Oracle 1z0-1057 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud 2019 Implementation Essentials
Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Certification is highly demanded these days. Plus, it’ll be a good impression on your resume to have one of such certifications. Worried about the preparation of Oracle? You don’t have to anymore because Dumpspedia is offering a full-proof method to nail the test just follow our simple instructions and train yourself through our fabulous 1z0-1057 Practice Tests. You can pass Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud 2019 Implementation Essentials Exam with the help of 1z0-1057 Practice Test Questions Answers especially when that’s been acknowledged by even the specialists. 1z0-1057 Braindumps
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Question NO 1, What are three configuration items that you need to set up by using the Project Organizations functional area in Project Financial Management configurations? (Choose three.)
A. B. C. D. E.
Manage Project Unit Organizations Mange Business Unit Manage Project Organization Classifications Mange Project Types Manage Project Unit Options
Answer: A C E
Question NO 2, Which three setups can be configured by using Rapid Implementation for Project Financial Management Applications?
A. B. C. D.
Departments Expenditure Types Project Templates Project Types
Answer: A B D
Question NO 3, You have projects and tasks defined with transaction controls, which does not allow certain types of charges to the project. Your business needs to create invoices in AP with this project every period and hence would like to make the process easier by creating a distribution set. As you create the distribution set, you notice that these distribution set lines are not validated against the project transaction controls and you are allowed to save it without any validation errors. Identify the reason why the project transaction controls are not applied. (Choose the best answer.) A. B. C. D.
There is no expenditure type information available on the distribution set line. There is no expenditure organization information available on the distribution set line. There is no expenditure item date information available on the distribution set line. The account code combination is not available on the distribution set line.
Answer: C
Question NO 4, A project administrator is trying to assign a team member for a project but cannot find the person in the team member list on the Project Definition page. What is the reason for this problem? (Choose the best answer.)
A. B. C. D.
The employee is not assigned to the project-owning organization. The employee is not assigned with a supervisor. Project roles are not assigned in the project. The employee is not assigned to a department.
Answer: D
Question NO 5, As part of maintaining (importing new employees that were added last week) project enterprise labor resources in your organization, you submit the Maintain Project Enterprise Labor Resources process to create and update resources based on changes In HCM. You define maintenance conditions on the Manage Project Enterprise Labor Resource page to process both employees and contingent workers. Which three are parameters that are based on which the system identifies the new resources? A. B. C. D. E.
Department Project Unit Jobs Business Unit Organization
Answer: C D E
Question NO 6, You are trying to create a project purchase order (PO) but you are unable to select Expenditure Organization in the PO. Identify two reasons for this problem. (Choose two.)
A. B. C. the PO. D.
The organization is not classified as a project-owning organization. The organization is not classified as a project expenditure organization. The organization is not included in the organization tree that is assigned to the business unit that owns The organization is classified as a project unit.
Answer: B C
Question NO 7, Your customer wants to generate accounting based on project information associated with the transaction for all subledger transactions. Identify three subledger applications for which the project source is available for deriving accounts when configuring subledger accounting. (Choose three.)
A. B. C. D.
Receipt Accounting Payables Fixed Asset Purchasing
Answer: A B D
Question NO 8, Your organization has been using project class categories and codes for reporting purposes and is set up at the project level. You recently defined a new project type, Capital-Contract, and created new class categories named Build, Operate, and Transfer (BOT) and Build, Transfer, and Maintain (BTM), with class codes of Yes/No. But on creation of a project, you are unable to associate these class categories and codes. Identify two setups that are mandatory for these class categories and codes to be displayed. (Choose two.) A. B. C. D.
Class codes should be associated with a related set code. Class categories should be assigned to business unit. Class categories should be assigned to project type. Class codes should be assigned to project unit.
Answer: A C
Question NO 9, Which three are part of using the Rapid Implementation for Project Financial Management Applications macroenabled Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to enter setup data? A. B. C. D. E.
Prepare setup data. Import Projects. Generate CSV files. Upload setup data. File Import and Export.
Answer: A C D
Question NO 10, While opening an organization tree on the Manage Organization Trees page, you notice that the hierarchy status is displayed as Inactive. Identify the two reasons for the organization tree to be in Inactive status. ( Choose two.)
A. B. C. D. E.
You used Create Tree in the action menu. You used Create Tree Version in the action menu. You used View Tree Version in the action menu. You selected the Edit icon for opening the hierarchy. You opened the hierarchy by clicking the name.
Answer: A D
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