessed that my cell group agreed to share this burden with me. They were and still are willing to part with their money when we decided to help. We donate RM30 per child as a contribution towards school fees through our cell group funds. All the cell group members contribute whatever they can, be it food, second hand clothes and even furniture. The young adults make time and effort in accompanying me to send the food packs during our monthly visits. They also participate in praying and even helping out at small birthday celebrations for our adopted family. What drives us to do this? To see them smile and live with some dignity. To see how the children have grown - from skinny, malnourished children to tall and healthy children. Yes! Some of them have grown taller than me in recent years! We too were wondering how they could be so tall when their parents are not. It dawned on me that the food packs and food we had been sending are helping them to

grow well and healthy! What a great joy to know that! Praise God for His goodness! Not only that, it is great to see the transformation in their living condition from a smelly, rotting and moth ball-filled environment to one which is now clean. The house smells wonderful as they put to good use the soap we helped provide. The level of hygiene has been raised and moth balls which are a health hazard no longer exist in their home. It was just a small act but it is so encouraging to see how much this has improved their living condition. Last but not least, we were notified that one of the children has become a top student in the class! Our hearts are filled with great joy! All glory to God! We have been greatly blessed in return. There are many such wonderful testimonies from other cell groups who have chosen to adopt a Myanmar family. Ours is just one story. Just as how we have learned from God's word - it is more blessed to give than to receive - it is time for us to Step up, Reach out and Start sowing!


“Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” 1 Corinthians 11:1

by Stella Lau

Gently the wind guides and pushes, surely the sail maneuvers and charts her path.


mentor - like the wind, while providing direction and empowerment to travel a successful journey, cautions the boat of various weather ahead for better preparation. A mentee – like the sail, while beginning the journey on the wind’s guidance, upon maturity shall learn to chart the path and vision of her own journey in response to the Lord’s plan for her.



Petulia Lun

I Wish I Knew

Determination, independence, focus and high discipline. Those are the values Petulia’s parents imparted to her since she was young; coming from a background of a family who owns and operates a second generation textile family business who believed in toiling and striving for success. Upon completing her higher education in Australia in 1995, Petulia returned to Malaysia to fulfill her responsibility as the first born, to manage the family business. It was a trying time coping with the passing of her grandmother followed by challenges to the authority and ownership of the family business. Equipped with wit and the necessary talents, Petulia decided to enrol herself into Law school to pursue her third degree, embarking on a journey of constant juggle between the business and studies. Nine months into the first year of Law, Petulia felt strongly that Law was not for her. At the same time, an opportunity presented itself for her to become the franchisee of an early childhood education centre. That touched a rooted passion in her, something she always had a heart for. Leaving her pursuit of Law studies, Petulia moved into starting and operating a school of early childhood education. Having little experience and too much passion for the students and teachers, the school gained little profit over the 5 years of operation. Petulia then made the very difficult choice of closing down the school as she realized that she could not agree with the franchisor’s business ethics. It was a 10-year journey of trial and error. Rocky paths had to be negotiated, with strength to match the hurdles, while rest and weakness were not much appreciated.

I’m Glad I Know

2005 marked another new journey for Petulia. With her husband Peter, they embarked on a network marketing business. Having a natural resistance towards ‘preachy’ people, God pursued her through her business mentors who themselves are people from other faiths. Due to the nature of the business, she was exposed to Gary Chapman, Rick Warren and John Maxwell’s books of leadership and success where the core of the business was based on principles and values. Unknowingly, the seed of God’s Word began to work in her. In 2009, God began to speak personally to Petulia, challenging her that there is more to life than expanding her business. Many years of John Maxwell’s books had softened her heart and she began to respond to His calling. She sought God in her own ways, reading more books and asking God personal questions, which God answered through divine appointments. Old friends were brought into her life, telling her specific things on specific occasions. The more she discovered the beauty of God’s love, the more intense her wish was for Peter to know God again too. Knowing that it would not be effective coming from her, she prayed earnestly for God to move Peter and He did! One day, Jesus appeared to Peter in a dream and he has never looked back since. Petulia was immensely touched that God could be so personal. Together they found a local church to grow and serve in. By 2012, they were baptized together and they continued to pursue God. Petulia looked back on her years of struggle and was immensely grateful she did not need to make decisions on her own. She learnt to discern the voice of the Shepherd and move in His timing.

