Dungarvan observer 5 6 2015 edition

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Friday, 5th June, 2015

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Multi-million euro tourism project is again appealed to An Bord Pleanála By Paul Mooney

Developer seeks alteration to create caravan park at Clonea Strand

A MULTI-million euro tourism complex proposed for Clonea Strand, Dungarvan, has again been appealed to An Bord Pleanála after the developer sought planning permission to alter the development to turn it into a caravan park.

In December, 2008, despite local opposition, an Bord Pleanála granted permission with conditions to Lar Whelan Trading for a mixed-use development including a hotel and holiday suites, dedicated parking spaces, modified village centre, demountable beach bar and club house and up

to 82 holiday homes, at Kilgrovan, Clonea Strand, Dungarvan. (Council planning reference: 07614; Bord reference: PL24 .229386). However, on 22nd August, 2014, an application was made by Lar Whelan Trading, to alter the existing planning per-

mission (07614) for the replacement of 64 holiday homes with a 100 unit caravan park development, including modifications to road layout, landscaping and ancillary works. (New Council Planning reference: 14600156). The Council received 17 submissions in relation

to the new planning permission, most of which were objections / concerns in regards to the altered development for a caravan park. On 10th May, 2015, Waterford City and County Council decided to grant conditional permission to Lar Whelan

Trading for the altered development to construct the caravan park. However, the Council’s decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanála on 19th May, 2015, by Mary Pam Morrissey. (New Board reference: PL93 .244907). The case is due to be decided by An Bord Pleanála by 21st September, 2015.

Farmers’ payments published despite security concerns County Waterford farmers received over €48.3m in 2014


JULY 5th – 10th PRE-SCHOOL, JUNIOR & SENIOR INFANTS €65 MONDAY – THURSDAY: 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. FRIDAY 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. 1st CLASS – 6th CLASS €75 10.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.



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By Paul Mooney DETAILS of thousands of County Waterford farmers, who received payments under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), have been published by the Department of Agriculture, despite security concerns raised by the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) and a local campaigner. Just over €1.8bn in EU funds were paid to 130,000 Irish farmers and businesses operating in the agriculture sector - details of the CAP beneficiaries were published on the Department’s website (www.agricul-

ture.gov.ie). According to the Department, it is obliged, in accordance with EU Regulation 1306/2013, to ensure the annual publication of all beneficiaries of CAP funding. A breakdown of the figures show that in 2013, 38 payments were made to County Waterford farmers totalling just over €4.5m; while in 2014, just over €48.3m was paid to 2,409 County Waterford farmers. CONCERN OVER SECURITY PREVIOUSLY RAISED Last March, local Fianna Fáíl member and former Ireland South

Candidate in the EU elections, Kieran Hartley, outlined the concern and anxiety amongst rural farmers in County Waterford about the publication of CAP payments. “Coupled with the new postcode system, the publication of this highly sensitive information will allow criminals with a sat-nav to punch in the relevant postcode co-ordinates and arrive at a farmers’ home in the knowledge that a substantial sum of money has been deposited in the farmer’s bank account,” Mr. Hartley told this newspaper. Continued on page 2

JOHN DEASY T.D. Phone 058-43003 Email john.deasy@oir.ie Website www.johndeasytd.com

Explorers Liam Meaney age 5 and Eimear Meaney age 7 help to launch the Immrama Festival of Travel Writing Fringe and Family programme in Lismore in County Waterford. The festival takes place from 11th to 14th June. Festival goers will be taken on a literal journey across the globe with multi award-winning journalist and author Robert Fisk, travel writer and presenter Charley Boorman and intrepid explorer and author Jonathan Shackleton. www.lismoreimmrama.com. [Patrick Browne]


Cappoquin Community Centre 3.15 Lismore Heritage Centre 4.00 St Patrick’s Hall, Tallow 4.45



Yo u r Observer S O Inside this week … N DUNGARVA




Vol. 102

Friday, 5th June,



sport@dungarvano bserver.ie

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Vol. 103


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Tipperary's Steven O'Brien and Waterford's Tommy Prendergast in action the Munster Senior during Football Championship last Sunday in Semple Stadium. [Noel

the altered Trading for construct development to Strand the caravan park. park at Clonea Council’s percreate caravan However, the to to the new planning alteration to (07614) for the mission, most of which decision was appealed19th Developer seeks at mission Pleanála on / con64 holiday By Paul Mooney holiday homes, replacement of were objections to the An Bord by Mary Pam 2008, to 82 a 100 unit Clonea Strand, 2015, In December, n cerns in regards an Kilgrovan, (Council plan- homes with Board a May, MULTI-millio local opposition, A park development, development for Morrissey. (New Dungarvan. complex despite 07614; caravan modifications to altered .244907). granted pereuro tourism reference: PL93 including caravan park. Clonea Bord Pleanálaconditions to ning reference: to be 2015, reference: PL24 road layout, landscaping proposed for The case is due On 10th May, has mission with for a Bord and works. (New City by An Bord Strand, Dungarvan, to Lar Whelan Trading .229386). 22nd and ancillary refer- WaterfordCouncil decided decided 21st by again been appealedafter mixed-use development However, on Council Planning County Pleanála holconditional per- September, 2015. An Bord Pleanálasought including a hotel andpark- August, 2014, an applica14600156). grant ence: to Lar received dedicated was made by to Lar Whelan the developer The Council to iday suites, village tion alter in relation mission planning permission to ing spaces, modified beach Whelan Trading, to 17 submissions planning perdemountable alter the development and up the existing a caravan centre, turn it into bar and club house park.

Call to Elizabeth for her consistent customer care and advice




Farmers’ payments published despite security concerns

T i p p e ra r y e a se to v i c to r y i n Th u r l es Se e

in 2014 over €48.3m EU elections, Kieran Candidate in the the concern and d farmers received outlined County Waterfor ture.gov.ie). it is Hartley, farmers in amongst rural to the Department,



10th JULY 5th –

JUNIOR & PRE-SCHOOL, €65 SENIOR INFANTS MONDAY – THURSDAY: 1.00 p.m. 10.00 a.m. – FRIDAY 2.00 p.m. 10.00 a.m. – 6th CLASS 1st CLASS – €75 2.30 p.m. 10.00 a.m. –

According with EU anxiety Waterford about the publicaobliged, in accordanceto ensure the County 1306/2013, tion of CAP payments. new postcode thousands of County Regulation the of all beneficiaries DETAILS of “Coupled with who received pay- annual publication of this highly 7 help to the publication Waterford farmers, the Common of CAP funding. Eimear Meaney age Family allow crimshow system, under of the figures Meaney age 5 and information will ments Writing Fringe and takes A breakdown (CAP), have been made sensitive a sat-nav to punch in the Explorers Liam Festival of Travel Agricultural Policy Department of payments were inals with and launch the Immrama in County Waterford. The festival on a that in 2013, 38 the farmers totalling relevant postcode co-ordinates the published by goers will be taken programme in Lismore security concerns to County Waterford home in in 2014, just to 14th June. Festivalmulti award-winning jourAgriculture, despite arrive at a farmers’ Farmers’ Association just over €4.5m; while sum of place from 11th the globe with Charley paid to 2,409 knowledge that a substantial raised by the Irish the literal journey across Fisk, travel writer and presenter €48.3m was campaigner. deposited in (IFA) and a local in EU funds were over author Robert Jonathan Shackleton. Waterford farmers. money has been Hartley nalist and explorer and author [Patrick Browne] Just over €1.8bn and County account,” Mr. OVER SECURITY Boorman and intrepid Irish farmers farmer’s bank ama.com. paid to 130,000 in the agriculture CONCERN RAISED www.lismoreimmr told this newspaper. PREVIOUSLY businesses operating the CAP beneon page 2 Fianna Fáíl memof Last March, local Ireland South Continued the sector - details published on ber and former ficiaries were (www.agriculDepartment’s website

By Paul Mooney




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y Centre 3.15 Cappoquin CommunitPENALTIES PROVE 4.00 Lismore Heritage Centre COSTLY Page 2 4.45 St Patrick’s Hall, Tallow



SECTIONS .........................……………………………. PAGES News .............................…………..…………………….. 1–27 Classifieds ..........................…..…………………….. 28–30 Tolisons’ Service Station officially opens … 31-34 County News ...........………….……………………… 35–47 Schools ...........………….……………………............ 47-53 Obituary .............………...................................…. 54-55 Farming .....................………….…………………….. 56–59 Entertainment ........………….…………………….. 60–63 Déise Newsround ..............………………………......... 64 Includes your 24-page Sports pull-out

News on the move: Web: www.dungarvanobserver.ie Find us on Twitter: @DungarvanObserv

WEATHER OUTLOOK WEDNESDAY will be mostly dry and bright with some sunshine. Highest temperatures of 14 to 16 degrees in light to moderate westerly winds. Wednesday night will be mainly dry with light variable breezes and temperatures down to between 6 and 8 degrees. There'll be a good deal of dry weather for Thursday but a band of rain will push up against Atlantic coasts, and could be heavy there for a time, but it will break up as the day goes on. Most other parts of the country will be dry with some sunshine, and temperatures will range between 15 and 17 degrees generally, possibly warmer in the southeast and cooler along the Atlantic coast in the rain. Winds will be mainly light and from a southerly direction. Friday will see further spells of rain for a time in the west but otherwise it will be a day of sunny spells and scattered showers. Winds will be light southeasterly becoming light to moderate from a southwest direction and temperatures should be around normal for the time of year, and warmest in the southeast. Saturday currently looks to be a little cooler with sunshine and showers again in a freshening southwest flow. The further outlook still contains a good deal of uncertainty, but early indications suggest that it will become milder, with a good amount of dry weather.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Farmers’ payments published despite security concerns FROM FRONT PAGE “Of even more concern, with the closure of rural post offices and bank branches, farmers of an older generation have less access to the banks and post offices and may be inclined to hold money on the farm. In addition, the closure of many rural Garda Stations now leaves criminals to work with impunity,” he warned. The Department said it made public the details of CAP beneficiaries as required by the European Commission before the 31st May deadline. It has been noted that the full postal addresses of farmers have not published, only the municipal district where a farmer lives. FARMERS “EXTREMELY ANGRY” However, the IFA said farmers are still angry over the information being made publicly available. On hearing the news that the Department of Agriculture will publish details of CAP payments to farmers, IFA President, Eddie Downey, said farmers across the country are “extremely angry” over what they call a “breach of confidentiality”. Mr. Downey said Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney must protect farmers’ rights and security and challenge this “unacceptable and unnecessary infringe-

ment at every level”. He said the IFA has strong objections to the publication of farmers’ data in relation to CAP payments on the grounds of “confidentiality, lack of proportionality and the security threat involved for farmers”. CAP INFORMATION The CAP information relates to details of payments made in financial year 2013 (expenditure for period 16th October, 2012, to 15th October, 2013); and 2014 (expenditure for period 16th October, 2013 to 15th October, 2014). The details of farmers / businesses which received CAP payments over €1,250 were published, along with money paid under schemes to support the running of farms, such as disadvantaged area payments. Farmers who received less than €1,250 are anonymous, with a code used instead of a name. CAP PAYMENTS 2013 / 2014 In total, there were 38 payments made in 2013 to County Waterford farmers, totalling over €4.5m, with 18 farmers / businesses receiving over €50,000. The three highest CAP payments over €100,000 in 2013 went to: Waterford Leader Partnership Ltd., Lismore, which

received €2.39m; Glanbia Foods Society Ltd., Dungarvan, which received €255,952.03; and Thomas Lynch Ltd., Clonmel, who received €120,118.93. In 2014, a total of 2,409 farmers / businesses in County Waterford received payments totalling over €48.3m. Of those, 129 farmers / businesses received over €50,000 in 2014; and 15 farmers / businesses received €100,000 or more. The 15 highest CAP payments over €100,000 in 2014 went to: Waterford Leader Partnership Ltd., Dungarvan-Lismore District, which received over €2.5m; John and Peter Queally (of Dawn Meats), TramoreWaterford City West District, who received a total of €686,958.77; Glanbia Food Society Ltd., Dungarvan-Lismore District, which received €360,671.94; Michael Monagle, Tramore-Waterford City West District, who received €320,000; Moorehill Farms, DungarvanLismore District, which received €176,610.54; David Keane, Dungarvan-Lismore District, who received €146,948.22; Elizabeth Jennings, Waterford City East District, who received €127,489.67; Ashleigh Farms Milling Ltd., Dungarvan-Lismore District, which received €126,965.37; Thomas Lynch

Farms Ltd., Clonmel, which received €117,090.11; Lismore Estates, Dungarvan-Lismore District, which received €116,719.57; Michael Foran, Comeragh District, who received €115,869.16; DJW Agriculture Ltd., Dungarvan-Lismore District, which received €104,909.34; Edmond Phelan, Tramore-Waterford City West District, who received €101,639.44; James Power, Waterford City East District, who received €100,980.68; and Thomas Leahy, DungarvanLismore District, who received €100,614.69. Details of the CAP payments can be found on the Department’s website, www.agriculture.gov.ie, under ‘CAP Beneficiaries Payments’. AVERAGE SUBSIDY PAYMENT It is understood that these payments would not be typical of those paid to farmers - as according to recent preliminary research results by Teagasc for 2014, farm incomes are heavily reliant on subsidies and the average subsidy payment received by farmers last year was around €18,859 (the single farm payment accounting for €13,849). The average subsidy payment accounted for 70 percent of farm income.

Eu ro p e a n Ca p i ta l of Cu l t u re b i d l a u n c h es ‘ T h r e e S i s t e r s 2 0 2 0. i e ’ Launching the South East’s European Capital of Culture South East 2020 Bid website www.threesisters2020.ie are three sisters Anna, Lucy and Cathy Dillon pictured at The Three Sisters Marina in New Ross. The Three Sisters Waterford, Wexford and Kilkenny have teamed up to Bid for the 2020 title. [Patrick Browne]

WED 16º

THUR 17º

FRI 17º

SAT 16º

SUN 16º

HAVING joined forces to Bid for the 2020 title of European Capital of Culture, the Three Sisters Waterford, Wexford and Kilkenny on Thursday, May 28th, officially launch their website www.threesisters2020.ie for the Bid. The South East’s Bid brand and website name draws on the three rivers of the three counties, The Barrow, The Nore and The Suir. It re-affirms the connection amongst the three South East counties and also sets the unique regional Bid apart from the other single city bids. Commenting on the launch of

the website Michael Quinn the Bid Director said, “We are delighted to launch the official website for the Three Sisters 2020 Bid. Our Bid is from the people of three counties of Ireland and while we are leading this as a Bid team our approach to the entire Bid is through the people of the South East region and beyond. The website is an integral part of this, it offers everyone the opportunity to do what we are calling ‘their bit for the bid’. We are asking every person, schoolgoers, community groups, individuals, business people, those

already involved in arts and culture and more importantly those who feel they are not, to come on-board and to get involved. The threesisters2020.ie website enables them to do just that through its interactive set-up. I and the Three Sisters team urge everyone ‘do their bit’. We would like to hear everyone’s creative thoughts and even hairbrained ideas for what they would like to see the region create and look like for the European Capital of Culture 2020 and to help ensure that the Three Sisters are positioned in the primary spot for the title in

Ireland in 2020.” The chosen city will be selected by a jury nominated by the European Commission and in these coming months the selection process will get underway. For more information on the Three Sisters approach to the Bid for the South East or to ‘do your bit’ log on to www.threesisters2020.ie or email threesisters2020@kilkennycoco.ie ‘Three Sisters 2020’ can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube at ‘Three Sisters 2020’. #BitfortheBid #ThreeSisters


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Councillors enthusiastic about Dungarvan’s 800th birthday celebrations By Christy Parker THERE was an unequivocal and enthusiastic response from Councillors prior to the May Dungarvan-Lismore Municipal District meeting, when Waterford Council archivist Jean Rothwell presented a power point presentation on Dungarvan’s upcoming 800th birthday celebrations. The presentation was crisp and to the point and besides highlighting the list of celebratory events, the Councillors’ bank of knowledge was enahnced as they learned of the French connection by which on July 3rd, 1215, King John granted the customs of the small Normandy town Breteuil to Dungravan. Dungarvan’s settlement originally focused around Dungarvan Castle, founded in 1185 The original charter no longer exists but, explained Jean it read

that, “John by the Grace of God, King of England, etc. etc., grants and confirms to the buregesses of Dungarvan and their heirs all liberties as held by the assembly of Bretoll, to have and to hold these inheritances in perpetuity". It was all about town development (as ever), with the Law of Breteuil used a kind of grant to attract settlers, with large burgage (land) and low fines to attract settlers. The settlers were needed to pay market tolls and burgage rents to fund the local Lord (Thomas FitzAnthony, Seneschal of Leinster in 1215) and to defend the Castle and defend the town with all building, etc., or as King John put it in that cute way he had with words, to “strengthen their hereditaments and diligently keep the liberty and peace." The settlers were allowed to take wood from the Lord’s forest for building and heating their homes.

Many might argue that its time to bring that back! FESTIVAL PROGRAMME The programme of events does not include swiping trees but was revealed as follows: Friday, July 3rd: 5.00 p.m. – Dungarvan Sailing Club event; 8.00 p.m. – Official Launch at Town Hall Theatre, incl. talk by Seán Duffy, TCD; 9.00 p.m. Medieval Music Concert with Laoise O’Brien. Saturday July 4th: 11.30 a.m. / Noon: Guided Talk about Dungarvan Castle with archaeologist Dave Pollock; 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.: The Irish Harp – Lecture and Mini Recital by Siobhán Armstrong at Dungarvan Library; 3.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.: Film Screening of The Lion in Winter at The Old Market House Arts Centre. Furthermore Saturday July 4th: 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.: Re-enactors Déise Medieval based at Dungarvan

WIT student joins prestigious Italian Conservation Summer School WIT Conservation degree student awarded scholarship to International Institute for Restoration and Preservation THIS week, San Gemini, a beautiful Italian hill town in Umbria, welcomes Waterford Institute of Technology graduate, Joe Kelly, as he begins an Historic Building Restoration programme at the International Institute for Restoration and Preservation studies. The BSc Conservation degree student won a bursary to participate in the esteemed Summer programme of restoration works on the Oratory of St. Carlo, a 13th Century church in the town of St. Gemini. The WIT degree course is the first of its kind in Ireland and designed, principally, to upskill construction professionals in the conservation of historic buildings. The course has collaborations with Waterford City & County Council and Kilkenny City & County Council on live conservation projects with students attending WIT for theory based modules. As part of the four week programme at San Gemini, Joe will examine the Restoration of Traditional Masonry Buildings in Italy and also learn how to analyse historic buildings using sketching as the main

form of documentation. Joe, a qualified stonemason and bricklayer for over thirty years is looking forward to the San Gemini experience. “Ireland has a wonderful building heritage and I fervently believe it is crucial that these buildings are reserved and conserved. Upon my return from Italy, one of my main objectives is to share my experience with fellow conservationists in order to ensure Irelands build heritage is protected.” Ian O’Neill, WIT Applied Conservations Skills Course leader is enthusiastic about the programme. “The general aim of our course is to equip students with the skills and knowledge to act in a supervisory capacity on building conservation projects.The course gives them the know-how to work on build heritage anywhere in the world. By partnering with San Gemini, Joe will be able to apply tried and tested conservationist practices to his work on his return to Ireland.” If you want to find out more about the Conservation Skills course Waterford Institute of Technology will host a free Conservation Seminar on Thursday, June 11th,

between 5.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. at the Department of Architecture, WIT, Cork Road Campus. Email equin@wit.ie to secure a free place and to receive further information on the seminar. Sharon O’Brien, WIT Acting Head of the Department of Architecture, said “This free two hour seminar will be of particular interest to conservation consultants, conservation contractors and suppliers, conservation site managers and specialist conservation site operatives.” “It’s a fantastic opportunity to gather the building conservation community of the South East together to discuss and share ideas. It is also open to current students on the course, or those interested in applying via the Springboard programme, which provides free places in higher education to the unemployed.” To find out more about Waterford Institute of Technology’s BSc in Conservation Skills, contact Ian O’Neill at ioneill@wit.ie or Terry Prenderville at tprenderville@wit.ie or alternatively you can visit www.wit.ie/wd189

Castle; Medieval Village & Battle Scene; Costumes people directing people to events and venues throughout the town – locations involved are Castle, Library, Old Market House and Museum; Also 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.: Craft demonstrations e.g. weaving, butter making, spinning etc. Local speakers on 800 years of Dungarvan history. Children’s Events on Saturday July 4th: 10-11 a.m.: Treasure Hunt through Medieval Dungarvan; 11.00 a.m. – Noon: “World A Tales’ – Early Irish Storytelling by Niall de Burca at Town Hal Theatre; 3–4.30 p.m.: Children’s Workshop at Dungarvan Library. Saturday night July 4th: Medieval Banquet at Crew’s Restaurant, with Medieval dress, music and a taste of medieval food.Tickets cost €35 and are available from Waterford County Museum.

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BSc in Applied Conservation Skills Department of Architecture

Students on site at Greyfriars in Waterford Viking Triangle

If you are interested in working in heritage and conservation, the level 7 BSc in Applied Conservation Skills programme is for you. The accelerated one year programme fully equips graduates to work in supervisory roles on building conservation projects and meets Part IV of the Planning & Development Act conservation requirements. More information Terry Prenderville: tprenderville@wit.ie Ian O’Neill: ioneill@wit.ie Tel: 051 845512

Springboard entry Springboard entry is available to those who meet the eligibility criteria Apply: www.wit.ie/springboard WIT entry Applicants can apply directly to WIT Apply: www.wit.ie/wd189

www.wit.ie/wd189 waterfordit @waterfordit



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

West Waterford men halfway through kayak endurance in aid of charity By Paul Mooney FIVE West Waterford men are halfway through their endurance challenge of traversing the entire length of the River Blackwater in kayak over a six day period in aid of

charity. David Moore, Stephen Mernin, Eric Moore, Brendan Mernin and Philip McGrath tracked the River Blackwater to its source in the Mullaghareirk Mountains in Kerry, and are currently kayaking 170 km (105 miles) from the river

In training on the River Blackwater at Villierstown Quay recently.

source to where it meets the Celtic Sea at Youghal. The challenge began on 1st June and will finish on 6th June when they emerge from the Blackwater Estuary at Youghal. Money raised from the endurance event will go to the charity ‘Suicide or

Survive’ which works to challenge the stigma attached to mental illness and provide a range of educational and therapeutic programmes that increase understanding of suicide and play an active role in its prevention in Ireland. The five lads, all from Villierstown, underwent some arduous training, which included hiking and kayaking over the last number of months. Speaking on-location during the second day of the endurance challenge, Stephen Mernin said that despite the severe weather and torrential downpours, spirits and morale is high in the group. “We are two days into the challenge and have four more days ahead of us,” Stephen told the Dungarvan Observer. “Everything is going according to plan and we are all having great craic. It is a fantastic adventure and we are looking forward to completing the challenge.” Stephen expressed gratitude on behalf of the team

The five lads pictured at the source of the River Blackwater in the Mullaghareirk Mountains in Kerry. Left to right: Eric Moore; David Moore; Philip McGrath; Brendan Mernin; and Stephen Mernin. to the Moore family of Rathmore, County Kerry, who generously provided tea, sandwiches and refreshments. “They really looked after us.They have been fantastic and wonderful, and we are grateful to them for that,” said Stephen. He also paid tribute to media co-ordinator for the team, Regina O’Brien, who gave up her free time

to look after all the organising and media liaising along the route for the team. The five lads are asking for the support of the public in their endeavour and to donate generously for this worthy cause. As well as sponsorship cards distributed to various areas around County Waterford, there were other fundraising events held,

including a table quiz. People can also make a donation through AIB bank sort code: 93-41-86; account number: 01279161; or donate online at www.mycharity.ie/event/sourcetosea. More information and updates on the challenge can be found on the Facebook page ‘Source to Sea Kayak’.

Congratulations to Mr. Tony Halpin, son of Nollaig and the late Tom Halpin, Dungarvan, and Samantha Smith, daughter of Geoff and Rosa Smith, Bunbury, Western Australia, who are married recently in St.Patrick’s Cathedral, Bunbury. The reception was held in The Lighthouse Hotel, Bunbury. From left to right: Chloe Halpin (Bridesmaid), Luke Smith (Groomsmen), Patrick Halpin (Bestman), Robyn Edwards (Chief Bridesmaid), Richard Halpin (Groomsman), Nicole Smith (Bridesmaid), Tomás Halpin (Groomsman), Kahlia Smith (Bridesmaid). Bride and Groom, Samantha Smith and Tony Halpin.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


GridLink’s Plan for Pylons, Wind Factories and Sub-Stations in









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Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Waterford artists supported with bursaries THE Arts Office of Waterford City & County Council has announced the recipients of bursaries to attend The Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghmakerrig, the artists’ workplace in County Monaghan during 2015. The artists will avail of residential stays during 2015 to work on specific artistic projects. The Bursary recipients for the two week residency are :

Mary Tritschler, Dunmore East/Visual Arts Sarah Lincoln, Ardmore/Visual Arts One week residencies are allocated to : Pippa Sweeney, Kilgobinet/Visual Arts Jacqui Corcoran, Faithlegg/Literature David Minehan, Dungarvan /Visual Arts Siobhán Twomey, Lismore/Literature In addition congratulations is extended to

Clodagh Kelly, a member of Croabh na gComarach CCE who received the Blas Bursary to attend the International Blas Summer School of Traditional Music at the University of Limerick. Recipients of support to attend the Drama League of Ireland Summer School at UL are Pat Power from Dungarvan Dramatic Club and Geri Oakes from the Waterford Dramatic Society.

Musicians who will be supported to attend the Irish Youth Choir Summer Programme are Sarah Keating, Maypark Village,Waterford, Brian Hughes, Dungarvan & Niall Stafford, Avondale, Waterford City. The Arts Office would like to thank all who made applications and congratulations to the recipients for 2015.

Waterford City & County Council welcomes increase in tourism figures

Opel Ireland National Retail Sales Manager Ray Costello presenting Margaret Hynes from John Kelly Opel with the Opel Customer Excellence Award. The Opel Customer Excellence Programme, now in its third year, is based on independent feedback from customers and is awarded to the top retailers who deliver the highest standard of service in sales and after-sales, across a 12-month period, January to December of 2014.

John Kelly Ltd. wins Opel Customer Excellence award THE recipients of Opel Ireland’s 2015 Customer Excellence Awards have been announced, with John Kelly Ltd. in Waterford receiving an award for outstanding customer service. “While the Motoring Industry continues to witness a surge in sales John Kelly Opel has remained focused on delivering excellent customer service, which is of paramount importance to our business,” said Dave Sheeran, Managing Director Opel Ireland. The Opel Customer Excellence Programme, now in its third year, is based on independent feedback from customers and is awarded to the top retailers who deliver the highest standard of service in sales and after-sales, across a 12-month period, January to December of 2014 Margaret Hynes from John Kelly Opel commented; “It is a tremendous honour to receive this award, and particularly gratifying that the win is as a result of feedback from our customers. This accolade is testament to the tireless efforts of our talented team at John Kelly’s who include

Martin Doyle, Margaret Hynes, Derek Browne, Derek Ryan, Seamus Flynn, Billy O’Rourke, Barry Kent, Adrian Jackman, Michelle Quilty, & Tadgh Hayes. As part of the company’s dedication to creating the best-possible customer experience, Opel offers a three-day test drive programme, called Experience Opel, designed to allow customers to truly experience owning Opel. For more information visit www.johnkellyopel.com or drop in and talk to a member of the team. Later this year, John Kelly Opel will welcome the all-new KARL, a compact but spacious five door economical car, which will be powered by the latest generation one-litre petrol engine. Meanwhile Opel will launch Internet connectivity, emergency assistance services and a host of vehicle diagnostic service with Opel OnStar. This will arrive in Opel’s new passenger cars from September. In the same month, the New Astra will make its global debut and promises to deliver on stunning design, everyday value and superior engineering, which is synonymous with German cars.

WATERFORD City & County Council has welcomed the latest Fáilte Ireland figures which show an increase in visitor numbers to Waterford so far this year. Welcoming the figures, Waterford City and County Council Chief Executive, Michael Walsh said that the local authority has been playing a key role in the promotion of tourism locally by successfully delivering a host of projects this year to the benefit of local businesses and communities. “We’ve been working with Fáilte Ireland and our partners locally to promote Waterford as a tourism destination and we’re delighted that this seems to be paying off with an increase in visitor numbers,” he said. “We’re also busy working in collaboration with the business community and a network of local and national agencies to further develop our tourism potential. From driving a host of local festivals and events like

Winterval and the Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford that support employment in the region, local Government support is also critical to the success of a range of initiatives which support enterprise and economic development at a local level.” Latest CSO figures have recently revealed that the number of trips made to Ireland in the first three months of 2015 is steadily increasing and it’s expected to be a bumper year for Irish tourism. The statistics showed than 1.53 million trips were made to Ireland between January and March, up 14.1% (188,800) on the same period last year. This increase follows solid growth in the number of trips to Ireland last year, which was up 7.2% compared to 2013. Visitors from Britain represented almost half of all trips made between January and March 2015, with 725,800 British visitors travelling to Ireland, up 14.2% year-on-year. Residents of the United

States and Canada made up a further 12.5% (191,200) of visitors, rising by 6.9% compared to the same quarter of last year. Meanwhile visitors from Germany accounted for 5.6% of all trips, up 4.5% from 2014. Meanwhile, visits from Italy saw the highest rate of growth in the quarter, up 36.2% year-on-year to 59,800. Waterford City & County Council is also working at a local level to facilitate and develop tourism and amenities in Waterford by encouraging private and community investment and drawing on local cultural distinctiveness in the development of the county’s tourism product. This includes supporting community-led initiatives to develop recreational and tourism facilities, and assisting and encouraging the private sector in advancing developments to meet tourism infrastructural requirements and leisure facilities. “We want to further

increase visitor numbers and promote the identity of Waterford and its visitor attractions through participation in county, national and international tourism initiatives.We’re working to forge closer partnerships between public, private and voluntary sectors to provide, promote and support the development of tourism and recreation infrastructure across Waterford,” Michael added. “We’re also in the process of assessing applications for funding under the Community Tourism Initiative for the Diaspora. This initiative, launched last year, builds on the community involvement legacy of The Gathering 2013 and is a joint partnership between Waterford County Council, IPB Insurance and Fáilte Ireland. Now in its second year, the scheme provides a national fund of €1m to support local community-based events and festivals each year and we look forward to announcing the successful applicants shortly.”

Dunmore East dredging to begin in July will cost €6m – Minister Coffey FINE Gael Waterford Minister Paudie Coffey has welcomed news that the Minister for Agriculture, Food and The Marine Simon Coveney TD has signed the contract for the dredging of Dunmore East Harbour for 2015. Minister Coffey said this is positive news and it is now expected works will begin in July with most of the work completed by September. “In 2014 the government allocated €4 million towards the dredging of Dunmore East Harbour, however the tendering process attracted only a couple of tenders which were well above the monies allocated. The Government then retendered for this vital project earlier this year and a successful bidder has now been selected and the total costs of the works will be €6 million. “This investment will be a massive boost to Dunmore East and act as a stimulus for increased commercial activity in Waterford’s leading harbour. When complete, not only will the harbour be more accessible to larger vessels, landing times and vessel management will be much improved as

will the availability of the syncrolift, which is required to raise vessels to facilitate their repair and maintenance.” “Dunmore East is a vibrant fishing village and hosts local, national and international sailing and boating competitions. Over the course of the last number of years Dunmore East has had significant investment, with the upgrading of the Water Infrastructure at a cost of €2.6 million. Capital investment has also been provided for improvement works of the slip at the harbour at a cost of €450,000 along with other investments that have allowed for the upkeep and refurbishment the pontoons at the harbour. “I have continuously worked with Minister Coveney on this issue since my election to the Dáil and appointment as Minister of State and brings to over €10 million invested in the village since this government came to office in 2011. I hope this project when completed will help to attract further competitions and visitors that will support the local tourism and hospitality sector in Dunmore East.”


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015



HALF PRICE STRIPLOIN STEAK HALF PRICE STRIPLOIN ROAST 50% EXTRA FREE 1.5KG ROAST LOIN OF PORK €9.99 SAVE €5.00 For qualit y, value & ser vice Visit of representatives of Clans of Ireland to Áras an Uachtarain: Dan McGrath, Clans of Ireland Board member and representive of the McGrath Clan; and Lijana Kudzmaite, Dungarvan, pictured at Áras an Uachtaráin with Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland. [Frank Gavin Photography]

Local man meets President as part of Clans of Ireland 25 Anniversary celebrations A LOCAL man who was recently appointed as a Director on the Board of Clans of Ireland, had the honour of meeting with Uachtarán na hÉireann, Michael D. Higgins, at Áras an Uachtaráín on Thursday, 28th May, last. Earlier in April, Dan McGrath, a well known photographer from County Waterford, was appointed to the Board of Clans of Ireland at its Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting. Mr. McGrath represents the McGrath Clan of Thomond, and was part of the delegation which met with President Higgins. Mr. McGrath, who led a successful gathering of the McGrath Clan in 2013, is one of the driving forces behind next year’s McGrath Clan Gathering, which will take place in Dungarvan in June, 2016. This year, the Clans of Ireland celebrates its 25th Anniversary, and as part of those celebrations, President Higgins received a delegation from Clans of Ireland at Áras an Uachtaráín. Some members of the delegation had travelled from the USA, Australia, Europe and the four corners of Ireland, Donegal to

Waterford,Wicklow to Galway, to be present on the occasion to mark the 25th Anniversary of the founding of Finte na hÉireann (Clans of Ireland). The President is the Patron of Clans of Ireland and he welcomed the group led by its Chairman, Gearóid Ó Ceallaigh, of the O’Kelly of Hy Many Clan, from Kilrush, County Clare. President Higgins addressed the Clan representatives as a group, after which he spoke individually with each of the attendees. Refreshments were then served before the group received an expert guided tour of the Áras. During the course of the afternoon, the President was presented with his family tree of the Higgins Family of Ballycar, County Clare, by Gearóid Ó Ceallaigh, who made the presentation on behalf of Clans of Ireland. Clans of Ireland promotes and develops the concept and organisation of the Irish clan in Ireland and abroad, represents Irish clans at home or abroad, unites them into a cohesive movement and advances education by promoting Irish historical research, values and culture. It also encourages people

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within Irish clans to trace their family history. Speaking at the Aras, Mr. Ó Ceallaigh said: “Clans of Ireland authenticates and promotes the interests of Irish clans and historic families”. “It is also a major focus for Clans of Ireland to reach out to Irish people throughout the World and deliver to them an intrinsic understanding of their traditions and history, so that they can appreciate our authentic culture,” he said. This year is a milestone for Clans of Ireland as it celebrates its 25th anniversary. It was an initiative driven by Rory O’Connor, who was the Chieftain of the O’Connor Kerry Clan and with help from Bord Failte and the government, was established in November 1989. Today, there are 66 registered Clans spread around the world, an increase from the 15 which were in existence on day one. There are a number of Irish Clans worldwide, each with their own proud history. They go from the Ahearnes, Barrys to the O’Briens, O’Sullivans to the Walls and the Woulfes.

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County Waterford beaches retain four Blue Flags COUNTY Waterford has retained its four Blue Flags for beaches along the coastline. Clonea Strand, Dungarvan; Counsellor’s Strand, Dunmore East; Dunmore Strand and Tramore Strand have all held onto their Blue Flag title. The Blue Flag is an award of excellence, with

beaches complying with strict criteria relating to water quality, safety, facilities for visitors, beach management, environmental education and the provision of information. More information on Blue Flag beaches at www.blueflagireland.org.

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Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

The Deise Greenway has been renamed the Waterford Greenway

Greenway into the Dan Donovan Tunnel.

CONSIDERABLE progress has been made on the 10km section of the greenway beside the Waterford & Suir Valley Railway from Kilmeaden Station to the Bilberry, Waterford City. Preparatory work including clearance of 3 metre width along part of the route and investigation of bridges was done during January to April. There was considerable Infill required and drainage put in on the section between Carriganore and Bilberry. The tar macadam surface is now complete in this area. This is still very much a construction site and not suitable for use by the public. Fencing has to be erected on the landside as there are sheer drops. Fencing also has to be erected to separate the railway track and the greenway. Platforms will be built along the route at Bilberry, Gracedieu Native Woodland, Woodstown Viking Site and Mount Congreve Gardens and a new entrance and car park completed at Bilberry. Waterford & Suir Valley Railway has opened for the Summer season and operates daily from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 12 noon to 5.00 p.m. on Sunday. Family Fun Events are on every Wednesday and Sunday throughout the Summer. Annual Family Membership is available to the railway for €60.00. Further information is available on the website www.wsvrailway.ie Work will resume on the Waterford Greenway in October and this 10km section is due to open in April 2016.

Greenway at Gracedieu Junction.

Home Instead Senior Care offers tips on holidaying with seniors WHILE many of us are making holiday plans that ensure our children are happy and entertained, many of us are also planning a holiday with a senior relative or family friend. Home Instead Senior Care, which provides care for seniors in their own home, is issuing tips and advice to ensure that the summer holidays are relaxing and hassle free for all involved. According to Danette Connolly, Director of Care at Home Instead,Waterford, the number of families inviting grandparents on holidays has increased in recent years. “There are a number of reasons for grandparents being invited on holidays. It’s traditionally an opportunity to spend quality time with all generations, leaving behind everyday worries and stresses. However, we firmly believe that inviting a grandparent needs to be for the right reasons.” Danette added, “In 2014, a survey conducted by online travel agency sunshine.co.uk revealed that 61% of over 2,000 UK families questioned, invited other family members on holiday with them. Of these, a massive 67% admitted it was so the grandparents could keep an eye on their children and give them a break. What’s even more telling is that 42% admitted that the grandparents weren’t all that keen on the idea.” The reality is that grandparents should not be

brought on holidays as full time babysitters, no matter how well meaning the intentions are. Danette added, “This situation can lead to family tension and in many cases, resentment. If you are inviting a grandparent on holiday it is important to remember that it is also a time for them to relax, explore, and enjoy the holiday and not be responsible 24/7 for young children.” If you are planning a holiday with a grandparent or older relative, Home Instead Senior Care advises: Discussion: have a discussion about what type of holiday your senior relative would enjoy; cultural, adventure, a city break. A two week adventure park holiday might not be the relaxing holiday your older relative had in mind. Preparation: before you travel, ensure you have a written summary of any medical conditions or medications that your travelling companion has / takes. Also ensure you are aware of the proximity of hospitals, G.P.’s and pharmacies in the area. Travel insurance / healthcare in EU / EEA countries: As an Irish resident you are entitled to get healthcare through the public system in countries of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland if you become ill or injured while on a temporary stay there. It is worthwhile applying for a European Health Insurance Card –

Launching the 2015 Blas na hEireann awards for Waterford are Artie Clifford from Blas na hEireann with previous winners of Irish Food Awards Tom and Ria Jones from Sea of Vitality and Riognach Nic Craith from Biddy Gonzales pictured with Eimhin Ni Chonchuir from the Waterford Local Enterprise Office. [David Clynch Photography] one card is required for each individual or family member. Try to keep set schedules: Change of routine and climate can contribute to dehydration and constipation. Try not to alter the daily pattern too much, for example eating much later in the evening than usual can lead to stress, sleeping and digestion difficulties. Budget: Many seniors are on fixed incomes, so keep spend on food, travel and gifts to a minimum. Agree a realistic budget and stick to it. Keep cool: Sunscreen should always be worn by an older person, even if they only go outside for a short time, as their skin is much thinner and can burn easily. A wide-brimmed hat that shades the face and covers the head is advisable if going outdoors in the heat. For more information about travelling / holidaying with a senior family member or friend, call Home Instead Senior Care Waterford on 051 333966 or visit www.homeinstead.ie

Waterford producers invited to enter the 2015 Oscars of Irish food FOOD producers in County Waterford are being invited to promote and showcase the county’s very best produce at the 2015 Blas na hÉireann Irish Food Awards. The prestigious ‘Oscars of Irish Food’ will this year see more than 2,000 Irish products blindtasted and scored by over 350 judges over the course of the competition which culminates on the first weekend in October in Dingle, Co. Kerry. With the closing date for entries just weeks away, local producers are being offered the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the Best in County 2014 winners, Dawn Meats in Kilmacthomas and Best in Farmers’ Markets 2014 winners, Biddy Gonzales of An Rinn. Both awards were

sponsored by the Waterford Local Enterprise Office (LEO). The Irish Food Awards, the Oscars of the Irish food industry, carry with them a huge amount of prestige and winning produce is used as a quality benchmark for Irish produce amongst national and international retailers and distributors alike. The awards are about recognising passionate, dedicated producers who are serious about marketing their produce at home and abroad and have a proven benefit for producers who take part. The closing date for entries this year in Wednesday, 17th June, and entries can be completed at www.irishfoodawards.com A survey of the 2014 participants found that

more than 50% of producers believe Government support has been vital to their business development, both from the Local Enterprise Offices for smaller producers and from Bord Bia and Enterprise Ireland for the bigger international operators. Waterford LEO is delighted to continue to support the awards and food producers in the county and is searching for the winners of the Best in County and Best in Farmers’ Market awards this year, honours which are both sponsored again this year by the Waterford LEO. Éimhin Ní Chonchúir, Food Strategy Manager with Waterford LEO said the body helps to create the right supports for food businesses to start, and grow in Waterford. “Here in

Waterford we have been given a rich and fertile land and this has led to a strong tradition in food production. That tradition continues with even more quality products being developed here, as shown by the number of award winners in recent times. The Blas na hÉireann awards in particular allow our smaller producers to pit themselves against the rest but also an invaluable opportunity showcase their great produce directly to retail buyers." Waterford producers have always had a strong presence at the Irish Food Awards and the search is now on for this year’s best products and producers in the county as well as Waterford entries which will vie for national awards.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Community saddened by death of U2’s Tour Manager - Dennis Sheehan



13.30 – 14.00 €110,000

Sweet Briar, New Line, Abbeyside, BER C3

13.30 – 14.00 €229,000

Vine Park House, Curraglass, Conna, BER C1

17.15 – 18.00 €279,000

51 Pairc na mBlath, Ballinroad, Dungarvan, BER C1 17.30 – 18.00 €249,000

FRIDAY 5thJUNE JUNE FRIDAY 5th 8 St Garvans Terrace, Dungarvan, BER F

13.30 – 14.00 €110,000

6 Tournore Court, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, BER C2 13.30 – 14.00 €249,000 51 Pairc na mBlath, Ballinroad, Dungarvan, BER C1 13.30 – 14.00 €249,000 The late Dennis Sheehan (left), U2’s Tour Manager; with Joe Herlihy, U2’s Sound Engineer; and John McGrath, of Downey's Bar, Dungarvan. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

By Paul Mooney DUNGARVAN and West Waterford was stunned and saddened to learn of the untimely death last week of one of its greatest ambassadors - Dennis Sheehan. Dennis (68) was the Tour Manager of U2 for 33 years and he lived in Ballyconnery, Dungarvan. He died last Wednesday, 27th May of a suspected heart attack in his room at the Sunset Marquis Hotel in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, where U2 were performing a fivenight stint. U2 are on their ‘Innocence and Experience’ Tour, which kicked off in Vancouver, Canada and continues across North America and Europe until 15th November. Local businessman and long time personal friend of Dennis, John McGrath, Downey’s Bar, Dungarvan, described Dennis as “a great ambassador for Dungarvan” as well as a “great inspiration for a lot of young bands in Dungarvan”, from Wishing Stones (1990) to the latest young band, Cider Wasps. Dennis was born in Wolverhampton, England, but grew up in Dungarvan, County Waterford. When he returned to Britain, he was very involved in the music scene, and was part of a band called ‘The Cardinals’

which gigged all around London and the rest of Britain. In later years, he relocated back to Dungarvan and set up his permanent home here. In 2008, Dennis was awarded the ‘Parnelli Lifetime Achievement Award’ honouring his four decades in the live entertainment industry. Dennis worked for 33 years as Tour Manager for U2, but before that, he worked with many other rock legends, including Led Zeppelin, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop and Lou Reed. When he wasn’t travelling the world with U2, Dennis was enjoying life at home in Dungarvan. He had a love for sailing and his catamaran sailing boat was a familiar sight anchored in Dungarvan Harbour for many years and he was very involved with the local sailing club. Dennis was into ‘keep fit’ and was a regular user of the gym at the Park Hotel. “Dennis was a close personal friend to me and I would meet with him every day,” said Mr. McGrath.“I enjoyed many trips abroad to concerts with him. Dennis had a great love and knowledge of music. “He loved talking about his days in the music business and he was looking forward to U2’s new tour before he went away. “Dennis was a great ambassador to the town and promoted Dungarvan whenever he could. He will be sadly missed by all his friends,” Mr.

McGrath added. U2 paid touching tributes to Dennis during their tour, and said they “lost a member of our family”. “U2 is a kind of family,” said U2 frontman, Bono. On a statement on the bands website (www.U2.com), Bono said: “We’ve lost a family member, we’re still taking it in”. “He wasn't just a legend in the music business, he was a legend in our band. He is irreplaceable.” U2 paid tribute to their great friend and long time colleague at their concert in The Forum, Los Angeles, last week. “Dennis Sheehan was his name,” explained Bono introducing ‘Iris’, a song inspired by the loss of his own mother. “He was U2's Tour Manager for 33 years and he loved, as we all do, the city of Los Angeles… he called the Sunset Marquis his home away from home.” Several songs were dedicated to Dennis during the show, including Every Breaking Wave, a transcendent version of 'Bad' and With Or Without You. Dennis Sheehan is survived by his brother, Anthony; sons Timmy and Luke; daughters, Tess and Coralie; and partner, Pam. Funeral arrangements have yet to be confirmed, but it is understood that Dennis’ body will be returned to Dungarvan for Funeral Mass and burial locally.

Sweet Briar, New Line, Abbeyside, BER C3

17.30 – 18.00 €229,000

Vine Park House, Curraglass, Conna, BER C1

17.15 – 18.00 €279,000

SATURDAY6th6th JUNE SATURDAY JUNE Sweet Briar, New Line, Abbeyside, BER C3

11.00 – 11.30


51 Pairc na mBlath, Ballinroad, Dungarvan, BER C1 11.00 – 11.30


6 Tournore Court, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, BER C2 12.15 – 12.45 €249,000 Vine Park House, Curraglass, Conna, BER C1

12.15 – 13.00 €279,000

DAVID REYNOLDS Managing Director T: +353 58 23444 M: +353 86 2383179 sherryfitzreynolds@ gmail.com

GERARDINE REYNOLDS Director T: +353 58 23444 M: +353 87 2458848 grsherryfitzlettings @gmail.com

SINEAD REYNOLDS Negotiator T: +353 58 23444 M: + 353 86 8601860 srsherryfitz@ gmail.com

CORMAC CURRAN Negotiator T: +353 58 23444 M: +353 86 8601866 ccsherryfitz@gmail.com




Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

A Constitutional question THE calls for the recall of the Dail to discuss what is being described as a Constitutional crisis are premature to say the least, because the High Court judgement which purports to prohibit the publication of various accusations made under Dail privilege will not be completed and published until Friday next. The more pertinent question this week is why the Dail is not sitting in usual session. It is only some weeks away from the Summer recess and there is a busy schedule of legislation to be got through in the meantime. However, the fact remains that there is conflict between the Courts / Judiciary, the Oireachtas, the Government and the media over what may and may not be reported from the proceedings of the Dail. The crisis has been brought about by a Dail Deputy reading certain matters into the record of the Dail regarding the finances of entrepreneur, Denis O’Brien, a man whose name is not particularly popular in this country because of his association with Irish Water and the installation of water meters around the country. There is also controversy in regard to the manner of his acquisition of the Siteserv company, also involved in water-metering and the amount of money he paid for it. Denis O’Brien sought and was granted an injunction restraining the Irish media from publishing details of disclosures made in the Dail on this subject by Deputy Catherine Murphy. As usual, the Taoiseach is saying nothing, sheltering behind the injunction on the one hand and a desire not to commit himself in any way on the other. While this controversy has not yet reached the proportions of a Constitutional crisis, it does appear that the right of Oireachtas Members to have their utterances in the Dail or Seanad reported in the media, will be curtailed by a ruling and injunction of the High Court. It bears repeating that this cannot be finally

Incorp. Munster Industrial Advocate established until the full ruling of the Court is made public on Friday next and the Irish people and the parties involved will have to wait until then. The relevant provision of the Constitution which gives privilege to the Members of the Oireachtas is contained in Article 15 (12) which says that: “All official reports and publications of the Oireachtas or of either House thereof and utterances made in either House wherever published shall be privileged.” Legal experts also point to Article 35 (2) which states that “All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their judicial functions and subject only to this Constitution and the law.” In these provisions appear to be a conflict in whether the Court has the right to curtail utterances by Oireachtas Members, a right which seems to be guaranteed by the Constitution itself. The ruling of the High Court and the text of their judgement will be eagerly awaited next Friday, as will the actions which may be open to the parties involved thereafter. The members of the public, as the electorate, can only stand by and watch from the sidelines as the two relevant authorities appear to be headed on a collision course.

It’s an exam, not life or death THIS morning, (Wednesday) almost 119,000 young students will present themselves at the doors of exam

halls all around the country and commence the Leaving Cert or Junior Cert Exams. For many of them, the next two weeks will decide the future of their careers and their personal lives, although not all will realise the importance of the moment. Almost 60,000 will sit their Junior Cert exam, a reduction of a little over 1 from last year while 56,000 will sit their Leaving Cert, up almost 2 on 2014. The more disciplined students, or those with more forceful adults guiding them, will set aside all of their electronics, forget social media, dip heir heads a little deeper into their books and apply themselves more diligently in the hope of gaining another percent or two and the possibility of a higher grade and additional College points. Sitting the Leaving Cert, or its Applied equivalent is a big responsibility, particularly as it comes early in life for those involved. While the additional transition year has increased the average school leaving age, nevertheless not all students avail of it and many still head off to college at little more than seventeen years of age, sometimes too immature for the new life, without visible discipline. This year, perhaps more than any time in the last six years, there is a little more hope that the graduating students will have the opportunity of employment. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but many will know that for them the emigrant ship or the long-haul plane will be their destiny, as the modern ‘flight of earls’ continues. There are many factors which come into play on exam day, not least the health and well-being of the student, domestic difficulties or worries, or just a bad choice of revision questions which did not eventually turn up on the paper. One way or another, some will be happy, some disappointed at the outcome, not least with the prospect of a repeat year in Leaving Cart without their class friends to keep them company. We wish them, each and every one, success in their endeavours and to remember the number of millionaires, famous personalities and other lower key success stories of people who did not pass Junior Cert in their day. Just one more thing to bear in mind. The Leaving Cert is important, but not a matter of life and death.

Reg. in GPO as a Newspaper • Shandon, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford • 058-41205/42042 • www.dungarvanobserver.ie • news@dungarvanobserver.ie

Youghal Front Strand has “Excellent” water quality By Christy Parker VISITORS to Youghal’s Front will be reassured to know that water readings taken last week reveal the water to be in “excellent” quality. The findings won’t change the fact that signage advising against bathing at the Front Strand beach will still be posted this summer. The signs are mandatory after the beach failed EPA quality readings in 2012 and 2014. The assessments are based on aggregate readings over four years. Municipal District Officer Helen Mulcahy stresses that the beach is “perfectly safe” for bathing and says it will remain so for the duration of the season. She also wishes to emphasise that the Front Strand beach is not being “closed”, a perception – or phrase - that has apparently eked into common consideration in recent times. Meanwhile Claycastle beach also remains of good quality and Redbarn beach has now regained its Blue Flag status after a year’s absence.

Family fun this weekend to raise awareness of mental health and suicide A FUN weekend for the whole family will take place at Mount Melleray, Cappoquin this coming Friday and Saturday, to help raise awareness around mental health, depression and suicide. The event is being hosted by Mount Melleray Community Group, and is being organised by John O’Brien, with assistance from Cllr. Liam Brazil. “This event is being held in rural West Waterford to raise awareness of mental health and suicide and to let people know there is help out there,” said Cllr. Brazil. The two-days of events will include a 7.5 km walk / jog / run; music, and dancing; silage cutting displays; followed by a question and answer session on dairy stock by Lismore Vets; a horse and carriage demonstration; a donkey derby and

lots of other fun including craic with the ‘Bachelor’s in Trouble’. There will be plenty of family fun for everyone, which will include raffles with fantastic prizes, bouncy castles, face-painting and plenty more! Everyone is welcome to attend both days which will raise awareness of mental health and suicide. “Mental health and suicide are not something to be ashamed about any more. It is something we all need to talk about and raise awareness,” Cllr. Brazil added. FRIDAY 5th JUNE 7.00 p.m. 7.5K walk / run: registration from 7.00 p.m. in Melleray Community Centre, €10 / family rates available. Contact Carmel on 087-2535149. 10.00 p.m. social dancing at Melleray Community Centre, music by ‘Mad Mike’. Special guest

Waterford Rose Sarah Tobin. Admission €10 and raffle. Contact Ann on 087-1326206. SATURDAY 6th JUNE 9.30 a.m. Silage cutting. Demonstration of old single chop / double chop / precision chop harvesters. Full demonstration of Pottinger Wagons / mowers / rakes. Launch and demonstration of bale handler by Powers. Launch of new John Deere baler. Demonstration of new Komatsu 320 loader. 2.00 p.m. Q&A session on dairy stock, led by Lismore Vets. 6.00 p.m. Horse and carriage demonstration. 7.30 p.m. Donkey Derby. 9.30 p.m. Cat’s Bar - music. Family fun with bouncy castles, facepainting and raffle entertainment.

Votes of sympathy at Comeragh Council COMERAGH District Council extended votes of sympathy to families of recently deceased and observed a minute’s silence at its recent monthly meeting. Cathaoirleach of Comeragh District Council, Cllr. Michael J. O’Ryan proposed a vote of sympathy at the May

meeting, to the family of the late Father Sean Melody, Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart, The Folly, Waterford City, and a Ballymacarbry native. “Father Sean was well known to us in Ballymacarbry / Nire Valley area,” said Cllr. O’Ryan. “He was synonymous

with the clergy in County Waterford and was religious inspector when I was a pupil at my local school. “He was also Chaplain to De La Salle and worked for a while in California, and also in Veritas.” Cllr. Liam Brazil proposed a vote of sympathy to the family of the late

Josephine Flynn (née Whelan) who died suddenly. Concurring, Cllr. O’Ryan said he worked with Josephine in the past and described her as “the life and soul of the party”. Cllr. John O’Leary proposed a vote of sympathy to the family of the late Sister Mairead Foley,

Convent of Mercy, Dungarvan and formerly of Ballyduff Lower, Kilmeaden. Cllr. O’Leary said Sister Mairead was an administrator at the Convent of Mercy and worked in the hospital in Dungarvan. “She worked with the poor in Africa for many years. She was a great

Christian and gave all her life working and helping with the sick,” said Cllr. O’Leary. All Councillors concurred with the sentiments expressed and observed a moment’s silence for all the recently deceased. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a siad.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Waterford Bike Week programme launched NATIONAL Bike Week 2015 will take place from Saturday 13th to Sunday, 21st June, with bike related events taking place right around the country. Waterford is no different and in fact, we have a very strong tradition where Bike Week is concerned. In all there are 38 events taking place right across Waterford City and County over the course of the week to suit all ages and fitness levels. The programme is targeted primarily at those new or returning to cycling or those who just want to enjoy a leisurely spin with friends and family! Bike Week, which is funded at national level by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport is about celebrating all of the benefits of cycling for both recreation and transport. Those wishing to be part of the fun should find an event in a location to suit all comers. There are bike barbeques, bike maintenance workshops, community cycles and school cycling events taking place

right across Waterford, from Ardsallagh in the west to Faithlegg in the east and many towns and villages in between, as well as Waterford City itself. As part of Bike Week all events are free. 12 of the 38 Waterford events are fully open to the public. Some of the highlights include: Saturday, 13th June: Pedal in The Park, Kilbarry Nature Park, Waterford – 2.00 p.m. Sunday, 14th June: BMX Jam in The Park, People's Park, Waterford – 2.00 p.m. Tuesday, 16th June: No Name Youth Club Cycle and Beach Fun!, Fusion Centre, Dungarvan – 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, 17th June: Lunchtime Cycles in both Dungarvan and Waterford City. Pre-registration essential for Dungarvan event at www.waterfordcouncil.ie Wednesday, 17th June: Family Cycle to Tramore and back, RSC,Waterford – 6.00 p.m. Saturday, 20th June: Midsummer Beach Tag for Bike Week, Dungarvan



TRADCHESTRA S U M M E R C A M P June 29th to July 3rd 2015 10.00am to 1.00pm - Gael Scoil Philib Barún Tramore Applicant MUST have at least two years playing experience Applications must be submitted as soon as possible as places are limited and allocated on a 'first come first served' basis.

Rugby Club – 6:30 p.m. Sunday, 21st June: The Dawn Cycle, Dungarvan7:30 a.m. There are also a number of family cycles taking place over the course of the week in Ardsallagh, Faithlegg and Fenor....and don't forget to wear your helmet and cycle safely during Bike Week 2015! Full details of all of these events are available on www.bikeweek.ie/events or www.waterfordcouncil.ie. You can also contact the

local bike week coordinators Johnny Brunnock, Waterford City & County Council at jbr unnock@waterfordcouncil.ie; 058-21496 or Pauline Cunningham, Waterford Sports Partnership at pcunningham@waterfordsportspartnership.ie; 051-849855 for more details on how to get involved. So come on Waterford get on your bike from 13th to 21st June!

Total cost €100 to be paid in full at registration on Monday 29th June from 9.30am A deposit of €30 must be sent with the application form to:

Aine Mc Carthy-Kent ( Co ordinator) 'Amadeus', Ard Na Groi, Tramore, Co. Waterford ainemcck@gmail.com 0879832963 Application forms are on Tramore Comhaltas Branch website



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Pictured in Lismore ahead of the Immrama Festival of Travel Writing are the festival sponsors and committee members. Pictured is, Eugene Lyons (Foley’s Bar), Tom O’Byrne (Lismore and Cappoquin Credit Union), Mary Houlihan (Waterford City and County Council), Karen Cottier (Wild Oats Soap), Mealla Fahy (Lismore Heritage Centre), Caitriona Doyle (Inka Print and Design), Michael McBride (Lismore Tidy Towns), Evan McGarry (CareMed Direct, Lismore). Other sponsors include Failte Ireland, Waterford Airport, Bonnie’s Bouquets, FDC, Derek Dowd’s Wholesale & Retail Fruit and Vegetables, Floral Distributors Ireland (FDI), Mochuda Development Company Ltd., Jonathan Ackroyd Jewellers, Roche’s Centra Supermarket, Maurice Dunne Motors, Ballyrafter Country House Hotel, Leddy Consultancy Ltd., Books Ireland, Cavendish Computing Ltd., Lismore Estates, Blackwater Community School, Rustic Café, Twomey Solicitors, Knockanore Cheese, Glavin and Ronan Accountants and the Lismore Business Community. [Patrick Browne]

Fringes and family events announced for Immrama Lismore Festival of Travel Writing LISMORE in County Waterford will be the place to be from June 11th to 14th, as festival goers will be taken on a literal journey across the globe with multi award-winning journalist and author Robert Fisk, travel writer and presenter Charley Boorman and intrepid explorer and author Jonathan Shackleton at the Lismore Immrama Festival of Travel Writing. A Fringe and Family Fun Programme has also been announced for the festival. Festival goers young and old will have the opportunity to listen to fascinating tales from some of the

most famous travel writers in the world, younger Festival goers will have the opportunity to participate in tours of an ancient Cotton Library, adventure on the River Blackwater, enjoy a Cricket match and relax at the traditional ‘Free Family Fun Sunday’ afternoon in the town’s Park. Opening the festival on Thursday, June 11th, for a book launch are Egyptian author Salwa Elhamamsy who is launching her travel book on Ireland and John Dwyer is launching his travel book on South Africa. On the morning of June 13th

author Paul Clements will commence a two-day writing workshop on the ‘Great Houses of Ireland’ including visits to the Jameson House and Cappoquin House. Historian Donald Brady will host a talk on Saturday morning followed by a lunchtime reading with Harry Bucknall. Charley Boorman will be on stage at 3.00 p.m. followed by an evening with Robert Fisk at 8.00 p.m. Getting the show on the road on Sunday morning June 14th, travel-writer Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent will host a literary breakfast at Ballyrafter

House Hotel discussing her book, ‘A Short Ride in the Jungle: The Ho Chi Minh Trail by Motorcycle’. Set your compass for Lismore, June 11th to 14th; full details of the schedule and 'Saturday Special' tickets can be found at www.lismoreimmrama.com or call (058) 53803. Commenting on the upcoming festival Jan Rotte, Coordinator of the Festival said, “This is going to be a phenomenal festival year, since our tickets first went on sale in April the level of interest and the ticket sales has been the best since

2010. Everyone is very excited to meet the international writers in Lismore and with lots on offer not just for keen travel writers and enthusiasts but activities for all the family to enjoy it’s going to be a very busy festival weekend for the town.” The Immrama Festival of Travel Writing is supported by Waterford City and County Council, Failte Ireland,Waterford Airport, Bonnie’s Bouquets, FDC,Wild Oats Soap, Inka Print and Design, Derek Dowd Wholesale & Retail Fruit and Vegetables, Floral Distributors Ireland (FDI), Foley’s, Lismore

Heritage Company Ltd., Mochuda Development Company Ltd., Lismore and Cappoquin Credit Union, Jonathan Ackroyd Jewellers, Roche’s Centra Supermarket, Maurice Dunne Motors, Bally Rafter Country House Hotel, Leddy Consultancy Ltd., CareMed Direct, Books Ireland, Cavendish Computing Ltd., Lismore Estates, Blackwater Community School, Rustic Café, Twomey Solicitors, Knockanore Cheese, Glavin and Ronan Accountants while the Lismore Business Community will support Family Fun Sunday.

Waterford gets €2.4m Social Housing Boost – Conway LABOUR T.D. Ciara Conway is welcoming news that the Waterford City and County Council is to receive €2,402,850 to improve housing for the elderly and disabled people in the Deise. Ciara Conway said: “I am delighted that Waterford is getting its fair share of the housing adaptations grants for the elderly and disabled in our local community. The much-needed funds

have been confirmed by my colleague, Environment Minister Alan Kelly. “The grant allows extensions to be built for people with a disability, and also housing adaptations to improve mobility, by funding items such as stair lifts and access ramps. This is hugely important for those affected as it can greatly improve their quality of life.” The funding has been made

available as part of a €91m housing investment package confirmed by Minister Kelly. “Under the package, a further €1,237,539 is being provided towards local authority house adaptations and extensions to meet the needs of local tenants with a disability and to deal with overcrowding,” explained Ciara Conway. “A major tranche of the funding will also be channelled into

addressing vacant housing units.” “I’m pleased that 27 vacant local authority units in Waterford will also now be put back into productive use locally following the commitment of €466,312 to help address vacancy problems. “One of my huge frustrations is seeing boarded up social housing not being used, so it’s important to see these vacant units come back on stream as quickly

as possible. “I am also pleased that €698,999 funding has been provided to help make local authority houses more energy efficient. West Waterford Cllr. John Pratt also welcomed the announcement saying: "As a Councillor I'm all-too-aware that housing is one of the biggest issues here in the County. Anything to help people improve their living conditions is very

much needed, and I welcome the announcement, which comes as we receive confirmation that work will begin on the Ormonde Cinema Site in Dungarvan within a fortnight. I'm delighted we're seeing progress on housing at last, and this is thanks to having the Labour party in Government – we've made housing a priority, something previous administrations have ignored."

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015



Council to liaise with Church over traffic / parking problems at Fourmilewater THE District Engineer has said he will liaise with representatives of Fourmilewater Church, near Ballymacarbry, in an effort to alleviate traffic congestion which occurs as a result of parking during Mass times. At the May meeting of Comeragh District Council, Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Michael J. O’Ryan raised the matter, saying there was a fear that ambulances or the fire brigade could be caught at the location if there was an emergency. He said the road could become congested with traffic even during normal Sunday Mass times, not just weddings and funerals. District Engineer, Eamon Lonergan said he was aware of the problem and there was a suggestion to lay double yellow lines at

the location. “But the question is, how would double yellow lines be enforced, particularly during weddings and funerals,” Mr. Lonergan said. He said the onus would be put back on the Church and those organising events at the church, to ensure that motorists parking vehicles do not block the roads. He suggested the Council could liaise with the church in relation to supply of cones to be placed along the road. “I don’t think double yellow lines would be enforceable or adhered to,” Mr. Lonergan said. “I can talk to the church. Maybe cones could be placed along the road at certain times by church representatives, when they expect congestion,” he suggested.

Pilgrims & Prophets: Biblical and Celtic Spirituality EDMOND CULLINAN

AN exploration of Biblical and Celtic spirituality, with a particular focus on the continuity between the past and the present, and the lessons that can be carried through to the current day. Themes discussed include early Irish monasticism, pilgrimage and mission, the oral tradition of wisdom, the Hebrew prophets and St. John’s Gospel. About the Author – Canon Edmond G. Cullinan is currently Parish Priest in Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary. A former lecturer of Systematic Theology and Liturgy at St. John’s College, Waterford, he is a member of the Irish Episcopal Conference’s Advisory Committee on Ecumenism. He has a particular interest in spirituality and liturgy in an Irish context, and has written extensively on these topics. Accessible and clearly written. Suitable for those with an interest in early Irish history. Explores the rich tradition of spirituality in Ireland. Veritas Distribution, 14 Rosemount Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 11. Tel. 01 8829680. Price €14.99

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At the Dungarvan Brewing Company After Hours event in association with Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber were Danny McGrath, Photographer; Catherine O'Connell, Dungarvan Curtain & Blinds; Vickie Wall, Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber, and Clare Morrissey, Park Hotel. [Sean Byrne//Deise Media]

Political establishment ‘ignoring’ cultural crisis in Gaeltacht SINN Féin Councillor Siobhán Whelan has this week called for decisive action from Government to address the ‘culural crisis’ highlighted in the recent report published by Údaras na Gaeltachta, which revealed that the social use of Irish in the Gaeltacht is declining at an even more rapid rate than predicted in their last report in 2007. Councillor Siobhán Whelan said: “The findings of this report show that the strategies put in place by successive Fianna Fáil. Fine Gael and Labour Governments have failed, and underscore the abysmal record of the current Government, which has totally failed to show any kind of interest in the survival of our language, or the promotion of our heritage or culture. “We’ve seen the resignation of language commissioner Sen Ó Cuirreáin last year citing lack of Government support for his office, and a reluctance to implement the 20-year strategy. Fine Gael and Labour refuse to lift the derogation on Irish in the European Parliament that Fianna Fáil

instigated. For all their rhetoric about jobs, they fail to acknowledge that this simple move would lead to 188 jobs being created for Irish speakers in the EU. “Conradh na Gaeilge published a survey this year, which showed that public support and grá for the language remains nearly universal and that over 70% want to see the provision of services as Gaeilge increased. Our Gaeltacht communities and the Irish speaking community across the country remain committed, but unless we see support from Government this cultural crisis will continue to worsen. “We need greater investment in the language, the implementation of the 20-year strategy, the end of the derogation on Irish in Brussels and a positive and proactive attitude from Government buildings. “Lip-service from Fianna Fáil and a couldn’t-care-less ttitude from Fine Gael and Labour is killing our language. The Political establishment needs to take its lead from the people and defend and support our culture.”

Ministers wish ‘good luck’ to students sitting State exams MINISTER for Education, Jan O’Sullivan and Minister for Skills, Damien English, wished well all students who are beginning the Leaving and Junior Certificate examinations. Minister O’Sullivan said: “Best of luck to everyone starting the State exams”. “It’s a significant milestone in a young person’s life.Thousands of students across the country have worked incredibly hard to prepare for these exams and I sincerely hope that everyone sitting the exams gets the opportunity to demonstrate their

knowledge and interest in their subjects,” she added. Minister English said: “Students, teachers and families deserve our appreciation”. “I would also like to acknowledge the role of the State Examinations Commission (SEC) which is responsible for the operation of the State exams. It is a very significant logistical operation involving nearly 120,000 students, more than three million exam papers and five thousand examination centres,” he added.

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Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Student of the Year Awards 2015 Held in The Park Hotel, Dungarvan Photographs by Pat Crowley

6th LCVP Student of the year Silvano Fanone and Kathleen Dobbyn, H.S.C.L. Officer.

Child Care Level 6 Student of the year Michelle Kenrick and Helen Hogan, Career Guidance Counsellor.

Art Level 6 Student of the year Patrica McCarthy and Tutor Rayleen Clancy.

Caroline Tutty-Power and Daniel Power, Admin Level 5 Student of the Year.

Evelyn O’Brien, Childcare Level 5 Student of the Year, and Julie Fitzgerald.

Accountancy 2 Student of the year Caroline Walsh and Danny Cunningham, Principal.

Accountancy 1 Student of the year Oleksandra Merkusheva and Jenny Gleeson, Accountancy Teacher.

Brid Flynn, Parents Council, and Sharon Ryan, Nursing Studies Student of the Year.

Catherine Quinlan, Board of Management, and Denise Keane-O'Mahony, Beauty Therapy Student of the Year.

Patricia Jeanes, Parents Council, and Tina Kenneally, Health Care Support Student of the Year.

Angela Drummey, Parents Council, and Shannon Dunford, Sports Exercise and Coaching Student of the Year.

Mr. Paddy O’Keeffe, Vice-Principal, and Dean Donovan Reagan, LCA Student of the Year.

Mr. Danny Cunningham, Principal, and Michael Curran, Art Portfolio Student of the Year.

Fr. Harris and Sharon Kelly, Community Care Student of the Year.

Mr. Austin Flynn and Katie Crowley, Beauty Therapy Year 1 Student of the Year.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Fianna Fáil’s Mary Butler selected to contest General Election in Waterford FIANNA Fáil members in Waterford have selected Councillor Mary Butler to contest the forthcoming General Election for the party. Councillor Butler was the only candidate selected at the well-attended selection convention in Lawlors Hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford which was chaired by Fianna Fáil Health Spokesperson Billy Kelleher. Speaking after the convention Councillor Butler said: “I am delighted to have the trust and confidence of the Fianna Fáil members in Waterford to fight the next election and win back an important seat for the party in this constituency”. “The next election will be really important in deciding what future direction we take our society. “Fine Gael and Labour in Government have presided over severe cuts to local services in Waterford and the south east is not feeling a fair sense of economic recovery. “Unemployment is a major issue in Waterford and Fianna Fáil has credible proposals on jobs and tax reform that need to be implemented including extend PRSI benefits to the self-employed on a voluntary basis and reforming the income tax, PRSI and


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Cllr. Mary Butler, pictured with Fianna Fáil Health Spokesperson Billy Kelleher, chair of the Waterford General Election selection convention. [Pat Crowley] USC bands. “Our Spokesperson on Health Billy Kelleher chaired our convention in Dungarvan this evening. The health service, Waterford Regional Hospital and community care are major issues in

Waterford. We need a Government that will put patients and services to the fore in health policy instead of delivering bogus budgets and unrealistic targets. “Waterford needs a strong TD, rooted in their community, committed to

serving the whole county and who will be a credible force in the next Dáil. I am very pleased to be take on that challenge and I look forward to working with all my Fianna Fáil colleagues in Waterford to take on this failed Government.”




JEALOUS? Cllr. Mary Butler, Waterford General Election candidate, pictured with her family. Left to right: Jack; husband Michael; and Jane. [Pat Crowley]

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Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

O f f i c i a l o p e n i n g o f Po r t l aw F i r e S t a t i o n

Pictured at the opening of Portlaw's new Fire Station were Deputy Mayor of Waterford City & County Jason Murphy, Minister for State Paudie Coffey and members of Portlaw Fire Services.

Pictured at the opening of Portlaw's new Fire Station were members of Portlaw Fire Station that included Martin Walsh, Driver Mechanic; Eoin Maher, Fire Fighter; Mark Raine, Fire Fighter; Bernard Duggan, Station Officer; Clive Grace, Fire Fighter; William Furlong, Fire Fighter; Shane O'Gorman, Sub Officer, and Tom Morrissey, Fire Fighter. [John Power]

Pictured at the opening of Portlaw's new Fire Station were Zara and Cllr. Declan Clune, Lorraine [John Power] Grace, Stephanie McGuire and Cllr. Jim Griffin.

[John Power]

Pictured at the opening of Portlaw's new Fire Station were John Galvin, Hilary Quinlan, John Murphy, Davy Power and Cllr. Seanie Power. [John Power]

Pictured at the opening of Portlaw's new Fire Station were Michael Walsh, CEO, Waterford City & County; Garda Inspector Tony Lonergan; Lar Power, Waterford City & County Council; Sean Hogan, Dept. of The Environment; and Paul Daly, Acting Director Of [John Power] Services.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Rise in recovery of welfare payments THE Department of Social Protection is on track to recover almost €250 million in over-payments in the space of three years. Answering questions from Waterford TD John Deasy at the Dáil Public Accounts Committee, the Department’s Secretary General outlined projected welfare clawback figures for 2013–15. Having queried what percentage of over-payments due to fraud and either claimant or clerical error are being recovered, the Fine Gael deputy was told that €127.2m worth of over-payments were recorded in 2013, of which €70.7m was recovered – up from €53m in 2012. The PAC heard that a new checking system is only “live” since the end of last year, so restitution levels will improve further. In 2014, welfare overpayments totalled €124.4m, with €83m recovered. “And our expectation in 2015 is that we’ll be recovering in or around €90m,” Niamh O’Donoghue said. Describing the moneys involved as “very significant”, John Deasy commented: “People who pay taxes and work hard for a living expect efficiency

John Deasy: significant monies. when it comes to recovering social welfare payments resulting from fraud or those paid out in error. “The recovery systems are improving and should remind people who claim fraudulently there’s a better chance now they will be forced to return the money.” The Department’s most senior official told the PAC she “would absolutely disagree with any suggestion that there is rampant fraud in the social welfare system. In terms of international comparisons there is no evidence to suggest that fraud in Ireland is out of step or out of kilter with the level of fraud anywhere else.” Acknowledging that “one man’s customer error” – which is attributed

to 30-40% of over-payment cases — “is another man’s fraud”, Mr. Deasy asked if the extent of such mistakes is getting better or worse. Ms. O’Donoghue replied that the ratio of “suspected fraud” versus customer / administrative error when it comes to overpayments “has been increasing... [so] it’s not something we can be complacent about.” PUBLIC SERVICES CARD Regarding the new Public Services Card, which the Government is planning to invest another €17-18m in rolling out, Deputy Deasy asked “has that made an appreciable difference with regard to fraud.” The Secretary General confirmed that the €24m contract is based on a target

Coffey welcomes Waterford’s retention of Blue Flags FINE Gael Waterford Minister Paudie Coffey has welcomed the news that Waterford has retained its four blue flags for coastal beaches in the County. Minister Coffey said that these blue flags signal to visitors that these beeches have achieved excellent water quality to standards set by European and national Regulations, and a very high grade across a wide range of other criteria, including environmental education, management of the environment, facilities, safety and other services. “This is testament to the sterling efforts of Waterford City and County Council, An Taisce and of local communities in ensuring that their beaches meet the standards of excellence required for a Blue Flag. The blue

flag is internationally recognised and is a sign of quality. We must continue to ensure that we do our utmost across all of our beaches are awarded a blue flag; this will have a positive impact on visitor numbers to Waterford and capitalise on our stunning coastline and top class beaches. “Waterford County received 7 Green Flags; these also recognise excellence in environmental standards and sustainable management. They generally apply to beaches which do not have the full suite of facilities associated with the Blue Flag. Although visitor numbers to these beaches may not be as high, it is nevertheless important for the environment, the local community and tourists alike that these beaches also

Minister Paudie Coffey. achieve high standards. BLUE FLAG AWARDEES 2015 Clonea Strand Counsellors Strand Dunmore Strand Tramore 2015 GREEN COASTS AWARDEES Guillamene Annestown Ballyquin Curragh Goat Island Kilfrassey Newtown Cove

of 3 million cards being issued by the end of 2016. Some 1.4m are currently in circulation. She said 62 cases of fraud had been identified already through the card’s associated facial recognition software. The new technology “allows us to uncover it very quickly, and very serious cases arose out of that which have gone through the courts,” with custodial sentences ensuing. “The evidence to date is significant. It’s certainly in the millions,” she told Mr Deasy. “It also has a huge preventative role” in that, because they have to go through a registration process, “people are less inclined to perpetuate identity fraud to try and make multiple claims when they know we have the infrastructure now to check who they are. “So yes, we really feel it has contributed enormously on the fraud side, as well as the customer service side, as we also have close to 400,000 people now with a Public Service Card with the free travel badge on it which provides much greater security to transport providers in terms of who is entitled to it.”

