Duo Wu Architecture Portfolio for UCL MArch Cinematic and Videogame Architecture

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for the application to March Cinematic and Videogame Architecture, The Bartlett, UCL

Selected Works:2019-2023


Tel: +86 15333518557

Email: 15333518557@163.com

Personal Statement

I felt the charm of architecture through the movie My Architect: A Son’s Journey, which depicts the story of the famous architect Louis Isadore Kahn. The life track of the legendary architect deeply attracted me. In his works, I discovered his fascinating characteristic -- the organic combination of romanticism and reason. Then I began to read numerous works and design materials of worldrenowned architectural designers and determined to become an architectural designer in the future. Therefore, I have decided to apply for the master’s programme in Architecture at your university.

During my undergraduate studies in Environment Design at the Dalian University of Foreign Languages, I have accumulated various professional methods and skills in design. The course in Plane/Three-dimensional Composition has developed my basic design ability. The handpainting course has enabled me to extract design elements from artworks. Through the rich and varied software courses, I have mastered a range of design software, including Rhino, Sketchup, Photoshop, Illustrator, Lumion, and 3DMAX. I still remember how moved I was in the annual outdoor sketching class when flocks of seabirds settled on the centuries-old buildings. I opened the drawing board and recorded the moving moments of that building with pencil and marker. This course has significantly trained my observation skills. Observation and perception of life are necessary qualities to be an excellent designer. As an individual with foundational knowledge in design, sharp perception, proficient software skills and time management abilities, I am well-prepared for further studies at the postgraduate level.

I would like to participate in more design projects in my postgraduate studies, improve my design thinking, and establish a mature design logic system. At present, two design themes attract me -- one is renewable energy and environmental protection, and the other is virtual space. I want to give full play to environmentally friendly design concepts in practical projects. At the same time, I am interested in exploring more futuristic forms of architecture in some projects, such as games or virtual scenarios. After graduation, I plan to pursue a PhD in philosophy or sociology. Philosophy will help me to solve some riddles in life. And philosophy or sociology could also influence my design, making me more mature in the field of architecture. In the long run, I plan to establish my studio and independently design some satisfying works.

UK universities have a high reputation for architectural design and related subjects. To receive an international, open and diverse education in Architecture, I would like to continue my studies in the UK. The curriculum of the programme at your university provides me with systematic training in architectural design logic. And the programme focuses on developing students’ diverse skills, which can help me make more innovative new attempts. Therefore, I enthusiastically seek acceptance into the programme.

A better view of nature through architecture.

What is rural area looks like in morden city?

Experience a lifetime of coffee in a virtual world.

CONTENTS 01 TOWER OF "ROADRAGE" 02 ZEN 03 TERRACE FIELD PLUS 04 COFFEE'S PARADISE Individual work The Fourth Semester 2022-2023 The Fourth Semester 2022 The Second/Third Semester 2021-2022 The Fourth Semester 2022 Individual work Individual work Individual work
the process of road rage is turned into a building, can this building solve road rage?

01 Tower of "Roadrage"

By exploring the reasons behind road rage, finding ways in which the architectural aspects can react to and address the problem is the theme of this project. By incorporating a connection to space and emotion to create more spaces that reflect the human heart.

Individual Work(Academic)

Location: Manhattan, New York City, The United States 10/2022-1/2023

Site Location Data Analysis

Another workday...


Whydon'tyougowhen thelightisgreen?!!!

My chosen location is in the heart of New York City's Manhattan, one of the busiest areas in the world, which also has some of the worst traffic congestion and accident rates. Such areas are typical enough to reflect the need for design.

I think the buildings of the future need to have their own energy supply systems so that they can share the pressure of the industrial footprint of the city.

Congested roads when driving are undoubtedly a major factor in people's anger.


There can be many factors that cause negative emotions, and I think the interior of the building needs to have a space that reflects when people are experiencing negative emotions.

Emotions need to be released and resolved, and it is only right that buildings should have areas where people can let off steam.

Industry Traffic Expression Meditation

One should spend part of one's life thinking about the meaning of one's existence and the accidents caused by emotional ups and downs in some situations.

Combining these five factors, I believe that my design should combine both human care areas and new industrial facilities.

External Pressure: 8%

Industry Devlopment: 5%

Inner Pressure: 12%

Mental: 45%

Traffic: 30%

Emotions while driving actually belong to the emotions of normal human life, which are influenced by a variety of elements, and I have extracted five of the more typical influences as the main factors of the building.

Same traffic...
It was too late...


Airbags are there to protect the person and this function gives me a strong sense of security. So I extracted the form of the airbag as the basic element of the emotional venting space


The concept of each emotion as a spherelike space, where multiple emotions intertwine to form different emotional states, is reflected in the space to form the emotional space.

