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The Brigid of Faughart Festival will feature in a special edition of RTe’s nationwide this evening
from 01-02-2023
(Wednesday 1st February), for St.Brigid’s Day. The programme was filmed at Faughart last week and will feature Dolores Whelan and Roisin Cotter from the festival, along with local historian Don Johnston, speaking about St.Brigid’s connection to Faughart, her traditional birthplace and the various festival events taking place next week.
The festival was officially launched on Thursday last by Councillor John Reilly, himself a proud son of Faughart and the festival team were delighted with the great level of interest, which is growing year on year. according to Roisin Cotter of the Festival team, ‘’Interest in St.Brigid has never been greater and with the new Bank holiday this year on
St Brigid of Faughart Festival team with Louth County Council Arts Officer Moya Hodgers (third from right).

Monday 6th February, that is only going to increase. Faughart is so rich in heritage sites, and this is something that the festival aims to explore and promote, along with the strong links to our national matron saint Brigid.’’
The festival is delighted to be supported by louth County Council, Ceo Joan Martin,
Arts Officer Moya hodgers, Paul hayes of an Táin arts Centre, the County library and the councillors, contributors and guests who attended the launch.
Thanks to Cathaoirleach Kevin Meenan, Councillor edel Corrigan, Councillor John Reilly and Councillor James Byrne who attended the launch and for their ongoing support. The festival begins with an opening event in Faughart oratory on Sunday 29th January and runs until the new Bank holiday, Monday 6th February.
For full programme information, please see www.brigidoffaughart. ie or find us on Facebook/www.facebook. com/brigidoffaughart.
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3 bE droo M country bungalow to let, 8 miles from Dundalk, oil fired central heating, text only 00 44 790 168 2223.
MobilE hoME transPort—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702.
Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358.
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Podiatry/c hiro P ody treatment in the comfort of your own home. Ms. Dara McCoy, Bsc. Podiatry 0871924794.
Prof E ssional d rylining—Dropped Ceiling, Tape & Joints also all Insulation Services. Dundalk Tel 089-2488819 or 0894189199.
Paint E r availabl E—Keen rates, no job too small! Call 086 3848079. Plast E ring sE rvic E availabl E Free quotations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285.
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