WIT to host mature student Summer School WATERFORD Institute of Technology will host a free Summer School for mature students who are thinking of starting or returning to college. The free, two day event will take place on Wednesday, June 3rd and Thursday, June 4th at the WIT Cork Road campus. The Mature Summer School is to give anyone over the age of 22 an overview of the courses available at WIT. The course runs from 9.30am to 4.30pm both days, is free of charge and is open to anyone aged 22 or over who is interested in getting a taste of third level education. No qualifications are necessary for this Summer School. For more information about the Mature Student Summer School which takes place on Wednesday, June 3rd and Thursday, June 4th at the WIT Cork Road campus contact maturestudent@wit.ie.


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Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Best of luck to the Waterford team at the National Go For Life Games Moneymatters Guide to Borrowing SOMETIMES borrowing money can seem all too easy. You can get the item first then pay for it later. But unlike saving, borrowing comes at a cost. Lenders generally charge interest for what you borrow. This means that as well as paying back what you have borrowed, you have to pay back more. Before you borrow money there are lots of issues to consider. Here we answer some questions about borrowing. Borrowing money or taking a loan or any other kind of credit is not something to be done lightly or quickly. The time you take in weighing up options before borrowing is time well spent. It will help you to be sure you have the right kind of credit for your needs, and so reduce your chances of getting into difficulties. So what do you need to consider? • What am I borrowing for? • Could I save for this instead? • Am I sure I really NEED it? • Do I really need it NOW? It is also important to consider what the borrowing will mean for you into the future …. • How long will it take to pay this borrowing back? • What would happen if my income dropped? • What would happen if interest rates went up? If you don’t have satisfactory answers to these questions, then think again before you borrow! The Money Advice & Budgeting Service is based at Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan (Tel 0761 07 2770 – Fax 058-45296) and provides a service throughout the West Waterford area. It is part of the national MABS Service and is free, confidential and independent. Visit our web site at: www.mabs.ie Phone MABS Helpline 0761 07 2000 Email helpline@mabs.ie

Know Your Rights BACK TO WORK FAMILY DIVIDEND Question: What is the new Back to Work Family Dividend? Answer: The Back to Work Family Dividend (BTWFD) scheme aims to help families to move from social welfare into employment. It gives extra financial support to people with qualified children who stop claiming a jobseeker's payment or a one-parent family payment because they have taken up employment or self-employment. If you qualify for the scheme you will get a weekly payment for up to 2 years. For the first year in employment you will be paid the equivalent of any Increases for Qualified Children that were being paid on your jobseeker’s or oneparent family payment (up to a maximum of 4 children). Half that amount will be paid weekly for the second year. To qualify, you and all members of your family (including your adult dependant) must sign off all primary social welfare payments. However the Back to Work Family Dividend can be paid with Family Income Supplement (FIS) and is not taken into account in the means test for FIS. It can also be paid if your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant finds work, provided you are getting an Increase for a Qualified Adult on your payment for them. However, you must meet the conditions and the Back to Work Family Dividend will be paid to you (as the recipient of the social welfare payment). BTWFD can be paid with some non-primary social welfare payments such as Child Benefit, Rent Supplement and Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance (see citizensinformation.ie for the full list). The habitual residence condition applies to BTWFD. Applications for the scheme have been accepted since Monday, 5th January, 2015. The scheme became fully operational on 5th May, 2015. All eligible claims are being backdated to the date of application. Know Your Rights has been compiled by Dungarvan Citizens Information Service which provides a free and confidential service to the public. Tel: 0761 076550. Address: Scanlon’s Yard, Dungarvan. Information is also available online at citizensinformation.ie and from the Citizens Information Phone Service, 0761 07 4000. FLAC (Free Legal Advice) 1st Thursday of every month, by appointment only.

BEST of Luck to the twelve members of the Waterford team that will compete against twenty three other teams from across Ireland at the National Go for Life (GFL) Games on Saturday, 6th June, in

Dublin City University! Team members were recruited from a range of groups including Dungarvan ARA, Dungarvan Care of the Aged, Respond Services, Waterford Stroke Support Group and

Cappoquin Active Retirement following three Games blitzes which were run by Waterford Sports Partnership from March to May 2015. The GFL Games is an annual event run by Age

& Opportunity to celebrate fun and social physical activity for older adults through participation in indoor bowling games. Good luck to Vincent Bergin, Ita Butler, Valerie Delaney, Helen Elliot,

Andy Gray, Pat Healy, John O’Donoghue, Mary O’Donoghue, Anna O’Neill, Monica O’Sullivan, Gerard Rae and Sally Walsh who are representing Waterford. We know you’ll do us proud.

Fun and rivalry for Dungarvan Raft Race Challenge THE excitement is mounting in Co. Waterford and South Tipperary as teams and supporters are gearing up for Dungarvan’s 2nd Annual Raft Race Challenge in aid of the RNLI Helvick Lifeboat Station, Waterford Dragon Warriors and Suir Dragon Paddlers. This colourful family friendly raft race challenge is scheduled for Dungarvan Harbour at the Lookout at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 14th. With an entry fee of €600 per team, there are at least 20 groups expected to participate. “There are a few spare rafts available, and we can support you with your raft if necessary, but you need to contact us asap as our supply is limited “We would encourage all

Great action and determination in Coady’s Quay, Dungarvan at the 2014 Raft Race Challenge.

Enjoying the thrills and spills of the 2014 Dungarvan Raft Race Challenge in Boreen na Trá. [Julianne French]

clubs, pubs and local businesses to enter” said Hon RNLI Fundraising Chairman Oliver Clancy. “The Fundraising Branch of the Helvick Lifeboat are happy to host and organise the raft race which we hope will become an annual event. Entry forms and registration can be obtained from the contacts listed below. “The 2015 Raft Race Challenge expected to attract over 2000 spectators and participants to Dungarvan, provides a splendid promotional opportunity for local businesses and clubs. “There is a perpetual

[Julianne French] trophy of specially commissioned hand crafted Ring Crystal for the winning team and prizes for Best Dressed Crew and Best Youth Category and I can predict that there will be a great spirit of fun and friendly rivalry among all the teams of six on the water and their supporters on the shore” Oliver Clancy added. Further information and registration: 087 821 0420; 087 780 0 2 5 6 ; r nlihelvick@gmail.com info@joanclancygallery.com FB: Dungarvan Bay and Helvick Head RNLI Fundraising


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Planning applications expected to exceed last year’s numbers PLANNING applications this year are expected to exceed last year’s numbers, the May meeting of Comeragh District Council was told. Cllr. Liam Brazil had made an enquiry as to the number of planning applications this year and if they were up or down on last year’s figures.

Jim O’Mahony, from the Council’s Planning section, said planning applications for the month of April, 2015, were “extensively up” in comparison to April last year. While the total number of applications in 2015 are ‘neck and neck’ with last year, Mr.

O’Mahony said he was “fairly confident” that the number of applications for the remainder of the year will be up on last year’s figures. He said there is a lot of pre-planning discussions taking place in relation to larger housing units on estate-type developments and in the industry and

retail sector in the city area. According to a report presented to the meeting, a total of 240 planning applications have been received since the start of the year, with 74 planning applications received during the month of April. A total of 164 pre-

planning applications have been received up to 30th April, 2015, with 80 percent being dealt with and closed as of 5th May. Of those 164 preplanning applications, 20 were for the Comeragh area; 49 for the Dungarvan-Lismore area; and 95 for the Waterford Metropolitan area.

New CE welcomed to Comeragh District THE new Chief Executive of the Comeragh District, Fergus Galvin, was welcomed at the May meeting of the District Council. Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Michael J.

O’Ryan, led the welcome and congratulations to Mr. Galvin on his appointment as Chief Executive of Comeragh District. Mr. Galvin replaces former Chief

Executive of Comeragh District, Brian White, who retired earlier in April. Mr. Galvin is the Director of Services of Water and Environment.

Local families sought for television health series challenge PRODUCTION on the third series of the popular TV Show ‘Ireland’s Fittest Family’ has begun and local families are being sought to take part. Teams of four family members compete for the title of ‘Ireland’s Fittest Family’ and a prize of €15,000. The show is screened on RTE One and the television production company Animo TV has opened

applications for interested families who would like to take part in series 3. Families selected for the show will compete throughout the Summer months (June to September) in a series of challenges designed to test speed, strength, agility and endurance in a battle to claim the title and €15,000 prize money. All teams must have at least one parent, one male

and one female member and all contestants must be over the age of 14. To date, the title has been won by families from County Cork and County Cavan. Does your family have what it takes? Applications have now opened on www.rte.ie/irelandsfittestfamily, or check out the Facebook page:www.facebook.com/irelandsfittestfamily.

Last year’s winners, the Kingston family from Kinsale, Cork, with their coach, Derval O’Rourke.

He expressed thanks to the Council for the warm welcome and said he is looking forward to working with the members of the Comeragh District Council.

Local boy meets Olympic and 4 Time World Champion – Anthony Moore from St. Mary's NS in Touraneena got a huge surprise last week when on returning home from school who should be there but World Famous Rower Konrad Wasielski (2008 Olympic Champion and World Champion in 2005-6-7-9) from Poland. Konrad was in Dungarvan for a few days with his Fiancée Marta Ladniak who was a former work colleague of Anthony's parents Ray and Bozena at Creation Nightclub.

Nissan Scrappage now €4,000 off all our New Models incl. Qashqai & Leaf

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An Chúirt Dúiche …

Dungarvan District Court

Road traffic prosecutions A WOMAN who was observed holding a mobile phone while driving was fined last week. Deborah Power (27) with an address at 4 Springmeadows, Dungarvan, failed to pay a fixed charge notice, which issued after Gardaí observed her holding a mobile phone while driving through Lemybrien on 14th January, 2014. At last week’s Dungarvan District Court, solicitor David Burke said the facts are accepted and his client has no previous convictions. “My client has two children and penalty points will cause her difficulty,” said Mr. Burke. Judge Terence Finn handed down a fine of €200. EXCEEDING a special speed limit resulted in a driver being fined last week. Julian Allen (27) with an address at 3 Ballynoe Mews, Cobh, Cork, failed to pay a fixed charge notice, which issued after his vehicle was detected travelling at 77 km/h in a 60 km/h zone at Garranbane, Dungarvan, on 23rd September, 2014. The accused, who attended last week’s Dungarvan District Court, told Judge Terence Finn that he attempted to pay, but it was after the time limit. Judge Finn handed down a €200 fine. A DRIVER will have a speeding charge struck out if she makes a donation to the court poor box. Roisin Browne (43) with an address at 92 The Paddocks, Williamstown Road, Waterford, failed to pay a fixed charge notice, which issued after her vehicle was detected travelling at 72 km/h in a 60 km/h zone at Garranbane, Dungarvan, on 23rd September, 2014. The accused, who attended last week’s Dungarvan District Court, said she did not receive any fixed charge notice. Judge Terence Finn

adjourned the case to 10th June, 2015, to allow the accused to make a €200 donation to the court poor box. A DONATION to the court poor box resulted in a speeding charge being struck out. Michael Boland (46) with an address at 8 Williamstown Village, Grantstown, Waterford, failed to pay a fixed charge notice, which issued after his vehicle was detected travelling at 94 km/h in a 60 km/h zone at Windgap, Dungarvan, on 29th September, 2014. The accused, who attended last week’s Dungarvan District Court, told Judge Terence Finn that he never received the fixed charge notice. The accused said that he has moved to the UK and returned to Ireland especially to deal with the court case. The accused has no previous convictions. Judge Finn said the court would accept a €100 donation to the court poor box. The donation was paid and the charge was struck out. A DRIVER who admitted speeding at 32 km/h over the national speed limit was fined last week. Adam Lorbiecki (25) formerly of 57 Markland Woods, Douglas, Cork, now with an address at 4 Elmhurst Meadows, College Road, Cork, failed to pay a fixed charge notice which issued after his vehicle was detected travelling at 132 km/h in a 100 km/h zone on the N25 at Monameen, Dungarvan, on 29th September, 2014. The accused who attended last week’s Dungarvan District Court admitted the speed and said he could not pay the fixed charge notice at the time due to financial difficulties. The accused has no previous convictions. Judge Terence Finn handed down a €200 fine.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Four months detention for County Waterford youth A COUNTY Waterford youth was handed a total of four months detention last week in relation to a number of offences. The 17-year-old, who cannot be named as he is underage, pleaded guilty at a previous sitting of the District Court, to criminal damage at Dungarvan Shopping Centre, on 1st April, 2014;

criminal damage at Church Lane, Lismore, on 4th April, 2014; attempted burglary at 21 Leacon Fionn, Dungarvan, on 28th May, 2014; and being in possession of cannabis for sale and / or supply, contrary to Section 15 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, at Springmount, Dungarvan, on 1st November, 2014.

The case was adjourned for a probation report and for the imposition of penalty. At last week’s Dungarvan District Court, solicitor Martin Lavan said his client is in custody serving a detention sentence in relation to other matters and his client was asking the court not to extend his time in custody.

Mr. Lavan said his client has the opportunity of a job and accommodation once he is released from custody later this year. Judge Terence Finn imposed a four month detention sentence on each of the charges, all to run concurrently with one another and concurrently with the sentence being served by the accused.

Bench warrants issued A BENCH warrant was issued for the arrest of a man who failed to appear in court last week. Krisztian Laszlo Pocsik, with an address at 3 Cois Mara, Galwey’s Lane, Dungarvan, is accused of allegedly making false statements to receive benefit / allowance on dates between 14th May, 2013 and 6th August, 2013. He is also accused of alleged failure to notify the Department of Social Protection of a change in his circumstances, on 1st May, 2013. At last week’s Dungarvan District Court, Frank W. Hutchinson, State Prosecutor, on behalf of the Department of Social Protection, told Judge Terence Finn that the accused was contacted by both ordinary post and registered post. However, the registered post was returned by An Post as ‘not called for’. The accused did not appear in court and with no reasonable excuse for the absence, Judge Finn issued a bench warrant for the accused’s arrest. A WOMAN who previously admitted coming to Dungarvan on a theft spree had a bench warrant issued for her arrest when she failed to attend court last week. Lisa Finn (33) with an address at 114 Kilcohan Park, Waterford, had pleaded guilty at a previous sitting of the District Court, to theft from Care Pharmacy and EuroGiant, Dungarvan, on 18th November,

2014; theft from Eason and EuroGiant, Dungarvan, on 21st November, 2014; and theft from New Look, Lloyd’s Pharmacy and Care Pharmacy, Dungarvan, on 25th November, 2014. The property stolen by the accused totalled €1,300, and all but €300 worth of the stolen property was recovered. The case was adjourned for a probation report and for the accused to put together compensation for the shops. However, at last week’s Dungarvan District Court, solicitor Eamon Hayes informed Judge Terence Finn that the accused was not present in court. Judge Finn noted that the Probation report on the accused was “thoroughly unfavourable”. Noting the accused’s absence from court, Judge Finn issued a bench warrant for her arrest. A WOMAN who faces six charges of theft had a bench warrant issued for her arrest after she failed to appear in court last week. Belinda Donovan (33) with an address at 3 Convent Lodge, Mitchel Street, Dungarvan, is accused of six counts of theft from various retail outlets in Dungarvan (New Look, Dunnes Stores, Care Pharmacy, Garvey’s Supervalu) on dates between 28th December, 2013 and 1st October, 2014. She is also accused of being in possession of a controlled substance

for her own personal use, contrary to Section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, at Upper King Street, Dungarvan, on 11th June, 2012. The accused did not attend last week’s Dungarvan District Court. Solicitor Niall King informed the court that a message had been received that the accused had been “re-admitted to hospital”. However, Judge Terence Finn issued a bench warrant for the accused’s arrest. A BENCH warrant was issued for the arrest of a youth who failed to attend court last week. The 16-year-old, who cannot be named as he is underage, is accused of alleged burglary at Campus Filling Station, Kilrush, Dungarvan, on 6th September, 2014. There was no appearance by the accused at last week’s Dungarvan District Court and no reasonable excuse for his absence. Judge Terence Finn issued a bench warrant for the accused’s arrest. A WOMAN who was not in court when her case was called had a bench warrant issued for her arrest. Sabrina Jones (32) with an address at 18 Stephen’s Street, Waterford City, is accused of alleged criminal damage at 33 Congress Villas, Dunvarvan, on 3rd January, 2014. She is also accused of alleged assault, and two alleged public order

offences at Davitts Quay, Dungarvan, on 2nd February, 2014. Solicitor Niall King said the accused was in attendance at court that morning, but had to leave to get the 1.00 p.m. bus back to Waterford City to collect her child from school. The case was held over until the afternoon. Mr. King endeavoured to contact the accused to have her return to court, but said he was unable to contact her. Judge Terence Finn said there was a court list which had to be dealt with in a certain way and if cases were called on a priority of when defendants were available, there would be “chaos”. Judge Finn indicated that defendants are obliged to remain in court until their case is called. He issued a bench warrant for the accused’s arrest. A BENCH warrant was issued for the arrest of a woman who failed to appear in court last week. Eva O’Reilly (22) with an address at 34 Westview South, Douglas Road, Cork, is accused of alleged drink driving and alleged careless driving at Luskanargid, Dungarvan, on 31st August, 2014. There was no appearance by the accused at last week’s Dungarvan District Court and no reasonable excuse for her absence. Judge Terence Finn issued a bench warrant for the accused’s arrest.

Distribution of Funds from the Dungarvan Lions Club-WLR Christmas Appeal: Shay O'Connor, President, and Ray McAndrew, Dungarvan Lions Club, present Anne Kelleher and Mary Flynn, Abbeyside St. Vincent de Paul, with a cheque which represents part of the proceeds of the Christmas Appeal. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Poor box donations … A MAN had a drugs possession charge struck out after he made a donation to the court poor box. Simon Smith (26) with an address at 18 St. John’s Terrace, Carrick-on-Suir, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis for his own personal use, contrary to Section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, at Whitestown, Clonea Power, on 6th November, 2014.

At last week’s Dungarvan District Court, Inspector David Nolan told Judge Terence Finn that Gardaí stopped a vehicle on the date in question and detected a strong smell of cannabis emanating from the car. Following a search a small quantity of cannabis with a low value was found. The accused admitted ownership of the controlled substance for his own per-

sonal use. Solicitor Eamon Hayes told Judge Terence Finn that his client was one of three people in the vehicle on the date in question. “When he was questioned about the cannabis, my client made a full admission,” said Mr. Hayes. He said his client previously worked in the mining industry in Australia, and hoped to travel to Canada later in the year for

employment in the same industry. A donation of €300 was made to the court poor box and the charge was struck out. A MAN who made a donation to the court poor box had a drugs possession charge struck out. Paul Crotty (34) with an address at 82 Childers Estate, Dungarvan, had pleaded guilty at a previous

sitting of the District Court, to being in possession of cannabis for his own personal use, contrary to Section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, at his home on 22nd September, 2014. The case was adjourned to allow the accused to make a €300 donation to the court poor box. At last week’s Dungarvan District Court, solicitor David Burke said his client has paid the donation.

Judge Terence Finn struck out the charge. A DONATION to the court poor box resulted in a drugs possession charge being struck out. Algis Nysjuns (19) with an address at 4 O’Connell Place, Dungarvan, had pleaded guilty at a previous sitting of the District Court, to possession of cannabis for his own personal use, contrary to Section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, at

Grattan Square, Dungarvan, on 6th August, 2014. The case was adjourned to allow the accused to make a €200 donation to the court poor box. Solicitor David Burke informed Judge Terence Finn at last week’s Dungarvan District Court, that the donation has been paid. Judge Finn struck out the charge.

Judge refuses jurisdiction in case of alleged assault of a Garda THE District Judge has refused jurisdiction in a case of alleged assault causing harm to a member of An Garda Siochána. Ciaran Flood (23) with an address at 15 Derravarragh Court,

Castlepollard, Westmeath, is accused of alleged assault causing harm to a Garda at Youghal Road, Dungarvan, on 19th October, 2014. At last week’s Dungarvan District Court, Inspector David Nolan gave a sum-

mary of the allegations. Judge Terence Finn refused jurisdiction in the case. The case was adjourned to 24th June, 2015, for the preparation of a Book of Evidence.

Road traffic prosecutions HOLDING a mobile phone while driving resulted in a fine for a driver. Sakali Kornilia (39) with an address at Redshire House, Redshire Road, Murrintown, Wexford, was fined €150 at last week’s Dungarvan District Court for failing to pay a fixed charge notice, which issued after Gardaí observed her holding a mobile phone while driving on the N25 at Lemybrien, on 1st October, 2014. A BUSINESSMAN was fined last week in relation to a speeding offence by a member of his staff. Theo Papadakis (54) with an address at 2 Woodstown Crescent, Woodstown Village, Knocklyon, Dublin 16, failed to nominate the designated driver after his vehicle was detected travelling at 71 km/h in a 60 km/h zone at Garranbane, Dungarvan, on 26th September, 2014. At last week’s Dungarvan District Court, solicitor David Burke explained that his client runs a chauffeur business and he owns a number of vehicles.

“My client was not driving on the day,” Mr. Burke said. He said it was a member of the accused’s staff who was driving on the day. Taking the witness stand, the accused said the fixed charge notice was received, but he passed it onto his Transport Manager who would then pass it onto the driver in question to deal with it. The accused told the court that the driver who was driving on the day went on holiday and the fixed charge notice was never paid. Judge Terence Finn pointed out that the obligation is on the registered owner of the vehicle to fill out the fixed charge notice by nominating the driver who was driving at the time of the offence. He handed down a fine of €150. A DRIVER whose motor tax was out of date by a year was fined last week. Robert Poplawski (28) with an address at 36 Bridge Apartments, Dungarvan, was fined €60 at last week’s Dungarvan District Court

for failing to pay a fixed charge notice, which issued Gardaí observed his vehicle without a current tax disc displayed on the N25 at Ringcrehy, Dungarvan, on 9th October, 2014. The court heard that the accused regularised the matter by paying the backdated tax on the vehicle. A DUNGARVAN driver was fined last week, but not disqualified, for an offence of driving without insurance. Colin Houlihan (29) with an address at 72 Springfield, Dungarvan, was fined €200 at last week’s Dungarvan District Court for driving without insurance cover when stopped by Gardaí at the Burgery, Dungarvan, on 26th September, 2014. Solicitor David Burke told the court that his client did have an insurance policy, but it was in relation to another vehicle and did not cover the vehicle being driven on the day. Judge Terence Finn noted the accused did not have any previous convictions, therefore, he did not impose a driving disqualification.

Pictured at the S.I.C.A.P. information meeting presented by Waterford Area Partnership at The Park Hotel, Dungarvan (l. to r.): Mary Conway (County Library), Jack Walsh ( W.A.P.) and Mary Byrne.

Fine for man who admitted possession of cannabis A MAN who admitted possession of cannabis for his own use, was fined last week. Kevin Bray (29) with an address at 15 Marquis Drive, Dungarvan, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis for his own personal use, contrary to Section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, at St. Thomas Terrace, Dungarvan, on 4th September, 2014. At last week’s Dungarvan District Court, Inspector David Nolan told Judge Terence Finn that Gardaí observed suspicious activity by the accused and another individual on the date in question.

“They jumped behind a parked van and acted like they were trying to conceal something,” said Insp. Nolan. He said the Garda was of the opinion that the accused had disgarded something at the location, but after a search could not find anything. Insp. Nolan said the Garda remained at the scene and kept area under surveillance. A short time later, the accused was observed returning to the scene. “The Garda observed the accused place his hand under the wheel arch of the parked van and remove something,” said Insp. Nolan.

After the Garda approached the accused, a green plant-like material was recovered. The value of the substance, later confirmed as cannabis, was valued at around €50. The court heard that Bray has previous convictions, including one for a similar offence under the Misuse of Drugs Act. Solicitor David Burke represented the accused. Judge Finn note the accused’s similar previous conviction. He handed down a €300 fine.



‘Restricted Ankle Movement leads to Pain underneath the Ball of Your Foot’

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Ronald McDonald House Charity and Dawn Meats Awarded Gold Medal in Concept Garden Category at Bloom 2015 Sanctuary of Ronald McDonald House recreated at Bloom by garden designer Anthony Ryan

By Tomás Ryan BSc.,AHS,Ph.Th. MIAPT, Registered Physical Therapist based in Clonmel and Thurles There are many painful conditions of the under-sole foot that are aggravated by weight bearing walking, standing or running. These conditions are not caused by a fall or impact injury but instead occur gradually over a period of time due to foot dysfunctional movement. The front section of the foot is known as the forefoot and includes our toes and metatarsal bone and in this article I will address painful conditions that arise on the under sole area of the forefoot. Painful Conditions such as Metatarsalgia which causes pain underneath the ball of the foot and Sesamoiditis which causes tenderness underneath base of the Big Toe are two common dysfunctional conditions of the forefoot. CAUSES OF FOREFOOT PAIN • High arch Foot leads to excessive weight bearing Force being absorbed by the front of the foot • Flat Feet causes excess compression into the structures of the forefoot • Restricted Ankle Dorsiflexion which is the movement of the foot towards the shin bone • History of Chronic Ankle Sprains • Tight Calf Muscles • Wearing of High Heel Shoes, Flat running shoes with poor arch support To treat painful conditions of the ball of the foot, restricted ankle dorsiflexion needs to be improved. Restricted Ankle dorsiflexion leads to tightness and shortening of the calf muscles, Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle that controls bending of the Big Toe. In the addition the very important Tibialis Anterior muscle that controls ankle bending is held in an abnormal lengthened and stretched position. These Dysfunctions lead to collapsing of the inside long (medial) arch of the foot and abnormal rolling outwards and inwards movements of the foot causing excess load compression to the front of the foot. TREATMENT & MANAGEMENT • Manual manipulation of tight and abnormal short muscles of the calf, toe flexor muscles. • Joint Mobilisations to the Ankle joint to increase Ankle Dorsiflexion movement. • Measure the degree of improvement to ensure equal measurement with opposite ankle joint. • If there is restricted Ankle Dorsiflexion for many years due to poor rehabilitation post surgery or due to the growth of bony spurs then a 6mm heel lift underneath both heels will help, under the guidance of your Practitioner. Tomás Ryan is a Registered Physical Therapist with The Irish Association of Physical Therapy and is based in Clonmel & Thurles. Contact Number: 0504 26672. Email tomaspryan@gmail.com

LAST Friday in Dublin’s Phoenix Park, The Ronald McDonald House Charity (RMHC) and Dawn Meats launched a themed garden at Bloom 2015 that will provide a warm and inviting sanctuary for families at difficult times. Designed by Kildare-based garden designer Anthony Ryan, the garden’s theme is “Keeping Families Together.”The garden has been awarded the Gold Medal in the Concept Garden Category. For over 10 years, the Ronald McDonald House Charity has worked to keep families close to their sick child by providing a “home from home” with homecooked meals, accommodation and a welcoming living environment on the grounds of Crumlin Children’s Hospital. The ethos of the House is to give families the practical supports to stay together and assist each other when faced with serious or longterm illnesses.Working with one of its key supporters, Dawn Meats, RMHC is now re-creating that inviting and peaceful sanctuary for adults and children at Bloom. Commenting on the collaboration, Paul Nolan, Group Development Manager, Dawn Meats said: “We have worked with

The Ronald McDonald House Charity (RMHC) and Dawn Meats have launched a themed garden at Bloom 2015 that will provide a sanctuary for families at difficult times. Designed by Kildare-based garden designer Anthony Ryan, the garden’s theme is “Keeping Families Together.” The garden has been awarded the Gold Medal in the Concept Garden Category. Pictured in the garden are President Michael D. Higgins and Mrs. Sabina Higgins with (L-R) garden designer Anthony Ryan; Marian Carroll, Volunteer CEO, Ronald McDonald House Charity and Paul Nolan, Dawn Meats. the Ronald McDonald House for many years now, and continue to be inspired by the support and hope they give at the most difficult time for any parent; the illness of a child. Anyone who has visited the Ronald McDonald House, will be aware of its very special atmosphere, and through

this collaboration at Bloom, we hope to encourage others to show their support and offer assistance to this most worthy cause.” Commenting Marian Carroll, Volunteer CEO of Ronald McDonald House Charity said “We opened the first Ronald McDonald House

Work due to get underway on Ormonde Cinema Housing says Conway LOCAL Labour T.D. Ciara Conway has welcomed confirmation from Waterford City and County Council that building work is due to start in the next fortnight at the site of the old Ormonde Cinema Site in Dungarvan. “Fifteen Social Housing units are being built, and work should be well underway by the end of June, I am reliably informed,” commented Deputy Ciara Conway. “We had initially been told that workers would be on site before Christmas but according to the Council there have been

some issues around the tendering process that delayed the work commencing on site. I am pleased that this has now been resolved and I understand the contracts will be signed this week with contractors due to be on site within two weeks, The development of social housing is a key priority for the Labour Party in Government and this project is just one of many such developments that we will see getting underway in the months and years ahead across Waterford city and county," she asserted. “This is a very important

project, as everyone knows there’s a huge need for high-quality social housing in Dungarvan.The housing list is very long. It’s high time work was underway with this project, the accommodation is badly needed," added Deputy Conway. Fifteen social housing units will be built at the site of the Old Ormonde Cinema site and funding of €1.5 million was granted last year by the then Minister for Housing, Jan O’Sullivan (now Education) to help Waterford City and County Council complete the project.

in November 2004, and since then, we have provided accommodation, care and support for over 2,600 families from all over Ireland. Families stay for a few days, a few weeks and in many cases for many months. We keep families together, and try to main-

tain as much of a sense of normalcy for them as is possible in such difficult times. I thank Anthony Ryan for his outstanding work on our garden, and I hope our presence here serves to make even more families aware of the support that we can provide.”

Waterford Nursery wins silver at Bloom 2015 WATERFORD Nursery, Shady Plants from Clashmore, was celebrating having been awarded a silver medal at the opening of Bloom 2015. A family run nursery, Shady Plants specialises in stocking a wide selection of fern suitable for the house, conservatory or terrarium. Over 50 nurseries exhibited in the Floral and Nursery Pavilion, which showcases the very best of plant nurseries in Ireland. Also representing Waterford was Villierstown Gardening Club from Cappoquin who were highly commended in the Postcard Gardens, which are designed and constructed

by passionate amateur gardeners from all around the country. In addition, Ann Flanagan from Waterford was awarded a gold medal for her input into the AOIFA Floral Art Exhibition. According to Bord Bia, this year’s Bloom festival is the biggest yet with over 25 stunning show gardens, over 40 displays from Ireland’s top nurseries, 125 Irish food and drink producers onsite, over 200 retailers, 25 cookery demonstrations, 10 fashion shows planned and 6 stages with plenty of gardening talks, music and lively debate to entertain.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Six Small Food Producers from County Waterford are listed across SuperValu Stores SIX small Waterford food producers, Early Bird Free Range Eggs, Gino’s Foods, Edelicious, Sea of Vitality, The Sea Gardener and Coffee House Lane who have participated in and have completed the Food Academy programme will be rolled out across SuperValu stores in Waterford and across stores in other counties as they grow sustainably. This will result in sales of over €10 million for the national Food Academy programme in 2015. Food Academy is a joint initiative between SuperValu, Bord Bia and the Local Enterprise office Network and was established in 2014 to support small food companies in Ireland. Over the last 12 months, Bord Bia, the Local Enterprise Offices and your

local SuperValu store has worked with hundreds of small food producers around the country, through the Food Academy programme. Now 155 food start-ups have had their products trialled in their local SuperValu store. Commenting on the announcement, Eamon Howell, Trading Director for SuperValu said: “We are delighted that six of our small food producers in Waterford have graduated from our Food Academy programme and are now listed in stores around Waterford. This is a real endorsement to the Food Academy initiative which allows us to bring community based food start- ups to market and provides them with the potential to grow their businesses even further, providing employment

for themselves, members of their community and for some – family. It is great to nurture the energy and passion of these entrepreneurial producers and harness this into producing a range of products that we, as the number one Irish retailer, are proud to stock on our shelves” “We are currently working with an additional 250 small food producers in our Food Academy Start programme where we are providing them with the tools, mentoring, advice and expertise to trial their product in their local stores. SuperValu’s unique retail model with stores independently owned and operated means that owners can purchase directly from local suppliers. As a result, retailers can develop a tailored offer for their local commu-

nity and shoppers will often find products in their local SuperValu that is not stocked in other supermarkets. By matching SuperValu stores with startup food business in their area through the Food Academy programme is providing a real boost for local economies throughout Ireland”. SuperValu serves over 2.6 million customers every week and 75% of everything on SuperValu’s shelves is sourced or produced in Ireland. SuperValu continues to source locally wherever possible and purchases almost €2 billion worth of goods from Irish suppliers which helps to sustain 30,000 jobs in the Irish economy. For more on the Food Academy programme visit www.supervalu.ie

Jamie Joyce, a former student of St. Augustine’s College, Dungarvan, has been presented with a €1,000 Academic Scholarship to study at DCU. The scholarship was awarded to Jamie, currently a first year student in Sport Science and Health, in recognition of achieving more than 550 points in the Leaving Certificate. Pictured with Jamie are Professor Brian Mac Craith, President of DCU and Prof. John Costello, Executive Dean, Faculty of Science and Health.

ISPCC Shield Flag Awards for Anti-Bullying Initiatives

Communities in South East tackling issue of bullying WATERFORD and Kilkenny are extremely lucky to be amongst the leading regions in Ireland to tackle bullying in a positive and child-centred way. Abbey Community School, Irish Jiu-Jitsu Academy Waterford and Slieverue Community Playgroup and Afterschool Creche in Co Kilkenny, having just completed the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children’s Shield Programme, are this month receiving the Shield blue flag as recognition of the anti-bullying measures they’ve taken. During a yearlong consultation with youth groups, workers, schools, parents and children in Ferrybank in 2014, the ISPCC have highlighted bullying as a major issue that is affecting the lives of young people in the area. Waterford ISPCC Advocacy Volunteer, Maria Flynn said: “This is an amazing achievement for children in the South East and encourages other clubs and schools to address bullying in a positive and informed way. “

The Shield My School & Shield My Club programmes are new methods of managing bullying policy and procedures in your organisation. The programme is evidence informed, based on the years of research and work the ISPCC have done with children and schools to build a system to examine the processes in place to avoid bullying in an organisation. Clubs, schools and crèches work first from the ISPCC toolkit, examining the steps they already have in place – friendship initiatives for example, as well as the acknowledgement of diversity and the need to involve all carers and parents in anti-bullying steps. This self-evaluation tool encourages people to assess the strength of their approach and how their school or club manage bullying. By the end of the two hour process clubs and schools will have a clearer idea their skills in how they manage bullying but they will also have a clearer insight into the areas they need to develop.

Having completed the toolkit, clubs and schools can go on to further their anti-bullying initiatives and apply for their ISPCC Shield Flag. The school, club or creche can now draw up or amend their existing anti-bullying policy to reflect this intensive review their organisation’s policy is now taking. Next, an anti-bullying co-ordinator is appointed to make sure responsibility for motivating the new initiatives is driven by a committed person. To ensure all children have a voice to report bullying, even if they are too shy or scared to report it in person, the ‘Stand Up’ reporting tool is a terrific way of making the anti-bullying policy uniform in your online presence. This completely anonymous tool is an online reminder that the option to report bullying is always available. Upon carrying out some team-building anti-bullying or friendship-reinforcing events in the club or school, the ISPCC rewards the hard work and commitment of the club by presenting them

with the blue Shield Flag – similarly to the Green Flag for schools committed to ecological initiatives, the blue Shield Flag is a public statement to the local community that the club or schools is actively engaged in creating a proactive and supportive environment for children. The Shield Flag is a symbol to the local community that the club / school/ playgroup is proactive on the issue of bullying and have preventative to measures in place to protect children from bullying. A full explanation of the requirements of applying for your Shield Flag for your school or club is available at www.ispcc.ie/flag It is vital that more schools and clubs come on board - if you work or volunteer with children you need to be sure your organisation is doing everything it can to protect them from bullying. For more information about any aspect of the Shield campaign please contact Sinead McKee on sinead.mckee@ispcc.ie or 086 722 6788.

Mairead Power, a former student of Scoil Mhuire, Carrick-on-Suir, has been presented with a €1,000 Academic Scholarship to study at DCU. The scholarship was awarded to Mairead, currently a first year student in Science Education, in recognition of achieving more than 550 points in the Leaving Certificate. Pictured with Mairead are former school principal, Mary O’Keeffe, Professor Brian Mac Craith, President of DCU and Prof. John Costello, Executive Dean, Faculty of Science and Health.

Waterford students win DCU scholarships for academic excellence TWO Waterford students have been presented with a €1,000 Academic Scholarship to study at Dublin City University. The scholarships were awarded to the following students in recognition of them achieving 550 points or more in the Leaving Certificate: Jamie Joyce from Dungarvan and Mairead Power of Carrick-on-Suir were both presented with the scholarship. Jamie is a past pupil of St. Augustine's College, Dungarvan and now studies Sport Science and Health while Mairead attended Scoil Mhuire,

Carrick-on-Suir and is now a Science Education student at the university. Almost €100,000 worth of scholarships were presented to fresher students at DCU. Awardees were joined at a special presentation ceremony at the Helix by their parents and former school principals. Each student received a commemorative certificate and the school principals were presented with a plaque to display in the school marking the significant achievement of their past pupil. The DCU Academic Scholarship Awards were presented to 80 students

from throughout Ireland on achieving 550 CAO points or more at Leaving Certificate or equivalent. A scholarship of €1,000 is awarded to students who gain the required number of points, meet the specific entry requirements and register to study with any of DCU’s four faculties: Engineering & Computing; Humanities & Social Sciences; Science & Health; and DCU Business School. To find out more about studying at DCU or the DCU Academic Scholarships, visit http://www4.dcu.ie/prosp ective/scholarships.shtml.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

West Waterford Golf Club Sunshine Classic kindly sponsored by Eurofins. Lanson Kelly, Eurofins (Sponsors) presenting the winners prize to Liam Trevor, Melbourne. Included are team members Tony Norris and Anthony Daly with Mary Barron, Lady Captain and David Condon, Captain. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

Lismore Golf Club Dermot O'Leary Agri sponsored Spring League Competition, category winners. Dermot and Ted O'Leary sponsors pictured with Sean Daly Club Captain, Willie Henry Club President and Amanda Power Club Lady Captain and prizewinners Patrick Hurley, Eamonn O'Shea, Tony Hennebry, Frank Corcoran,Tom O'Donovan and John Foley. [Michael Kiely]

Lismore Golf Club Dermot O'Leary Agri sponsored Spring League Competition. Dermot O'Leary pictured presenting runnner-up prize to Denis Galvin. Picture also includes Sean Daly, Club Captain; Willie Henry, Club President and Amanda Power, Club Lady Captain with prizewinners Billy Neville and Ted O'Leary. [Michael Kiely]

West Waterford Golf Club Sunshine Classic kindly sponsored by Eurofins. Lanson Kelly, Eurofins (sponsors) presenting the seconnd prize to Liam Hanbury. Included are team members Jack Foley and Bertie Hallahan with Mary Barron, Lady Captain and David Condon, Captain. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

West Waterford Golf Club Junior Scratch Cup sponsored by Forde’s Day Break. Captain David Condon presenting the winner Thomas Conway with his prize. Included are Darragh Herlihy, runner-up. Mary Barron, Lady Captain and Pat Murray, President. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

Lismore Golf Club Dermot O'Leary Agri sponsored Spring League Competition. Dermot O'Leary pictured presenting the plate prize to Richie Ormonde. Picture also includes Sean Daly, Club Captain; Willie Henry, Club President and Amanda Power, Club Lady Captain with prizewinners Richard Beausang, Danny Griffin, Peter Whelan and Ted O'Leary, sponsor. [Michael Kiely]


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Lismore Golf Club Cllr. Declan Doocey sponsored weekend competition. Declan Doocey pictured presenting first prize to Nicky Walsh, picture also includes Sean Daly Club Captain. [Michael Kiely]

Premier Butchers at Dawn Meats Winter League Winners: Dunhill. Back: John White, Derek Power, Micheal White, Johnny Ryan, Willie Flavin, Brian Dunbar, Tom Moore, Jack Moore. Front: Nicholas Power, Michael Kavanagh, Tom White, Captain Gold Coast Golf Club and Captain of Dunhill, John Queally, Tony Sheehan, President Gold Coast Golf Club, Willie Moore. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

Premier Butchers at Dawn Meats Winter League Individual Prize Winners. Back Row: Pat Power 2nd; John White Gross; Willie Flavin 3rd. Front: Tom White, Captain Gold Coast Golf Club; Austin Kiely Jnr 1st, Tony Sheehan, President Gold Coast Golf Club. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

Lismore Ladies Golf Club Spring League – Overall Indivial Winner. Left to Right: Jo Jo Tobin and Amanda Power (Lady Captain).

Lismore Ladies Golf Club Prize Winners – Outstanding prize winner plus Spring league. Back Row: Left to Right: Katherine Moynihan, Joan Geary, Esther Hornibrook, Hannah Lucas, Alice Henley, Mary Ahern, Amanda Power (Lady Captain), Joan Cahillane, Catherine Neville, Una Dowd, Nora O’Sullivan and Mary Beecher. Front Row: Left to Right: Chrissie Denn, Jo Jo Tobin, Margaret Morrissey, Patricia Lonergan.

Lismore Ladies Golf Club Spring League Runner Up 2015 – East Cork Oil Sponsor. Left to Right: Mary Ahern, Esther Horibrook, Amanda Power (Lady Captain), Katherine Moynihan.

Premier Butchers at Dawn Meats Winter League Runners Up: Ballinacourty. Back Row: Mark Lenihan, Benny Kiely, Diarmuid Henley, Johnny Hughes, Alan Landers, Paddy Walsh, Lee Crotty, Pat Murray. Front: Seanie Lenihan, Tom White, Captain Gold Coast Golf Club, [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport] Brendan O’Brien, Tony Sheehan, President Gold Coast Golf Club, Michael Lenihan, Jerome Maye.



Mary and Michael Marrinan, Trad Fest, Mary Houlihan, Waterford City & County Council Tourism Officer and Mags Hurley, An Seanachai Bar & Restaurant, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Betty Tutty, Le Cheile B & B and Breda Conway, Mountain View House, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office.

Mealla Fahey, Lismore Heritage Centre and Susie Wingfield, Salterbridge House & Gardens, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

[Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

Una Mulligan, West Waterford Golf Club, Mike Pettit, Jitter Beans, Michael and Ann O'Meara, Sea Spray, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office.

Bridget Collins, Ardmore Open Farm and Teresa O'Connor, Newtown Farm, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office.

[Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

[Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

Barbara Grubb, Dromana House and Alice O'Donoughue, Lismore Heritage Centre, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Officei. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

Shay Harty, Harty Oysters and Mike Pettit, Jitter Beans, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

Austin Spratt, West Waterford Golf Club, Esther Barron and Joe Prendergast, Barron’s Bakery, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

Naoive Coggin, Browne's Farmhouse and Mags Durand O'Connor, Dungarvan Enterprise Centre, sample some of the oysters supplied by Shay Harty, Harty Oysters at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Officei. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

Sian Philips and Siobhan Fitzgerald, Cladagh Cottages, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office. [Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

Tom Kenneally, Rally Connections and Killian O'Riordan, Ardmore Adventures, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Office.

Jenny Beresford, Manager Dungarvan Tourist Office and Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber and Vincent Morrissey, Gold Coast Golf Hotel, pictured at the Tourism Provider Networking Evening organised by Dungarvan Tourist Officei.

[Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]

[Dan McGrath/Editorial Images]


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


The Newsreader THE WEEK THAT WAS IN IT . . .

The role of Mayor? TO what extent is the Mayor of any city, town or county obliged to stay out of ordinary party political politics? To what extent is a mayor, as Chairperson of a Council, obliged to set party politics aside. In practice, it seems to be not to the same extent. Certainly, the Ceann Comhairle whose task it is to chair Dail sessions in a fair and impartial manner is obliged to distance himself (we never had a woman occupy that office, all 19 Cinn Comhairle were men) from day to day affairs and not just be above politics, but also to be seen to be. To what extent should a Mayor continue to represent the views and concerns of the citizens of their jurisdictions, having been appointed to that office? There appears to be some conflict of opinion in that respect in the City of Cork, where the Deputy Lord Mayor recently refused to accept a petition signed by 15,000 citizens of the City. According to a recent report in the Irish Examiner, the Lord Mayor, Mary Shields, who was on city business in the US and due to return on Sunday, left instructions for her office not to accept a ‘boycott Irish Water petition’, signed by 15,000 people, and gathered by The People’s Convention. While the Lord Mayor and the Deputy who was acting for her, may not have agreed with what was in the petition, the fact remains that it contained the stated opinions of a large part of the electorate and should have been accepted, without prejudice, and passed to the relevant authority for

consideration as part of the meeting agenda. Courtesy alone, not to mention the requirement to serve the people of the city, dictates that this minimum should have been applied. The deputy Lord Mayor Cllr. Ken O’Flynn (FF) dismissed calls from Irish Water protesters for his resignation and said he respects the office too much to get involved in this row. arising out of his refusal to accept the petition. “The office of Lord Mayor is above party politics,” he declared loftily. "I take the office and my role supporting it very seriously,” Mr. O’Flynn said. “It’s a role people have died for, and one which is loved by the people of this city...The office is too dear for it to be sullied by this situation and I wasn’t going to destroy its history for a soundbite.” The martyrs he quoted would probably not be impressed by his actions as they would probably claim that they died for, amongst other principles, free speech. One has to wonder how the twelve Charlie Hebdo victims would have felt by this denial of the right to have the wishes of the people of Cork heard. The People’s Convention held a public meeting later, accusing Ms. Shields and Mr. O’Flynn of disgracing the offices they hold and calling for their resignations. Convention founding member Diarmaid Ó Cadhla said: “The people’s petition should have been received and respect shown to the 15,000 who signed it – instead the people are insulted.”

Long wait for justice WAS Enda Kenny shooting from the lip when he promised files to the Northern Ireland authorities which deal with the Kingsmill massacre in which ten workmen died almost forty years ago? In a meeting with relatives of the bereaved two months ago, the Taoiseach promised to have the relevant files released to Northern Ireland authorities, but this has not yet happened. As a result, the Belfast Coroner’s Court has had to once again postpone the Inquest into the deaths. According to a report in the Irish Times this week, lawyers for those bereaved by the Kingsmill murders in 1976 heavily criticised officials in Dublin for not passing over the Garda documents, over two months after the Taoiseach publicly committed to doing so. Fiona Doherty QC, who represents the sole survivor of the attack Alan Black, was scathing in her assessment after the coroner’s court was told the Chief State Solicitor’s office in the Republic had written to say

it was not in a position to give a date for disclosure. “This is a matter of deep regret,” she said. “It is bordering on disgraceful that An Taoiseach’s commitments have been allowed to fall by the wayside.” She said Mr. Kenny’s pledge had raised “considerable expectation” among the families. “Those expectations to date have been dashed,” she said. Mr. Kenny’s remarks seemed to end months of uncertainty over whether the new inquest would be able to access the potentially crucial Garda papers. Barrister Neil Rafferty, acting for one of the bereaved told the coroner that without the Garda files the inquest could only investigate “half of the story”. “My clients and other families met An Taoiseach in March and face-to-face, eye-toeye were told this material would be looked at, it would receive full co-operation and it would be with your office within two weeks,” he said. But to date it has not arrived and neither has there been a

satisfactory explanation given. As the bereaved of those killed on Bloody Sunday, 1972 found, forty years is a long time to wait for justice. Now it is the turn of the bereaved on the other side of the conflict to look for justice and we will not release the relevant necessary material. One of the lawyers pointed out that at the highest political level they were told that the matter would receive full cooperation ‘yet when it gets to the official solicitor’s offices not one paper clip, not one sheet of paper, has made its way North’. The latest letter from the lawyers in Dublin who are handling the disclosure said “outstanding issues” still had to be resolved before a date for handover could be fixed. Lawyers said that if no co-operation was forthcoming, they would consider raising the issue with Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers in a bid to resolve it with dialogue between the two governments. And to add insult to injury, no one has been convicted of the murders either.

Daffodil Day cheque presentation WE here in Waterford had a hugely successful end to a wonderful Daffodil Day on Friday, March 27th, when we raised approximately €74,000 which was €2,000 up on what was achieved last year. This event started planning in early January

involved over 200 committee members, event leaders and volunteers organising Coffee Mornings, local fundraising events and culminating in a very successful Daffodil Day on Friday, 27th March. There are a large number of venues in and around Waterford that contributed to the final

figure raised. We had locations in Tramore, Dunmore East, Passage East, Kilmacthomas, Portlaw, Kilmeaden, Piltown, Kilmacow, Ferrybank and 11 locations in Waterford City. We thank most sincerely the retail outlets who gave us permission on the day to collect on their premises

and have done for a long number of years. They include Tesco Ardkeen, Poleberry and Tramore, SuperValu Hypermarket, Kilbarry and Tramore, Aldi Cork Road and Ferrybank, Ardkeen Stores, City Square, George’s Court, Waterford University Hospital and The Medical Centre.

There are also many smaller independent retailers who have collection boxes on their premises all of which goes to making up the final figure. Many factories make collections on the day including Bausch & Lomb, Genzyme, Hasbro and many others. Clubs and schools also play their part and their involvement is

Pictured is Des Daunt, Chairperson; Daffodil Day committee members and volunteers presenting a cheque for €74,000 to John McCormack, CEO, Irish Cancer Society. [John Power]

very important to the event by including the youth amongst us. The growing number of volunteers is very important in the running of Daffodil Day itself and without their support this tremendous figure of €74,000 would not be achieved. Many of these volunteers have being doing this for many years and their experience and expertise is invaluable while everyone who gets involved and participates has a lot of fun and enjoyment knowing that this is all going to a very deserving cause and people in great need. Finally, we all are very grateful to Adam Greene and his team at Killowen Orchards in Portlaw who packed over 6,000 bunches of fresh daffodils for the event along with other members of the public who donated many bunches of daffodils to the event in their own town or area. We are very grateful to you the general public who donated so generously as always and have made Daffodil Day one of the biggest fundraising days in the Waterford calendar.

Bonmahon car park finally completed AFTER nine years of making representations to have work completed at Bonmahon car park, Cllr. Liam Brazil said he is finally satisfied that the work has been completed. Speaking at the May meeting of Comeragh District Council, he expressed thanks to the engineers for completing the car park at Bonmahon. Cllr. Brazil has raised the issue of a car park at Bonmahon since 2006 / 2007. “I have been year’s fighting for this and it is finally done. It will enhance the village of Bonmahon and it means so much to the people there,” said Cllr. Brazil. Concurring, District Engineer Eamon Lonergan said the engineers were pleased with the work. “It should be a great amenity to local people and to tourists,” Mr. Lonergan said.



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Applications are invited for the post of Business Development Officer. Ideally, the successful candidate will: a. Have a third level business or marketing degree. b. Have an appropriate level of IT skills to include experience in all aspects of digital/social media. c. Have an understanding of the Credit Union’s business philosophy and approach to member services. d. Possess excellent management and communication skills. e. Have experience in a similar position. This is desirable but not essential. Responsibilities will include: 1. Developing a marketing plan and strategy for the Credit Union. 2. Implementing marketing initiatives to achieve marketing plan objectives. 3. Designing and developing marketing campaigns to increase membership and promote lending. 4. Conducting market research and member data analysis to identify potential services. 5. Ongoing monitoring of marketing initiatives to determine effectiveness. 6. Reporting to the CEO on a regular basis. Applications should be sent via email to info@dungarvancu.ie or forwarded by post to arrive on or before 12th June 2015 to:The CEO, Dungarvan Credit Union Ltd., 3-6, Parnell St, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Dungarvan Credit Union Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer. (10-6)

C Samaritans

DAVID KIELY MONUMENTAL WORKS KILADANGAN, DUNGARVAN Showroom at Kiladangan (near Radley’s Engineering Ltd.) over ONE HUNDRED headstones on display Telephone: (058) 42200. Mobile: (086) 2525663. Fax: (058) 48712. www.davidkielymonumentals.com

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On the First Anniversary of Ann’s passing, her family would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us and supported us at the time of our very sad loss. We would like to thank everyone who called to the house, attended the Funeral Mass, burial and Month’s Mind. Thanks also to all those who sent letters of sympathy and Mass cards, it was very much appreciated by us all. Our sincere gratitude to the staff of the Mercy Hospital, the Public Health Nurses and the staff of High Street Medical Centre for their care of Ann throughout her illness. We would also like to thank all the staff at Hallahan’s Pharmacy. A special thanks to West Waterford Hospice Home Care team and the Irish Cancer Society Night Nurse for the kindness and compassion which they extended, not only to Ann, but to all the family during Ann’s last days, they gave us solace during this trying time. Thank you most sincerely to everyone who donated so generously to the Irish Cancer Society and West Waterford Hospice, it was Ann’s wish that her death be used as an opportunity to raise much needed funds to help ensure access to their wonderful services for other families in the future. Thanks to Fr. Gerry Horan, Fr. Ned Hassett, Fr. Peter Aherne and Fr. Matt Cooney, the Altar servers, gravediggers, parking stewards, Chapelwoman and the Power family for providing an extra car park. Thanks also to Drohan’s Funeral Directors for their kindness and professionalism. To Dungarvan Bridge and Flower Clubs who formed a guard of honour, we are also thankful, and Mala Raggart who sang a selection of Ann’s favourite hymns. Thank you most sincerely to the wonderful staff of the Solas Centre, whose kindness and support brought us great comfort this past year. We are also very grateful to our wonderful neighbours and friends who were such a support to us all and helped us in so many ways at the time of Ann’s death and since then. As it would not be possible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of Mass will be offered for all your intentions. Ann, greatly loved and deeply missed, always in our minds and in our hearts. First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated at Garranbane Church on Sunday, 7th June, at 11.00 a.m.


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Acknowledgement † ANN CASEY (nee Walsh)



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Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

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C Bridge

SUMMER BRIDGE CLUB (27/5/2015) – 1st joint Pierce Casey & Anne McGrath, Mary O’Brien & Maureen Morrissey; 3rd Mary Cusack & Walter Murphy; 4th Brigid Burke & Helen Russell. AFFANE BRIDGE CLUB – Summer Bridge (in aid of local Charities) hosted by Affane Bridge Club, every Monday evening in Cappoquin Community Centre from Monday, 8th June, at 7.30 p.m. All players welcome. Enjoy a pleasant game with friends and visitors. refreshments provided. Results – 1st Monica O’Sullivan & Andrew McGrath; 2nd Mary Navin & Mary Fives; 3rd Kathleen O’Mahoney & Ber Cleary; 4th Mary Fletcher & Claire Meaney. Note – Summer Bridge commences Monday, 8th June, at 7.30 p.m. sharp.


C Planning Permission

WATERFORD CITY AND COUNTY COUNCIL – We, Muiris Ó Criostóir Architects, on behalf of Orla O'Sullivan, intend to apply for permission for the change of the proposed effluent treatment system as previously granted under planning Ref 09504 to ensure compliance with the EPA Code of Practice standards at Ballycurreen North, An Rinn, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority (Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford), during its public opening hours (9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application. WATERFORD CITY AND COUNTY COUNCIL – I, Jennifer Mackintosh Grey, intend to apply for planning permission for an extension of my property at Springfield, Tallow, Co. Waterford. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Section, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford, during its public opening hours (9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application. WATERFORD CITY AND COUNTY COUNCIL – Tom O’Donovan intends to apply for permission for construction of an animal house incorporating slatted tank, straw bedded area, feed passage, cattle crush and associated site works at Coolbeggan West, Knockanore, Co. Waterford. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority at Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford, during its public opening hours, i.e. 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application, and such submissions and observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015






O In Memoriam C NORRIS (29th anniversary) – In loving memory of James (Jimmy) Norris, late of Englistown, Stradbally, who died on 7th June, 1986. R.I.P.

† MAURICE FRAHER 6 Boreenatra, Dungarvan, and Kilbrien, Ballinamult Maurice’s sons Greg and Gearóid; his daughter Ann; son-in-law Billy; daughter-in-law Audrey; his grandchildren and the extended Fraher family wish to thank most sincerely all who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement. Thank you to all who attended the house, Funeral Home, removal, Funeral Mass and burial. Those who sent Mass cards, floral tributes and those who travelled to be with us at that time. A heartfelt thank you to our wonderful neighbours and friends who came in such large numbers to give us their support. Thanks to the Ambulance crews, CareDoc and the Gardaí for their help and efforts. A special thank you to Dr. Maurice O’Sullivan, Dr. Tom Nyhan and the staff at High Street Medical Centre for their wonderful care over the years. To Community Care Nurses Paula O’Reilly and Lucy Frost, our thanks for their visits and advice. To Fr. W. Ryan, P.P., Dungarvan; Fr. Ml. Brennock, Fr. Seamus Humphreys, Fr. Matt Cooney and Fr. Tony Egan, Augustinian Community, thank you all for attending. To Fr. John Harris, C.C., a very special thank you for the monthly visits to Maurice, for his help and support and his kind words throughout the Funeral Mass, it was much appreciated by us all. To the Friary Church Choir for the wonderful singing and music, your presence meant so much and we thank you. The family would also like to thank Dina Walsh for her lovely rendition of ‘The Little Village Schoolroom Of Kilbrien’ at the graveside. A sincere thank you to the representatives of Abbeyside and Dungarvan Scout Troops and to the Leaders and Scout from Abbeyside Scout Troop who provided a Guard of Honour. Thanks to the Sacristan, Altar servers and gravediggers. To the Burke family, management and staff at Lawlors Hotel for taking such good care of us. To David and Margaret Kiely and staff at Kiely’s Undertakers, thank you for the professional and compassionate way in which you carried out your duties. We trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation and gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions. Month’s Mind Mass for Maurice will be celebrated on Sunday, 7th June, in the Friary Church, Dungarvan, at 11.00 a.m.

A silent thought, A quiet prayer, For a special person, In God’s care.


AHEARNE (19th anniversary) – In loving memory of Mike Ahearne, late of Kereen, Aglish, who died on 4th June, 1996. R.I.P. Thoughts return of days gone past, The years go by but memories last, Time passes, memories stay, Quietly remembered every day.

–Sadly missed by your wife Mary; daughter Marie; sons Mike, Pat, Toss, David and Kevin; grandsons Adam and Calum. Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in Aglish Church on Friday, 5th June, at 7.30 p.m.


† ANN McGRATH Lacken, Dungarvan First Anniversary and Acknowledgement The sons Joseph, Michael, Sean, Noel and David and daughters Marie, Patricia, Susan and Ursula and their families, grandchildren and great grandchildren would like to thank most sincerely all our neighbours, friends and work colleagues who called to pay their respects to Mam; to Fr. Hassett, Fr. Delany, Sr. Eileen, the Chapelwoman and the Altar servers. To all who provided music in the Church and at the graveside; to The Park Hotel for the lovely food; to Tom and James Drohan, they helped us so much, their care and attention is second to none and their kindness will not be forgotten. To the Doctors and staff of High Street Medical Centre who took such good care of Mam for many years. To the Doctors and staff of the Palliative Care team in University Hospital Waterford for their care and kindness shown to Mam and the family during our difficult time. God saw you getting tired, a cure was not to be, So He put his arm around you, and whispered come with me. With tearful eyes we watched you, as you slowly slipped away, And though we loved you dearly, we couldn’t make you stay. Your golden heart stopped beating, your tired hands put to rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best. Will those who think of Mam today, a little prayer to Jesus say.

–Missed and loved always by her loving sons, daughters and their families; your sister Maureen and family. Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in Ballinroad Church on Sunday, 7th June, at 10.00 a.m.

Look around your garden Lord, For an Angel with a smile, It won’t be hard to find him, He must stand out a mile. Call his name out softly, And when he looks your way, Tell him that we love him, And miss him every day.

–Loved and dearly missed by his family in Ireland and America and by his many friends. Anniversary Mass on Sunday, 7th June, at 11.00 a.m. in St. Lawrence’s Church, Fourmilewater, Ballymacarbry.

DUNFORD (40th and 15th anniversaries) – In loving memory of Michael and Bridget Dunford, late of Lacken, Dungarvan, whose Anniversaries occur at this time.

Piltown, Youghal, Co. Cork Acknowledgement and First Anniversary On the First Anniversary of Kitty’s death, her husband Tom; sons Tomas, Gary, Emmet and Colum; daughters Carina, Paula and Valerie; sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our very sad loss. Our sincere thanks to all those who attended the Rosary, Funeral Mass and burial. Thank you to those who sent flowers, Mass cards and letters of sympathy. Thank you to all our very kind neighbours, friends and relatives for their help and whose continued support is very much appreciated. A sincere thank you to Dr. Meehan and staff and also the Doctors, Nurses and staff at Cork University Hospital, Mercy Hospital and especially Marymount Hospice for the exceptional care and attention given to Kitty. Sincere thank you to Fr. M. O’Gorman, P.P., and Fr. M. Guiry for celebrating the Funeral Mass. Thank you to the Sacristan and Altar servers, also the gravediggers. Thank you to Liam Dalton for the beautiful music and hymns and also to Egan’s Funeral Directors for their kindness and professionalism. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually; please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation and gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. First Anniversary Mass for Kitty will be celebrated in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Piltown, on Saturday, June 6th, 2015, at 6.30 p.m.

CONDON (2nd anniversary) – In loving memory of Fergus Condon, late of Clashavaugha, Ballymacarbry, Clonmel, who died on 6th June, 2013.

Will those who think of Michael and Bridget today, A little prayer to Jesus say.

COMYN (13th anniversary) – In loving memory of Ellen Comyn, late of Mahonbridge, Kilmacthomas, who died on 8th June, 2002. R.I.P.

–Always remembered by your family.

FOLEY (8th anniversary) – In loving memory of John Foley, late of Gortnadiha, An Rinn, whose 8th Anniversary occurs on 8th June. Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in Seipeal An Sean Phobal, on Saturday, 6th June, at 6.30 p.m. A lot of life has altered, A lot of life is new, But things that never alter, Are the memories of you. It isn’t what we write, It isn’t what we say, It’s how we feel inside, When we think of you today.

–From his daughter Catherine; son-in-law Martin and their family. LAWLOR (38th anniversary) – In loving memory of our father Michael Lawlor, late of Ballyvoile, Stradbally, and native of County Laois, who died on 4th June, 1977. R.I.P. Masses offered. You never miss the sunshine, ’Til the evening shadows fall, You never miss your loved ones, ’Til they are gone beyond recall. So be forever with him Lord, Hear him should he call, And light a star above his grave, When evening shadows fall.

–Sadly missed by all your family.

Fold her O Jesus in Thine arms, And let her henceforth be, A messenger of love, Between our human hearts and Thee.

Use the Small Adverts. Section Call our Office or use your Credit or Debit Card by Phone Dungarvan Observer, Shandon, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. Tel. (058) 41205 / 42042. Fax: (058) 41559.

Every day in some small way, Memories of you come our way, Though absent, you are always near, Still missed, much loved and always dear.

–Always remembered, never forgotten, Elizabeth, Sharon and Lucy. TOBIN (18th anniversary) – In loving memory of Mary Tobin, late of Feddaun, Upper Melleray, Cappoquin, whose Anniversary occurs at this time. R.I.P. Masses offered. Sadly missed along life’s way, Quietly remembered every day, Missed in a thousand and one little ways, Around every corner your memory stays.

–Always remembered by your loving son Willie. TRIHY (21st anniversary) – In loving memory of Thomas Declan Trihy, late of Prap, Grange, who died on 4th June, 1994. R.I.P. Mass offered.

–Sadly missed by Monnie, Michael, Nicholas, Kate and family.

For Quick Results

O’SHEA (26th anniversary) – In loving memory of the late Larry O’Shea, late of Ballylemon, Cappagh, who died on 7th June, 1989.

FAHEY (10th anniversary) – Treasured memories of Willie Fahey, late of 13 Keating Street, Dungarvan, who died on 4th June, 2005. Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, 28th June, at 9.00 a.m. in the Friary Church, Dungarvan. How constantly we think of you, With hearts and eyes that fill, The love in life we had for you, In death grows stronger still. Let the winds of love blow softly, And whisper for you to hear, We love and miss you sadly, As it dawns another year.

–Sadly missed by your loving wife Nell; sons Anthony, Sean and Micheál; daughter Mary; daughters-in-law Ann, Kay and Yvonne; son-in-law Tom, and grandchildren David, Emma, Emily, Sarah, Billy and Luke, XXX.

May the winds of love blow softly, And whisper for you to hear, How much we love and miss you, As it dawns another year.

MORRISSEY (6th anniversary) – In loving memory of Garry Morrissey, late of The Crooked Bridge, Dungarvan, who died on 2nd June, 2009. Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in St. Laurence’s Church, Ballinroad, on Sunday, 14th June, at 10.00 a.m. SAFELY HOME I am home in Heaven, dear ones, Oh, so happy and so bright, There is perfect joy and beauty, In this everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, Every restless yearning passed, I am now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last.

–Lovingly remembered by his wife Sheila; daughters Helen and Una, and their families.

–Sadly missed by your loving family, relatives and friends.

Month’s O Mind Mass


MICHAEL WALL, Toureen, Ballymacarbry – Month’s Mind Mass for the repose the soul of Michael Wall will be celebrated on Sunday, 7th June, in St. Helena’s Church, The Nire, at 10.00 a.m.

BEREAVEMENT Support and help available Service – Free & Confidential Tel. 058-46100 www.westwaterfordbereavement.org



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015



FROM YOUGHAL www.blackwatercruises.com

Deadline for all adverts is 10.00 a.m. each Tuesday


Telephone: (058) 41205 / 42042 e-mail: adverts@dungarvanobserver.com MUNSTER TRUCK, TRAILER AND BUS SERVICES – Tachograph Calibration and Installation • Speed Limiter Installation and Repair • DOE Preparation • Servicing • Sand Blasting • Spray Painting • Contact: Gerard on 058-68855 or 087-2884113 • www.truckrepairs.ie • info@truckrepairs.ie • Garryduff, Colligan, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. (ind.)



Tree Felling

HEALY TREE FELLING AND LANDSCAPING – Fully insured and certified. Specialising in tree felling, tree pruning and reducing, chipping and removal, landscaping and garden construction including grass and hedge cutting, lawn laying, gravel gardens, paving, decking and fencing Contact: Eamonn (085) 7784335. (26-6)



Gardening Services

COMERAGH LANDSCAPING – The landscaping professionals. Garden design and layout. Planting, water features, patios, stonework, kerbing, fencing, etc. Lawn laying turfed and seeded. For a professional and affordable service contact Paul Curran (087) 2908403. www.comeraghlandscaping.ie (ind.)



Air Compressors

AIR COMPRESSORS – Sales / Service / Repairs. New and Used Compressors. Air Tools / Sandblast Units / Aluminium Air Lines. Spray Guns / Air Line Hose and Fittings. Full After Service and Spare Parts. AIRCO COMPRESSED AIR SERVICE. Deelish, Dungarvan. Tel. (086) 8664555 / www.airco.ie (31-7)



Counselling Psychotheraphy

AFFORDABLE COUNSELLING/PSYCHOTHERAPY, Dungarvan – Personal Counselling for Adults, Adolescents and Children. Member of IACP and PSI. Contact: Dr. Kay McKiernan (Psychology) 086-8578521 • email: kay@aonahouse.com (31-12)



Computer Services

COMPUTER AND LAPTOP REPAIRS – On Site Repairs, Set-ups, Upgrades, Data Recovery and Training. Virus and pop-up removal. Qualified computer Engineer and Trainer. 20 years experience. Reasonable rates. House calls. Tel. Shane Deevy (087) 9872006. (ind.)



Heating & Plumbing

EOIN WALSH HEATING & PLUMBING – Extensions, Bathroom Revamp, Boiler Service with Combustion Analysis, Boiler and NonBoiler Stoves Fitted. For all your heating and plumbing needs call (087) 2749497. (3-7)



Soccer Coaching

SOCCER COACHING – Vinny Sullivan runs Just4Strikers Soccer Coaching School in Dungarvan every Sunday morning for Boys and Girls aged between 6–14 years old. For more information call Vinny on (087) 7501059. (12-6)



Decorating Service

DECORATING SERVICE – All internal / external painting. New house spraying before second fix. Tired old kitchen units hand-painted, hygiene coatings. Epoxy floor paint systems. Qualified local tradesmen. Free estimates. Insurance work. Fully insured. VAT registered. Call: Prodec Painters. Padraig (087) 7730520. Steve (086) 8410901. (31-12)

MURRAY’S ROOFING DUNGARVAN – Re-roofing specialists. Slate/Tile • flatroofs • guttering/downpipes • chimney work • chimney cowls • ridge tiles • lead flashing lead valleys • supply fit roof velux windows • UPVC fascias/soffits • insurance work under-taken • all work holds a full written guarantee • all areas covered • For a free written quotation and emergency work call Paul on (058) 43992, mobile (086) 2109547. (ind.)




RE-UPHOLSTERY CARPETS, CURTAINS, FURNITURE – Free estimates in your own home. Collection and delivery. Sofas and Couches made to order. Curtains and Pelmets made to measure. Extensive range of fabrics to choose from. Colour co-ordinating service free in Showrooms. A visit to our Showrooms is a must. Open Monday to Saturday incl. All work guaranteed. Ned O’Connell, Seafield, Youghal. Tel. (024) 93106.


C Tarmacadam

TARMACADAM & TAR & CHIPPINGS – Drainage and Kerbing. Michael Fennell, Stradbally, (086) 8342233 / (051) 293943. (21-8)



Home Help Available

HOME HELP / CARER WITH FETAC LEVEL 5 CERT. EXPERIENCED. AVAILABLE – Kilrossanty, Kilmacthomas, Leamybrien and Dungarvan areas. Contact: (087) 9831045. (5-6)



Charity / Donations

THE SUNFLOWER SHOP – Supporting Waterford Hospice City & County – Welcomes donations of Clothes, Brica-Brac, Furniture and Toys, etc., in good condition. We also recycle Old Clothes / Linen. House Clearances welcome. Happy to collect. Call HELEN. We are located at Main Street, Kilmacthomas. Tel. (087) 2756576. (26-6)



Vehicles For Sale

2001 OPEL CORSA 1.2 AUTOMATIC – 57K miles. NCT to July 2015. Powersteering, sunroof, 3 door Hatchback. €1,400. Tel. (087) 1827666. (5-6) 2006 SILVER NISSAN NOTE – Previous lady owner; very clean body work; no marks, scratches or dents; interior immaculate; cleaned regularly and from a non-smoking and pet free house. 1.5 Ltr. Diesel Engine; 175k on the clock and NCT until March 2016. €3,750 o.n.o. For further information please call anytime. Landline: (058) 42069. Mobile: (086) 3600778. PAMOORECARSALES.C OM – All trade-ins welcome. Finance available. 10 Aveo 1.2 Black 4dr. Saloon; 08 Astra 1.3 DIESEL 3dr. Van; 08 Avensis Diesel Low Tax Silver; 07 BMW 318 2.0L Automatic Silver; 07 Scenic 7 Seater 1.5 Diesel Silver; 07 Yaris 1.3 Black 5dr. H/B; 07 Peugeot 307 1.6 Diesel HDI; 07 Focus 1.4 Hatchback 5 dr.; 06 Megane 1.5 Diesel Silver Saloon; 06 Megane 1.4 Hatchback + Saloon; 06 Galaxy Automatic Diesel Silver; 06 Mondeo Diesel 4dr. Saloon Blue; 06 Volvo S60 2.0 Silver Saloon; 05 Peugeot 206 1.1 Silver 5dr.; 05 Almera 1.5 Saloon 4dr.; 05 Leon 1.4 Red 5 DR H/B; 05 Focus C-Max 1.6 Silver; 05 Saab 1.9 Diesel Saloon 4dr.; 05 Peugeot 307 1.6 HDI Blue 5dr.; 04 Zafira 1.6 Silver 7 Seater.; 04 Passat 1.9 TDI Diesel Blue 4dr.; 04 BMW 320 Diesel Black 4dr.; 04 Saab 2.0 Trubo Black 4dr.; 03 Zafira 1.6 7 Seater Blue 5dr.; 03 Mazda Sport 2.0 H/B 5dr.; 03 Volvo S40 1.9 Diesel Silver; 03 Nissan Tino 1.8 Black 5dr. H/B; 03 Citroen C5 HDI Automatic; 03 Megane Scenic 1.4 Blue 5dr.; 02 Clio 1.2 Wine 5dr H/B; 02 Honda CRV 2.0 Blue 5dr.; 02 Mondeo 2.0 TDCI Diesel 4dr.; 02 Primera 1.6 Silver Saloon 4dr.; 00 Micra 1.0L Silver 5dr. H/B. Finance Arranged. pamoorecarsales.com Tel: 087 9425791 or 086 0877831.



AVAILABLE – Hy-Line Point of Lay Pullets for sale. Contact: Ryan (025) 27299. (17-7)


PLANKS FOR SALE – Raised Borders. Delivered. Phone: (087) 6836035.


Joe Coffey Blinds & Curtains 27 GRATTAN SQUARE, DUNGARVAN 058 41506 / 087 0518333 Roller Blinds • Wood Venetian • Vertical • Roman • Velux Roof Blinds • Aluminium Venetian Selection of Wooden & Aluminium Curtain Poles now in stock Curtain Material, Lining & Tapes SELECTION OF READY-MADE CURTAINS IN STOCK 40% OFF WOOD VENETIAN BLINDS OPENING HOURS Monday – Saturday 10.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.


C Strayed

STRAYED FROM MY LANDS IN AFFANE – 4 month old Black Simmental Bull Calf. Tagged. Tel. (087) 2708513.



For Sale

Thank You

THE management of The Welcome Inn, Cappagh, would like to thank all the new and old patrons for their generous support of the Bank Holiday Open Air Concert. The weather wasn’t in our favour, but it didn’t dampen the spirits of the large support we received. A special word of thanks to all who helped in several ways and to our staff who went the extra mile to make sure the weekend was a success. This was the first of several events planned, so please follow us on Facebook for future updates. Thank you.

20/30 ACRES OF GOOD QUALITY SILAGE ON STEM FOR SALE – Ready to cut. Old Parish area. Contact: (086) 8349123. (5-6)



Agri Sale

GALVANISED GATES – Barriers, Cubicles, Cattle Crush Panels, Cow Mats. Ryan Brothers, Ballymacarbry / www.ryanbrothers.ie / Laurence (087) 7994737. (ind.)


C Livestock

DEAD & DISABLED CATTLE COLLECTED IN ALL AREAS – Ring: Fitzgerald’s Licensed Knackery, Coolagown. (025) 36662 or (086) 8193202 / (087) 8193202. (ind.) BREEDER HAS FOR SALE A SELECTION OF PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS – 16 to 20 months old by LGL and home bred. Easy calving and from closed herd. Delivered. Tel. (087) 6176746. (26-6)

The Samaritans Beau Street, Waterford Tel. (051) 872114. 1850-60-90-90. Lonely – Suicidal – Despairing? Talk to us any time, any day in complete confidence Phone – write – visit


C To Let

SHERRY FITZGERALD REYNOLDS LETTINGS – Urgently require Houses and Apartments TO LET in all areas of Dungarvan and West Waterford. Please contact Gerardine Reynolds on 087 2458848 / 058 23444. (ind.)


