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disABILITY Louth thank all who attended recent AGM

THE first in person AGM since the start of the Lockdown was held at the Crowne Plaza, and was opened and compered by our chairperson David Larkin.

David thanked our Officers, Committee Members, Group Members,Speakers, Dara Mc Gabhainn of Louth Local Development and Sinead McVerry and Eamon Redmond from Louth County Council for their work and support.


We start the new Year with a new Public Image Logo, designed by Crown Creatives and printed by Print Express and a renewed call to be One Voice for Persons with Disability.

A review of the years activities of events research and representations was given by our Secretary Vesna Radosevic.

Our treasurer Annette Monaghan reviewed our finances and also give a presentation on our ‘Breaking the Mould’ Creative project. The work from this project will be displayed at the Highlanes Gallery Drogheda from Feb 2023.

The all-important theme of Cost of Living and Wellbeing was reflected in the presentations of our Guest Speakers.

Disability Louth extends thanks to the Guest Speakers:

Helen Grant, Manager, EmployAbility Service Louth; Sean Brosnan, Money Advisor M.A.B.S.; Peter O’ Toole, Head of Counselling, n.C.B.I.

A video summary of the results of our research on the effects of covid and lockdown on persons with disABILITY was screened.

This event afforded the opportunity to meet with our group members and to restate our objectives.

OnE Voice for All.

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