I’ll Walk With You

God continued to challenge Petulia, wanting to bless her and Peter more abundantly in their lives. With the fire for early childhood education still ablaze in her heart, she was presented with another opportunity in 2014 to operate and expand a preschool brand from Singapore. This time, she waited upon the Lord and relied on His strength for all things. Despite the various challenges she faced in building up a new school, she remained joyful in His companionship, knowing God is in control. The platform given to impart Godly values and principles on these growing children and a team of young teachers motivates and energizes her. In the same year, Petulia and her husband were led to DUMC where they were given more space to stretch and expand for God. Challenged by Pastor Chris’ sermon in early 2015 to invest in the lives of young adults, they soon found themselves in a young adult cell group and part of the M2M (Mentor to Mentee) programme to mentor working adults. They poured themselves into these lives, generously, sincerely, sharing their past experiences and on-going struggles, pain, joy and victories in many areas of their lives. As they gave themselves, they found that they received even more in return as they also found mentors pouring back into their lives. As they continue to journey together and serve with a cell leader much younger, they know that God is with them. Petulia now truly understands that its only when she STEPS UP that allows God to STEP IN to do greater things with her life. “I’ll walk with you so there is no lone soldier in the Kingdom of God.”

“I’m glad I know that I can always rest in God despite everything, that in my weaknesses His strength prevails.”

“I wish I knew that I didn’t need to strive so hard alone, that it’s okay to not be okay.”


Rachel Eng

I Want to Know

Rachel is to her friends, a lively and spirited young lady who wishes to make a difference in this world. Having three younger brothers, she grew up with much tears and joys through fights, fun, pranks, competitiveness and reconciling love through the years. Feeling much security at home, coupled with the confident façade she put up, it is surprising that while growing up, Rachel admits to never really finding a fit outside home despite being actively involved in school/college activities. Perhaps it was her competitive nature that birthed the fear of failure or perhaps it was the strong front that didn’t allow any hint of weakness to show. Rachel was drawn only to activities she was good at and stretching beyond her comfort zone was unthinkable. Inside, she just wanted to be safe. The irony is that Rachel is very relational. She made a handful of friends who remained true through all the phases of her life, even up to now. She enjoys knowing people at a deeper level, making meaningful conversations and building lasting friendships. Perhaps it is the fear of rejection, perhaps it is the confusion of self-identity, it just wasn’t easy to find groups to belong to. “I want to know how to belong and whether I’m of worth.”

I’m Glad I Know

I’ll Walk With You

Things slowly changed for Rachel as she started her higher education in Australia. As she got involved and started to serve in the campus Christian fellowship, she met a student leader who made effort to sow into her life. At least twice a week, this student leader would intentionally spend time with her, getting to know her and her walk with God. The leader herself, in turn, was open and sincere about her life. She shared willingly the ups and downs in her life and how God had each time, stood faithfully by her side, pulling her through each tight spot.

As Rachel was unceasingly refined by the Potter, a burden was placed in her heart for the young and lost. She looks with compassion at those whom she once was like - alone and insecure while fighting to make a place for themselves in this ever changing world; suppressed and confused while appearing cool with the flow of current worldly trends. Rachel’s heart burns with the desire that they would find the constant that they can hold on to - an identity as children of the loving Father.

Under the wing of this leader, Rachel learnt that it is not so scary to sometimes walk out of her comfort zone. She learnt too, the wisdom to share her own life appropriately, to build and motivate others who need encouragement. Rachel was affirmed of her identity in Christ, and blossomed in character. Continuously walking with God gave her a deeper understanding of both submitting to authority and stepping up as a leader. Upon completion of her degree in 2014 and returning to Malaysia, Rachel was presented with opportunities to work closely and glean from various church leaders. She seized them without hesitation knowing now that God will go before her as she seeks to follow Him. “I’m glad I know that I am precious to Jesus who saved me with a price and always has me in His plans.”

When DUMC’s NextGen led by Pastor Alex Tan called out to all young adults who are willing to sow into the lives of NextGen youths, Rachel responded to the tugging in her heart. Through the NextGenOne program, Rachel spent months with other young adults exploring the ministry. Rachel eventually committed her Saturdays to walk alongside them hoping that she will make a difference in their lives just as how her student leader had made a difference in hers. “I’ll walk with you so that the focus of teenage years will be far beyond what friends think are cool.” Having spiritual mentors impacted the lives of both Petulia and Rachel despite being at different stages of life. They learnt and acknowledge the key to continuous growth through mentoring and being mentored. Therefore, the #Twenty35 statement question is relevant to us all;

“Who is mentoring me, and who am I mentoring?”


The Happening Club by Low Mei Ling, Floodgates


n Chap Goh Mei which is the 15th day of Chinese lunar calendar, DUMC’s Golden Club had their Chinese New Year celebration. Imagine a hall of 250 beautiful people dressed in red, bright colours and all ready to party. Many arrived early to meet and mingle with friends. People at the club were very warm and friendly. Considering I visited the Club occasionally for their celebrations, yet I was greeted with such warmth that I immediately felt at home. As I combed the hall for pictures to take, it was wonderful to see people greeting each other lovingly with hugs and handshakes. Everyone looked very happy, healthy and super enthusiastic about life. What an incredible sight and atmosphere! Even the few who came in wheel chairs had beaming smiles. I saw a senior aunty in her 80s happily taking out some photos to show and share with her friend. The fact that she was in a wheel chair did not seem to bother her. They are so inspiring. I would like to emulate them when I get to their age. Even before the start of the celebration, the energy level in the hall was very high. When the celebration started with the vibrant worship song, “In Jesus Christ, we are one family”, there was such a joyful spirit in the air. This was followed by two Chinese New Year songs. By then, everyone was singing and clapping away.