C Novena

NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART – O Divine Jesus who said “ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you.” I kneel at your feet, from whom shall I ask if not from you, whose heart is the source of all blessings. O Divine Jesus, your heart was moved by compassion for the men and women who came to you in need. You healed the sick, you forgave sinners, you are the way, the truth and life. O Divine Jesus, your heart is still full of compassion for us today in our many needs, assured of your love, we turn to you and ask (pause here, mention your request). I admit I am most unworthy of your favour, Jesus; but this is not a reason for me to be discouraged. You are the God of Mercys and you will not refuse a contrite heart. Look with pity on me, I beg so that your compassionate heart will find, in my weakness, a motive for granting my request. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart pray for us. Publications promised. Feast of the Sacred Heart – 12th June, 2015.

Notice to Advertisers It is a condition of acceptance of advertisements orders that the proprietors do not guarantee the insertion of any particular advertisement on a special date or at all. Although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers; further they do not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccurracy in the printing of any advertisement. They reserve the right to refuse or alter any advertisement, no matter by whom or where accepted for publication; also to discontinue the publication of any advertisements previously published. Advertisements paid or otherwise are therefore accepted only subject to the above conditions. The advertiser undertakes to indemnify the proprietors against all liability for any civil action arising out of publication of the advertisement. (ind.)

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


To l i so n s’ To p O i l Se r v i ce Sta t i o n and Shop n ow o p e n i n D u n g a r va n

Pictured, left to right: Tom O’Flynn, proprietor, Tolisons’ Top Oil, Abbeyside; Tom Murphy, Tolisons’ Top Oil, Abbeyside; and James O’Sullivan, Top Oil.


32 & 33


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Tolisons’ Top Oil brings its trusted and top quality fuel to West Waterford THE Top Oil brand brings its trusted and top quality fuel to West Waterford thanks to Tolisons’ which has opened its new Top Oil forecourt at Sexton Street, Abbeyside, Dungarvan. Tolisons’ have many years experience in retail and customer service, and operate other Top Oil sites in Munster. As well as the renowned Top Oil brand, Tolisons’ is a convenience store which is open from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. seven days a week. There are plenty of great offers instore, along with a hot and cold deli counter offering freshly made sandwiches, snacks and the Costa Coffee brand for a hot drink ‘on the go’. Tolisons’ have solid fuel at competitive prices and offer a great value attended car wash for €4.00. Car valet is also available on site. Tolisons’ Top Oil is also a Top Fuel Card location, and as well as accepting Top Fuel Card, they also accept all major fuel cards. Commenting on the recently redeveloped forecourt site at Sexton Street, Abbeyside, owner, Tom O’Flynn said they were delighted with their new Top Oil forecourt brand and image.

“It looks really well on the site, and have had great feedback from our customers since we opened,” Tom told the Dungarvan Observer. “The Top Oil signage compliments our shop and we look forward continuing to working with Top Oil, a recognised and trusted Irish brand,” he added. Top Oil is a 100 percent Irish, family owned business dating back over 200 years, so the O’Flynn’s know that their customers are in safe hands. Product quality and high standards of customer service are also paramount to the Top Oil team. The new retail site is supported by their local oil distribution business, Top Oil Waterford, which has been serving the community of Dungarvan for over 30 years.

Tolisons’ Top Oil Service Station and Shop will be officially opened this coming Friday, 5th June, from 12 noon to 4.00 p.m.

For all your agricultural fuel and heating oil requirements call 051 590100. Commenting on the new partnership, James Fitzgerald, Regional Manager with Top Oil said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with O’Flynn’s and their new retail site in Dungarvan, as we continue to roll out the Top Oil retail brand across the South East”. “Top Oil is an Irish company and employs over 300 people across Ireland. Customers are switching to Top Oil because we have a strong Irish brand and are known to provide Quality Assured Fuel at competitive rates. As fuel importers we can stand over the quality of our product from port to pump,” said Mr. Fitzgerald. “We wish to thank the O’Flynns for choosing Top

Oil as the retail partner for their new site, and we wish them continued success with their new business venture,” he added. LAUNCH OF TOLISONS’ NEW SERVICE STATION Tolisons’ Top Oil Service Station and Shop will be launched this coming Friday, 5th June, from 12 noon to 4.00 p.m. Tom O’Flynn is delighted to invite everyone to the launch and said it promises to be a fantastic day of fun for all the family. To celebrate, there will be a host of entertainment, tasty treats and fuel voucher giveaways PLUS two pairs of tickets to see Waterford v. Cork on 7th June! Also the (Dr. Croke) National Hurling League trophy will be on display on the day. There will be loads of special in-store and forecourt offers, while WLR FM will be broadcasting live from the forecourt. There will be face-painting and kiddies colouring competition with toy store vouchers prizes for the winners. Top Oil’s ‘Mr. Ted’ will be in attendance, so do please come along to Tolisons’ Top Oil, Sexton Street, Abbeyside, this Friday and join in the fun!



Face Painting, Refreshments, Competitions & Prizes

OPENING Tolisons’ Top Oil Service Station & Shop, Abbeyside, Dungarvan is officially opening on

Friday 5th June From 12-4pm WLR FM Radio will be broadcasting from Tolisons’ on the day

www.top.ie Pictured, left to right: Tom Murphy, Tolisons’ Top Oil, Abbeyside; Tom O’Flynn, proprietor, Tolisons’ Top Oil, Abbeyside; and James O’Sullivan, Top Oil. Inset: Top National Hunt jockey Davy Russell will officially open Tolisons’ Service Station & Shop this Friday, 5th June.


Top Oil Service Station & Shop Sexton Street, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.

Tolisons’ Top Oil Service Station & Shop is here for you! Ideally situated on Sexton Street, Abbeyside, Thomas O’Flynn and Co. invite you to see for yourself. With easy access, lots of parking and spacious forecourts, Tolisons’ is the obvious choice. Thomas (manager) opened his doors and credits their great success to the brand Top Oil. People get outstanding value without compromising on quality, he says. There are constantly new deals and fresh ideas coming through, which everybody loves. The fuel is supplied by Top Oil which has a great reputation for being top quality and reasonably priced. With numerous filling pumps, queuing is never an issue.



Hot and cold food is freshly prepared on the premises daily. Choose from delicious sandwiches, filling wraps or rolls, or even ring ahead and book your burger, potato wedges, spicy meatballs amongst other tasty meals. Why not pull up a chair and relax while you’re there? There’s plenty of seating available.

Tolisons’ has unbeatable value for those popping in for lunch. Such as a large filled breakfast roll with tea/coffee/water for just €5. Or a sandwich, pack of Tayto and water for €4.50. Or choose tea/coffee and a packet of biscuits for only €2! That’s the best value you’ll find in Dungarvan!








Stand back and let

As well as petrol and

your car get washed


diesel, Tolisons’ also

for only €4,

are delighted

stocks these winter

or €6 if 4x4.

essentials, plus

Let the experts bring

kindling and fire

your motor to a


showroom shine, or

Thomas will even

get the mini or full

help you load your

valet while you sit

car; you can’t beat

down inside with a

service like that!

coffee and the paper.


to say that Lotto will soon be available. You could be their first big winner!

Open seven days a week 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.

DCI ACCEPTED Truck drivers – did you know that Tolisons’ welcomes DCI cards?

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Specials Instore WLR-fm Face Painting Kiddies Colouring Toy Store Vouchers Top Oil’s ‘Mr. Ted’ Tasty Treats Fuel Voucher Giveaways Waterford v. Cork tickets Entertainment NHL Trophy on display Forecourt Offers



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Tolisons’ Top Oil Ser vice Station a n d S h o p n o w o p e n i n D u n g a r va n

Costa Coffee is available at Tolisons’ Top Oil, Abbeyside.

Attended pumps at Top Oil, Abbeyside.

Tolisons’ bright and spacious convenience store.

The busy forecourt at Top Oil, Abbeyside.

Nicky O’Donovan making a fresh Costa Coffee.

Angela Scanlon preparing fresh food at the Deli counter with Nicky O’Donovan.

The deli and hot food counter.

A section of the forecourt at Top Oil, Abbeyside.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015



CountryLife competition winners visit the Shack NEWSREEL … on Tracks garden at Chelsea Flower Show Anxious or Depressed?

COME to our Support Group Meeting in Dungarvan. Venue: Deise Day Care, Dungarvan, Community Centre, Mitchel Street. Date: Every Tuesday at 8.00 p.m. Helpline: 1890 303 302.You are not alone! (ind.)

St. Michael’s Hall Ballyduff Upper, Cards Results 27-5-15 – 1st Divided Eily O’Callaghan & Hugh Collins, Sean Higgins & Eddie Byrnes; 4/5 Mary & Aaron Pratt, Lizzie Keane & Helen Cunningham; Lucky Tables: John Conway & Mary Fennessy, Dan Howard & Eddie Sheehan. Raffle: Christy Higgins, Anne Geery x2, Mary Whelan x2, Helen O’Keeffe, Pat Kirby, Helen Cunningham, Pat Noonan, Dan Howard, Sean Higgins.

PETER Hennessey and his wife Anna were the lucky winners of an all-expenses trip to the Chelsea Flower Show in London in a competition from Glanbia CountryLife Kilmeaden and Bord na Mona. Peter and Anna hail from Borris in Co. Carlow and are avid gardeners, visiting CountryLife Kilmeaden every week to shop in the garden centre. As the highlight of their prize Peter and Anna were treated to a guided tour of the Rich Brothers’ gold-medal winning garden ‘The Shack on Tracks’ which was sponsored by Bord na Mona and Cloudy Bay. The Rich Brothers are the youngest ever gardeners at the Chelsea Flower Show and they recently signed with Simon Cowells agency Syco. They have an outstanding record at the show, winning a Gold Medal in 2015, Silver Gilt in 2014, and another Gold in 2013. ‘Peter told me that it has been his lifelong dream to visit Chelsea Flower Show and we are delighted to have had such a worthy winner for our competition’, said James Byrne, Marketing Manager for CountryLife Garden Centres.

Peter and Anna Hennessy

Charity Vintage Tea Rooms ST. Mary's Church of Ireland, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, Old fashioned afternoon teas & Cake stall in aid of Lismore Union of Parishes on Saturday, 6th June, 2–5 p.m. All welcome. Play area and fancy dress for kids at the back of the Church. Find us on facebook & Twitter Charity Tea rooms.

Abbeyside Heritage Archive BOOKS AND SCRAPBOOKS THE above play a large part in our collections at the Parish Office when we are there on the first and third Sunday of each month. We have a large table eight foot by four foot to spread out our large collection. It’s possible you could see yourself in one of the many books and scrapbooks on display. We like to keep pairs of books together when they complement each other. A good example would be the two books entitled “On this Day” by Julian Walton with Frank Donoghue. They are both gems to any bibliophiles. Looking forward to meeting you on Sunday, June 7th, 2.30-5.30 p.m.

Ballinameela Lotto Results 1st JUNE, 2016 WINNING numbers were: 23, 27, 29. No winner. €20 winners: Benny Fitzgerald, Ballylemon; Gretta Kelleher, Cappagh; Mike Murray, Touraneena; Gillian McGrath, Ballinameela; Patricia Cotter, Ballinameela. Next week’s jackpot €650 and will take place in the Kereen Bar.

Glenbeg ICA

Pictured at Kilcohan Park Greyhound Stadium for their monster benefit night are children from Scoil Gharbhain Dungarvan where each child was nominated a dog in each race. Over 400 people attended the event on Saturday last where Dungarvan Shopping Centre and GAIN Feeds were main sponsors on the night. With a 10 race card on Saturday last, each race and trap was nominated by a pupil from Scoil Gharbhain. The nominated child led out their dog in the race with the winning nominator receiving a plague from the school for the win. Pictured at Kilcohan Park Greyhound Stadium for the Local Bar Dungarvan 525 are Pauline Travers, William Rigney (GAIN), Peter Cronin, Jimmy Maguire (Chairman KPGS), and winning greyhound All about Shea.

The Annual Mass for deceased members of Glenbeg ICA will be celebrated by Rev. Fr. John Harris, C.C. in Bushy Park on Wednesday, 17th June at 7.30 p.m. Friends and family of our deceased members are welcome to attend. There will be no meeting on Monday, 8th June. Federation meeting will be held in Crotty’s Inn, Lemybrien on Monday, 15th June at 7.30 p.m. Any member entering the Aldi Brown Bread Baking Competition note that judging will take place at Federation meeting. Please contact Secretary for details.

2015 Solas Centre “South East Run for Life” planning has started THE 2015 Solas Centre “South East Run for Life” committee has had its first planning meeting. So it is time to dust off your old training shoes and stretch your hamstrings and put the date of Sunday, 11th October into your diary. The annual 10 mile event will this year have two parts to the day’s programme. There will of course be the challenging 10 mile route and this year a unique family oriented shorter event.This exciting new event within the event will be geared towards family participation and will involve a mystery element to the run.The exact details of the full programme will be officially launched in due course with the 2015 event partners Datapac and Beat 102-103.

Pictured at Kilcohan Park Greyhound Stadium for Clonea Leisure Centre 550 are Members of the Scoil Gharbhain Cuista, Patrick O'Gorman, Ciara Watt (Brand Manager GAIN), William Rigney (GAIN), Jimmy Maguire (Chairman KPGS), and winning greyhound Edermine Speck.



Stradbally TIDY TOWNS NEWS With only days to go to the Stradbally Tidy Towns Annual Raffle which will take place at Whelan’s Lounge Bar on Saturday night next, 6th June with a Disco of ‘70’s and 80’s lively music to get the feet tapping. There are still a few tickets available for the draw. With the big prize of €250 shopping voucher for Garvey’s Super Valu, and prizes of €100 shopping voucher for Centra, Kilmacthomas and €100 for XL Stores in Stradbally and prizes of €100 cash sponsored by Cove Bar and Whelan’s Lounge Bar in Stradbally if you are not in you can’t win. If you are looking for a good night out it will all be happening at Whelan’s Lounge Bar, Stradbally on Saturday night. STRADBALLY SOCCER NEWS The ever popular Stradbally Soccer Club Summer Camp takes place this year over 4 days on the 28th and 31st July at 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. daily.With all the favourite activities as well as some new one will be there to enjoy. For more details watch this space. Academy and Little Dribblers continues until the end of the month on Saturday mornings from 10.30 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. all

children welcome. There is club gear for sale in children’s sizes, would make ideal birthday presents. Contact Gerry at 087 224 5712. The Astro Turf pitch is available to hire. Contact Tadgh on 087 230 6841. BARRON HALL The Barron Hall is available to hire, the large main hall or the smaller meeting room with all facilities included. Contact the booking officer Nicola at 087 716 0700. Whist Drive continues every second Friday night. A very sociable event, newcomers always welcome. LOCAL SOCCER CUL CAMP NEWS This year’s Cul Camp is dedicated to the memory of Sean Ahearne who gave of his time to the promotion of underage football and hurling at Stradbally GAA Club. The camp begins on Monday, 29th June and finishes on Friday, 3rd July.The camp is open to boys and girls from 6 years to 13 years of age. The camp begins at 10 a.m. and finishes at 2.30 p.m. If you have any queries please contact club co-ordinator Tomas Walsh. There is also a pre-school GAA camp for boys and girls age 4 and 5 years on the same week. This camp begins at 10 a.m. and fin-

ishes at the earlier time of 12 noon. The children attending this camp will receive a Cul camp kit and bag, the cost of which is €40.You can register online for this camp. THE ANNUAL ST. JAMES FIELD DAY The date has been announced for the Annual St. James Field Day that takes place at St. James School and Hall and grounds in Stradbally. This event is very much part of the social calender in Stradbally and will take place this year on Saturday, 18th July, 2015. The organising committee is busy preparing great stalls and fun games. Let’s hope there will be plenty of sunshine to enjoy all the treats of the fair. Put a note in your diary especially if you plan to visit. BARRON HALL A sad and dark cloud desended on Stradbally Community on Saturday when the news came through of the tragic death of Liam Barrett. Our sympathy to Fionnula (sister); Andrew (brother); William and Catherine Clancy and all the extended Barrett and Clancy families. Its difficult to know what to say. But a quote from our late P.P. Fr. Patrick O’Farrell (late 1960s and 1970s), used in his sermon every Sunday morn-

ing, comes to mind, “We know not the place, nor the time”. TRACTOR DRIVE The old and the new, Alan Darcy on his vintage Fordson Major along side Robert Fennell's new model, joining the que for the start of the drive outside the Barron Hall. The journey took us through the village (where we stopped for one minute to respect late Liam Barrett). On to Bonmahon via Little Wood (Coill Beag) on coast road, left to Seafield School, Ballylaneen, through to Hickey Fabrications, Griffins Garage and home. We lost one tractor on the way, later recovered. Tomás Power and his team had the BBQ ready, which was gratefully enjoyed. Ml. O’Meara supplied the music etc. Barron Hall committee greatful for the support, consensus is we should make it an annual event. (especially the BBQ). We photographed all vechicles and participants and intend to publish them all. BBQ DISCO Again thanks to everybody for the support. It was wonderful to see so many people enjoy themselves in safe surrounds.The question being asked, when is the next Hallowe’en "Fancy Dress"?

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015





Dungarvan Mens Shed

NEWS FROM THE SHED Busy start to the the week in the Shed, with plenty of work in the workshop, wheel barrows flying out the door! A big thank you to all the people who supported our stall in the boot sale at the Vintage Tea Rooms, and well done to the

Tommy tidies the bench before work.

Shedders who braved the weather to man the stall. And don't forget people, this Wednesday, 3rd June at 10am sees a visit by wood worker and crafts man John O'Neil from Lismore to give a demonstration of his skills. All are welcome.

The lads enjoy the chat and the cuppa.

Lyre Heritage News By Marie O’Shea Summer – how are ye! SPRING has been and gone, and by rights we should be having nice warm summer days – after all it is the first week of June? As I write it is the 1st of June and gale force winds are forcing large waves to pummel the sands of Stradbally Cove. The rain is beating on the windows and it is COLD. On the phone to a friend in South Africa a little while ago. The weather there is awful also - but they are in their winter phase right now. Climate changes have certainly affected our weather patterns and, like a lot else, things ain’t what they used to be! We are survivors, I suppose. At least those of us who were born before the middle of the last century console ourselves thus. We were born before TV, before

penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, contact lenses, videos and the pill.We were before radar, credit cards, split atoms, laser beams and ball point pens, before dishwashers, tumble driers, electric blankets, air conditioners, drip-dry clothes – and before man walked on the moon. We got married first and then lived together (how quaint is that?) Fast food was something you ate in Lent, a big Mac was an oversized raincoat and crumpet we had for tea. We never heard of ‘house-husbands’ or computer dating and sheltered accommodation was something was where you waited for a bus. We never heard of FM Radio, tape decks, artificial hearts, word processors, or young men wearing earrings. ‘Time sharing’ meant togetherness, a chip was a piece of wood or fried potatoes, hardware was nuts and bolts and software

wasn’t even a word. Made in Japan meant junk, making out referred to how you did in exams, a stud was something that kept a collar attached to a shirt and ‘going all the way’ meant staying on the bus to the terminus. ‘Grass’ was part of a lawn, ‘coke’ was kept in the coal-shed, a joint was a piece of meat for Sunday lunch and ‘Pot’ was something you cooked in. ‘Rock Music’ was a fond mother’s lullaby, a gay per-

The bluebell wood.

Aboriginal lizard, acrylic on tile, by Steve. son was the life and soul of the party while ‘aids’ just meant another beauty treatment or help for someone in trouble. We survivors must be a hardy bunch when you think of how the world has changed and the adjustments we have had to make. No wonder there is a generation gap today…BUT by the grace of God we have survived. What’s a few wet days between friends?

Ballyduff Community Council Monthly Meeting MAY monthly meeting of Ballyduff Community council took place on Thursday 21st. It has become apparent that the text service for members is not working correctly. This has been taken up with Vodafone and hopefully will be corrected shortly. Paddy John Feeney gave a financial update, and currently all is in a healthy state. Cards continue on Wednesday evenings for this month. Pat Kenny will advise when the summer break will begin. Community Care hope to plan a tour in the next months. As always people are welcome to come along. Contact Paddy Jim Feeney or any community care member for details. The local history group hosted two interesting events recently. A well

attended talk took place on Michael Collins and his part in Irish History.Thanks to Noel Scannell for this enjoyable evening. Alex Heskin and Margaret Noonan facilitated a “Foraging “ walk in Mocollop. This was most interesting and people learned about herbs, plants etc in great surroundings. It is hoped to repeat this type of event in the Autumn season. Tidy Towns are to be complimented on the work nearing completion in Mocollop. Picnic benches have been put in place which greatly enhance the amenity. Chairman John Barry outlined details presented by Butterflies Playgroup regarding proposed changes to the Foyer layout in St. Michael’s hall. A discussion

took place on the proposal. This is subject to ongoing review and a further meeting will be called once a full project plan can be provided by the playgroup and the impact can be properly assessed. Social and festival committee meetings continue on a regular basis. These meetings plan all of our social events. Having completed the June weekend Duck Derby family day, the committee is now working hard on the summer festival which culminates with Gala Day on Sunday, August 23rd. Anyone willing to help plan and run these events are most welcome. Contact Mag Cashell for further details. The next regular monthly meeting will be on Thursday, June 18th.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015



Irish Red Cross Portlaw Branch A HUGE thank you to the Michael Power Christmas Day Memorial Swim Committee for selecting the Irish Red Cross Portlaw Branch as beneficiary for the 2015 Swim at Kilmurrin Cove! The branch committee members are honoured and delighted that this, one of if not THE - biggest Christmas Day Swims in the country have selected the Portlaw Branch to support their fundraising efforts for a replacement road ambulance. Several fundraising events towards this

fund will take place later this year and your support in any shape or form is much appreciated. And, of course, the swim on Christmas Day at 12 noon is one of the most refreshing & rewarding events of the year to work up an appetite for your Christmas Dinner! The Swim Committee members have worked hard for the past 31 years to support a different charity each year – we are extremely grateful to be chosen for the 2015 swim.

Knockmahon N.S./Seafield N.S. Camogie Team - winners of the Cumann na mBunscol Camogie Eastern Final 2015. ALLIHIES TO BUNMAHON MINERS TRAIL The Allihies to Bunmahon Miners Trail committee are delighted to add Castletownbare Community Hospital to our list of beneficiary charities this year! The full list of charities we are fundraising for in 2015 is Bunmahon Tidy Towns, Bonmahon Lifeboat, Knockmahon NS, Kill / Bonmahon Foroige Club, and Castletownbare Community Hospital, Co. Cork. We are delighted to involve the community in West Cork this year. Castletownbere Community Hospital serves the entire Beara peninsula including Bere Island and

Dursey Island. The building itself is situated on the seafront with stunning views of Berehaven harbour and port. The hospital has continuing care beds, respite, palliative care, and community support. Our group training continues on Tuesdays at 7 pm in Bunmahon and Thursdays in Annestown also at 7pm, all are welcome! BONMAHON COMMUNITY LOTTO Last week’s draw resulted in two Match 3 winners – we must be getting close to someone winning the jackpot! Congratulations to Helen Walsh and Johnny

Needle Natters at the Copper Coast.

Kearns who both won €50 each. This week, take your chances and play for the incredible jackpot of €9,200! NEWS FROM KNOCKMAHON NS Congratulations to our camogie team Knockmahon NS/Seafield NS who won the Cumann Na mBunscol Eastern final Knockmahon NS/ Seafield NS 3; St. Saviour's 0. What a game! Well done to our very own Caoimhe Kiely who scored 2 brilliant goals - way to go Caoimhe! Well done also to all the players on the team who put their hearts and souls into this match and brought home the trophy. Thank you to all who are supporting us in the Bonmahon

Community Lotto. NEEDLE NATTERS Amy Detjen from Celtic Journeys and a lovely group of ladies from the US came to visit the Copper Coast last week. They met with local crafters for a chat and swapped crafty stories. Thank you to Bernadette and Niall from the thewoolshop.ie for organising the event, to the Copper Coast Geopark for the lovely lunch, and to Claire from Povey bags, Michelle from Copper Coast Jewellery, and Orlaith from Hamersley Art for bringing along some of their work. Thank you to Jim and John for the historical and Geological talks. Local ladies Carrie, Mary, Mary and Alannah also joined in the fun.

BOOK SALE – HUGH SUCCESS Our annual Book Sale which took place at Garvey’s SuperValu last weekend was a tremendous success. Thank very much to all who supported this fund raiser, it is greatly appreciated. TICKETS FOR THE MEDIEVAL BANQUET NOW ON SALE Get your tickets now for the Medieval Banquet celebrating the 800 Anniversary of the Granting of the Town Charter by King John. The Banquet will take place At Crews Restaurant, Church St. on Saturday, 4th July at 7.30 pm.

Tickets €35 are available at the Museum, Friary Street. Contact 058-45960. LOCAL HISTORY Three more significant dates relating to Dungarvan 1872 Dungarvan Gazette printed by Joseph Hansard of Main St. 1875 Dungarvan Brass Band founded. 1876 New Town Hall opened in St. Augustine Street and Dungarvan Literary Society was founded. VISITING THE MUSEUM We welcome visits from schools, community groups, and local history societies. Please contact us at 058-

45960 to arrange a visit. Let us know if you are interested in a particular subject and we will focus on that during the visit. OPENING HOURS Monday to Friday 10-5 pm. Admission is free.

Abbeyside Scouts THE meeting started as usual with the Scout Prayer and subs and then we started sorting out tents (again), clearing the store and separating the gear that we will need for the “walkin” camp at the end of June. The provisional date for that is the 26th – 28th of June, and that will be the last activity before Annual Camp. A walk in camp is where we take lightweight gear and literally walk from a drop point to the location and put up the minimum campsite. It usually means a barbeque too! Last year we went to the Cunnigar and it was great, so that will be the likeliest location for this one also. Leader meetings have been happening recently around the subject of our 85th year anniversary celebration, expect some exciting news at the end of the Summer on that. We are also going to start gathering a database of former members as part of the anniver-

sary, we want to engage with all former members and friends to start thinking about the next 85 years and putting in place our development plan for the group, and the den. Speaking of leaders, well done cub leaders Justin and Mark who did some clearing of the stage in the den, removing old gear for dumping. It appears that the stage has a visible floor now, who knew! Annual Camp money is coming in fast now, and parents please do also complete and send us the activity permission forms, this is a requirement for child protection and insurance for a foreign camp and we must

have the forms by midJune. Venturers Ben and Richard are gathering their stuff for the exciting two week voyage on tall ship Morgenstr, they will depart Dublin Port on June 14th and arrive in Bangor in Northern Ireland on the 26th, exciting stuff. Also well done to Jack and Donncha who attended a County Venturers planning meeting in Tramore this week, one of the key items in the Autumn plan is the Mini Explorer, where county ventures will be doing a 25 km hike over a weekend to a (so far) secret location. Last year thirty ventures did this, we think there will be up to fifty this year. Finally, best of luck to any scouts and ventures who are doing exams next week, nearly there now and a long Summer to follow, well done and keep the heads down for the final push.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Cooking up a Storm RAIN and high winds at Boatstrand harbour last Saturday morning were never going to dampen the spirit and enthusiasm of celebrity chef, Rachel Allen. Placing her trust in the skill and experience of local fisherman Colin Dwan, Rachel took to the waves in search of lobster and crab for the first episode of her upcoming RTE series

Rachel’s Coastal Cookery. The clouds gave way to glorious sunshine as the crew returned to harbour, where Rachel was joined by the Copper Coast’s own celebrated chef, Paul Flynn of The Tannery, Dungarvan, in the preparation and cooking of the catch. The freshest of lobster, Paul’s wild garlic pesto and

Rachel’s flavour-enhancing mayonnaise made for a truly sumptuous tasting by the gathered crowd. Savoured al-fresco against the stunning backdrop of the Copper Coast - could gourmet come any better? Catch this exhilarating episode of Rachel’s Coastal Cookery on RTE 1, early Autumn. Some of the walkers that took part in the sponsored walk on Friday last.

Ardmore Pattern Festival Sponsored Walk Raises €2,400 THIS year’s ‘Walk and Win’ event, the annual sponsored walk held by Ardmore Pattern Festival was a great success raising €2,400. On Friday, 29th May the streets of Ardmore were filled with families and friends who took part in the buggyfriendly stroll around the seaside village. Lucky fundraisers were all in with a chance to win some great prizes including weekend breaks away, Aura Leisure Centre membership plus individual family passes. The sun shone over Ardmore during the fun walk, kids had their faces

Rachel Allen, Paul Flynn, Colin Dwan

painted and a good time was had by all. Ardmore Pattern Festival committee is delighted to announce that the 2015 sponsored walk has raised the fantastic sum of €2,400 which will go towards the events and entertainment at this July’s festival. Committee member Chris Ramsell said “We couldn’t have asked for a nicer evening for the walk and we’re all thrilled with the funds raised. A huge thank you goes to everyone who took part, filled in sponsorship cards and also to those who sponsored a friend.”

Following the success of the sponsored walk, the committee’s attention is now focused on the upcoming concert in St. Declan’s church on 23th July, featuring ‘The High Kings’, starting at 8pm. Tickets are priced at €30 and selling fast. They can be purchased from the Brigid Shelly Art Studio, Main Street, Ardmore or by contacting any of the following numbers 0868499895 or by calling 0868329988. To learn more about Ardmore Pattern Festival visit www.ardmorepatternfestival.ie or on Facebook.

Kilmac Colin Dwan, Rachel Allen, Ailis Barry, Kate Dwan, Paul Flynn

Colin Dwan, Rachel Allen, Killian Power, Thomas Power

Photos and text courtesy Red Carpet Photography

LATE SHIRLEY ANNE BOLAND With sadness we record the unexpected death of Shirley Anne Boland, High Street, Kilmacthomas and formerly of Scrahan, which sad event took place at her residence on Wednesday morning 27th May. Reposing at her residence on Thursday afternoon, removal took place to All Saints Church, Newtown at 7.00 pm, her remains were received and blessed by Fr. Keogh P P. Requiem Mass was celebrated on Friday at 11.00 am and burial took place immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Sincere sympathy to her loving husband Maurice to her sons and daughters, grand-children, greatgrand-child, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law all relatives and friends on their sad loss. May she rest in peace. EXAM TIME Good luck to all students of St. Declan's Community College, Kilmacthomas sit-

ting the Leaving Cert and Junior Cert exams commencing this Wednesday 3 rd June. CLEAN UP Thanks to all who turned out for the recent Clean Up of the village and surrounding areas, there was a great response and it was greatly appreciated to see that we have become litter aware with very little litter on our roadsides. The village is looking very well at the moment and it seems we are all taking pride in our community. The Tidy Towns judges are due to visit the village in the very near future so please do keep our street and roads litter free. 21ST BIRTHDAY Congratulations to Joseph Morrissey, St. Ann's Terrace, Kilmacthomas on celebrating his 21 st birthday at the week-end. PRAYER GARDEN The Kilmacthomas Prayer Garden is open daily, why not call in and spend a quiet moment in prayer or just to relax.

THE HAIRY CHEST HUNNIES A night not to be missed when The Hairy Chest bunnies will take to the stage on Saturday night 13th June in Danny's Bar, Kilmacthomas. 10 well known guys will take to the spotlight "dressed to impress" and ready to perform. Special guest comedians and massive prize give away's on the night. A night of fun and entertainment not to be missed WHIST Results of the Ballylaneen Whist Club for Monday, 25th May, Mary Walsh, Margaret Hassett, Biddy Carroll, Kay Veale, Mary O'Donnell, Eileen Power, Kitsy Keating, Mary Kirwan and Kay Foran. Raffle winners John Power, Monica Gough, Joan Skates, Mary Kirwan, Hannah McGrath, K. Veale, Mary Drohan, John Power, Margaret Hassett, Kitsy Keating, Mary Drohan, Mary O'Donnell, Stess Connolly and Kitty Gough.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Touraneena SLIABH gCUA LOTTO Weekending Sunday, 31st May 2015. Lotto jackpot €800. Winning numbers were 5, 17, 30. No winner. Next week's jackpot is €900. The winners of the €20 were: Donnagh Condon, Danno & Mary, Tony Condon, Butler Boys, Jim Cullinan. Promoter's prize of €20 Marian Cliffe. The lotto jackpot is nearing the 1k mark again and would be a nice amount to win for the upcoming Summer holidays! If you are not in, you can't win. Tickets cost €2 each and can be purchased from local retail outlets and designated promoters. Next draw is in Dunne's Bar, Touraneena on Sunday night, 7th June 2015. SYMPATHY We extend sincere sympathy to David, Pat and Maura (Kelly) Melody, Ballymacarbry, on the recent death of their brother, The Reverend Fr. Sean Melody, A.P., Sacred Heart Church, The Folly,Waterford and late of Ballymacarbry. We extend our sympathy to his sisters-in-law, Valerie and Carmel; brother-in-law Michael; nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews. Fr. Sean will be sadly missed by Rev. Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, Bishop Emeritus William Lee, his fellow priests of the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore, the community of the Sacred Heart Parish, relatives and many friends. Requiem Mass was in The Sacred Heart Church,The Folly,Waterford with burial in the church grounds. May he rest in peace. GER WYLEY SPORTS/SKINS SUMMER SERIES 2015 The largest ever number of participants took to the road last Friday night for the Touraneena 5K. A total of 218 people took part. The race was as usual extremely well organised, this year was the first year it was organised by St. Mary's National

School, Touraneena after 19 years of superb organisation by the Touraneena Racquetball club. Thanks to St. Mary's National School for doing such a great job and to long time race helper Laurence Mc Carthy. The men's results were as follows: 1st Kevin Maunsell Clonmel AC 15.01 2nd David Mansfield Clonliffe Harriers AC 15.41 3rd Brian Murphy Carrick On Suir AC 15.51 0/40 David Ryan Clonmel AC 16.15 0/45 P. J. Guinan Waterford AC 17.27 0/50 John Walsh Clonmel AC 18.17 0/60 Walter Keane Waterford AC 18.41 Junior Liam Reilly West Waterford AC 18.04 1st local finisher Johnny McGrath The ladies results were as follows-: 1st Sylvia Malone Waterford AC 19.00 2nd Corinna Walsh West Waterford AC 19.36 3rd Sandra Prendergast West Waterford AC 19.36 0/35 Mary Molloy Carrick On Suir AC 20.31 0/40 Catriona Gough Waterford AC 21.17 0/45 Brigid Coffey West Waterford AC 23.06 0/50 Josie Ui Chuirrin West Waterford AC 24.00 Junior Marie O' Donovan IND 24.13 1st local finisher Claire Fitzpatrick The walk for the 11th Anne Power Memorial Trophy was held as usual on the same night. Ann was one of the founding members and the winner of the Ann Power Memorial Trophy is the walker who completes the course closest to their predicted time. It was only fitting that Tony Power, husband of the late Anne was triumphant this year and was the worthy winner of the memorial Trophy. 2nd place went to Johnny Quinlan and 3rd place to Beatrice Melligan. Over 100 people turned out for the walk and it was a

great night followed by the now customary strawberries and cream served after the race/walk. Thanks to Marie Power and all those who helped her on the night. Thanks also to James Hayes, Carpentry Services, Michael Power of Power Fencing for their generous sponsorship and to Conor Lannen, Dungarvan Country Stores for sponsoring the wonderful strawberries. Thanks to all who participated and to all those who worked so hard to make the night the success it was. OPEN GARDEN To coincide with the Immrama Lismore Festival of Travel Writing 2015, Veronica Troy, Bonnie's Bouquets, New Street, Lismore, will be holding an Open Garden Weekend on Saturday 13th and Sunday, 14th June. Admission fee to the open garden is €5 per adult, children free. Opening times are from 12 - 5 pm on both the Saturday and the Sunday. Refreshments will also be served. All are welcome. Proceeds from the weekend will go to Sr. Gertrude Howley, Dungarvan, on behalf of GROW Ireland. Sr. Gertrude is invaluable to the GROW charity and does tremendous work on their behalf. TOURANEENA VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT A big thank you to all who made a big effort to have the flower beds planted for Touraneena 5k. The village was looking in great shape. The work of the Village Improvement continues and a fundraising night will be held in Dunne’s Bar on Saturday night next, 6th June. Music and entertainment will be provided on the night by Patsy McGrath and the Sliabh gCua Ramblers (and maybe a few guest performances). All are welcome and tell your friends.

Winning Combination: Winners of the Duet competition Under 18, Thomas Ahern and Emma Corbett, from the Ballyduff/Ballinvella/Ballysaggart branch. Thomas won a total of 4 competitions at the weekend fleadh, while Emma has qualified for the Munster fleadh cheoil in both accordion and melodeon.

Communion - Triúr páiste ó S.N Bhaile Mhic Airt, An Sean Phobal a dhein an Chéad Chomaoineach sa Sean Phobal an Domhnach seo chaite. Comhghairdeas leo

Nótaí na Gaeltachta le Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise AN DARA RÁS RAFTA BLIANTÚIL Beidh an dara rás rafta bliantúil ar siúl ar an Domhnach, 14 Meitheamh ag an gCé i nDún Garbhán. Ócáid bailithe airgid don RNLI agus lá iontach spórt agus spraoí don teaghlach ar fad. Foirne de sheisear atá i gceist agus más suim leat a bheith páirteach, is féidir a thuilleadh eolais a fháil ó Oliver Clancy ar 087 821 0420 rnlihelvick@gmail.com The second annual Dragon Warriors Raft Race in conjunction with the RNLI will take place on Sunday, 14th June at 3 pm in Dungarvan. Teams of six and further enquiries to Oliver Walsh on 087 821 0420. NAÍONRA AN tSEAN PHOBAIL / LIOS NA SÍOG Míle buíochas do gach éinne a thug cabhair agus tacaíocht duinn, ag líonadh málaí, chun airgead a báiliú don Naíonra, i Garvey’s an deireadh seachtain seo caite. Many thanks to everyone who helped and supported the Naionra by bag packing in Garvey’s last weekend REILIG AN TSLÉIBHE / FAMINE GRAVEYARD Tá an Coiste Fáilte, coiste turasóireachta i nGaeltacht na nDéise i mbun pleananna forbartha ar Reilig an tSléibhe faoi láthair agus táid ag lorg eolais nó scéalta nó grianghraif ar an áit. Má tá aon eolas ag éinne, ba mhór an chabhair dúinn é a fháil. Is féidir labhairt le Míchéal ar 058-46664 nó cfdeise@gmail.com

The Cultural Tourism Committee, an Coiste Fáilte, are currently researching Reilig an tSléibhe / The Famine Graveyard and are collecting any stories / information / photos that people might have. If you have any material or information, we would be very grateful to collect same. Contact Míchéal on 058-46664 or cfdeise@gmail.com RANGANNA HATHA YOGA Go maith don chorp - neart agus aclaíocht gach maidin Dé Céadaoin, 10.00 - 11.30 r.n. i Lios na Sióg, Sean Phobal. Beidh rang nua ag tosnú san óiche go luath. Tuilleadh eolais ó Claire - 087 0569907. Hatha Yoga Classes - Gently improves flexibility and strength. Posture work, breath awareness and relaxation structured into the class. Classes take place every Wednesday morning - 10.00 - 11.30 a.m. in Lios na Sióg. An evening class will be starting shortly. Further information from Claire at 087 0569907. CUIBHRINN / ALLOTMENTS Anois teacht an earraigh .... Tá deis iontach ann do dhaoine gur mhaith leo tosnú leis an garraíodóireacht. Más suim leat a bheith páirteach i ngrúpa beag daoine a bhíonn ag fás glasraí is bláthanna srl, in áit fíor álainn chuige sa Sean Phobal, cuir scéal dtí Míchéal ar 058-46664 nó cfdeise@gmail.com As the growing season approaches, we are looking for people to get involved in the allotment site in an

Sean Phobal. People can grow their own vegetables in the community area or take a small plot of land. If interested, contact Míchéal on 058-46664 nó cfdeise@gmail.com. SEIRBHÍS DOCHTÚRA Tá an Dr Gráinne Ní Fhoghlú thar n-ais ag feidhmiú ó Ionad Pobail na Rinne gach Máirt agus Déardaoin ó 9-11 ar maidin. Dr Gráinne Ní Fhoghlú will be available for appointments in the Health Centre in Ionad Pobail na Rinne on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9am – 11am. CUMANN NAOMH UINSEANN DE PÓL / SVP Má theastaíonn ó éinne teagmháil a dhéanamh le Cumann Naomh Uinseann de Pól sa cheantar, is féidir teacht orthu ag (058) 46125 nó 0851422902. The contact numbers for the An Rinn / An Sean Phobal branch of St Vincent de Paul are (058) 46125 nó 085-1422902. MEÁIN SHÓISIALTA / TEAGMHÁIL / CONTACT Is féidir an nuacht is déanaí agus eolas faoi imeachtaí a bheidh ar siúl sa Rinn agus sa Seanphobal ar an leathnach Facebook atá ag an gComhlucht Forbartha – www.facebook.com/comhlucht.forbartha agus táimid ar fáil ar twitter anois chomh maith – @cfdeise. If anybody has events / news to be included in Nótaí na Gaeltachta, seol iad chuig cfdeise@gmail.com nó 058-46664.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Molly Barron from Ardmore celebrated her 100th Birthday last week at Youghal and District Nursing Home. Pictured here with sons Sean and Declan; and daughters-in-law Deirdre and Breda. (Gerry O'Mahony)

Ardmore WORDS FROM THE STREET Nothing much to report this week, which in a way is a good thing. The weekend was a mixed bag; half of Saturday was ok, Sunday wasn’t too bad but the less said about Monday the better! Nothing like a nice shot of rain and wind to find out who really loves Ardmore! The sun heats us. The sun gives us light. The sun is one of the greatest wonders there is. The sun is also one of the main reasons that people come to visit us here. Hope it’s on it’s way back. HALLA DEUGLÁN BAZAAR Mentioned this briefly a while back so just take this a little reminder. I know we are yet to experience the full-on summer season but one of the ‘must go to’ events for many people every July is the Annual Halla Deuglán Bazaar which is traditionally held on the first Sunday of July, which is the case this year as well. Time to start dropping down items for said Bazaar to the Hall every Saturday morning then! If you get in touch with any of the Hall Committee. I’m sure they could arrange any other day as well if Saturday doesn’t suit. My wife is one of those committee members and her number is 086-1985524, give her a buzz if you have anything interesting to donate! ARDMORE AFC SUMMER SOCCER SCHOOL FAI Summer Soccer Schools returns to Ardmore A.F.C. again in 2015 !!!! It

takes place in Dysert Park, Ardmore from Monday, 20th July to Friday, 24th July 2015!!!!! Bookings open soon at www.summersoccerschools.ie FARMERS MARKET RETURNS! It's that time of the year again when Sunday in Ardmore can only mean one thing; the Farmers Market for a few nibblies and a wander! Next Sunday, June 7th, sees the return for the Summer months of this extremely popular market and with it a hopeful return to some nice sunny days by the beach car park. So mark it in, next Sunday from early morning till 3pm, and I am looking forward to Pascal's pancakes once more! BARBEQUE & GIG IN THE GARDEN While thundery showers upset many weekend events, once again the sun shone brightly over Ardmore for Sunday’s Barbeque at The Round Tower Hotel. Many local and visiting families enjoyed the music and great value burgers and sausages. Our thanks again to our catering committee and helpers and to Aidan and Trish Quirke for their hospitality. Well done. WINDOW BOXES Catering committee boss, Mary Hennessy, saw her Winter’s work come to fruition last Friday night when all the beautiful window boxes were put up for the Summer. Mary has grown all these flowers from seed, saved the geraniums from last year and planted out the whole lot as well. They transform the village

each year. Now its up to all the window owners to keep them fed, watered and dead headed for the summer. CCTV Summer time sometimes brings antisocial behaviour and thankfully Ardmore has seen little or none of this – long may that last. Sometimes at night time numbers of youths might congregate in various corners and by and large they are particularly well behaved and good mannered. This is testament to good rearing and responsible families. However, the odd time something does happen just be aware that virtually the whole village is now covered by CCTV, some public some private, so advise them to be mindful of their actions. AN SRUTHÁN If you haven’t strolled down the path from Bothar na Trinse to the beach for some time then give yourself a treat this week. Take your time – enjoy the herbs and vegetable garden that has been created. The stumpery and upcycling areas, the bee hotel and creepy crawly shelter and the many shrubs and trees rescued from surpluses of many local gardens. Study the map and explanations on the new sign under the propeller at the end of the stream and then stroll over see the list of all the birds and mammals that live here. The Sruthán is the brainchild of Mary Hennessy and made possible by her hard work as well as that of Bernie Stilwell, John Hennessy and Nora Hennessy as well as numerous others, young and old, who have contributed in one way or another over the

last 5 or 6 years to make it what it is today. Especially, stroll down at night time and appreciate the difference the lights have made. PAINTING Great to see so many businesses and home owners out painting and giving everything a touch up for the Summer, all adding to the beauty of the village. MY OWN PATCH Again we appeal to all to do that little extra in your own area to make sure everything is spic and span for the summer. Maybe it’s a garage door, or a fence that needs painting, a broken rail or gate or some other little item out of place – whatever it is a little attention will add to the overall tidiness of the village. SYMPATHY Ardmore Tidy Towns Association sympathise with the Foley family on the death of Catherine Foley, Ardo. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sí. MICHAEL ENGLISH CONCERT The first of three fabulous concerts takes place in St. Declan's Church, Ardmore, in just three weeks time. The very talented Country singer Michael English and his band will play on June 25th in what should be a wonderful night of entertainment. This is an important fundraiser for the Ardmore National School so all your support would be appreciated. You can pick up your tickets today at Quinn’s Shop and Brigid Shelly Gallery Ardmore or by ringing John on 086/2330810. Price of tickets €20.

NEWS ITEMS All news items and notes are to be forwarded to the following email address:news@dungarvanobserver.ie

I NEED YOUR HELP If I don’t know it’s happening I can’t put it in. If anyone has anything they would like included in these notes just let me know. Local news makes this section interesting for everyone. All local news very welc o m e . virtue.pc@hotmail.com JACK THE JOKER Jack the Joker draw took place in An Cruiscín Lán last Saturday night and €50 was won by Carol Smith, (Award winning gardener) with card number 2, the nine of hearts. Congratulations Carol. The jackpot next week is €2,600. Remember if you are not in you can’t win. This is a joint community fundraiser and tickets can be bought locally. CONGRATULATIONS Best wishes and congratulations to Paudie Landers and Sandy Walsh who married on Friday, 15th May. A great celebration was had on the day. We wish you both many years of wedded bliss. From all your family, friends and neighbours. BABY BLISS Congratulations to the Lombard family on the birth of their new baby girl, Maisie. A little sister for Bella and Abbey. Jane and Christy will have their hands full but what a great summer they have to look forward to. “SISTERS ARE DIFFERENT FLOWERS FROM THE SAME GARDEN.” GREAT NEWS We are delighted to share the good news of our local gardening clubs win at Bloom last weekend. Great news and congratulations. Check out their Facebook page. “A WINNER IS A DREAMER WHO NEVER GIVES UP!” GOOD LUCK SPONSORED KAYAK Best of luck to our local boys on their Source to Sea sponsored adventure for Suicide or Survive on the river Blackwater. VILLIERSTOWN BOATING CLUB Another exciting day on the water for the Boating Club. Conditions were extreme for the second sailing race of the season and many a capsize and forced jibe were witnessed from the safety of the pier. VILLIERSTOWN GIRLS The girls of Villierstown N.S. are small school County champions for 2014/2015 in soccer, football and camogie. Is this a record! We are so proud of these girls for all their enthusiasm, ability and sheer determination. “NO GRASS STAINS, NO GLORY, NO BRUISES, NO GLORY.” FOROIGE

To our local hero 'Keeper' Johnny O’Grady (Geraldines) – Massive congratulations on being accepted into The Hall of Fame for recognition of your achievements within the GAA circle. Thank you so much from all your family and friends in Villierstown. On talking to Johnny he would like to extend a special thanks to Ned Keane for the nomination. Last Friday evening our local Villierstown /Aglish Foroige group had a great night down at Villierstown Boat Club enjoying storytelling and singing around a campfire drinking hot chocolate after a terrifying rope walk in the woods. When can we do it again? BEST OF LUCK Best of luck to all our local girls and boys who sit exams around this time. We are all thinking of ye and keeping our fingers crossed. Don’t make your exams, larger than life Or you will invite nothing but strife. Treat your exams, as just another test Eat well, study hard, have fun, take rest 25th ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION On the 3rd June, tonight, Fr. Gerard O’Connor will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of his Ordination. There will be a Celebrated Mass in Aglish Church at 6.00 pm, followed by refreshments. Everyone is invited. THEIR BACK….. Zoe is delighted to announce that her Turkeys have returned! I suppose they were away on holiday ….possibly visiting Bloom! DROMANA 800 – A CELEBRATION OF THE FITZGERALD FAMILY On Sunday, 5th July a Georgian Fete will be held in Villierstown, noon to 5 pm. An action packed, fun filled day including a Food Village, Kids Village, Craft Village. Also a full programme of entertainment over three nights in Villierstown Church Hall, Cruises on the Blackwater each evening on the Maeve Og with Tony as your

Captain and guide. Book now. For a complete list of all events and to book your tickets – wwwDromana800.com / 087-4660921 Find us on Facebook Local details are available on the Community Notice Board beside the bottle bank at the crossroads. REELING IN THE YEARS The Community Council will be hosting their annual Reeling in the Years Family Sports Day and Dog Show on Sunday, 2nd August. The evening will finish with a Slave Auction. (Slaves still needed) TIDY TOWNS In preparation for Tidy Towns judging days we are asking all residents of the village and the outskirts to make sure the areas in and around their own property are neat, tidy and weed free – thereby taking pride in our beautiful olde world village. BROWN BREAD COMPETITION The National Brown Bread Baking competition is on! The search for Irelands best Brown Bread Baker is just starting. Check out:www.npa.ie/ www.ica.ie COMMUNITY ALERT TEXT See or hear anything out of place in the village… .Text: 087-3538347. SAFE TALK If you need someone to talk to, someone to listen to you or just someone. We are very lucky in Villierstown to have a trained “Safe Talk Councilor”. Contact Carol:- 087-6635465 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “All I've ever wanted was an honest week's pay for an honest day's work.”


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Parish of Lismore & Ballysaggart AS a parish we are mindful of all those taking their Junior /Leaving Cert exams in our prayer. We are mindful of the 3rd level students who are at that professional standard of learning. But it must be very confusing for youths when they see that accountability is lightly taken in some levels of our society. We do our funerals well and for many people its their only contact with the Community of Faith. Belief in the Resurrection gives blessing and hope to those facing death, those who grieve the death of a loved one. As Church we will gather not in a building but among those who have

been laid to rest in St. Carthage’s Cemetery on Saturday, 6th June at 6.15 pm weather permitting. For convenience the offertory collection will be as you come in. Thanks to those who will proclaim the Word and take part in the prayers who have been recently bereaved. Thanks to the regular readers for showing such understanding. The Choir will lead us in praise and thanks. We thanks the members of the Council who maintain the cemetery so beautifully As it is the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ we will be helped to understand the Resurrection of Christ and how Christ is with us in the

Mass.Through our Mass we give thanks that Christ lives in us. In our humanity Christ continues to give himself for the salvation of the world. Eucharistic adoration draws us back Christ. The Church building offers us an ideal environment for personal prayer. Fr.M.Cullinan PP. MASS TIMETABLE: Weekday Mass at 10 am. Saturday, 6th June Vigil Mass in Lismore at 6.15 pm Sunday, 7th.June. Morning Mass in Ballysaggart at 9.30 am Sunday Mass in Lismore at 11 am. PRO Pastoral Council Parish Radio Link 103.9FM

Lismore Tidy Towns - Photograph shows Mr. Pat Glasheen, Manager Kelleher's SuperValu, Cappoquin, presenting members of Lismore Tidy Towns litter roster groups with hi-vis vests. Included in the photograph is Ms. Shelia Roche, Kelleher's SuperValu, Ms. Mary O'Brien Sec. and Ms Mary McBride, Treasurer, Lismore T. T., Lismore T.T. members and members from the roster groups.


Ballinameela BOOKING THE HALL There is still some available slots for the evenings, so if you would like to start your own in-door soccer games for the winter or other activity you can book the hall through our new booking officer – Alison Curran 087-8289147. The centre is also a great place for kids parties etc and can be rented for €30. Anyone renting the hall, please pay the person who opens up the hall for you and please take away your own rubbish. If you are borrowing anything from the hall, these must be booked through our booking officer Alison Curran. Each month someone on the committee is responsible for opening and closing the hall, for the month of June is Mary Curran who can be contacted on 086 3337552. Current events on in the hall and local community: FINISK VALLEY AC NEWS The Community games county finals are on Sunday, 28th June, best of luck to all who qualified. Upcoming events for your diary, Primary School County finals on Thursday, 4th June, Juvenile U-9 to U-13 Munster Track & Field Championships on 6/7th June in CIT Cork, Juvenile U-14 to U19 Munster Track & Field Championships on 13th/14th June in Waterford RSC. Any children in our community who is interested running, jumping or throwing and would like to get involved in athletics, call down to Ballinameela com-

munity pitch/hall, training times are Wednesday & Friday evenings from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm, Saturday training is be 11:00 am to 12 noon, this is to prepare kids for completion (Sprints, Jumps and throws). Minimum age limit is 5years old (Child needs to be School going). IRISH DANCING New members very welcome. For more information please contact Deirdre on 086-0640892. BALLINAMEELA ADULT AND TODDLER GROUP Meets every Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30 in the halla of Whitechurch National School. New parents, child minders, grandparents with toddlers very welcome! For more information contact Janice on 087-9718945. BADMINTON If you fancy a socialable game of badminton come along to ballinameela community centre on Tuesday nights from 8 to 10 if interested contact Mairead at 087 7681975. COMMUNITY ALERT There is a Community Alert text system in place text your name and mobile number to this number: 087 3538347. It works in 2 ways, firstly a message regarding any suspicious activity is sent to your phone so you can be on the lookout. Secondly, you can send details of suspicious activity to this number where it will be re-sent around to the community and to the Gardai who treat it as serious and act immediately. Follow on facebook www.facebook.com/parish

.communityalert.ie AGLISH SUMMER WALKING / RUNNING LEAGUE Aglish Summer Walking / Running League commences on Thursday, 7th May for six weeks at 7.15. Can you Walk / Run 2, 3, 4 or 5k. All levels of fitness catered for, from beginner, intermediate or advanced. Children welcome but must be accompanied by an adult at all times. €2 per night or €10 for six nights. Meet at Aglish Community Hall to register and collect your number and away you go. Six weeks of gentle exercise and who knows you might even enjoy it. Bring a friend and enjoy the chat and the fresh air. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Our Fundraising night will be held on Friday, 7th of August, more details to follow a good night guaranteed. NOTES FOR INCLUSION If you have something you would like in the Ballinameela notes you can email Claire Tobin on fitz_tobin@yahoo.co.uk or phone 087-6808287. Follow and like us on facebook, Ballinameela Community Centre.

The Samaritans Beau Street, Waterford Tel. (051) 872114. 1850-60-90-90. Lonely – Suicidal – Despairing? Talk to us any time, any day in complete confidence Phone – write – visit

LISMORE TIDY TOWNS NEWS Through the good teamwork of our working team and our CES workers all of the projects planned for Lismore's entry in the 2015 SuperValu Tidy Towns competition were completed by the end of May. Thanks also to Mr. John Foley G.S.S. Waterford City & County Council and Mrs. Josephine McGrath area engineer for their help, advice and support over the past few months. Tidy Towns adjudication starts later this year - from the 13th June with the results not being announced until the end of September. Thanks to the owners of properties who have washed or painted in recent weeks. Owners of properties in the commercial part of the town that is West Street, Main Street and part of East Main Street are asked to look at their properties and do what they think is necessary to make them look good for adjudication and to keep the area outside their premises clean and litter /cigarette butt free. Thanks also to the owner of the ex Teagasc office on West Street for the recent cleaning up of the grounds in the vicinity of

the building In the past week most of the summer planting was carried out with the following work being done, planting up of seventeen wall baskets at West Street/New Way and eight containers on Main Street and the Grotto West Street, Monument, Bank of Ireland corner at West/New Street, the Grotto at St. Carthage's Home, Townparks, the raised bed in the Millennium Park and the circular bed at Foley's on the Mall. Eight new timber planters have been placed at West Street from the ex library headquarters building to the ex boutique building. Thanks to Mr. Mike Keane for making them for us. If you are somebody who is interested in learning about the flora and fauna and the natural heritage of Lismore then please pick up a copy of the LISMORE TOWN BIODIVERSITY TRAIL which is available locally. ECO TIP OF THE WEEK: To coincide with the recent launch of the biodiversity trail the theme is continued here - people can further nurture the biodiversity in their gardens by

eliminating the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers; Encourage bird life to nest by providing bird boxes and keeping mindful of the nesting season, March 1st to September 31st The impact of a small garden patch of ecological biodiversity must not be underestimated. As Ireland's villages, towns and cities continue to grow, the green spaces where Irish wildlife and flora used to thrive is gradually reduced. All of us can help to patch the gaps broken in the green corridor through our garden space. BENEFIT NIGHT Some members of the local community have organised a benefit night in The Classroom Bar on Thursday, June 11th in aid of Sham Power who unfortunately lost his home due to extensive fire damage. There will be a Traditional Irish music session and a raffle with tickets available to purchase now in The Classroom Bar. Collection buckets will also in in situ on the night. LISMORE MOCHUDA LOTTO DRAW RESULTS Date: May 26th , 2015

Super Jackpot €12000.00 . ERTU No winner Bonus Jackpot €150.00 GHJX. No winner Consolation prizes of €20.00 each: Tom Carey, c/o John O’Gorman, Lismore Kathleen Hogan, c/o Aine’s, Lismore Pat Scanlon, Chapel Street, Lismore Next Draw June 2nd, 2015. Rose’s West End Bar. Super Jackpot €12,150.00 OPEN GARDEN To coincide with the Immrama Lismore Festival of Travel Writing 2015, Veronica Troy, Bonnie's Bouquets, New Street, Lismore, will be holding an open garden weekend on Saturday, 13th and Sunday, 14th June. Admission fee to the open garden is €5 per adult, children free. Opening times are from 12 - 5 pm on both the Saturday and the Sunday. Refreshments will also be served. All are welcome. Proceeds from the weekend will go to Sr. Gertrude Howley, Dungarvan, on behalf of GROW Ireland. Sr. Gertrude is invaluable to the GROW charity and does tremendous work on their behalf.

Ballymacarby BALLYMACARBRY COMMUNITY ALERT We would like to welcome the new Garda, David Mansfield to the community. David attended our meeting on May 26th.

We take this opportunity to extend our thanks to Garda Stephen Phelan for his service to the local area. Ballymacarbry Garda telephone no: 087-9803521 Dungarvan Garda Station

telephone no: 058-46800 Remember, if you wish to report serious crime in progress, do not hesitate to call 999 or (112 from mobile phone). Community Alert extend

our condolences to the relatives of Fr. Sean Melody and John Lonergan (Russelstown). Thank you to everyone involved in Community Alert for your continued support.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Kilgobinet/Colligan/Kilbrien STITCHWORT The Rose boasts Shakespeare's celebrated "A rose by any other name." The Daffodil claims the admiration of William Wordsmith who wandered lonely as a cloud till he was bowled over by "a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils". Yet where, o where, is the wordsmith who will immortalise Stitchwort? Stitchwort, that lovely five petaled spring flower that festoons the hedges with white. Stitchwort, that most abundant flower of the Irish countryside, the bright accompanist to bluebell's darker tones. Part of the flower's public relations problem must relate to each bloom's diminutive size. It's only enmasse that Stitchwort entices admirers. Lacking individual magnitude, the flower lacks a poet. Nor is stitchwort much good for anything, at least not Stellaria Holostea, Greater Stitchwort, the species that overwhelms the roadside verges. Cousin Stellaria Media, Common Chickweed, is used to treat scrapes and feed chickens. The herb books suggest, though, that the only use for Greater Stitchwort is to treat stitches that people get from running too hard.This is plainly ludicrous since the cure for stitches from running is to stop running. The name Stitchwort comes from a combination of two Old English words. "Wort" means plant or herb and "stitch" means sting or prick. Back in Merry Old England, about the time Beowulf was chasing monsters, country people called this splendid little beauty

"Sticwyrt" and even then there was the nonsense about curing midriff stings. The Latin name Stellaria Holostea at least makes sense. Stellaria comes from the word "stellar", or starlike. We talk about "stellar performances" or "stellar distances". In its copious five sided profusion, perhaps we should talk about stellar Stellaria. Holostea comes from the Greek, holosteon. Medical practitioners will recognize the term "osteo" embedded in the flower's name, as in osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, both diseases of the bone. Our plentiful stellar flower is brittle like bone. Pull one by its weak stem and you'll understand the source of the name. Stitchwort has five petals, each deeply incised so that, at first glance, there appear to be 10 petals. This makes Stellaria Holostea look like a daisy. But, it isn't. Greater Stitchwort is a carnation, family Caryophyllaceae, though it bears no resemblance to those dapper carnations we use as boutonnieres when the guys show up in suits to get married. Lacking great size and medicinal use and looking like a daisy even though it isn't, Stitchwort has never attracted the renown it deserves. And let's face it, Stitchwort sounds faintly ridiculous, like some kind of laughable plant a clown would use to squirt water. It's time for all that to change. Let us rejoice in this lavish stellar presence throughout the Irish countryside. Let us sing the praise of Stellaria Holostea. "Common as dirt, it cures no hurt. For ten months inert, yet

star shaped and pert. It's not a daisy, it's not a big flirt, Still it's a beauty, snow white Stitchwort." COOLNASMEAR PARKING Reminder: The new parking area at Coolnasmear Crossroads has been graded. Schools and Hall users are asked to start using this parking area. DENNIS SHEEHAN U2's road manager, Dennis Sheehan, was the man in charge of the group's travel arrangements and he oversaw the hundreds of people who worked together to present some of the greatest shows in rock and roll. And when the strains and stresses and madness of the road was finished, Dennis returned to his lovely home in Ballyconnery with its picture postcard view of Dungarvan Bay. Here's where he came to recharge his batteries and enjoy the quiet. Requiescat in pace. KCK LADIES 8th June, Monday - KCK Ladies Club will meet on Monday, June 8th at 8.00 in Coolnasmear Hall. First on the agenda will be final arrangements for our annual outing which takes place on Wednesday July 15th. So, ladies, make sure you get your name in for what is usually a great day out. Mary Hennebry will attend on the night giving us information on health awareness and will have some products showing the importance of looking after our everyday lives. INCLUDE YOUR INFO Scott Simons - greenhillsofireland@gmail.com

Stitchwort is possibly the most abundant flower in Ireland, but it gets no respect.

It took only 90 minutes for the water tower at Coolnasmear School to join the rubble of history.

Kilrossanty MARRIAGE Congratulations to Danny Kennedy, Kilnagrange and Kathleen Keane, Ardmore who were married recently in Ardmore Church followed by reception in Faithlegg House Hotel. Best wishes to you both for the future together. SYMPATHY Deepest sympathy to Margaret Power, Barnakill on the death of her brother Nicky Burke, Rathgormack last week. Sympathy to Nicky’s wife and daughters and his sisters and brothers on their sad loss. May he rest in peace. Also sympathy to Barbara

Cunningham, Grawn on the death of her mother Shirley Boland, Kilmacthomas last week. Also sympathy to Shirley’s husband Maurice and his sons and daughters on their sad loss. May she rest in peace. Sympathy also to Seamie Power, formerly of Ballykilmurray and now living in Kildorrery on the death of his father Christy Power which sad event occurred over the weekend. Sympathy also to his daughter-in-law and grandchild on their sad loss. Burial took place in Kildorrery on Sunday last. May he rest in peace. Christy lived all his

life in Ballykilmurray up to some years ago when he moved up to Kildorrery. BEST WISHES Best wishes to all the pupils from this area who are starting their Junior and Leaving exams today, Wednesday. DEISE DRAW The club had no winner in the Deise Draw last Friday night.The next draw is in Ballymacarbry on 26th June. Promoters please pay up for the last draw . I.C.A. Kilrossanty Guild will hold their meeting next Monday night in the hall at 8 p.m. Fees due at this meeting.

KILROSSANTY N S The 50th anniversary of the National School was a great success. Full details next week FIANNA FAIL Kilrossanty Fianna Fail held their meeting last Friday night in Micilins. Officers elected were Chairman Muiris Walsh, Secretary Sean Lennon Treasurer Joe walsh. Councillors John O’Leary and Mary Butler were in attendance as was Seanie Kiely. The Chairman congratulated Cllr. Mary Butler on her being nominated to stand for Fianna Fail in the General Election in the Waterford constituency.

Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Weekend at Mount Melleray ORGANISED BY MELLERAY COMMUNITY GROUP FRIDAY, JUNE 5th At 7.30 p.m. - 7.5k Walk/Run. Registration from 7 p.m. in Melleray Community Centre. €10 and family rates available. Contact Carmel 087 253 5149 for any queries. 10 p.m. - Social dancing in Melleray Community Centre. Admission €10 including raffle. Music by Mad Mike. Special guest Waterford Rose Sarah Tobin. Contact Ann 087 132 6206 for any queries. SATURDAY, JUNE 6th ON GROUNDS OF MOUNT MELLERAY

ABBEY PARKING AVAILABLE At 9.30 a.m. - Silage cutting, demonstration of old single chop/double chop/precision chop harvesters. Full demonstration of Pottinger wagons/mowers/rakes. Lauch and demonstration of bale handler. Launch of new John Deere baler. Demonstration of New Komatsu 320 loader. At 2 p.m. - Question and Answer session on Dairy stock to include Glanbia discussion on feed. Lismore Vets Practical demonstration on application of Cydection into ears of calves also Clinch onto backs of sheep, Eurogena A1 Services on

Genetics/Semen, Timac on detergents, Alfa Laval on milking machines and parlours. Expert advice on site on all of above. At 6 p.m. - Horse and Carriage Demonstration/display led by Blackwater Carriage Driving Club in full uniform. At 7 p.m. - Donkey Derby with prizes for the winners. At 9.30 p.m. - Cats Bar for music and dancing. Finger food and Monster raffle. Contact John 087 274 3449 for any queries. Family fun throughout the day with bouncy castles, face painting, Monster raffle and entertainment with Bachelors in Trouble.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


CARNIVAL PREVIEW This week, we offer a detailed look at some of the programme of events for the 2015 Cornerstone Carnival. Some last minute details are still being finalised, but we can, at least, outline what can be expected on the opening evening, 19th June and the early part of Saturday, 20th. The organising committee has opted to hold the Carnival opening this year at the Square, as most of the later action of that evening will be in or around that location. Cappoquin youth Choir will set the ball rolling at 7.00 p.m. The ever-popular demonstration by our local fire brigade, at Castle Street, will set the tone for a lively evening around 7.30 p.m. and at 8.00 p.m. our friends at West Waterford Athletics will stage their annual Dromana 5 Mile race, finishing at the Square from 8.25 p.m. onwards. As the last runners come in, the music and crack will already be in full swing, with a host of local talent on show.We will have visiting musicians Seamus and Peadar anchoring the entertainment with a wide range of pop and rock numbers, with other participants throughout the evening including members of Winnie’s Trad group, the local line dancers, Melleray and Cappoquin set dancers

and the Scór na bPáistí ballad champions. There will be music and fun in the pubs until late that evening, of course. On the morning of Saturday, 20th June, Andrea Jameson will host an outdoor painting class in the grounds of St. Anne’s Church at Lower Main Street, starting around 10 am. Not long after, the camogie club will host an underage blitz at the GAA field. Arthur Maderson has kindly agreed to open his latest collection of paintings to the public, at Derriheen House, form the early afternoon onwards. This was a hugely popular event for art lovers last time it featured on the programme and this year will be no exception. Meanwhile, at Green Street, the newly named ‘Retro Olympics’ will be hosted by Cappoquin Heritage Group, starting around 2.00 p.m. All the old favourites will feature, from hoola hoops to three legged races and lots more, all free of charge. Next week, we will look at what’s happening on Saturday evening and on Sunday, 21st June, at this eleventh annual Cornerstone Carnival. It’s all go, as you can see. This week’s photo comes from last year’s Saturday events at the carnival, and features a sixteen-kid

skipping rope challenge at the Olympics in Green Street. CAPPOQUIN 78 CYCLE EVENT The ‘early bird’ deadline for the Cappoquin 78 Cycle has been extended to June 10th. As explained on the entry forms, the flat fee of €35 per entry can also be reduced by €5 for members of Cycling Ireland, while club groups of ten or more entrants can get further reductions. All participants will be well fed at two locations, with two other water stops and complementary commemorative tee shirts into the bargain. This inaugural cycling event, organised by Cappoquin Cycling Club and Heritage Group, will bring the riders along some of the most scenic routes in the county, straddling both banks of the tidal Blackwater region. The cycle itself is on the morning of Saturday, 18th July and is viewed as an ideal preparation for those intending to go a bit further in the Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford in late August. So get your entry in as soon as possible, on-line at www.sportstiming.ie or check our Facebook page ‘Cappoquin Cycling Club’ or email cappoquincyclingclub@gmail.com for further details.


SOOOOOOOO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT THIS WEEK. Sepp Blatter, Averil Power, Prince Charles and Gerry Adams, Denis O'Brien and Panti Bliss were just "bit part" players in the grand scheme of things. The banking enquiry, The Foo Fighters, Joe Brolly's admiration of Marty Morrissey and the boundaries of Dáil privilege were mere sub plots. The outstanding story, this week was the "Craft agus Cultúr" weekend in An Rinn college (Colaiste na Rinne) on the June Bank Holiday. With stiff competition from such local events as Dungarvan Feile, Lismore Antiques show,The All Day Music Festival at the Welcome Inn and many others, "Craft agus Cultúr sa Rinn" more than held its own. The weekend, which was facilitated by Ballinameela Creatives, was put together through the sterling work of the ubiquitous Midi and Noel (your honorary membership of Ballinameela Creatives is assured, Noel). Crafters from all over the country came and showed their wares and shared their creativity. Kate from Mayo, Felicia from Killarney, Carol from Dundalk must get special mentions for their epic trips to An Rinn where, despite their tiredness, they chatted, mingled, laughed and smiled all weekend long. The Beach House Gallery and Monica's from Dungarvan didn't just take part, but were a vital part of the occasion. Pottery demonstration and classes were ably provided by Paula. There were classes in Basket weaving, Felt design, knitting and various arts and crafts for all ages and all skill levels.Throughout the weekend we were chaperoned by Fiona (with camera at the ready) from the international cultural website "The

Irish Way". While on Saturday we were filmed by the very professional and non intrusive crew of TG4 tv station. Catherine of the wonderful bookshop Readers Choice was on hand with an eclectic display of books in English and as Gaeilge. We were also visited by a young ceilí band who raised the roof with their tremendous tunes. The college opened their doors to an exhibition of photographs by Dungarvan Camera Club, which were displayed on the corridors leading to the well appointed restaurant. The restaurant provided hot lunches and snacks, served by friendly and helpful staff. Coffee and tea were on the boil all day. There were vegetarian and non vegetarian options available (sometimes in the same bowl). All this and the splendid views

overlooking Dungarvan Bay. Thanks must also go to Ballinameela, Modeligo and the RNLI for providing us with much needed support and resources. Finally I would like to thank Liam Supple and his staff for their efforts in making the weekend what it was, special. Ballinameela Creatives return to the bread and butter creativity this Wednesday and every Wednesday at the house that doesn't understand the word "NO", Midi and Noel's chalet. Mormon leader Dieter F Uchtdorf once said "the desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul." The photograph shows the artistic prowess and endeavours of the enthusiastic participants at " Craft agus Cultúr sa Rinn"

Volunteers form all around Ballysaggart out in force to complete the preparations for the delivery of the "Welcome to Ballysaggart" stone signage which will be put in place next Saturday.

Ballysaggart EXAM TIME Best of luck to everyone sitting the state exams over the next few weeks, especially to all from Ballysaggart and their class mates. Keep calm, and

remember, you can only do your best. COMMUNITY COUNCIL 45 CARDS RESULTS 1st & 2nd: Dave Fennessy and Pat Kirby, Mary

Whelan and Nellie Devine. Lucky Tables: Delia Cashell and Tess Hale. Pa Geoghegan and Stephen Cunningham. Ticket: Sheila Lonergan, Mary Whelan, Mary Power and Pat Kirby.

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Corinna Ahern, Ballysaggart and Jonathan Barry, Ballyduff who were recently married in St. Mary's Church, Ballysaggart.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

West Waterford NEW ARRIVAL Congratulations to Andrew Condon [formerly of Clashmore] and his partner Jennifer White, Killeagh, on the birth of their baby son whom they have named Eoghan, a most welcome baby brother of big sisters Aoife and Lucy. Best wishes from all your family and friends in Clashmore. CLASHMORE/ KINSALEBEG GAA LOTTO Our weekly lotto draw took place on Monday night, June 1st – we had no match four tickets to win our jackpot so next week our jackpot is €5,800, when our draw takes place at The Decies Bar, Clashmore. Monday night’s numbers 8, 12, 20, 27. Well done to the following who were the lucky winners of €20 spot prizes: Sean Seward, Grange; Paul O’Connor; Kenny Reddy, Modeligo; Martha O’Neill, Moord; Meave Roche, Tinnabina. Once again thanks to everyone for your support. CLASHMORE 45 DRIVE Top prizewinners at Monday [June 1st] night’s 45 drive at the Decies Bar in Clashmore were joint 1st on seven games each Jim McGrath and Anne Ledingham, Liam Curran and Thomas Power, Michael and Mairead Fahey. Best of the last five Derry Cotter and Percy Hallahan, Roger Hynes and Pat O’Halloran. Our lucky last game winners were Tommy Osbourne and John Cliffe. Well done to all our winners and thanks to everyone for your support. AGLISH SUMMER SERIES

The Aglish Summer Walking / Running League continues on Thursday evenings at 7.15 p.m. You can Walk / Run 2, 3, 4 or 5k. All levels of fitness catered for, from beginner, intermediate or advanced. Children welcome but must be accompanied by an adult at all times. €2 per night or €10 for six nights. Meet at Aglish Community Hall to register and collect your number and away you go... Bring a friend and enjoy the chat and the fresh air. INVITATION This is an official invitation to all past and present students and families of Clashmore National School, to mark Mrs. Shine’s retirement as Principal. You are all invited to attend a special Mass in Clashmore Church on Saturday, June 27th, at 3.00 p.m. and to Clashmore national school hall afterwards for some refreshments. PARISH OF AGLISH/ BALLINAMEELA/ MOUNT STUART Special Mass of Thanksgiving – A Special Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated tonight Wednesday, June 3rd, in Aglish Church at 6.00 p.m. to mark the Silver Jubilee (25 years) of the ordination of our Parish Priest Fr. Gerard O’Connor. All parishioners are welcome. Graveyard Masses July 2015 – The annual celebration of Masses in our graveyards in the parish will be as follows: Friday, July 3rd, in Aglish cemetery at 7.30 p.m. Friday, July 10th, in Ballinameela Cemetery at 7.30 p.m. Friday, July 17th, in

Mount Stuart at 7.30 p.m. Mission Appeal – On the weekend of May 23rd & 24th we had the annual Mission Appeal in all Churches in the parish.This year a lay representative from the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver visited the parish and spoke at all Masses. BABY BOY Belated congratulations to Rosemarie and Barry Kinsella, Kilmaloo, on the birth of their baby boy whom they named Tadhg, a most welcome baby brother for Saoirse and Seoda. Best wishes from all your family and friends. VARIETY SHOW The amazing “Anything Goes” variety show comes our way this Friday night, June 5th, in Ardmore Community Centre at 8.00 p.m. As Waterford Macra na Feirme presents a night of singing, dancing, music and some “must see” comedy sketches from all areas throughout the county including one form the Kinsalebeg group. Admission is free but we would appreciate your support for our raffle where we have some great prizes to be won. So please come along on June 5th. CLASHMORE AND KINSALEBEG COMMUNITY COUNCIL Over 40 people attended a meeting on Wednesday in Clashmore National School to discuss setting up a Community Council covering the area of the parish of Clashmore and Kinsalebeg. The meeting heard from Denis Kelly who is the Development Officer for Muintir na Tire. He gave

examples of how Community Councils had made big improvements in different areas. Various ideas were put forward for the Area such as compiling a photographic register of the community, supporting healthy living, doing something about broadband, reviving the Happy Man festival and even organising a pantomime. It was agreed unanimously that a Community Council would be a good idea and a steering committee was set up. Over the next few weeks the Committee would identify and prioritise the needs of the Area, seek support from the established local organisations and follow up on the help already offered by Waterford City and County Council. If you have ideas or want to get involved, phone Mike McKenna on 087 7621604 or email cakcc.org@gmail,com MICHAEL ENGLISH CONCERT A note for you diary The very talented Country singer Michael English and his band will play on June 25th in what should be a wonderful night of entertainment. Michael has been touring Spain and UK over the last number of weeks and we are all looking forward to giving him a big welcome to the seaside village. This is a fundraiser for the Ardmore National School so pick up your tickets today at Quinn’s Shop and Brigid Shelly Gallery Ardmore or by ringing John on 086/2330810. Price of tickets €20.