Traffic Light

The streets of the future will be under more traffic pressure, so the street buildings should share some of this into their own volume. New building blocks can replace traditional traffic signals

Generation Section Plan

Abreaction Area Meditation

The Meditation Space is located on the top floor of the building and can only be reached by experiencing the following areas.

This area was prepared to allow those entering the area to vent their rage as much as possible, using a no-sharpedged design technique inspired by airbags in cars. I believe that physical venting can be an effective way to help people get out of their cranky mental state.

Emotion Zone

This area expresses the complex emotions of people, which are felt by traversing different small spaces. It shows that people may be in different mental states at different stages, but that these emotions are always present and have a direct impact on how they feel and how they behave.

Electricity supply system

The whole building is powered by recycling parts from end-of-life vehicles. I think that the buildings of the future, especially in the city centres of megacities, will need to share some of the industrial functions of the city.

Lift Indicator Meditation Emotion Zone Abreaction Area Conveyor Alternator Exploded View Meditate Recycle Safety Struggle Alert

There are virtually no barriers or sharp spatial divisions in the venting space and people in this area can do whatever they feel they can to relax.


I have used a lot of industrial design techniques in the presentation of the architectural drawings, as I believe that the future of metropolitan architecture will become more and more industrial in nature. But as construction technology improves, it will offer more possibilities for functionality and spatial diversity. Through this building I hope to provide a warning to people who are regularly confronted with road rage and a solution to their problems.

I wanted to build a building that would blend in with the natural landscape. One does not feel removed from the surroundings but can feel them better when in the building. I have taken Zen meaning from the study of traditional culture and construction methods and translated it into an architectural language.

Individual Work(Academic)

Location: Wuyi City, Fujian Province, China


02 Zen

Site Location

Wuyi Mountain

Wuyi Mountain, which belongs to Fujian Province, China, is one of the most famous tourist attractions and tea producing areas in China.

Design Inspiration

Chongyang River

The middle and upper reaches of the Chongyang River are within the Wuyishan Scenic Area, especially the Jiuqu River, a tributary that is a key scenic spot. The Chongyang River basin is a famous tea-producing area, and the Da Hong Pao is a speciality of this area.

Site Slection

The site chosen for the building is located at the junction of the Wuyi Mountain Nature Reserve and the city of Wuyi, at the edge of the Chongyang Stream. The intention is to connect the mountains, the water and the people.

Da Hong Pao is one of the most famous types of tea from the Wuyi Mountain tea region and its tea trees are over a thousand years old.

Idea of "Shallow Water"

The building is built on the shore and stands on the water. But it is built to follow the water, so as not to interfere with the normal flow of water and the illusion of life in the water.

Mortise and Tenon

The method of making tea leaves into tea bricks to achieve a longer shelf life has a long history. I wanted to incorporate this tea product into the architecture.

This structure allows the fixing of stakes in three directions without any additional means of fixing, after which the interior is filled with reinforcing material to strengthen its loadbearing capacity.

Mortise and tenon construction has been used in building construction since before the industrial revolution, both for decorative and load-bearing purposes.I think this structure still has a strong application in the future of architectural design. It reduces the amount of materials used in construction and is a sustainable way of building.

Landscape Calligraphy Painting River Tea
Tea Bricks Mortise Example

The building's load-bearing structure is a bold innovation on the traditional Chinese timber structure, allowing fewer columns to carry more weight.

Weighing Construction
spout Structural steel infill
frame Weighing construction Details
Tongue and Groove
A 6 7 8
Tongue and Groove Tongue and Groove
Atrium Tea House Passway Entrance

The storage compartment for the tea bricks serves as both an enclosure and a loadbearing device.This structure retains maximum human contact with nature and minimally affects the human sense of sight or smell. The intention of this structure is to allow people to interact with the space as they enter it, to feel the organic blend of tea, mountain and humanity.

The production of fresh tea leaves into tea bricks is an ancient process of tea preservation. The life of the tea is extended by dehydrating the fresh leaves and placing them in a mould and wrapping the surface with paper. When properly preserved, the shelf life of tea leaves can be extended to decades.

Tea Museum
1 5 5 Pathway Tea Museum Main Stairs Floor Tea House-A Tea House-B Atrium Garden 1 2 6 2 3 7 3 4 8 4
Tea Museum Passway Atrium
Tea Bricks
Plan B
Tea House Construction
Weighing Weighing
Main Stair on
Traditional Screen
Tea Museum Floor
Roof Exploded
Stairs Side
House South

03 Terrace Field Plus

The high level of urban development has squeezed the existence of villages. How the rural flavour of the city fits into the urban environment becomes a question that must be explored. I have tried to combine the needs of urbanised architecture and elements of rural charm in this project to create a rural space that belongs in the city.

