1 minute read
Spring is a busy season for many families in the Four Corners. It's the perfect time to take to the trails or plant a garden, sign up for spring sports or savor a picnic outdoors. As we slip into a season of activity and adventure, remember that rest should also be part of routines.
Rest is essential to maintain mental well-being, as well as physical health. Pausing provides the body with the ability to process information and restore energy. Resting increases concentration and memory, strengthens the immune system, reduces stress and improves both metabolism and mood. So, it is only fitting that Restorative Remedies is the theme for this issue of Four Corners Healthy Living.
Inside these pages, writers address various avenues people explore to find health and healing. Not only does this issue include the usual fitness regimes and recipes, it also has helpful advice for people searching for answers to health questions about dental hygiene and vision health. Hopefully, the insight can help you or someone you love find support through natural care and holistic practices.
But finding balance requires patience, practice and pause. A journey of health and healing is a process that involves both the body and mind. Rest between the big adventures. Process the experiences. Address obstacles with an open mind. So, in turn, we can be there to support others on their journeys, too.
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