Ardmore AFC Under 10s who competed in the Len Rodgers soccer tournament at Clashmore Ramblers home ground last Saturday. (Gerry O'Mahony)

Clashmore Ramblers U8s at the Len Rodgers tournament last weekend.

(Gerry O'Mahony)

Clashmore Ramblers win U7 title at Len Rodgers. Vinnie Coonan presents the shield to his daughter Lily. (Gerry O'Mahony)

The rain didn't dampen the spirits of these Lismore players at the Len Rodgers tournament in Clashmore last Saturday! (Gerry O'Mahony)

Happy Ardmorites at the Len Rodger's Tournament at Pablo Park last Saturday.

(Gerry O'Mahony)


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Hail, rain or shine, it never deters the members of Finisk River Riders S.O.C. who braved the cold weather to take part in their sponsor walk to raise money towards the club. Over six hundred euro was raised which will be used for transport and competition Jackets. Equestrian competitions have already started in the Leinster Region and will take place in Munster by October. The athletes are training every week and working towards their own Summer Gymkhana which will take place in July. Thank you again to everybody who helped, supported and worked with the club which has made it so successful.


Comhaltas Craobh na gComarach FLEADH CHEOIL NA nDÉISE Well done to all our members who competed in this years Fleadh Cheoil Na nDéise over the June bank holiday weekend. It looks like, once again the Comeraghs Comhaltas Branch from Cuil na Smear will be well represented in Nenagh at the 2015 Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan this coming July. Results will be published shortly. DUNGARVAN TRADFEST 2015 MARTIN CURRAN MEMORIAL SHIELD Try as it might, the rain didn't put a damper on the weekend’s festivities. We may have had to move things around a little but all

in all Dungarvan Tradfest 2015 was a huge success!! It's very hard to cover this festival in one small paragraph, so over the next few weeks we will be filling you in on how the concerts, competitions, pub sessions etc. went. In this weeks issue we will cover the prize winners of the long running Martin Curran Memorial Shield which was presented by Mrs Curran. Comeraghs Comhaltas have been very successful in this popular busking competition over the years this one being no exception. Over fifty groups entered and the standard of all these young trad musicians & dancers was second to none making it very hard for the

judges to pick the three prize winning groups. Eventually this hard task was done and in 1st place where The Ó Men (Ryan, Jaime & Joseph O'Keeffe & Seamus O'Gorman); 2nd place Eistigh (Daniel O'Keeffe, Jeremy Saich & Evan Mason); 3rd place Cian Smyth & Bríd McMagh. A big congratulations to all who braved the elements and we hope to see you back again next year! Thanks to Carmel O'Keeffe for the photographs & of course Mrs Curran & family whom without their ongoing support this competition would not exist. (Missing from the picture is Ryan O'Keeffe )

GOOD LUCK JUNIOR & LEAVING CERT These past few months have been made doubly hard for some of our older musicians, as not only have they been concentrating on their Fleadh tunes but have also had their heads stuck in books in preparation for exams! A big good luck from all the Comeraghs Comhaltas committee to those who are sitting their Junior & Leaving Cert over the next couple of weeks. If you prepared the same as you did for the Fleadh you'll fly through this :) Don't forget to follow us on our Facebook page Comeraghs Comhaltas Branch or our website www.comeraghs.com

Brid Mc Magh & Cian Smyth 3rd in the Martin Curran Memorial Busking Competition. Also included is Ann Curran and Michael Marrinan.

Mrs. Ann Curran presenting the Martin Curran Memorial Shield to this year’s Busking winners The O Men. Also included is Michael Marrinan.

Eistigh 2nd Place



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Wine and dine in the historic homes along the Waterford Garden Trail for Dromana 800 IF a medieval feast with a modern twist whets your appetite or you fancy a candle-lit dinner at the ancestral home of the Jameson whiskey family with two of its descendants, then you won’t want to miss an array of mouth-watering culinary experiences on the Dromana 800 clan gathering programme which runs from July 2-5 in stunning and historic West Waterford. Kristin and Andrea Jameson are planning a magnificent three course dinner in Tourin House and Gardens on Friday, July 3 and a handful of tickets are still available at just €80 per person. Guests will be treated to a glass of Jameson on arrival and dinner with wine, all in the candle-lit main dining room of Tourin. The same evening, guests can also dine at nearby Salterbridge House with its owners Philip and Susie Wingfield. They will welcome up to 16 guests to their 18th Century home for a banquet fit for a king and queen. Diners are

Ag Spraoi & Foghlaim óna chéile. Having fun and learning from each other.

Jameson sisters invited to wander around the garden and enjoy drinks on the terrace before enjoying a 4 course dinner made from local produce, including vegetables from their own garden. Tickets are similarly €80 per person and available on www.dromana800.com A dinner at Ballyin House has already sold out and the culinary highlight for many is likely to be a medieval feast with a mod-

ern twist on Saturday, July 4 at Dromana House and Gardens, the focal point of Dromana 800 and the ancestral home of the FitzGerald clan.Tickets cost just €45. The evening starts with a drinks reception and canapés, including fresh wild salmon caught at Dromana. A sumptuous organic hog roast with all the trimmings provide the focal point, followed by a

dessert of lemon posit, with summer fruit jellies. A tipple of Irish Muldoon Whiskey liqueur completes the feast. The evening is jam packed with entertainment – including a seanchai, a traditional story-teller, song and dance. Guests are invited to come in costume and join in the medieval dance if they please. Tickets are selling out fast on www.dromana800.com

Ag Spraoi & Foghlaim óna chéile. Having fun and learning from each other. TIDY TOWNS Civic Link members and many others have been out in recent days and weeks

giving our local Tidy Towns committee a helping hand with some weeding and tidying. It is hoped that a new

batch of bedding plants will be arriving later this week, so the work will increase in pace, no doubt. Anyone interested in

helping out will be more than welcome, and ought to check the work schedule with Mary Coughlan at Lincoln’s shop.

Kill SWAN LODGE VINTAGE CLUB CHARITY FIELD DAY Join us this Saturday evening, 6th June, for the presentation of proceeds to our chosen beneficiaries of this year’s Charity Field Day in Dunphy’s Pub. It promises to be a great night with live music and a huge amount of craic! MICHAEL POWER CHRISTMAS DAY MEMORIAL SWIM 2015 We are delighted to announce that the 2015 Michael Power Christmas Day Memorial Swim will this year be in aid of the Portlaw Branch of the Irish Red Cross who have the big task ahead of them to raise funds for a replacement ambulance. We are looking forward to working with the committee which consists of Portlaw and Kill residents. SUMMER CAMPS IN THE GEALACH GORM THEATRE July 27th to 31st: Film &

Animation Camp The Film & Animation camp taught by experienced filmmakers will be a fun filled week in which participants will gain experience in the art of filmmaking, particularly animation. August 10th to 14th: Musical Theatre Camp The Musical Theatre Camp taught by professional musical theatre practitioner will give all participants the experience of being part of a big stage show. At end of each camp there will be a performance in The Gealach Gorm Theatre. Camps are suitable for 7 to 14 year olds. The cost of each camp is €60 per child with discounts for families. Pre booking is required. Contact 0868569358 for further information and booking. KILL COMMUNITY CENTRE & DEVELOPMENT A survey is currently being distributed to all

households in the Kill Area to help us identify needs and wishes of the entire community in the Kill area. Please encourage your friends and neighbours to voice their opinions, ideas and suggestions and make sure to fill in contact details to enable us to keep you informed of developments and progress. Our development manager Mareike will be commencing her position with us this week. It is envisaged that once the surveys are returned and evaluated, the planning will commence in earnest to implement a programme of activities and services in the centre according to the feedback. If, for any reason, you have not received a survey in the letterbox by the end of this week, please contact us on 087 4133 522 or killccentre@gmail.com or pick a copy up in our local shop. Thank you. SPEEDY RECOVERY Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dermot Casey who is now back home

after a stay in Cork University Hospital. Dermot was a well known footballer for Kill, Bonmahon and Waterford. We would like to wish him all the best and get well soon! TABLE QUIZ NIGHT Tiny Tots Community Play school in Dunhill invites you to join them in Harney’s for a Quiz night on Thursday, June 4th Also coming up soon is another great night in Dunhill: the annual BBQ of the Friends of Dunhill Hall takes place in Harney’s Pub on Saturday, 13th June. Music by Gerry Walsh & Dallas. Put the date in your diary - looking forward to a night of great food, music & dancing.Tickets now available from Harney’s Pub. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A very happy birthday to Billy Crowley who is turning a year younger again this week – have a great day Billy, and an even greater year ahead!

Ag Spraoi & Foghlaim óna chéile. Having fun and learning from each other.

Glór teaghlaigh Bilingual Parent & Todler Group BHÍ neart Gaeilge, spraoi & foghlaim ar siúl ag an ghrúpa Glór Teaghlaigh Dhún Garbhán an seachtain seo chaite. Great fun and learning took place at Glór Teaghlaigh last week with Jacqui de Siún from Waterford Childcare Committee. This new bilingual Parent and Toddler group

meets every Wednesday morning in Dungarvan Youth and Community Centre from 10.30 am go 12 pm. On Wednesday, 6th June we will be talking about and tasting food. Jacqui will be with us again on 24/06 and 01/07 to provide guidance on topics such as Massage, Stories

and Rhymes and Road Safety. Bheadh na múrtha fáilte roimh chách a bheith linn. Please join us. Your level of Irish doesn’t matter. Beimid ag foghlaim lena chéile. Má tá aon eolas breise ag teastáil, déan teangmháil le Cabríní de Barra ar 083-4455914 nó cabrini@glornangael.ie.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


St. Mary’s First Holy Communion Class pictured with Back Row LR: Mrs. Fitzgerald, Principal; Canon Ryan, Mrs Gildea, Teacher. Middle Row: Ms Harty, Teacher; Fr Cooney, School Chaplain.

[Pat Crowley]

Building their future: Comeragh College students visit WIT A GROUP of Transition and 5th year students from Comeragh College in Carrick-On-Suir visited Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) recently to gain experience of Built Environment programmes. The group of 18 students were accompanied by their Construction Studies teachers, Brendan Gleeson and Martin Lanigan. According to Brendan, "the students really enjoyed a great day in WIT. It gave them a good insight into Built Environment courses at the institute and they even said that they would have liked to spend more time learning about the different courses." Learning about the Built Environment was all the more relevant to the students as their new state-of-

the-art school is currently under construction by BAM Contractors on a green field site on the outskirts of Carrick-On-Suir. Due for completion early next year, a number of WIT graduates and students are involved in the project, including recent Quantity Surveying g, James Barrett who hails from Carrick-On-Suir and attended Comeragh College. "To hear that some of our past pupils are getting on so well was really encouraging”, Brendan continued. “One student has since told me that she is very interested in studying Quantity Surveying after hearing about James Barrett." Brian Graham, Lecturer, WIT said "It was a fantastic opportunity for us

to show the students what a typical day in the life for a 3rd level student involves, while also allowing us to emphasise that there are many exciting career opportunities both at home and abroad for Built Environment graduates." During a busy day of activities, the students learned about Building Information Modelling, Thermal Comfort, Bridge Building and Measurement & Estimating. The day was wrapped up with a visit to WIT’s Plumbing Workshop where the students were given a demonstration of how different heating systems worked. For more information on all engineering courses at WIT, visit www.wit.ie/engineering.

Students from Comeragh College in Carrick-On-Suir test their bridge under the guidance of WIT Civil Engineering lecturer, Susan Gallagher.

St. Joseph’s Primary School 6th class pictured after a recent cycling skills training session.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Cappoquin Primary School – Pupils enjoying having the National League winning cup in the school recently. Cappoquin Primary School – Prizewinners in the recent WOW (Walk to Work) day held in the School.

Cappoquin Primary School – Captains of the Winning League teams pictured with Fintan O'Connor, Selector with Waterford Senior Hurling team, along with Breda Feeney, league organiser and Michael "Magoo" Murray and Billy Tobin.


Katie and Mary Ellen from Carriglea NS along with Dara Deever from An Taisce with their 4th Green Flag.

Junior Infant Open Day REMINDER Our open day for incoming Junior Infants will take place on Saturday 6th June from 10.30 am to 12.00 noon. We look forward to meeting our new pupils and their parents on the day. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Saturday, 19th May, 2015 dawned bright, sunny and dry, without a cloud in the sky. “What a feeling!” thought the 20 First Holy Communion candidates who had prayed so earnestly for clement weather during the previous week. The candidates accompanied by their parents and families took up their assigned seats in St. Mary’s Parish Church shortly before 11 am. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Arthure, P.E., who had helped to children to prepare for their special day. He was assisted by Fr. Kiely, P.P.. The children carried out their specific duties with aplomb. The choir sang beautifully under the musical direction of Mrs. Duggan and conducted by Ms. Roche. When the Mass had concluded, everyone went to Cappoquin Community Centre, where welcome refreshments were

served. According to their accounts the following Monday, each Communion Child had a wonderful day and felt rightly “on top of the world”. SPORT Congratulations to the following pupil who won their hurling leagues in school recently:Boys Junior League Winners: Sean Begley, Ryan Uniacke, Justin Foley, Darragh Begley, John Murphy, Nathan Mason, Shane Coffey, Ronan Uniacke and Ryan Maher. Girls Junior League Winners: Cvita Jurilj, Grace Power, Grace Wilkinson, Jasmine O’Shea, Zuzanna Orkwiszeska, Ella McGrath, Clodagh Stapleton and Katie Kenrick. Boys Senior League Winners: Kasey Dwyer, Aaron Power, Neil Collender, John O’Donnell, Stephen Organ and Conor Wilkinson. Girls Senior League Winners: Robyn Uniacke, Emma Kiely, Alice Sweeney, Amy Mason, Emma Deevy and Lucy Cunningham Well done to all the teams involved in the hurling leagues. Special word of thanks to Billy Tobin and Michael “Magoo” Murray

for all their help. The winning plaques were presented in the school recently by Fintan O’Connor, selector with the Waterford Senior Hurling Team. Fintan kindly brought along the National League winning cup with him which the pupils were delighted with. MUSIC Choir pupils from 5th & 6th class travelled to Lismore Castle on Friday, May 29th to see Rossini’s Opera “Cinderella”, as part of the Lismore Music Festival schools education programme. A wonderful night of orchestral music and opera singing was enjoyed by all. SPONSORED WALK Our annual sponsored walk took place on Thursday, May 28th in Glenshelane woods. A huge thank you to the parents committee for their organisation of this event. The walk was enjoyed by pupils and parents of our school. Go raibh maith agat to all who filled sponsor cards and to that contributed to this very worthwhile fundraiser. GREEN SCHOOLS On Thursday, 11th June, Darra from the Green Schools will visit our school

for a “Cycle Fun Day”. The senior pupils will take part in a Bike Work Shop as well as games with their bikes while the Junior pupils will have fun engaging in bike based games in the yard. Vegetables are appearing and flowers beginning to bloom in our school garden, which is being looked after by the Junior Infants under the watchful eye of our caretaker, Mary Flynn. Last week 3rd & 4th class pupils planted wild flower seeds, a worthwhile activity to promote the importance of biodiversity. Hopefully the blooms will attract lots of butterflies to our school garden. RETIREMENT CELEBRATIONS Reminder to all that the retirement celebration for Anne Devine, School Principal will take place this Friday night June 5th. Mass is at 8 pm in the Parish Church followed by light refreshments and entertainment in the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend including past pupils, parents and all who are associated with our school along with members of the general community and surrounding areas of Cappoquin.

The boys and girls from 5th and 6th Class in Carriglea N.S. who just completed a six week course in German with their teacher Maud Cunningham.

St. Joseph’s Primary School – Dylan Joyce, Alvin Wong, Kamryn Tutty, Josh Moroney, Patrick Walkowiak and Bartosz Kurek start their race in the 3rd class running league.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Aglish NS Holy Communion Class – Jennie Mulcahy, Fr. O’Connor, Sarah Duffy, Ronan Culloo, Principal.



[Will Cusack]

Pupils from Garranbane National School who made their First Holy Communion in St. Laurence's Church, Ballinroad, pictured with Father Hassett, Father Doherty, Niamh Coffey, Elizabeth Walsh, Principal Anna Casey and Eileen Walsh. [David Clynch Photography]



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Scéim Elaíne – Craft-ed

St. Augustine’s College AVI Award winners: Ms. Nollaig Sheehan,TY Co-Ordinator, Clodagh Early, Niamh Dwyer, Micheál Kiely, Áine Early, Fr. Gerry Horan OSA, who presented the awards. Back row: Jordan Corby, Cal Franklin and Caoimhe Coleman.

St. Augustine’s College Transition Year students who raised almost €900 in aid of two very deserving causes, Dogs for the Disabled and the Cambodian Orphanage Appeal.

BHÍ áthas an domhain orainn nuair a chuir Muinteoir Fíní iarratas isteach ar an scéim Ealaíne Craft-ed a seoladh ag an Design and Craft Council of Ireland. Ní raibh teorainn ar an ngliondar croí a bhí orainn gur eirigh leis an iarratas. Níor roghnaíodh ach sé scoil sa chontae. Sí Adele Stanley an ealaíontóir a tháinig chugainn chun tionscnmah ealaíne a dhearadh leis na bpáistí. Is i ndearadh táirgí sa cheirmeacht an bua ealaíne atá ag Adele. Dhein na páistí táirgí ealaíne fíor álainn a dhearadh agus a chruthú bunaithe ar ‘Pheiriú’ téama a bhí á phlé acu sa rang staire. Bhíodar ana bhróduil go deo nuair a chuireadar na ceirmeachtaí faoi bhráid an phobail ag taispeántas ealaíne sa halla nua an tseachtain seo caite. Mhíníodar an scéim agus

an modh oibre a bhí ar siúl acu go beacht is go cruinn. Molaim go hard iad. Maith sibh Rang 3. Ár mbuíochas ó chroí le Múinteoir Fíní as an seans iontach seo a thabhairt do Rang 3 agus go háirithe le Adele a mhol agus a spreag iad lena a gcuid smaointí a léiriú i slí cruthaitheach. CRAFT-ED – ARTIST IN RESIDENCE - ART SCHEME We were delighted recently when Múinteoir Fíní applied to have an artist in residence under the Art Scheme Craft-ed funded and launched by The Design and Craft Council of Ireland. Rang 3 were over the moon when we were chosen as places were limited and we were one of six schools in Co.Waterford to be successful. Adele Stanley the Artist came to discuss and design the project with Rang 3.

Adele’s field of expertise is in Ceramics. ~The children designed and created some lovely pieces of art based on the theme of ‘Peru’ This theme was decided on, as they had been studying Peru and the Incas in the history class. They were extremely proud when their works of Art – ceramics were put on display and presented to their parents and relatives in our Halla nua. Rang 3 explained very clearly the various steps they followed from their first sketches to their finished pieces of ceramics. Well done Rang 3. The work and presentation was highly commendable. A big thank you to Múinteoir Fíní for presenting Rang 3 with such a wonderful opportunity and to Adele Stanley who encouraged the children to present their thoughts creatively.

St. Joseph’s Primary School – The Green Schools committee with the fruits of their labours after our annual Spring Clean.

St. Augustine’s College Coffee Morning: Smiling Leaving Cert. students with Príomhoide Ailbhe Ní Neachtain, and staff members, 2rd row (l. to r.): Ms. Margo McGann, Bean, Áine Uí Fhoghlú, seated Ms. Anne Pender and Mrs. Anita Buckley.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015



Junior Infants Kilmacthomas Primary School after planting their sunflower seeds.

Pupils from Fews NS who were Confirmed recently by the Bishop of Waterford & Lismore Rev. Phonsie Callinan. Included are Fr. John Delaney, P.P.; Mary Clare Harney, School Principal, and Angeline Kiely, Class Teacher. [Sean Byrne//Deise Media]

Pupils from Kilmacthomas Primary School on a visit to the Garda Training College in Templemore.

Whitechurch NS – Martina Collins and Fr. O’Connor.

[Will Cusack]

Pupils from Kilmacthomas Primary School on a visit to the Garda Training College in Templemore.

Dungarvan CBS athletes who took part with great success in the Waterford Schools Track and Field Championships at the RSC on 22nd April. (Missing from photo are: Kevin Joyce, Anthony MacAulay).

Kilrossanty NS Holy Communion 2015 – Tracy Smith teacher and Fr. John Delaney. [Will Cusack Photography Ltd.]



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

6th Year students graduating this year (some students absent from photograph).

Taylor Murray, Elizabeth McCarthy and Guoda Mozeryte cutting their Graduation cake.

Kayleigh Veale and Taylor Murray making a presentation to their Year Head Mrs. O'Driscoll.

The sixth year soccer team raising their trophy in victory over the teachers.

Muireann Walsh receiving her Spirit of TY award from Year Head Mr. Barry.

Sinead O'Donnell receiving her Spirit of TY award from Year Head Mr. Barry.

Sinead O'Donnell, Ellie Janes, Dawn Drummey, Shannon Shephard and Brona Coleman singing their winning song from the All-Ireland No Name Club Competition.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


CBS Leaving Cert Class 2015. Included are Mr. Paul Sheehan, Principal; Ms. Brenda Kirwan, Deputy Principal and Mr. Micheal O Cionnfhaolaidh, Year Head.


[Pat Crowley]

The Blackwater Community School Leaving Cert Class of 2015.

St. Declan’s Community College, Kilmacthomas, Leaving Class Group 2015.

[Sean Byrne]



St. Mary’s Parish Church, Dungarvan THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) Exodus 24:3-8 This is the blood of the Covenant that the Lord has made with you. Hebrews 9:11-15 The blood of Christ can purify our inner self from dead actions. Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 This is my body. This is my blood. NOVENA TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Monday, June 8th will be the last night of the Novena. There will be no Morning Mass on Monday June 8th. CORPUS CHRISTI There will be Mass on Saturday next June 6th at 11.00 a.m., the Eve of the Feast of Corpus Christi Mass for Current & Deceased Adorers followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the Main Altar from 11.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. All Are Welcome NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART JUNE 12th, 2015 The Novena begins on Thursday June 4th and ends of Friday 12th June. Novena leaflets are available in the church. EXAM STUDENTS’ PRAYER Lord, as I prepare to study (sit my exam) Send your Holy Spirit to guide me. Keep me calm.

Help me to do the best I can. Give me peace, understanding and wisdom. Be with me today and always. Amen. Best of luck to every student. ENVELOPES If anyone did not receive a new box of envelopes, please call to the parish office where the staff will be delighted to help you. MARRIAGE JUBILEE CELEBRATION At the Vigil Mass on Saturday, June 6th, followed by refreshments for the Jubilee couples and their guests. ST. MARY’S PARISH AND FRIARY PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES August 27th to September 1st. See newsletter for further details. PARISH OFFICE Located in St. Mary’s Church and is open Monday to Friday office hours. If you want to book Masses or Baptisms call during these times. Phone 42374. Daily Mass broadcast on 98.5 FM. Phone No: Fr. Ryan 42374, Fr. Harris 42384, Fr. Cooney 41136. Emergency Phone No: To contact Priest on duty: 086 233 4282. St. Vincent de Paul Helpline No. 087 774 7870.

MICHAEL WALL Toureen, Ballymacarbry It is with sadness and regret that we record the passing of Michael Wall, late of Toureen, Ballymacarbry. This sad event occurred after his illness in South Tipperary General Hospital. His loving wife Peg; daughters Patricia, Mary and Deirdre, and son Michael John; sister-in-law Mary Wall; sons-inlaw Francis, Tom and Jimmy, and daughter-in-law Nollag; grandchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and friends.We would like to extend our gratitude to all those who sympathised with us on our sad loss. Our thanks to all who attended the Funeral Home and the Funeral Mass. Michael was 84 years old and youngest of four. He attended National School in the Nire. After finishing school he stayed at home farming. He spent many a day helping his neighbours. On Saturday evening Fr. C. Kelleher recited Rosary at O’Donoghue’s Funeral Home and removal took place on Sunday evening to St. Helena’s Church, The Nire. Requiem Mass for the repose of Michael was offered by Fr. C. Kelleher. Readings during the Mass were recited by his grandchildren Siobhan Ryan and Ann-Marie O’Brien. Prayers of the Faithful were recited by Aine Dunne, Niamh Ryan and Cathryn O’Brien. Symbols representing Michael’s life and the Offertory Gifts were presented to the Altar by Mick O’Grady – an ornament of sheep and dog; Ben Wall – his cap and stick; Michael Hogan – a hand shears; Dermot Ryan – a photograph of his sheep on his daily walk towards the Comeraghs; Sean Dunne and Rachel O’Brien – the water and wine. These were narrated by his daughter-in-law Nollag. Nora Walsh and The Nire Choir played and sang beautiful sacred hymns. Following Communion, Anne-Marie O’Brien played a recording of Michael’s accordion playing, which he played when he came home from hospital in February and Aine Dunne recited a poem which delivered a fitting eulogy paying a lovely tribute to Michael. Following Funeral Mass, the burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. Rev. Fr. C. Kelleher officiated the graveside prayers where Michael was laid to rest in the presence of his loving family, relatives and many friends. At the graveside Nora Walsh and The Nire Choir sang “The Valley Of The Nire.” The family wish to express their sincere thanks to Doctors, Nurses and all the staff of South Tipperary General Hospital for the care, attention and kindness shown to Michael and also his Carers and District Nurses. A special thank you to John O’Donoghue & Sons, Funeral Directors, for their sympathy and professionalism and also to the gravediggers; the Chapelwoman and Altar servers Ailis Ryan, Mairead O’Brien and Seamie Wall. Many thanks to Doocey’s Bar and staff and all the catering staff. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sé. Month’s Mind Mass for Michael will be celebrated on Sunday, 7th June, at 10.00 a.m., in St. Helena’s Church, The Nire.

Just think of it! JOHNNY looked carefully around the Coffee Shoppe. So far as he could see, no one was watching him. Carefully, with his foot, he pushed the paper parcel under the table.Then he stood up and walked quite nonchantly out to the street. He had done what the well-spoken man from Dublin had instructed him to do. He had asked what was in the parcel, and the man from Dublin said that it didn’t arise at that moment, his, Johnny’s, job was simply to put a parcel under a table in the Coffee Shoppe. When Johnny had been walking away from the Shoppe for about ten minutes, he heard a muffled bang, and shortly after that a siren could be heard: must be the Fire Brigade. Later that evening he turned on the News and learned that there had been an explosion in the Coffee Shoppe.Three people had been killed, including a mother and her four year old daughter. Johnny remembered them coming into the Shoppe while he was there. Seven people had been injured, and it was feared that one girl who worked on the premises would lose her sight. Johnny felt vaguely troubled, but he tried to calm himself by reminding himself that he had only done what he was instructed to do, put a paper parcel under one of the tables.What might follow on from that was not his responsibility, he needn’t ask any questions. Months later he thought about it once again, when his wife Priscilla told him that she was leaving him: she was going to marry a girl from a few streets away, they had been good friends from their schooldays. Johnny was dumbfounded: he had never thought that such a thing could happen in his life. After all, on that day of the Referendum, he had only put an “X” on a piece of paper. Hadn’t they all been told that the Referendum wasn’t about something that might happen in the future? “Just answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the question on the paper: what happens afterwards is no business of yours.” Fr. Robert Arthure, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford.

CISS TRITSCHLER (nee Power) Formerly The Castle, Carrigadustra, Kilmeaden; 129 The Quay, Waterford, and Ferndale, Ballytruckle It is with sadness and regret we record the passing of Ciss Tritschler which sad event occurred on Friday, 29th May. Removal was from Drohan’s Funeral Home on Sunday evening to St. Nicholas’ Church, Ballyduff Lower. Funeral Mass was celebrated on Tuesday morning and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. To her son Bob; relatives and friends we extend our deepest sympathy. Full obituary next issue. (Funeral arrangements by Tom Drohan, Funeral Directors, Dungarvan).

The Samaritans Beau Street, Waterford Tel. (051) 872114 - 1850-60-90-90.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

SR. MÁIRÉAD FOLEY Mercy Convent, Dungarvan, and Ballyduff Lower, Kilmeaden, Co. Waterford Máiréad Foley was born in Ballyduff Lower, Kilmeaden, on 28th March, 1937. Daughter of Jimmy and Aime Foley, she was one of a family of four; two sisters and one brother. Máiréad went to the local Primary School in Ballyduff Lower after which she went as a boarder of Coláiste Muire Secondary School at the Mercy Convent in Dungarvan. She did her Leaving Cert. in 1955 and entered the Mercy Convent in Dungarvan that year. She made her First Profession in June 1958. She did her general training as a Nurse in the Mercy Hospital, Cork, after which she did her Midwifery Training in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda. On returning to Dungarvan after training was complete, she spent some years in St. Vincent’s, District Hospital. Sometime later Máiréad volunteered for work in the newly founded Mercy Mission in Yola and Bare, Nigeria. Having spent four years on the Mission there, Máiréad returned to Dungarvan and worked in St. Joseph’s Hospital, and sometime later became Matron in the Hospital, and she continued as Matron until her retirement in 2002. Máiréad’s commitment and dedication as a Nurse was inspirational. Her care and kindness towards her patients was always a priority. Her aesthetic sense and her love for nature led her to create a beautiful environment, promoting the comfort and peace of her patients in their suffering. Máiréad endeavoured to modernise the hospital with limited resources and she campaigned tirelessly for the setting up of the new Dungarvan Community Hospital. Always a gentle presence, she showed respect and professionalism in dealing with her colleagues and was ever ready to meet the challenges of the Health Care Ministry. Before her retirement, Máiréad trained in Reflexology and Aromatherapy and on her retirement gave of her services freely in these areas to Mercy Sisters in the Diocese. She was involved in fundraising for the local Alzheimer group and was part of a monthly social gathering for Alzheimer patients and their families. She was a member of the Baptismal Ministry team in Abbeyside Parish and was also part of the West Waterford Bereavement Support Group. Máiréad’s health began to decline in recent years. She was taken to Waterford University Hospital a fortnight before she died. During that time her family, Community and friends kept vigil by her bedside. She died peacefully in the loving care of the staff of WUH on May 15th, 2015. On Friday evening, May 15th, Sr. Mairéad’s remains were received at a special liturgy in the Convent Chapel. She lay in repose on Saturday 16th and a huge number of people came to pay their respects. A large gathering assembled for Evening Prayer at 7.00 p.m. The Funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Nicholas’ Church, Ballyduff Lower, on Sunday 17th at 10.00 a.m. The chief celebrant was Very Rev. Michael O’Byrne, P.P., assisted by Fr. John Harris, C.C., Dungarvan, and Fr.Tony Egan, O.S.A., Dungarvan.The Liturgy commenced with a presentation of symbols; the Bible brought by Tess Shine, a reminder of Máiréad’s love of the Word of God; a family photo brought by her grand-nephew, Michael, a reminder of Máiréad’s great love for her family; a painting of Máiréad’s completed at her Art class in the Déise Day Centre brought by Monica Walsh; Máiréad’s Nursing badge, symbol of her life-long dedication to Nursing, was brought by Sr. Patricia; her grand-nephew, Conor brought flowers, reminding us of Máiréad’s love of nature; Rachel, her grand-niece, brought a picture of the Waterford Hurling team representing Máiread’s keen interest in sport and Carol, one of Máiréad’s Carers, brought a picture of Caring Hands, symbolising Máiréad’s gentle healing touch. Sr. Angela did the commentary as the symbols were presented. The Liturgy of the Word was read by Sr.Teresa Fraser and Mairead’s niece, Valerie. The Prayers of the Faithful were read by her nephew, Edward Hayes, her nieces, Helen Walsh and Joyce Foley, Mary Kyne, a Nursing colleague and Mercy Sisters Alice and Kathleen.The Bread and Wine were brought to the Altar by her sisters, Kitty Power and Mary Hayes. A Communion reflection – “For A Nurse” by John O’Donoghue – was read by Sr. Eileen and this epitomised Máiréad’s life as a Nurse. Dina Walshe, with her music and singing, provided a harmonious and prayerful atmosphere, which enhanced the Liturgy and made it the memorable occasion it was. After Mass the interment took place in the adjoining cemetery and the strains of the “Salve Regina” filled the air as Máiréad was laid to rest. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam dhílis. The chief mourners were Kitty Power and Mary Hayes (sisters); Oliver Foley (brother); Jimmy Power (brother-in-law); Gretta Foley (sister-in-law); nephews, nieces, grand-nephews, grand-nieces, relatives, friends and Mercy Community, Dungarvan. (Funeral arrangements by James Kiely & Sons, Funeral Directors, Dungarvan).

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

DONOUGH KEANE Ballyduff, Dungarvan On May 6th, we unexpectedly lost a dear son, brother, uncle and friend at the all too early age of 41 following a car accident in Singapore. Donough was a larger than life character, his boisterous spirit, booming voice and ‘joie de vivre’ left a mark on everybody who knew him. Blessed with a hugely outgoing disposition, Donough had time for everybody, had a great sense of humour, the life and soul of any get-together. He will be fondly remembered and sorely missed. Donough was the middle child in a family of three and made his presence felt since his birth on April 1st, 1974. He attended Carriglea N.S. where it was noted he always got the hard sums right and got the best part in the school plays. Donough was a rogue in the classroom, intelligent, gifted with his sharp wit which brought humour and disruption to the classroom at times. Carriglea N.S. honoured Donough by forming a guard of honour on the morning of the funeral. Donough's secondary education was at Dungarvan CBS and then third level education at the University of Limerick, graduating with a degree in Electronic Engineering. Donough had a passion for all sporting events including GAA, golf and rugby. From an early age he showed great interest and flair in all things mechanical, notably cars, tractors and farm machinery and spent many happy hours on McCarthy's farm. This passion led him to pursue a very successful career in Engineering. Donough's career took him from Athlone to London, on to Rome, then further afield to Sydney and most recently to Singapore, where he was a Director with telecommunications group SingTel. While living the life of an expat, Dungarvan always held a special place in Donough's heart and he always made extended trips home once or twice a year. Though far away in miles, his circle of friends at home grew with each passing year, Donough was always up to date on the latest news from home, more often than not informing his own family of local goings-on. Friends and family travelled from the four corners of Ireland and many from greater distances including Sydney, Singapore, San Francisco and London to attend Donough's reposal and Mass. This is testament of their love for the 'Chief' and the loss they felt on his untimely passing. Closer to home ‘The Valley’ is mourning the loss of a true and loyal friend.The tributes have flowed online, including the online memorial website built by his colleagues who held him in very high esteem, and his sad passing was marked by memorial services held in Singapore and Sydney where large crowds paid their respects. Donough was never a man to leave something unsaid, a quality people admired and respected him for. Whether an opinion was sought or not, Donough was honest to a fault which brought surprise at times, but ultimately humour to many an occasion with his famous one liners. For those that he loved, Donough held unwavering loyalty and support and while mourning his loss, people feel so very fortunate to have known him and shared many memories with him. Donough enjoyed the finer things in life which he balanced with the simple things, always in the company of family and good friends. He loved a great meal and a bottle of fine wine. Equally, he was often found regaling stories on the high stool in ‘The Local’ in Dungarvan followed by a visit across Grattan Square to his Italian friends, ever the international traveller(!) Donough lay in repose at his home in Ballyduff, Dungarvan, on Monday, May 11th, where the Rosary was recited by Fr. Cooney in the presence of family and friends. Huge numbers of people came to pay their respects and console the bereaved. On the morning of Tuesday, May 12th, Dungarvan Town fell silent as the funeral cortege proceeded up Mary Street flanked by impressive Guards of Honour from the Brickey Rangers GAA Club and the Christian Brothers Secondary School. Requiem Mass was celebrated in St. Mary's Church by Canon W. Ryan, P.P., assisted by Fr. M. Cooney, O.S.A. At the beginning of Mass, gifts with symbolic meaning in Donough's life were brought to the Altar; golf balls by James Cooney, a bottle of wine by Gary Gubbins, passports by Noel Hayes, an iPad by Aisling McCarthy and a family photo by Meg O'Donovan. Donough's siblings, Colin and Orla, read the lessons and presented the Offertory Gifts. Prayers of the Faithful were recited by Gary Gubbins, Mike O'Keeffe, Sinead Ryan, Aoife O'Hanlon and Rory O'Donovan. Throughout the Mass, wonderfully moving hymns and music were performed by Donough's family members and friends, Eddie and Carol Cassidy, Donnacha Gough and Trish Collins. At the end of Mass, a befitting and heartfelt eulogy was delivered by his brother, Colin. After Mass, Donough was shouldered from the Church and was laid to rest in St. Mary's Old Churchyard in the presence of a huge gathering, fitting testament to the high esteem and respect in which he was held. Many beautiful floral tributes were placed on Donough's resting place. Family was the cornerstone of Donough's existence, his passing has left a huge void in the lives of his family and friends, but he leaves behind a rich legacy of wonderful memories which will never be forgotten. His grieving family includes his loving parents Joe and Deirdre; siblings Colin and Orla; sister-in-law Sinead Ryan and brother-inlaw William Corkery; nephew and Godson Conor; nieces Caoimhe, Aoibhinn and Grace; and uncles, aunts, and cousins.

OBITUARY Ní bheidh a leithéad ann arís. Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam. Joe, Deirdre, Colin and Orla would like to express their sincere thanks to their wonderful neighbours and friends including the Brickey Rangers GAA Club, for their support, kindness and generosity during this very sad time.We are grateful to the local Gardaí and Irish Consulate for their compassion in delivering the tragic news. Donough's Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated at Carriglea Convent Church on Sunday, June 7th, at 11.00 a.m.

55 JOSEPHINE FLYNN (nee Whelan) 69 Tournore Park, Abbeyside, Dungarvan

(Funeral arrangements by James Kiely & Sons, Funeral Directors, Dungarvan).

MARY CONNOLLY (nee Kiely) Barracree, Ballinamult, Co. Waterford, and Fitzgerald’s Terrace, Dungarvan It is with deep regret and sadness that we record the passing of Mary Connolly, Barracree, Ballinamult, Co. Waterford, and Fitzgerald’s Terrace, Dungarvan, which sad event occurred peacefully in St. Francis Unit, Dungarvan Community Hospital, on Saturday, 16th May, 2015, just five weeks short of her 100th birthday. Mary was born on the 20th June, 1915, to Margaret and John Kiely in Scart, Ballinamult. Her mother died five years later in 1920 and Mary and her four brothers were reared in Ballinakill, Ballinamult, by their aunt Mrs. Johanna Sheehan. Mary married Dan Connolly, Barracree, in 1942 and they spent a long, happy life in Barracree with their two children Donal and Catherine (Mrs. Saunders). They unfortunately lost two children in infancy. Sadly, Dan passed to his eternal reward in 1967. She was also predeceased by her brothers Jim, John, Paddy and Michael. Mary was always a very outgoing person and had a wide circle of friends. She was very devoted to the Catholic Church and participated in many Pilgrimages to Knock and also to Lourdes. She was also a keen Card player and loved the game of 45 which she frequently played in Kilbrien, Coolnasmear and Hanrahan’s, Ballinamult. Mary also loved cooking and jam-making and won numerous awards at the Dungarvan Agricultural Show. Her apple tarts and brown bread being particular favourites. Mary was particularly well known on the road from Beary’s Cross to Dungarvan driving her green MiniMorris car on her frequent visits to her great friends Cora Queally and Kitty Power. May Mary rest in peace. On Sunday morning, 17th May, Mary lay in repose at Dungarvan Community Hospital Chapel where Mass was offered by Fr. M. Cooney, O.S.A. Later on Sunday the Rosary was recited at the Kiely Funeral Home in the presence of family and friends by Mary’s good friend Rev. Fr. Michael Kennedy, P.P. On Monday evening, 18th May, Fr. Kennedy, P.P., led the Rosary and Funeral Prayers which was followed by removal to Kilbrien Church where Mary’s remains were received and blessed by Fr. Kennedy, P.P. Funeral Mass was celebrated by Fr. Kennedy, P.P., on Tuesday, 19th May, for the happy repose of her soul. Symbols representing Mary’s life were brought to the Altar by her great grandchildren; Doireann O’Brien presented a Rosary Beads signifying Mary’s deep faith; Sive O’Brien brought her car keys and a photograph of Mary’s green Mini Morris car; Cormac Taylor presented a pack of playing cards signifying her love of card playing; Ruan and Fia Docker brought a cooking bowl and spoon signifying Mary’s love of cooking, and a packet of Club Milks were presented by Sophia Connolly recalling her many treats to her grandchildren and great grandchildren. The Liturgy of the Word was read by Mary’s grandchildren Donal Connolly and Maire Docker. Prayers of the Faithful were recited by grandchildren Sinead Taylor, Cathriona O’Brien, Padraig Connolly, granddaughter-in-law Sheila Connolly and niece Nora Halley. The Offertory Gifts were taken to the Altar by Mary’s daughter Catherine Saunders and sister-in-law Nancy Kiely. Her daughter-inlaw Cathy Connolly assisted as Minister of the Eucharist. At the end of Mass her son Donal delivered a lovely eulogy and thanked Mary’s friends for their kindness to her during her life; the staff of Dungarvan Community Hospital for their care and kindness to Mary and Rev. Father Michael Kennedy, P.P., for a lovely Mass. Dina Walshe provided a lovely selection of hymns and music during Mass finishing with “The Little Village Schoolroom of Kilbrien.” Oran Docker, Mary’s great grandson, sang a hymn “Shine Jesus Shine”. Following the Funeral Mass burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. Rev. Fr. Kennedy, P.P., imparted the graveside blessing and prayers in the presence of her loving family, relatives and friends. Also in attendance was Rev. Fr. Conor Kelly, P.P. May we extend our deepest sympathy to Mary’s son Donal; daughter Catherine; daughter-in-law Cathy Connolly; grandchildren Donal, Maire, Cathriona, Padraig, Sinead, Deirdre, Eoin, Thomas and Mark; grand-daughters-in-law, grandsons-in-law, sister-in-law Nancy Kiely; great grandchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and friends. The Month’s Mind Mass for Mary will be held in Kilbrien Church at 11.00 a.m. on Saturday, June 20th, 2015. (Funeral arrangements by James Kiely & Sons, Funeral Directors, Dungarvan).

It is with feelings of profound regret we record the untimely and unexpected passing of Josephine Flynn (nee Whelan), 69 Tournore Park, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, which sad event occurred on Saturday, 16th May, 2015, at her residence. Josephine was born on 19th April, 1964, and lived with her parents Thomas and Nell and her brother Martin at 12 Mitchel Terrace, Dungarvan. Following her schooling at the Presentation Convent, she completed a Secretarial course at Dungarvan Vocational School attaining distinctions in shorthand and typing. This led to a career as a Clerical Officer in the Public Service. Josephine initially spent nine months in Carrick-on-Suir UDC before getting a transfer to Waterford County Council in 1983 where she worked in many sections mainly in IT and Finance in the past twenty-five years. Although she enjoyed her time with Waterford County Council, her flair for fashion and style meant that when asked what her ideal job would be, she would say an Interior Designer or better again a Personal Shopper. The life and soul of parties and get-togethers in her time in the Council, Josephine will always be remembered for her humour and sharp wit.Tea breaks and lunch times in the Council offices will never be the same. She married Colum Flynn on 12th June, 1999, in Kilbrien Church and moved to 3 Mitchell Terrace, Dungarvan, just nine doors down from the home of her parents. Their happiest day was 2nd March, 2001, when their daughter Ellen arrived. In December 2005 they moved to 69 Tournore Park, Abbeyside, where, as a family, they were blessed with great neighbours and friends. In 1981 Josephine met her best friend Christina Flynn and they were largely inseparable since. They have been joined on their many shopping trips by Shirley Flynn and laterly by her daughter Ellen to make a fearsome foursome at the shops. She was a true lady with a wicked sense of humour and she will be sadly missed by all who knew her. May she rest in peace. Reposing at Drohan’s Funeral Home, Rosary was recited on Sunday evening by Fr. Collender, O.S.A. Her remains were removed on Monday evening to St. Augustine’s Church, Abbeyside, where they were received and blessed on arrival by Fr. Ned Hassett, P.P., and followed by a huge and representative cortege of mourners. Following Requiem Mass on Tuesday morning, celebrated by Fr. Hassett, P.P., assisted by Fr. Gerry Horan, O.S.A., and Fr. Michael Collender, O.S.A., who married the couple in 1999, interment took place in the adjoining cemetery in the presence of a large and representative gathering of mourners. Josephine’s parents predeceased her, Thomas in 2004 and Nell in 2008. The lesson was read by Jess, Meli and Michael Keane. Prayers of the Faithful were recited by Ellen (daughter), Frances Organ (friend), Colette Simms (relative), Shirley Flynn (friend), Anne Butler (friend), Máiréad Carey (cousin) and Patrick Whelan (nephew). Gifts brought to the Altar at the start of Mass were – handbag for her love of fashion (Mary Flynn); Mi Muneda Necklace for her love of style (Grace Whelan); a gym top for her love of fitness (Anna Whelan) and a Waterford City and County Council stamp and calculator for her working life (Teresa Flynn). Appropriate music and hymns were performed by the Friary Choir who also sang at her wedding. The chief mourners were Colum (husband); Ellen (daughter); Martin (brother); Mary (mother-in-law); Richie and Benny (brothers-in-law); Patrick Whelan, Joe and Tommy Flynn (nephews); Garce and Anna Whelan (nieces); relatives, friends and colleagues. The family would like to thank the Paramedics and Doctor who attended on the night of her passing and especially the 999 Operator who was such a help to them on that night. Also thanks to all those who helped out and organised over the following days. (Funeral arrangements by Tom Drohan, Funeral Directors, Dungarvan).

MAURA BRADY (nee Boland) Abbotts Close, Seapark, Abbeyside, and formerly of Ballinagh, Co. Cavan With deep sorrow and regret we write on the passing of Maura Brady on Tuesday, 26th May, at CareChoice Nursing Home. A native of County Cavan and predeceased by her husband Donald, we extend our sincere sympathy to Maura’s sons Frank, Donald and Cormac; daughters Rosaleen and Josephine; daughters-in-law Philomena, Mary Clare and Frances; sons-in-law Brian Morris and Paul Lennon; grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Maura lay in repose at her residence in Abbotts Close on Thursday evening and from where removal took place to St. Augustine’s Church, Abbeyside. Requiem Mass was celebrated on Friday morning and afterwards Maura was laid to rest in St. Laurence’s Cemetery, Ballinroad. May she rest in peace. (Funeral arrangements by James Kiely & Sons, Funeral Directors, Dungarvan).



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 12 September, 2014


Round-up … TDs and Senators must get Minister to act and address farmer concerns on beef date and Genomic Scheme – IFA

The National Ploughing Association Managing Director Anna May McHugh receives a standing ovation as she receives the prestigious Life-Time Achievement Award at “The Farmer of the Year Awards 2015” in the Ballsbridge Hotel in Dublin.

Winners of The Dairymaster Rural Innovation Awards Announced THE winners of the Dairymaster Innovation Awards organised in association with DARD, Irish Farmers Journal and Teagasc, were announced in Tralee this week. The awards recognise rural innovations and the overall winner was Recovery Haven KerryCancer Support House, Tralee, Co Kerry. They were also the winners of the Community Innovation category. Recovery Haven KerryCancer Support House, are based at St Martin's Aughamore, Causeway, Tralee, Co Kerry. Eileen Comerford of Recovery Haven said that “We provide psychological and social support, information and a drop-in service for those living with cancer and for their families and carers.” She continued to say “The primary aim of Recovery Haven is to make our services available on every door step throughout the county of Kerry.” There were two other category winners. In the Farm Innovation Category, the winner was Fresh Extend owned by Brian

Hampton based at 135 Red Lion Road, Kilmore, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT61 8PE. “I have designed a machine and system that can very effectively remove ethylene gas from cold rooms and the food chain of fruit and veg. The machine and system offers cost effective solutions to small to large scale producers and fruit and veg handlers”, said Brian Hampton. The Rural Business Category was won by SAMCO, owned by Samuel Shine from Adare in County Limerick. Sam Shine said that “Samco’s business idea is to provide farmers with a low cost solution to on farm storage of high quality fermented feed without the need for drying. The Samco Bag Press is ideal for buffer feeding during the grazing season, storing forage maize, brewer’s grain, chopped sugar beet and other such products.” Speaking at the awards ceremony, Dr Edmond Harty, CEO Dairymaster said: “These awards are all about the people, it’s the people who innovate. Innovation is like baking a

cake – once you get the right ingredients, it’s what you do with those ingredients that make the difference. In rural communities and businesses, innovation is the difference between thriving and dying. As a company we’ve always focussed on innovation, but we have also experienced the benefit of having that work recognised. That’s why these awards had to be established and why Dairymaster is sponsoring them.” Professor Gerry Boyle, Director of Teagasc, congratulated the winners saying: "The entrepreneurial spirit in Rural Ireland is alive and well. Innovators have to be creative, courageous, persistent and resilient, and this year's finalists certainly demonstrate these traits in abundance. The importance of innovation at farm and company level is important to maintaining vibrancy in rural Ireland. Innovation at farm level is evident from the recent analysis of Teagasc National Farm survey data which shows that the adoption of innovative practices

on farms is found to be strongly positively correlated with economic performance. Teagasc continues to support Innovation through the Options programme. The Food Works programme, which we are involved in with Bord Bia and Enterprise Ireland, is another good example of supporting innovation in the food sector.” Justin McCarthy, Editor, Irish Farmers Journal noted that the ability of farmers and rural businesses to add value and problem solve was clearly evident at the Dairymaster Innovation awards on Tuesday night. One of the highlights was the level of innovation taking place around community initiatives with Recovery Haven being a worthy overall winner of the competition. Martin McKendry, head of development services at CAFRE (DARD) said; “The awards were an excellent showcase of innovation and entrepreneurship throughout Ireland and DARD are delighted to be involved with such prestigious awards programme.”

IFA President Eddie Downey said there is strong support among TDs and Senators that Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney address the real concerns of farmers and make the necessary adjustments and flexibilities to ensure that the scheme works. He said, “Over 70 members of the Oireachtas attended our briefing session and each of them said they recognised the genuine concerns raised by farmers about aspects of the scheme relating to the inflexibility of the six-year rule and clawbacks, the 2014 reference year, young farmers, the 60% genomic testing, the replacement requirements, penalties and other issues. They must now ensure that the Minister and his Department act to address these concerns”. “The Minister’s decision to extend the closing date to Friday, 5th June is an opportunity for him to re-assure farmers that they will not be unduly penalised and the scheme will not get bogged down in bureaucracy and excessive costs.” Encouraging farmers to look seriously at the benefits of the Beef Genomics Scheme, Eddie Downey said farmers should ensure their application is submitted before the new closing date. He said farmers can withdraw their applications at a later date. IFA has worked extremely hard to get the €52m funding for the scheme and the Association is determined that the full benefits will be paid out to suckler farmers by December. IFA had put forward proposals to the Minister and the Department to address the concerns of farmers, including a rolling reference year, a mid-term review, a reduction in the genomic testing and costs, and the inclusion of 3, 4 and 5 star females as replacements as well as allowing eligible calves and weanlings to qualify along with heifers and cows. Eddie Downey said all of these are reasonable adjustments the Minister could make to the scheme in order to address farmer concerns and ensure the scheme delivers.

Farmers resisting factory pressure on lamb – IFA IFA National Sheep Committee Chairman, John Lynskey has said the latest lamb price cuts from the factories are not justified and are sending a very negative signal to sheep farmers. He said the factories have jumped ahead and tried to impose very damaging price

cuts. John Lynskey said farmers are strongly resisting the negative pressure from the factories. He said, despite the lower quotes, some factories have paid €5.65 to €5.75/kg to get lambs this week. In addition, farmers are demanding that the carcase weight limits be increased with some moving on to 21 and 21.5kgs. He said the ewe trade remains strong with €3.00/kg being paid and a very strong live trade with prices of up to €1.40/kg paid. The IFA sheep farmer leader said the Bord Bia lamb promotions will kick in on the home market from early June and together with Ramadan on June 18th, this should strongly drive demand. In addition, he said the mart continues to be a strong option particularly for heavier lambs where there is strong butcher and wholesaler demand.

Strong 2014 dairy incomes hide huge exposure to volatile margins – O’Leary COMMENTING on the 2014 Teagasc National Farm Survey (NFS), which highlighted strong incomes in the dairy sector, IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Sean O’Leary said this very positive result for dairy farmers in 2014 needs to be put in the context of a level of volatility that was predicted by Teagasc last December and could result in a 2015 dairy income only half that of the 2014 figure. “If we analyse the 2014 NFS, we see that milk prices fell by 3% for 2014 over 2013, while volumes of milk produced grew by 5%. This higher output has led to a historically high superlevy of €69m, which will also have to come off dairy farmers’ margins from 2015,” he said. “Teagasc says the 9% increase in the average dairy farm income was mostly driven by lower expenditure. The average bill for concentrated feed fell 25%, while bulky fodder purchases fell 20%. This clearly reflects the vastly better production conditions in 2014 when compared to the dreadful Spring of 2013. The net result is that the average gross output value for dairy farms fell by 1% in 2014,” he said. “The good 2014 figures must not let us forget just how exposed dairy farming incomes are to volatility, as a result of wild variations in milk prices and input costs. Since the peak of 2014, Irish milk prices have fallen by a massive 22%, as compared with an EU average of 17%. That’s an 8c/l price cut which, assuming no further adjustment, would cut €28,000 over a whole year’s average dairy farmer’s income,” he said. “Dairying is clearly a profitable enterprise when margins are good and conditions are positive. But I am concerned that easy headlines underplay both the level of investment, labour and skills engaged by Irish dairy farmers, and their very real exposure to extremely volatile incomes,” he concluded.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


ICSA welcomes positive response to request for BDGP extension ICSA President Patrick Kent has welcomed the announcement of a one-week extension (until this Friday, 5th June) to the closing date for the Beef Data and Genomics Scheme. “ICSA lobbied strongly for this extension at our recent meeting with the Department, and we are pleased to see that our concerns and the concerns of our members were taken on board,” he said. “The extension is a recognition that there simply hasn’t been enough time given to fully explaining the scheme and its possible ramifications to farmers.We are now asking Minister Coveney to use this extra time to resolve all outstanding concerns which are preventing farmers from applying, particularly the six-year contract, issues around star-ratings and unannounced inspections.”

Barriers to entering forestry sector must be reviewed ICSA President Patrick Kent has said that the replanting rule and the protection of the hen harrier are serious barriers to farmers diversifying into forestry. “The compulsion to replant land after clearfelling is discouraging many farmers, particularly those on good land, from getting involved in forestry,” he said. “If such farmers had the option of returning their land to grass after a single crop of trees, this might prompt more of them to go down that route.” “Forestry can be a very profitable enterprise, and farmers may find that they want to continue in it longterm, but at least removing the compulsion to re-plant offers them the security of knowing they or their children can return to other types of farming if they wish to do so in the future.” “The hen harrier is a serious issue in whole swathes of the country where land is particularly suited to growing spruce and not suitable for many other farming systems, and where the forestry option could provide farmers with a much-needed extra source of income if it were not for the stringent regulations on hen harrier protection.” “ICSA is now calling on Minister Coveney to review these two issues immediately with a view to encouraging more farmers to get involved in forestry,” concluded Mr. Kent.

Hayes launches Sheepdog Trials MINISTER of State at the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine, Tom Hayes, TD, launched the Irish National Sheepdog Trials to be held on the farm of Ken Whiteford in Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny from 13th to 15th August. Commenting at the launch the Minister said ‘This is a major event in the sheep calendar and something for all sheep farmers across the country to look forward to. Sheepdog trials are a popular sport and a superb spectator event. The trials are an opportunity for the

best dogs and their handlers to showcase their skills on a national stage.’ The Minister noted “with exports of over €220m, the sheep sector it is an important economic activity on farms across the country and in the western counties in particular’. The Minister added ‘My Department has provided substantial support to the sheep sector through funding of Sheep Ireland, Bord Bia, Teagasc and a number of schemes that have allowed sheep farmers make critical investments in both their farms and flocks’

Neil O'Sullivan - Dairy Finalist - Waterford.

Thomas Power - Rising Star Finalist - Waterford.

Waterford farmers named as finalists in National Farmer of the Year Awards TWO local Waterford farmers, Neil O’Sullivan from Dungarvan and Thomas Power from Woodstown have been named as finalists in the Dairy and Rising Star categories respectively at the prestigious Farmer of the Year Awards. The Zurich Farming Independent Farmer of the Year Awards, now in their second year, recognise the best farmers throughout the country and reward excellence in all areas of farming. The Farmer of the Year Awards, sponsored by Zurich Insurance, featured eight separate categories including Beef, Tillage and Sheep Farmer of the Year, as well as a new Farm Safety Award,

developed to recognise farmers who strive to apply the highest safety standards to their farming practices. In addition, a special ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ was awarded to Anna May McHugh, President of the National Ploughing Association. Speaking at the Awards, John O’Connor, Chief Financial Officer, Zurich General Insurance, Ireland said, “Initiatives such as the Farmer of the Year Awards highlight the dedication and innovation which has been witnessed in the farming community over the past few years, and celebrate the high achievers in the industry

‘SHEEP2015’ Open Day Launched in Teagasc Athenry ‘SHEEP2015’, the major National Sheep Open Day planned for this year, was launched in Teagasc Athenry on Wednesday, 27th May by the Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Tom Hayes TD. ‘SHEEP2015’ will take place on Saturday, 20th June in Teagasc Athenry, County Galway. Organised by Teagasc, UCD, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Irish Farmers Journal, Bord Bia and Sheep Ireland, the ‘SHEEP2015’ open day is supported by Kepak, Musgraves/ SuperValu, MSD, Zoetis, FBD and Germinal. Minister Tom Hayes said “I am delighted to launch ‘SHEEP2015’ today. Ireland's sheepmeat sector is a significant component of our agri-food sector and is worth an estimated €250 million to the economy annually. The outlook is very positive for the sector with sig-

nificant opportunities for Ireland to promote its premium quality and sustainably produced lamb in international markets. The Government is investing in the sector through a number of different RDP schemes which will help to improve on-farm margins for sheep farmers. I commend Teagasc and the other organisations involved, for organising this event again this year and have no doubt that it will play a role in encouraging further development in the sector.” Professor Gerry Boyle, Director of Teagasc said: “We are strongly committed to the sheep research and advisory programmes and this open day on 20th June provides a wonderful opportunity to see what Teagasc and the other organisations involved in organising and supporting ‘SHEEP2015’ are delivering for sheep farmers. Results emerging from the Research Demonstration

Farm in Athenry are of huge interest and there are clear messages emerging from the expanded Teagasc BETTER Sheep Farm Programme. Modest changes in some of the key drivers of production can have enormous benefits not only in terms of output, but most importantly in terms of profitability.” A series of Technical Villages at the SHEEP2015 Open Day will be one of the highlights. Technical information will be organised in a series of villages throughout the site: Flock Health, Grassland Management, Sheep Breeding, Hill Sheep Production, Environmental Awareness & Management, Agricultural Education, Wool & Wool Products, Meet Industry and Markets, The Science of Farming and Health & Safety. Further details on the open day are available at www.teagasc.ie/sheep2015

such as Neil and Thomas.” O’Connor added, “On behalf of Zurich, I would like to congratulate Neil and Thomas on this achievement, and the other finalists and winners at the 2015 Farmer of the Year Awards.These Awards are a celebration of their successes and recognition that they epitomise the very best farmers throughout the country.” Zurich Insurance provides the complete farm insurance solution including cover for Property, Livestock, Business Interruption, Liability, Agricultural Vehicles, Personal Accident and Farm Home.

READER’S QUERIES Question: I was told over the weekend that rented ground I have been farming for the past 15 years will more than likely be taken back by the owner from next year on as his son intends to set up a dairying enterprise. I depend on this ground for my stocking rate and to cut silage. I have this land included in my BPS form for this year as I will be farming it, however from what I hear my entitlements will be spread over this land and I’ll be down money if I cannot get full replacement land. Is it at all possible to stack entitlements down the line as I will be losing the land for reasons beyond my control and you’d have a better chance of turning up hen’s teeth around these parts than you would 30 acres of ground? Answer: No, apart from this year, stacking of farm entitlements is out of the question for the duration of this scheme. If you are going to lose this ground the end of November and you can get a letter to this effect then you would be better off taking out this land from your BPS application before the 15th of June. You can take silage off this land and export slurry over to it later in the year.You may even be able to graze cattle over there from now on, with the appropriate paperwork. However, you must be certain that you are genuinely losing this land and you cannot put this land back in again next year if the land owner changes his mind as your entitlements would be put back on to it. I trust this will clear things up for you. Tip of the Week: Keep an eye on your fertiliser limits when ordering fertiliser after 1st cut silage. If in doubt, consult your adviser.


TERENCE MORRISSEY Send your queries to:

Dungarvan Observer, Shandon, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, or to Morrissey & Associates, Mweelnahorna, Ring, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

‘Making the most of our land’

Teagasc News . . . 10 STEPS TO SUCCESSFUL RESEEDING 1. Identify paddocks for reseeding Poorer performing paddocks should be targeted. Reseeding should be carried out where perennial ryegrass is less than 40%. Perennial ryegrass swards increase the overall productivity of the farm by: Growing more grass. 2.7tDM extra when a sward of 15% perennial ryegrass was compared with a 100% ryegrass sward. Around 1.7t of this was produced before May. If this is valued at €200/t DM, as it is replacing meal and silage, it is worth €340/ha/annum. Typical reseeding costs are €750/ha, so investment is repaid in less than three years if earlier turnout is achieved or if a higher stocking rate is carried and, Growing better quality grass, which is also easier to graze out. 2. Plan when to reseed Spring is the best time for reseeding: shorter turnaround time; better conditions for germination; better conditions for post-emergence spray; and, better conditions for grazing after establishment. If carrying out Autumn reseeding, it should be completed by mid-August. 3. Soil test Soil test for phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and lime requirements before reseeding (ideally in the Autumn before reseeding is planned). 4. Spray off paddock Spray off the old sward. If there are perennial weeds such as docks and ragwort, use a glyphosate spray. To ensure a quick turnaround (target is to have reseed back into production in 60 days), the old sward should be sprayed seven to 10 days before the final grazing/mowing. A tight grazing or mowing will ensure a low level of thrash. This is particularly important for minimum cultivation techniques. 5. Choose appropriate method of reseeding and prepare a firm-fine seed bed. There are many different cultivation and sowing methods available for reseeding. All methods, when completed correctly, are equally effective. Surface trash needs to be minimised by spraying and tight grazing/mowing. Whichever cultivation technique is chosen, a firm-fine seedbed is required with good seed/soil contact. 6. Spread lime and N/P/K Apply lime, P and K according to soil test results. Do not apply more than 3t/lime/acre in a single application. Apply 30 units nitrogen (N)/acre. TABLE 1: P AND K RATES FOR RESEEDING

Index 1 2 3 4

P (units/ac) 48 32 24 0

K (units/ac) 88 60 40 24

(Also check overall fertiliser allowances in nitrates regulations.) 7. Choose varieties and clover, use the correct sowing rate The key traits in a seasonal grass-based production system are: high seasonal production (spring and autumn) for grazing mixes; high silage yields for silage mixes; high mid-season quality for grazing mixes; and, good ground cover or persistency score. Look for mixtures that have varieties with these traits (check against Department of Agriculture recommended list at http://www.agriculture.gov.ie).

Also, a Pasture Profit Index has been launched by Teagasc with 16 varieties initially and will be rolled out to include more varieties. If including clover at sowing, use mediumleaf white clovers for cattle; small-leaf white clovers for sheep. Sow at 2kg/acre. Sow mixtures at 14kg/ac of seed. Roll after sowing Roll to ensure seed-to-soil contact. Even if rolling isn’t possible at sowing, roll before first grazing – otherwise loose plants will get pulled up at grazing. Control weeds and pests Weeds in new reseeds are best controlled when the grass is at the two to three leaf stage. Docks and chickweed are the two most critical weeds to control in reseeds. Where docks are the main issue, products such as Underclear, Legumex DB Undersown, DB plus, Clovex, etc., can be used. These are clover safe. Where both Chickweed and docks are present, use Legumes DB+ Triad where there is clover in the sward. If there isn’t clover, you have the option of using Starane 2, Binder, Hurler, Reaper, etc. Monitor for pest attack, especially in Autumn (slugs, leatherjackets, frit fly and rabbits are the main threats). 10. Graze at a low cover (1,000kg-1,200kg) Graze the new reseed as soon as the plants do not pull out of the ground. It is especially important that autumn reseeds are grazed before the first Winter. Apply 30 units of N three to four weeks after sowing. Avoid cutting the new reseed for silage in the first year, keep grazing at low covers. Teagasc has produced a pocket booklet on reseeding, which is available at http://www.teagasc.ie/publications. CATTLE Should meal be fed at grass in June? For most classes of stock the answer is no. (Unless grass supply is short.) If grass is plentiful you are just replacing cheap feed with expensive feed.To make matters worse, this will build up heavier covers of grass, making grass stemmy and reducing its feed value. If grass supply is limited and/or grazing conditions are poor, there may be an economic benefit from feeding 2-3kg meals to heifers and steers. Anecdotal evidence would suggest improvements in kill-out percentage and carcass finish for steers and heifers. For Autumn-born weanlings, meal feeding around weaning will decrease stress levels and reduce the chances of problems like pneumonia. It will also help to avoid a severe setback in weight gain around weaning time. If weanlings are not being sold, feed a maximum of 1kg/day with good grass. Weanlings for sale can be fed 2kg/day. IMPORTANT EVENT SHEEP 2015: SHEEP2015 will take place in Teagasc Athenry from 10 am on Saturday, June 20th. This is the major sheep event in the agricultural calendar for 2015 and is an event that everyone with a commercial interest in sheep will want to attend.With a positive outlook for sheep, it is appropriate that all parties interested in a viable sheep industry come together with the common aim of capitalising on the potential that sheep production offers. While this event is of major interest to all involved in the sheep industry it will also appeal to those with an interest in rural affairs. The SHEEP2015 programme includes; technical thematic sheep villages; workshops for on farm skills; national sheep breed competitions and displays; extensive range of commercial exhibits; sheep dog trials and training demos; Bord Bia butchering and cookery demos. Admission to is free and includes a comprehensive event programme in booklet form, covering all the day’s activities. This is an STAP approved event.

Early re-opening of GLAS must be Minister Coveney’s priority IFA Rural Development Chairman Flor McCarthy has said that following the closing of the first phase of GLAS, the priority for Minister Coveney must be the early re-opening of the scheme for those farmers who want to join later in the year. It is expected that around 27,000 farmers have joined the GLAS scheme at this stage, which is welcome and a clear indication of the importance of the agri-environmental scheme to

support farm income. In that regard, Flor McCarthy said that the Minister must re-open the scheme as early as possible and allow at least 20,000 into the next phase of the scheme. Many could not join before the 26th May deadline due to the inflexibility shown in the digitisation of land parcels. The IFA Rural Development Chairman went on to point out that the processing of applications must

proceed speedily so that a significant payment can be made later in the year. In relation to funding for GLAS, Flor McCarthy said, “Minister Coveney must ensure that in the Government’s 2016 Book of Estimates an allocation of up to €250m is provided to pay for the full year payment of up to 50,000 farmers. This is what is envisaged in the RDP and must be delivered next year”.

Pan-European research team launches LANDMARK THE Pan-European research project LANDMARK was launched on Wednesday, 20th May, 2015, in Castledockrell, Co. Wexford, Ireland, by Mr. Damien English, T.D., the Irish Minister of State for Skills, Research & Innovation. LANDMARK is a brand new consortium of European researchers and advisors that will seek to unearth practices and policy pathways that make the most of Europe’s rich and diverse heritage of soils, which are key to so many ecosystem services. LANDMARK receives €5 million in European funding from the European Commission as part of its Horizon 2020 Research Programme. IS EUROPE RUNNING OUT OF LAND? At the launch, Teagasc Director Prof Gerry Boyle explained that LANDMARK addresses one of the most urgent challenges for European agriculture: “the number of mouths to feed from each parcel of land continues to rise. But the ecological footprint that we can afford ourselves continues to shrink. Last Autumn, the UN revised its projections for population growth: the world’s population is no longer expected to stabilise after 2050, instead it is now expected to continue to grow and approach 11 billion people by 2100. These new figures

BDGP deadline extended until this Friday MINISTER for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney T.D. has announced that deadline for applications under the BDGP would be extended until this Friday, 5th June. Minister Coveney said, “We had almost 15,000 applicants for the programme. The rate of application is increasing, and I want to give as many farmers as possible the opportunity to apply for this excellent scheme.” The Minister also underlined the flexibility available to BDGP applicants who dispose of some or all of their land before the termination of the six year contract term. The Minister said “Firstly, it is the case that the vast majority of farmers have significantly more land than they need to attract the full payment under the programme, and therefore no problem should arise from the sale or lease of some of their land in such circumstances.

will certainly fuel the debate whether the world, including Europe, is ‘running out of land’.” The LANDMARK coordinator, Dr. Rachel Creamer from Teagasc added: “Not only do we expect Europe’s agricultural land to provide a nutritious diet for all; we also expect it to provide clean water, to store carbon, recycle our waste and provide a home for biodiversity.These competing demands have now brought soil science sharply back into focus. If we are to make the most of our land, we need to understand the ‘engine room’ of agriculture in all its diversity.” Towards sustainable practices and policies LANDMARK aims to do exactly this: it will open up the soils of Europe and assess farm practices and policies that optimise the delivery of food and other ecosystem services. Since both the European food system and ecosystems do not recognise borders, LANDMARK has taken an international approach: it will bring together all the knowledge on land management from European farmers, advisors, scientists and policy makers. By 2020, LANDMARK will produce three out-

comes: For farmers: a Soil Navigator that provides advice on the sustainable management of soils on ‘my farm’; For legislators: a framework for monitoring of soil quality and soil functions that is applicable across Europe; For policy makers: an assessment of policies that can ensure that we ‘make the most of our land’, from both an agronomic and environmental point of view. EXAMPLE OF INNOVATION LANDMARK is an early example of the European Innovation Partnership, where scientists, practitioners and policy makers work together to generate new knowledge that can be put to use. At the launch, Minister of State for Skills, Research & Innovation, Damien English, TD, said: “LANDMARK demonstrates Ireland’s international leadership in research and innovation in the area of Sustainable Food Production. I congratulate Teagasc for winning this first, highly competitive call for research. Teagasc has demonstrated that it is possible for Irish research institutions to assume a leadership role in securing funding under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme”.

Continued farmer anger at BDGP restrictions ICSA President Patrick Kent says that farmer anger at the restrictions of the new Beef Data and Genomics Programme is continuing despite attempted reassurances from the Department. “I attended ICSA-organised public meetings in Limerick and Waterford this week, and if anything, farmer anger about this programme is growing rather than abating,” he said. “The point was made at the Limerick meeting last night that keeping a few extra cattle could actually

be more profitable than entering the scheme, which is a ridiculous situation.” “The Department’s socalled reassurances have done nothing to alleviate farmer concerns around the scheme, and I would again call on the Minister to address the key issues of the six-year contract, uncertainty around star ratings, the level of testing required and the need for unannounced inspections if he really wants to see a full take-up of this scheme by next Friday.”


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Global milk supply/demand may rebalance faster than expected in 2015 IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Sean O’Leary has said that recent reports from France Agrimer and Germany’s ZMB suggest that milk supplies for the January to midMay period were significantly below last year’s level, by 2.45% for France and 2% for Germany. He said that as those two countries alone account for over 40% of all milk produced in Europe, this is an important indication that the expected ‘wall of milk’ in post-quota Europe had yet to materialise. He added that with major droughts in California and

an El Nino event declared for Australia that could also affect New Zealand supplies, the global supply/demand balance could tip over sooner rather than later. He urged co-ops to bear this in mind, and to continue to support milk prices at least for May milk. “Commodity prices have been easing, but with the exception of SMP they remain significantly above the most recent GDT quotes. EU butter and WMP prices are over €400 higher than GDT’s 19th May prices, while Cheddar cheese prices are €700/t higher. While EU SMP is

only €100 dearer than the latest GDT price, returns from EU SMP/butter are 5c/l higher,” he said. “Milk supplies are under some pressure in many EU member states because with 17% average milk price cuts from peak, profitability has fallen dramatically. In France, the implementation of A/B/C contracts by cooperative milk purchasers in which milk over and above current domestic market demand is paid at lower prices (B) or downright dissuasive prices (C) has curtailed growth appetite. In Germany also, profitability has been a problem, with

some of the milk purchasers in the South cutting milk prices further for April,” he added. “Further afield, drought is affecting California, which normally accounts for 20% of US production, and is back 2.2% on last year’s levels. National output growth predictions have been downgraded from 2% to around 1.2% - back into line with expected domestic demand growth, leaving less scope for the US industry to compete on export,” he said. “In Australia, the Government Bureau of Meteorology has declared a

fully-fledged El Nino event over the SW Pacific. Of the 26 such events on record, 17 have resulted in widespread drought not just in Australia but in all of Oceania, and consequent impacts on milk productions,” he added. “I believe co-ops need to hold their nerve on milk prices and continue to support dairy farmers’ cash flow and confidence, both of which are equally essential to ensure that newly built or refurbished processing capacity will continue to be filled in the medium and longer term,” he concluded.

Urgent department action needed following study of TB levels in deer – IFA IFA President Eddie Downey said the high levels of TB in wild deer that have been confirmed following a recent study requires immediate and targeted action by the Department of Agriculture. Speaking in Co. Wicklow on a dairy farm that has encountered severe problems because of TB, Eddie Downey said the study sought by IFA and carried out by the Department over the past four months shows levels of TB in deer at 16%. “Farmers have long argued that the control of the deer population is an important element in the eradication of the TB disease. The evidence from this study shows the level of TB in deer is a significantly higher multiple than in cattle and justifies the implementation of a programme similar to the existing Wildlife Control programme.”

Eddie Downey said the severity of an outbreak of TB on herds and the trauma for farmers requires a rethink by the Department of Agriculture on the compensation levels available to farmers. He said, “Building up a herd and maintaining the highest levels of animal health only comes through years of investment and dedicated stockmanship. To have this wiped out because of a failure to control the deer population places a heavy burden on farmers. We have been making a strong case to the Department that it is not possible for farmers to survive serious TB outbreaks on current income support payments”. Analysis by IFA of the National Farm Survey information show losses of €126/month where dairy cows are removed from farms as TB reactors, with only €25/month

payable to a maximum of 100 animals under the current compensation scheme for those farmers who qualify. The IFA Animal Health Chairman Bert Stewart said the findings highlight the urgent need for the Department to put in place structures that reduce the number of deer surrounding TB outbreaks in order to protect the health and welfare of our national cattle herd and farmers’ incomes. “This must have the full cooperation of Coillte and NPWS if it is to be effective. Combined with this the compensation levels sought by IFA must be provided to farmers experiencing TB breakdowns, who through no fault of their own incur huge and unsustainable financial losses.” Wicklow IFA chairman Tom Short said farmers have had real

concerns in relation to the role wild deer encroaching onto their land is having in prolonging TB episodes and contributing to new outbreaks. This study confirms both the incidence of TB in deer and the risk they are posing to the health status of the cattle in the farms they are encroaching onto. “It is more than coincidental that Wicklow has both the highest levels of TB in cattle in the country and the highest population of deer. This situation must be addressed urgently by all state agencies responsible, through a targeted reduction in deer numbers surrounding TB outbreaks and a national management plan that reduces deer numbers to what is sustainable within their natural habitat in order to protect the health and welfare of our animals and farmers’ livelihoods.”