Individual Work(Academic)

Location: Baoan District, Shenzhen, China


Site Analysis


Shenzhen University Residential Area

I chose a residential neighbourhood next to Shenzhen University in the Baoan district of Shenzhen as the site for my project, which has one of the highest population densities in Shenzhen. This area is one of the most densely populated areas in Shenzhen and has created a lot of urban grey space due to the rapid pace of urban planning. I chose this site out of many others because it is the most challenging site and the composition of the inhabitants is typical of an urban sample.


Function Prediction

Social Research

Data Analysis

The population density of different districts in Shenzhen varies greatly

The popilation of Shenzhen increased nearly 60-fold in 30 years.

Restaurant 6:00 14:00 10:00 18:00 22:00 Library Turouring Shoping Sports Agriculture Meditation

Mind Map

Design Concept

Design Strategy

Urban Rural Design Generation Site Extrusion Datum Line Rotating/Lifting Grid Generation Trim Boundary Greening

The roof is a large accessible space for daily exercise and fitness. The low greenery on top of the roof gives the surrounding residents a sense of being in the countryside when they look down on the building.

The core of the design aims to cut and set back the core functional blocks to create spaces that can be used as greenery and agricultural areas, and in a way that allows people to interact with them, modelled on the terraced steps.

Ground Plan First Plan Secondary Plan Explosive View Market Libirary 2 1 1 a b c c d d Main Entrance Food Side Entrance Sports Terrace Meditation Ground Plan Terrace Field First Floor Roof Garden e f g h
a e b f c g d h Section 1

The open balcony breaks down the sense of boundary between the building and its surroundings and facilitates the interaction between the building space and the surrounding space.

Terrace Field:

The core of the design aims to cut and set back the core functional blocks to create spaces that can be used as greenery and agricultural areas, and in a way that allows people to interact with them, modelled on the terraced steps.


As the most important business module, the mall adopts streamline design. Minimize customer turn-back and conform to the fast-paced urban lifestyle.

Rendering _ Terrace Field Rendering _ Market Rendering _ Balcony Balcony: Section 2

04 Coffee's Paradise


The History and Distribution of Coffee

Simulating the life of coffee in a virtual world facilitates a better presentation of the many facets of coffee to coffee lovers. Perhaps one day such a situation will be brought into line with real-world cafes to provide consumers with a more diverse consumer experience.

Individual Work(Academic)

Location: Meta-universe


The coffee belt (the area where coffee is produced) ranges from 25 degrees north to 30 degrees south latitude and includes many countries in Central, West Africa, Central and Southeast Asia, the Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Historians still debate if it was the people of Turkey or the people what is now known as the Republic of Yemen who were the first to extract coffee from coffee beans.

Colonial America roasted coffee with a simple metal cylinder suspended over a stove.

First coffee house in London.

First Starbucks in Seattle, US.

What will coffee be like in the future?

The coffee belt (the area where coffee is produced) ranges from 25 degrees north to 30 degrees south latitude and includes many countries in Central, West Africa, Central and Southeast Asia, the Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Planting the Seed

Growing and Picking

Drying and Storing

Drying is the first step in the formal transition of coffee beans from crop to drink. Allowing the coffee beans to dry sufficiently will increase their shelf life. I would like to have a more automated building block for drying beans.

This is the first stage of coffee growth and, unlike other crops, the stems lift the coffee seeds, or beans, out of the soil. This growth form struck me as a symbol of the passion that coffee can bring to people and its own infinite vitality.

The young coffee seedlings are concentrated in specific areas of the plantation and are protected in this state until they reach the next stage of growth. This stage is particularly critical as it directly determines the quality and quantity of coffee produced by the trees when they reach adulthood.

Coffee Flavour Wheel

Coffee Flavour Tower

The growth process of coffee seedlings.

Seed Keeper

Planting base


The roasting of the coffee is the source of its special aroma and the colour changes from light to dark to symbolise the maturation of the coffee's flavour.


Roast Development and Colour

1 Light Undeveloped

2 Medium+Light Undeveloped

3 Dark+Light Undeveloped

4 Medium+Light Undeveloped

5 Medium Developed

6 Dark Developed

Roasting Roasting Tower

7 Medium+Dark Developed

1 4 2 5 7 3 6 Stem Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Seed Lift Switch Farming unit Seedling Unit Base Sink
Pumping Unit
Drying platform
Storage tank POR Glass facade Roaster 250 200 150 100 50 -10 10 0 20 30 0 00 01 05 02 06 03 07 09 04 08 10 Heat Wind Crash Flick Fire Speed Moisture Time(Minutes) Temperature(Celsius) , Fire(%) , Wind(%) Rate of Rise(Celsius/Minute) There are hundreds of flavour elements in coffee, which can be classified in broad terms as sour, sweet and bitter. These flavour elements are translated into visual form to create a colourful colour wheel.

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