Pegasystems PEGACLSA74 V1-A LSA Pega Architecture 74V1
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Question NO 1, You oversee a medium size development team, and some of the team members are new to Pega. What are the two most efficient ways to ensure that the rules the team creates adhere to best practices? (Choose Two.) A. B. C. D.
Leverage the rule check-in approve process to review the new team member changes first. Have new team members create and run Pega automated unit tests against their rules. Use Pega Log Analyze to identify exceptions associated with the new team members. Run Tracer on each rule the new team members check in the identify an failure in rule execution.
Answer: A
Question NO 2, You review and tune the agent configuration on production system since default agents A. B. C. D.
Are not necessary for every application Need to registered with the master agent Require an agent schedule record Should never run in a production environment
Answer: B D
and . (Choose Two.)
Question NO 3, Which two tools and /or methods support continuous integration practices? (Choose Two.) A. B. C. D.
Performing UI regression testing Configuring pre and import steps Using an automation server to invoke unit test suites Leveraging release toggles
Answer: D
Question NO 4, Your team is developing a Quoting application for BigCo. The team is developing a Policy Administration application. The Quoting application is built on the Policy Administration application. The Policy Administration application requires enhancements to support other areas of the business. These enhancement take place during the same time frame as the Quoting application development. Select the two practices for your team to follow to minimize potential development conflicts. (Choose Two.) A. B. C. D.
Share rule sets between both application Switch application when modifying rules. Perform branch reviews when merging branches. Periodically rebase the policy Administrator application
Answer: B C
Question NO 5, You are designing an accessible Pega application for French and English-language users who require assistive technologies. The application must be able to run from desktop, table and mobile phone browsers. Also, several screens require the ability to save changes and refresh the screen? Which of the following Skin rule customization help satisfy the stated requirements? A. B. C. D.
In the Skin rule, Configure the import filed for each column included in repeating layout. In the Skin rule, Configure the column Layout and specify how the sidebar appeared on tables and smart phones. In the Skin configure the style for all application filed values, paragraphs, and correspondence records. In the Skin rule, configure the Column Layout and specify the width of the sidebar on desktops.
Answer: C
Question NO 6, XYZ Corp requires employers to designate alternate operators to performs their work while they are on vacation. Work for vacationing operators should be visible to alternate operators. How do you configure the application to handle this requirement? A. Define a custom Access when rule named pxAssignedToMeOrAlternate. Modify the pyUserWorkList Report Definition using this rule to display every assign-Work list assignment within the Work Group. B. Modify the user portal to only display team members for which the operator has been designed an alternate. C. Modify the user portal to only display team members for which the operation has been designated an alternate. Clicking on an operator displays that operator’s work list. Assignments are opened accordingly. D. Add a Value List Property to data-Admin-Operator-ID. Alternate operators add vacationing personals to their Value List. Modify the Assign-Work list report definition to include this values List. Modify security accordingly to allow access Answer: C
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