Improved farm profitability key to strong livestock sector – IFA SPEAKING at the launch of the AIB Beef Report this evening, IFA President Eddie Downey said IFA’s main message is very clear: improving profitability at farm level will be key to a strong future for the livestock sector. Eddie Downey said, “We have made this the core message of our submission and work on the Government’s new Agri-Strategy 2025. Increased profitability at farm level and increased price premium for sustainably-produced Irish food are the two clear targets IFA has set down”. He said the overarching target for beef must be to improve the viability of cattle enterprises, through a combination of strong viable beef prices, solid direct payment support, increased efficiency and productivity across the sector and co-operation within the sector to optimise the supply balance. On the Beef Forum, Eddie Downey said that IFA is deter-

mined that further progress must be made on increasing the age limit to 36 months, the further development of contracts, and other issues including carcase trim, price transparency and producer organisations. The new BTAP scheme should target an increase in the number of participating beef farmers from 5,000 to 15,000. It is critically important that Teagasc provides strong, independent research and advisory programmes on beef, which are not influenced by external, commercial bodies. Beef research and advisory services must deliver outcomes that can be easily accessed by farmers and incorporated into their farm enterprises. The IFA President said farmers will play their part through increasing efficiency and productivity, but it is essential that other stakeholders in the agri-food industry take responsibility for delivering measures that will underpin the long-

term income sustainability of primary food production. This must include addressing the imbalances of power in the food supply chain through regulation of trading practices and greater price transparency. The opening of the US beef market and the progress made on China are positive developments for the beef sector. “The TTIP trade negotiations with the US and the potential for increased imports place the EU beef sector and particularly Ireland, as a major exporter, in a very challenging position. IFA will continue to robustly defend the beef sector based on protecting the European production base and insisting on equivalence of standards”. Eddie Downey said livestock farming is capital intensive, requiring ongoing investment on-farm to improve efficiency and adapt to new technologies. “Competitive funding from the banks is essential for the sector. IFA will continue to

work closely with AIB to ensure that adequate funding is available to meet the needs of farmers and the sector.” This survey shows that over one third of livestock farmers are planning to increase stock numbers and expand. 43% of farmers are working with an advisor/consultant to improve their businesses. Nine out of 10 beef finishers are in the Bord Bia Quality Assurance scheme. Discussion groups and learning from others is considered very valuable by many respondents. Concluding, Eddie Downey said these are encouraging and positive messages from livestock farmers working in a sector where the income challenge remains acute. IFA will continue to campaign and work hard both at home and in Brussels to drive delivery on all of the key issues from strong prices and market returns to securing a policy framework that maximises direct supports.

SPRATT Important Preliminary Announcement Ballyconnery, Dungarvan

ROADSIDE RESIDENTIAL HOLDING 28.28 HA (c.70 acres) For Sale by Private Treaty or by Public Auction at a later date Further details next issue.

☎ 058 42211


Teagasc Moorepark’15 Dairy Open Day, Wednesday, 1st July A MAJOR Teagasc Open Day for the Irish dairy industry will take place in Teagasc Moorepark, Fermoy, County Cork, on Wednesday, 1st July. Details of Teagasc Moorepark’15 were announced. The theme for the open day is ‘Sustainable Expansion’ and the event will take place against a background of milk quota abolition earlier this year. This Open Day which is sponsored by FBD, will provide dairy farmers and those involved in the dairy industry with the opportunity to view and discuss the latest developments in key dairying technologies that will help farmers to increase the profitability of the family farm business and cope with future challenges such as volatile milk prices. Ireland’s competitive advantage in milk production is based on the efficient production and utilisation of pasture; this is the only viable model of milk production in a competitive world market. The Open Day will highlight the importance of

adopting systems that are resilient to external forces, and that incorporate sufficient tactical flexibility to overcome unanticipated events. A special feature of Teagasc Moorepark‘15 will be a forum on ‘Developing a Successful Career in Dairying’. The forum will include a panel with a range of experience: a student participating in the Professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management, young share farmers, a new entrant to dairying and farm managers/owners with a range of experience in farm management. This makes Teagasc Moorepark’15 a day not to be missed by anyone with an interest in the Irish dairy industry. The support of FBD Trust, the overall sponsor of Teagasc Moorepark’15, is greatly appreciated. The open day runs from 10.00 am - 5.00 pm. A comprehensive booklet will be provided. Admission and parking is free. For more information visit www.teagasc.ie/events.

Dungarvan Mart Monday 1st June, 2015 SAMPLE PRICES BULLOCK SECTION 2 Char. 587 kgs. made €1,390 each. 1 A.A. 770 kgs. made €1,660. 4 Lim. 501 kgs. made €1,205 each. 5 A.A. 328 kgs. made €810 each. 6 Char. 458 kgs. made €1,120 each. HEIFER SECTION 1 A.A. 695 kgs. made €1,360. 1 Bel. Blue 480 kgs. made €1,260. 6 Char. 361 kgs. made

€1,055 each. 1 Lim. 480 kgs. made €1,310. DRY COWS 1 Char. 695 kgs. made €1,185. 1 Fr. 720 kgs. made €1,145. 1 Her. 730 kgs. made €1,300. 1 Fr. 680 kgs. made €1,100. Cattle Sales in 2015 will commence at 11.30 a.m. sharp. Friesian Bull Calves wanted for export. Must be over 14 days old. Contact Dungarvan Mart 058 41611.

Inside entertainment … only Your entertainment guide

e-mail: adverts@dungarvanobserver.ie | telephone 058 41205

Movie Reviews In association with SGC Dungarvan

Spy Opening 1st June

Pictured (l. to r.) are the prizewinners in the Dungarvan Trad Festival Bucket Singing Competition held in Downey's Bar on Bank Holiday Monday – Fiona O'Brien 3rd; Michael Lawrence 2nd; John McGrath, Downey's Bar (sponsor); Joe Power 1st; Dick Beamish, Adjudicator; Sean Murphy, MC, and Michael Marrinan, Dungarvan Trad Festival.


THE world is in danger. A nuclear bomb lies in an unknown location, threatening to wreak havoc, and the only person who can say where it is knows the identities of all the CIA’s top agents. To save the world from disaster, they need someone fresh who can take on the responsibility. Cue Susan Cooper – a CIA analyst who so far has only seen action from behind her desk. Top agent Elaine Crocker is tasked with transforming Susan into the spy she has always wanted to be, but this is not as easy as they had all hoped.

Susan has to learn all the tricks of the trade in record time and convince everyone that she is the right woman for the job. Will she succeed in saving the world from total destruction? Written and directed by Paul Feig, whose previous successes include the 2011 hit, Bridesmaids, Spy is an exciting action comedy that pays homage to the world of espionage in the most hilarious way. Starring Melissa McCarthy – one of Hollywood’s favourite funnywomen, this is a thoroughly entertaining film that is not to be missed.

Insidious: Chapter 3 Opening 5th June June 7 - 13 Aries March 20th April 19th

Taurus April 20th May 20th

Gemini ACROSS 1 Surname of one of the knighted West Indies cricketers (8) 5 Oscar-winning political thriller starring Ben Affleck (4) 9 This and Shia are the two main branches of Islam (5) 10 First name of a major film star of the 1950s (7) 11 A garment (9) 14 The French equivalent of Mrs (3) 15 Made the most effective use of (9) 18 Parma can describe this food (3) 19 Song, Ralph Vaughan Williams s first publication (6,3) 20 A set of well-developed abdominal muscles (3-4) 22 Slang word for a crime (5) 24 Stringed instrument used particularly in ancient Greece (4) 25 The most abundant element in the universe (8) DOWN 1 Swelling under the action of yeast (6) 2 The first all-news television channel in the United States, launched in 1980 (1,1,1) 3 Relating to a Greek philosopher (12) 4 The Hoover is one (3) 6 A person looked up to by others (4,5) 7 Anagram of UNESCO (6) 8 Michael Crawford s character in the television sitcom Some Mothers Do Ave Em (5,7) 12 A person able to associate well socially is a _ _ (4,5) 13 Television quiz show presenter Richard (5) 16 Tool used by a sculptor (6) 17 Carry On _ , comedy film released in 1972 (6) 21 Lancashire-born comedian Peter (3) 23 An oblong mass of metal from a smelting furnace (3) SOLUTION

May 21st June 20th

Cancer June 21st July 22nd

Leo July 23rd August 22nd

Virgo August 23rd September 22nd

Libra September 23rd October 22nd

Scorpio October 23rd November 21st

ECISIONS made in haste are easily regretted but right now you have some commitments you owe it to yourself to keep. Try to avoid the mistakes of the past.


T S half way through the year and things haven t gone quite according to plan. Don t despair, because by the end of the week things will certainly start to look up again.


OUR confidence could have suffered a setback recently but the signs have turned in your favour. Solid determination will see you through just don t worry what others may be saying.


OU may be having difficulties on the romantic front but in other areas things should be looking good. Money and career matters both look extremely healthy and exciting.


ON T bite the hand that feeds you or so the saying goes but make sure you consider what s best for you. At the moment there s a chance to progress, but there may be a cost.


N office fling could have been just a bit of innocent fun but it is possible someone read more into it. You must be cruel to be kind and tell them exactly how you feel.


OU LL probably be feeling a bit low this week but this will not last too long. By Friday there will be a surprise invitation and the weekend is anything but dull.


FTER a period of frustration, things are about to change and at least some of your dreams will soon be realised. Stick to your guns and don t let cynics deter your creativity.






ITH so much going on recently you must be

feeling a little weary. Make sure you show November appreciation to those who are working hard to give 22nd December 21st you a happy time. December 22nd January 19th

Aquarius January 20th February 18th

Pisces February 19th March 19th

OUR personal life may have had something lacking for some time now but keep the faith: an exciting new face is about to appear on the scene. Go for it! OU are in danger of losing your way financially. Cut back on spending plans for the time being and concentrate on forward planning you will reap the benefits in the coming months.


HANGES at work or in a social circle will initially cause you concern, but there s really nothing to worry about. After a couple of weeks you will wonder what all the fuss was about.


THINGS don’t seem to be going well for teenager Quinn Brenner. Having moved into a new apartment block with her family, an accident has left her temporarily bed-ridden with some broken bones. Consoled by a crush on the boy next door, things soon take a sinister turn when she is stalked in her home by a nasty supernatural being. As the incidents intensify, the family soon seek the help of a gifted psychic named Elise who quickly finds herself dealing with a deadly force – can she prevent Quinn from being locked in ‘the further’ forever? Insidious Chapter 3 is a prequel in the hit franchise and jumps back to

a time before the ill-fated Lambert family were targeted by the meanspirited ghoul in the first two films. Horror veteran Lin Shaye (Ouija, Dead End) reprises her role as Elise Rainier whilst multi-talented starlet Stefanie Scott (No Strings Attached, Wreck-It-Ralph) takes the lead as Quinn. Leigh Whannell makes his directorial debut in this latest instalment, however this is a man who is no stranger to horror, with writing credits on a host of genre hits including Saw (2004), Saw III (2006), Cooties (2014) as well as all three Insidious movies.

Farethee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead Monday, 6th July, @ 6.30 p.m. CINEMALIVE, Peter Shapiro, and Madison House are thrilled to bring Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead to the big screen for an unprecedented cinema event on Monday 6th July. This epic event, broadcast from Soldier Field in Chicago on Sunday, 5th July, will take place nearly 20 years to the day of the last Grateful Dead concert with Jerry Garcia.The four original members – Mickey

Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Phil Lesh and Bob Weir – will be joined by renowned musicians Trey Anastasio (Phish and the Trey Anastasio Band), Jeff Chimenti (RatDog, The Dead and Furthur), and multiple GRAMMY®-winner Bruce Hornsby. For one night only, this final concert will be broadcast via satellite worldwide and will be the last time the band will ever play together.

Across: 1 Richards, 5 Argo, 9 Sunni, 10 Marilyn, 11 Nightgown, 14 Mme, 15 Optimised, 18 Ham, 19 Linden Lea, 20 Six-pack, 22 Caper, 24 Lyre, 25 Hydrogen. Down: 1 Rising, 2 CNN, 3 Aristotelian, 4 Dam, 6 Role model, 7 Ounces, 8 Frank Spencer, 12 Good mixer, 13 Osman, 16 Chisel, 17 Matron, 21 Kay, 23 Pig.

Inside entertainment … only Your entertainment guide

e-mail: adverts@dungarvanobserver.ie | telephone 058 41205

Dungarvan Singers Club

Triumphant return to Dillon's for Dynamic Duo! On the night Tom and Alan came to town

At the Dungarvan Brewing Company After Hours event in association with Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber were David O'Riordan, Slateways; Roberta Foley, Dungarvan/ West Waterford Chamber; Breda O'Brien, Ardmore Gallery & Tearooms, and Joe Curtin, AA Fire Safety. [Sean Byrne//Deise Media]

At the Dungarvan Brewing Company After Hours event in association with Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber were Aisling Ni Fhlaithearta and Rosie Browne, Nemeton, with Claire Dalton, Dungarvan Brewing Company. [Sean Byrne//Deise Media]

An evening of music from both sides of the Atlantic THE Solas Centre presents The Lincoln Boys Choir,The Deise Singers and Daniel Kearney in an evening of music at St. Carthage's Cathedral, Lismore, on Sunday, June 7th, at 8.00 p.m. Tickets are €10 and are available from The Wine Buff, The Heritage Centre Lismore and Deise Singers choir members. The Lincoln Boys Choir come from Nebraska, in the USA.They have featured on television, performed with the University of Nebraska Men's Choir, the Nebraska Music Educators

and Choral Conferences. The Choir have performed and toured Kansas City, New York, Chicago, Austria, Czech Republic and sang at The Vatican. They will now be able to add Lismore, Co.Waterford, to that impressive list! The Deise Singers under the direction of Fiona Tobin and accompanist Elaine Ryan are really looking forward to performing with the choir and guest artist Daniel Kearney. Fresh from their recent very successful Summer Soiree concerts in The Ard Scoil ear-

lier this month, they are full of enthusiasm for this new challenge. Daniel Kearney a well known local pianist will entertain us with some of his spectacular renditions. Those of you who have followed Daniel's career to date, know that he is a special performer and an exceptionally gifted musician. Daniel will play a programme of Bach, Kapustin and Debussy. Dates for your Diary: Sunday, 7th June, St. Carthage’s Cathedral, Lismore. Time: 8.00 p.m.

ONE of the most wonderful but overlooked music sessions in Dungarvan takes place every Tuesday at 3pm in the Lady Belle, Grattan Square, Dungarvan. In the relaxed, easy, laid-back environment of this lovely, oldworld, long-established pub (since the 1850's at least!), an extremely talented, as yet undervalued, duo plays gorgeous, appropriately laid back arrangements of classic 60's folk, American country and more recent singersongwriter material. Tom Meehan has a warm, soulful, countryinflected voice full of vibrancy and expression, with superb phrasing and relaxed timing. He also plays very effective rhythm guitar, driving the music with a lovely gentle swing. Alan Reid sings occasionally too but is primarily a really outstanding guitarist, contributing memorable and melodic yet very inventive lead lines and taking some amazing lyrical solos. They have one mini-CD to their credit, recorded and produced by the great Paul Grant, long-time musical associate of the famous Liam Clancy and also of our own local hero, Dungarvan native Kevin Evans, now currently extremely popular and successful on the other side of the Atlantic. This E.P. is called “Tuesday Belle” after their regular local gig and comes highly recommended. It has 4 great songs: “The Diamantina Driver” made famous by Australian group Redgum and subsequently by Christy Moore, Buddy Mondlock's “Coming down in the Rain”, Hank Williams' great anthem “Lonesome Whistle,” and my own favourite “The night Hank Williams came to Town”, an absolute masterpiece! Everything about this CD is appealing – rich, warm sound, great songs, expressive, personal and passionate interpretation, articulate, expert musical delivery – Buy it! It is extremely fitting that Tom and Alan should be coming to headline the Dungarvan Singers Club, as it was the DSC that was the prime cause of the two meeting for the first time

and then getting together as a duo! I had been hassling them individually to come to the club for ages; and it just so happened (synchronicity!) that, again individually, they both decided to try us out on the same night! They met up at the club and decided to form a group. This was in March 2014. The rest will soon be history! On this first night Tom sang some of his fabulous repertoire and Alan realised that at last he had found, after much searching, his ideal musical collaborator. Alan himself did not play on this first occasion but they introduced themselves and soon started to rehearse and to put together a set. To facilitate this and to get used to playing together in public, they soon started a weekly jam session in the Lady Belle and it is here, in the warm, intimate ambience of this revered local pub (infused with history) that they have been polishing their art week by week. This will not be their first time playing together at our Singers Club, however. On that memorable occasion when we had our biggest crowd ever in Dillon's (when people had to peer out from the toilet it was so packed!), they had the honour and great privilege of being the supporting act for the world-renowned international singing star (and great songwriter) Rattlesnake Annie from Tennessee! They acquitted themselves superbly well under this tremendous pressure and did not suffer in comparison even to the outstanding Rattlesnake herself. (She is half-cherokee and extremely proud of it and therefore insists on being called “Rattlesnake” or “Snake” instead of Annie!). Everyone, even including the redoubtable Snake herself was absolutely delighted and impressed with their sublime performance. This was relatively early in their career and yet they came across as being extremely professional and seemed like they had been playing together for years. Their choice of songs is excellent and speaks of their exquisite taste and judge-

ment. It extends from modern country songs through classic 70's & 80's Country rock like Emmylou Harris and Nanci Griffith to classic era Hank Williams, Jimmy Rodgers and Hank Snow; from recent singer/songwriter material to Irish ballads and traditional songs and classic American folk songs. It even includes an ancient classic blues song originally recorded by Bessie Smith and subsequently covered by scores of great performers including the great Eric Clapton & Blues and Jazz hero George Melly. This is the great song “Nobody knows you when you/re down and out!” (this is about to become my own theme song!!) One of their best numbers is a wonderful cover of an outstanding song written by Bobby Braddock and Charlie Williams, but made famous by Johnny Cash. This in my opinion is a real masterpiece, describing the effect on small-town rural America of the arrival of a living legend in their midst. It is called “on the night Hank Williams came to town”, and describes with great lyrical accuracy and poignancy a small backwater community's first exposure to what was at the time the epitome and the essence of American County Music and Honky-tonk in particular. Tom's really fervent and understanding, empathetic interpretation of this song is worth the visit to Dillon's by its own merit alone!. So be sure to come along and support the two boys (good ol' boys!) on this momentous occasion of their finally getting to head the bill at the prestigious Dungarvan Singers Club! Their career is finally made! Fame is ensured! But seriously (comedy will be my downfall soon as you know!), this will definitely be a gig to remember in years to come. Put it in your diary now. Tom and Alan at Dillons, Wolfe Tone Rd., Dungarvan, Monday, June the 8th at 9pm. ADMISSION FREE!! Tom Meehan (vocals, Guitar); Alan Reid, (Lead Guitar,Vocals). Be there or be square.

Entertainment …

only Your entertainment guide ! WIN

A Midsummer Night’s Dream WIN @ SGC Dungarvan

e-mail: adverts@dungarvanobserver.ie | telephone 058 41205


A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare) The Brooklyn Theatre Sunday, June 21st, at 8.30 p.m. If all Shakespeare's plays. A Midsummer Night's Dream is the most phantasmagorical, with fairies, spells and hallucinatory lovers. Julie Taymor turns out a production that's visually breathtaking, funny, sexy and darkly poetic. With cinematography by Rodrigo Prieto (Argo, Frida) and music by Academy Award-winning composer Elliot Goldenthal, this immersive, inventive cinematic experience was filmed last autumn during Taymor's highly acclaimed inaugural stage production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. The feats of visual imagination are ingenious and plentiful, but beating at the centre of the film is an emotionally moving take on the deeper human aspects of this beloved tale. The Dungarvan Observer, in association with SGC Dungarvan, has a pair of tickets to give away to the lucky winner of our competition. All you have to do is answer the following question and post your entries into Midsummer Competition, Dungarvan Observer, Shandon, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, on or before 12 noon on Tuesday, 16th June. Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Dungarvan Dramatic Club members and guests enjoyed a wonderful morning on the Blackwater with Tony Gallagher Blackwater Cruises.

Padraigin & Almi take in the lovely views of the Blackwater.

✄ Question: A Midsummer Night’s Dream is screened at SGC on what date?

Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address: ……………………………………………………………..………………………… ………………………………………………………………………...……………………….. ……………………………………………… Tel. No. ………………………...….……………




Dungarvan Dramatic Club members enjoy a Cliff Walk at Ardmore with Erie guests Almi and Shawn Clerkin.

Take That Live via Satellite from O2 Arena in SGC Dungarvan Friday, 19th June at 8.20 p.m. Take That’s Live 2015 tour promises to be their most spectacular yet. In combining the legendary production values of their live shows with the state of the art sound and vision of the cinema, this exclusive event promises to be a “must see” for music fans of all ages. Brought to the big screen live via satellite on Friday, 19th June. The Dungarvan Observer in association with SGC Dungarvan, has a pair of tickets to give away to the lucky winner of our competition. All you have to do is answer the following question and post your entries into Take That Competition, Dungarvan Observer, Shandon, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, on or before 12 noon on Tuesday, 16th June. Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


✄ Question: What date is Take That in SGC Dungarvan?

Laurel & Hardy Double Bill @ SGC Dungarvan



Laurel & Hardy Double Bill: Sons of the Desert & County Hospital ONE NIGHT ONLY Two timeless classics for all film buffs Only in SGC Cinema On their actual 125th Anniversary Day Tuesday, 16th June, at 8.30 p.m. It's time to introduce the next generation to Laurel and Hardy. To coincide with the 125 year anniversary of Stan Laurel's birth, we’re hosting a fantastic double bill featuring Sons of the Desert (1933) and County Hospital (1932). SONS OF THE DESERT As members of the fraternal organisation Sons of the Desert, the boys are sworn in to attend the annual convention in Chicago, but realise they will need to somehow trick their wives into letting them go. The only way out is to come up with a subterfuge for the wives - and Ollie's plan is to have Stan bring a doctor, and bribe him to pretend Ollie needs convalescence in Honolulu. COUNTY HOSPITAL With nothing else to do, Stan pays banged-up Ollie a visit in the hospital, bringing a gift of some hard-boiled eggs and nuts, which he proceeds to eat himself. The Dungarvan Observer , in association with SGC Dungarvan, has a pair of tickets to give away to the lucky winner of our competition. All you have to do is answer the following question and post your entries into Laurel & Hardy Competition, Dungarvan Observer , Shandon, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, on or before 12 noon on Tuesday, 9th June. Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


✄ Question: Laurel & Hardy is screened at SGC on what date?

Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address: ……………………………………………………………..…………………………

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address: ……………………………………………………………..…………………………



……………………………………………… Tel. No. ………………………...….……………

……………………………………………… Tel. No. ………………………...….……………

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Observer Competition Winner La Boheme @ SGC Dungarvan Eileen Dalton, 2 Caseyville, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. Winner can collect prize at SGC Dungarvan.

At the Dungarvan Brewing Company After Hours event in association with Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber were Declan Moriarty and Jacinta Barry, Park Hotel, with Angela O'Donoghue and Mary Sheridan, AIB Bank. [Sean Byrne//Deise Media]

Under 12 Champion: Rena Meagher was the Under 12 champion on concertina at Fleadh Cheoil na nDéise which was held in Dungarvan over the Bank holiday weekend. Rena is a member of the Ballyduff/Ballinvella/Ballysaggart branch.

Incorp. Munster Industrial Advocate Vol. 102 (Reg. in GPO as a Newspaper) Shandon, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. Tel: (058) 41205 / 42042. Fax: (058) 41559.

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Déise Newsround tomekeith@hotmail.com

We welcome positive, good news stories for this page!

Where the news is always good!

Árd Scoil Leaving Cert girls celebrate WHEN you see students in fancy dress cruising the streets of Dungarvan on a fine morning in May, you can be sure they are the Leaving Certs having one last fling before the final act of their five or six years in secondary school, the Leaving Cert exam, is played out in the exam hall of the school. So, it was something of a bittersweet moment last week when the Leaving Cert Class of Ard Scoil na nDeise spent their last day in the school in their customary fancy dress, where most of them have studied and prepared for the outside world for the last five or six years. As has been the tradition for some years, the girls use the moment to relax and let down their hair and come to school in colourful, crazy costumes with faces made up appropriately for the carefree day. However, there wasn’t an egg or an ounce of flour in sight, another fine tradition which successive classes diligently observe. This was their last such moment of carefree madness for several weeks as heads go down to books and study is approached with even greater intensity. Even more disciplined lifestyles are adopted and an even greater emphasis placed on using study time wisely.

The girls know that in two or three weeks when the last exam paper is complete, it may well be months or years before some meet up again. School Principal, Mrs. Dorothy Hughes in her final address to her students whom she has ushered safely through their five or six years, wished them success in the upcoming examination and also in their future careers. She wished them good health, both mentally and physically as they make their way through life and exhorted them to have confidence in their relationships. Fulfilling another tradition, a team from the departing class played a team from the teaching staff in a friendly football match, which – regrettably say the teachers – the students won. The students also attended the closing Mass of their secondary level studies and celebrated with refreshments afterwards, cutting the enormous Graduation Cake as a final ritual. It was a warm, friendly carefree day with good feeling abounding and a fitting finale to the students’ days in Ard Scoil. They will take those memories with them for life and in some cases, half-way around the world.

Lively TradFest despite the rain THE Irish weather can be a real spoilsport and last weekend it laughed in the faces of those who had planned outdoor events. Among the biggest event in the locality was the Dungarvan Tradfest, but true to our Irish doggedness and persistence, the programme was completed, albeit in a number of different venues. When the weather was favourable, the music flowed from the gig-rig and the tap and patter of the hard shoe resounded around Grattan Square. It is a sound to gladden the heart and lift the spirits, but of course it was not the only source of ‘the best of Irish’. Music, music and more music came from every corner of the Square and Dungarvan was alive with music through Saturday.

Due to the rain and a slippery stage, the gig rig entertainment was moved to the Tudor house where the full programme was completed. The Borumha trio started the seisiún and then Sean Ryan, Jackie Daly and Matt Cranitch took over. Next up came Nuadán (definitely a local talent to watch) then Rattle the Boards with the amazing sean nós dancer Suzanne Leahy who shook the floor boards in the Tudor House. Finally, Cuan finished the gig rig timetable and the commitment was complete. Saturday night saw Danu in full swing at their 20th Anniversary celebration concert in the Park Hotel entertaining an enthusiastic and excited audience. The young group, Cuan, made up of members of the Comeraghs Comhaltas Branch

Pictured at the launch of Dungarvan Tradfest in The Park Hotel last Thursday night were: Clodagh Kelly, Hannah Power and Caoimhe Timmins.

put on a magnificent performance before the star act, Danú tore the house down. It was a full house with a dedicated attendance out for enjoyment and getting more than their money’s worth from Danu’s lead singer Muireann, Donnachadh on bodhran with Benny McCarthy on accordion, together with a string of talent, the best that trad music has to offer in this country. The Dancers of Booley House added their own magic and the members of Cór Fear na nDéise presented Danú with a celebratory cake for their 20th anniversary. It was a gala night marked by cheering and thunderous applause. Meanwhile, on Sunday afternoon, there was a major assembly of vintage and veteran cars in Walton Park with a good attendance to admire the polished panels and impeccably turned out motors from the past. A shower of hailstones turned the temperature to November levels, but after only a few minutes, the buzz and the business resumed as the dark clouds pushed away. As well as the many individual cars and drivers, there were club groups from Clonmel, Kilkenny and, of course, Dungarvan. It was a magnificent display of cars which have served their owners well and which are now in gently retirement cared for lovingly by their new owners.

Some Leaving Cert students from Ard Scoil na nDeise celebrate their last day in school.

Half a Century of St. Brigid’s School IT is amazing what history and stories can be built up over just fifty years. Last weekend, the people of Kilrossanty Parish had the pleasure of delving into their own history since their new primary school was opened in 1965 and the old building converted to a parish hall to extend its useful life. Last year, a very active and committed group led by school principal, Mrs. Catherine Dunwoody decided to commemorate their school’s history over fifty years and started 2015 with a school calendar which recorded pupils past and present. It was so popular, a second print run had to be ordered. They then started work on recording the history of the school and collecting artefacts and photographs from times past Amongst the were projects which undertaken to remember a half a century of the new school is a time capsule into which they are placing symbols of everyday life in Kilrossanty N.S., this year. These include children’s writing samples and photographs, pens, pencils, art materials sports items and this year’s school calendar. This is intended to give future generations an idea of what life was like at this stage in the school development. It is hoped that all the

present pupils will be around in fifty years time when it will be opened and, as the oldest will be aged about sixty-two at the time, this is very probable. The weekend celebrations commenced with a walk along the Famine Road from Boolattin to Cutteen which attracted over a hundred people and was followed by Ceol agus Craic in Michilín’s Pub. It was a wonderful start to a magic weekend, despite the rain which often threatened and occasionally came. There was a special Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday morning in a packed Church of St. Brigid in Kilrossanty, celebrated by Fr. Delaney for all past and present pupils and all associated with the school. There was a beautiful poem composed by Mrs. Judith Flynn and an address by former Principal, Mrs. Sheila Murphy. In the afternoon there was a sports with many outdoor activities, a young local band, bouncy castles and a barbecue. All this as well as the extensive exhibition of photos and memorabilia in the classrooms kindly donated by many parishioners. There were the old desks, the inkwells and ink bottles; pictures and projects on Holy Wells and the names of fields; First Communion and Confirmation photos, sports

teams and a history of Ireland and Kilrossanty through the five decades. It was most interesting and kept many people absorbed during a busy afternoon. As the last of the people retreated out the gate before the rain arrived, Mrs. Dunwoody, her staff and all who assisted breathed a sigh of relief and took justifiable pride in what they had

achieved over the past five or six months. Interest in local history has been generated, the children have become interested and there is a fund of material which will be passed on to the next generation. This was a very worthwhile and rewarding exercise which could be replicated elsewhere. Take a bow Kilrossanty.

Pictured at the 50th Anniversary celebrations of St. Brigid’s Kilrossanty ‘new’ school last weekend were Marie Cusack (left) who travelled specially from England for the event and Principal of the school, Mrs. Catherine Dunwoody. They are pictured with the ‘High Nelly’ bicycle on which Miss Murphy came to Kilrossanty School from Cork in the late Sixties and which she used for many years. She married local man, Bill Walsh.

Vol. 102

Friday, 5th June, 2015



Tipperary's Steven O'Brien and Waterford's Tommy Prendergast in action during the Munster Senior Football Championship last Sunday in Semple Stadium. [Noel Browne]

T i p p e ra r y e a se to v i c to r y i n Th u r l es Se e Pa g e 3




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Page 18



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Munster Junior Football Quarter-Final

Missed penalties prove costly Tipperary …………….1-12; Waterford ………………1-9 PENALTY misses in the 29th and in the 37th minutes were key to Waterford’s defeat to Tipperary in the Munster Junior Football Quarter-Final in Thurles last Sunday afternoon. This game was always going to be Waterford’s best chance of a win on the day, fielding an experienced team, but in the end the Premier County were worthy 0-3 winners.. Waterford started well and they led by 0-4 to 0-1 after 16 minutes but faded towards the end of the half as Tipp led by 0-7 to 0-5 at the break. A goal by sub Dylan Guiry in the 53rd minute brought Tipperary within range at 1-10 to 1-8 but it was the home team that finished the strongest to deservingly claim the spoils. The teams were level for the third time in the 37th minute, courtesy of a David Power pointed free, and Waterford enjoyed all the play at this stage but couldn’t work the scoreboard. In contrast, Tipperary lifted the siege and in a matter of minutes, they kicked 1-2, which put match defining daylight between the two teams. Ger Power’s charges

started well, producing points by Jason Curry (2), David Power and Gary Hurney. A softly awarded free got Tipp of the mark via Dean Lonergan while Kilrossanty’s David Power was unlucky with a goal attempt on 17 minutes. The home side came more into the game in the second quarter, resulting in points by Martin Dunne, Aldo Matassa and man of the match Kevin Fox. Their centre back, Luke Boland picked up a black card for a challenge on Gary Hurney close to goal in the 22nd minute, resulting in Waterford regaining the lead from Jason Curry. However, Tommy Toomey’s charges finished the half the stronger with scores from Tommy Sweeney, Martin Dunne and Kevin Fox to put Tipp in the lead for the first time in the 27th minute. A through ball to Sean Fleming from Michael Curry resulting in the Clashmore man being upended, gave Waterford an opportunity for a timely end of half boost but Curry’s penalty kick was well saved by Cashel King Cormac’s Gearoid Slattery. Both sides were guilty of first half squandermania with Waterford

kicking six wides and Tipperary five. On the restart, Darren Guiry reduced the deficit to 0-1 with a good score in the 34th minute and just after his clubmate Dylan Guiry was introduced, the latter was taken down, giving the visitors a second penalty scoring opportunity. Gary Hurney stepped up for this one but his effort was also well stopped by Slattery in the Tipp goal. David Power levelled the game for the third and final time in the 43rd minute before the winners enjoyed a five minute scoring purple patch which ultimately sent them into the winning enclosure. Kevin Fox kicked a superb point at the end of the third quarter and the same player supplied full forward Dean Lonergan with the size 5 to kick home the game’s first goal one minute later. Aldo Matassa’s second point was a notable one and after 49 minutes Tipp enjoyed a 1-9 to 0-7 advantage. The Deise’s best player on the day, David Power (f) and Dean Lonergan exchanged scores and Waterford were back in the mix seven minutes later when Gary Hurney, Darren Guiry and David

Power all combined to send sub Dylan Guiry in for a very well taken goal. A seven minute barren scoring spell followed before Tipp clinched the win and a semi final date with Kerry through scores by Dean McEnroe, from a softly awarded free and yet another brilliant point from a difficult angle by Kevin Fox. The final action of the match saw David Power point a 62nd minute free as time ran out for his team that will rue those two missed penalty opportunities. Tipperary’s Top Three: Kevin Fox, Martin Dunne, Dean Lonergan. Waterford’s Top Three: David Power, Darren Guiry, Jason Curry. Observer’s Man of the Match: Kevin Fox. Number of Scorers: Tipperary 6. Waterford 5. Scores from Play: Tipperary 1-9. Waterford 1-4. Frees For: Tipperary 18. Waterford 14. Wides: Tipperary 11. Waterford 11. Score of the Match: Kevin Fox’s 45th minute point from a difficult angle for Tipperary. Scorers – Tipperary: Dean Lonergan 1-2 (1f), Kevin Fox 0-4 (1f), Martin Dunne and Aldo Matassa 0-2 each, Tommy Sweeney and Dean McEnroe (f) 0-1 each.

Munster Junior Football Championship Waterford v Tipperary. Waterford’s David Power surrounded by Tipperary players. [Noel Browne] Waterford: David Power 0-4 (3f), Jason Curry 0-3 (1f), Dylan Guiry 1-0, Darren Guiry and Gary Hurney (f) 0-1 each. Tipperary: Gearoid Slattery; Ger Hally, Daragh Kearney, Donal Lynch; Tommy Sweeney, Luke Boland, Donagh Leahy; Aldo Matassa, Martin Dunne; Dean

McEnroe, Niall McKenna, Shane Leahy; Alan O’Riordan, Dean Lonergan, Kevin Fox. Subs: Niall Gleeson (23), Gerry Cronin (57), Mark Russell (60). Waterford: David Whitty; Peter Crowley, Kieran Murphy, Mark Cummins; Conor Hennessy, Wayne Hennessy, James

McGrath; Craig Guiry, John Hurney; Darren Guiry, Conor McGrath, David Power; Jason Curry, Gary Hurney, Sean Fleming. Subs: Dylan Guiry (36), David Gartland 53), Jamie Kirwan (57), Brad Carroll (58). Referee: Richard Moloney (Limerick).

Waterford Boys Hurling and Girls Camogie teams, who will play in the Primary Go Games exhibition match in Thurles on Sunday, June 7th, supported by Shannon Airport. Standing from left: Mary Kate Prendergast (St. Mary’s Primary School, Dungarvan), Aine O'Neill (Garranbane NS), Kate Meagher (Lismore NS), Alisha Flynn (Light Of Christ NS), Anna Mai Drohan (Passage East NS), Alex Norris (Abbeyside NS), Donnacha Pickford (Lismore NS), Johnny De Burca (Scoil Gharbhain), Ronan Power (St. Declan’s Boys NS), Mark Fitzgerald (Killea NS) and Jamie Gleeson (Scoil Lorcan). Kneeling from left: Ciara Sheahan (Newtown NS), Una Ni Bhriain (Gaelscoil Portlairge), Chloe O'Connell (Knockanore NS), Mairead O'Brien (Modeligo NS), Edward Walsh (Whitechurch NS), Caolán Mac Craith (S.N na Rinne), John Foley (Ballygunner NS), Killian Dee (Portlaw NS) and Caoimhin Walsh (Kilrossanty NS). Insert: Niamh Crowley (Butlerstown NS). Missing from photograph Clodagh Butler (Ballyduff NS). [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Munster Championship Senior Football quarter-final

Tipperary ease to victory in Thurles Tipperary …………….1-24; Waterford …………….. 0-5. IN Semple Stadium last Sunday afternoon, Tipperary played like what you would expect when we face either Kerry or Cork when they outclassed Waterford by a twenty-two point margin in front of an announced attendance of 1,641, the vast majority shouting on the home team. Peter Creedon’s charges are a well drilled side that play for one another, their fitness and physic was far superior to Waterford’s and there is little doubt but that the big ball game is making serious progress in the Premier County. The winner’s use of the ball was very economical and a feature of their play was that it was team based with no glory hunting and kicks for points were only taken when it was prudent to do so. This game is best summed up in that on the day Tipperary were very good and Waterford were very bad. The visitors scored only three points from play in the seventy minutes while all but three points from Tipperary’s tally were scored from play. There was always an extra man if not two when Tipperary were in possession and this was simply because of the effort they were putting into the game. On the other hand, Waterford were struggling from the start, their use

of the ball was not up to standard and they were not contesting their own kick-outs. Tipperary’s engine room was in the middle of the field and in man of the match Steven O’Brien and George Hannigan, they possessed a pairing that dominated throughout. Six of Tipperary’s current under 21’s started here and the writing was on the wall for Tom McGlinchey’s men as early as the 11th minute when they trailed by 0-6 to 0-0. Midfielder O’Brien from Ballina was the thorn in Waterford’s side from the outset and he scored three of those early scores with contributions also coming from Conor Sweeney (f), Philip Austin and Ger Mulhare. Credit Michael O’Halloran, he scored two fine points from play in the 13th and in the 15th minutes, the latter from 45 metres out but there was no stopping this Tipperary scoring machine. Clonmel Commercials Michael Quinlivan took centre stage for the next five minutes when he kicked 0-3 (1f) and he was quickest to react to a Conor Sweeney free coming back off the upright to raise the only green flag of the game. This finished the contest off with 23 minutes played on a scoreline of 1-10 to 0-2. Waterford’s final score of the half was a pointed free by J. J. Hutchinson in the 33rd

minute as they entered the dressing room a demoralising 1-13 to 0-3 in arrears. A further positive sign of this Tipperary side was that they didn’t take the foot off the pedal on the restart and within four minutes, they had stretched their advantage to 1-17 to 0-3 via points from play by four different players, centre back Peter Acheson, Steven O’Brien, Philip Austin and Seamus Kennedy. Wing back Kennedy’s score was typical of Tipperary’s approach, their defenders regularly surging forward in support, their markers not having the same speed and fitness to counteract them, and these moves more times than not finished by working the scoreboard. Tipperary started emptying their bench after these early second half scores, as did Waterford, and they scored just 0-1 via George Hannigan in the next 13 minutes. Waterford’s first score of the second half came from centre back Shane Briggs in the 51st minute and their final point came four minutes later from J. J. Hutchinson (f). The highlights of the rest of the game were the score of the match from Steven O’Brien in the 56th minute and a brilliant one-handed save by Sean Barron from O’Brien at the expense of a point in the 68th minute. Tipperary finished the

game with ten different scorers and all of them scored from play. The real test for this Tipperary team will be in the semi-final against Kerry on June 14th, again at Semple Stadium. Waterford will have to regroup for the qualifiers and see if they can salvage something from this year’s championship. Tipperary’s Top Three: Steven O’Brien, Brian Fox, Philip Austin. Waterford’s Top Three: Michael O’Halloran, Thomas O’Gorman, Maurice O’Gorman. Observer’s Man of the Match: Steven O’Brien. Number of Scorers: Tipperary 10. Waterford 3. Scores From Play: Tipperary 1-21. Waterford 0-3. Frees For: Tipperary 16. Waterford 21. Wides: Tipperary 12. Waterford 7. Score of the Match: Steven O’Brien’s 56th minute point for Tipperary. Scorers – Tipperary: Steven O’Brien 0-6, Michael Quinlivan 1-3 (1f), Conor Sweeney 0-3 (2f), Philip Austin and Brian Fox 0-3 each, George Hannigan 0-2, Ger Mulhare, Peter Acheson, Seamus Kennedy and Jason Lonergan 0-1 each. Waterford: Michael O’Halloran 0-2, J. J. Hutchinson 0-2f, Shane Briggs 0-1. Tipperary: Evan Comerford; Paddy Codd, Ciaran McDonald, Robbie Kiely; Alan Campell, Peter Acheson, Seamus Kennedy; Steven O’Brien, George Hannigan; Ger Mulhare, Philip Austin, Colin O’Riordan; Conor Sweeney, Michael Quinlivan,

Munster Senior Football Championship Waterford v Tipperary. Waterford's Dean Crowley and Tipperary's George Hannigan. [Noel Browne] Brian Fox. Subs: Jason Lonergan (41), Barry Grogan (44), Liam Casey (57), Brian Mulvihill (58), Andrew Morrissey (64), Sean Flynn (65). Waterford: Sean Barron;

Tadhg O hUallachain, Maurice O’Gorman, Thomas O’Gorman; Dean Crowley, Shane Briggs, Liam Lawlor; Patrick Hurney, Tommy Prendergast; J. J. Hutchinson, Mark Ferncombe,

Michael O’Halloran; Michael Curry, Paul Whyte, Joey Veale. Subs: Liam O Lonain, Cillian O’Keeffe (49), Stephen Prendergat (51), Ray O Ceallaigh (59).

Waterford Ladies Football

Intermediate Ladies open campaign with a win Joanne O'Grady presenting the Paddy O'Grady trophy for the U-13 Division 1 Western football Championship, sponsored by Cathal Wall to Ballinacourty captain Niall Buckley after his team’s win over The Nire in the Final. [Rory Wyley]

Waterford Primary Go Games Hurling Team v Cork SUNDAY, 7th June 2015 at Semple Stadium Thurles. Donnacha Pickford, Lismore N.S.; Alec Norris, Abbeyside N.S., Johnny De Búrca, Scoil Gharbháin, Caolán Mac Craith, S.N. na Rinne; Caoimhín Walsh, Kilrossanty N.S., Edward Walsh, Whitechurch N.S., Killian Dee, Portlaw N.S.; Jamie Gleeson, Scoil Lorcáin, Jake Foley, Ballygunner N.S.; Mark Fitzgerald, Killea N.S., Ronan Power, St Declan’s B.N.S.

Mentors: Tom Fitzgerald, Ferrybank N.S., Sandra Prendergast, Kilrossanty N.S., Paddy Smyth Lismore N.S., Eamonn Fitzgerald, St. Stephens WATERFORD GO GAMES CAMOGIE TEAM V CORK Clodagh Bolger, Ballyduff N.S.; Niamh Crowley, Butlerstown N.S., Anna Mai Drohan, Passage East N.S., Alisha Flynn, Light of Christ N.S.; Úna Ní Bhriain, Gaelscoil Portláirge, Máiréad O’Brien, Modeligo N.S.,

Chloe O’Connell, Knockanore N.S., Katie Meagher, Lismore N.S., Áine O’Neill, Garranbane N.S., Mary Kate Prendergast, St. Mary’s P.S. Dunggarvan, Ciara Sheahan, Newtown N.S. Mentors: Una Maher, Lismore N.S., Breda Feeney, Cappoquin N.S., Emma Tallon, Ballygunner N.S., Colin Breheny, Ballygunner N.S. Primary Go games coordinator: Breda Cleary

WATERFORD intermediate ladies opened their Munster championship campaign with a convincing win over Limerick in Bansha on Thursday night last. This was a very important match for the team as they wished to put the heartbreak of the league final defeat behind them and were in a very determined mood to do so. In the first fifteen minutes of the game Waterford laid the foundations for their victory quickly racing into a 1-5 to 0-2 points lead courtesy of a Maria Delahunty point, two points from Sinead Ryan, a wonderful goal from Mary Foley and a point from Elaine Power. In the second quarter Limerick rallied and with points from Stephanie Carroll, Dympna O’Brien and Claire Coughlan in quick succession cut the deficit to three points. Waterford quickly responded to this Limerick onslaught with one of their own Sinead Ryan pointed a free in the 20th minute and

was followed with well taken points from Mary Foley and Emma Murray. In the 28th minute Maria Delahunty raised another green flag for the Waterford ladies with a piledriver to the Limerick net to leave Waterford comfortably in front 2-8 to Limerick’s 0-6. Limerick replied with a goal of their own when a mix-up in the Waterford defence led to a Brid Cahill goal before Aileen Wall had the last say for the Deise on the stroke of half time with a point to leave the score Waterford 2-9; Limerick 1-6. Waterford opened the second half brightly with a point from Sinead Ryan in the first minute and the Ballymacarbry girl was on hand to stretch the Waterford lead to ten points with a wonderful goal two minutes later. Points from Maria Delahunty in the 5th minute, Mary Foley in the 10th and Sinead Ryan in the 12th minute stretched the Waterford lead even further and put the Deise almost out

of sight. Dympna O’Brien replied with a point for the Treatysiders before Ballymac duo Sinead Ryan and Aileen Wall kicked on each for Waterford to leave Waterford convincingly in front by 3-15 to 1-7 with 10 minutes to go. Limerick, refusing to give up piled on the pressure and were rewarded with a Stephanie Carroll goal in the 21st minute followed by another green flag from Dympna O’Brien one minute later to cut the gap to eight points. Abbeyside’s Maria Delahunty steadied the ship with a point five minutes from the end with a point before Limerick star forward Dympna O’Brien rattled the Deise net with a fourth Limerick goal to leave the final score Waterford 3-17 to Limerick 4-7. Manager Pat Sullivan will be pleased in general with the performance of the team especially in the first 50 minutes but will be somewhat concerned with the concession of three goals late in the

game and will be under no illusions about the amount of work required to retain the Enda McDonnell Memorial Cup. He will be pleased also that the girls have got the League final defeat out of their system and it is now onwards and upwards for the team. Waterford continue their Munster title quest with a home game against Tipperary who gave favourites Clare a major fright in the other first round game. The game against Tipperary will take place on Saturday, June 20th at a Waterford venue before completing the round robin set of games against Clare with the top two teams qualifying for the final on July 12th. TESCO HOMEGROWN TEAM OF THE LEAGUE Congratulations and well done to Waterford players Megan Dunford, Linda Wall and Aileen Wall who were selected on the Tesco Homegrown team of the league Division 3 for 2015.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Radley Engineering Western Intermediate Football Championship

Ballinameela firing on all cyclinders Ballinameela ………1-19; Sliabh gCua …………1-5. WELL beaten by neighbours Geraldines in the first round and scraping home by 0-1 against Ballinacourty last time out, Ballinameela left no one in doubt as to their current well being with an impressive performance against Sliabh gCua at the Fraher Field last Friday evening. The win was all the more noticeable as they were short the services of a number of players, including those who are exam tied at the moment. Sliabh gCua were also down a quota of players but, one way or the other, they will have no complaints about the merits of their opponent’s win. The winner’s long serving Eamonn Walsh made a return to the fold in the second half and it is good to see this wholehearted and talented player back on the field again after a litany of injuries. Playing with the wind, Sliabh gCua performed well in the first half and they led by 1-3 to 0-4 after 22 minutes. Their goal was the result of an unavoidable mistake in

front of the town end goal between goalie and defender but the green flag proved to be more of a spur to Ballinameela than it was to the goal getters. Ballinameela kicked twelve of the next fourteen scores and they led by 1-14 to 1-4 with 50 minutes on the clock. Highlights of the first half included a Micheal Shine goal attempt coming back off the posts, a brilliant save by James McGrath from Jason Sheehan, supplied by big brother Kevin, corner back Darren Mulcahy’s score of the match in the 21st minute and the final three points from play by Micheal Shine. This game was much better than the first one at the venue in intensity, speed on the ball and quality of scoring, the latter demonstrated time and time again by the winners in the second half. Leading by 0-7 to 1-3, Ballinameela took over proceedings after the interval with 0-4 inside nine minutes from Jason Morrissey (2), Jim Curran (f) and a superb effort by John Harrington. Sliabh

gCua’s sole response was a David Whelan 41st minute pointed free, unfortunately his final contribution as he saw black and red cards five minutes later. Compared to the game’s first goal, the second one was a gem when James Shine cleverly picked out Jason Morrissey, who clinically finished the size 5 into the town end goal and there was no way back for the Touraneena club now. Under the cosh, they scored just one more point from a placed ball by Jason Sheehan while Jim and Tom Curran and Jason Morrissey reaped an equal haul from 0-6 before midfielder Lorcan Looby finished the scoring with the final kick of the match. Ballinameela’s Top Three: Brendan Phelan, Jim Curran, Jason Morrissey. Sliabh gCua’s Top Three: Denis Coffey, Eoin Kearns, Ronan Gleeson. Observer’s Man of the Match : Brendan Phelan. Number of Scorers: Ballinameela 9. Sliabh gCua 4. Scores From Play:

Ballinameela 1-16. Sliabh gCua 1-2. Frees For: Ballinameela 8. Sliabh gCua 17. Wides: Ballinameela 10. Sliabh gCua 3. Score of the Match: Darren Mulcahy’s 21st minute point with his left leg for Ballinameela. Ballinameela: James McGrath; Stephen McGrath, Kealan Looby, Darren Mulcahy 0-1; John Harrington 0-1, Kevin Phelan, James Shine 0-1; Lorcan Looby 0-1, Brian Phelan; Jason Morrissey 1-4, Tom Curran 0-2, Micheal Shine 0-3; Jim Curran 0-4 (3f), Brendan Phelan 0-2, Shane Flavin. Sub: Shane McGovern (51), Eamonn Walsh (58). Sliabh gCua: Jonathon Carroll; Ronan Gleeson, Jack Power, Johnny Ahearne; Sean Fitzpatrick, Denis Coffey 0-1, Owen Barron; David Whelan 0-3 (2f), Kevin Sheehan; Stephen Coffey, Eoin Kearns, Jason Sheehan 0-1f; Jack Skehan, Kieran Barron, Dermot Tobin. Referee: Tommy O’Sullivan (Affane).

Ballinacourty back to winning ways Ballinacourty ……… 2-11; Dungarvan …………… 0-7. FOLLOWING a blip in their previous game against Ballinameela, Ballinacourty’s second string returned to winning ways at the Fraher Field last Friday evening with a comprehensive 0-10 victory against local rivals Dungarvan in Round 3 of the Western Intermediate Football Championship. Goals in the 12th and in the 14th minutes by Tiernan Murray and Jason O’Brien, both created by Laurence Hurney, were the scores that settled the outcome and that send Ballinacourty to the top of the league table on score difference ahead of Ballinameela, Geraldines and Ballyduff. At the other end of the scale, Dungarvan are pointless after three games and with difficult fixtures against Geraldines and Ballinameela ahead, they are the club most likely to be regraded to Junior ranks for 2016. Ballinacourty’s better acquaintance with the big ball was in evidence throughout this match and, though the Blues won the second half by 0-4 to 0-3 and missed three goal scoring opportunities, the winner’s footballing knowhow had the Blues chasing shadows for most of the game. Man of the Match, Tiernan Murray kicked all of Ballinacourty’s 0-3 second

half scores while Dungarvan’s top player was Kenny Moore who kicked 0-5 (4f) overall. The destination of the two league points was decided before the short whistle as ‘Courty led by 2-8 to 0-3 and there was no way back from this deficit for the Town team. The Blues Lee Hyslop opened the scoring in the third minute, followed by an equalising score by the winners David Ferncombe. Dungarvan took the lead for the only time when Kenny Moore pointed a 5th minute free with David Looby (f) restoring parity for the second occasion shortly afterwards. Following another David Looby pointed free, Dungarvan were faring well enough in general play but disaster soon struck when good play by Laurence Hurney engineered the two ‘Courty green flags, giving the favourites a 2-3 to 0-2 first quarter lead. Apart from a Kenny Moore pointed free with 19 minutes on the clock, it was all oneway traffic, with Colm Kindregan, Laurence Hurney and David Looby, 0-3 (2f) all pointing to claim a 0-11 advantage for the league leaders at the short whistle. Lingering Dungarvan hopes received a further blow in the 29th minute when one of their better players, Darragh Fitzgerald, was red carded for

retaliating after winning a free out of defence. Ballinacourty’s depth in strength was in evidence on the restart when Mark Gorman and Ross Dunford were introduced as was Jamie Hallahan and Gavin Power for the Blues, which improved matters for them. However, Dungarvan’s lack of football time proved costly as they could not avail of two good goal scoring opportunities and they couldn’t take advantage of more possession in this moiety. Tiernan Murray increased Ballinacourty’s lead in the 34th minute. Murray scored again, sandwiched between two Kenny Moore’s scores and, when substitute Gavin Power kicked over a long distance placed ball in the 46th minute, the scoreboard now read 2-10 to 0-6. With ten minutes remaining, Dungarvan keeper affected a great save from Richie Ryan and at the other end Kenny Moore kicked wide in a similar position after earlier registering his side’s final score from a pointed free. The final point of the game fiitingly fell to Tiernan Murray in the 57th minute as ‘Courty deservingly put their championship challenge back on the rails. Ballinacourty’s Top Three: Tiernan Murray, Laurence Hurney, Michael Maher.

Dungarvan’s Top Three: Kenny Moore, Michael Kiely, Luke Egan. Observer’s Man of the Match: Tiernan Murray. Number of Scorers: Ballinacourty 6. Dungarvan 3. Scores From Play: Ballinacourty 2-6. Dungarvan 0-2. Frees For: Ballinacourty 9. Dungarvan 14. Wides: Ballinacourty 7. Dungarvan 4. Score of the Match: David Looby’s pointed free in the 27th minute from a difficult angle. Ballinacourty: Kevin Dwane; Darragh McGrath, Martin Lavan, Conor McCarthy; Colm Kindregan, Ronan Sheehan, Patrick Lynch; Michael Maher, Laurence Hurney; Richie Ryan, Jason O’Brien, David Looby; Tiernan Murray, Evan Collins, David Ferncombe. Subs: Mark Gorman, Ross Dunford, Laurence Hurney. Dungarvan: Craig Barry; Darragh Fitzgerald, Luke Egan, John Havens; Denis Kirwan, Cormac Curran, John Curran; Michael Kiely, Sean Ryan; Aidan Kirwan, Kenny Moore, Lee Donnolly; David Houlihan, Johnny Lynch, Lee Hyslop. Subs: Jamie Hallahan, Gavin Power, Fionn Hallahan, Rian Crotty, Sean Hyslop. Referee: Martin Curran (Sean Phobail).

Referee Tommy O’Sullivan pictured with Ballinameela captain Kevin Phelan (left) and Sliabh gCua captain Denis Coffey.

Surprise win for Ballyduff over Geraldines Ballyduff ………………..2-9; Geraldines ……………0-14. GERALDINES looked very impressive when they beat Ballinameela in the first round of this year’s Western Intermediate Football Championship but they haven’t produced that form since with an narrow win against Sliabh gCua and now their first defeat at the hands of an unfancied Ballyduff fifteen. The Reds were full value for this win though and they could have made it easier for themselves if they had availed of a number of other decent goal scoring opportunities in both halves. This win brings the far west side back into championship contention with remaining games to come against Ballinameela and Sliabh gCua. Ballyduff led against the Gers at half time by 1-4 to 0-6 and by 2-8 to 0-9 at the end of the third quarter. Geraldines produced a late comeback with a brace of points each by Eamonn

Mernin and Ray Connery and a score by Stevie Hally but Ballyduff held out for a deserved victory. Ballyduff: Eoin Scanlon; Oisin Hickey, Shane Kearney, Maurice McNamara; Shane Hannon, Michael Kearney, Jamie Hannon; Seamus Hannon, Brian Kearney; Kevin Casey, Michael Kearney, David Walsh; Jamie Kearney, Colin Keane, Andrew Casey. Geraldines: Shane Lambden; Brendan Dwyer, Stephen Fitzgerald, Ricky Fitzgerald; Johnny Healy, Jerome Maher, Stevie Hally 0-3; Matty O’Brien, Ray Connery 0-2; Aidan Dwyer 01’45’, Ed Donovan, Stephen Kennefick 0-2; Jamie

Landers 0-2, Eamonn Mernin 0-3, Ger O Donovan 0-1. Subs: Stevie Keane, Shane Kenny. Referee: Colin Cunningham (Tallow). REMAINING GAMES Round 4. 5/6/2015 20:00 Sliabh gCua vs Ballinacourty at Colligan 6/6/2015 19:30 Ballinameela Vs Ballyduff at Lismore 9/6/2015 19:30 Dún Garbhan vs Geraldines at Bushy Park Round 5: Ballinameela vs Dún Garbhan. Ballyduff Upper vs Sliabh gCua. Geraldines vs Ballinacourty.

LEAGUE TABLE RADLEY ENGINEERING WEST INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP p w d l for against diff pts Ballinacourty 3 2 0 1 52 34 18 4 Ballinameela 3 2 0 1 46 38 8 4 Geraldines 3 2 0 1 45 37 8 4 Ballyduff Upper 3 2 0 1 26 34 -8 4 Sliabh gCua 3 1 0 2 35 44 -9 2 Dún Garbhan 3 0 0 3 13 30 -17 0

Michael Burke, Lawlor's Hotel (sponsors), presenting the trophy for the Western U-14 Division 1 football Championship to Ballinacourty captain Michael Troy after his team’s win over An Ghaeltacht in the final at Fraher Field. Included is Tom Cronin (Chairman Western Bord na nÓg). [Rory Wyley]

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015



Gaelic Jottings County Under 21’s prepare THE Waterford under 21 team are continuing their preparations for their Munster Championship clash with Cork on June 17th. Recently, they played Limerick at Carriganore, Waterford’s Intermediates last Monday week and Tipperary in St. Mollerans on Bank Holiday Monday.

Pre-Munster clash injuries BOTH Cork and Waterford have injury worries ahead of this Sunday’s Munster Senior Hurling semi-final in Semple Stadium. Seamus Harnedy is recovering from a hamstring tear suffered in the recent league final while Maurice Shanahan is similarly hoping to be back in time after suffering a knee injury in his club’s championship game with Cappoquin. Paraic Mahony, of course, is a long term injury, having a plate placed in his leg following a broken shin bone in Ballygunner’s opening game against Ballyduff.

Break in at Walsh Park A BREAK-IN occurred at the Waterford GAA offices in Walsh Park over the weekend. Inside doors were damaged and a small sum of money was taken by the intruders. The security door was forced open and internal doors were also damaged. This incident occured between 8 pm on Saturday and 11 am on Sunday morning. It is reported that a small amount of cash was taken.

Ticket Pricing Waterford v Cork THE following ticket prices shall apply for the Waterford V Cork Munster Senior Hurling Championship Semi-Final game on 7th June: Covered Stand - Adult €30, Uncovered Stand - Adult €25, Terrace Tickets - Adult €20, Under 16's are €5 anywhere in the stand - so family tickets are - Adult ticket plus - Children €5. Concession gates for OAP's will apply - Juvenile & Wheelchair passes are available

Central Council decisions LAST Saturday week’s Central Council meeting made a number of key decisions pertaining to motions which had been referred from Congress and matters arising from the Hurling 2020 Report. The meeting turned down a proposal to issue squad numbers to players prior to the commencement of the championships. It also rejected a Clare motion that sought to prevent the award of any exclusive coverage of championship games to Sky Sports when the next media rights are negotiated in 2017. Central Council decided that replays of All-Ireland semi-finals do not have to

be played at Croke Park after the furore that surrounded the decision to stage last year’s football semi-final between Kerry and Mayo in the Gaelic Grounds. It was also announced at the meeting that the 2016 World Games will be played in Ireland from August 7-14. In relation to the Hurling 2020 Report, it was decided to proceed with the appointment of a Director of Hurling, to work with an external consultancy organisation to produce a best practice template as a blueprint for all counties in efforts to develop hurling and to work as a matter of urgency for the standardisation of the sliotar.

simply couldn't put them away, drilling seven wides and 12 in the entire game.They will meet again on Saturday in Tullamore (4.45 pm) for the right to play either Laois or Offaly in the next round.

Western GAA Board Fixtures

Podge Collins out for the Year

Friday, 5th June : Radley Engineering Intermediate Football: Sliabh gCua V Ballinacourty at Colligan 8 pm Lawlors Hotel Junior Football Premier: Affane V Emmetts at Fraher Field 7.30 pm Lawlors Hotel Junior Football Intermediate Attached: Melleray V Geraldines at Lismore 7.30 pm Saturday, 6th June: Radley Engineering Intermediate Football : Ballinameela V Ballyduff at Bushy Park 7.30 pm

CLARE have been dealt a significant blow after it was revealed Padraig Collins has damaged his cruciate ligament and will be sidelined for the "foreseeable future". The 23-year-old was forced off after 15 minutes of Cratloe’s Senior Hurling Championship defeat to Ballyea on Saturday.There had been calls for hurling manager Davy Fitzgerald to make attempts to bring Collins back to their panel after defeat to Limerick in the Munster Hurling Championship, but those thoughts are now at an end after this injury.

Phelan Cup BRICKEYS finished their Phelan Cup campaign with a convincing 4-18 to 2-8 win over De La Salle in Gracedieu recently. Brickey Scorers : Conor McGrath 1-6, Gavin Flynn 1-3, Ryan O’Neill 1-0, Cormac O’Grady 1-2, Conor Phelan and Carthach Shalloe 0-3 each and John Morrissey 0-1. Brickey Team: Joe Grant, Diarmuid Tobin, Philly Walsh, Darragh O’Grady; Ian Walsh, David Ryan, Cathal Curran; Mark Cummins, Conor Phelan; John Morrissey, Conor McGrath, Tommy Lynch; Cormac O’Grady, Emmett Gaffney, Carthach Shalloe.

Scór Na Seachtaine STEVEN O’Brien’s 56th minute point for Tipperary in their Senior Munster Championship game against Waterford in Thurles last Sunday.

Murphy returns to Cork panel DEFENDER Brian Murphy has rejoined the Cork senior hurling ahead of the Rebel County’s Munster SHC opener against Waterford this Sunday, June 7th. Two-time All-Ireland medallist Murphy announced his retirement from intercounty hurling last year, but following impressive recent championship form the Bride Rovers clubman has rejoined the county panel. Cork manager Jimmy Barry Murphy expressed his appreciation at Brian’s decision to make himself available, particularly in light of recent injuries to Christopher Joyce and Lorcán McLoughlin.

Derry Reach Christy Ring Cup 17-19 to 0-9 For The First COOLOCK club, Parnells took on Ballyboden St. Enda’s in the Dublin junior hurling ‘C’ championship and were Time handed a 64-point defeat (17-19 to 0-6). DERRY dug deep to book their place in a first ever Christy Ring Cup final with a 0-23 to 2-12 win over Down in Owenbeg.Tom McLean's charges produced a stunning final quarter to advance to a Croke Park decider against Kerry, with Paul Cleary (0-06) and Alan Grant (0-3) impressive from play, while Patrick Henry (0-5) and Ruairi Convery (0-7) contributed hugely from placed balls.

Hurling replay this Saturday Dublin 0-20; Galway 1-17. AIDAN Harte nailed the 70th-minute leveller to ensure that Galway and Dublin will do it all over again after they played out a 0-20 to 1-17 draw in their Leinster SHC quarter-final clash at Croke Park.The Tribesmen were behind for most of the second-half but Dublin

That’s more than a point for every minute played and one of the heaviest losses any GAA side has ever suffered.

Death of legendary broadcaster Bill O’Herlihy IRISH sport recently mourned the death of former RTE broadcaster Bill O'Herlihy at the age of 76.The popular Cork native brought the curtain down on a 49-year broadcasting career after last summer's World Cup in Brazil. He began his career in journalism as a 16-year-old with the Cork Examiner newspaper and went on to cover 10 Olympic Games and 10 World Cups after joining RTE in 1965. In 1973, he founded the O'Herlihy Communications Group, a public relations company. Though best known

Jackie Cusack of the Granville Hotel presenting Kevin Moran with the WLRFM/Granville Hotel GAA monthly award for April. Also included in Neil Gough, WLR.

April winner of the WLR FM/Granville Hotel GAA monthly award KEVIN Moran is the April winner of the WLR FM/Granville Hotel GAA monthly awards.The Waterford captain was in outstanding form in the team's knockout wins over Galway and Tipperary as the County's hurlers won through to their first league final appearance in eight years. The De La Salle hurler played a captain's part in the quarter final victory against Galway as he scored two points and got through an amount of work in a very polished display by the Division 1 B

winners. Kevin was again to the fore with a man of the match performance in the semi-final victory against Tipperary, he popped up all over the field and earned the match winning free that saw Derek McGrath's side claim a hard fought win. Having captained Waterford to the league title last month he'll be hoping the team can do the double over Cork when the sides meet again on Sunday in the Munster hurling semi-final.

as the anchor of RTE's soccer coverage, Mr. O'Herlihy co-presented the very first Sunday Game with Galway man Jim Carney in 1979 and he was a man who always remembered his Cork roots in every walk of life. He died last Monday week after attending the IFTA Awards in Dublin. May he rest in peace.

U-14 Co. Football sponsored by Combined Credit Unions President speaks Waterford FINALS take place on 6th June in out Fraher Field. AOGAN Ó Fearghail has described Joe Brolly’s remarks about his native Cavan as “upsetting” and “nasty”. The GAA President noted that Brolly’s negative comments about Cavan’s style of play before the Ulster SFC defeat to Monaghan recently were upsetting. “Certainly, the players in Cavan and the administrators in Cavan try to promote a game and having it described as ugly and all of that, that’s upsetting and that’s nasty,” stated the new GAA President.

Gavin’s Dublin reign extended JIM Gavin will remain in charge of the Dublin footballers until the end of 2016, regardless of what happens in this year’s championship.The Clondalkin man has delivered one All-Ireland, two Leinster and three Allianz League titles in his first two-and-a-half years at the helm, and another 12 months has been added to his current three-year term.

10.30am: Div 3, Stradbally v Tramore B 11.45am: Div 1, Ballinacourty v Gaultier 1.00pm: Div 2 Brickeys v De La Salle

Ballyduff Upper U-10 Hurling Tournament DE La Salle won the Ballyduff Upper Tournament for the first time which was played over the last two Saturdays. The first week they defeated Abbeyside, Fourmilewater and Cork rivals Sarsfields to qualify for the semi-final. The semi-final on Saturday against Ballygunner was a cracker and De La Salle trailed for most of the game until a late goal saw them win by two points. The City club played Lismore in the final and four goals saw them emerge victorious. In their five games they scored 14-15 and conceded 3-11.


GAA Lawlors Hotel Western Premier Junior Football Championship

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Kerryman scores two goals in Bushy Park Tallow …………………3-9; Emmetts ………………1-13. THE late Eamonn O Martin would have been happy but not surprised to see a Kerryman, in this case Tallow’s Sean Gleeson, score two goals at the Bushy Park venue, a feat that was achieved in this Western Premier Junior Football championship game last Thursday evening. Gleeson’s second goal at the start of the second half, followed in the 34th minute by a similar colour flag by Man of the Match Paul O’Brien were the defining scores that earned Tallow their first championship win this year. Emmetts looked to be in control of the match at the interval when they led by 1-8 to 1-6 after scoring five unanswered points between the 22nd and the 27th minutes. The Colligan side had trailed by 1-6 to 1-3 when Gleeson booted home his first goal in the convent end of the grounds. In many respects Paul O’Brien was the difference between the teams as both his work rate and his scoring rate stood out throughout the hour. Not far behind him, similarly, was Mark Flynn for Emmetts, who worked just as hard and scored the same as the Tallow player, that being a goal and three points. Not for the first time

Johhny Wall opened Emmetts account with a point in the second minute and Paul O’Brien showed he was up for the evening’s activities when he replied after a long run with the size 5 one minute later. John Nick Dunford placed Mark Flynn for the tie’s first green flag in the 6th minute and when P. J. Coffey followed up with a superb score, Emmets looked to be heading for their expected win. However, Michael Curley steadied Tallow with a brace of pointed frees which were morale boosting scores for the Bridesiders and following an exchange of flags between Sean Browne and Donnchadh Mulcahy, the first quarter finished with Emmetts holding a 1-3 to 0-3 advantage. Tallow took control on the scoreboard between the 18th and the 21st minutes with Paul O’Brien and Sean Gleeson raising white flags and when the latter kicked his first goal Tallow found themselves 1-6 to 1-3 ahead after being threatened to be over run earlier on. Gleeson’s goal was a wake-up call for last year’s Western finalists and they completely dominated the rest of the half resulting in Mark Flynn, Johnny Wall, Darren Dunford, Ross Browne and Flynn again,

who played exceptionally well in this period, all working the scoreboard. Patrons were being treated to a good game of football and it became even better and more exciting when Tallow responded on the restart with those two goals from O’Brien and Gleeson, 3-6 to 1-8. Credit Emmetts, they confined the Bridesiders to a further 0-3 after the 34th minute and while they went on to kick five further scores. By the end of the third quarter, there was just one kick of the size 5 between the teams following points by Sean Browne and Mark Flynn for Emmetts and by Paul O’Brien for Tallow, a score they required at this stage with Emmetts’ challenge on the rise. Substitute Stefan Tobin and Gavin Whelan traded points and a key score came from the boot of Donnchadh Mulcahy in the 53rd minute from an excellent pass by Tobin to leave 0-4 between the teams at 3-9 to 1-11. Emmetts finished strongly with Johnny Wall (f) and P. J. Coffey scoring in the 57th and 60th minutes respectively. Tallow held out for the win, though, with those two goals just after halftime getting them over the line in stag form. Tallow’s Top Three: Paul

O’Brien, Sean Gleeson, Donnchadh Mulcahy. Emmetts Top Three: Mark Flynn, Darren Dunford, P J Coffey. Observer’s Man of the Match: Paul O’Brien. Number of Scorers: Tallow 5. Emmetts 7. Scores from Play: Tallow 3-7. Emmetts 1-12. Frees For: Tallow 11. Emmetts 8. Wides: Tallow 8. Emmetts 6. Score of the Match: P J Coffey’s point for Emmetts in the 7th minute. Tallow: William Curley; Alan Curley, Jack Tobin, Will Hogan; Shaun O’Sullivan, Eric Hickey, Kieran Fraser; David O’Brien, Kieran Geary; Michael Curley 0-2f, Donnchadh Mulcahy 0-2, Paul O’Brien 1-3; Stephen Pratt, Sean Gleeson 2-1, Kevin Henley. Subs: Aaron Pratt, Stefan Tobin 0-1, Dylan Mangan, James Tobin, Mickey Tobin. Emmetts: Dean McKenna; P. J. Coffey 0-2, John Flynn, Ray Bannon; Alan Kinsella, Ben Dunford, Ross Browne 0-1; John Nick Fennell, Darren Dunford 0-1; Gavin Whelan 0-1, Mark Flynn 1-3, Sean Browne 0-2; Johnny Wall 0-3 (1f), Alan Walsh, Richie Kiely. Sub: Michael McGrath. Referee: Thomas Walsh (Modeligo).

Sean Phobail surprises Na Seamroga Sean Phobail …………1-5; Shamrocks ……………0-7. DEFENDING champions Old Parish finally got their title defence off the ground as they recorded their first win of the campaign in Round Three. Once again Old Parish full-forward Graham Guiry proved his importance to the side when he goaled on five minutes to put The Shocks 1-1 to 0-1 up. That goal would prove to be the decisive strike of the game as Shamrocks outgunned Old Parish for points (7 to 5). Guiry’s finish wasn’t easy either but he pulled a rasping shot across his body and into the inside netting of the far post. Guiry and Brendan Hogan added points in stoppage time of the first half to cement a three point lead at the break, 1-5 to 0-5. These points would prove crucial as Old Parish failed to score in the second half and Shamrocks clawed them back to one but failed to level or overtake. Both teams played defensive football with numerous men behind the ball. For large parts of the game Guiry was Old Parish’s only player inside their own

half while, when Shamrocks were on the defensive, James Walsh was Shamrocks lone wolf. However, with both teams trying to launch attacking waves from deep inside their own, little inroads were made due to the conditions at hand. With a rain swept venue and greasy pitch neither side had the pace needed to fully unlock opposition over such large distances. This led to an error filled, stop-start second half littered with turnovers, interceptions, bad passes, poor handling, rash tackling, fouls and frees. Shamrocks will be disappointed that they did not at least get a draw out of this game. They outscored Old Parish 0-2 to 0-0 in the second half and had an extra man for the remaining ten minutes (including the three minutes of stoppage time) but failed to level. During the second half they squandered eight scoring chances to Old Parish’s four, Overall, Old Parish will be delighted to get a win under their belt. All the teams in the championship now have some points on the board. This was a tireless team per-

formance from both sides with the type of football being played requiring 100% effort and sacrifice until the final whistle. Old Parish have still a long way to go to reach the form and momentum they built last season that led them to a Western title but this a step in the right direction. Shamrocks will be disappointed to lose another close match but can be pleased with their effort and output considering they were without both Colm and Shane Roche. Full-forward Jody O’Neill hit six of their seven scores including two splendid second half efforts from play on 41 and 45 minutes. Old Parish: L. O Reilligh; S. Stilwell, R. O Turraoin, D. Murphy; S. Conway, A. Walsh, S. Uada; C. Nugent, A. McGearalth; D. Curran, B.

Hogan, B French; R. Stilwell, G. Guiry, M. French. Subs: S. O Lonain, B. Barry, S. Uada. Shamrocks: L. Murphy; M. O'Neill, D. Ahearne, L. Dalton; J. Baldwin, T. O'Neill, C. Goulding; S. Murphy, C. Murphy; A. Kelly, J. Murphy, B. Kelleher; E. O'Neill, J. O'Neill, K. O'Farrell. Subs: J. Walsh, P. Murphy, M. Smith, S. O'Neill, J. Kelly. Referee: Pat Casey (Affane) REMAINING GAMES 05/06/2015 19:30 Affane vs Emmetts at Fraher Field 06/06/2015 19:30 Modeligo vs Shamrocks at Clashmore 19:30 Tulach An Iarainn vs Old Parish at Ardmore. Modeligo vsTallow Old Parish vs Emmetts Shamrocks vs Affane

League Table Lawlors Hotel West Junior Football Premier Championship Modeligo Affane Emmetts Tallow Shamrocks Old Parish

p w 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 3 1

d l 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2

for against 40 29 40 33 37 31 28 30 27 29 21 32

diff pts 11 4 7 4 6 4 -2 2 -2 2 -11 2

Referee Timmy Organ pictured with captains Pat Fitzgerald (Modeligo) and Evan McGrath (Affane).

