2 minute read

Trying to find legal weed in

the Four Corners?

» Look no further than these excellent dispensaries for your goods vaporizer (and we do mean high-end) that can vaporize dry herb and concentrates, and it comes with a ton of bells and whistles. It retails for about $669.00. Hear that? That’s the sound of sticker shock. Don’t worry. You’ll get over it once you try it.

The DaVinci IQ Vaporizer: The DaVinci IQ Vaporizer has been around for a hot minute, and is a portable vaporizer that can vaporize dry herb. It retails for about $274.99.

The Puffco Peak Vaporizer: This one is a portable vaporizer that is specifically designed for concentrates, so it’s a great option if you’re into dabbing but don’t want to use a torch or old school gear. It retails for about $379.99

The Kannastor GR8TR V2 Grinder: Everybody needs a good grinder, and this one is it. The Kannastor GR8TR V2 Grinder is a high-end grinder that retails for about $89.99. No plastic junk for you.

The Santa Cruz Shredder Medium 4-Piece Grinder: This is another high-end grinder, but on a budget. It works like a dream but is about half the price of the Kannastor option, and it retails for about $49.99.

The Space Case Grinder: The Space Case is another high-end grinder that retails for about $49.99.


Border Buds, 1929 US-550, (970) 2592639, borderbuds.com

Colorado Grow Co., 965 1/2 Main Ave., (970) 259-1647, coloradogrowcompany.com

Durango Organics, Bodo Park, 2 Suttle St., Suite F & G, (970) 259-3674, durangoorganics.com

Durango Organics, Grandview, 37 Co Rd. 232, (970) 426-4381, durangoorganics.com

Durango Rec Room, 145 E College Dr., (970) 764-4087, durangorecroom.com

The Greenery, 208 Parker Ave., Suite E, (970) 403-3710, durangogreenery.com

The Green House, 730 S Camino Del Rio, (970) 247-2420, thegreenhousecolorado.com

Kinfolk Farms, 83A Davidson Creek Rd., (970) 759-8683, kinfolk-farms.com

LOVA Canna Co –Durango, 1135 S Camino Del Rio, Suite 220, (970) 4228029, lovaco.com

Mammoth Farms Dispensary, 927 CO3, (970) 422-3282

Mountain Annie’s, 1644 CO Rd. 203, 970-247-2190, mountainanniescannabis. com

Prohibition Herb, 1185 Camino Del Rio, (970) 385-8622, prohibitionherb. com

Rocky Mountain High, 120 E 36th St., (970) 259-4093, rockymountainhigh.co

Santé, 742 ½ Main Ave., (970) 3752837, santecolorado.com

Telluride Bud Company, 3473 Main Ave., (970) 422-8311, telluridebc.com


Chronic Therapy, 1020 S. Broadway, (970) 529-2045, chronictherapy.com

Doobie Sisters, 695 N Broadway, (970) 565-2345, doobiesistersco.com

Durango Organics, 1013 E Main St., (970) 565-6500, durangoorganics.com

The Herbal Alternative, 1531 Lebanon Rd., (970) 529-7007, theherbalalternative.net

LivWell Cortez, 1819 E Main St., (970) 565-9577, livwell.com

Mountain Annie’s, 310 E Main St., (970) 564-5181, mountainanniescannabis.com cialists.com


The Alchemist, 115 W Main St., (505) 258-4180, thealchemistllc.com

Distinguished Dispensary, 4601 English Rd., (505) 278-8524, distinguisheddispensary.com

Dreamz Dispensary, 3501 E Main St., SUITE i-2, (505) 258-4680, dreamzcannabis.com

The Grass Station, 928 E Main St., (505) 278-8825, tgs505.com

Oasis Cannabis Dispensary, 428 E Main St., (888) 505-3947, oasiscannabisnm.com

Purlife Farmington, 3024 E Main St., STE A, (505) 695-2360, purlifenm.com

The Reef Joint, 3000 E 20th St., Suite D2, (505) 278-8963, thereefjoint.com

Toke Dispensary, 4339 E Main St., Ste A, (505) 278-8823, ziatoke.com

Ultra Health Dispensary Farmington, 4251 E Main St., Suite D, (505) 2584634, ultrahealth.com/new-mexicodispensaries/farmington-2/


The Cultured Cannabis, 385 N Willow St., (970) 533-9931, theculturedco.com

LivWell Mancos, 101 Railroad Ave., (970) 533-9848, livwell.com

Pagosa Springs

The Green House, 270 E Pagosa St., (970) 264-4420, thegreenhousecolorado.com

Pagosa Therapeutics, 235 Bastille Dr., (970) 731-4420, pagosatherapeutics. com

San Juan Strains, 356 E Pagosa St., Unit B, (970) 264-5323, sanjuanstrains. com

Smoke Rings, 266 E Pagosa St., (970) 264-0942, smokeringsco.com

Pagosa Craft Dispensary, 127 Goldmine Dr., (970) 264-0833,.pagosacraftcannabis.com

High Grade Specialists, 600 Cloman Blvd. #1, (970) 731-3202, highgradespe-

Farmco, 534 E. Broadway Ave., (833) 777-3276, farmcousa.com


Grady’s Cannabis, 111 N. Main Ave., (505) 333-7456, gradyscannabis.com

Burnin’ Barrels, 2210 W Aztec Blvd., (505) 333-7583

Desert Flower, 111 W Chaco St., (505) 801-0833, desertfloweraztec.com


Treez, 816 W Broadway Ave., (505) 333-5608


Kind Life, 4354 US-64., (505) 7168774, kindlifenm.com

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