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Creating a Ferreira de Sá rug is a unique experience. The techniques are flexible and allow you to choose different designs, combinations, colors and finishings, all according to your individual taste. Possibilities are endless and you can even choose to divide the rug into different stripes, each of them woven with a different pattern, color and/or materials (find out more about pattern combinations, on pages 10 - 17).


On your right, you will find a step-by-step list which will help you place your order. The in-house talented team of designers is always happy to help along the process. Therefore, if you need any assistance or have any additional queries, please contact us.

Colors can be picked from the color range (from pages 120 to 123). As for the polypropylene ropes for the IN/OUTDOOR rugs, you will find them on page 124. After selecting the features of your rug, leave the rest to Ferreira de Sá and rely on its expertise to weave the carpet of your dreams.

1. Select the manufacturing technique and pattern:

Single looms - from pages 32 to 49

- plain or a color mix

- with design (6 possible designs)

- combination of designs

- custom-made design (if adequate to the technique)

Combi looms - from pages 50 to 87

- single jacquard pattern all over

- jacquard pattern combination (to be chosen from the 7 Pattern Sets that we have available)

2. Select the color(s) and material(s):

In this image, the black represents the background and the white is the design.

Caption : e) - ending (w615/black) b) - background (w615/black) d) - design (w500/white)

- Select the color(s) of the ending (e) and background (b). Either single color or mix of tones and materials can be used. The ending is usually in the same color(s) as the background, if not, it needs to be indicated. Another option is the ending folded in.

- Choose the color of the design (d). Either single color or mix of tones and raw materials can be used.

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