Modeligo makes hard work of local derby win Modeligo ……………1-13; Affane …………………2-6. DESPITE this loss to local rivals Modeligo at a wet and windy Fraher Field last Saturday evening, Affane are still perched at the top of the league table on points difference. Affane had the bare minimum of players at the venue and when one of their team was black carded in the 55th minute, they were forced to play out the time remaining a man short. The response from the players and from the lack of interest of so few attending prevented this from being what you would expect from a local derby. Modeligo led by 1-6 to 0-1 after 21 minutes and by 1-6 to 0-3 at the short whistle but they didn’t drive on in the second half and put the game to bed. They left Affane back into the game and a brace of goals by Killian O’Sullivan in the 43rd and in the 50th minute left just 0-2 between the teams at 1-11 to 2-6. Despite Affane’s best efforts, Modeligo finished the stronger and scores by brothers Michael and Shane Troy finished out the match in their favour. Corner forward Michael Troy was the winner’s most effective player and more or less every Modeligo attack on goal was played to him. He didn’t disappoint and he finished the hour with 0-7 (4f) to his credit. If Affane were better organised, they could have taken something out of this game and they are a team that can still do well in the knockout stages later on. An Affane mistake in defence in the 6th minute

was to prove costly as Jamie Troy pounced for Modeligo’s only goal and a contribution of 0-3 from younger brother Michael gave the winners a 1-3 to 0-0 first quarter lead. The best score in this half was as a result of good team work by Jamie Troy, Pat Fitzgerald and Cian O’Byrne, the latter dissecting the posts in the country end of the grounds. Affane finished the half with scores by Paul Murray and Killian O’Sullivan to keep them someway in touch at the break. Following a Shane Coughlan point for Affane on the restart, Modeligo resumed normal duty with three unanswered scores by Cian O’Byrne, Michael Troy from a Michael Bumster pass and by Pat Fitzgerald, aided by Michael Troy. However, they took a nap after this when leading by 1-9 to 0-4 and they left the league leaders back into the contest. Killian O’Sullivan almost had his teams first green flag but for a superb finger tip save by Shane Reddy off the post in the 38th minute. O’Sullivan’s goals arrived shortly, however, the first when a Paul Murray free was batted down in front of goal by Richard Scanlon and finished to the net by Affane’s top scorer. Two Michael Troy scores steadied the Modeligo ship before Affane’s corner back Damien McCarty kicked the score of the match in the 48th minute, followed by O’Sullivan’s green flag from the penalty spot after his earlier attempt had been foot blocked. With ten minutes

remaining, Affane had seized the initiative but Modeligo upped their tempo again, resulting in their to final scores to record a deserved but unconvincing second championship win. Affane’s Top Three: Michael Troy, Pat Fitzgerald, Shane Troy. Affane’s Top Three: Killian O’Sullivan, Jack Mangan, Evan McGrath. Observer’s Man of the Match: Michael Troy. Number of Scorers: Modeligo 5. Affane 4. Scores from Play: Modeligo 1-9. Affane 0-5. Frees For: Modeligo 14. Affane 10. Wides: Modeligo 6. Affane 8. Score of the Match: Damien McCarthy’s 48th minute point for Affane in front of the country end goal. Modeligo: Shane Reddy; Nicky ‘Donovan, Brian McCarthy, Gary Power; Robbie Buckley, Sean O’Donovan, John McGrath; Pa O’Donovan, Shane Troy 0-1; Cian O’Byrne 0-2, Jamie Troy 1-1, Rian Reddy; Micheal Power, Pat Fitzgerald 0-2, Michael Troy 0-7(4f). Affane: Aaron O’Sullivan; Damien McCarthy 0-1, Timmy Looby, Cillian Denn; Evan McGrath, David Cahillane, Gavin McCarthy; Pa Greene, Colm Looby; Jack Mangan, Cillian O’Sullivan 2-1, Shane Coughlan 0-2; Brian Crotty, Richard Scanlon, Paul Murray 0-1. Referee: Timmy Organ (Abbeyside/ Ballinacourty).


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


J. J. Kavanagh and Sons Junior Football Senior Attached Championship

Stradbally in scoring form GROUP 2 Stradbally …………… 8-20; An Rinn ………………... 1-5. HAT-TRICKS by Ger Crowley and Robert Finn helped Stradbally to a resounding win over An Rinn at the Cove venue last Friday evening. Daniel Weldon and Michael Ahearn also raised green flags and it look as if this young team, with three wins out of three under its belt, will have a say in the destination of honours this year. An Rinn’s goal was scored by Aaron O Crotaigh. Stradbally: Stephen McCarthy; Nicky Power, Darren McGuckian, Jack Navin; Paddy Kiely, Ciaran Cusack, Thomas Shaw Hamilton; Nicky Connors, Daniel Weldon; Robert Finn, Ger Crowley, Michael Ahearn; Stephen Keane, Christopher Casey, Cormac Gough. Subs: Micheal Kiely, Sean Barry. An Rinn: P. J. O Domhnaill; Padraig O Foghlu, Cillian O Murchadha, Brian De Baruin; Seanai O Cadhla, Conor O Cuirrin, Einne O Cathasaigh; Cian O Fathaigh, Dylan Toibin; Aaron O Crotaigh, Ciaran Toibin, Peadar Marriot; Micheal Sean O Murchadha, Maidhc Toibin, Oisin Mac Siomoin. Referee: Gavin Whelan (Emmetts).

GROUP 2 Surprise Defeat For Kilrossanty St. Saviours …………2-10; Kilrossanty ……………1-6. KILROSSANTY and St. Saviours met in the 3rd round

of the junior attached last Friday evening in Ballybeg. Kilrossanty were looking for their third win while St. Saviours were looking to get off the mark with their first. Kilrossanty started the better going into a four points to one lead after fifteen minutes. St. Saviours however hit the net from a free kick that appeared to be fumbled in the Kilrossanty defence. A further three points from St. Saviours had them leading at the break 1-4 to 0-4. On the turnover both teams exchanged points before Kilrossanty were awarded a penalty which Dean Fennell duly converted. St. Saviours, however, breached the Kilrossanty rear guard once again to leave them leading 2-6 to 1-5 after forty five minutes. St.Saviours were to add four further points to Kilrossanty’s one to leave the final score 2-10 to 1-6. This was a much improved performance by St. Saviours on their previous two outings while, Kilrossanty perhaps, just had a bad day at the office. St. Saviours: G. Taylor, S. Butler, C. Foskin, D. Boland, S. O'Donoghue, N. Sheridan, P. O'Brien, G. Keane, K. Dolan, T. Myler, L. Grant, M. Holohan, J.Connors, P.Buckley, V.Abbot. Kilrossanty: R. Hayes, K. Houlihan, J. Maher, A. Parrish, P. Lennon, P. Hayes, M. Hassett, C. Keating,

M.Walsh, J. P. Quinlan, E. Doherty, D. Hogan, F. Walsh, D. Power, D. Fennell

GROUP 2 Brickeys Pick Up First Point Brickeys ………………1-8; Gaultier ………………0-11. BRICKEYS made the long journey to Gaultier worthwhile last weekend when they drew with the home side that are three places ahead of them on the league table. Brickeys looked to heading into the winning enclosure when they led at the short whistle by 1-6 to 0-3 with Richard Halpin scoring the only goal of the match. However, Gaultier won the second half by 0-8 to 0-2 and so well deserved a share of the spoils. Brickeys point scorers were G. Flynn, 0-3, K. Walsh, 0-2, veteran Dermot O’Neill, 0-2 and Vinny McCarthy 0-1. The Brickey team included the father and son combination of Dermot and Ryan O’Neill. Brickey Team: James Corcoran; Nigel Whelan, James Sheehan, Philip Spratt; Darragh O Grady, K. Walsh, Ian Walsh; Dermot O’Neill, Olan Casey; Richard Halpin, Vinny McCarthy, Christopher Powwer; G. Flynn, Ryan O’Neill, Tadhg Tobin. Referee: John Kiely (Kill).

GROUP 1 Rathgormack ………1-14; Ballinameela …………0-6. LAST year’s County Champions Ballinameela are

pointless after two games when they lost out to Rathgormack in this bottom of the table clash in Ballinameela last Bank Holiday Monday. Ballinameela: James Maher, Mike Kiely, Terry McCarthy, Joe Shine; John Fletcher, Paraic Scanlon, Jack McGrath; Aidan Ahearne, Eddie Walsh; Caiman Radley, James Fletcher, Eamonn Towell; Ryan Duggan, Benny Fitzgerald, John Stack. Sub: David McCarthy. GROUP 1 Big Derby Win For Clashmore/Kinsalebeg Clashmore/ Kinsalebeg 3-20 Ardmore ………………0-3 CLASHMORE moved to the top of Group 1 on points difference ahead of the Nire after a big win over local rivals Ardmore last week. Clashmore: Declan Coughlan; Paudie Allen, Barry Dunne, Mark McGrath; Donal O’Connor, Paudie Nugent, Ronan Fitzgerald; Fintan Walsh, Eamonn Keevers; Robbie Deady, Donie Scanlon, Brian Dunne; Fintan Walsh, Eamonn Keevers; Mark Nugent, James O’Leary, Adam Curley. Ardmore: Brian Keane; Joe Murphy, Eoghan O’Shea, Jim Curran; John O’Brien, Thomas Cronin, Keith Hurley; Charlie Bryan, Gavin Williams; Nigel Twohig, James Salmon, Dylan Troy; Christopher Power, James O’Donnell, James Veale. Referee: Donal O Murchadha.

Cappoquin Camogie Club UNDER 8s/10s Our under 8’s & 10’s held a blitz recently in Cappoquin with over 120 players from other clubs around West Waterford coming along to enjoy the day. Many thanks to all of those who participated on the day and especially to those who gave up their Saturday to help out with running the event. HURL WITH ME Some of our parents of the under 8 & 10 players have been taking part in a coaching programme organised by the Camogie Association. For the past six weeks 13 parents have been learning basic camogie coaching skills under the watchful eye of Cork senior camogie star Orla Cotter. As a result of this our new coaches, mentors and players will be heading off to Dublin this coming

Saturday to take place in a national blitz along with teams and coaches from all over Ireland. GUESS THE SCORE To help raise funds to help pay for a bus for the trip to Dublin for the kids plus other vital equipment needed to run Cappoquin Camogie Club we have been running a “guess the score” competition where the winner who predicts the correct final score of this week’s Munster Championship game between Waterford and Cork will win for themselves €100 cash. Lines are still available to buy for only €2 each, just ask any member of the camogie club for one. UNDER 12s Our under 12 team will have played in their first championship game of the year against An Rinn by the

Cappoquin Camogie Club under 8 team.

time you read this. Hopefully, they will build on their recent successful blitz performances and come away with a victory. UNDER 14s The under 14’s recently finished up a well fought championship in the Premium Butcher Under 14 league where they lost out against the eventual league winners Clonea Power. UNDER 16s Our under 16 team are now preparing for their upcoming championship where the first round takes place on 23rd June. SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP The Senior girls overcame a tough Youghal side last Thursday evening in a challenge match at the GAA pitch in Cappoquin. This battle gave the girls great insight into what is to come in this

year's championship as they make their debut at Senior level. Fixtures are as follows; Friday 26th June vs St. Anne's; Friday, 7th August vs Lismore; Friday, 14th August vs Gaultir. Training this Thursday in the field with challenge match at the weekend at home. Please see Whatsapp group and social media for details. CLUB TOPS AVAILABLE Cappoquin Camogie Club half-zip training tops are now available to order for all ages, players, parents and supporters. Prices and sizes available are: age 7-8, 9-10, 10-11 years (€31.50 each), 13-14 years (€37.00 each) and unisex size Small - XX Large (€40.00 each). Please contact Elaine McCarthy (0860549050) to place your order before deadline of June 8th.

Joanne O'Grady presenting the Paddy O'Grady trophy for the U-13 Division 2 Western football Championship, sponsored by Cathal Wall to An Ghaeltacht captain Cathal Ó hÓgain after his team’s win over Cois Bhride in the Final. [Rory Wyley]

Fraher Field Dungarvan FRAHER FIELD NOTES FIXTURES Thursday, 4th June Camogie U-14 Match at 6.30 p.m. Friday, 5th June U-12 at 6.30 p.m. St Patricks V Cappoquin Junior Football Premier at 7.30 p.m. Affane V Na hEmmetigh Saturday, 30th May Under U-14 Football County Finals at 10.30 a.m. Division 3 TBA at 11.45 a.m. Division 1 TBA at 1.00 p.m. Division 2 – TBA Junior Football Championship Intermediate attached at 6.30 p.m. Kilgobinet V Baile na Cuirte. MATCH TICKETS Public sale of match tickets will take place in Fraher Field on Thursday, 4th June from 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Please note that family tickets will only be available for SALE in Walsh Park on Thursday between 11.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. TICKET & PROGRAMME BOOTHS Patrons will note some new additions to our facilities at Fraher Field. A new Ticket Booth is now in operation at the main entrance, where patrons may purchase match

tickets prior to entering the stiles. It is hoped that this will speed up the process of gaining entry to the field. Also one stile has been allocated for Pass-holders entry only. All pass holders must enter through this stile in order to have their passes scanned. The other addition is a new booth for the sale of programmes, which is situated just inside the main gate. NO PARKING Patrons please refrain from parking in front of Entrances with yellow lines as these are emergency entrances for Ambulances etc., also there is NO PARKING allowed at the main

entrances gates. Patrons please refrain from parking in front of private properties adjacent to the Fraher Field as this is causing undue stress for people exiting and entering their properties on Match day. HEALTH & SAFETY CONCERNS Parents are advised that in the interest of Health & Safety that children are supervised at all times. Also, it is not permitted to have people who are not directly involved with teams encroaching onto the field of play, this is also in accordance with health & safety guidelines.

League Table J J Kavanagh & Sons Junior Football Senior Attached LEAGUE TABLE J J KAVANAGH & SONS JUNIOR FOOTBALL SENIOR ATTACHED - GROUP 1 p w d l for against diff. pts Clashmore 3 2 0 1 53 34 19 4 The Nire 2 2 0 0 25 7 18 4 Deuglán Naofa 3 1 0 2 20 41 -21 2 Ballinameela 1 0 0 1 12 17 -5 0 Rathgormack 1 0 0 1 6 17 -11 0 LEAGUE TABLE J J KAVANAGH & SONS JUNIOR FOOTBALL SENIOR ATTACHED - GROUP 2 p w d l for against diff. pts Stradbally 3 3 0 0 98 27 71 6 Kilrossanty 3 2 0 1 52 37 15 4 Gaultier 3 1 1 1 41 40 1 3 St Saviour's 3 1 0 2 31 43 -12 2 An Rinn 3 1 0 2 33 80 -47 2 Brickey Rgs 3 0 1 2 30 58 -28 1

Western Board Results & Fixtures RESULTS Radley Engineering Intermediate Football: Ballinameela 1-19; Sliabh gCua 1-5 Ballinacourty 2-11; Dungarvan 0-7 Ballyduff 2-9; Geraldines 0-14 Lawlors Hotel Junior Football Premier: Tallow 3-9; Emmetts 1-13 An Sean Phobal 1-5; Na Seamroga 0-7 Modeligo 1-14; Affane 2-6 Lawlors Hotel Junior Football Intermediate attached: Melleary 3-9; Emmetts 0-04 Ballinacourty 4-11; Ballysaggart 1-6 Kilgobinet 0-9; Geraldines 0-6 FIXTURES Friday, 5th June Radley Engineering Intermediate Football: Sliabh gCua V Ballinacourty at Colligan 8 pm Lawlors Hotel Junior Football Premier: Affane V Emmetts at Fraher Field 7.30 pm

Lawlors Hotel Junior Football Intermediate Attached: Melleray V Geraldines at Lismore 7.30 pm Saturday, 6th June Radley Engineering Intermediate Football: Ballinameela V Ballyduff at Bushy Park 7.30 pm Lawlors Hotel Junior Football Premier: Tallow V An Sean Phobal at Ardmore 7.30 pm Modeligo V Shamrocks at Clashmore 7.30 pm Lawlors Hotel Junior Football Intermediate Attached: Ballysaggart V Emmetts at Abbeyside 7.30 pm Kilgobinet V Ballinacourty at Fraher Field 6.30 pm Tuesday, 9th June Radley Engineering Intermediate Football: Dungarvan V Geraldines at Bushy Park 7.30 pm



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Lawlors Hotel Junior Football (Intermediate Attached)

Kilgobinet maintains unbeaten run Kilgobinet …………….. 0-9; Geraldines ……………. 0-6. CREDIT both teams here, in wet, windy and slippery conditions at the Fraher Field last Saturday evening, they whole heartedly contested this Round 2 championship fixture which was level on four occasions before Kilgobinet pulled clear in a final quarter that they won by 0-4 to 0-1. Before this, the game had all the hallmarks of a draw while Geraldines could, indeed, have taken all two points but for the heroics of Eoin Dunford in the winner’s goal. Dunford kept his goal intact on two second half occasions from Eric Kennefick attempts and if either of them had been converted, the Gers would quite possibly have won out in his relatively low scoring encounter. Geraldines looked the better side for most of the hour but Kilgobinet’s strong finish saw them deservingly take the spoils in the finish. After five Kilgobinet wides, Eric Kennefick opened the scoring in the 7th minute and Tomas Fahey replied with white flags in the 9th and in the 23rd minutes to give the winners a temporary advantage. Geraldines were playing the better football, though, finding their men more easily and it was no surprise that they kicked three unanswered points via midfielder James Casey, Michael Irwin and Mark Lynch. They led by

0-4 to 0-3 in the 30th minute before a Johnny Murphy point for Kilgobinet left just the minimum between the teams at the short whistle. Eoin Dunford brought off the first of his two fine saves from Eric Kennefick in the 33rd minute and their prospects took a dive two minutes later when Johnny Murphy was black carded. However, James Fennell levelled the score with a fine 37th minute point before Mark Lynch kicked the Gers into the lead for the final time soon after. Kilgobinet were now playing better than at any stage up to this and a Paul Walsh pointed free levelled the match for the final time. Both defences were called into action to prevent goals either side of the start of the third quarter. Corner back John Moloney affected a great block down on Eric Kennefick’s attempt before Eoin Dunford saved the rebound and at the other end of the grounds, Sham Ronayne denied Nicky Dwane with a splendid one on one save. The winners had the bit between their teeth at this stage and by the 50th minute Tomas Fahey (f) and Paul Walsh (‘45’) had the local team in front by 0-7 to 0-5. The Gers had a golden goal opportunity in the 53rd minute to regain the initiative but Michael Irwin’s kick sailed

over the crossbar. Kilgobinet learned from this let-off and Paul Walsh placed Nicky Dwane for the winning score in the 56th minute and, one of their most effective players, Conor Kavanagh, confirmed the destination of the two league points with a white flag in the first minute of added time. Kilgobinet’s Top Three: Eoin Dunford, Paul Walsh, Conor Kavanagh. Geraldines Top Three: Eric Kennefick, Stevie Landers, Mark Lynch. Observer’s Man of the Match: Eoin Dunford. Number of Scorers: Kilgobinet 6. Geraldines 4. Scores From Play: Kilgobinet 0-5. Geraldines 0-6. Frees For: Kilgobinet 17. Geraldines 15. Wides: Kilgobinet 13. Geraldines 8. Score of the Match: Paul Walsh’s ‘45’ for Kilgobinet in the 50th minute. Kilgobinet: Eoin Dunford; Fergus Power, John Cass, John Moloney; Conor Kavanagh 0-1, JJ Fitzgerald, Mark Dunford; Tomas Fahey 0-3 (2f), Paul Walsh 0-2 (1f, 1’45’); Kevin Dunphy, Tommy Cullinane, James Fennell 0-1; Johnny Murphy 0-1, Paudie Fahey, Nicky Dwane 0-1. Subs: Brian Dunford, Joey Troy. Geraldines: Seamus Ronayne; Pa Hickey, Vinny O’Brien, John O’Connor; Richie Lynch, Cian Ryan, Stevie O’Brien; James Casey 0-1, Stevie Landers; Eric Kennefick 0-1, Kieran Mernin, Mark Lynch 0-2; Michael Irwin 0-2, John Corkery, Morgan O’Connell. Referee: John Condon (An Rinn).

Kilgobinet back row (l to r): Tomas Fahey, Tommy Cullinane, John Cass, J. J. Fitzgerald, Johnny Hallinan, Paudie Fahey, Fergus Power, Paul Walsh, Nicky Dwane. Front row (l to r): Joey Troy, Johnny Murphy, James Fennell, Conor Kavanagh, Eoin Dunford, John Moloney, Kevin Dunphy.

Ballinacourty top the table Ballinacourty………4-11; Ballysaggart …………1-6. BALLINACOURTY maintained their unbeaten run in this championship with a clearcut win over an understrength Ballysaggart team in Colligan last Saturday evening. ‘Courty led at half time by 2-3 to 1-2 with Cailean O’Gorman scoring ‘Saggart’s goal. Two second half goals by sub Anthony Fitzgerald and points by Ben

Mulligan, Nathan Burke, Ian Kiely and Andrew O’Connor sealed the local sides second win and place them on top of the Group table on points difference ahead of Kilgobinet. Ballinacourty: Declan Enright; Tony Collins, Conor O’Dwyer, Patrick Bergin; Pa Collins, Jamie Organ, David Morrissey; James Beresford, Ian Kiely; Ronan Proctor, David Hickey, Cian O’Connell; Colin Ryan, Nathan Burke, Ben

Mulligan. Subs: Conor Brennan, Ruairi Conway, Stephen O’Connor, Anthony Fitzgerald, Andrew O’Connor. Ballysaggart Panel: Matty Meagher, Jack Roche, Stephen Mangan, Eugene O’Brien, Cailean O'Gorman, Christy Murphy, Kieran Bennett, Ken Cashel, Chris O’Gorman, Liam O’Gorman, Paudie Hale, Bobby Ryan, Michael Ryan, Jamie Walsh, Conor Bennett, Sam Ryan, Kieran Fennessy. Referee: Gavin Whelan (Emmetts).

Geraldines back row (l to r): Morgan O’Connell, Stephen O’Brien, Kieran Mernin, Stevie Landers, Seamus Ronayne, James Casey, Pa Hickey, Eric Kennefick. Front row: John Corkery, Richard Lynch, John O’Connor, Mark Lynch, Vinny O’Brien, Cian Ryan.

Pa Cummins leads Melleray to first win Melleray ………………3-9; Emmetts ………………0-4. MELLERAY moved up to third place in the League table with a well deserved win over a gallant second Emmetts fifteen in Bushy Park last Friday evening. Pa Cummins was the hero of the hour with 2-3 to his credit with other Melleray scores coming from Martin Ormonde, 1-1, Dave O’Connell and Paddy Shelley, 0-2 each and Michael Crowley, 0-1. The winners led by 1-7 to 0-2 at half-time.

Melleray: Jim Crowley, Mikey Bray, Craig O'Shea, Denis Byrne, Shane Coughlan, Eoin O'Donoghue, Ciaran Kelly, Colm O'Callaghan, Dean Coleman, Martin Ormonde, Paddy Shelly, Mikey Crowley, Robert Stuart, Pa Cummins, Dave O'Connell. Subs: Jason O'Neill, Pa Lyons, Mike O'Rourke, John Begley, Gary

O'Connor. Emmetts: Pat Dunford; Simon Watters, Stephen Ryan, John Nick Dunford; David McGrath, Johnny Kiely, Paudie Flynn; Benny Hickey, Jason Dunford; Ian Fraher, Tom Kiely, Shane Hickey; James Dalton, Michael Tobin, Henry Ryan. Subs: Stephen McGrath, Maurice Butler.

LEAGUE TABLE LAWLORS HOTEL WEST JUNIOR FOOTBALL INTERMEDIATE ATTACHED CHAMPIONSHIP p w d l for against diff. pts Ballinacourty 2 2 0 0 41 15 26 4 Kilgobinet 2 2 0 0 27 22 5 4 Mt. Melleray 2 1 0 1 34 22 12 2 Ballysaggart 2 1 0 1 28 32 -4 2 Geraldines 2 0 0 2 15 28 -13 0 Emmetts 2 0 0 2 10 36 -26 0

Joanne O'Grady presenting the Paddy O'Grady trophy for the U-13 Division 3 Western football Championship, sponsored by Cathal Wall to Stradbally captain Barry O'Brien after his team’s win over St. Oliver's in the Final. Included is Tom Cronin (Chairman Western [Rory Wyley] Bord na nÓg).


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Munster Senior Hurling Championship Semi-Final

Cork and Waterford cross swords again Waterford v Cork in Semple Stadium, Thurles, Sunday June 7th at 4pm. Be wary of a wounded animal and, no doubt, Cork will travel with intent to Thurles this Sunday to exact revenge for their National League Final defeat by Derek McGrath’s charges at the same venue last month. Motivating factors can often win games and the Rebels are in the ideal position going into this semi-final as they aim to

prove to themselves and to their proud hurling County that their defeat in the League Final was just a blip and that it is the championship that only matters and really counts. However, the quality of this present Cork fifteen is being questioned by hurling purists and, in another viewpoint, the pressure is on Jimmy Barry Murphy and his team management and the players to succeed here and advance to defend their Munster title. In the other camp, Waterford has done all that has been asked of them to date, there is new life about the County

team and they are a much better side than the one that played the Leesiders in the championship twelve months ago. Significantly, though, Cork have a number of match winners in their own right such as the pacy Conor Lehane, scoregetter Seamus Hardnedy, the unerring Patrick Horgan, Alan Cadogan and Paudie O’Sullivan, if both are fit to play, and Aidan Walsh, who on his day, can be a colossal i lar na pairce. The big pre match question is how will the Deise team fare without their centre forward and free taker, Pauric Mahony, who

will be missing for the year through injury and who will replace him. In a challenge game with Wexford last Saturday evening in Ballygunner, Ballysaggart’s Shane Bennett was drafted back into the team and he was on place ball duty, which may be an indicatory answer to that question. Dungarvan’s Patrick Curran and Fourmilewater’s Conor Gleeson, another two of the 2013 All Ireland Minor winning team, have been added to the panel and with a further injury worry in the person of Maurice Shanahan, they are other options for the team management and whose

Manager Derek McGrath

inclusion has strengthened the panel. Apart from the replacement for Pauric Mahony, the line-out should be similar to the one that regained the League title after a break of eight years with the vacancy being up for grabs between such as Brian O’Halloran, Tom Devine, Shane Bennett and Patrick Curran. Ten of the starting winning league team lined out in both the drawn and in the replayed match against Cork in 2014. A huge motivating factor for Sunday’s game is that the winners will contest a Munster Final and at worst qualify for an All Ireland Quarter Final place later in the Summer.

Waterford win hurling challenge Waterford …………… 4-18, Wexford ………………3-13. THIS senior hurling challenge in James McGinn Park, Ballygunner on Saturday last, the proceeds for which were earmarked for the Pieta House fund and injured Gunners and Waterford star Pauric Mahony, fell victim to the biting wind and rain leading to conditions that must have caused concern to the managers of both teams as players found it difficult to retain their balance on the slippery surface. None the less full marks to both sides in making for an entertaining seventy minutes, for the brave supporters who defied the elements, that produced some fine scores and honest endeavour. Both sides provided game time for all of their listed players with each making wholesale changes going into the second half and throughout. The only Waterford player conspicuous by his absence from the bench was Maurice Shanahan, indicating concerns about his fitness going into the week before the Cork game. What was significant was the inclusion of Shane Bennett who is about to sit his

Leaving Cert this week and the fact that he was assigned to the free taking before being called ashore at half-time. Stephen Daniels demonstrated his well being at wing back but Darragh Fives appears to be out of the championship picture following yet another heart breaking injury suffered in training camp last week. Waterford led by 3-11 to 1-4 at the break having played with the breeze, the goals coming from Shane Bennett, inside a minute, Michael Walsh and Eddie Barrett with the Wexford goal coming from Andrew Kenny. Both sides showed many changes for the second half as Wexford came back into the game with goals from Rory Jacob and Padge Doran while Waterford’s fouth goal came from Mikey Kearney. Scorers – Waterford: Shane Bennett 1-6 (3Fs.1’65’), Michael Walsh 1-2, Mikey Kearney 1-1, Eddie Barrett 1-0, Patrick Curran 0-2 (1f), Tom Devine, Stephen Bennett, Kevin Moran, Tommy Connors, Austin Gleeson, Tommy Waring and Jake Dillon 0-1

each. Wexford: Rory Jacob 1-3, Paul Morris 0- 5 (fs), Padge Doran 1-1, Conor Kenny 1-0, Aidan Nolan, Paudie Foley, Richie Kehoe, Joe Kelly 0-1 each. Waterford: Stephen O’Keeffe, Shane Fives, Shane McNulty, Paidi Prendergast, Shane O’Sullivan, Martin O’Neill, Stephen Daniels, Kevin Moran, Eddie Barrett, Stephen Bennett, Colin Dunford, Michael Walsh, Brian O’Halloran, Tom Devine, Shane Bennett. Subs used: Ian O’Regan, Noel Connors, Patrick Curran, Jake Dillon, Shane Roche, Tadhg De Burca, Thomas Connors, Mikey Kearney, Tommy Waring, Austin Gleeson, Barry Coughlan, Jamie Barron. Wexford: Niall Breen, Thomas Waters, Willie Deveraux, Eoin Conroy, Paudie Foley, Conor Devitt, Richie Kehoe, Jack O’Connor, Aidan Nolan, Liam Ryan, Paul Morris, Andrew Kenny, Rory Jacob, Shane Tomkins, Kevin Foley. Numerous second half substitutions. Referee: Paul Foley.

County Bord na nÓg UNDER-14 FOOTBALL CO. FINALS THIS SATURDAY All roads lead to Fraher Field on Saturday next (that’s June 6th) as the Combined Waterford City Credit Unions (sponsored) U-14 Co. football Championship Finals take centre stage. The three match programme begins with the Division 3 Final at 10:30am as Stradbally face Tramore “B”. The Division 1 decider sees Ballinacourty entertain Gaultier, throw-in at 11:45 am, while the action concludes with the Division 2 final at 1:00pm, where Brickey Rangers play De La Salle. 10:30 am – Division 3 FINAL: Stradbally Vs. Tramore “B” 11:45 am – Division 1

FINAL: Ballinacourty Vs. Gaultier 1:00 pm – Division 2 FINAL: Brickey Rangers Vs. De La Salle Best of luck to all clubs, and we look forward to an entertaining and enjoyable day’s football. JOHN O’REGAN U-14 FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT FINAL The 33rd annual John O’Regan U-14 Football tournament final was held in Kill GAA Grounds on Sunday evening last (May 31st) and after a very entertaining game of football it was the Western selection who overcame their Eastern counterparts by 2-12 to 3-4. A sincere thanks to the O’Regan family for their kind sponsorship and support of this popular tour-

nament which has become an important date in the Bord na nÓg calendar each year. The tournament is in memory of the late John O’Regan who played football for the county and was a great promoter of football within the Deise. After the game Breda O’Regan along with Sean Michael O’Regan presented the John O’Regan perpetual trophy to West Waterford captain Liam O’Reagáin from the An Ghaeltacht club. Thanks to the Kill GAA Club for the use of their excellent facilities, also to Gavin Whelan for refereeing the game, to our photographer Rory Wyley, and to the ladies who provided refreshments afterwards, avery enjoyable evening, hats off to all involved.

The Ballinacourty team after their win over The Nire in the U-13 Division 1 Western Football Final, sponsored by Cathal Wall. [Rory Wyley]

Intermediate hurlers seek to end four year losing sequence Munster Intermediate Hurling Semi-Final Semple Stadium Thurles Sunday, June 7th at 2.00 pm WATERFORD will be seeking to reverse last year’s result against Cork in this Intermediate grade when the sides meet in Sunday’s curtain raiser in Thurles and so end a four year losing streak in the opening round of this championship. This is a grade in which Waterford should be performing much better seeing as how we are allowed field what amounts to a second string senior side against such as Cork, Tipperary and Limerick whose selections are confined to Intermediate and Junior club players. Recent years saw the Intermediate brief handed over to the U-21 selectors of the same year with a view to

helping preparations for the U-21 championship but with no benefit having accrued for either team this year’s Intermediate team has been handed over to a separate management team under former minor manager Jimmy Meaney. With over thirty five players involved in the extended senior panel going into Sunday’s games one can expect some players to be made available to the intermediate selectors. Two of the senior panellists, Tommy Connors (Passage) and Mark O’Brien (Ferrybank), played in last Friday’s challenge against Kilkenny in Mooncoin where a strong looking Waterford side scored a 0-20 to 1-13 win. Just three of the side that lost to Cork last year lined out on Friday last, the Passage trio of Jason Roche, Tommy Connors and Killian Fitzgerald, but Waterford still fielded what, on paper,

looked a formidable side and with other players likely to come on board the selectors would appear to have plenty of options going forward into Sunday’s game. Regardless of having to select players from Junior and Intermediate clubs Cork always manage to field strong sides in this grade with the selected players gaining senior club championship experience with their group teams and the college sides. Waterford’s last two final appearances in this grade were in 2009 and 2010 and resulted in defeats by Cork in Pairc Ui Caoimh and Fraher Field, a clear indication as to how strong can be in this grade. Last year they went on to win the final against Tipperary and now must field a new team this year. That was the situation after they won in 2009 and they still came back to win the following year. It should be a very interest-

ing appetiser for the early comers to Semple Stadium on Sunday with Waterford looking strong enough to go forward to a Munster final on fielding their best available fifteen. The line-out in Mooncoin on Friday last was as follows. Darren Duggan (Dungarvan), Willie Hahessy (Clonea), Dermot Ryan (Fourmilewater), Eoin Madigan (Roanmore), Eoin Madigan (De La Salle), John Dee (Mount Sion), Jason Roche (Passage), John Prendergast (Lismore) 0-2, Harley Barnes (Ballygunner) 0-1, Owen Connors (Passage 0-9 (7Fs), Tommy Connors (Passage) 0-1), Mark O’Brien (Ferrybank) 0-1, Darragh Lyons (Dungarvan) 0-1, Tommy Waring (Erins Own) 0-3, Martin ‘F’ O’Neill (Mount Sion) 0-1). Subs Killian Fitzgerald (Passage) 0-1, Shane Aherne (Stradbally).



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

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Clashmore/Kinsalebeg win play-off

The Stradbally team after their win over Ballyduff Upper in the Western U-14 Division 3 Football Championship Final, sponsored by Lawlor's Hotel. [Rory Wyley]

Phelan Cup Senior Football League

Ballinacourty and Nire will contest Phelan Cup Final Nire …………………..1-11; Stradbally ……………1-10. THE Phelan Cup reached its penultimate stage last Wednesday resulting in a narrow win for County champions Nire over Stradbally in the Fraher Field and a convincing victory for this year’s Conway Cup favourites Ballinacourty at Kilmacthomas. The Fraher Field game was nip and tuck throughout until Nire opened a 0-4 gap by the 53rd minute at 1-11 to 1-7. The Reds staged a late comeback, resulting in a Shane Ahearn pointed free in the 62nd minute leaving just the minimum between the teams on the sounding of referee Martin Curran’s final whistle. A goal by Ahearn in the 14th minute gave Stradbally an early 1-2 to 0-1 lead, when assisted by the strong breeze, following an earlier exchange of points between David Grey and Craig Guiry and before John Coffey split the posts at the end of the first quarter. Nire came more into the game on the scoreboard in the 20th minute when the energetic Darren Guiry raised a green flag in the country end of the field and two further scores by the County champions edged them into the lead before Shane Ahearn, courtesy of a John Coffey pass levelled the match for the third of four occasions. John Hearne’s 29th minute point sent the Reds in at the break with the slightest of advantages and it could have more but for Shane Ahearn’s free attempt at goal

at the death rebounding off the post. The second moiety produced the better football and after Tony Grey extended the Reds lead to 0-2, Nire kicked 0-4 by the 43rd minute via Dylan Guiry, Craig Guiry, Brian Wall(f) and James McGrath to earn the winners a 1-7 to 1-5 scoreboard advantage. Tommy Connors left the bare minimum between the teams in the 46th minute but, in hindsight, this semi-final was won and lost in the next four minutes when a brace of white flags by Gearoid Hearn, the first a superb effort, and a second Brian Wall point put a decent stretch of daylight between the teams at 1-10 to 1-6. Credit the Reds, they kicked four of the remaining five points to ensure a tight conclusion to this entertaining encounter. Nire’s final score came from the boot of Brian Wall (f) in the 53rd minute, surrounded by the score of the match by David Grey on one side and points from play by Shane Ahearn and sub Trevor Curran and that placed ball final score of the hour by Ahearn in added time. Nire: Tommy Wall; Dermot Ryan, Diarmuid Wall, Philly McCarthy; Shane Lawlor, Brian Wall 0-3 (2f), Seamus Lawlor; Craig Guiry 0-3, James McGrath 0-1; Dylan Guiry 0-1, Michael Moore, Darren Guiry 1-1; Keith Guiry, Gearoid Hearn 0-2, David Nugent. Subs: J. P. Fitzgerald, Kenny Brazil. Stradbally: Eoin Cunningham; Jack Mullaney, Kevin Lawlor, Trevor Costello; Tommy Connors,

Shane Lannon, Luke Casey; Paddy Kiely, John Hearn 0-1; Robert Ahearn, Tony Grey 01, John Coffey 0-1; David Grey 0-2, Paul Tobin, Shane Ahearn 1-4 (2f). Subs: Trevor Curran 0-1, Daniel Weldon. Referee: Martin Curran (Sean Phobail). BALLINACOURTY IN CONTROL Ballinacourty .............. 3-19; Rathgormack ................ 0-6. A BALLINACOURTY fifteen with a distinct trace of its Intermediate side about it proved too strong for the second time this year for Rathgormack, this game being staged at the Kilmacthomas venue last Wednesday evening. A brace of goals, one in each half, by the game’s top scorer, Shane O’Donovan and a third by freetaker David Looby as well as contributions by seven other players eased ‘Courty into this year’s Phelan Cup final where they will take on the holders and County Champions Nire. A Rathgormack team, also fielding understrength, had no answer to the winners free flowing football and the game was over as a contest by the short whistle with the winners holding a commanding 1-10 to 0-3 advantage. Corner forward, Shane O’Donovan was the key scorer for ‘Courty with 2-3 to his credit, finishing the first half with 1-2 and assisted on the scoreboard by David Looby 0-2f, Tiernan Murray and John Hurney 0-2 each and Jason O’Brien and Sean O’Hare 0-1 apiece. Minor player Conor Murray opened the game’s scoring in the 5th

minute and Rathgormack’s other first half contributions were provided by Stephen Kirwan and Jason Curry. The contest was well and truly concluded by the end of the third quarter with the winners holding a 3-14 to 0-3 lead following further goals by O’Donovan and Looby and white flags from such as Michael Maher, John Hurney and Jason O’Brien. Rathgormack didn’t open their second half account until the 45th minute through Jason Curry and their remaining points came from Ronan Cahill and Stephen Kirwan. Substitutes David Ferncombe and Jonathon Moore got in on the scoring act for the winners, who will now be fancied to win this year’s Phelan Cup and Senior League Title. Ballinacourty: Richie Ryan; Martin Lavan, Diarmuid Henley, Colm Kindregan; Patrick Lynch, Sean O’Hare 0-1, Brian Looby; John Hurney 0-3, Ronan Sheehan; David Collins, Jason O Brien 0-2, David Looby 1-4(3f); Shane O Donovan 2-3, Michael Maher 0-2, Tiernan Murray 0-2. Subs: David Ferncombe 0-1, Laurence Hurney, Jonathon Moore 0-1. Rathgormack: Padraig Hunt; Michael Crotty, Jamie Kirwan, Billy Power; Ger Kirwan, Cathal Crowch, Brian Connolly; Ronan Cahill 0-1, Liam Walsh; Paul Drohan, Jason Curry 0-2, Ciaran Fogarty; Stephen Kirwan 0-2, Seanie Lacey, Conor Murray 0-1. Referee: Alan Kissane (Dunhill).

Clashmore/Kinsalebeg 4-10; Kilgobinet 2-14 CLASHMORE/Kinsalebeg came out on top in a most entertaining Intermediate Hurling play-off encounter at the Fraher Field on Saturday afternoon to qualify for a QuarterFinal showdown with Ballyduff on Saturday, 18th October at the Fraher Field. On the day Clashmore/Kinsalebeg just about deserved their hard-earned victory here as Kilgobinet will look back at a game which was there for the taking. They overcame a disastrous start after their unlucky keeper, Jim Walsh, after effecting a fine save, then put the ball into his own goal as he attempted to clear it to lead by 0-9 to 1-5 at the break. Clashmore/Kinsalebeg struck for three goals in the second half and were seven points clear by the 47th minute (4-8 to 0-13), goals per Kevin Walsh from a 20 metre free and from excellent substitute, John Fennell. Kevin Walsh then pointed a 55th minute free to leave just a point between the teams (4-9 to 2-14). The final say went to Clashmore/ Kinsalebeg as Brian O’Neill lofted over their tenth point (4-10 to 2-14). In the 2nd minute a Declan Allen shot was saved by Kilgobinet keeper, Jim Walsh and as the ball broke down, his attempted clearance saw him striking the ball into his own net. Seán Fleming added a 3rd minute point before flying left-half-forward, Michael Flynn, landed a 4th minute point to open Kilgobinet’s account. In all Flynn scored 0-3 from play in a keenly contested opening half. Kilgobinet’s full-forward, Kevin Walsh, was their other main first-half scorer with 0-5 to his credit, four of which were from placed balls. He took over the free-taking duties from the injured Thomas Fahy, while Benny

Lynch had their other point. For Clashmore/Kinsalebeg, centre-halfback Jason Seward was outstanding in this period, as Brian O’Neill (0-3) and Seán Fleming (0-1) were on target for them to leave the score 0-9 to 1-5 at half-time in Kilgobinet’s favour. Benny Lynch pointed in the 31st minute followed by a 33rd minute Seán Fleming free going all the way to the net. Kevin Walsh pointed in the 34th minute to level the scoring at 2-5 to 0-11. The outstanding Jason Seward then drove over a magnificent point in the 38th minute and this was followed by a piece of individual magic from Stephen Barron who, receiving from Paudie O’Rourke, soloed 40 yards to crash the ball to the net (3-6 to 011). Michael Flynn’s shot was deflected over for a point.  Karl O’Keeffe then flicked a Jason Seward centre over for a point before young John Fennell flashed over a neat point (3-7 to 0-13). In the 46th minute, after Karl O’Keeffe had done the spadework, Killian O’Keeffe had the easiest of tasks to tap the ball over the goalkeeper (4-7 to 0-13). After Seán Fleming had pointed Kevin Walsh’s 20 metre free went all the way to the net (4-8 to 1-13); Kevin Dunne pointed in reply. Goalkeeper, Mark McGrath, effected a fine save, only for John Fennell to snap the rebounding ball and kick it to the net in the 52nd minute. A Seán Fleming free saw the ball coming back off the upright before Kevin Walsh pointed a 55th minute free (4-9 to 214) and Brian O’Neill had the final say with a point (4-10 to 2-14). Clashmore/Kinsalebeg: Mark McGrath; Nicky Beresford, Eddie Beresford, Pat Lombard; Philip Dee, Jason Seward, Kieran Connery; Declan Allen, Stephen Barron; Brian Dunne, Paudie O’Rourke, Brian O’Neill; Killian O’Keeffe, Karl O’Keeffe, Seán Fleming. Sub. Kevin Dunne for B. Dunne. Kilgobinet:- Jim Walsh; Kieran Byrne, Eddie Cullinan, Alan Fitzgerald; P. Lynch, P. Radley, Dermot O’Brien; Ray Lynch, Brian Dunford; Michael Flynn, Thomas O’Brien, Benny Lynch; Pat Morgan, Kevin Walsh, Mark Radley. Subs. John Fennell for M. Radley; V. Lynch for E. Cullinan.

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Teams of Times Gone By WESTERN INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL SEMI-FINAL Year: 2005. Month: September. Team Brickeys. Opposition: Geraldines. Venue: Fraher Field. Half-Time Score: Brickeys 1-7; Geraldines 0-2. Full-Time Score Brickeys 2-17; Geraldines 0-4. Referee: Maurice Condon (Clashmore/Kinsalebeg). Tommy Lynch; Shane Nugent, Jimmy Sheehan, Richard Halpin; Conor McGrath, David Hickey, Conor Phelan; Olan Casey, Vinny McCarthy; Carthach Shalloe, Kieran O’Brien, Fergus Nugent; Shane McGrath, Dermot O’Neill, Andrew Murphy. Subs: Mark Nugent, Paudie Nugent, William Queally, Anthony Murphy, Matt Kiely. Scorers: Kieran O’Brien 1-4, Carthach Shalloe 0-7, Dermot O’Neill 1-1, Shane McGrath 03, Olan Casey, and Mark Nugent 0-1 each.


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FORDE’S DAYBREAK FORECAST CORNER Last Week’s Forecasts: 13 Forecasts. 9 Correct. 4 Incorrect. Success Rate: 69.2%. Best So Far: 100%. This Week’s Forecasts: Munster Senior Hurling Championship: Waterford v (Cork) Munster Intermediate Hurling Championship: Waterford v (Cork). Western IFC: Sliabh gCua V (Ballinacourty), Ballinameela v (Ballyduff), Geraldines v (Dungarvan) Western Premier JFC: Emmetts v (Affane). Western Intermediate Attached JFC: Mellerary v Geraldines. County Under 14 Football Finals: Division 1: Ballinacourty v (Gaultier), Division 2: Brickeys v 9 (De La Salle), Division 3: Stradbally v (Tramore). To Date: 280 Forecasts. 174 Correct. 106 Incorrect. Success Rate: 62.1%.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Brickey Brickey Rangers Rangers LOTTO This week’s lotto draw took place in the Tudor House with a jackpot of €4450. There was no winner on the night. The numbers drawn were 6, 14, 18, 21. The €25 winners were Paddy Fitzgerald, Aisling Grace, Jim Maher and Eileen Fitzgerald. The next draw will take place in the Local Bar with a jackpot of €4,600. The sympathy of the club is extended to Stella Kinsella and family on the death of her sister Noeleen, which occurred in Mullinavat recently. May she rest in peace. Add to Brickey Ranges JUVENILE NOTES Under 8 Training for the under 8's continues each Saturday at 10.30 am until 12. Both hurling and football are played so if you want to join us come along for a bit of fun and learn the skills meet new friends. Brink a drink, a gumsheild, shin guards, Hurley and helmet and the fun is free. Any parent who wishes to help can do so just let one of the coaches know, experience not necessary but the experience that you get from working with the kids is invaluable. Under 9 & 10: The above group continue to train each Friday evening. Texts re matches. Under 14 Football Co Final: The under 14 boys will play their divisional Co. Final on Saturday next at 1 pm in Fraher Field. The opposition will be provided by DeLa Salle. We wish the players all the best and all support appreciated. Under 14 Hurling: County league is well underway, Mount Sion will have visited bushy park on Monday evening last, score unavailable at time of submission of notes. Féile 2015: We are less than two weeks away from the National Feile Finals, the team is going through their paces, the fundraiser is going strong with a big push this weekend. We have the predict the score of the waterford Munster hurling championship match on the go with €2 a pop being the ask for a guess. We have a table Quiz in West Waterford Golf Club on Friday next at 9 pm, we are asking that all coaches from under 8 upwards (as it could be your team next in the Feile) encourage the parents to come along to support the venture, we would like to see the ladies clubs and the Brickey Adult club represented. There will be spot prizes galore and great prizes. We would like to thank all who bought tickets for the lotto last week, the results of the selling boosted the coffers of the Feile fund. The more money we can raise as a group the better for all concerned. Thanks to all who have supported our fundraising campaign and we look forward to the final push for the next two weeks. Texts: If you are not receiving texts for your specific age group please let you team mentor know. It is GAA policy the minors are contacted for training games etc via their parent or guardian. If a reply is requested by the text sender, please do text back as it is helpful to know about numbers attending. Thank you for assistance with this matter.

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to our underage player D. J. Melia who represented his school as part of the Waterford team at half- time Primary game in last Sunday's game in Thurles.

Ballinameela Ballinameela BALLINAMEELA 1-19; SLIABH gCUA 1-5 We put our recent travails behind us with a comprehensive victory over neighbours Sliabh gCua on Friday last. Despite ending up onesided, the game was anything but in the first half as it was blow for blow over the opening 30. Despite faring better in the early possession and territory stakes, the scores were level at a point apiece after ten minutes. We began to enjoy more success on the scoreboard with Micheál Shine and Brendan Phelan both showing well to add to our tally, Micheál converting from 20 yards after some good recycling of the ball and Brendan being the most alert to slap a dropping free just over the crossbar, 0-3 to 0-1. Sliabh gCua recorded the next two scores, however, to hand them the lead. A point from play was quickly followed by an unfortunate mix up in front of the goal whereby an attempted clearance ricocheted off a Ballinameela leg to see the ball nestle in the back of our net, 0-4 to 1-3 and the initiative wrested from us. Credit to our lads, the heads never dropped and we reeled off the next 4 points to regain the lead as the half-time whistle blew, 0-7 to 1-3. We probably should have been further ahead, our profligacy in front of the posts combined with Sliabh gCua converting most of their chances resulting in a scoreline closer than it needed to be. Any worries about the half-time break halting our momentum proved unfounded as we picked up where we left as we outscored our opponents by 1-12 to 0-2 to see the game out comfortably. Jason Morrissey came alive for the half and it was he who added the goal midway through the half to ensure the result. There were several standout performances throughout the field, with our backs defending

capably and even getting forward to contribute 04 between them, an outside of the boot effort from Darren Mulcahy catching the eye in particular. Most notable, however, was the genuine team ethos that permeated the performance - on several occasions multiple blue jerseys converged to overturn possession and set up attacks. Lorcan Looby broke his scoring duck to close the game, hoisting over an effort from 35 yards to complete the victory. PREDICT THE SCORE - €100 PRIZE The club will run a 'Predict the Score' competition for Waterford's opening Munster Hurling Championship fixture against Cork in just under two weeks time. Players from both the Junior and Intermediate squads will be selling lines for €2 each with an easy €100 up for grabs for the closest prediction! DEISE DRAW We had no winners this time around. Thanks again to all who have supported the club in buying tickets. RESULTS MAY 2015 €10,000 RICHIE KIELY C/O GERRY QUINLAN - COLLIGAN €3,000 DAVID POWER, PORTLAW NEWTOWN/BALLYDURN €1,500 DONNACHA FORAN c/o J. STEPHENSON - BALLYDUFF LOWER €250 JOHN CURRAN, KILMORE - CLASHMORE €250 TANYA/ADAM/RYAN GRANT, URSULINE CT - KILMACTHOMAS €250 MARY FITZGERALD, ROSELAWN - TRAMORE €250 PJ McGRATH, VALEVIEW - DUNHILL €250 CHARLIE P DOWLING, THE PADDOCKS - ERINS OWN €250 DECLAN RYAN, HILLBROOK HOUSE BALLYDUFF LOWER €250 DAITHI ELLIS, JONESTOWN - CLONEA €250 MARTIN O'BRIEN, SHANACLUNE - DUNHILL SPECIALS: GERRY QUINLAN, COLLIGAN TOM HASSETT, RATHGORMACK. NEXT DRAW; BALLYMACARBRY ON FRIDAY, 26th JUNE UPCOMING FIXTURES Intermediate Football Championship: Saturday, 6th June - Ballinameela v Ballyduff in Lismore at 7.30 pm. Junior Football Championship: Monday, 1st June - Ballinameela v Rathgormack in Ballinameela at 7 pm. Friday, 5th June - Ballinameela v Clashmore in Ballinameela at 7:30 pm.

Fourmilewater SPONSORSHIP If you are interested in becoming one of the club sponsors where through our club notes, social media we will guarantee your company or business maximum exposure, please feel free to contact club PRO Muiris Walsh at 0868159136 or any committee member. SENIOR HURLING CHAMPIONSHIP Round Three of JJ Kavanagh Senior Hurling Championship Date: Week ending 21st June Fourmilewater v Ballyduff Upper. Round Four (During August): Tallow vs Fourmilewater. Round Five (During August): De La Salle vs Fourmilewater. MINOR HURLING CHAMPIONSHIP Fixture: Monday, June 29th Fourmilewater V An Gaeltacht in Ballymacarbry at 7.30pm. WEEKLY LOTTO RESULT The Clubs weekly lotto took place in Doocey's Bar last Saturday evening. No winner Numbers drawn 2, 22, 28. Five €30 winners: Oliver O’Gorman, John Gleeson, Crotty Grandkids, Michelle Guiry, Catherine Sheehan. Next week jackpot €900. 45 CARD RESULTS Winners Michael Power & Dick Harte; 2nd Paddy & Vincent Wall, Chris Noonan & Michael Ahern; Jim Skehan & Michael Nugent. Lucky Tables: Mary Ryan & Maurice Prendergast; Martin Moore & Christy Skehan. NIGHT AT THE DOGS A race night will be held in the Clonmel Greyhound Track on Thursday, August 13th in aid of The Mill Field Development Fund. Plans are in place to upgrade our facilities in the Mill Field but we need to raise some more funds to support these plans. The Mill Field is used by The Nire, Fourmilwater GAA clubs and The Ballymacarbry ladies football teams. In order to maintain the enormous success the three clubs have enjoyed in the past, we need to improve our facilities in order to maintain these success we need these improvements. The new facilities will also be of most benefit to our young players and our supporters. Tickets are €10. A ticket gives you admission to the dogs on August 13th and also entry into a Buster Draw for €1,000. This is a family event and U-16's go free. Not only will you be helping to improve our facilities for you and your children but you will also be getting a great night out with the family. The three clubs in the community have come together

to organise this night. Your support is greatly appreciated. Tickets are available from the three clubs. SPONSORSHIP We are also looking for people/businesses/companies to sponsor pages in The Race Night Booklet. Full page: €100; Half page: €50; Quarter page: €25. All support is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact club PRO Muiris Walsh at 0868159136 or any committee member. FOURMILEWATER HURLING/WATERFORD HOSPICE JOINT FUNDRAISER MIZEN HEAD TO MALIN HEAD 2 DAY CYCLE CHALLENGE Fourmilewater hurling club in conjunction with the Waterford Hospice are delighted to come together to promote a joint fund raiser in September 2015. A group of 10 able bodied cyclists is being formed to take on the significant physical and mental test of cycling all the way from Mizen Head at the very far south of County Cork to Malin Head at the top of Donegal. To put this challenge in context, if you were to drive it in a car, without stops, it would take you in excess of 8 hours and that would be doing well! The lads are very motivated and already in serious training to take this on over an aggressive 2 day duration, with a stop off in Athlone after day1. A number of fundraising events will be held in advance with all profits going back to FMW hurling club and the very worthy cause of the Waterford Hospice. At this juncture we are inviting any corporate brands that might like to come on board and have their corporate logo used in conjunction with the venture. A special jersey will be commissioned in due course with all of the corporate sponsors to be included. If your company is interested and wish to come on board then please contact Ronan Ryan at 087-6084788 or Beanie Byrne at 0876436046. NIRE/FOUMILEWATER JUVENILES U-13 Western Final: Hard luck to our U-13 footballers who lost out in the Western final today against Ballinacourty. We were all proud of the management and players on a wonderful campaign. On the day we had to give way to a better side. Congratulations to Ballinacourty on a fine victory. U-8’s: Well done to our U-8s who were in action in both hurling and football last Monday night against Clerihan. Panel Conor Walsh, Brian Walsh, Oran Sheehan,Paddy Spelman, Reece Peters, Rian Wyse, David Wall, Roy Nugent, Cian Murphy, Matthew Ryan. U-10's: Well done to our U-10's who took part in a tournament in Ballyduff last Saturday week. The Future is bright Ballymacarbry NS: Congratulations to the Ballymacarbry National School who defeated Lismore in The Western School final last week. Brian Morrissey: The club would like to thank Brian Morrissey for sharing and allowing us to use the many photographs that he has taken of our players and teams. Support: We are always very grateful for the support we receive from everyone in the community. We would love to see more people come along to our games and really get behind the team, the various teams and mentors put a lot of hard work into the teams and come match day, it would be great if more supporters came along to the games. That support could be and often is the difference between winning and losing. We would also like to ask parents to please respond to texts about your children's availability for matches. It's important for the coaches to know exactly who can or can't attend a match. Thank you again for your support and cooperation. Reminder: We would ask all parents to respond to texts received from club mentors when asked if your child will or will not be attending games training etc. Gum Shields: Just a reminder to all parents that Gum Shields are obligatory for Gaelic Football when playing or training for Gaelic Football. None of us want to prevent any child from participating in our teams but we cannot allow any child play hurling without a helmet or football without a Gum Shield. Night at the Dogs: A race night will be held in the Clonmel Greyhound Track on Thursday, August 13th in aid of The Mill Field Development Fund. Plans are in place to upgrade our facilities in the Mill Field but we need to raise some more funds to support these plans. The Mill Field is used by The Nire, Fourmilwater GAA clubs and The Ballymacarbry ladies football teams. In order to maintain the enormous success the three clubs have enjoyed in the past, we need to improve our facilities in order to maintain these success we need these improvements. The new facilities will also be of most benefit to our young players and our supporters. Tickets are €10. A ticket gives you admission to the dogs on August 13th and also entry into a Buster Draw for €1,000. This is a family event and U-16's go free. Not only will you be helping to improve our facilities for you and your children but you will also be getting a great night out with the family. The three clubs in the community have come together to organise this night. Your support is greatly appreciated. Tickets are available from the three clubs. Sponsorship: We are also looking for


Michael Burke, Lawlor's Hotel, sponsors presenting the trophy for the Western Division 3 Football Championship to Stradbally captain Sean Navin after his team’s win over Ballyduff Upper in the final at Fraher Field. [Rory Wyley] people/businesses/companies to sponsor pages in The Race Night Booklet. Full page: €100; Half page: €50; Quarter page: €25. All support is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact club PRO Muiris Walsh at 0868159136 or any committee member. TRAINING U-12's: Our U-12 training continues every Tuesday between 7 pm and 8 pm in the Millfield €1. U-10/ U-11 Training: Our U-10/11's training continues every Monday evening in the Milfield at 6 pm €1. U-8/U-9: Our U-8/9's training continues on Thursday's between 6 pm and 7 pm in the Millfield €1. U-6's/U-7's: Our U-6's/U-9's training continues every Monday between 7 pm and 8 pm in the Millfield €1. Club Notes: If you would like anything included in the Club notes, Facebook or Twitter updates, please contact Muiris Walsh at 0868159136 or at baronpark20@gmail.com Respect: Respect your teammates, Respect your opponents, Respect your coaches, Respect officials and Respect the games. Ar agaidh an Uidhir agus An Caislean Cuanach.

Affane/Cappoquin CLUB LOTTO The numbers drawn in our Club Lotto for the jackpot prize of €7,700 on Monday, May 25th were 5-11-20-26 and there was no winner. The five €20 consolation prize winners were Noreen Landers, Melleray Rd; Mike Buckley, Ballyhane; Nora Crotty, Affane; Maurice/Joan Cahillane, Lacken, and Paul Ormonde, Abbey Glen. This week’s draw was held on Tuesday, June 2nd results will appear here next week. THREE TO ANSWER 1, What club won an All-Ireland senior hurling championship and lost a Munster Intermediate hurling club final in 2011? 2, Who are the only club to win Munster club Junior and Senior hurling titles? 3, Who were the first Waterford club to play in a Munster Junior hurling final? LAST WEEKS ANSWERS 1, Tipp's Brendan Maher plays for Borrisoleigh. 2, France and Ireland were the first countries to play a Rugby international at Croke Park. 3, Tipp were the first county to win an AllIreland senior hurling title with a Sponsors logo on their jerseys.. WEST JUNIOR FOOTBALL C'SHIP AFFANE 2-06; MODELIGO 1-13. Affane footballers took on parish neighbours Modeligo at a windy Fraher Field on Saturday evening last. Affane trailed by six points at halftime on the score 0-03 to 1-06. Two goals by talisman Killian O’Sullivan brought the Affane lads back within two points of the boys in Green midway through the second half, but the Modeligo lads held their composure and added two points to earn a deserving win. Team: Aaron O’Sullivan, Damian McCarthy, Tim Looby, Killian Denn, Evan McGrath, Gavin McCarthy, Colm Looby, Pa Greene, Jack Mangan, Killian O’Sullivan, Shane Coughlan, Brian Crotty, Richie Scanlon, Paul Murray.

SARGENT CUP RESULT Ballygunner 0-12; Cappoquin 0-11. Cappoquin travelled to a rainy and blustery Ballygunner on Monday last. Playing with the aid of a strong breeze in the first half the Cornerstone boys led at the interval by two points 0-05 to 0-07. Cappoquin put in a good second half performance playing into a strong wind and were unlucky not to get at least a draw losing out by a point to the Gunners. Best for Cappoquin in an overall good team performance were Darren Curran, Pat Morrissey, Colm Looby, Dave Cahillane, Paul Murray, Keith Landers, Shane O’Rourke, Pa Greene, Shane Coughlan, Aaron O’Sullivan,

Cappoquin team: Darren Curran, Pat Morrissey, Colm Looby, Gavin McCarthy, Dave Cahillane, Tim Looby, Shane Murray, Paul Murray, Keith Landers, Shane O’Rourke, Pa Greene, Colin Landers, Shane Coughlan, Killian O’Sullivan, Aaron O’Sullivan. Sub used: Jack Mangan.

SUPERVALU KITS FOR KIDS Kellehers SuperValu Cappoquin is currently running. a 'Kits for Kids' promotion. The promotion works as follows, when 20euro is spend you will receive a token. Just pop this token in the Cappoquin/Affane GAA collection box in the store. Clubs must collect 2,000 tokens to receive a training kit containing training balls bibs, cones, water bottles etc. The promotion runs until July. CUL CAMP DATES This years Cul Camp will take place from Monday, July 20th to Friday, July 24th. All details and payment can be made at kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie or contact Eilish Curran on 0876141686 UPCOMING U-14 HURLING COUNTY C;SHIP FIXTURE Rd 2 Tues. June 9th Cappoquin (A) V St. Pats at 7 pm in Kilgobnet U-12 HURLING TOWN/COUNTRY FIXTURE Rd 5 Fri. June 5th; at 6.30 pm Cappoquin (A) V St. Pats in Kilgobinet WEST JFC FIXTURES This Fri June 5th; Affane V Colligan Emmets in Fraher Field at 7.30 pm.

Kill DEISE DRAW IN DUNPHY’S A good crowd gathered in Dunphy’s Bar last Friday night (29th May) for the 3rd of 8 draws in this year’s Deise Draw Fundraiser. It was hoped that our luck might change with the draw being on our home patch, but it was not to be as the big prize went to Colligan. Still the night went great for us as the National Hurling League Cup and the McGrath Cup were in attendance, which gave everyone a chance to admire them. A big thank you to Paidi and all the ladies who supplied us with refreshments and finally a special thanks to our co-ordinator Hannah Power for all her hard work in organising the night. JUNIOR HURLING Fenor's hurlers kept their 100% record intact last Sunday week (24th May) but not after an all and mighty scare from a resilient Clonea team. Playing with a strong breeze we looked to have an unasailable lead at the break as we led by 14 points, only for Clonea to mount a stirring comeback which nearly yielded a point if not two, as a late penalty miss proved costly. Final score Clonea 1-14; Fenor 2-14. WELL DONE To Conor Hennessy who was selected at wing back to play against Tipperary in the first round of the Munster Junior Football C'ship last Sunday in Thurles. A good honour for himself and the club. KILL N.S. Their was no joy last Thursday (28th May) in Walsh Park for the school in the U-13 Hurling Finals. Playing in the 'B' final for the first time, Portlaw proved a bridge too far on this occasion. Trailing by 9 points at the short whistle, the lads kept battling away, but it was not to be. Final score:- Kill 0-6; Portlaw 5-4. Well done to all the lads and their teacher/coach Miss Fitzgerald for getting so far and doing the locality proud. CLUB LOTTO Their was no winner of the jackpot worth 10k at last Monday night’s draw (25th May) in Dunphys Bar. We had two 'Match 3's' though as Jack O'Mahony Ballyrobin, Dunhill and Mary Barrett c/o Pisces Restaurant, both had 3 of the 4 numbers drawn, and so they win €25 consolation prizes. For the record the numbers drawn were 2, 18, 26 & 30. Next week’s draw is in Kirwans where the jackpot is a whopping €10,000, with the back-up jackpot at €1,150.



Tramore Tramore GAA KITS FOR KIDS Our Club Sponsors Quish’s Supervalu are awarding a Juvenile O’Neills Kit to our club as part of Supervalu’s nationwide awarding of juvenile O’Neills kits worth €430,000 to over 400 clubs around the country. This promotion will run until the 5th of July. Simply spend €40 in Quish’s Supervalu and shoppers will receive a Kit for kids token which can them be donated to the Tramore Juvenile GAA Club Collection Point in-store. The club must collect a minimum of 2,000 vouchers to qualify for the kit. TRAMORE JUVENILE GAA GOLF CLASSIC Our Annual Golf Classic Fundraiser takes place on June 13th in Tramore Golf Club from 8.30 am to 2 pm. This is run on a Stableford format, €20 per person, teams of four. Please contact Tramore Golf Club 051 386170 to book or contact info@tramoregolfclub.com. If unable to take part, please sponsor a tee box for €50. CUL CAMP Tramore Kellogg's Gaa Cul Camp takes place from 17th- 21st August in the club grounds. 1st child €55, 2nd child €45, 3,4 5th child €40 each. Contact Denise Connor 083-1523257 for bookings and further details. Online bookings can be made on www.gaa.ie/kelloggsculcamps. This is a great camp, the largest by far in the county, and is very well run, great value and fantastic fun, so book your place early to avoid disappointment. FOOTBALL U-13 FOOTBALL EASTERN FINAL Our U-13 Footballers gave a great performance in defeat against a good Gaultier side in this division 1 game. Gaultier started brightly with some well taken points but we worked our way back into the game with a well taken goal and some points of our own, to turn half-time down by 3. Gaultier started the second half well but again we worked our way back into the game. We had 2 goals unfortunately disallowed as the whistle had blown for frees to us. The deficit proved too much in the end. Well done to all the lads on our 19 strong panel who played their hearts out. Best of luck to Gaultier in the county final. Panel: Tony Kelly , Oisin Crowley, Sam Morrissey, Conor Phelan, Dean Larkin, Jack Brennan, Dillon Dunphy, Cian Murphy, Cian Edgerton, John Finnegan (Capt), Cian Rellis, Odhran O'Donnell, David O’Connor, Darren Connor, Kealan Graham, Michael Morrissey, Thomas Murray, Daniel Brazil, Frankie Gillane.

FIXTURES THIS WEEK U-12 Hurling Div 1 vs Mount Sion Friday 5th June in Tramore at 6.30 pm. U-12 Hurling Div 3 vs St Saviours away, time and date to be confirmed. U-14 Division 3 County Football Final vs Stradbally Saturday 6th June at 10.30 am in Fraher Field Eastern Intermediate Hurling League Tramore vs Dunhill Saturday, 6th June KILROSSANTY On Saturday, 13th June an event to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Kilrossanty winning the 1985 county senior football final will take place. Any player or selector from Tramore who were runners up that might wish to attend please contact Patsy Flanagan at 0862367710 before 6th June. LITTLE WARRIORS Little Warriors for 3-6 yr olds will run every Sunday at 10.30 am, fun and games for little ones in our AstroTurf, €2 per child, €5 max per family. DEISE DRAW Congratulations to Mary Fitzgerald, Roselawn who won €250 in the May draw. Top monthly prize is €10,000 with many other terrific prizes to be won. Tickets, €10 each, can be got from Pat Cullen or Anne Bohan. Winners in the Local Members Draw were Billy & Claire O'Keeffe, Beech Park, Diarmuid McCarthy, Glen Road and Betty Clune, Sweetbriar Lawn, while Anne Bohan won the promoters prize. Thanks to all who support the Deise Draw. LOTTO The next draw takes place on Wednesday, when the Jackpot will be €4,800. Tickets €2 each are on sale in the usual outlets. There was no winner of the €4,700 Jackpot in last Wednesday weeks draw. The numbers drawn were 1, 8, 10 and 16. Lucky Dip winners of €40 each were Kay Power, Springmount, Margaret Kelly, Kelly Classics and Jim McCarthy, Glen Road. Thanks to all who support the Lotto. SOCIAL DANCING LESSONS There will be social dancing classes every Tuesday in the Club Centre from 7 pm - 10 pm. Come and learn to dance the Foxtrot, Quickstep, Waltzes and many more with a Professional Instructor. All standards welcome from novice to refreshers. Dancers of a good standard more than welcome. Come along and enjoy what promises to be a great night. Contact Glen 087 9183218. CAMOGIE Training on Wednesday evenings U-8 to U-12, 6 - 7 pm. Training now on Wednesday evenings for U-14 to U-18 from 8 - 9 pm. ASTROTURF AND HALL Open to Clubs and Children's Parties, for further information, contact our Sports and Social Manager, Charlie Ryan at 086-8232021. CIRCUIT TRAINING AND CORE PILATES

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Circuits with John Frost on Wednesday at 7.30 pm. Pilates with Davy Wade on Thursday at 7.30 pm. €5 for each class and all are welcome. BINGO Bingo in the Club every Monday at 8 pm. All are welcome. CARDS Eamonn McCormack, Ted Crowley and Jack O'Brien beat Nicky Grace, Josie Connors and John Dunne in last weeks final. Cards every Friday at 9.30 pm and all are welcome. Friday draw winners were Terry Dunphy and Josie Connors. Recent Bonus Ball winners were John Dunne and Josie Connors.

St.Mary’s Mary’s Juveniles Juveniles St. U-12 CITY LEAGUE Our U-12 hurlers recorded their first win in the city league last Tuesday evening, 26th May, when they recorded an impressive win over Sacred Heart. The first half was tight enough and we led by 3 points at the break. An early goal from Geoff Dowdall put us in the driving seat at the start of the second half and further goals from Adam Moynihan and James Harney sealed the points, Final score St. Mary’s 3-5; Sacred Heart 0-1. U-13 FOOTBALL EASTERN SEMI-FINAL Their was heartache for our u-13 footballers in Kill last Wednesday evening, 27th May as a late rally from Portlaw denied us victory. A tight first half saw us lead by 2 points at the break, but it could have been different only for some stout about defending and brilliant goalkeeping by Brian Dowdall. The second half saw the scoring rate increase dramatically, as we went into an early 5 point lead only for the tannery boys to peg us back. Two goals then from Brynn Moran and Sean Walsh put us 6 to the good with only 3 minutes remaining. However, a storming finish from Portlaw saw them score 3-2 without reply to defeat us on a 5-8 to 4-6 scoreline as they advanced to the Eastern final. Our team was:- Brian Dowdall, Dan Halley, Anthony Mullins, Sean Allen, Mike Halley, Geoff Dowdall, Cathal Scanlon, Brynn Moran, Sean Walsh, Jack Hennessy, James Murphy, Subs:- Jack McCormack, Frank Kavanagh.

A big thank you to Dan Delaney and Martin Allen for their hard work with this group as they left no stone unturned in their quest for glory. U-11 HURLING CITY LEAGUE A brave effort from our u-11's went unrewarded last Friday evening, 29th May, in Bunmahon as Piltown defeated us in the latest round of the city league. A tight first half saw us trail by 3 points at the interval with our backs playing superbly, ably led by Jack Hennessy, Aaron Foran, Josh McCormack and Jane Kirwan. An early goal from the Kilkenny side gave them the confidence to kick on after the restart and despite our best efforts which didn't lack grit or determination we went down by 2-7 to 0-2. Their is still 3 rounds to go so hopefully we can finish the league with a flourish. U-9 HURLING The last round of hurling in the Go Games series saw us travel to Roanmore last Wednesday evening (27th May) to take on the home team and Sacred Heart. As usual we travelled with two teams with each team getting 2 games. For once we didn't play up to scratch as defeat was our lot all round. Still this group under the watchful eye of Neil Phelan, Richard Queally, Mary Crowley and Mark Kiely have made real progess over last 3 months. Our attention turns to the big ball now with training continuing in Kill every Saturday morning at 10 a.m.

Sean Phobal Phobal JUNIOR FOOTBALL Sean Phobal v Shamrocks have produced many unusual games over the years. In 1964, the Shocks won on a score of 0-03 to 0-01. The following year on our way to winning the title, the scoring rate rose dramatically as we won the shoot-out by 0-06-to 0-03. This was at a time when blankets were what kept you warm in bed and sweepers were employed by the county council! Last weekend in Clashmore, we won the latest chapter on a scoreline of 1-05 to 0-07. I wonder how many games were won last weekend with a score of 1-05? Equally strange is the fact that we failed to score in the second half and that we played the last ten minutes with just fourteen men. An early 1-01 burst from Graham Guiry gave us a great start and the same player pointed again on twenty minutes but the Shamrocks stayed in touch with a few points. We finished the half with a pointed free by Guiry and two excellent scores from Brian French and Brendan Hogan. 1-5 to 0-5 at half-time. The second half saw the Knockanore men tag on two points but we held out in a frantic finish, despite what seemed a harsh red card being flashed. The low scoring rate is a cause for concern but the players deserve great credit for their battling qualities from start to finish and right through the field. An Foireann: L. Ó Raghallaigh, S. Stillwell, R. Turraoin,

Nire/Fourmilewater Juveniles - U-10's. Well done to our U-10's who took part in a tournament in Ballyduff recently.

D. Ó Murchú. S. De Paor, A. Breathnach, S. Ó Conbhuí. C. Innseadúin, A. Mac Gearailt. B. Frinnseach, B. Ó hÓgáin, D. Ó Cuirrín. R. Stillwell, G. Ó Gadhra, M. Frinnseach.

NEXT UP We face Tallow in the next round on this saturday in Ardmore. Let’s hope that the spirit of last week, allied to a few more scores might just see us through again. We would like to see our supportes back also. I can still count them all too easily! TUCKER The sight of him sitting as a spectator at last week’s game confirmed to me that Tomás “Tucker” Curran had finally hung up the boots. Tucker was a loyal, long-serving player who lined out in evey line of the team except the full-back line. Indeed, he was a first class goalkeeper in his earlier years but his prowess in the air made him a natural for midfield battles. It was fitting that he should have played a crucial role in the winning of last year’s title. Well done Tucker. PEIL FÉ-13: AN GAELTACHT 3-7; COIS BRÍD 1-11 Cómhgáirdeachas leis na buachaillí agus a lucht stiúrtha as craobh an iarthair a bhaint amach comh slachtmhar an sathairn seo caite. Beidh siad ag tabhairt aghaidh ar chraobh an chontae i cionn cúpla seachtaine ach beidh tuilleadh eolais againn ar sin an tseachtain seo chugainn. Ba cheart dúinn bheith mórálach as an éacht seo agus cad é mar óráid ón captaen Cathal Ó hÓgáin! An Foireann: Kyle Mac Eoin, Lúcás Uada, Conal Ó Ceallaigh, Liam Ó Síocháin, Cormac Ó Mathúna, Rian Mac Craith.Caolán Mac Craith, Cathal Ó hÓgáin (capt.), Soren Dubhshláine, Marc Ó Mathúna, Seán Ó Floinn, Oisín Ó Domhnaigh, Nioclás Breathnach.

