IBM P2150-870 Technical Sales Foundations of IBM Security Intelligence and Analytics
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P2150-870 Dumps Questions
Question NO 1, What are thesystems called which send events to QRadar?
A. B. C. D.
Assets Firewalls Log Sources Data Backups
Answer: D
Question NO 2, In which use case can QRadar Vulnerability Manager be used to detect a particular vulnerability and assist in remediating? QRadar Vulnerability Manager:
A. to patch systems for high risk vulnerabilities. B. to analyze events from and to a known Botnet site. C. to extract packets and reconstruct the network traffic session. D. for searching which systems are vulnerable to a particular exploit and what Intrusion Preventions systems can be used to remediate it. Answer: D
Question NO 3, What is the QRadar 14xx Data Node used for? It is used to: A. B. C. D.
offload Offense management tasks from a multi-tenant 31 xx appliance. provide a long term data backup store for 16xx, 17xx, 18xx and 31 xx appliances. provide additional storage and processing for 16xx. 17xx, 18xx and 31 xx appliances. run complex 'Machine Learning' style applications in the QRadar application framework.
Answer: B
Question NO 4, Which subjects should be covered when first demonstrating QRadar?
1. The devices QRadar supports. 2. How to write rules to detect spear-fishing attacks. 3. How much EPS QRadar can handle on a single box. 4. Why QRadar should be chosen. B. 1. The QRadar add-ons. and what problems they solve. 2. How QRadar add-ons work. 3. How to create a custom extracted property from a custom log source. 4. A use case involving different geographies, and its integration to a physical security system (badge reader).
1. The problem QRadar solves. 2. How QRadar works (i.e.. data integration, correlation and offenses). 3. Use cases that apply to the client's business. 4. QRadar's competitive advantages 1. The programming languages used to build QRadar. 2. The cost per EPS and FPM 3. Building a use case in QRadar's rule wizard. 4. A POC so client can personally test the product.
Answer: A
Question NO 5, What do prospects typically care about for high level cyber use cases?
1. Advanced Threats 2. Insider Threats 3. Securing the cloud 4. Critical Data Protection 1. Best price for performance 2. Outside Threats 3. Patching ALL vulnerabilities found as soon as they are reported 4. Running a clean data center
1. Having a proper time management system 2. Evacuation rule compliance 3. Making the sales target for the week 4. Speed of deployment and Time to value 1. Having a good password change policy 2. Erasing documents which describe a recent data breach 3. keeping up to date with Windows patch updates 4. cleaning the BGP routing tables regularly
Answer: C
Question NO 6, Which metrics are defined for the three virtual appliance system specification (Minimum/Medium/High). (select 4) A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
NICs IOPS Memory Storage CPU cores/speed Maximum Latency Virtual Networks
Answer: A C E G
Question NO 7, Which TCP/IP protocols are at layer 4 of the OSI model (Select 2) A. B. C. D. E.
Answer: A B
Question NO 8, Which is standard on a QRadar on Cloud deployment? A. B. C. D.
High Availability Packet analysis Vulnerability Management Custom log source development
Answer: B
Question NO 9, What is the least secure of the five transmission types? A. B. C. D. E.
Wireless Fiber Optic Coaxial Cable Shielded Twisted Pair Unshielded Twisted Pair
Answer: C
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