What followed was a variety show by the different activity groups within Golden Club. There were various kinds of dances. A number of singing groups took the stage and then there were also performances by the ukulele and harmonica groups. The support from the audience was incredible. Apart from singing along and clapping, many were busy capturing the performances on video with their smart phones and iPads. One Golden Club member, MC Loke then shared on the significance of Chinese New Year practices. He asked, “Are you aware of the significance of the red cloth that is usually hung on the front door of most houses during Chinese New Year?” Loke then explained that the red cloth was to drive away a monster called “Nien”, very much like the Passover in Exodus 12. He further explained that Chinese New Year in Mandarin is known as “Kuo Nien”, which literally means “Passover of Nien”. What an interesting point suggesting that Christianity is perhaps not new to the Chinese and that God may well be known to the Chinese even in ancient China times. After the sharing, the celebration continued with more singing and dance performances. I was reminded of a 75-year study by Harvard University on “What makes a good life?” The study reveals that the happiest people in retirement are the ones who have actively worked to replace workmates with new playmates. People who are more socially connected to family, friends and

community are happier. They are also physically heathier and they live longer. No wonder the folks at Golden Club are very happy and healthy. They have a platform to be connected on a weekly basis. In this New Year and keeping in line with DUMC’s theme of “Step Up”, Golden Club which is led by Rupert Ling, is planning two new initiatives. Rupert is looking to raise a new group of members to visit and reach out to the many lonely seniors in the Klang Valley. In the pipeline is also the plan to start a “Prayer & Healing session” to be led by members who have the gift of healing and who are intercessors. As many members have ailments from time to time, Rupert would like to provide members the opportunity to seek spiritual healing. Although Golden Club started casually more than a decade ago with cooking as the primary activity, it is today a full-fledged community club for the seniors in the Klang Valley. The members meet every Monday at 10.00 am at Dream Centre in Section 13, Petaling Jaya. Apart from making new friends, there are lots of activities for the seniors to learn and participate. They can dance, sing, paint and play all kinds of musical instruments. Everyone is made to feel as being a member of one big happy family. The best part of Golden Club is that lunch is on the house every Monday!


Drawing on God’s Strength Everyone has a story to tell. And every love story is beautiful. The most beautiful story to us is our own love story with God. This article depicts the life of a Graphic Recorder as he learns what it means to live by sheer faith.

by Michelle Wong, Floodgates

The Graphic Recorder introduced By profession, Loh Chan Wai has worked as a visualiser, art director and creative director in renowned advertising agencies prior to the past 3 years of freelancing. In the recent 2 years, he has explored what is known as graphic recording (translation of conversations into images), and it has been added to his professional portfolio. A latent cartoonist is reborn! Check out one of his latest works, Pastor Chris' very first sermon of 2016 on the back cover of this issue. Fondly known as “Mustard Seed” to many, he had no idea that his faith would be paramount in the coming months.

The Graphic Recorder meets Jeopardy Although professionally he was thriving in his career, his faith was tested when his health was in jeopardy. In July 2015, a visit to the ENT specialist for what was thought to be a blockage in the ear turned out to be Stage 4 NPC (also known Nasopharyngeal Cancer or in short, nose cancer). This would mean he was required to undergo 3 cycles of chemotherapy and 35 sessions of radiotherapy.


BFM's Freda Liew's new book cover (Dec 2015) Watchnight Dumc (Dec 2015)

Learning to take a bolder step: Drawing on God’s strength Stunned by the news, he decided to seek Pastor Tan Moy How for advice. Pastor Moy How had also experienced NPC previously. Crippled by thoughts of the unknown, Chan Wai turned to prayer and was comforted by God’s loving words, “I will be with you”. Not long after, he found out that the church had also been praying for him. This brought him great comfort: that the church stood with him in his time of need. Also, the support and prayers of his family, cell group, friends, local and abroad, and even strangers helped tremendously in sustaining his faith that with God, all things are possible. Although the chemotherapy sessions were not easy to undergo, good news came that he was not required to go for the 3rd cycle because the hospital had recently acquired a new treatment machine and was ready for use. Truly, the Lord’s plans for our lives are in the palm of His hands. Chan Wai said, “I know I just needed to BELIEVE in order to receive”. I was learning to cling on to Him and draw on His strength.

“Therefore I tell you, what ever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” Mark 11:24. The Faithful God we know The treatment ended in late Nov 2015. Then Chan Wai had a phone call regarding a 9-day job assignment in Penang in January 2016. Excited by the job offer, he was nonetheless worried about travel arrangements. He was still recovering in health and was on blended food, unable to consume solid food due to ulcers and was suffering a loss of taste. He continued to pray, believing that God is faithful. A week before Christmas, not only did he attend a Christmas party but he started consuming solid food including roast turkey!

