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Shop small this season
Noel Night is a festive tradition that attracts a jolly crowd. After all, what’s not to love about sipping cocktails and snacking on cookies while browsing stores? This annual event also presents wonderful opportunities for shoppers to score good deals and deep discounts on a variety of gifts and goods. Use these strategies to save money while supporting small businesses this season.
Small buSineSSeS are the lifeblood of many communitieS. Show Small buSineSSeS your appreciation for their convenience and friendly Service.
1. Shop at Small buSineSSeS regularly. 2. uSe Social media to recommend local buSineSSeS that go above and beyond in quality and Service. 3. Speak with buSineSS ownerS about your experience aS a cuStomer, Sharing inSight about both good and bad experienceS. 4. think of Small buSineSS SponSorShipS when putting together fundraiSerS. 5. if you own a Small buSineSS, keep buSineSS cardS, flyerS or a Sign advertiSing another
Small buSineSS in the area to Show mutual
Support. 6. participate in community eventS that may be
SponSored by Small buSineSS ownerS. MAKE A LIST – AND A BUDGET
Choices can be overwhelming when shopping for gifts. Be intentional with your shopping time. Start by taking note of the type of items you intend to purchase for each person on your list, and the retailers that carry them. Set and budget and stick to it by carefully tracking expenses. Don’t feel obligated to buy something just for the sake of a good sale. This can bust a budget quickly.
Being a savvy shopper means knowing the value of items before shopping. Unfortunately, some stores inflate prices around the holidays so that “doorbuster” deals seem like a deep slash. However, a $20 item marked down to $15 may not be such a bargain when you realize the original selling price was $15. So, it’s important to know the ordinary sticker price of common items before assuming it is available on a great deal.
Ask the employees of the store if there are any coupons or promotions that you may be missing. Small businesses may have more wiggle room to work with you because they’re not beholden to corporate pricing strategies. It never hurts to ask, even if the answer is “no.” Purchase a Be Local Coupon Book produced by Local First for $25 to access over $4,000 of savings.
Durango Business improvement District’s HoliDay rewarDs program starts nov. 25, receipts of at least $25 from eligiBle BiD or cHamBer memBer Businesses can earn sHoppers a local gift carD. tHere are 300 rewarDs availaBle, anD tHe program will enD wHen tHe rewarDs are claimeD. sHoppers may suBmit up to 10 receipts.
Spend $100, get $25 gift card Spend $300, get a $50 gift card Spend $500, get a $100 gift card thiS year ’ S program Supported by durango chamber of commerce iS preSented by alpine bank and SponSored by eoluS bar & dining. See all the ruleS and Submit receiptS at www.downtowndurango.org/holiday-rewardS.