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Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) from that parent. Each PTA is given in the units used to measure the trait. The PTA for milk is reported in pounds or kilograms. The PTA for productive life is reported in months. Predicted transmitting Ability for Milk Production (PTAM) milk production for future daughters. Predicted Transmitting Ability for Butterfat (PTAF) butterfat production for future daughters. Predicted Transmitting Ability for Butterfat Percentage (PTAF%) Indicates the genetic variance of a bull transmitting Fat as being positive or negative. Predicted Transmitting Ability for Protein (PTAP) PTA for protein in pounds, comparing the expected production for future daughters. Predicted Transmitting Ability for Protein Percentage (PTAP%) Indicates the genetic variance of a bull transmitting Protein as being positive or negative. Productive Life (PL) PL gives a measure of the amount of “productive” months of additional more or less lifetime you can expect from bulls daughter. Cow Livability (LIV) Cow Livability measures of cows ability to remain alive while in the milking herd. Somatic Cell Score (SCS) The PTA for SCS is used to improve mastitis resistance. Bulls with low PTA for SCS (less than 3.0) are expected to have daughters with lower mastitis than bulls (greater than 3.5). Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR) pregnant each 21-day period. A DPR of “1.0”implies that daughters from this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during the estrus cycle than a bull with an evaluation of zero. Heifer Conception Rate (HCR) become pregnant at each service. A HCR of “1.0”implies that daughters from this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during the estrus cycle than a bull with an evaluation of zero. Cow Conception Rate (CCR) percentage of inseminated cows that become pregnant at each service. A bulls CCR of “1.0” implies the that daughters of this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during that lactation than a daughter of a bull with an evaluation of zero. Body Condition Score (BCS) research has clearly shown an association with improved female fertility, longevity and disease resistance. Sire Calving Ease (SCE) general, bulls with an SCE of 2.2% or less are considered “easy calving”. Daughter Calving Ease (DCE) DCE is a measurement of the tendency of calving from a particular animal to be born more or less easy (average 2.3%). Daughter of bulls with high DCE numbers would be daughters of bulls with lower DCE numbers. Sire Stillborn (SSB) lactation animals. Daughter Stillborn (DSB) alive but died within 48 hours of birth. The average is 5.3%. increase in production. FE= ($0.0008 x PTA Milk) + ($1.55 x PTA Fat ) + ($1.73 x PTA Protein ) + ($0.11 x Feed Saved) Fertility Index (FI) The fertility index combines several reproductive components (DPR, CCR, HDR and Early First Calving) into one overall index, ability to conceive as a maiden heifer, ability to conceive as a lactating cow, start cycling again, show heat, conceive and maintain a pregnancy. FI= (0.7 x DPR) + (0.1 x CCR)+(0.1 x HCR) + (0.1 x EFC) Predicted Transmitting Ability for Type (PTAT) PTAT is an estimate of the genetic superiority for Udder Composite Index (UDC) UDC is an index based on the ability for udder improvement. Udder composite includes six linear traits and the weighting of each traits contribution to higher score. Foot and Leg Composite Index (FLC) FLC is a measure of a bulls ability for foot and leg improvement. production, fertility, type, longevity and the wellness traits, including Polled tests results. Milking Speed (MSP) The value for Milking Speed predicts if a bulls daughter produces faster or slower than the average. Slow = (- -), Average = ( ), Fast (++) 5

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