“The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies” Psalm 118:7. Reflections God is truly faithful. He has yet to fail us. He always turns it into situations for our good . For Chan Wai, although he has yet to know if he is 100% recovered, to him 2016 is a year to STEP UP. He will: 1. Continue drawing on God’s strength. 2. Avail himself more to service and ministry 3. Trust God to provide God will never short-change us. Availing himself will only cost him his time, nothing more. What is Step Up 2016 to you?

In January 2016, he completed the job assignment in Penang. Subsequently, multiple job requests came flooding in, not only to make up for the lost time during his treatment, but also to provide for his expenses.


Men Alive! by Fong Siew Keong

en Alive! (MA) is now entering our 6th exciting year. As DUMC Steps Up and enters into a year of transitions, MA is also stepping up to something BIG in 2016. The ‘guru’ of men’s ministry, Patrick Morley will be coming to speak at an inter-church conference held here at DUMC! This men’s conference called ‘Chosen’ (based on 1 Peter 2:5) will be a catalytic point for other churches with their own men’s ministry to come together or for some churches to also start off their own men’s ministry meetings. Held from 20 to 22 October 2016, the conference will be


preceded by a series of meetings to prepare the churches. After the conference, MA will also be holding a series of meetings using Patrick’s latest book, “Man Alive”, as core material to assist participating churches in starting off their regular men’s meetings. This will truly be an exciting time for us! To kick it up a notch, MA is also changing our monthly meetings around. We are commencing a new teaching series entitled ‘Fight’ by Craig Groeschel. In between each month of lesson, we will be having an activity or topic based session that will bring up current and relevant issues for us men to work

through together. There will even be a movie outing where attendees of MA can bring along a guest for this special session! Men Alive! is a movement whereby men can learn to become the men that God has planned for us to become. Most of us are unaware of the roles we are supposed to play within our families, work circles or even within the church. In MA, we begin to understand that it’s a journey and not a one-time event. The process of learning together is what the monthly meetings are all about.

We are calling out to all men to STEP UP in 2016 and join us on this journey of learning together! We are calling out to all men to STEP UP in 2016 and join us on this journey of learning together!


Finishing the Race Well by Esther Ng


rom 27 to 29 September 2015, I joined the W2W encounter weekend. I discovered that God is amazing. He was leading me in a clear and certain way. The journey of encountering God and healing did not happen solely over those three days, but the process started when I registered myself. Two months before the encounter weekend, I experienced great hurt from the person I trusted and loved most. I started to experience God’s comfort and healing during those two months. However, the puzzle was not complete until I went to the encounter weekend. During the encounter weekend, I started to become aware and acknowledged that I was experiencing the betrayal from the person I trusted and loved. When I acknowledged that, the healing process began. It was a painful and heartbreaking experience. I really had no strength to move forward. However, the Spirit of God broke through and healed my broken wings. When I learnt to turn to Him completely and to get His comfort and strength to move forward, He calmed my innermost being, healed my hurts, and gave me courage to hope and love again. I realized that God did not take


away my pain and hurt. But instead He allowed this pain and hurt in my life to mould my character, to make me a stronger person, and to draw me closer to Him. God put the peace of forgiving deep inside my heart during those two months. However, I was not absolutely convinced, because many people around me told me that I should not forgive so easily and give that person a chance to hurt me again. People also responded that the peace might not come from God. Hence, I was quite confused about God’s heart and desire for me. Finally, God showed me His heart through the speakers during the encounter weekend. God consistently told me that this peace of forgiving and letting go is real and is from God. I learnt that He is the God of many chances. He not only challenged me to forgive that person, but to honour and be kind to that person. God also spoke to me through a game we played during the encounter weekend. We had to design a Cinderella costume using material given. Our group was only given newspaper and a few simple materials compared to other

groups. However, my group members were able to make the costume so beautifully that we emerged the champion for design. I was the Cinderella. I looked so beautiful in the hand-made costume. God spoke to me through this Cinderella figure. During the hurts, I would begin to shut down all my support system and stopped seeking the help of others. God told me just like in making the costume, it would be impossible for me to make it through life’s challenges without getting support from the right group of people. Furthermore, God spoke to me through the inspiring video. I realized that none of us are perfect. All of us are handicapped in certain ways. Hence, we need to help each other to run the race well. All of us are going to finish the race together. If we want to run the race, we cannot carry along a lot of things that hinder us from finishing the race well. We need to let go and throw off the hurt from the past and always focus on the goal ahead. Instead of judging other people’s weaknesses, we should be helping each other to run the race well. It is okay if we do not start well or even fall along the way. The most important thing is to finish the race well.

Getting to know… Joseph Lim, a new DUMC staff member in this short candid interview. They say, “Love is a choice, and so is Stepping Up!” In line with the DUMC 2016 objective to STEP UP, this article is about stepping up in the workplace.

by Michelle Wong, Floodgates

When did you find Jesus? I found Jesus through Sunday school, when I was about 10 years old.

