Acne (commonly known as Pimples) is one of the most common skin diseases that general practitioners and dermatologists face frequently. Acne usually occurs in face and upper part of the body during and after puberty. It has links to the level of sex and growth hormones but life style can play a part in the development of Acne.
Acne can be mild, moderate or severe depending on the number of pustules and scars in skin. Acne occurs when the ducts of the skin oil glands are blocked. Secretions accumulate in glands and get infected with a type of bacteria called P. Acnes, which lead to pustules, commonly called pimples.
Contributing and Aggravating Factors:
Use moisturising creams
Long showers
Energy proteins the athletics use to build up muscles
Excessive dairy products consumption
Certain types of contraception pills
Polycystic ovarian syndrome in females
Life style change to avoid the factors mentioned above
Proper treatment of polycystic ovarian disease
Certain types of contraceptive pills which have antiandrogen and oestrogen effect like diane and yasmin can be helpful to female patients
Oral antibiotics like doxycycline or minocycline
Topical antibiotics like epidue
Topical tretinoin therapy
In severe cases oral tretinoin is highly effective