Cois Bhride Bhride Kindly Sponsored by Cunningham's Hardware, Tallow KELLOGGS GAA CUL CAMP This year's camp will be held at the Knockanore GAA Pitch between the 10th-14th August. This year's Cul Camp Co-Ordinator is Lisa Henley, so if you have any questions or need help please contact Lisa or any Team Mentor. U-13 FOOTBALL WESTERN FINAL Our U-13 footballers were in action in Dungarvan last Saturday morning in the Western Final but unluckily they were beaten on a score line of Cois Bhride U-13 1-11 (14); An Ghaeltacht 3-7 (16). It was a great game and well done to everyone involved, hard luck on the day. GAMES OFF DUE TO BAD WEATHER Each of our U-14, U-11 and U-9 teams had a game fixed for last weekend/Monday but unfortunately due to weather than was more like November than June, all games were called off and hopefully will be re-scheduled over the coming week and texts will be sent by the relevant mentors/selectors to confirm any details. FIRST AID COURSE The First Aid course organised by our Club Secretary Sinead Lenehan is on Saturday, 6th June in Tallow and it's great that all the places have been filled. UPCOMING FIXTURES Friday, 5th June: Under 12 Hurling Div 1 Away v Youghal at 6.30 pm Monday 8th June: Under 9 Football Div 2: Home v The Brickeys 7.00 pm Tuesday, 9th June: Under 14 Hurling Div 2: Home v Clan Na Gael at 7.00 pm There will be a Club Committiee meeting Thursday, 11th June and all memebers are asked

to atttend. (time will be confirmed by text nearer the date). We would like to wish the very best of luck to all of our Junior Cert & Leaving Cert students who will be sitting their exams in the coming weeks. And finally, just to mention that our Facebook page now has 187 'likes'/followers, which is great for a new page just set up this year but it would be nice to round it up to an even number of 200 (or more) .... so get 'liking' readers!! And also this week, after being dormant for a while, Sinead Lenehan has gotten the Cois Bhride website up and running again, so please take a look there as well for updates on our Club, upcoming fixtures/results news etc. A link to the website has been shared on our Facebook page to make it easy to find. U-10 HURLING BLITZ Our U-10’s played again last Saturday in the second round of the Ballyduff u-10 Hurling tournament. Unfortunately. they were beaten by St. Mary’s of Clonmel and Fermoy but the team played really well on the day putting in great effort and showed great improvement on their team work. So well done to everyone one involved. The team was made up of: Cian O’Brien, Adam McSweeney, Jack McDonnell. Luka Tobin, Ian Martin, Alan Hurley, Jake Henley, Josh Goode, Ciaran Lenehan, Callum McCarthy, Conor Henley. Subs: Taylor Twohig, Stephen Murphy, Niamh Spillane.

Naomh Brid Naomh Brid LEAGUES Last week the under 9’s played Cois Brid in both hurling and football so the lads are now getting plenty of game time. We have St. Pat’s left both this week and next week and that will finish the current league for this division. The Under 11 hurlers had a good victory over St. Olivers on Thursday evening last in Kirwan Park. It was a high scoring game and very exciting to watch, well done lads. This Friday coming the U-12 hurlers are due to play Naomh Carthaigh at home at 6.30 pm. Next week the U-11 hurlers are away to Cois Brid on Friday evening. UNDER 13 FOOTBALL There was no joy for the under 13 footballers against a strong Gaeltacht side on Monday last. Best of luck to the winners in the final. CUL CAMP This year the Naomh Brid Cul Camp is to be held at the Touraneena venue. It will run from Monday, August 3rd to Friday, August 7th, from 10 until 2 pm each day. It is open to all boys and girls between 6 and 13 years of age. CLUB NOTES If any person or group in the club wants to include match news, fixtures or photos etc in the weekly notes please send email to the club PRO. Email address is (nb-pro@outlook.ie) These need to be received by Sunday evening at 6 pm for inclusion that week.

Comeragh Rangers Rangers Comeragh 11 A SIDE LEAGUE FINAL Our senior ladies team were narrowly defeated by Ballymac in the 11 a side league final in Aglish last Saturday. The final score was 2-10 to 2-14 in Ballymac favour. WATERFORD INTERMEDIATE LADIES The Waterford ladies had a good win over Limerick in the first round of the Munster championship. The final score was 3-16 to 4-07. The

Comeragh ranger representatives were Aoife Dunne, Shauna Dunphy, Mairead Power, Nora Dunphy, Aoife, Katie and Emma Murray. U-16 COUNTY FINAL Commiserations to the u-16s who lost to Ballymac in the county final. On behalf of the Comeragh Rangers committee we would like to wish the best of luck to those doing the Leaving and Junior Certificate.

Geraldines Geraldines INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL On Friday evening last the intermediates played Ballyduff Upper in Lismore. Having won two games already in the championship, the lads were looking to secure a place in the knock out stages in the championship. On a good evening for football, the lads got off to a good start but Ballyduff responded well with a goal and went in at the break a point up. Half-time Ballyduff 1-4 to Gers 0-06. Both teams started the second half well and Ballyduff got a second goal to lead by 5 points at one stage. However, Geraldines as they do finished strong and got the deficit back to a single point but could not find an equaliser. Final Score: Ballyduff 2-9; Geraldines 0-14. Scores on the night were Eamonn, S. Kenefick, S. Hally, Aidan, Ger, Jamie and Ray. Team: S. Lambden, B. Dwyer, S. Fitzgerald, R. Fitzgerald, J. Healy, J. Maher, S. Hally, M. O’Brien, R. Connery, A. Dwyer, E. Donovan, S. Kenefick, J. Landers, E. Mernin, G. O’Donovan. Subs: S. Keane, S. Kenny

JUNIOR FOOTBALL On Saturday evening last the juniors played Kilgobinet in Fraher Field. In poor conditions the juniors played good stuff, battling for everything and deserving their half-time lead of 0-04 to 0-03. In the second half the tempo was consistent but Kilgobinet got a two point lead over the lads which was hard to get back. Scores came from Mikey, Mark, John, James, and Kieran. The final score was 0-09 to 0-06. Team: S. Ronayne, P. Hickey, V. O’Brien, J. O’Connor, R. Lynch, C. Ryan, S. O’Brien, J. Casey, S. Landers, E. Kenefick, K. Mernin, M. Lynch, M. Irwin, J. Corkery, M. O’Connell

FIXTURES Junior Football Vs Melleray on Friday. 5th June in Lismore at 7:30 pm Intermediate Football Vs Dungarvan on Tuesday, 9th June. Check paper for time and venue BEST WISHES Best of luck to Mark and everyone in the area who are sitting their Leaving Cert and Junior Cert Exams over the next two weeks. Best of luck to Jerome and the Waterford Intermediate hurlers who play on Sunday against Cork.

Kilgobinet Kilgobinet JUNIOR FOOTBALL We had to battle hard to get our second win in our football campaign last Saturday evening in very cold and wet conditions. With ten minutes to go the sides were level with two great saves from Eoin keeping us in the game. We kicked the last three points to win. A big improvement is needed if we are to go further in this competition. We play Ballinacourty this Saturday night at half six in Fraher field. MUNSTER CHAMPIONSHIP The club would like to wish the Waterford Hurlers all the best of luck next Sunday in their semi-final against Cork.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Stradbally U-13 FOOTBALL Well done to our U-13 footballers who won the Western final last Sunday morning. The opposition was St. Olivers. The final score was Stradbally 5-8; St Olivers 2-05. We are now western champions in U-13 and U-14. The future looks good. SEAN AHEARNE KELLOGG’S GAA CÚL CAMP This year’s Cúl Camp is dedicated to the memory of Seán Ahearne who gave a lot of his time to the promotion of underage Football and Hurling in Stradbally GAA club. The Camp begins on Monday, June 29th and finishes on Friday, July 3rd. The camp is open to boys and girls from six years of age to thirteen years of age. The camp begins at 10.00 a.m. and finishes at 2.30 p.m. If you want any information please log on to www.gaa.ie/kelloggsculcamps or you can also register on the beginning day of the camp.If you have any queries please contact club co-ordinator Tomás Walsh. PRE-SCHOOL G.A.A. CAMP This year we also have a pre-school camp for boys and girls aged four and five years on the same week. This camp also begins at 10.00 a.m. And finishes at the earlier time of 12 noon. These children will receive the Cúl Camp kit and bag and the cost is €40.You can’t register online for this camp. JUNIOR FOOTBALL We played An Rinn last week in Stradbally in the Junior Football and we had an easy win in what was a one-sided affair. The contest was never in doubt the minute Gavin Whelan got the game underway as Stradbally dominated from the start to the finish. SENIOR FOOTBALL We played The Nire last week in Fraher Field and we were defeated by that one point again. We played well at times, and we played deplorable at other times. We have a lot to do in the coming weeks when the serious championship games are on the horizon. The positive points in that game was the emergence of our younger players who made a big impression. THE ROAD TO THURLES All our supporters are heading to Thurles next Sunday to cheer our own Michael (Brick) Walsh against our old rivals Cork in what will be an epic encounter. MINOR HURLING Our minor hurlers will get their campaign underway on Monday, 29th June against Clashmore / Kinsalebeg in Clashmore at 7.30 pm JUNIOR FOOTBALL FIXTURE Junior Football Senior Attached fixture against St. Savours in Ballybeg on Friday, 5th June at 7.30 pm. VIKING MARATHON The Viking Marathon takes place on 27th June at 9 am. We have over twenty participants for this event and they are in full training at the moment under the watchful eye of Brendan Breen. Please support these runners as all money raised will go to field development. JUNIOR FOOTBALL We play our near neighbours Kilrossanty on Friday, 12th June in Stradbally at 7-30 pm KEEP FIT Pilates with Mikie Kiely continues at the club every Wednesday morning at 10 am. Beginners welcome, the damage €5. HEART SCREENING Below is a letter sent to our secretary concerning heart screening for players which should be seriously considered in the light of a death of a teenager in Dublin last weekend, should enough players be interested in the screening it can be arranged. Please contact Chairman Pat Fennell or Anne Navin. Dear Secretary, I would like to tell you and your club about our mobile Cardiac Screening Programme for GAA Clubs Heartaid provide an on-site Doctor-led Cardiac Screening service to clubs, schools & companies nationwide. Our service is ultimately aimed at reducing the incidents of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) in Ireland and promoting a healthy lifestyle. We provide our service onsite at a time and place that is convenient. There is no cost to your club to address the issue of Cardiac Screening. Heartaid provide all the necessary materials, posters/brochures, online booking, 1890 300 333 help line etc. etc. We simply ask you as a club to communicate the service and facilitate us when we visit. Heartaid screen all senior inter-county GAA teams across Ireland. We screen for the FAI, Connacht and Leinster Rugby, Irish Institute of Sport as well as a numerous companies and local sports clubs up and down the country. Heartaid also provide cardiac screening all LAYA Healthcare members nationwide. Our Medical Director is Dr Alan Byrne who was previously Medical Director of the FAI In accordance with international best practice each Cardiac Screening includes: • A Personal & Family History Questionnaire • A Medical Examination with a Doctor • Blood Pressure measurement • Obesity Screening • 12 Lead Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Ballymacarbry who beat Lismore in the Roinn A Finall of the Allianz Western Cumann na mBunscol hurling championship. • Consultant Cardiologist review and report Heartaid’s service is based on the recommendations of the GAA’s Medical Scientific and Advisory Committee http://www.gaa.ie/medicaland-player-welfare/cardiac-screening and The European Society of Cardiology. In Italy screening is compulsory for anyone competing in sport. They have reduced SADS by 89% over the past 25 years and this is the model we are following. The fee for the Cardiac Screening service is typically €65.*People with Laya health insurance are able to avail of screening for FREE. People with other health insurance may be able to claim a % back at the end of the year. Or it is also tax deductible. We would welcome the opportunity to run a screening programme for your players and members and the local community. Each screening takes 25 minutes and we can screen 45 per day. We screen individuals from age 12+. Meath football captain Shane McAnarney had a condition picked up by Heartaid and it is the very same service we would be offering your club. I look forward to further contact in due course. Please let me know if you need any more information. With thanks and kind regards, Philip. LADIES NOTES Sincere Sympathy: Our condolences go to the Barrett family, and to Finnuala on the death of her brother Liam which occurred last week. May he rest in peace. Played in Thurles: Well done to Aoife Brazil, Shiona Dunphy and Kate Heffernan who played in the primary game in Thurles at Sunday's football game. U-14: Well done to our U14 girls who beat Na Deise last week in the second round of the championship. Final score Stradbally 6-8; Na Deise 45. We are due to play Ballyduff this week. U-12: We take on Dungarvan this evening (Wednesday) in Stradbally.

championship match to neighbours Tipperary on Sunday. They will now take the back door route through the qualifiers and hopefully will be able to notch up a win second time round. GET WELL There are a few people in our community going through some tough health issues at present. We wish you all a successful recovery back to full health. CHARITY FUNDRAISING WALK/RUN The Mary Byrne Memorial will host a 7km Walk/Run next Friday night, 5th June in Melleray. More details available through social media. All proceeds goes towards Mental Illness and Suicide Awareness. SCHOOLS OUT/EXAM TIME At this time of year - all second level as well as third level institutions have finished for the Summer. For the Leaving & Junior cert students, exams begin with English today, Wednesday. Best wishes to all those taking these exams and hopefully you will come through with flying colours.

Tourin Tourin

Well done to everyone involved. SLIABH gCUA SUFFERS HEAVY DEFEAT Sliabh gCua’s Intermediate footballers suffered defeat at the hands of a very strong Ballinameela side on Friday evening last in Fraher Field. After a bright start from Sliabh gCua, Ballinameela started to dominate the game and ran out worthy 1-19 to 1-05 victors. Next up is Ballinacourty this Friday. Other score of interest is – Ballinacourty 2-11; Dungarvan 0-7. PEIL IDIRMHEANACH This week’s fixture is as follows: Sliabh gCua V Baile Na Cuirte in An Coillegaein at 8 pm on Friday, 5th June. DEISE DRAW The club would like to extend their congratulations to Richie Walsh, Colligan on winning first prize of €10,000. Next draw will take place in Ballymacarbry on June 26th. EXAMS The club would like to extend their best wishes to all players and club members that are presently sitting both Junior and Leaving Certificate exams, best of luck to each of you. WATERFORD TOPPLED BY TIPP Waterford senior footballers were comprehensively beaten by a far superior Tipperary side in Thurles over the weekend in the Munster quarter-final. The 1-24 to 0-5 final scoreline doesn’t reflect the players’ commitment and dedication. Sadly, after securing the McGrath Cup earlier in the year, Waterford’s league and championship results have been disappointing.

GALA DAY As mention in previous notes, there will be an Annual Gala Day at Tourin GAA grounds on Sunday, 28th June. There will be many events for all the family..Static Birds of Prey, Dog Show, Bric a Brac stall, guess the number of blocks in the bag among many, many more. So keep the day free and come along and support this Community event. BAG PACK The bag pack has been organised for Saturday, 20th June at Tescos, Youghal. As usual we will be looking for volunteers to do some hours here so it would be appreciated if you could put your name forward. WATERFORD SENIOR HURLERS It will be de ja vu as only a few short weeks back Waterford beat Cork in the League final. Since then, Waterford has suffered the loss of reliable free-taker and player Pauric Mahony while Cork will also be without some of their regular panel. However, if Waterford carry on from where they left off in the League, there is every chance that we should be there or thereabouts come the final whistle in Semple Stadium on Sunday. Once again we wish all the panel, manager and backroom staff the best of luck especially our two representatives Shane and Darragh Fives. FOOTBALL LOSS The Waterford senior footballers lost their

Sliabh gCua/St. Marys ST. MARY’S N.S. CLAIM VICTORY IN CAMOGIE FINAL We would like to congratulate the St. Mary’s national school, girl’s camogie team, for winning their school final on Wednesday, 20th May in the Dungarvan club grounds. On their way to the final, they beat Sean Phobal, Kinsalebeg, Stradbally and Grange before again overcoming Kinsalebeg in the final. After the game, the winning trophy was presented to winning captain Ava Mai Tobin. St. Mary’s, Touraneena squad on the day was Ava Mai Tobin (capt), Mikayla Lonergan, Ciara Cliffe, Caitlin McCarthy, Rhona Drohan, Katie O’Gorman, Anna Hickey, Lauren Flynn, Roisin Whelan, Saoirse Nicell, Holly Foley, Bronagh Lonergan, Ameile McCarthy, Roisin Connors & Mairead Hickey.

Commiserations also to Waterford’s junior footballers who put in a spirited performance, but ended up on the wrong end of a 1-12 to 1-09 score board result. WATERFORD V CORK – MUNSTER SHC SEMI-FINAL This Sunday welcomes the highly anticipated Munster semi-final clash between Derek McGrath’s ‘Deise’ side and Jimmy Barry Murphy’s Cork. In what will be a re-match of the National League final from 4 weeks ago, Waterford will be aware of Cork’s backlash. In what has the prospect of a thriller, we wish Waterford senior hurlers the very best of luck. A Munster final date with the Tipperary/Limerick victors is the reward. WATERFORD LADIES EARN HARD FOUGHT VICTORY Waterford ladies Intermediate footballers put in a super performance in their 3-17 to 4-07 victory over Limerick. Pat Sullivan’s ladies are in fine form, long may it continue. Well done girls!!

Dungarvan INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL Ballinacourty 2-11; Dungarvan 0-7. Local rivals, Ballinacourty proved too strong for us in this third round game which was played at the Fraher Field last Friday evening. We played well in the second half and overall performed better than in our first match against Sliabh gCua. We play Geraldines next in Bushy Park on Tuesday, June 9th at 7.30 pm. Team: Craig Barry; Darragh Fitzgerald, Luke Egan, John Havens; Denis Kirwan, Cormac Curran, John Curran; Michael Kiely, Sean Ryan; Aidan Kirwan, Kenny Moore, Lee Donnolly; David Houlihan, Johnny Lynch, Lee Hyslop. Subs : Jamie Hallahan, Gavin Power, Fionn Hallahan, Rian Crotty, Sean Hyslop

SARGENT CUP We received a walk-over from Lismore in the fourth round of the Sargent Cup on Bank Holiday Monday last. UNDER 14 HURLING Our u-14 County championship fixture v Cois Brid was postponed last Bank Holiday Monday due to the inclement weather. UNDER 10 HURLING Our under 10’s enjoyed a great days hurling at the famous Ballyduff Tournament last Saturday week. We played three games against Ballygunner, Lismore and Valley Rovers. We lined out as follows, Robbie Wall, Darragh Murphy, Eddie Burke, Darragh Healy, Daryl Healy, Leon Lannon, John Meehan, Luke Power, Billy Hickey, Ryan Cummins, Adam Mulligan, Brian Curran, Shane Walsh. Thanks to Ciaran Curran, Chris Meehan and David Burke, who looked after the team and thanks to the parens who travelled on the day.

Thanks also to the Ballyduff club for inviting us into this tournament, which they have been staging so successfully for the past seventeen years. UNDER 12 PITCH Thanks to our dedicated Community Employment workers, who have developed a permanent juvenile field, cut, lined and flaged in our club grounds. This will omit the tedious job of regularly putting out the small goals and taking them in again. The first match to be played here was an under 12 Camogie fixture last Tuesday evening. Meanwhile our under 12 hurlers play Abbeyside away this Friday evening at 6.30 pm. LOTTO This week’s numbers are 12,16, 20 and 26. The Jackpot was not won. Next Week’s lotto is worth €8,500. The winner of the €100 is Megan Hayes, Caseyville. Thanks to everybody who buys and sells the lotto.

[Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

MUNSTER CHAMPIONSHIP Best wishes to club members Ryan Donnolly, Patrick Curran, Jim Dee and Buddy Power in Thurles this Sunday in the Senior Hurling Championship and to Darren Duggan and Darragh Lyons in the Intermediate game. MUNSTER SCORECARD Please return all Munster Scorecards to Paddy Fitzgerald by this Friday WEEKLY €2 The weekly €2 for everybody using the field is greatly helping the day to day running of the club. Last week, the soil was levelled and grass set around the stand and all we need now is some more rain to finish the job! THE LITTLE PEOPLE Liam Moore and his willing band of helpers are in the field every Saturday morning from 11 am until 12 noon to introduce the youngest age groups to our Natuional games and all are welcome to join them. EXAMS Best wishes to all our young players, who are sitting their exams this week. HAPPY DAYS Congratulations to our Community Employment Worker Vincent Tutty, who celebrated a milestone birthday recently. A BABY BOY Congratulations to one of our long time supporters Mossie Joyce and his wife Netta on the recent birth of their baby boy. BEST WISHES Congratulations to Julie and Jonathan Regan on the recent birth of their baby girl. KEY OF THE DOOR Congratulations to our football and hurling goalie Craig Barry who celebrated his 21st birthday last weekend. DUNGARVAN LADIES FOOTBALL TRAINING U-6, 8, 10 training will continue every Thursday at 6:30 could all players be there at 6:20 p.m. U-14 training takes place every Monday at 7:00 p.m. Minor and Adult training takes place every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. JUNIOR AND LEAVING CERT The club would like to wish everyone sitting Junior and Leaving Cert exams over the coming weeks the very best of luck. MEMBERSHIP This week is the final week for membership to be paid, all players must be paid up or they will not be allowed to train or play matches with the Club or County. U-14 CHAMPIONSHIP The u-14s played Old Parish in the second game of the championship, the game was very close and neither team could break the dead lock, the game finished on a score line Dungarvan 5-7; Old Parish 5-7. Well done to all the girls who played on the day. PLAYER PROFILE Name: Emma Beresford Age: 6 School: Scoil Garbháin Favourite Food: Chicken Nuggets Favourite Sports Star: Daddy Playing Position: Forward Name: Sophie Beresford Age: 4 School: Naíonra Garbháin Favourite Food: Sausage Rolls Favourite Sports Star: My Daddy Playing Position: Forward



Shamrocks Shamrocks CLUB LOTTO Last Saturday's Lotto numbers were 1-4-1617, and there was no winner. €20 winners were Clodagh O'Keeffe, Liam Casey, Paddy Murray, Geraldine O'Regan, Javier Sandoval. Next week's jackpot will be €7,200, going up steadily. JHC, SHAMROCKS 0-7; OLD PARISH 1-5. Shamrocks lost their second match in the Junior Football championship last Saturday in Clashmore when a depleted team lost out by one point to last year's County finalists Old Parish. On a blustery night more like February than June, Shamrocks were three points down at half time having faced the breeze with new recruit Bernie Kelleher getting all our scores from placed balls. Despite keeping Old Parish scoreless in the second half we were only able to score two points with plenty of possession. This has been a continuous problem for our footballers for quite a while, the frustrating ability to win plenty of ball but unable to convert possession into scores. In their defence we were without seven first choice players which is a lot of fellas to replace, so it wasn't a bad effort at all from the team. They will be in action again next Saturday night 6th June against Modeligo in Clashmore at 7.30. Good luck to them. Panel: Tim Lenehan, Padraig Roche, Brian Harnedy, Jason Ahearne, Cathal Herlihy, Sean Murphy, Kelvyn O'Farrell (0-1), Stephen Lucey, Joe Leahy, Adam Crawford, Bernie Kelleher (0-6), Eddie Hynes, Ciarán O'Keeffe, Tomás O'Neill, Padraig Ahearne, Alan Kelly, Edward O'Neill, Mike Smith, Jamie Murphy.

COIS BHRIDE Commiserations to the Cois Bhrides U-13 hurling team who lost the Western final last Saturday by a couple of points. With their star player inexplicably sent to the line it was a tough battle for them, and they came up just short. Some great hurlers in that side, so keep up the good work, lads. Deise v. Rebels (Part 2) Next Sunday, Waterford take on Cork in the Munster Hurling semi-final in Thurles. Having demolished them in the League final at the same venue a month ago, Waterford has every reason to be confident ahead of this clash, but bitter experience has taught Deise followers that a wounded Cork is a dangerous animal and never more so than now playing without star player Paudie O'Mahony. All the pressure will be on Waterford this time, so it's a huge test for Derek McGrath's side. A Munster final appearance is the prize for the winners, while the perilous qualifier route awaits the losers, so lots to play for. 'Hon the Deise!

Ballysaggart GAA CLUB LOTTO Results 26th May: Numbers drawn were 3, 5, 24 and 28. No jackpot winner. Winners of €20 each were Carmel Hale ,Pauline Shanahan and Ann Sheehan . Next week’s jackpot is €1,750. FOOTBALL INTERMEDIATE ATTACHED Last Saturday evening Ballysaggart footballers took on Ballinacourty in the second round of the Western Championship in Colligan in wet and windy conditions. By halftime Ballysaggart trailed by a score of 1-2 to Ballinacourty’s 2-3. With Ballinacourty finding the net easier in the second half they ran out winners on a final score of Ballysaggart 1-6 to Ballinacourty 4-11. Ballysaggart’s next match in football is this Saturday in Abbeyside against Colligan/Emmetts at 7.30 pm. Do come along and support. Team: Jamie Walsh, Liam O’Gorman, Bobby Ryan, Sam Ryan, Stephen Mangan, Chris O’Gorman, Michael Ryan, Kieran Bennett, Kieran Fennessy, Jack Roche, Christy Murphy, Paudie Hale, Matty Meagher, Ken Cashel, Cailean O’Gorman Subs: Eugene O’Brien for Sam Ryan, Seamus Kearney for Kieran Fennessy.

RECYCLE COLLECTION The last chance to drop off your recycling goods is this Thursday, June 4th at the GAA Field. The collection will be from 7.30 – 8.30 pm. If you have clothes, shoes, bags or laptops these can be dropped off during those times. WATERFORD FACE CORK Best of luck to the Waterford senior hurlers in their opening game in this year’s championship against Cork in Thurles and in particular to Stephen and Shane Bennett. Well done also to Ryan Bennett who took part in the Primary Schools Football game at half-time in Thurles last Sunday. Good luck to Katie Meagher who takes part in the Primary game this Sunday at half-time in the hurling game. EXAM TIMES Wishing the very best of success to all in the area who are sitting their Junior and Leaving Cert exams which begins this Wednesday. BALLYSAGGART LADIES FOOTBALL TABLE QUIZ The Ladies Football Club will hold a fundraising Table Quiz this Friday night, 5th June, at 9.00 p.m. in Meagher’s Bar. This event is to raise

funds to send the U-14 girls to Feile. Your support would be greatly appreciated. U-14 CHAMPIONSHIP The U-14’s played their second match of the Championship last week against Ballymacarbry. Even though the girls worked very hard they were beaten on a scoreline of 9-7 to 7 pts. Next match is at home to Abbeyside this evening (Wednesday) at 7.00 p.m. Best of luck to the girls. U-12 CHAMPIONSHIP The U-12’s played their second match of the championship also and again were beaten by a very strong Ballymacarbry team on a scoreline of 7-6 to 2-0. They now play Clashmore at home this Friday, 5th June, at 6.30 p.m. Again best of luck to the girls. FLEADH COUNTY FINAL Heartiest congratulations to club player Rena Meagher on winning the County Fleadh Final in the Concertina Section on Saturday last. She will now compete at the Munster Fleadh which will be held in Nenagh in July.

Ballyduff Upper Ballyduff Upper (Main Sponsor Kenneally Steel) INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Having been beaten in the first round by Ballinacourty and receiving a walk over from Dungarvan in the second round, a win against Geraldines on Friday night in Lismore was badly needed if the aim of making the knock-out stages of the championship was to be achieved. Ballyduff had a good start to the game and had two early points on the board before Andrew Casey did well to get on the end of a long ball into the full forward line and duly finish to net. Ballyduff led by a single point at half-time 1-4 to 0-6. A speculative shot (or an extremely well placed shot, we will leave the few who were in attendance to decide which it was) from Jamie Kearney at the start of the second half went straight to the net to give us some breathing space for most of the second half. Geraldines did manage to close the gap to a single point at the end but Ballyduff held out to win 2-9 to 0-14. The 4th round is due to be played in Bushy Park this Saturday, 6th June at 7:30 against Ballinameela. Note change of venue from previous notes. Panel v Geraldines, Eoin Scanlon, Oisin Hickey, Shane Kearney, Maurice McNamara, Jamie Hannon, Michael Kearney, Shane Hannon, Seamus Hannon, Brian Kearney, Kieran Hayes, Mikey Kearney, Kevin Casey, Jamie Kearney, Colin Keane, Andrew Casey, David Walsh, Eoin O’Brien, Conor Hannon, Tommy Feeney and Jack Daly.

MUNSTER SH SEMI-FINAL Best wishes to Mikey Kearney and Tommy Byrne who “tog out “with Waterford this weekend. UNDER 10 FESTIVAL OF HURLING Congratulations to our juvenile club who once again hosted a very successful and excellently run U-10 hurling tournament over the last two weekends. A total of 32 teams took part again this year. Well done to all involved in organising and running this tournament. SUPERVALU KITS FOR KIDS Riordans Supervalu Fermoy is currently running a “Kits for Kids” promotion. The promotion works as follows: When €20 is spent in Supervalu Fermoy you will receive a token. Just pop this token in the Ballyduff GAA collection box in store. Clubs must collect 2000 tokens to receive a training Kit. GOLDEN GOAL The club is running a Golden Goal fundraiser for the upcoming Munster Championship SemiFinal between Cork and Waterford on June 7th. Tickets will be on sale from club players and committee members over the next few weeks at a cost of €2.

John Mitchels Mitchels SPONSORED CYCLE On 4th July we are running a sponsored cycle from John Mitchel’s GAA Club Tralee to our home in Fews. Distance 200kms. These cyclists will be joined in Mallow by another group for a 100kms trip back to Fews. This will be a fully supported cycle and is open to anyone who wants to take part whether a member of the club or just wishing to test yourself on a long distance cycle. The younger members of the club will join the group at the 5km to go mark with everyone finishing together at our grounds. A bbq and music will round off the day. Sponsorship cards and guess the time are in circulation now so please support the cyclists . For more information and to book a place contact Gary 0877629846 or Molly 0879654173. INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL We are currently awaiting a date for our league final. This is due to be played in late June. Our opponents for this game are Portlaw who were also unbeaten in their group. UNDERAGE We have a u9 blitz in our field this Wednesday evening. Please arrive on time. Training is every Thursday at 6:30 pm. SUMMER CAMP We hold our camp this year on 15th, 16th and 17th July once again in association with DKAM Sports. The camp will run from 10:30 to 2:30

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

each day. Contact Molly 0879654173 to book a place. CÙL CAMP If any of our members want to take part in a cul camp Clonea will be holding theirs 6-10th July. Contact Thomas Of Brein 0874120350 to book a place.

Lismore (Kindly sponsored by Eamonn's Place) CLUB LOTTO Our Club Lotto took place on Tuesday night, so results will not be published on these notes until next week. However, they can be had in the shops on Wednesday morning. RETIREMENT We in the Club wish all the best for the future to John O’Gorman & Family, Main Street, Lismore who closed for business on Saturday evening last. Many Club Lotto tickets were sold out of this premises over the years, thanks to the loyalty of the O’Gorman family to Lismore GAA. And I think I’m right in saying that many a gear bag was full of novelities going to and from matches over the years out of this shop. Enjoy your retirement John.

Naomh Chartaigh Juveniles Naomh Juveniles (Lismore / Ballysaggart Juvenile GAA) U-10s BALLYDUFF FESTIVAL OF HURLING FINAL REPORT Our U-10s played in the final stages of Division A in the Annual Ballyduff tournament. We played Fermoy in the semi-final. This was a very close game and in the end we came out winners by one pt. De La Salle beat Ballygunner in the second semi-final and they were our opponents in the final. Again this was a very close contest between two great hurling teams. A very tight game and a great contest but unfortunately in the end we had to settle for second best. To reach the final in Division A of this 32 team festival of hurling is a great achievement and well done to all our boys whom the club is very proud of. Again many thanks to Ballyduff for running such a great tournament and for inviting us back year after year. U-11s Our U-11s had a great win at home in the Hurling League last Wednesday evening against An Gaeltacht. Well done to all involved. TRIP TO SEMPLE STADIUM Our U-10s, 11s and 12s are travelling by bus to the Cork / Waterford in Thurles next Sunday. On the way we are stopping off in Holycross / Ballycahill for a challenge games of the different age groups. Should be a great day out, the icing on the cake would be a Waterford win. Best of luck to the Waterford Seniors Hurlers from the Naomh Chartaigh Club. MARY PRATT U-9 Date for Diary June 13th has been penciled in for The Annual Mary Pratt U-9 Hurling Tournament.

An Coilligean/Na h-Emmetigh WESTERN JFC (PREMIER), RD. 3 Tallow 3-9; Colligan Emmetts 1-13. We suffered our first defeat of this year’s Divisional Junior (Premier) football Championship at the hands of a sharper Tallow outfit in an entertaining contest played in Bushy Park last Thursday evening, May 28th. A strong end to the opening half, which saw us reel off five points in quick succession gave us a two point lead at the change of ends. The opening few minutes of the re-start was where we lost the game, as we conceded two goals in the space of a couple of minutes which left us with a real mountain to climb. Credit to the lads who battled away and fought hard to haul themselves back into contention, and in the end we were somewhat unlucky not to get something out of the game. Tallow who played well on the night, ran out deserving winners by 3-9 to 1-13 to pick up their first win of the campaign. The team that lined out was as follows: Dean McKenna, PJ Coffey, John Flynn, Ray Bannon, Alan Kinsella, Ben Dunford, Ross Browne, John Nick Fennell, Darren Dunford, Gavin Whelan, Mark Flynn, Sean Browne, Johnny Wall, Alan Walsh, Richie Kiely. Subs: Jason Dunford for A. Kinsella (injured), and Simon Waters.

WESTERN JFC (PREMIER), RD. 4 We face Affane this Friday evening (June 5th) in Fraher Field, throw-in at 7:30 pm. WESTERN JFC (INTERMEDIATE ATTACHED) Our Junior attached team were well beaten by Melleray on Friday evening last in Bushy Park, it ended Melleray 3-9; Colligan Emmetts 0-4. We are down to play Ballysaggart this Saturday evening in Abbeyside at 7:30 pm, although this is subject to change. BIG WIN FOR COLLIGAN IN DEISE DRAW! Heartiest congratulations to our player Richie Kiely who scoped the big prize of €10,000 at the May Deise Draw held in Kill. CLUB LOTTO There was no winner of the “Black & Amber” club lotto held in Quill’s Master McGrath Bar on Monday 25/05/2015. The Numbers drawn were

Breda Cleary, Western Cumann na mBunscol presents the Roinn C Hurling Shield to Knockanore's Captain, Eoghan Lenehan. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

4, 9, 10 & 22, the €20 lucky ticket winners were as follows: Biddy Foley, Garvan O’Riordan, Majella Geary, and Fionán Drohan. The Jackpot on Bank Holiday Monday night last (01/06) was €5,350. GOOD LUCK WATERFORD We wish Colin Dunford and the Waterford senior hurlers the very best of luck on Sunday afternoon next against Cork in the Munster Championship semi-final in Thurles.

Clashmore/Kinsaelbeg JUNIOR FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Our Junior Footballers are our only team playing at the moment and they took on near neighbours St. Declan's, Ardmore on Friday evening last in Clashmore in front of a good crowd on a fine evening for football. Our lads had a good blend of youth and experience on show here and it made all the difference as our lads ran out convincing winners at the end over a less-experienced opposition so well done to all involved. Our next game in this competition is on Friday evening when we take on Ballinameela away at 7.30 pm so the best of luck to this panel in that one and we hope to see some of you travelling up to support them in that. DEISE DEVELOPMENT DRAW The Deise Development Draw for May took place down in Dunphy's Bar, Kill on Friday night last and our club were lucky enough to have another winner here in the shape of John Curran, Kilmore who came away with one of the €250 prizes so very well done to you John and hopefully our luck will continue at the end of this month when the draw will take place in Ballymacarbry on Friday, June 26th. MUNSTER CHAMPIONSHIP These are busy weeks for our County teams of course with the Munster Championships getting underway and our footballers were the first into the fray on Sunday last when they took on Tipperary in Semple Stadium but unfortunately they were totally outclassed here so hard luck to all involved with this panel, especially to one of our own club members Cillian O'Keeffe who played his part when he came on. It is of course the turn of our Senior hurlers this Sunday when they take on Cork in the Munster Semi-Final in Semple Stadium in what is a repeat of last year's first round game between the sides which ended in an exciting draw at the same venue. Much has changed of course in 12 months after our lads won the National League title this year back in May against this team but nevertheless this will be as big a challenge as ever against our old rivals. We want to wish best of luck to all involved with this team, and in particular to our own two representatives Tadhg and Brian, as they try to get off to as good a start as possible here and we want to wish a safe journey to all of you travelling up on Sunday. CLASHMORE/KINSALEBEG JUVENILES Club Nursery Up And Running: Last Saturday saw the first morning of our Club Nursery and it was a big success with lots of kids getting to enjoy a runaround and learn new skills. It was fantastic to see so many parents and supporters mingling, having a chat and a cup of tae. A huge thank you to Catherine Keogh, Mary O'Halloran and Brian Lynch for their hard work. The Nursery will continue this Saturday morning at 10 am when we will be doing Gaelic football once more. Following this we will do two weeks of hurling which should be great fun. Remember the Nursery is FREE if the child is already a member of the GAA but if they are not, don't worry it's only €10 to register the child and FREE after that. There will be at least two experienced coaches in attendance and the kids are guaranteed to have fun and make friends! Please remember to get mouth guards for each child. For more information or if you have any queries,

contact Barry Dunne, Nursery Co-ordinator and club PRO on 0876953648. Super Valu GAA Kit for Kids: The club is hoping to get people to support us in our attempt to get some gear and kit for our teams by shopping in Super Valu Youghal. If you spend over €40 you get a voucher and if we collect a certain number of vouchers, we get a range of great gear sponsored by Super Valu. More information is available on their website www.supervalu.ie , once you receive your voucher it can be dropped in a box in-store. So please remember us when you are doing your weekly shop!

Kilrossanty CLOTTO SPONSORED BY KILL AGRICULTURAL LTD. CLOTTO RESULTS No winner of a Jackpot of €3,000 held in Crotty’s Inn Leamybrien on Sunday night 31/05/15. Numbers were 9, 16, 20, 21. €30 to the following: Therese Hickey, Kinsalebeg; Gerald O’Rourke, Kilmacthomas. Seller’s prize of €30 Nicky Power, Ballyshunock. Next Clotto held in Kilrossanty on Sunday night 7/06/15 for a Jackpot of €3,100. On duty on the night Kevin Lonergan and John Jackson Kiely. JUNIOR FOOTBALL We were beaten by St. Saviours last Friday evening, 29th May in St. Saviours. We started the match well and were 4 points to 0-1 up, with points coming from Dale Power and Dylan Hogan and a free from Fintan Walsh. St. Saviours then scored a goal to make the scores Level 0-4 to 1-1. St. Saviours added 3 more points to leave the scores at half-time 1-4 to 0-4 points. We opened the scoring in the second half with a point from Emmett Doherty and well taken penalty from Dean Fennell. St. Saviours added a second goal and a point to make the scores 25 to 1-5. Ciaran Keating scored a point to make the scores 1-6 to 2-5. This was our last score of the half with St. Saviours adding four more points to make the final score 2-10 to 1-6. Kilrossanty Team: Richie Hayes, Jimmy Maher, Paul Hayes, Paul Lennon, Aaron Parrish, Michael Hasset, Michael Walsh, Ciaran Keating (1), Emmett Doherty (0-1), Dyan Hogan (2), John Paul Quinlan, Dale Power (1), Fintan Walsh (1), Dean Fennell (1 goal). Subs: Mark Hayes for Dean Fennell; P. J. Houihan for John Paul Quinlan.

We now play Gaultier at Newtown GAA Grounds this Friday evening, 5th June at 8 p.m. Please come along and support the men in green and gold. DEISE DRAW The club had no winners in the Déise Draw held in Dunphy’s Bar Kill last Friday evening. This is a great fundraiser for the club with 70% of the money raised going towards the club and thank you for your continued support RECYCLED CLOTHES We are still collecting old clothes, shoes, curtains, sheets etc. So if you are doing a clear out please bring them to the GAA club. JUVENILE NOTES Training: Continues on Monday evenings at 7 pm. New members always welcome. Membership €10 per child or €40 per family. Please ensure that all membership is paid as soon as possible and any outstanding 'Code of Conduct' to be returned immediately. Membership is necessary for all juvenile players if you have not registered please do so ASAP. "If you don't pay you can't play " Micro Helmets: Are available to order through the club starting at €35. Azzurri helmets start at €25. Money must be paid up front with your order the helmets are blue and white unless otherwise stated. Text can also be added e.g. club name, players name etc. The club colours are also available. Please contact 0871227678 if you wish to order a helmet.

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Melleray Melleray GlenRovers Glenrovers RESULTS Lawlors Hotel West Junior Intermediate Attached Championship: Melleray Glenrovers 39; Emmetts: 0-4. FIXTURES Lawlors Hotel West Junior Intermediate Attached Championship: Melleray Glenrovers v. Geraldines in Lismore at 7.30 p.m. GOLF CLASSIC Our annual Golf Classic took place recently and we would like to thank all those who supported the Classic in any way and to all the sponsors also, your generosity is very much appreciated, results were as follows: 1st place: P. J. Coughlan, Paul Quinn & John Foley 2nd place: Amanda Power, Betty Daly & Sean Daly 3rd place: Pa Morrissey, Martin O’Driscoll & Nora O’Sullivan Ladies Prize: Fiona Howard, Loretta Morrisson & Ann Rochford Senior Prize: Noel Landers, Sonny Landers & Pat Moore Non GUI Prize: Ciaran Power, Jack Coffey & Gary O’Connor Nearest Pin: Jim Lane Longest Drive: Fiona Howard. Melleray Glenrovers GAA Club are in the process of launching a weekly Lotto, we hope to commence the lotto mid June, options that will be available to members include once off payment of €100 or weekly contribution of €2, paid to members or by way of standing order, details will be finalized in next few days and will follow in later notes. NOTE FOR YOUR DIARY Don’t forget that the Melleray Charity Weekend kicks off this Friday, 5th June, 7.5k Walk/Run while taking in the views of Mount Melleray and the surrounding areas, Registration from 7.00 p.m. in Melleray Community Centre €10.00 to register but family rates also available, leaving at 7.30 p.m., for more info, please contact Carmel Murphy on 087/2535149 or Liam brazil on 087/2119203, please help spread the word, your support as always much appreciated.

Tulach an Iarainn SPONSORED BY McGRATH'S CHEMIST, TALLOW JUNIOR FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Tallow 3-9; Colligan Emmets 1-13. The grounds at Bushy Park were absolutely resplendent for this junior football championship clash between Tallow and Colligan last Thursday evening. The atmosphere in the Tallow dressing room prior to the game was electric but I suspect the buzz may have been due in part to the anticipation of the trip to Liverpool which many of the panel were embarking on next day. That said, any thoughts of merrymaking on Merseyside were cast aside once the lads crossed the white line as they applied themselves assiduously to the task at hand. The immaculately groomed playing surface was conducive to fast free flowing football and neither side disappointed in a lively opening quarter at the end of which the Emmets led by 1-3 to 3 points. Mikey Curley (2f) and man of the match Paul O’Brien accounted for our early scores. Thereafter Tallow seized the initiative with 3 points in a row from Donnchadh Mulcahy, Paul O’Brien and Sean Gleeson to level the game. With over 20 minutes played Sean, just back from knee surgery, struck again with a well taken goal to give Tallow the lead. This served only to rouse Colligan however, whose excellent support play and running off the ball garnered them 5 points in succession. They finished the half strongly 2 points to the good. Half-time: Colligan 1-8; Tallow 1-6. The second half proved a more robust affair with every ball fiercely contested. The irrepressible Paul O’Brien struck early with two devastating goals which he both conjured and completed. The first, a rasper of a shot, following an incisive run, which cannoned off the crossbar and bounced over the goal line. The game hinged on these two vital scores. Colligan pressed forward repeatedly and the game was in the balance to the end. Despite losing Jack Tobin, Will Hogan, Kieran Geary and Sean Gleeson at various stages through injuries (all of whom performed gallantly) Tallow held on resolutely. Two more points from Paul O’Brien and one each from Stefan Tobin and Donnchadh Mulcahy kept the scoreboard ticking over and our lead intact. A good team effort this with all 5 replacements playing their part! Its a 20 man game! Will Curley, a late call up between the sticks, was comfortable in his new position. Young Alan Curley continues to show promise while Jack Tobin and Will Hogan made an impressive contribution until forced to retire through injury. Our half backs Sully, Stinger and Kieran Fraser acquitted themselves well. Fada, as is his wont was always in the thick of the action at midfield and his partner Kieran Geary was influential until



he too succumbed to injury. Mikey, Donnchadh and Paul O were all comfortable on the ball and between them notched up a total of 2-7.The versatile Kevin Henley, Sean Gleeson and Stephen Pratt competed well in the full forward line. Great to see Sean back in action! The strength of your bench is key to winning most games and when introduced the performances of Aaron Pratt, Dylan Mangan, Stefan Tobin, Mikey Tobin and the evergreen James Tobin served to emphasise this point. Games between us and Colligan are always competitive and entertaining. This was no exception. Tallow had greater need of the points and this win keeps hopes of qualifying alive but they face a tough challenge against Old Parish in the next round. This game I believe is scheduled for Saturday, 6th June at 7.30 in Ardmore. Check with team management Brian Henley, Denis Tobin and JP for confirmation. Our thanks to medical officer Joanne Kearney and Runai Lindsay Murphy for their invaluable contribution as always! Panel: Wm. Curley, Alan Curley, Jack Tobin, Will Hogan, Shaun O’Sullivan, Eric Hickey, Kieran Fraser, Dave O’Brien, Kieran Geary, Mikey Curley (0-2f), Donnchadh Mulcahy (0-2), Paul O’Brien (2-3), Kevin Henley, Sean Gleeson (1-1), Stephen Pratt, Stefan Tobin (0-1), Aaron Pratt, Mikey Tobin, Dylan Mangan, James Tobin.

EXAMS Best of luck to all who are sitting exams over the coming weeks! LOTTO Due to the Bank holiday our weekly lotto draw will take place on Tuesday night, instead of Monday. SENIOR HURLING Our senior hurlers will play Passage on Wednesday, 3rd June, in Carriganore at 7.30 p.m. They will play Roanmore Saturday, 13th June, 7.30. The venue is yet to be confirmed for this one. MEETING Our monthly meeting will take place this Thursday, June 4th, at 9.00 p.m. All committee members are requested to attend. GOLDEN GOAL We are currently selling Golden Goal tickets for the Waterford V Cork game. If you are interested in purchasing these, at €2 each, please contact any player or committee member. Remember you will be contributing to the fundraising of the club, which is vital all year round. BOOKING OF THE FIELD Any club/manager/selector/person wishing to book the field please contact Denis Tobin, giving plenty prior notice. As we are all aware the field is extremely busy this time of year. WATERFORD v. CORK Wishing the very best of luck to Waterford senior hurlers who take on Cork in Semple Stadium, Thurles on Sunday. Here's hoping they can emulate their League Final performance!! COIS BHRÍDE First Aid Course – The First Aid course organised by Club Secretary Sinead Lenehan is on Saturday, 6th June, in Tallow and it's great that all the places that were made available for that day have been filled. Upcoming Fixtures – Friday, 5th June: Under 12 Hurling Div 1 Away v. Youghal at 6.30 p.m.; Monday, 8th June: Under 9 Football Div 2: Home v. The Brickeys 7.00 p.m.; Tuesday, 9th June: Under 14 Hurling Div 2: Home v. Clan Na Gael at 7.00 p.m. Cois Bhríde monthly Committee meeting will take place on Thursday, 11th June, and all members are asked to attend. (Time will be confirmed by text nearer the date).

Kilmacthomas Kilmacthomas HAIRY HUNNIES BEAUTY PAGEANT NIGHT Our club will be holding a fundraising night in Danny’s Pub and Lounge, Kilmacthomas on the 13th June. This should be a great night of craic and fun namely Hairy Hunnies Beauty Pageant. We are selling lines at present. These are €5 a line. Big prizes on the night. Don’t miss this big night, you are sure to see some real beauties on the night. Starting time 8.30 p.m. sharp. WATERFORD HURLERS Everyone in the club and in Kilmacthomas wish the Deise hurlers the best of luck next Sunday in Thurles in the championship against Cork. We all know they will give a good account of themselves and we will be hoping for a win. Not forgetting Pauric Mahony wishing him a speedy recovery. Come on the Deise. PHELAN CUP SEMI-FINAL Last week the Phelan Cup semi-final was played in Kilmacthomas, Ballinacourty against Rathgormack. The field was in top shape for this game. Well done to Joe and the club, it is a pity we don’t get many big games as we are midways for East and West, it should be shared around and give every club a chance to hold some big games in hurling and football. On the night, Ballinacourty ran out winners on a score of Ballinacourty 3-2; Rathgormack 0-6. JUNIOR HURLING (A) Ballyduff Lower had a two point win against Roanmore, 1-11; Ballyduff Lower 0-16.

Ardmoe GAA Golf Classic – West Waterford Golf Club Captains Dave Condon, Mary Barron presenting the Cliff House weekend break voucher to the winning team, along with all other winner and committee members.

JUNIOR HURLING (B) St. Saviours had a big win over Ballyduff in the junior B hurling. St. Saviours 2-17; Ballyduff Lower 0-7.

Abbeyside/Ballinacourty JACK THE JOKER Our ever popular Jack the Joker fundraiser continues this Sunday night in Minnies Bar where the jackpot is €2,020 as on Sunday night last Caroline Lynch was drawn out of the drum and chose card number 11 which wasn’t the Joker although she did win €50. Josh Conroy and Paddy Power staff won €25 each. SENIOR FOOTBALL On Wednesday night last we played Rathgormack in the semi-final of the Phelan Cup in Kilmacthomas and came away with a very big win. We now advance to the final where our opponents are The Nire. INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL We played Dungarvan in the Western Championship in Fraher Field on Friday night last and thanks to a very good first half performance we recorded a good win. This Friday we play Sliabh gCua in Colligan at 7:30 pm JUNIOR FOOTBALL On Saturday night we played Ballysaggart in Colligan in the Western Championship and recorded our second win of the Championship. This Saturday night we play Kilgobinet in Fraher Field at 6:30 pm. BOOKING OF FIELDS With a number of teams starting back training we would like to remind all team managers to please ensure that they book the field with Michael O’Donovan prior to training. CLUB BINGO Our Club Bingo will continue this Sunday night in the CBS Hall where the jackpot is €1,700.

JUVENILE SECTION Under 13: Our under 13’s played in the Western semi-final Tuesday of last week against Kilrossanty in Abbeyside. We played some good football on the night to record a 5-8 to 0-11 victory and qualification for the Western final. The final was played in Fraher Field last Saturday against the Nire. This was the third occasion this year that both of these teams met in this grade, with the Nire coming out on top on both previous occasions. This didn’t faze our boys and they started well and we were leading at half time by a goal. If the second half with the aid of a slight breeze the team applied more pressure on their opponents to record a 3-6 to 2-3 win. This was a great display by all the panel of players. Next up here is a county final on Saturday, 13th June against Gaultier. Panel: David Byrne, Niall Buckley, Sean Sullivan, Jamie Moylan, Daniel Treen, James Cowler, Darie Slevin, Alec Norris, Ben O’Donovan, Colin Foley, Eoin Flynn, Tony Dwyer, Stephen Lake, Tadbh Collins, Callum Beresford, Ronan Foley, D. J. Kiely, Rian Walsh, Joe Flynn, John Joe Quealy, William Beresford, Oisin Riordan, Conor Kent, Sean Óg Flynn, Louis Campbell, Jack Riordan

We would like to wish D. J. Kiely a speedy recovery from his recent injury and hope to see him back on the playing fields soon. The under 14 County final takes place on Saturday 6th June at 11:45 against Gaultier in Fraher field. Please come out and support this team and we wish everyone involved well. Under 10: Last Wednesday night (May 27th) we went to Ballinameela to play in the U-10 Football tournament. First up for us was St. Olivers and the boys won fairly easily, but the tables were reversed when we played Clashmore, where we came out the wrong side of a one sided game. That meant we qualified for the B final on the night. Our opponents were the Brickeys. A tight game saw us level at half time but in the second half we got the goals that swung the game in our favour. We sit on 4 pts in

the group with two more nights to go. We travel to Kilrossanty on June 10th with the other half of our squad. Panel on the night was Jack O’Donovan, Sean Walsh, Billy O’Connell, Sean Queally, Jamie Mulcahy, Kieran & Darragh Cosgrave, Daniel Morrissey, Fionn Murchu, Aodhan Barrett.

Bag pack: We held our annual bag pack over the weekend at Garveys. This was a very successful event and everyone involved in the club would like to thank everyone who gave up of their time to help on the day in any small way. Also a big thank you to Garveys super value for allowing us to have this event on their premises year in year out. Best of luck: Best wishes are sent to all in the club who are sitting their Junior and Leaving Cert exams this week. Kellogs Cul Camps: The Waterford GAA Cul Camps are back again this year and this year they will take place In Abbeyside/Ballinacourty from June 29th to the 3rd of July. Our club co ordinator is Audrey and she can be contacted on (087)6987388 for any information regarding these camps. Alternatively you can find information on these camps and book your place on kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie PLAYER PROFILES Name: Jack McGrath Age: 5 years Favourite Food: Cheese Favourite Sport: Football Favourite TV Programme: Sports Name: Aidan Callaghan Age: 5 years Favourite Food: Fruit Favourite Sport: Hurling Favourite Film: The Titanic

The Ballinacourty team after their win over An Ghaeltacht in the Western U-14 Division 1 Football Championship Final, sponsored by Lawlor's Hotel. [Rory Wyley]



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Minnies Fit4Life Summer League

West Waterford Athletic Club Juveniles

County Primary Schools Finals on Thursday THE next big event for our young athletes will be the county schools final where they will compete against the winners of the city and Tramore regions in the county finals on Thursday next, June 4th. Given the unseasonable weather we had over the bank holiday weekend we will have our fingers crossed for better weather on Thursday. The first three in the sprints and long races and the first two relay teams in the Western Finals qualified for the county final. We again urge parents and young athletes to come early as parking inside the college will be limited. Line up for the sprints will be at 6.15 with the first race underway at 6.30. The trophies for the overall winners of each section of the Western Finals and the Nora Healy Trophy will be pre-

sented on the night of the county final. LOCAL ATHLETES SHINE AT GLOHEALTH ALL IRELAND SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIPS Tullamore was the venue for the Glohealth All Ireland Schools Championships which were held in very cold and blustery conditions on Saturday last. Seamie Fennell (St. Augustine’s) continued his run of good form with a win in the senior boy’s pole vault clearing 4m20. Just behind was his classmate Juri Kanash who finished in 2nd place with a clearance 0f 4m. Craig Cloona finished 3rd in the Junior boys event with a new personal best of 2m90 and Megan Dunford finished 3rd in the senior girls pole vault with a leap of 2m60. Eoghan Flynn (Dungarvan CBS) threw over 40m for the first time to finish 2nd in the

Inter boys discus and he also made it into the top six in the inter javelin with a throw of 45m21. Sean Curran (Dungarvan CBS) put in a great finishing 200m in the senior 1500m to snatch the bronze medal on the line. Micheal Power (St Augustine’s) improved his 3000m time when finishing 5th in the inter boys race. Aoife Hamilton (Meanscoil) also finished 5th in a very fast 1500m steeplechase . Well done to all who qualified for this event. Of the thousands who started out last April in the qualifying rounds only 2percent made it to the national finals. MUNSTER CHAMPIONSHIPS NEXT WEEKEND The first session of the Munster Championships for ages 9-13 will take place on Saturday 6th and Sunday, 7th

June in CIT Track Cork. The following have been entered for this event. Saturday: Con Willans 600m, Angelina Chizhikova, Caoimhe Prendergast, Ali Cunningham 600m & Long Jump, Oisin O’Riordan 600m Sunday: Ian Holmes 80m & 500m, Megan Keogh, Kate Keogh 80m &600m, Lia Cunningham 600m, Kate Killigrew High & Long Jump, Mossie Keogh 80m & 300m

COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIPS DAY 2 RESULTS There was plenty to cheer about for West Waterford athletes on the second day of the county championships which were held recently in the RSC. Gold medals were won by Eve Power (hurdles), Jodi Kavanagh (hammer), Aoife O’Brien (200m), Lucy Holmes (800m), Ciara McKenna (Discus, Javelin), Victoria O’Hara (pole vault) Eoin Killigrew (200m, pole vault) Sam O’Neill (pole vault, long jump,

triple jump, high jump, Luke Power( 800m), Aoife Lai (pole vault), Sinead O’Brien (triple jump), Craig Cloona (pole vault), Hannah Power (200m), Caoimhe Dwyer (triple jump, 800m, javelin) Anthony McAuley 200m, Shaun Murray (shot) Aoife Hamilton (800m), Eoghan Flynn (shot). Other medal winners on the day included Peter Cummins, Caoimhe Prendergast, Angelina Chizhikova, Kate Keogh, Con Willans, Ryan McGrath, Sam Warren and Diarmuid Harty.

CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS WEDNESDAY, 10th JUNE An important date for our young athletes is the club championships which will be held for athletes under 9-14 and will start on Wednesday, 10th and continue on Wednesday, 17th. We will cover running jumping and throwing events in a spirit of fun as well as keen competition. Check the board at training for the events each night.

Primary School Sports Western Finals a huge success THE Friary was the only place to be last Thursday week as young athletes from schools all over West Waterford competed in the Western Finals of the Primary School Sports. A large number of parents were on hand to cheer on their children and there was a great sense of excitement in the air with the full programme of 66 races Full Results below Results Girls U8 80MSmall Schools Results Girls U8 80MBig Schools 1st Aoife Reddy, Modeligo 1st Ashlinn Flynn, Coolnasmear 2nd Lucy Nugent, Modeligo 2nd Alison Organ, Glenbeg 3rd Deirdre Roche, Knockanore 3rd Roisin Flynn, Ballyduff Results Boys U8 80MSmall Schools Results Boys U8 80MBig Schools 1st Mossie Keogh, Kinsalebeg 1st Zak Ashraf, Glenbeg 2nd Cian Moore, Aglish 2nd David Gaffney, Glenbeg 3rd Ciaran Cotter, Aglish 3rd Joe Campbell, Coolnasmear Results Girls U9 80M Small Schools Results Girls U9 80M Big Schools 1st Chloe Morrissey, Whitechurch 1st Kasey Mulhearne, Kilmacthomas 2nd Nadia O’Shea, Kinsalebeg 2nd Sophie Ni Chrotaigh, Scoil Gharbhain 3rd Nicole Sheridan, Villerstown 3rd Ciara Reily, Kilmacthomas Results Boys U9 80M Small Schools Results Boys U9 80M Big Schools 1st Corey Scanlan, Whitehcurch 1st Conor Henley, Tallow 2nd Kevin Dower, Grange 2nd Daniel Coonan, Glenbeg 3rd Noah O’Sullivan, Clashmore 3rd Darragh Murphy, St. Josephs Results Girls U10 80M Small Schools Results Girls U10 80M Big Schools 1st Roisin Kiersey, Ardmore 1st Sarah Slevin, Garranbane 2nd Caoimhe Prendergast, Carriglea 2nd Katie Donnelly, St. Marys 3rd Kaleigh Cass, Stradbally 3rd Caoimhe McGrath, Lismore Results Boys U10 80M Small Schools Results Boys U10 80M Big Schools 1st Luke Landers, Ballycurrane 1st Peter Cummins, Glenbeg 2nd Josh Daly, Whitechurch 2nd Jake Henley, Tallow 3rd Dylan Troy, Whitechurch 3rd David Butler, Coolnasmear 3rd Daniel O Muiriosa, Scoil Gharbhain Results Girls U11 100M Small Schools Results Girls U11 100M Big Schools 1st Faelen Richards, Knockanore 1st Kelly Ni Fhaolain, Scoil Gharbhain 2nd Anna Belle Buckley, Aglish 2nd Onelia Ni Fhaolain, An Rinn 3rd Kate Keogh, Kinsalebeg 3rd Aoibhin Ni Ghroda, Scoil Gharbhain Results Boys U11 100M Small Schools Results Boys U11 100M Big Schools 1st Eoin McGrath, Touraneena 1st Tommy Fennell, Garranban 2nd Donnocha Dunphy, Seafield 2nd Rory Fenell, Garranbane 3rd Kieran Sheridan, Villerstown 3rd Brayden Dee Carter, Abbeyside Results Girls U12 100M Small Schools Results Girls U12 100M Big Schools 1st Megan Keogh, Kinsalebeg 1st Rosie Ni Mhuiri, Scoil Gharbhain 2nd Laura Miller, Ardmore 2nd Katie Killigrew, Lismore 3rd Kelly Nic Scoin, B. Mhic Arit 3rd Cait Ni Linneain, Scoil Gharbhain Results Boys U12 100M Small Schools Results Boys U12 100M Big Schools 1st Kian Kelly Carey, Clashmore 1st Marc Mac Garrai, Scoil Gharbhain 2nd Mark Dalton, Knockanore 2nd James Harty, Gelnbeg 3rd Eoin Fitzgerald, Kinsalebeg 3rd Adam Hornibrook, Lismore Results Girls O12 100M Small Schools Results Girls O12 100M Big Schools 1st Saoirse Casiddy, Clashmore 1st Katie Ni Bhroin, Scoil Gharbhain 2nd Sally Anne Gleeson, Grange 2nd Aoife O’Brien, Garranbane 3rd Caoilinn Ni Choistin, B. Mhic Airt 3rd Kamila Goch, St. Marys Results Boys O12 100M Small Schools Results Boys O12 100M Big Schools 1st David Condon, Touraneena 1st Ryan Mac Craith, An Rinn 2nd Padraig Hynes, Knockanore 2nd Sean Hickey, Ballyduff 3rd DJ Melia, Carriglea 3rd Stephen Lake, Abbeyside Results Girls U9 300M Small Schools Results Girls U9 300M Big Schools 1st Eimear Griffin, Whitehcurch 1st Kasey Mulhearne, Kilmacthomas 2nd Aoife Reddy, Modeligo 2nd Meabh Kiely, Abbeyside 3rd Lucy Nugent, Modeligo 3rd Sophie Ni Chrotaigh, Scoil Gharbhain Results Boys U9 300M Small SchoolsResults Boys U9 300M Big Schools 1st Corey Scanlan, Whitechurch 1st Ian Holmes, Glenbeg 2nd Cormac Deevy, Carriglea 2nd Sam Shannahan, Lismore 3rd Peter Buckner, Clashmore 3rd Cal Tutty, Abbeyside Results Girls U11 600M Small Schools Results Girls U11 600M Big Schools 1st Faelen Richards, Knockanore 1st Eve Power, Coolnasmear 2nd Emma Hickey, Kilbrien 2nd Angelina Chizhikova, St. Marys 3rd Caoimhe Prendergast, Carriglea 3rd Emma Keating, Kilmacthomas Results Boys U11 600M Small Schools Results Boys U11 600M Big Schools 1st Conor Fennell, St. James 1st Tommy Fennell, Garranbane 2nd Rory Byran, Villerstown 2nd Con Willians, Abbeyside 3rd Stephen Roche, Knockanore 3rd David Skehan, Lismore Results Girls U12 600M Small Schools Results Girls U12 600M Big Schools 1st Chloe O’Connell, Knockanore 1st Rosie Ni Mhuir, Scoil Gharbhain

run of in two hours. The first three in each of the sprint races and the long race have qualified for the county finals as have the first two relay teams in each age group. There will be no mixed relay in the county final. The finals will be held once again in St. Augustine’s College on Thursday, June 4th. 2nd Megan Keogh, Kinsalebeg 2nd Katie Killigrew, Lismore 3rd Ella O’Neill, Clashmore 3rd Aine O’Neill, Garranbane Results Boys U12 600M Small Schools Results Boys U12 600M Big Schools 1st Mark Dalton, Knockanore 1st Oisin O’Riordan, Abbeyside 2nd Alan Curran, Carriglea 2nd Marc Mac Garrai, Scoil Gharbhain 3rd Niall Browne, Carriglea 3rd Patrick McCarthy, Ballyduff Results Girls O12 800M Small Schools Results Girls O12 800M Big Schools 1st Claragh McGann, Villerstown 1st Mary Prendergast, St. Marys 2nd Katie Ahearn, Ardmore 2nd Emily Murhpy, Glenbeg 3rd Kiealeagh Tompkins, Ballycurrane 3rd Aoife O’Brien, Garranbane 3rd Shiona Dunphy, Seafield Results Boys O12 800M Small Schools Results Boys O12 800M Big Schools 1st DJ Melia, Carriglea 1st Sean Hickey, Ballyduff 2nd Padraigh Hynes, Knockanore 2nd Oisin O Muirisoa, Scoil Gharbhain 3rd Luke Coughlan, Clashmore 3rd Caolan Mac Craith, An Rinn Results Girls U8 Relay Small SchoolsResults Girls U8 Relay Big Schools 1st Grange 1st Abbeyside 2nd Knockanore 2nd St. Marys 3rd Ardmore 3rd Scoil Gharbhain Results Boys U8 Relay Small Schools Results Boys U8 Relay Big Schools 1st Aglish 1st Glenbeg 2nd Kinsalebeg 2nd Coolnasmear 3rd Carriglea 3rd An Rinn Results Girls U9 Relay Small SchoolsResults Girls U9 Relay Big Schools 1st Whitechurch 1st Abbeyside 2nd Clashmore 2nd Scoil Gharbhain 3rd Stradbally 3rd Glenbeg Results Boys U9 Relay Small Schools Results Boys U9 Relay Big Schools 1st Carriglea 1st Glenbeg 2nd Touraneena 2nd Tallow 3rd Clashmore 3rd St. Joseph Results Girls U10 Relay Small Schools Results Girls U10 Relay Big Schools 1st Stradbally 1st St. Marys 2nd Ardmore 2nd Lismore 3rd B. Mhic Airt 3rd Abbeyside Results Boys U10 Relay Small Schools Results Boys U10 Relay Big Schools 1st Whitechurch 1st Glenbeg 2nd Clashmore 2nd Coolnasmear 3rd Fews 3rd Scoil Gharbhain Results Girls U11 Relay Small Schools Results Girls U11 Relay Big Schools 1st Aglish 1st Scoil Gharbhain 2nd Knockanore 2nd An Rinn 3rd Carriglea 3rd Garranbane Results Boys U11 Relay Small Schools Results Boys U11 Relay Big Schools 1st Grange 1st Abbeyside 2nd Kinsalebeg 2nd Garranbane 3rd Seafield 3rd Lismore Results Girls U12 Relay Small Schools Results Girls U12 Relay Big Schools 1st Ardmore 1st Scoil Gharbhain 2nd Knockanore 2nd St Marys 3rd Kinsalebeg 3rd Glenbeg Results Boys U12 RelaySmall Schools Results Boys U12 Relay Big Schools 1st Clashmore 1st Coolnasmear 2nd Knockanore 2nd Lismore 3rd Modeligo 3rd Abbeyside Results Girls O12 Relay Small Schools Results Girls O12 Relay Big Schools 1st Clashmore 1st Lismore 2nd B. Mhic Airt 2nd Garranbane 3rd Ardmore 3rd St Marys Results Boys O12 Relay Small Schools Results Boys O12 Relay Big Schools 1st Knockanore 1st Abbeyside 2nd Kinsalebeg 2nd Scoil Gharbhain 3rd B. Mhic Airt 3rd An Rinn Results Mixed U10 Relay Small Schools Results Mixed U14 Relay Small Schools 1st St. James 1st Whitechurch 2nd Clashmore 2nd Aglish 3rd Carriglea 3rd Seafield

Enjoying our running at the Friary College THE Minnie’s Fit4Life running league round 6 saw another great turn-out and it’s great to see that more and more are signing up to take part and as we always say it’s never too late to come along and join in the fun. Thankfully, it was the first week in this league that we had some rain and however just before 7 pm it stopped as runners hopped out of their cars just in time for the whistle. The league takes place in the St. Augustine's College grounds on Wednesday nights and we are fast approaching the final night so please come along and it will set you up for the rest of the summer leagues. The league starts at 7 p.m. with registration taking place at 6.45 p.m. you can choose from 1, 2, 3 or 4 laps of the college grounds, so there is something for everyone. The League tables are taking shape now also and the next two week's will play a big part in how they turn out. We will continue with Wednesday nights for the remaining two weeks so see ye tonight for week 7 of the Minnies League. A special thanks to St. Augustine's college for the use of their facilities which are kept so well and a pleasure to run in this time of the year. THREE BATTLE IT OUT OVER ONE LAP With only three running the one lap this week it was Eamonn Cashin home first to finish in 7:33 followed by Tommy Lenihan running 10:29 and Jason O'Riordan ran the lap in 12:37. ARTHUR CHIZHIKOV BREAKS 17 MINUTES OVER 2 LAPS The two lap league had 10 finishers and were led home by young Arthur Chizhikov who powered home in well under 17 minutes clocking 16:55. Arthur was followed by Maria Condon in a fast 17:18 and Gerry Cummins was hot on her heels and finished just the wrong side of the clock in 18:06. Well done to Liz O'Riordan

and Carmel O'Keeffe who finished in 18:26 & 18:55. A special mention this week to Deirdre Clancy who is new to running and is improving every week. Well done Deirdre keep up the good work! STEPHEN CURRAN IMPROVES OVER 3 LAPS There was no change here this week for the 6th week in a row Yevgeniy Chizhikov led the three lap league home in 22:15 followed by Stephan Curran 22:45 and third on the night was David Towey in 23:06. Catriona Kiely ran in 31:42 and is running really well at the moment. Denise De Paor and Louise Plant kept each other company throughout the run and finished in 37:11 as did Irene Dee and Sue Genc who finished the course in 41:30. Aoife Walsh started running the 2 laps and moved up to the three lap challenge and is improving each week. JOHN LEAHY ON FIRE BREAKING 30 MINUTES FOR 4 LAPS The four lap league has the biggest numbers every week and this week was no different with 24 runners running the four laps. This is the tightest league at the top and changes every week but this week it was led home by John Leahy who dipped under 30 minutes which is brilliant running for 5 miles in the Friary grounds John clocked 29:53. John was followed by the most improved runner over the 4 laps this year Mark Shalloe who ran 30:25 and just 4 seconds behind him was Tom leahy. Angeline Drennan was our first lady home in week 6 and was unlucky not to break 38 minutes as she just hit the wrong side of the clock but had a great time in 38:02 and was she was followed by Andrea Gaffney who ran 38:28. Paschal Proctor and James Veale kept each company this week and Rose Power pushed herself hard to the line and finished the 4 laps in 42:35.

John Foley wins category in Ballyandreen 5 A FIELD of 564 completed last Thursday’s race number 1 in the Ballycotton series the Ballyandreen 5. The overall winner on the night was Michael Harty East Cork AC 24.69 with the Ladies victory going to Rosaleen Mackeown Leevale AC 30.54. The club had 4 athletes who made the trip and John Foley who is in flying form presently brought home the over 65 prize when clocking an impressive time of John Foley 38.35.Pat Power nicely broke the 40 minute mark when he ran a time of 39.33. The ever improving Lismore woman Geraldine Barry ran a good time also and she will be well pleased with her effort of 43.25 and finally one of the events best ever supporters who for many years has hardly missed any race in this series Onra Power ran a time of 48.08.

Committee Meeting OUR senior club monthly committee meeting will be held tomorrow Thursday, 4th June in Minnie’s Bar at 8.30 pm.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


21st Annual Ger Wyley Sports/Skins Summer Series 2015

Record entry for the 20th Annual James Hayes Carpentry Services sponsored Touraneena 5k ALL roads lead to Touraneena last Friday evening as the van rolled out to the 5th race and almost the halfway stage of this year's summer series. The race celebrating its 20th year in existence saw a field of 218.This was the largest field ever for this race which was brilliant to see. The organising of the event is now in hands of the St, Marys Primary School, Touraneena who did a brilliant job in this their first year involved. With a new sponsor on board in James Hayes Carpentry Services who we sincerely thank for his kind gesture in sponsoring the race and also to Conor Lannen of Dungarvan Country Stores for sponsoring the famed strawberries which are a great treat for us after this race each year. As we said it was the 20th year of the race and we must not forget those who have been involved in the past, both as race organisers and race sponsors, Touraneena Racquetball Club were brilliant organisers for 19 years and they kept the show on the road through thick and thin and it's a huge thanks to them and those dedicated few who kept the race alive without mentioning any names. The organisers this year in Touraneena as has always been the case left no stone unturned in their efforts with the course well marked and arrowed and the village itself was looking supreme with even the road corners swept for the runners. Thanks to the Board of Management at St. Marys Primary School for all their work especially Patricia Hearn and to long time race helper Laurence McCarthy along with a great band of helpers too numerous to mention. A sincere thank you to all those involved with the catering, a fabulous spread was provided for all and each year as we already mentioned we look forward so much to that treat of strawberries and Ice cream. Thanks to the Community Centre for providing the use of the centre for the entries, race presentation and, of course, for the food post race, thanks to all the stewards and Garda at the various junctions and at the start and finish of the race and thanks also to our own crew on van duty and those for looking after the entries and results, efficient as ever. Once again the Civil Defence were on duty and our thanks especially to Michael Power of Power Fencing who again this year sponsored the civil defence ambulance. Thanks to race sponsor James Hayes who was available to present the

various winners with their prizes and to our master of ceremonies Marie Power who was very much involved with the smooth running if this year's race. Thanks to all on the Board of Management from St. Marys and School Principal Mrs. Sheena Nix who spoke at the presentation thanking all involved. Finally, our thanks to Ger Wyley sports and SKINS for sponsoring the series once again this year, and for their gift to all runners of a 20% discount voucher for skins product to celebrate the 20th year of the race. KEVIN MAUNSELL POST TO PILAR It was an ok kind of evening for the race Friday with a strong enough head wind for much of the course, but no rain thankfully. The 20th Annual running of the event got under way at 8 sharp and from the starters gun Clonmel’s Kevin Maunsell running the race for the first time really pushed the pace from the get go, he raced into the lead on the fast downhill section over the first 800 metres, going through the village and passing the 1k mark Kevin clocked a time of 2.58, by this mark it could be said the race was at his mercy as he was some 60 metres clear of the chasers. Kevin's next kilometre split was clocked at 3.20, he recorded a split of 3.10 for the 3rd and the Clonmel man was flying at this stage on the main Dungarvan to Clonmel road drawing further away from the field behind. He worked hard over the final 800 metres on the incline as he approached the finish in the Village and crossed the chip timing matt in 15.01 to claim a great win. This was one of the fastest winning times for this race in many years if not the 2nd fastest of all time behind current record holder David McCarthy 14.26. There was a great battle for the runner-up position between David Mansfield, Clonliffe Harriers AC and Brian Murphy, Carrick AC and at the line only 10 seconds separating the two, on this occasion it took a very fast last 2 kms from Mansfield finishing in a time of time of 15.41 to clinch that 2nd place. David had previously won race 1 in the series when he took race 1 the Ballinroad 5k race victory and likewise Brian Murphy had only last Friday evening won race 4 in the series the Ardmore 5, so a quality field up front was assembled in Touraneena that's for sure. The 0/40 category victory went to David Ryan, Clonmel AC in 16.15, David finished overall 2nd in the race last year and was 4th this year to

take the over 40 category. P. J. Guinan Waterford AC 17.27 was the victor in the over 45 section and Clonmel's John Walsh was the easy winner of the over 50 category with a very fast 18.17. The over 60 category went to Walter Keane Waterford AC in a time of 18.41.The junior prize was won by a very good up and coming young West Waterford athlete Liam Reilly whose time of 18.04 was 4 seconds faster than his winning time from last year 18.09, Liam finished 16th overall. Winner of the prize for first local male runner to finish this year went to Johnny McGrath. MEN’S RESULTS 1st Kevin Maunsell Clonmel AC 15.01 2nd David Mansfield Clonliffe Harriers AC 15.41 3rd Brian Murphy Carrick On Suir AC 15.51 0/40 David Ryan Clonmel AC 16.15 0/45 P. J. Guinan Waterford AC 17.27 0/50 John Walsh Clonmel AC 18.17 0/60 Walter Keane Waterford AC 18.41 Junior Liam Reilly West Waterford AC 18.04 1st local finisher Johnny Mc Grath SYLVIA MALONE SHOWS A CLEAN PAIR OF HEELS The ladies race much like the men's was won by an athlete who from the starting line pushed quite a fast pace through the village drawing clear of the field. Our winner in Touraneena Sylvia Malone, Waterford AC was also on the prizes rostrum in an earlier race in the series when she finished 3rd in the Waterford to Tramore 7.5 miler, The shorter distance might have suited the flying Waterford lady last Friday evening as she proved too strong for the field crossing the finish line in the village in a time of 18.26. Our winner in last week's Ardmore 5 West Waterford's Corinna Walsh is running really well this season and she has been in the prizes now at every series race to date. Ballinroad 2nd overall, Butlerstown and Waterford to Tramore 1st over 40, Ardmore 1st overall and Touraneena 2nd overall, not a bad record with only 5 series races ran to date. Corinna's team mate at West Waterford Sandra Prendergast is also at the top of her running this year and is also knocking chunks off her times over various distances she has finished 3rd in Ballinroad and 3rd in Ardmore last week, her time last Friday 19.36 and her improvement this year in general would indicate that she will soon be taking a victory in one of these races in the not too distance future. It was note wor-

thy the number of local Touraneena ladies as well as some gents but mainly ladies who ran Friday evening it was refreshing to see them all in their orange shirts and a great credit to those involved in promoting running and a healthy way of life in the village of Touraneena and surrounding area. The category prizes saw Mary Molloy Carrick-on-Suir AC win the over 35 in 20.31. Catriona Gough, Waterford AC was the first over 40 lady home in an excellent 21.17. Brigid Coffey took the over 45 prize in a time of 23.06 a great run from Brigid. Josie Ui Chuirrin is getting back to terrific form and she ran a superb time clocking 24.00 to take the over 50 category for the 2nd year in succession and the first junior was Marie O'Donovan with a time of 24.13. The first lady local finisher for the 2nd year in succession was Claire Fitzpatrick 24.13 which was an improvement on her time of last year 24.36. LADIES RESULTS 1st Sylvia Malone Waterford AC 19.00 2nd Corinna Walsh West Waterford AC 19.36 3rd Sandra Prendergast West Waterford AC 19.36 0/35 Mary Molloy Carrickon-Suir AC 20.31 0/40 Catriona Gough Waterford AC 21.17 0/45 Brigid Coffey West Waterford AC 23.06 0/50 Josie Ui Chuirrin West Waterford AC 24.00 Junior Marie O'Donovan IND 24.13 1st local finisher Claire Fitzpatrick TONY POWER WINS 11TH ANNUAL ANN POWER MEMORIAL TROPHY THE walk which was got under way at 7.30 from the Community Hall just like the 5k race saw one of the largest crowd's ever with well over 100 local children and adults taking part in the event which was being held for the 11th year in memory of one of the founders of the race the late Anne Power. As with other years the event was held in the fun predict your time for the distance style which means that the walker who completed the course closest to his or her predicted time was the winner and this year this accolade went to Tony Power. It was ironic that Tony would win the trophy this year as the late Ann was Tony's wife and it was so nice to see him come along to not alone support the event but to actually win the trophy for 2015 which was brilliant. Tony just like his late wife Ann and indeed all his family do so much every year for the event held in memory of a dear wife, mother and granny. Well done to Tony and all the

Power family. Tony now joins the list of previous winners of the walk, Mike Kearns, Valerie Power, Yvonne Sheehan, Bernie Gleeson, Conor Tobin, Ailbhe Foley, Emma Whelan and Joey Connors. Michelle Power. Marcella Tobin, Tony Power The second placed walker was Johnny Quinlan and Beatrice Melligan was 3rd. Well done to so many of the locals who supported the walk it was great to see such a great crowd. Our thanks to the Power family who presented the various prizes for the walk and also on behalf of the Power family they made special presentations to local organisers of the race over the past 20 years which was a very nice gesture which was very well received. Our thanks Marie Power and the rest of the organisers of the walk on the night. SUZANA MALIKOVACOSTIN VOUCHER WINNERS The winners of the Suzana Malikova-Costin Sports Massage vouchers for the Touraneena 5k were Onra Power and Cathal Gleeson. Our thanks go to Zuzana for donating these prizes to the summer series. Suzana is available for sports Massage at the Alternative Health Clinic in Abbeyside, 0871218721 for appointment. TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO JOIN THE SERIES The deadline for entering the summer series is fast approaching. Entry to the series will close after the Dromana race which is June 19th. Entry to the series is separate to the races; it costs €5 and can be paid at any of the races up to and including the Dromana race. You must do 6 races of the series and you will get a €30 voucher and if you can run all 11 races in the series a very special prize will be awarded to all who achieve this goal. NEXT RACE IN SERIES 14th ANNUAL OLD STILL BAR CLASHMORE 5 Next race in the series is the Old Still Bar Clashmore 5 on Friday, June 12th at 8 pm. The 6th race of the series. Online entries are now open and we ask all runners to please help us out by entering online if at all possible, or we will take your entry at the Old Still Bar from 7 o’clock onwards and it’s also the venue for the refreshments and prize-giving after the race. The entry fee is the only €5 this year for West Waterford AC organised events (where else would you get it) with prizes in the usual categories. Course record: Pauline Lambe Tullamore AC 29.45 (2010) Sandis Bralitis West Waterford AC 24 .58 (2007)

Overall winner of the Ann Power memorial shield for the guess your time walk last Friday evening in Touraneena Tony Power receives the shield from race sponsor James Hayes.