What would you say is your passion in ministry? Do share if there is a bible verse, life motto or quote that you live by. My heart is to see the unity of the generations in Malaysia, in whatever way the Lord chooses. “He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction” Malachi 4:6.

Previously as a banker, your pay would have been pretty good, so what made you leave the rat race in the corporate world to join DUMC staff? I felt the Lord asking me to give the next 5 years of my life to build the local church.

I have been in ministry almost all my life, even when I had a secular job. Taking this step to fully devote my time to first pursue God, and then pursue His people is the highest honour for me.

How did your family respond to your decision? My mum has always believed in the pastoral calling over my life, and had actually made me go to Bible School before, TWICE. My family has given me tremendous support, although they are all in Singapore now, they believe in my passion for God’s destiny over Malaysia.

How does your previous professional experience contribute to your current role? My professional career had trained me in the areas of discipline, self-confidence and creative thinking. I hope to bring that experience and skill to everything that I do. Being called to serve as a full time Ministry Staff now at DUMC, it truly excites me seeing hearts turn and burn for God. My current roles in Church Management Systems, #Twenty35 and Resonate allows me to explore and

experience the workings within the Church. I wait on Him to lead me to where He will use me to do His work.

How do you resonate with DUMC’s 2016 mission statement to STEP UP? The vision of the church to ‘Step Up’ is my mantra, and my personal challenge for 2016 is to Step Up in Passionate Pursuit of Him, Living Holy, Giving Generously, Loving Extravagantly, and Knowing Him Deeply.

Any advice for our readers? If God is calling you out of the boat, He will lead you with His hand, so go! It is truly inspiring to see how God directs our path when we choose to make that choice to step up. May this piece inspire you to STEP UP in 2016!


Rev Lawrence Francis

Eulogy to a special friend of DUMC by Senior Pastor Dr Daniel Ho


e passed on to glory on 7 March due to complications after surgery for stomach cancer.

Writing right now from Lisbon, Portugal, on 8 March 2016. I have been really looking forward to meeting up again with the Rev Lawrence Francis after my sabbatical but this did not prove to be the case. Doris, my wife, and I have been regularly praying for him since we heard from him about his health issue last year. We are sad that we will not see him in person when we return as the Lord has seen it fit to take him back to Himself. The late Rev Lawrence Francis was a dear friend and a remarkable servant of the Lord. He was faithful, kind, thoughtful, gentle, gracious and extremely pastoral. His heart for people and his concern for the wounded and the down-and-out were amazing. He took time with people and no one is too insignificant or unimportant for him. He sought to be a mender of people and relationships. He was patient and


would do whatever needful in order that freedom, fairness and truth would prevail. He was a real reconciler and would do all that was possible to bring healing and wholeness to lives and relationships. In fact, he would go the extra mile to bring help and hope to people across the country. One who did not give up easily, he would perseveringly work and patiently pray that the Lord’s name and His work will carry on to the honour and glory of God. He came to see me many times to work matters through patiently, kindly and thoughtfully for which I will forever be grateful. Here was someone who truly appreciates Christian ministry and seeks to want to honour the name of the Lord and His work. Any good work that he saw he came alongside to cheer and support. Such was the heart of this man, the late Rev Lawrence Francis. But, here is a man who was tender-hearted and loving towards people and no less his very own family. His love, care and concern for Bee Gaik, Johanan and Ithrana was

exemplary. He did everything possible to ensure that their faith and hope in the Lord would be strong and steady. I had the joy and blessing of witnessing Johanan’s leadership, for example, of the Christian fellowship in Volgograd, Russia when he was a senior student of dentistry there. I told Lawrence that you and Bee Gaik should be so proud of your son when I saw him exercising leadership there. And likewise Ithrana’s heart for people is so reflective of the heart of the parents. And Bee Gaik, your support for Lawrence’s ministry all these years had been outstanding and unstinting. You have helped him to become who he was as a wonderful minister and servant of the Lord. We thank God for you. And now to you, Bee Gaik, Johanan and Ithrana, we continue to pray for God’s grace, comfort, strength and richest blessings to be upon you all as you press on in following the wonderful strides and footsteps of your husband and father. We are truly proud of him and so I am sure you all are too. So, I end with the important words of Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 that Lawrence could likewise echo: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” So my friend, Lawrence, farewell to you from Doris, me and all in DUMC. I look forward towards seeing you in heaven and let us have many more ‘teh-tarik’ sessions together then! Amen.


