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Where Are They Now?

So many talented people come from the North. Each month we feature some who you may know and others we’d like you to meet. Tell us who else we should include.

Where are they now?


Lydia Gentle

Lydia Gentle Engineering Manager

BHP Gold Coast www.bhp.com

I grew up in Ingham. When my parents retired we moved up to Atherton in the Tablelands. After school, I went to James Cook University in Townsville to study Engineering. I explored a lot as a child, especially growing up on farms and playing with equipment – I was naturally curious and inquisitive and wanting to solve problems, so I think it was really that side that drew me to engineering. I now live on the Gold Coast with my husband Lukas and our two children – George, four and Sofia, who is almost two. In my spare time I love cake decorating. It’s been a fun way to use my engineering skills with the kids!

I’m now at the portfolio level with BHP, where I oversee a significant amount of projects; I think there’s over 1000 that we’re executing this year. Everything from dams, roads, new power lines, substations, purchasing all our earth-moving equipment…. I could go on… There’s such a big list of different projects I have the opportunity to work on. North Queensland grounded me. It taught me grit, resilience and how to be true to myself and develop those relationships that have allowed me to prosper in my career. My parents are still in Atherton and I try to visit every month. We go to Palm Cove a bit as well. I love going up there.

Mrinal Pawar

Mrinal Pawar Doctor

Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au

I moved to Townsville at the age of 10 from the Fiji Islands. I absolutely fell in love with its beautiful weather, Magnetic Island and, when it got too hot, Warrina Ice Skating Rink! I completed my schooling in Townsville and met some of the best people who helped me grow into the person I am today. I live in Brisbane at the moment. It’s a big change and I go to the Sunshine or Gold Coast beaches whenever I get a weekend off. I’m a full-time doctor at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. My interest is primary health care, so I’m looking at either further training as an Emergency Physician or in General Practice.

I love the medicine involved at the frontier of health care. I feel we need more doctors in the community who are passionate about preventative health. I’m also furthering my training in psychiatry. I keep in touch with some of my mentors from Townsville. My family and friends also encouraged me to reach my goals, and I couldn’t have gotten to where I am without all the great people I’ve met throughout my journey. My favourite thing to do when I come back home is head to The Strand, get some ice-cream, and spend some time at the beach with loved ones.

Andrea Kirwin

Andrea Kirwin Musician


I was born in Townsville, grew up in Pallarenda, Townsville and went to The Cathedral School until leaving in 2002 to go to boarding school in Victoria. I live in Nambour, which reminds me a little of Townsville! People are down-to-earth and there are lots of families about. My work involves performing music full-time, teaching songwriting and mentoring up-and-coming musicians. This year I’m focusing on playing shows closer to home while working on my fourth album. I plan to tour again nationally and to New Zealand once it’s released. I’m also putting together a Tracy Chapman tribute show for a July/ August run of shows.

When I’m not playing music, I’m with my partner Claire and most likely spending time with our border collie Waylan and kelpie Jaeda. My time in Townsville helped me have a relaxed North Queensland attitude towards life. Combine that with my Fijian heritage on my mum’s side and I’m pretty relaxed most of the time. My family have all moved away from Townsville now, so home is where my immediate family is here on the Sunshine Coast. But I still have a brother who lives with his family in Cairns and I visit when I can.

Sam Neville

Sam Neville Resource Geologist

Newcrest Mining Limited Melbourne www.newcrest.com.au

I moved to Townsville with my family from Melbourne on my 13th birthday and spent five years attending Pimlico High School. The 90s were a fun time in Townsville. I now live in Melbourne suburbia. There’s a good local community vibe, which is important to find in a big city. I’m a resource geologist for Newcrest Mining Limited. I studied a Bachelor of Science (majoring in Geology) and a career in mining has been good to me so far. I’ve been lucky enough to work in places others pay to see. I’ve also been to several places you couldn’t pay me to visit again! My work’s primary focus is on the Telfer Gold Mine in Western Australia. I’m happily married with two kids

and modern family life involves two working parents, so most of the time it feels like we’re in fast-forward. Holidays and weekends are fiercely guarded. The bulk of my extended family are also Melbourne-based, which is great. When I moved to Townsville I literally didn’t know a soul there. By lunchtime on my first day at school I’d met a bunch of guys who I’m still close to now. The openness of North Queensland taught me that the world isn’t a scary place. I’ve been lucky to spend many years working around the Mt Isa region, so I stay an extra night in Townsville whenever I get the chance to hang out with mates.

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