1st local man home Johnny McGrath receives the shield from sponsor James Hayes at the 20th James Hayes Carpentry contractor Touraneena 5k last Friday evening.

1st local lady finisher at the 20th James Hayes Carpentry contractor Touraneena 5k last Friday evening Claire Fitzpatrick receives her shield from sponsor James Hayes.

Cork Track and Field League Round 2 RUNNING in round 2 of the graded meet in Cork last Friday evening the club had three athletes who travelled to compete. Des Feeney ran a very solid time of 2.10.69 over 800 metres while over the same distance Harry O'Brien ran 2.12.33, Joe Gough opened his track season with his very first race and he ran a handy 2.19.36 also. Joe also travelled to the Leinster's track and field championships held in Tullamore on Sunday running as a guest in very windy conditions he ran the 800 and later in the day lined up for the 400.

Running Quote IT'S all those little battles with yourself that are the most satisfying to win.



You can contact us by phoning 058-44055 Our email address is: goldcoastgolf@cablesurf.com. Our website is: www.goldcoastgolfclub.com RESULTS Tuesday, 26th May: Open Seniors, CSS 37 pts. 1st: Frank Waters (20) 41 pts. 1st Lady: Geraldine Simpson (20) 30 pts Dunmore East Golf Club. Thursday, 28th May: South Munster Seniors, CSS 36 pts. Cat 0-15: 1st: Bernard Vaughan (15) 32 pts Muskerry. 2nd: Pat Norris (15) 32 pts. 3rd: Pat O’Connell (13) 31 pts Ring of Kerry. Cat 16 – 20: 1st: Chris Tanner ((18) 37 pts Mallow; 2nd: Raymond Dwane (20) 35 pts Mahon; 3rd: William Hegarty (17) 35 pts Mitchelstown. Cat 21+: 1st: Jerome Murphy (23) 34 pts Mahon. 2nd: Roger McSweeney (28) 33 pts Lee Valley. 3rd: John Drinan (22) 32 pts Macroom. Friday, 29th May: Open Singles, CSS 38 pts. 1st: Francis Maher (8) 40 pts East Cork. Friday 29th/Sunday, 31st May: Captain’s Prize. 1st: John White (5) 140. 2nd: Ger Bagge (6) 142. Gross: Micheal White (5) 152. 3rd: Tommy Long (12) 142. 4th: Diarmuid Henley (6) 142. 2nd Gross: Michael Lenihan (5) 157 Best 1st Day: Colin McArthur (9) 69. Best 2nd Day: Nicky Hayes (13) 71. Past

Captain: Billy Power (11) 152. High Handicap: James Maitland (19) 150. 5th: Niall O’Brien (10) 144. 6th: David O’Connor (10) 144. 2nd 1st Day: Tomas Wall (14) 69 pts. 2nd 2nd Day: Seanie Lenihan (16) 71. Guest: Pat Crowley (15) 78. Junior: Lee Crotty (10) 151. FIXTURES Tuesday, 2nd June: Open Seniors, 50+, Ladies and Gents. Friday, 5th June: Open 18 Holes Stableford. Saturday, 6th June: Half Sub Qualifier. Sunday, 7th June: Monthly Medal. Tuesday, 9th June: Open Seniors, 50+, Ladies and Gents. CAPTAIN’S PRIZE The Captain’s Prize, kindly presented by Tom White, was played for over the weekend and despite some tough conditions, weather wise, everything went ahead as planned and another successful event was completed. Despite the wind, rain, hail and sunshine everyone turned out to honour our very popular Captain and after the qualifying rounds it was easy to assume that a White would be collecting the main prize on Sunday night with John White leading the

West WaterfordGolf & Country Club Telephone: 058-43216. Fax: 058-44343. E-mail: info@westwaterfordgolf.com Website: www.westwaterfordgolf.com RESULTS CAPTAIN’S PRIZE MR DAVID CONDON Winner: Luke Swayne (12) 138, 2nd. Jack Foley (12) 139, Gross: Eoin Conway (3) 148, 3rd. Stephen Spillane (12) 141, 4th. Sergei Quinn (14) 142, 2nd Gross. Darragh Herlihy (4)151, 5th. Pat Quinn (12) 143, 3rd Gross. Mark O Sullivan (8) 162, Cat 1. David Curran (5) 154, Cat 2. Colm O Callaghan (9) 144, Cat 3. Tom Galvin (15) 144, Cat 4. Paul Griffin (19) 148, Best Nett Rd 1. Des Cleary (12) 68, Beta Nett Rd 2. David O’Keeffe (16) 70, Best Gross Rd 1. Philip Spratt (1) 72, Best Gross Rd. 2 Conor Duggan (9) 84, Committee Prize. John Keane (15) 148, Past captain. Tom Butler (14) 148. CSS: Fri.72, Sat.72, Sun.71. Bank Holiday Club Competition June 1st – Winner Tim McCarthy (12) - 71 Tuesday Treats 26th May Cat 1. John R Walsh (24) 28 pts, Cat 2. 1st Denis Conway (9) 32 pts, 2nd Henry McGrath (15) 28 pts AL EILE OPEN GENTS SINGLES WEDNESDAY MAY 27th 1st Eoin Conway (4) 40 pts, 2nd Conor Duggan (9) 38 pts, Gross Luke Cummins (1) 36

pts CSS 37 pts. FIXTURES Tuesday 2nd June- Open Seniors plus 13 hole Tuesday treat. Wednesday 3rd June – Al Eile Open Qualifier 18 hole sfd. Friday 5th/Saturday 6th June – Friary Handball Classic Saturday 6th/Sunday 7th June – Club Competition 18 hole sfd. CAPTAIN’S PRIZE – THIRD TIME LUCKY FOR LUKE SWAYNE If at first you dont suceed then try and try again. Just ask Luke the winner of this years captain’s prize. The action got underway on Friday afternoon in brilliant sunshine. The long course and tricky pin positions would provide a stern test for the first 50 entrants. Nevertheless young Eoin Conway (3) posted a nett 70 to lead the field by one stroke from Colm O’Callaghan (9) 71 nett. The early birds were out at 8 am on Saturday and availed of the better weather conditions which deteriorated in the afternoon. Luke Swayne and Des Cleary coped best with the testing conditions posting 68’s, with newcomer Peter Geary hot on their heels with a brilliant 69. Overall, 12 players managed to equal or better stan-

qualifiers with a superb 67 and closely followed by Micheal White on 68. Diarmuid Henley carded a great score of 68 as well and with a number of players on 69 and 70 no one was going to have an easy day on Sunday. The top 60 players qualified for the final and play got underway at 8.30 on Sunday morning with the final threeball heading off at 11.30 a.m. Information coming in from the course showed that the lead was oscillating between the three leaders while Ger Bagge was putting in a spirited effort to make up lost ground. Eventually John White was once again crowned winner by 2 shots from a group of players on 142. As I said previously it was a very successful weekend and thanks in particular to the Captain, who was on hand all the time to insure that everything went according to schedule. Also a special word of thanks to our Secretary, Eugene Collins, who orchestrated everything over the weekend and was present all the time to oversee the smooth running of the Captain’s Prize. At the presentation of prizes on Sunday night Tom White spoke of the exceptionally good condition of the course and this was added to by all the prize winners. John White reckoned that the greens were in the best condition he had played on since joining the Gold Coast and he heaped great praise on the green-keeping staff for the way the course was presented over the weekend. JUNIOR RESULTS A competition was run in conjunction with the Captain’s Prize and the results are as follows: Pre-Junior 9 Hole Competition: 1st: Jack Kiely

(50) 19 pts. 2nd: Brian Kiely (52) 18 pts. 3rd: Daniel Morrissey (50) 13 pts. Junior 13 Hole Competition: 1st: Michael Kiely (23) 23 pts 2nd: Jack McGrath (24) 23 pts. 3rd: Jack Kiely (24) 23 pts. ANNUAL TONY DUNFORD MEMORIAL The date for this competition has been fixed for Thursday, 25th June. It will feature teams of four playing 2 rounds of golf continuously with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. Teams can be gents, ladies or mixed and the cost per person is €30 which included a three course meal and a donation to charity. Weather permitting there will be a BBQ on the 10th hole and tea/coffee/sandwiches after the 18th hole all included in the price. The day is limited to 20 teams and anyone wishing to enter a team should contact Bob as soon as possible. Different formats for each 18 holes. NEW MEMBERSHIP OFFER FOR GENTS We now have a very special offer for new members wishing to join the Gold Coast. From 1st May to 1st January 2017 the fee is €540. This is a limited time offer and is only for new members. Talk to Bob or mark for more information. LADIES NOTES Results: Captain’s Prize: Our Lady Captain’s Prize kindly presented by Gillian Cashman took place on Sunday 31st May, although the weather was not typical of summer conditions having four seasons in one day, we had a clear winner in Karen Darcy. Karen has been playing superb golf all year, but bringing in a score of 63 nett playing off a handicap of 28 was the icing on the cake. Despite the weather, a great day was had by all and a great

dard scratch. The sun returned on Sunday and most of the 60 qualifiers lined out for the final round. Jack Foley carded a magnificent 68, and was closely followed by Stephen Spillane and Tom Galvin with two 69’s. The drama built through the day as we awaited the return of the top 3, Des Cleary, Luke Swayne and Peter Geary. Building on his two top 3 finishes in consecutive years, popular clubman Luke Swayne held his nerve and carded a 70 for a winning total of 138. In his acceptance speech Luke expressed his delight on capturing the beautiful Waterford Crystal trophy. Captain David Condon gave a rousing speech to the assembled crowd and thanked everyone who contributed to a hugely successful captains weekend. Thank you David for an unforgettable Captains Prize 2015. BUSY SCHEDULE FOR GARY HURLEY Gary makes a return visit to St Andrews this week as part of a six man Irish squad to compete in the St Andrews Links trophy. Having played in this event before Gary will have learnt a lot about the St Andrews course and along with team mate Gavin Moynihan will head the Irish challenge. Gary will jet back to Dublin on Sunday for his departure to Chicago where he will play on the Palmer Cup team. With exam pressure now off the agenda and following a good performance at the Irish Open, the Aglish man can now focus totally on his golfing career. Best of luck from all at West Waterford. BELVEDERE TROPHY Edward Hickey’s team managed two wins at Waterford GC

on Wednesday last. The return leg takes place at West Waterford this Tuesday and we are all hoping for an improved performance from the team on home soil. The action starts at 4pm and supporters are most welcome. AUTUMN SENIORS OPEN ALLIANCE Carrick on Suir is the venue on Monday, 8th June for the next outing. Seniors wishing to play should contact Pat Power 0876611276 to book tee times. CLUB FOURBALL MATCHPLAY Entry sheets for club fourball matchplay are now posted in the clubhouse. FRIARY HANDBALL GOLF CLASSIC The 15th Annual Golf Classic takes place at West Waterford Golf Club on Friday 5th and Saturday, 6th June, 2015. Four Person Team, Any Combination. To book tee times please ring 058 43216. A 3 person junior scramble will be held on Monday June 1st. WATERFORD GAA ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC This major fundraising event for Waterford teams takes place at West Waterford on 11th,12th & 13th June. Timesheets Available, please ring 058 43216 to book QUIZ – FRIDAY 5th JUNE A fundraiser for a Brickey Rangers team representing Waterford in Feile na Nóg CHALLENGE CUP – O’CONNER WINS CHALLENGE CUP Portlaw player Ivan O’Connor scores 36 pts in the second round to win challenge cup with a total of 67 pts. Former champion Robert Torpey GSK sports club finished 2nd on 56 pts. Legend

Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015 night ensued in the Gold Coast Golf Hotel after the presentation of prizes. Thank you for a great day. Best wishes to John White who won his brother’s Captains Prize, congratulations and well done!! A big thank you to our Captain Tom and committee, also to Bob and Mark for their organisational skills in the smooth running of the event. Results: 1st Karen Darcy (28) 63; 2nd Rebecca Kavanagh (36) 71; Best Gross: Mary Clancy (13) 73; 3rd Lorraine Troy (28) 76; 4th Helena Fitzgerald (16) 78; 5th Ger Hallinan (28) 79. Champagne Scramble kindly sponsored by Dawn Meats: 1st D.D. Hannigan, Teresa Queally, Rebecca Kavanagh 74 pts; 2nd Hannah Lucas (Lismore GC) Elaine Goss, Ger Hallinan 73 pts; 3rd Mary Clancy, June Whyte (West/Wat GC), Bridget Mitchell (Carrick GC) 72 pts. Fixtures: 18 Hole club ongoing Competition. This is a new competition with a limit of 20 entries and should prove very popular with everybody for the summer months. Entry is €5 and re-entry is €3, and along with our ongoing 10 hole competition there is something for everybody!! 18 Hole Singles Competition kindly sponsored by Deise Golf on Sunday, 7th June. 3 Person Rumble kindly sponsored by Sanikleen Products from Monday 15th to Thursday, 18th June. Time sheet in operation, or contact Bob or Mark on 05844055 Sheila Norris Singles Matchplay: This is one of our major matchplay competitions of the year kindly sponsored by Sheila Norris for which we are so grateful. Sheila, a past President of the club has always been an advocate of good golf, and deemed stroke-

Gillian Cashman, Lady Captain Gold Coast Golf Club presents her Captain’s Prize to the winner, Karen Darcy. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

play or matchplay to be the epitome of the game!! Sheila has always been so generous with her sponsorship, and many a hard battle has ensued to attain the coveted prize!! Draw sheet for above competition now posted in kiosk, please add your name and support this worthwhile competition. Daily Mail Foursomes Matchplay: Well done to Rosie and Elaine who are now heading into the fourth round in this competition, and have overcome some very strong opposition so far. Their next match will be against Kinsale GC in Kinsale on Saturday, 6th June and we wish them both the very best of Gold Coast luck!! Dawn International Mixed Foursomes: Ladies, please note that the draw has been made for this competition, check your partners and

arrange your match dates without delay!! Committee Meeting: Ladies committee meeting takes place on Friday, 5th June at 8pm in the Bunker Bar Anniversary Celebrations: Congratulations and best wishes to John and Joan Mansfield, Nicholas and Helena Fitzgerald who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversaries recently, and to Maurice and Josephine Fennell who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday. Well done and wishing you all many more years of bliss. New Membership Offers: Ladies, if you would like to try out a game of golf on our stunning 18 hole championship course, we have a very generous subscription on offer for new members, please refer to men’s notes for details or contact Bob or Mark in the kiosk.

West Waterford Golf Club Captain's Prize 2015 kindly presented by David Condon. David Condon presents his Captain's Prize to the winner, Luke Swayne. Included are David's wife Ide and mother Mary. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport] Dinger Kenneally (Flynn Hotel Group) another great round to finish 3rd on 46 pts. Full table on Facebook. Summer Challenge June/July. Best 2 cards count... JUNIOR NOTES FRIARY HANDBALL JUNIOR GOLF SCRAMBLE To facilitate all junior golfers Friary Handball club will hold a junior golf scramble at West Waterford GC running from Tuesday, 2nd of June through to Thursday, 4th June. Saturday times available from 4 pm onwards. Pre booking essential. Contact: 058-43216 SUMMER CAMP DATES Tuesday 7th of July to Friday 10th of July. CONTACT: 086 352 1070 email: twmurphy9@gmail.com Facebook: TimMurphyCoaching

LADIES NOTES 18 hole S/F held Sunday 24th or Thursday, 28th May kindly sponsored by Maria

Moloney Boutique:Ciara Donnelly (36) – 35 points (Back 9) Ann Rochford (23) – 35 points (Back 9) Marie T. Curran (29) – 35 points CSS – 36 points May 9 hole (2 best cards to count), kindly sponsored by Lal Power:Marie T. Curran (29) 38 points Ger O’Connor (36) 36 points Jean 0’Donovan (28) 34 points (Back 6) Mr. David Condon, Captain, in conjunction with his Captain’s week-end, held a Ladies 9 on Sunday afternoon and the winners were:Marie T. Curran (29) 19 points Joan Sheehan (19) 18 points FIXTURES

The June 9 hole is kindly sponsored by Lena Walsh with 2 cards to count Our competition this week is the second Mna Eile Qualifier and don’t forget we also have a new prize this year “Player of the Tournament” with the best 4 of 5 cards to count. So even if you qualified last month, be sure to play again. Remember, if you’re not in, you can’t win. Sunday, 7th or Thursday, 11th – G.O.Y/Medal, kindly sponsored by Olivere’s Health and Beauty Salon. Date for your Diary: Sunday 14th or Thursday, 18th June is 18 hole s/f and is kindly sponsored by Cliff House. Lady Captain, Mary, will present her prize on 25th and 27th June so the upcoming competitions are great opportunities to get your two required cards in.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Dungarvan Golf Club Captains Prize 2015 kindly presented by David Raher. Front Row L-R: Ethan Raher, Guest Prize; Peter Mullaney, Best Gross; Maurice Terry, 2nd; Declan Walsh, Winner; David Raher, Captain; Joanne Fitzgerald, Lady winner; Bridget Killigrew 2nd; Creina O’Sullivan, Lady Captain. Back Row L-R: Jim Kiersey, Vice Captain; John Colbert, Cat 19/28; Bernard Gorman, Cat 13/18; Eamonn Moore, Best Net 1st 18; Conor Barrett, Cat 0/7; Alan Thomas, accepting Past Captain’s Prize for Jack Elstead; Bridget Aherne, Lady Vice Captain; Marie Raher, John Reynolds, Best Gross 1st 18; Eoin Stack, Best Gross 2nd 18; Liam Carroll, President Best 9 Hole; Eugene Slater, Chairman. [Pat Crowley]

DUNGARVAN GOLF CLUB Tel. Office 058-43310, Fax. 058-44113, Pro Shop 058-44707. Website: www.dungarvangolfclub.com; Email: dungarvangc@eircom.net DECLAN WALSH TAKES CAPTAIN’S PRIZE With a fantastic course setup and difficult weather conditions, this year’s Captain’s prize proved to be a great test of golf with a worthy champion. The rain appeared around three on Saturday afternoon – leaving the early players sitting smugly in the clubhouse. A few good scores came in over the two days causing ripples of excitement and speculation around the club. Michael McGrath shot a 69 on Saturday with Declan Walsh, Gabriel Leacey, Eamonn Moore and John Clancy all returning a close 70. It was Men’s Competition secretary Declan Walsh who held his game together, managing a fantastic 69 on the Sunday mastering the conditions and scoring at total of 139 to win by six shots. Declan is thrilled with this win for the major prize of the year. The clubhouse on Sunday evening was full of disaster stories with players taking more “eights” than Rickie Fowler with the course proving to be the winner. To a packed clubhouse our popular Captain David Raher presented the winner’s prize to Declan Our lady members were involved for the first time and the bubbly Joanne Fitzgerald showed her class shooting 38 points to take the honours. Captain David thanked everyone involved in creating a wonderful weekend, namely our course staff led by Scholar who produced

a course in pristine condition which presented a stern test befitting a major competition. Delightful finger food was served by our hardworking bar manager Tom Daly and staff with music and dancing to Brendan O’Donnell took place till the small wee hours following the presentation bringing to a close a very successful weekend. LADY CAPTAINS Our Lady Captain Creina O’Sullivan takes over next weekend presenting her Captain’s Prize in what will be another great weekend. We wish all competitors the best of luck. BELVEDERE CUP In other news, well done to our Belvedere Cup team who recorded a great win over Lismore. We have a three point lead with the return match taking place at home this week. RUN GRACIE RUN! Our assistant pro Grace completed the Mini Marathon in Dublin last Monday. Thanks to all the members who sponsored her run for her charity “Emma’s choice”. FIVER FRIDAY This Friday, 5th June sees the return of the popular ‘Fiver Friday’ and this year we hold an Open 3 person rumble. This is a great way to get everyone involved – with teams being made up of men, ladies or mixed. Sure for a fiver – where would you be going? See you there RESULTS CAPTAIN’S PRIZE RESULTS 2015 Fri. 29th, Sat. 30th & Sun.

31st May 2015 Kindly Presented by Mr. David Raher: Winner Declan Walsh (10) 139 nett, 2nd Prize Maurice Terry (15) 145, Best Gross Peter Mullaney (1) 148 (2nd 18), 3rd Prize John J. Clancy (19) 146 (2nd 18), 4th Prize Gabriel Leacy (1)146, 5th Prize Johnny Carroll (10) 148, Best Nett 1st 18 Eamonn Moore (16) 70, Best Nett 2nd 18 Rudolph Virdzek (21) 70, Best Gross 1st 18 John Reynolds (+1) 74, Best Gross 2nd 18 Eoin Stack (3) 77, Category 0/7, Conor Barrett (4) 150, Category 8/12 Anthony Lynch (12) 150 (2nd 18), Category 13/18, Bernard Gorman (14)149, Category 19/28 John Colbert (20) 149, Past Captain Jack Elstead (17) 151, Best Country/Junior Ml McGrath (5) 146, Guest Ethan Raher (25) 40, Best Lady Joanne Fitzgerald (16) 38 pts, Best 9 Hole Liam Carroll (18)18 pts. Thurs., 28th May: SPAR Open Singles 1. Anthony Lyons (14) 36 2. Owen OGrady (6) 36 3. Seamus O’Neill (10) 35 CSS 35 Mon., 25th Open Seniors 1st William Caroll (Youghal) (15) 42 pts 2. Seamus Kearney (10) (Youghal) 39 3. Eamonn Lonergan (10) 37 Best Lady Hilary Harte (13) Monkstown 34 CSS 36 pts. DUNGARVAN GENTS FIXTURES JUNE Thurs. 4th SPAR Open 18h Singles. Fri. 5th FIVER FRIDAY – Open 3 person rumble – any combination – entry €5. Sat. 6th / Sun. 7th Gents 18h S/F. LADIES NOTES DUNGARVAN LADIES RESULTS Mon. 25th Open Seniors Best Lady Hilary Harte (13) Monkstown 34 CSS 36 pts. Tues. 26th 3 Person Waltz (Country Store) Bernie Hayes (15) Maeve Morrissey (17) Marie Fahey (24) 80 2nd Carmel O’Brien (14) Joanee Fitzgerald (16) June James (21) 80 pts 3rd Maureen Lynch (18) Hilary Browne (24) Marie T. Curran (29) 78 pts.

Captains Prize to the ladies: Winner: Joanne Fitzgerald (16) 38 pts 2, Brigid Kiligrew (29) 36 3. Cathie Whelan (11) 35 4. Delia Smith (31) 34 DUNGARVAN LADIES FIXTURES JUNE Fri. 5th FIVER FRIDAY – Open 3 person rumble – any combination Sat. 6th Sun 7th– LADY CAPTAIN’S PRIZE. Tues. 9th Open 3 person rumble (Magpie Art) 18h S/F. Sat. 13th 18h S/F. LADY CAPTAIN’S PRIZE The Lady Captains prize is taking place this coming weekend Saturday 6th and Sunday, 7th June. Our Lady Captain Creina O'Sullivan originally hails from Mitchelstown, Co. Cork. The youngest of 5 children. Creina went to school in Waterford, spending happy years in the Ursuline convent as a boarder. Creina chose a profession in nursing and completed her training at the Bons Secours hospital in Cork. She married and moved to Stoke-on-Trent in 1978, worked as a midwife for three years, eventually returning to Ireland and settling in Dungarvan after her first child Shane was born. Two daughters, Miriam and Laura completed her family. A busy family life pursued, during which time Creina was able to apply herself to other outlets including parenting courses which led her to a career in psychotherapy, a career in which she was highly regarded by her clients and colleagues. Any Lady Captain is a very busy person and as we all know, Creina is no exception. However, there are many facets to her life. Creina is a very keen golfer, highly competitive and focused on her game, her recent success in the Daily Mail Competition, competing with her friend Mary Fleming, a formidable combination, getting through to the 4th round. We wish them both well for further success and look forward to seeing them through to the final.

Creina has proven to be highly organised and pragmatic in her role, she is a tireless promoter of ladies golf, always encouraging and providing a kind word, especially to new members. We wish Creina and her family a most enjoyable weekend. SIXTY.COM Results 20th May: Winner: Jack Elstead (18) 18pts Best Lady Mai O’Brien (19) 17 pts Best Gent Matt Whelan (25) 17pts. YONG ONES Next comp: Weds 3rd June 2.30 p.m Back 9 Outing to Waterrock – Weds 17th June JUNIOR NOTES Under the watchful eye of club professional and Waterford County Coach David Hayes we put our junior thru their paces in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Many thanks to James Hayes and Niamh Reynolds for their invaluable assistance. Tuition continues next Saturday at 3 pm and all are welcome. We are looking for a donation of used golfballs for our juniors, so if you have some lying around the garage please deliver to the ProShop. A date for your diary, our Lady Captain Creina is hosting a putting competition for our junior girls on Saturday, 6th June at 4 pm. Come along and enjoy the fun. CLUB RAFFLE This year again Dungarvan Golf Club is running a Club Raffle for a fantastic array of prizes. Do you fancy a holiday abroad in magnificent Cannes, a free membership, or a relaxing getaway break in a luxury Irish Hotel? To be in with a chance to win these and other superb prizes, enter the Dungarvan Golf Club’s big raffle! Your continued support is very much appreciated. The grand draw will take place on the night of the Presidents Prize 9th August 2015. Tickets are on sale in the clubhouse. TICKETS €2 Each, BOOK OF 6 for €10.

Gents €540

Ladies €410

Couple €820





Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

April Park Hotel Waterford Sports Star Thomas Barr and Darryl Murphy are the joint winners of the April Park Hotel, Waterford Sports Star Award. Darryl had an outstanding season in the Championship, finishing with 27 league goals, the top league goal scorer in the Championship and the top league goals across all the English leagues. Pierce Flynn, Park Hotel presents the April Sportstar Award to Joint Winner, Daryl Murphy. Included is adjudicator Kieran O'Connor. [Sean Byrne//Deise Media]

Dungarvan United FC U-8 team who took part in the Len Rodgers Memorial in Clashmore on Saturday last.

Dungarvan United FC U-7 team who took part in the Len Rodgers Memorial in Clashmore on Saturday last.

Fundraising walk and Cycle FUNDRAISING WALK & CYCLE SATURDAY, 27th JUNE, 2015 GOOD NEWS Dungarvan United AFC are 90% completed on our floodlighting of our main field in Kilrush Park, Dungarvan. BAD NEWS Dungarvan United AFC has to raise €10,000 of our own funds by the 1st of July to have floodlights in Dungarvan for next season. WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH OUR SPONSORED CYCLE! COULD YOU DO THE CYCLE? COULD YOU GET SPONSORSHIP FOR SOMEONE TO DO THE CYCLE? COULD YOU SPONSOR SOMEONE DOING THE CYCLE? SPONSORING ONE OF OUR MANY PLAYERS WHO WILL BE OBTAINING SPONSORSHIP ON OUR CYCLISTS BEHALF! COULD YOU HELP AS A STEWARD? COULD YOU HELP IN SOME SMALL WAY? Stan Cummins not only has helped lead us back in to Premier Football but is heading up the organisation of the clubs cycdle. Contact Stan or any of our committee or David Walsh 087-6896983 davidwalsh1@hotmail.com

IS THE CYCLE FOR EXPERIENCED CYCLISTS ONLY? Not at all…… This organised cycle caters for both novice and experienced cyclists alike with the pace you follow up to yourself. There are also back up vans with mechanical support, just in case you need it! DO I NEED TO REGISTER? Yes – you can register by contacting Stan Cummins or any committee member or emailing davidwalsh1@hotmail.com DO I NEED TO TRAIN? We would advise that you prepare with some training for an event like this. You know your own pace and what it will take to complete a cycle of this nature? Remember you have 6 weeks to get those bikes out and get plenty of practice…… DO I NEED A PROFESSIONAL BIKE? No, but a relatively good quality bike in good condition will make your cycle a lot easier…. Make sure it is properly serviced. WHAT ABOUT PUNCTURES/ REPAIRS EN ROUTE? There will be mechanical support with back up vans en route should you need it.

ARE THERE STOPS ALONG THE ROUTE? There will be refreshment stations along the route.

Pictured above is the cover of our Sponsored Cycle which will be making its way around the town in the coming weeks. Please support the club where possible.

Dungarvan United FC HENNESSEY CLEANING FERRYBANK CLOVER Dungarvan U-9s descended on Ferrybank last Saturday morning for their annual U-9 tournament. We faced tough opposition from the all the city teams and Tramore had a very strong hand in this also. Unfortunately, we travelled with a severely depleted squad which was a poor reflection on the numbers that represent our academy every week as these tournaments are what we strive for every year. However, saying this we topped our group level on points with Villa and Johnville so a 3-way penalty shootout (don't ask!) took place where we were narrowly defeated on sudden death. A special mention has to go to D. J. Casey who provided what was goal of the day with a superb free kick from just inside the halfway line. Well done to all the boys that travelled down especially the boys making their debut for us, they played fantastic. It's the first of many tournaments for the summer and if this one was anything to go by no doubt we will have silverware by the end of it. Thanks to the parents who travelled to support, it was an early start! To club coaches Colin Bulfin and John Byrne for all the hard work they put in every week with the U-9 and for their support on Saturday. SUMMER CAMP Our Summer Camp will take place Monday 6th Friday 10th July 10 am-2.30 pm Daily. Ages 6-11. €45 Per Child. A fun filled week of football guaranteed!! Don't delay book today! Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment! Contact Vicky 086 886 5829. CLUB SOCIAL Friday, 19th June, 8 pm until late. “Seattle” DJ. Tickets only €5. Good nighy guaranteed. All welcome. Please support. ACADEMY SPONSORED WALK In conjunction with the

Club Annual Fundraising Cycle the academy will once again hold a sponsored walk. Saturday, 27th June we will do a 5k walk and finish the day off with a funday at the club with inflatables, raffles, music, face painting etc with all proceeds going to club development. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. All academy children will be given sponsor forms on Saturday. Contact Vicky for more information LEN RODGERS MEMORIAL CLASHMORE We took part in the Len Rodgers Memorial in Clashmore on Saturday last which is always an enjoyable day out. It's especially nice to see the U-7s embarking on their first tournament for Dungarvan United. There were clubs from all over west Waterford and Cork participating and it’s great to get out there and let the kids practice what they train for each week. We had two teams in both U-7 and U-8 and everyone played to the best of their ability. After the first game or two Mr. Golden Sun decided to take his leave and the heavens opened and there was not much let up for the rest of the afternoon. Us adults got a soaking, however the young blues certainly didn't let a bit of the wet stuff dampen their spirits and continued to do us proud with one of our U-7 and both of our U-8 teams making it through to the semis. We

came away runners up in the finals with our U-7 conceding to Clashmore Ramblers and our U-8 with a close 4-3 loss against a fine Lismore side. Although we didn't come away with any Shields this year we came away with our heads held high. Every player did themselves and the club proud, the skill and sportsmanship shown from lads (and ladies) so young was outstanding and gives us great hope for the future. A special mention to coaches Mark Crotty and Gary Collins for all their hard work and encouragement on the day and to Aidan McCarthy, Kieran Hallahan and Laurence Hurney for their assistance. Thank you to all who came and stayed to support in such atrocious weather and we look forward to seeing you all again in Ardmore in a few weeks! GAYNOR CUP All roads led to Limerick this weekend for Waterford U-14 schoolgirls. We hope the weekend went well for Waterford as the squad have trained hard to prepare for this event. We have two club players on the team Erika Kiely & Molly Shrubb. Well done girls we are all proud of you, great girls with great skill & attitude, we hope you enjoyed the experience. AGM The club AGM will take place on Thursday, 18th June at 8 pm.

Pictures are Dungarvan United players Molly Shrubb and Erika Kiley at the Gaynor Cup in Limerick last weekend.


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Stradbally FC LOTTO There was no Jackpot winner in the Lotto Draw in The Bally Inn on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 1, 13, 21, 23. €25 to: Mags Kiely, Helen Maddox, Mags Kiely. Promoters prizewinner: Peggy Carey. The next draw is in O'Mahony's Durrow on June 14th and the Jackpot prize will be €2,900. SUMMER CAMP The ever popular Stradbally Soccer Club Summer Camp takes place this year over 4 days from

28th July to 31st July. 10.30 am to 2.30 pm daily. Ever popular activities and some new ones will ensure that this year's Camp will be another to remember. Watch this space carefully for further details. Also if any teenagers are available to help during the week, it would be most gratefully accepted. Contact Kevin at 087 2760304. ACADEMY Academy & Little Dribblers continues on Saturday mornings until the end of this month. From 10.30 to 11.45

the older ones learn the basics of soccer whilst the little ones are taught group playing. All children are welcome and so are their parents. KITS There are some club kits for children still available. Ideal birthday presents. Sizes: 5/6, 7/8, 9/10. Contact Gerry at 087 2245712. ASTRO TURF AstroTurf Pitch is available to hire. Contact Tadhg for time slot availability at 087 2306841.

Kilmacthomas FC UNDER 12 TRAMORE 2; KILMAC 2. We finished our league campagain on Saturday and despite dominating the game and holding a two nil lead at half-time we allowed Tramore back into the game and we dropped a point. This does not take from the fact that we are league Champions and we look forward to next season and a new challenge and a night of celebration to be arranged for the presentation of medals. Well done to all the boys and to the parents and management who did so much for the team during the year. CLOVER TOURNAMENT Our thanks to Ferrybank AFC for a great day out on Saturday we played three games and although we failed to progress to the

knock-out's the boys put up a fantastic display in all three games. We faced Park Rangers in the first game and a solid display saw us win 2 1. With goals from Ben and Davin; Liam made a fantastic save to keep us in the lead in the second half. We then faced Villa who were running riot and after a slow start we found ourselves 3 - 1 down at the break. We played much better in the second half and the game ended 4 - 1. Our final game was against a young Johnville side and here goals from Michael and Davin saw us win 2 - 1. This was a great team effort and Liam, Jake, Jakes, Bobby, Ben, Davin, Michael, Reece and Alan all played

their part in each game. Our defence was very good and James controlled it well and was strong when he pushed forward. Alan, Jake, Reece and Liam were solid in defence and midfield Ben Michael Davin and Bobby proved very tricky for opposing defences. Our thanks to all the parents who travelled to support the boys and we know we can look forward to bigger and better things. SINCERE SYMPATHY The club wishes to extend our sincere sympathy to the Boland family. Shirley was laid to rest on Friday and will be missed by husband, sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grandchild and her many friends. May she rest in peace.


Numbers drawn were: 4, 11, 16, 24. No jackpot winner. Winners of €20 each: Michael Power, John Hogan, Michelle Roche. New jackpot

€10,000. Next draw will be held in the Lord Maguires Pub, Ballinroad on Sunday, 14th June, 2015. Thank you for your support.

Waterford Schoolboys’ Football League Results & Fixtures Monday, May 25th Under 11B Cup Final The Deise Cup Bohemians A 2; Piltown A 0 Tuesday, May 26th Under 13C Cup Final Kiely Gaule Cup Carrick Utd B 1; Kilmacow 3 Tuesday, May 26th Under 13 League U-13A De La Salle 0; Carrick Utd A 2 Tuesday, May 26th Under 14 League U-14C Ferrybank C 1; Carrick Utd B 5 Tuesday, May 26th Under 11 League U-11E St. Saviours 0; Ferrybank C 0 Wednesday May 27th Under 13A Cup - The Johnny Barnes Cup Villa A 0; Southend Utd 1 Dungarvan Utd 5; Tramore A 4 Thursday, May 28th Under 11 League U-11E Ballyduff B 2; Dungarvan Utd B 1 Carrick Utd C 2; Villa D 2 Park Rangers B 0; Bohemians C 4 Thursday, May 28th Under 13B Cup Final The Jimmy O' Dwyer Cup Bohemians A 0; St. Pauls 1 Saturday, May 30th Under 12 League U-12A Carrick Utd A 1; Tramore A 1 U-12C Tramore B 2; Kilmacthomas 2 Saturday, May 30th Under 13A Cup Final The Johnny Barnes Cup Southend Utd 2; Dungarvan Utd 1 Saturday, May 30th Under 14 League U-14A Kilmacow 1; Carrick Utd A 1

U-14B Park Rangers 1; St. Pauls 2 Kilmacthomas 2; Ballinroad 0 U-14C De La Salle 2; Railway Athletic 2 Villa B 2; Tramore B 2 Tuesday, June 2nd Under 14 League (Kick off 6.30 p.m. unless otherwise stated) U-14C Ferrybank C v Tramore B (Kilmacow) Wednesday, June 3rd Under 12 League (Kick off 6.30 p.m. unless otherwise stated) U-12A De La Salle v Carrick Utd A (Bohemians) Thursday, June 4th Under 11 League (Kick off 6.30 p.m. unless otherwise stated) U-11E De La Salle C v W. Crystal (De La Salle) Saturday, June 6th Under 11 League (Kick off 10.30 a.m. unless otherwise stated) U-11E Bohemians C v St. Saviours (Bohemians) Dungarvan Utd B v Park Rangers B (Dungarvan) Villa D v Ballyduff B (Villa) Saturday June 6th Under 13 League (Kick off 12.30 p.m. unless otherwise stated) U-13A Carrick Utd A v Ferrybank A (Mooncoin) Tramore A v Johnville (St. Saviours) U-13B St. Pauls v Park Rangers (Seaview) Ballinroad A v Railway Athletic (Dungarvan) U-13C Kilmacow v Ballinroad B (Villa)



Busy weekend for the club IT was a very busy weekend for the club with members competing in 3 different events over the weekend. 12 members travelled to Kildare to compete in TriAthy. TriAthy is one of the biggest triathlon events in the country where over 2,000 triathletes descended on the Midlands town for its 9th annual edition. The club had competitors in each of the four distances. Alan Ryan completed the Double-Olympic distance (3km swim, 80km bike, 20km run) in a time of 05:55:51. In the Olympic distance (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run) we had Michael Moloney (02:16:47), Bryan Hallissey (02:34:39), Martin Stevenson (02:34:54), Jeanne Dennehy (02:36:44), Liz Murray (02:40:45), Niamh O’Donovan (02:51:58), David Gaffney (02:52:23), and Ray Crowley (03:07:18). In the Sprint (750m, 20km bike, 5km run) distance we had John O’Rourke (01:09:10, and Liz Callaghan (01:23:17). In the Try-a-Tri distance (250m swim, 20km bike, 3km run) we had Orla O’Mahoney-Bannon (01:14:30), who completed her first triathlon, well done Orla! Further afield Mark-Rhys Thomas competed in the ITU World Triathlon London at the Olympic distance. This event is part of the ITU World Triathlon Series, where the London leg is held over 2 days around Hyde Park, the same course as the 2012 Olympic triathlon event. It was mixed bag for Mark, with good swim and run splits, but a puncture cost him 12min on the bike, that aside, it's all good preparation as Mark gets ready for Dublin 70.3 for August! On Sunday last the club held its first Aquathlon of the season. The series of four Aquathlons, held over the summer months in Clonea, is in its third year, and is very

Niam O’Donovan, Martin Stevenson, Liz Murray after completing the Olympic distance in TriAthy. popular with members. The Aquathlon consists of two legs – 750m swim, and 5.5km run. We had 35 members take part on Sunday. First over the line was Patrick Lannen (38:25), followed by Niall Barry (39:33), and Tony Ferncombe (41:22). A big thanks you to Natalie ShawHamilton, marshals, kayakers, and support crew who make this series possible. TWO WEEKS TO GO There’s just a little over two weeks to go to the Dungarvan Triathlon which promises to be a super event again this year. The Race Committee is working hard to ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience. Once again we expect to see substantial local participation, with a large proportion of firsttimers, as well as plenty of seasoned triathletes competing.

So put the date in your diary and come out to Clonea on the day to see the action. We would encourage you to walk or cycle to the event on the day, as parking will be limited. Please see www.facebook.com/DungarvanTriathlo n2015 for more information. SPONSORS We are very fortunate this year again to have fantastic support from our Race sponsors. Local businesses have generously helped in the hosting of the Dungarvan Triathlon and we thank them all most sincerely for this. Murrays Pharmacy Terra Nua Construction CycleSports The Moorings Bar & Restaurant Enterprise Systems Partners SensL Technologies GoDungarvan

Garvey SuperValu Twomeys EuroSpar Top Oil The event after party will be held in the Moorings Bar, where a great night is guaranteed. CLUB TRAINING Club training sessions are posted on Facebook on a regular basis, swim sessions continue in Clonea and the Gold Coast; with many groups venturing into the open water in preparation for the Dungarvan Triathlon. The sea temperature is increasing ever so slightly, so by June 20th, we’re hoping face freeze will be a thing of the past! Good numbers are participating in the Ballyvoile brick sessions at 7 pm on Tuesdays, which is an excellent training session to improve overall fitness and transition from bike to run. The cycle loop is 3.6km and the run is 1.6km. We generally do two loops on the bike, run and repeat. Routes can be viewed on our website www.dungarvantri.com. Our weekly 20km Time Trial from Ballinroad to Five Cross Roads is also underway, great to see lots of our new members taking part; together with our more experienced cyclists smashing their TT times from last year. It should be noted that Daryl Kearns set a blistering time for the club TT last Thursday with a time of 31:05, a club record for the 20km course. If you are interested in Triathlon or want to find out more about the club check out our Facebook page www.facebook.com/TriedTest edDungarvan or our website www.dungarvantri.com. All details about group training or coaching are posted on both.

Manchester United Supporters Club - Waterford Branch MEETING RESCHEDULED Due to a number of reason's last Friday's meeting had to be cancelled but is rescheduled for three weeks time Friday, 19th June. So now that everyone has plenty of notice I would like to think we will get a large turnout. The week of the meeting is coinciding with the releasing of the fixtures for next season! I know people will think it mad but we need to get as many members renewed as soon as possible as we can only apply for tickets/accesscards for bonified "OFFICIAL MEMBERS" in Old Trafford as well as PAID up in the Waterford branch. MEMBERSHIP TO STAY THE SAME I have had it confirmed from Michael Leneghan in the membership office that the renewal prices are the same as last season and also the same for NEW MEMBERS. We in the Waterford branch are open for new members ALL SEASON long.

However, our ticket allocation for ALL category "A" matches (Chelsea, Man City, Arsenal, Liverpool, Tottenham Hotspur and whoever the last home match opponents are) is based on the number of OFFICIAL MEMBERS we have registered by mid-July. Usually it is calculated on a ratio of 8:1 every 8 members earns you one category "A" ticket/accesscard for the category "A" matches. These rules and deadlines are pretty much standard for the last number of seasons, so it is to our own benefit how many members we have by that all important deadline day ! TRANSFER MADNESS ALREADY Only a week after Man United sent Radamael Falcao packing back to Monaco he has been in London discussing a potential move to Chelsea. He obviously found it hard to prove his ability at United with the limited game time he was afforded added to the fact he

was injured so often.It will be interesting if he signs for Chelsea. The targets for United will always be at the top end of the market but I just hope we are not paying over the odds for players that Louis Van Gaal likes as last summer was not very fruitful in the acquisitions we added. Rumour has it that PSG are interested in Di Maria and United could possibly recoup the 50+ million that they paid as he promised a lot but delivered little. David De Gea seems likely to move to Real Madrid as he is stalling over an improved contract at Old Trafford, and he seems to have been given the greenlight by Van Gaal announcing that "we will find it hard to keep him, his girlfriend lives in Madrid as do his parents so the lure for him is great". These are not very comforting words for United fans who realise without our own player of the season we would not be in the top four

come the end of the season just gone. He won us so many points especially when we were playing very jekyl and hyde football pre-christmas. Johnny Evans is also a target for Everton and its a move which may benefit United should it transpire as he is just simply too injury prone to strike a centre half partnership with anyone. CHAMPAGNE FOOTBALL It was gauling in one sense watching Arsenal dispatch Aston Villa so easily in the F.A. cup as it could so easily have been United in that final had we won a home tie with the holders. Much credit must go to Arsenal and we congratulate the manner in which they won the cup with a beautiful brand of football so easy on the eye. Aston Villa simply could not live with them and they will certainly be up challenging again for the title next season.



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Cunnigar Pitch & Putt Club HOSTS OF GENTS ALL IRELAND STROKEPLAY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2015 FUNDRAISER FOR THE CLUB We are looking for unwanted clothes, bags and shoes so anyone with anything to give us can tell a committee member or bring it to our club house. COACHING LESSONS Any one interested in coaching can come along on a Wednesday evening at 7pm for the month of June. Please contact the club. Major fixtures for the coming year. All-Ireland Gents Strokeplay July 25th+26th Butchers Block August 8th, so everyone get practising. Please note if names are not paid for they will not be sent away. Monday Evening Scrambles are now underway names in by 6 pm tee-off 6.30 pm. Nett Jacinta O'Mahoney, Maureen Power, John O'Shea Gross Mary O'Neill, Liam Simms Wednesday tournaments Names to be in for 10 am tee-off 10.30 am Nett Bridget Walsh, Ann Wall Gross Breda Foley, Marie Forde SATURDAY TOURNAMENT Names to be in by 1 pm

tee-off 1.30 pm Nett Eileen Mangan, Kathleen Foran, Declan Byrne Gross Jacinta O'Mahoney, Maureen Power, Aiden Murray THURSDAY TOURNAMENT Thursday evening games will now be played from this Thursday onwards and the Saturday tournaments are now over. Names to be in by 6 pm tee-off at 6.30 pm. From now on with Saturday games please note: The inexperienced player on each team will now mark the card (this is to get used to marking cards) JUVENILE COMPETITIONS The juvenile league is now over this was a new league consisting of different games, which was played over a 4 week period, which our juveniles found to be thoroughly enjoyable. 1st Fionn Nagle; 2nd Kyle Hackett; joint 3rd was Louie Simms. The next game will be June 14th. HOLE IN ONE Last year we held a Hole in one competiton, so we will continue with a prize for the most hole in ones during the club competiton season this year as it proved very popular. There's fierce competiton already with everyone trying to get the ultimate hole in one.

To date Patsy Hackett (3), Paddy Noonan (2) Michael Ahearne, Liam Simms, Declan Byrne each have one each. Breda O'Donnell (2) and Jacinta O'Mahoney (2) and Cait Mulcahy, Bridget Walsh Mary O'Neill has now has a hole in one for the womens section. BONUS NUMBER Bonus number 32 the winner this week was Liam Simms. PITCH MARKS Leaving Pitch Marks when playing destroys the greens, it takes a lot of care and attention to keep them in pristine condition, so all members and green fees are asked to repair them and use the correct repairer when doing so. Also do not use the club head to take balls out of holes on greens as this damages the hole. If anyone has an hour or two Mondays to Fridays to spare to give a hand helping on the course you would be very welcome. Did you know? When Practising When practising try to do so with a purpose. Sink five puts in a row, or put 3 pitches on the green. Membership Fees Adults €80; Family €150; Over 60's €50; Juveniles €45; Life Members €30. Club jumpers, tee shirts and caps and gloves are for sale in club house

Shane Ahearne - winner of the Men's Junior 18 Julius Ballegaard - winner of the Men's Junior 16 Single Sculls Event Single Sculls Event

Cappoquin Rowing Club CAPPOQUIN Rowing Club recently travelled to the port of Cork to compete in this year’s Lee regatta. First out on the water was Tara Barry McLaughlin and Elaine Hallahan who came fifth in the women’s junior 16 double sculls. Lisa Murphy won her heat in the women’s junior 18 single sculls event and finished in fifth place in the final. Race 28 was the men’s junior 16 single sculls event. Representing the club in this event was Julius Ballegaard who crossed the finish line in first place, taking home the first piece of silver ware for Cappoquin. Shortly after, Julius was back out on the water with fellow team member Shane Ahearne for the men’s junior 18 double

sculls event. The pair rowed well in their heat and came second in their final by half a boat length. Next out on the water was our junior 15 boy’s coxed quad. Competing in this event was Paul Morrissey (stoke), Paul O’Brien, Paul O’Keeffe and Kieran Ahearne with their Cox Evan Mansfield. This is the boy’s first official regatta competing together as a crew who rowed exceptionally well to finish their race in third place. In the afternoon, Lisa Murphy was back out on the water with team member Nuala Landers to race in the women’s double scull event. The girls crossed the finish line in a comfortable second place, securing a place in the final where they finished in

third place. Paul Morrissey and Kieran Ahearne rowed very well together in the men’s junior 15 double sculls they got off to a good start but fell back to fourth place out of a six boat race. Shane Ahearne battled it out against Castleconnell & Athlunkard rowers in the men’s junior single sculls event. He was well ahead when they passed the slip where a few boats crashed. The Umpire called a re-row & Shane won the race again. Well done to all those who competed at the Lee Rowing Club Regatta. Everyone has put in so much effort at training to get good results. We look forward to seeing everyone performing well out on the water for future regattas.

Aoibhe Power accepting her prize in Castlecomer last weekend.

Mark McGarry accepting his prize in Castlecomer last weekend.

[DC Images]

[DC Images]

RACING UPDATE – MARK WINS IN KILKENNY Another week, another win for Mark McGarry. It's been a remarkable season for the young man so far and he clocked up another victory at the Deenside cup in Castlecomer at the weekend in the under 12 race. It was a super day for the DCC juvenile squad with Aoibhe Power taking 4th in the under 12 race and Conor Coleman 5th in the under 16 race. Also racing were Pat Kenealy in the A3, and Neil Power in the A4, both finishing comfortably in their bunch. Well done to Dwayne Kirwan who won the Comeragh League last Tuesday night. NIALL Ó MANACHÁIN MEMORIAL SPIN Last June (2014) our esteemed DCC member, Niall Ó Manacháin tragically lost his life while cycling. In his memory, DCC is organising a memorial spin as follows: Meet as per usual in the Square, Dungarvan for 9 am start Two routes will be selected and announced in advance, approximating to normal Sunday club spins, but amended so that (likely) groups 1, 2 will cycle as one group at pace to keep group together. Likely, groups 3 and 4 will do likewise, while Group 5 will cycle shorter route. Any changes to this arrangement will be circulated in advance. Groups will aim to arrive at Robert’s Cross (Ring) between 12.00 – 12.30 pm and wait there until all groups are together, before final section to Mooney’s. The family of Niall will be in attendance and a presentation will be made to honour his memory. Lunch will be provided by Bon’s Appetit Catering. It is anticipated that members may stay at Mooney’s and depart for return spin to

Dungarvan together, or perhaps in smaller groups to suit. Approx departure 2 pm onwards. There will be an (optional) bucket collection, the proceeds of which will be presented to a charity nominated by Niall’s family. Local cyclists who may wish to join with us for this event are welcome to join with us, by meeting at Robert’s Cross for approx 12.00 for ceremonial (slow) section to Mooney’s. The pace of the spin for this final section will be slowed considerably to enable all local cyclists to finish COMFORTABLY with us. DCC members are asked to wear full DCC kit (where possible) Any new member currently waiting on club gear may contact existing member who may be able to give loan of jersey for the event. Send private message to Facebook page if you are unable to get one. O’MAHONY CYCLES SUMMER SERIES WEEK 3 Well done to all for another great night of racing last Wednesday. As ever thanks to all who marshalled, drove cars, and our motorbike marshals. Thanks to Tony and Siobhan of our sponsors O'Mahony Cycles. Full results to follow but top 5 were: Anthony Dwyer Davy Nugent Donnacha Cosgrave Stephen Walsh Richie Halpin Week 4 next week. Sign on from Colligan at 6:30. Everyone will be marshalling at some point so please indicate when you can do it. There’s 5 points available for marshalling. Also, a Garmin was found at the start last Wednesday, please let us know if it's yours.

WEEKEND SPINS Saturday's trip was a great spin to Cappoquin, Lismore, Tallow, Dungourney, Castlemartyr, Killeagh, and Youghal. Crowded House could only dream of a June bank holiday in Ireland. Sunshine, wind, rain, and hail. Hail!! Sunday saw a 28 strong Group 3 split into two and head to Affane, and Newcastle, before a welcome coffee stop in Clogheen. Then it was on to Ballyporeen before more climbing, up to Araglin, down into Lismore, and home. Just under 120k, well done everyone. Group 4 had 7 on a great spin to Cappagh, Clashmore, Piltown, Ardmore for coffee, Old Parish, and out to Ballyvoile for a few extra kms. The usual suspects and some new faces. Lukas stepped up from Group 5 with ease. Everyone enjoyed the spin even if it was a day of many weathers. Group 5 went out to the 5 cross roads, across to Kilmacthomas, out the Clonea Power road, and back home via Lemybrien, and Durrow. A different route, made more difficult by the wind, but all enjoyed it. Groups 1 & 2 went to Old Parish, Ardmore, Killeagh, Mount Uniacke, and Tallow. Thanks as ever to the group captains for clever route selections, aloowing for shorter options for those who need to be home earlier. Please exercise discretion in deciding which group to cycle with. You are asked to familiarise yourself with the following: Groups guidelines: http://dungarvancc.com/grou ps/ Finally, a reminder that membership of DCC requires that you comply fully with the agreed DCC Groups Charter: http://dungarvancc.com/ge oup-3-charter/

To be informed of the weekend's routes please check the Facebook page on Saturdays or send an email t o updates@dungarvancc.com requesting to be added to the list to receive the routes. Club spins leave at 9:00, from John Foley’s Kilrush on Saturdays, and The Square on Sundays. MICHAEL BYRNE 600KM AUDAX Michael Byrne has been clocking up the kms on the audax circuit recently and last week completed the National Audax of 600km in just under 23 hours cycling time. I'd say where it was but at 600km he covered pretty much the whole country. Chapeau sham. 199 NOT OUT At the last count the membership count was 199, a remarkable number. Kudos to those who have gone out of their way to help the many new members feel welcome and worked with the groups. We're not going to stop at 200 either, new faces are always welcome to come along and join us. CYCLING QUOTE “Con sacrificio, sufrimiento y motivacion los objetivos se consiguen. With sacrifice, suffering and motivation, objectives can be reached.” Alberto Contador after his Giro win at the weekend. CONTACT US You will find loads of updates, tips, photos, and commentary on the club’s Facebook page and on the club website dungarvancc.com. We're even on Twitter if 140 characters is about all you can handle. Join the Dungarvan Cycling Club group on Strava to see what everyone else is up to. If you have anything you’d like me to report please email seanoduibhir@gmail.com


Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015


Lismore Golf Club Phone 058-54026. Email: lismoregolfclub@eircom.net Website: www.lismoregolf.org LISMORE GOLF CLUB MEN’S RESULTS Saturday 30th / Sunday, 31st May, & Monday, 1st June – 18 Hole Stroke Junior Intermediate & Minor Scratch Cups. Junior: 1st Joseph O’Keeffe (Doneraile) (6) 75 L9; 2nd Terence Rumley (10) 75; 3rd Paul Kenneally (11) 81. Best Nett: Dean Whelan (10) 74 nett L6. Intermediate: 1st Eamonn O’Shea (12) 82; 2nd Denis McCarthy (14) 84; 3rd Seamus Beecher (17) 87 L9. Best Nett: Liam O’Donnell (Mitchelstown) (16) 73 nett. Minor: 1st Donal J O’Leary (19) 85; 2nd Pat Lane (20) 90; 3rd Tom O’Donovan (18) 95 L9. Best Nett: Dan Howard (27) 76 nett. CSS: Saturday 70; Sunday 69; Monday 71 (R/O). Well these scratch cups are a nightmare for a PRO’s three competitions in one!! A mixed bag weather-wise of a long weekend meant that conditions were not the greatest at times but that didn’t stop some people from having impressive scores. The winner of the Junior scratch cup was Joe O’Keeffe who is a member of Doneraile off a 6 handicap. Joe was 4 over par for the front nine which included a birdie on the 5th hole, his back nine was a better 2 over par with birdies on the 12th and 14th so it’s fair to say he found the par threes very easy last weekend with birdies on 3 of the 4 available! Second was Conna’s Terence Rumley with a 75 also but beaten by a superior back nine. A very consistent score nonetheless though with a 3 over par front nine and a 3 over back nine, continuing the fine form he has showing lately in the club competitions and in his matches in the Bruen with John Whelan a few weeks back. Third was Paul Kenneally with a not really as impressive 81. The intermediate scratch cup winner was Eamon O’Shea with some excellent shooting, Eamon had 82 shots for his round, all this was done in the rain so his score was impressive given the conditions. 40 shots on the front nine and 42 on the way home was a decent return. Denis McCarthy was second with 84 with a 42 on both nines for nice consistent scoring. Third was Purcell team member Seamus Beecher, Seamus was a model of consistency and the worst score on the card was a solitary double bogey. The best nett score was Liam O’Donnell playing out of Mitchelstown with a 73. The minor cup was won and retained by Donal O’Leary. Donal shot the lights out on his front nine and was

7 over par (41) including a birdie on the 4th (having got a good read from mine!!) Plenty of pars thrown in on the back nine too and he came home in 44 shots which was nine over and that leads to a 66 nett and a clear winner for the second year running. Second was Pat Lane to complete a Conna 1st and 2nd, Pat had a slowish start on his front nine but picked it up considerably on his back nine including birdies on 12th and 14th holes. Tom O’Donovan was third with a 95 with some solid scoring on both nines. The nett score winner was Dan Howard with a 76. JUNIOR GOLF A very successful junior golfers evening was held with a great turnout. James Bennett and Co introduced the juniors to the game and hopefully it will promote the game amongst the younger generation locally and create a few future golfing stars for the club. (See photo). PIERCE PURCELL TEAM PLAY THURLES IN MUNSTER QUARTER-FINAL John McGrath’s men take on Thurles in Cahir on Thursday, 4th June, at 4.25 p.m. in the Munster quarterfinal, We wish to offer the best of luck to all concerned and hopefully we can prevail and get to a Munster final weekend in July. LISMORE GOLF CLUB MEN’S FIXTURES Tuesday 2nd to Friday, 6th June – Ongoing Back 9 Hole Singles Stableford Competition. Tuesday, 2nd June – 12 Hole Bacon at 5.30. Friday, 6th June – Kelleher SuperValu 18 Hole Open Qualifier. No Qualifier. Saturday 6th & Sunday, 7th June – Vice-Captain’s Prize kindly presented by Mr. Jack Aherne. Monday 8th to Thursday, 11th June – Ongoing Back 9 Singles Stableford Competition. Tuesday, 9th June – 12 Hole Bacon at 5.30. Saturday 13th & Sunday, 14th June – 18 Hole Singles. Ongoing 9 hole competition to run each week from Mondays to Thursdays. 20 plus to count for competition to be closed on Thursdays. Tuesday 2nd to Thursday, 4th June. Ongoing Back 9 Hole Singles Stableford Competition. This week we’ll have a back nine competition. LISMORE LADIES GOLF Patricia Bolger McCarthy put her name on the list for the Kelleher’s Supervalu Qualifier finals on Wednesday last with her 36 pts the best on a windy day. Katherine Moynihan again in good form had the better back 9 on a showery Wed to

pip newly returned Daphne Power for top spot. It’s great to see Daphne is back with a bang and looking to get back to her old handicap asap. In third place Laoise Ní Conchubair is also showing form at the right time of the year, there could be interesting times ahead ladies. RESULTS Wed. 20th May Kelleher’s Supervalu Qualifier, 18 Holes Stableford 1st Patricia Bolger McCarthy (15) 36 pts. Sun. 24th & Wed. 27th 18 Hole Stroke, Medal, kindly sponsored by Kelplex Displays. 1st Katherine Moynihan (19) 69nett B9; 2nd Daphne Power (13) 69 nett; 3rd Laoise Ní Conchubair (31) 72 nett FIXTURES Sun. 31st May & Wed. 3rd June 18 Hole Stroke, Kindly Sponsored by Lismore Heritage Centre. Tues. June 2nd – Tues. June 30th, ongoing 9hole stableford, re-entry. Friday, June 5th Kellehers Supervalu Qualifier, Open 18 holes Stableford Wed. 10th June Col O’Brien Cup, 18 Holes stroke, GOY, kindly sponsored by Katherine Moynihan. Please put your name on the timesheet. DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES Every Monday night for the summer we provide an opportunity for of our Beginners/learners chance to try out golf in our “Desperate Housewives”. On Monday nights at 6.30 pm we will have some experienced ladies availlable to help out with any one who is thinking of giving the game a go, would like to come along and see how they would get on with some help and support and no pressure. Anyone welcome to come along at 6.30 and give it a try. Please pass on word to any ladies you think might have an interest. Mixed Mixed golf continues every Fri evening at 6.30 pm for any ladies or gents who wish to play some social enjoyable golf. All welcome, please txt or call ahead if you are running late. JUNIORS The junior introductory night last Thursday proved a great success and this is to be followed up with a series of 5 lessons over 5 weeks, dates to be confirmed in next few weeks. Anyone who is interested but could not make it last Thursday please contact Laoise on 087-7512397 for futher info. SYMPATHIES The ladies wish to send our deepest sympathies to Brid Henry and family on the death of Brid’s father, Sean O’Brien.

Gold Coast Golf Club Captain's Prize 2015 kindly presented by Tom White. Seated from left Tony Sheehan, Club President; Dermot Henley (4th); Seanie Lenihan (2nd Day 2); Ger Bagge (2nd); Tom White, Captain; John White, Winner; Michael White (Best Gross) and Tommy Long (3rd). Standing from left: Lee Crotty (Best Junior); Niall O'Brien (5th); David O'Connor (6th); Tomas Wall (2nd Day 1); Colin McArthur (Best Day 1); Michael Lenihan (2nd Gross); Nicky Hayes (Best Day 2) and James Marland (High Handicap). [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

Gold Coast Golf Club Lady Captain's Prize 2015 kindly presented by Gillian Cashman. Seated from left: Joan Dee, Lady President; Helena Fitzgerald (4th); Rebecca Kavanagh (2nd); Gillian Cashman, Lady Captain; Karen Darcy, winner and Lorraine Troy (3rd). Standing from left: Yvonne Walsh, Kay Klassen, Joan Mansfield, Ellen Foley, Noreen Darcy, Ruth Hannigan and Ger Hallinan. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]

West Waterford Golf Club Captain's Prize 2015 kindly presented by David Condon. Pictured are the various prizewinners with seated from left Darragh Herlihy (2nd Gross) Eoin Conway (1st Gross) Bertie Hallahan for Jack Foley (2nd Nett) Luke Swayne (Winner) David Condon, Captain. Stephen Spillane (3rd Nett) Sergei Quinn (4th Nett) and Tommy Butler (Past Captain). Also included are Pat Murray; President. Mary Barron, Lady Captain and Dermot Drohan, Vice Captain. [Sean Byrne//Deise Sport]



Dungarvan Observer | Friday, 5 June, 2015

Talking Horses Sexton rides first winner as a fullyfledged pro

Upcoming Fixtures Punchestown – Wednesday 3rd June (First Race 6.00) Tipperary – Thursday 4th June (First Race 5.40) Downpatrick – Friday 5th June (First Race 5.45) Leopardstown – Friday 5th June (First Race 5.25) Limerick – Saturday 6th June (First Race 5.45) Curragh – Sunday 7th June (First Race 2.05)

Royal Ascot beckons for Listowel winner THE Queen Alexandra Stakes at Royal Ascot is a likely target for Wicklow Brave who scored a facile success in the qualified riders’ race at Listowel on Sunday. Ridden for Willie Mullins by his son Patrick, Wicklow Brave was a winner at Cheltenham in March and certainly won’t be out of place wherever he goes next. Aidan O’Brien was on the mark with the Seamie Heffernan-ridden newcomer Deauville in the 7f maiden while Austin Leahy’s Ecoeye took the handicap over the same trip under Connor King who was riding his second winner in 24 hours. The formidable partnerships of Dermot Weld and Pat Smullen and Jim Bolger and Kevin Manning were both on the mark with Slight Hound and Knocknagree respectively. Christy Roche and Fran Berry teamed up to win the 1m handicap with Bay Hill while Victor Clifford’s Hurricane Twister benefitted from a great Gary Phillips ride to beat Laviniad in the sixth race of the day.

Favourite backers on top at Kilbeggan A NUMBER of well-supported winners, including four favourites, made it a day to forget for the layers at Kilbeggan on Sunday. The Paul Fahey-trained Do Try Dolly set the theme for the afternoon when taking the opening maiden hurdle. Backed from 11/4 to 2/1 favourite, she won by all of 20 lengths under Mikey Fogarty. At the same price, Daisy’s Gift won the mares’ hurdle for Willie Mullins and Ruby Walsh while Stay With It was a popular winner of the 2m handicap hurdle for Michael Winters and David Mullins. Supporters of odds-on favourite Mustadrik were toasting Gordon Elliott and Luke Dempsey as the four-year-old followed up on his Down Royal success on Friday. Elliott teamed up with Bryan Cooper to win the beginners chase with Akorakor, another winning 2/1 chance. Down Under gave bookmakers something to smile about when taking the handicap chase at odds of 20/1 for trainer Francis Flood and Mark Walsh. Amateur rider Johnny Kinsella rode his first winner on the racecourse when Phillip Rothwell’s Runyon Rattler took the bumper.

Lyons and Keane maintain healthy strike-rate on Saturday A DOUBLE at Navan on Saturday maintained a fine strike rate for both Ger Lyons and Colin Keane. The pair enjoyed the easiest of wins with Ardhoomey in the 6f maiden while Unsinkable made no mistake in the first of two 10f handicaps. David Wachman and Wayne Lordan enjoyed a winner together when Most Beautiful won the opener in the colours of rugby great Ronan O’Gara. Battleroftheboyne was a winner over 5f for Mick Mulvaney and Gary Carroll while the Pat Smullen-ridden Benkei was a welcome winner for Harry Rogers who continues to recover from a riding accident that saw him break his pelvis. David Marnane was on the mark with 20/1 shot Muraabit who came good under Connor King while Donnacha O’Brien made no mistake as he won the 10f maiden on the heavily backed Outspoken which is trained by his father Aidan.

Pictured in the winner’s enclosure at Kinsale Point-to-Point on Sunday last after Forjoetheplumber won the Open Lightweight Ladies race for his owner/rider Sheila Ahern from Ballyduff Upper. [Healy Racing]

Jack Kennedy records first racecourse double HAVING ridden his first racecourse winner on the Flat at Cork on the previous Friday, pony racing champion Jack Kennedy opened his account over jumps as he shared two winners with Gordon Elliott at Down Royal on Friday. Eshtiaal added to his Ballinrobe success earlier in the week in the first of two handicap hurdles over 2m4f to give the 16-year-old Dingle native another land-

mark success while Mustadrik won a similar race just 30 minutes later to complete the brace. Robbie Power also landed a double when he took the opening maiden hurdle on the Keith Clarke-trained New World and the 3m handicap hurdle with Medinah Gold which was trained by Peter Fahey. Over fences, the mother and son

combination of Mags and Danny Mullins won the beginners’ chase with Ballychorus while As De Pique took the handicap chase for trainer Gavin Cromwell to give James Kane his first winner. Kane is 22 years old and from Navan and he was having only his second ride over fences. Newcomer Glacial Drift won the bumper for trainer Tom Taaffe and Declan Queally.

KEVIN Sexton rode his first winner since losing his claim when the Jimmy Finn-trained Ballyfinboy took the handicap chase at Tramore on Saturday evening. The 6/1 shot battled well to narrowly account for race favourite The Mooch. The Gordon Elliott-trained Eshtiaal completed a remarkable hat-trick of wins as he added to Monday’s success at Ballinrobe and Friday night’s win at Down Royal when taking the 2m5f handicap hurdle under Luke Dempsey. Willie Mullins and Ruby Walsh shared two winners as Childrens List landed his second course success in the 2m5f maiden hurdle and Avant Tout impressed in the beginners’ chase. Henry de Bromhead and Andrew Lynch took the opening 2m maiden hurdle with Go Forty Go while over the same distance Icelip scored for David O’Brien and Conor Maxwell. The bumper went to the Paul Fahey-trained Coffee Canata who came home half-a-length to the good under John O’Neill.

Considerable gamble landed at Treble for Fairyhouse on Thursday TRAINER Darren Bunyan was the scourge of bookmakers as his Enchanteresse made a winning debut in the median auction maiden at Fairyhouse on Thursday. Backed from an early price of 33/1, the Leigh Rocheridden three-year-old won at odds of just 7/2 and will bid to add to that in a valuable handicap at the Curragh on Derby weekend.

The John Oxx-trained Blue Paraiba did not go unsupported as she won the fillies’ maiden under Declan McDonogh and another popular winner was Morselle who took the rated race for Dermot Weld and Pat Smullen. Not all the results went the way of punters however as 16/1 shot Miss Elizabeth took the auction maiden for Eddie Lynam and Wayne Lordan and 33/1 chance Fashion

Forward landed the 7f handicap under Billy Lee. King Of Oriel gave Donal Kinsella a second winner of the week when successful under Ian Queally in the apprentice handicap and although only a 9/2 chance, Buenos Y Bobos was the outsider of three runners when taking the rated race for Ger Lyons and Colin Keane.

Power lands Ballinrobe double on Tuesday ROBBIE Power is on a good run and he shared two winners with Jessica Harrington at Ballinrobe on Tuesday. The pair were first on the mark when Phantom Prince took the 2m4f handicap hurdle and followed up when Rock The World made all the running for a highly impressive win in the beginners’ chase. To the delight of favourite backers, two

J. P. McManus-owned horses recorded short-head wins. Even money shot The Gatechesker took the 2m4f maiden hurdle for Michael Hourigan and Mark Walsh while Captain Barbossa, a 13/8 chance, led in the final strides to win the bumper for Aidan O’Brien and his daughter Sarah. Trainer David Broad and Robbie

Colgan took the novice hurdle with Definite Pearl while Gillian Callaghan sent out Royal Boru to win the 2m handicap hurdle in the hands of Keith Donoghue. The McHale Mayo National Handicap Chase went Rohan’s Pride who was ridden for trainer Robert Honner by Brian Hayes.

Tote Ireland renew sponsorship

Big names dominate at Gowran Park

TOTE Ireland has announced that they will renew their sponsorship of the Galway Plate at the Galway Races for a further three years until 2017. All races on thetote.com Galway Plate day will be sponsored by Tote with an expected total prize fund of €324,000. The total value of thetote.com Galway Plate will increase from €200,000 to €220,000 thereby confirming its place as one of the most valuable handicap chases in the UK and Ireland.

MANY of the country’s leading Flat riders were among the winners at Gowran Park on Wednesday. There is none bigger than Pat Smullen and he enjoyed two winners as The Donal Kinsellatrained Ducky Mallon narrowly won the 7f handicap and Willie Mullins’ Laviniad won the 1m handicap in great fashion.

Declan McDonogh took the fillies’ race on the very impressive Roca Rojo who was winning for a second time for trainer Ado McGuinness. Seamus Heffernan had an easy time of it on Aidan O’Brien’s Sir Isaac Newton in the 7f maiden while over a furlong further, Kevin Manning won the rated race on Ringside Humour,

trained by Jim Bolger. Fran Berry and Charles O’Brien were on the mark with the gambled-on Naughty But Nice in the 9f handicap and the only apprentice to get a look in on the night was Connor King who did the steering as Willie McCreery’s Rivers Of Babylon took the fillies’ maiden.

trainer Barry at Tramore SHAY Barry stole the show at Tramore on Friday where he enjoyed three winners. The Brian O’Connell-ridden Time For Bucks was first up when landing the opening 2m maiden hurdle and that win was followed an hour later when the same rider partnered top-weight Patsio in the 2m handicap hurdle. The treble was completed when Katie O’Farrell and Kalanisi King enjoyed a cosy success in the bumper. David O’Brien and Jonathan Burke took the mares’ maiden hurdle while Lettermacaward won the 2m5f handicap hurdle for Michael Winters and David Mullins. Mullins helped himself to a second winner when taking the handicap chase on Dante Anna for trainer Seamus Larkin and also over fences Indian Temple won the beginners’ chase for Eoin Doyle and Michael Butler.

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