The Splendour of God in the Land of Mountains In the midst of the shortage of food, fuel and medicine, six people departed for Nepal to serve and love the people there. The love that Christ put in their hearts for the people outweighed the series of bad news that kept coming up. How could those who have been called not go? by Vera Tay, Floodgates


Tan Jing Yi

Vera Tay


Despite the heartaches of the people after the earthquake, Pastor Man and Sister Tara from Dhadingbesi continue to serve God faithfully. Their humble attitude and perseverance in ministry helped me to grasp the true meaning of being a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. They continue to provide for the children in Living Faith Orphanage daily despite the little that they have. I had the privilege of helping out with the children’s ministry there. Interacting with these little ones challenged me to practice child-like faith and to trust in God’s provision.

One year ago in Maidi, I prayed for a grandma who had injured her legs and hence was unable to leave her loft for more than 6 months. When I returned this year, I was amazed to see her seated in front of the goat and cow pen. She could walk. However, this time she had twisted her foot, which was wrapped in a piece of dirty bandage. She was in pain. It broke my heart to see her in that situation. I only had some pain killers but nothing for the twisted foot. Again, this time like before, I could only pray and trust in the healing powers of the name of Jesus. I know that Jesus will see her through.

I would like to thank God for His faithfulness, His mercy and His grace which abound on earth. When I saw the people at Sertung Earthquake Camp - they have so little, yet they survive. The children are dirty with Nepali powder on their faces and body, and even on the food they are eating. Yet their bodies are able to withstand that condition. God is merciful and by His grace, life goes on.

Nicole Chan At Sertung Earthquake Relief Camp, the children queued for me to clean their faces. They would leave with the happiest smile, and then queue again. As I wiped their faces, I whispered: I clean your face today, but one day Jesus will cleanse you. We travelled further up the hills to Maidi and I was amazed that the children could play happily for hours with just the one balloon that I had given them. I whispered: I give you a balloon; the Lord wants to give you eternal life. On this mission trip, I encountered Christ as the Lord who cares for the physical needs of the people, using us to bring the love of the Father to the people.

Standley Low I had many new experiences in Nepal such as sleeping in a tent during winter, trekking and hiking up steep slopes and hills, tasting mountain food. It was a mixture of fun and adventure. I was saddened to see the people struggling, trying to survive after the earthquake. I dream of hiking to the Everest base camp one day to pray for the whole nation, lifting His name high at the top of the world. May the Lord continue to shine in Nepal.

Benjamin Yong What a privilege it was for me to join this Nepal trip! Nepal is such a beautiful country with many rich and diverse ethnic groups. I am really amazed at how God united us for His glory to minister to the people at the Sertung Earthquake Relief Camp. We had to multi-task to minister to the needs of the people. I witnessed how God in His favour multiplied the works of our hands for His glory. We Malaysians are truly blessed compared to the hardships faced by Nepalis. I strongly encourage everyone to go on a short-term mission trip. We can encourage the people to be patient and courageous for Jesus. In return our faith will grow by leaps and bounds.




by Puk Lim See Tho


n 1995, Rev Edmund Chan launched the annual Intentional Disciple-Making Church (IDMC) Conference to impart disciple-making teachings to over 2,500 participants from some 197 churches in 23 countries. As part of the Global IDMC movement, Covenant Evangelical Free Church (Singapore) partnered with Christ’s Commission Fellowship (Philippines) and hosted the first ever Global Discipleship Congress in Manila in May 2013, with 7,000 delegates representing 61 countries in attendance. In the latest edition, the second Global Discipleship Congress Asia (27-30 January 2016) took place again in Manila, with more than 6,000 delegates representing 27 countries. Nine members from DUMC were among these delegates. The theme of the Congress was ‘Living it out and passing it on’ based on the observation of Rev Edmund: “The problem in discipleship today is that we often don’t pass on to faithful people the things we are learning


(2 Timothy 2:2). The deeper problem is that we do pass it on without first living it out!” He reminded delegates that the Church of Jesus Christ is not to be casual about the Lord’s Commission as if we are routinely playing out the final minutes of a football match, but since we are in the last days before our Lord’s Return, the Church has to be dead serious about making disciples. With that reminder, the tone for the rest of the Congress was set. Highlights during the 4 day Congress include cutting-edge discipleship and disciple-making teachings by notable speakers such as Rev Edmund Chan, Dr Ravi Zacharias, Rev Joey Bonifacio, Dr Samuel Chand and Dr Peter Tan-Chi. These teachings were supplemented by afternoon workshops conducted by a panel of distinguished leaders specialising in different realms of discipleship and disciple-making. These include such concerns as discipling your family, growing intentional discipling cultures, multiplying healthy

churches, leadership pain and leadership succession. The common thread that binds all the teachings and workshop trainings is to strengthen the delegates’ whole-hearted commitment to cultivate that “one thing that determines all things” - intimacy with Christ that overflows into passing on His life and mission to the next generation within the local church and global setting. Delegates were reminded that He is a Global God and His Kingdom is larger than our own local church. The day began with devotional readings with self, paired and congregational reflections on biblical discipleship and leadership. This was followed by fervent worship before the teaching sessions. Two afternoon sessions were set aside for congregational intercession: first for the churches and then for the countries of Asia. At one point, all those who were 30 years and below were asked to stand and those surrounding them were asked to pass on their blessings upon to these

