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(Bush Post Primary TY Student) Social dancing in The Lisdoo

LOCAL businessman Brendan Marmion has announced the latest guests for his always popular ‘Social Dancing’ evening in the Lisdoo which takes place on Thursday nights.

The event takes place upstairs in the Lisdoo Bar and Restaurant from 8:30pm until 11pm with different band each week. Admission is just €10 and this includes a light supper. All proceeds raised goes towards St Gabriels College in Bafmeng, Cameroon which Brendan has supported for many years. The school is run by Dundalk priest Fr Brian Byrne who hails from the Carrick Road. The school has grown from very humble beginnings and now has over 1000 kids receiving education which will help them break the cycle of poverty and help kids help themselves and their families.


Upcoming events for March and April are as follows: es, study, and sleep. It doesn’t leave much room for hobbies, sport, for social action or for anything that develops you as a person rather than just as a brain.

Transition year gives you an opportunity to mature which is important for development.

The second reason

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