next-genners. I had the privilege to bless and pray for a newly married couple, Pastor James Millania and his wife, Princess, of Bradford United Church of Christ from Central Cebu. They are involved with International Justice Mission to rescue children from cybersex and prostitution. Up-to-date, factual reports of missionary movements also fired up the delegates’ intercessory fervour as it was counted a privilege to march along with God in His current work throughout Asia. It dawned afresh on me that we, the Church, are living in unprecedented times of unprecedented opportunities! To be caught up in a 6000 strong intercessory fervour will remain an unforgettable experience for both my wife, Kim and myself. In the final session, delegates were admonished to finish well and strong in our life-long discipleship journeys in anticipation of the great battles and painful lessons ahead. All were challenged on: the Priority of the “One Thing”; the Past which needs to be surrendered; and the Perseverance to press on regardless. As a symbolic reminder of the Congress theme: “Living It Out and Passing It On”, the hall was partially dimmed and all 6000 and more delegates waved their luminous glow sticks and sang the familiar “ It Only Takes A Spark - Pass It On”. Those moments will again be a life-long inspiration for us to take away. We thank God that in line with DUMC’s 2016 vision: “Step Up - But One Thing I Do” Phillipians 3:13-14, we can start the year by attending GDC Asia 2016. It is exciting indeed to know that we are part of a global disciple-making movement that is very much on God’s agenda! Kim and I left with mixed feelings of awe and excitement - in anticipation of translating key principles learnt into action in our own discipleship and disciple-making spheres.


The Family called Church by Pr Chris Kam, Deputy Senior Pastor


he greatest joy of being in the people ministry is to see them transformed by the Gospel and stepping up to something beyond what they imagined today. This is something promised by God Himself in Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us … ” If our expectations are less than exceptional in our Christian journey, we are not doing justice to our Creator God who is the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2) who had redeemed us from sins that ensnare us from the true purpose He has created us for. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. Jesus did remind us that when He as the Son of God who came two thousand years ago in the flesh to earth, He meant for us to have a full life. But the devil comes along like a thief and robbed us of all the joys and blessings of life. (John 10:10) He wants his children, like any good father, to enjoy the goodness and blessings He had promised, especially the joy of eternity with Him. Navigating around the snares of the evil one is not something we should do alone. Therefore, as we step up in the different seasons and transitions of life, there is a community lifeline He has offered for us to hold on to, apart from Him of course. Our biological family is meant to be the closest of all relationships. Yet often many have found out that they could not be depended on in their greatest moment of needs due to family dysfunction. Loneliness is a huge struggle of life journey and the joy of a new lifeline with a new life in God is called the Church. The Church is not the physical building we meet in. The Church is the community, or the gathering of God’s people, where the expression of God’s love, grace and mercy can be experienced.


It is true that the Church is not that perfect. It is simply because she is made of people like you and me, forgiven sinners. If I am to give a new name to the Church, I would call it “Church On the Way”! We are all sinners on the way to perfection. Some have just started and others further down the road. Sure, there are many difficult people in there. Aren’t we all? Once I asked my staff this question: “Is it difficult to work with people?” Everyone nodded, some enthusiastically! I asked the second question: “Is it difficult to work with people who have to work with you?” That caught them for a while until it dawned on them that I was trying to say something about their blind spots. Therefore, I see the Church as a place where God trains us in our character and Christlikeness in learning how to love one another. My simple take is this that if we cannot love the people inside the Church, we cannot love the sinful world outside who needs Christ. But many Christians can love the world outside better because although they are not of the world, they still cannot get the world out of them. So God uses the Body of Christ to train His members. If you have found a perfect church, don’t join it. You will surely make it imperfect! There are far too many Christians striking out on their own, believing in the half-truth that the Christian faith is purely a private affair between him and God. While the profession of faith may be a private matter, the expression of faith is always communal. We see this right from the beginning of the early church in Acts 2:42-47. Three thousand people had just believed and were baptized immediately, joining the fellowship of believers. There is no evidence in the New Testament (nor in the Old Testament) to suggest that the Christian life is a private affair between us and God. It is always on the basis of a community and the Body of believers. They

met daily in temple courts and home to fellowship and evangelize. From this passage, we can discern three reasons why people continue to be part of a Church. These reasons are equally applicable today. Firstly, they had an encounter with God (v.42-43) The Gospel sets them free from the prison of sins, forgiven and healed. They “were filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.” Secondly, they felt they belong (v.44-46). One of the works of the Holy Spirit is to bring unity to the Body of Christ so much so that they are shared with everyone in need and have everything in common. They sacrifice their personal wealth and possession for anyone in need. They love hanging out with each other. They are part of a new adopted family they never had. Thirdly, they found a new purpose for living (v.47) I believe they had a void in their lives filled by the Holy Spirit with a new aspiration. They had a higher calling than themselves. They have a collective purpose that allowed them to see that “the Lord added to their numbers daily those who were being saved.” The Gospel became central to their lives because eternity became more important than their temporal existence in this world. They recognized that although everyone dies, but not everyone lives to a meaningful existence. The Church is a precious treasure to God as a heavy price of His Son was paid to redeem her. The Church is therefore a place to give us a sense of encounter with God, belonging and purpose that will put us on an exciting journey of the Christian faith. If you are a lone ranger Christian, grab that lifeline. Start by attending Church regularly and more importantly, join a Cell Group. You will be amazed down the road how that will transform you.

The Family called Church by Pr Chris Kam, Deputy Senior Pastor


he greatest joy of being in the people ministry is to see them transformed by the Gospel and stepping up to something beyond what they imagined today. This is something promised by God Himself in Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us … ” If our expectations are less than exceptional in our Christian journey, we are not doing justice to our Creator God who is the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2) who had redeemed us from sins that ensnare us from the true purpose He has created us for. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. Jesus did remind us that when He as the Son of God who came two thousand years ago in the flesh to earth, He meant for us to have a full life. But the devil comes along like a thief and robbed us of all the joys and blessings of life. (John 10:10) He wants his children, like any good father, to enjoy the goodness and blessings He had promised, especially the joy of eternity with Him. Navigating around the snares of the evil one is not something we should do alone. Therefore, as we step up in the different seasons and transitions of life, there is a community lifeline He has offered for us to hold on to, apart from Him of course. Our biological family is meant to be the closest of all relationships. Yet often many have found out that they could not be depended on in their greatest moment of needs due to family dysfunction. Loneliness is a huge struggle of life journey and the joy of a new lifeline with a new life in God is called the Church. The Church is not the physical building we meet in. The Church is the community, or the gathering of God’s people, where the expression of God’s love, grace and mercy can be experienced.


It is true that the Church is not that perfect. It is simply because she is made of people like you and me, forgiven sinners. If I am to give a new name to the Church, I would call it “Church On the Way”! We are all sinners on the way to perfection. Some have just started and others further down the road. Sure, there are many difficult people in there. Aren’t we all? Once I asked my staff this question: “Is it difficult to work with people?” Everyone nodded, some enthusiastically! I asked the second question: “Is it difficult to work with people who have to work with you?” That caught them for a while until it dawned on them that I was trying to say something about their blind spots. Therefore, I see the Church as a place where God trains us in our character and Christlikeness in learning how to love one another. My simple take is this that if we cannot love the people inside the Church, we cannot love the sinful world outside who needs Christ. But many Christians can love the world outside better because although they are not of the world, they still cannot get the world out of them. So God uses the Body of Christ to train His members. If you have found a perfect church, don’t join it. You will surely make it imperfect! There are far too many Christians striking out on their own, believing in the half-truth that the Christian faith is purely a private affair between him and God. While the profession of faith may be a private matter, the expression of faith is always communal. We see this right from the beginning of the early church in Acts 2:42-47. Three thousand people had just believed and were baptized immediately, joining the fellowship of believers. There is no evidence in the New Testament (nor in the Old Testament) to suggest that the Christian life is a private affair between us and God. It is always on the basis of a community and the Body of believers. They

met daily in temple courts and home to fellowship and evangelize. From this passage, we can discern three reasons why people continue to be part of a Church. These reasons are equally applicable today. Firstly, they had an encounter with God (v.42-43) The Gospel sets them free from the prison of sins, forgiven and healed. They “were filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.” Secondly, they felt they belong (v.44-46). One of the works of the Holy Spirit is to bring unity to the Body of Christ so much so that they are shared with everyone in need and have everything in common. They sacrifice their personal wealth and possession for anyone in need. They love hanging out with each other. They are part of a new adopted family they never had. Thirdly, they found a new purpose for living (v.47) I believe they had a void in their lives filled by the Holy Spirit with a new aspiration. They had a higher calling than themselves. They have a collective purpose that allowed them to see that “the Lord added to their numbers daily those who were being saved.” The Gospel became central to their lives because eternity became more important than their temporal existence in this world. They recognized that although everyone dies, but not everyone lives to a meaningful existence. The Church is a precious treasure to God as a heavy price of His Son was paid to redeem her. The Church is therefore a place to give us a sense of encounter with God, belonging and purpose that will put us on an exciting journey of the Christian faith. If you are a lone ranger Christian, grab that lifeline. Start by attending Church regularly and more importantly, join a Cell Group. You will be amazed down the road how that will transform you.

MINISTRIES BAHASA MALAYSIA Pr Eddy Marson 010 955 2377 bahasa@dumc.my

BREAKTHROUGH DRUG REHABILITATION CENTRE Pr Samuel Krishnan 012 233 6857 breakthrough.rehab@dumc.my

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Lee Soo Choo 017 242 7003 urban.community@ces.org.my

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