4 minute read
Volunteer opportunities
Adaptive Sports Association is seeking volunteers to lead and assist with programs for individuals with disabilities. Volunteers assist with whitewater rafting, flat-water canoeing and kayaking, rock climbing, cycling and camping. Training is provided. Fill out a volunteer intake form online at www. asadurango.com/volunteer-forms.
Animas Museum is seeking volunteers to help with special events, educational programs, the front desk, docents, gardening and maintenance. To volunteer, contact Cheryl Bryant at (970) 2477972 or email cbryant@animasmuseum.org.
Annie’s Orphans is seeking volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks, including dog walkers, dog house builders, event coordinators and much more. Learn more about fostering animals through the nonprofit organization. All volunteers must fill out an application available online at www.anniesk9orphans.org/volunteer-1.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest
Colorado is seeking volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks internally as well as individuals available to mentor youth in the community. To get involved, see more information at www.bbig. org/volunteers-needed.
Community Connections is seeking volunteers and board members. The organization also needs individuals to assist during the holiday season to help with the annual Festival of Trees & Wreaths. Contact Laura Alsum at laura@cci-colorado.org.
Durango Adult Education Center is seeking volunteers to assist with special events and experienced teachers to help with tutoring programs in one-on-one and group settings. To get involved, contact Libby Baumchen at lbaumchen@durangoadulted.org. Durango Arts Center is seeking volunteers to assist with special events, including the Durango Autumn Arts Festival. Volunteers can fill out a form online at www.durangoarts.org.
Durango Botanic Gardens needs volunteers for garden maintenance every Saturday morning from May through September, normally from 8-10 a.m. Bring your own gloves, hat, water, hand trowel and small pruners to participate. The Gardens are located around the Durango Library and can also be accessed from the River Trail. For more opportunities, see information at www.durangobotanicgardens. org/membership/volunteer. Durango Food Bank is seeking volunteers to support community programs and services provided by the organization. Fill out an application online at www. durangoareafoodbank.org.
Durango Playfest is seeking volunteers for the upcoming festival on Aug. 1-7. The organization has positions for ticket takers at play readings, event set-up and clean-up, hospitality volunteers and couriers. To volunteer, please reach out to mandy@durangoplayfest.org.
Habitat for Humanity is seeking volunteers to fill board and committee positions. To get involved, visit www.habitatlaplata.org/volunteer.
KSUT is seeking volunteers to assist with community outreach, office assistance and membership fulfillment in the spring and fall seasons. Contact KSUT at volunteer@ksut.org for more information.
La Plata County Humane Society is seeking volunteers to make a difference in a pet’s life. All volunteers must be registered members, and 18 years of age. If younger, then the volunteer must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian that is also a member. Learn more about volunteering online at www.lpchumanesociety. org/get-involved/volunteer.
Manna is seeking volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks in the Resource Center and Food Market, including stocking and qualitychecking donated food in our Free Food Market, working in the garden, distributing food at our mobile food market and assembling fresh fruit and garden produce boxes. To get involved, visit www.app.vomo.org/org/manna. San Juan Mountains Association is seeking volunteers to co-lead education programs for youth and adults, and assist the Forest Service with data collection, public education and stewardship projects. To get involved, complete the volunteer profile at www.sjma.volunteerlocal. com/volunteer.
San Juan Symphony is seeking volunteers to house musicians during the 2022-2023 season. Contact Chandra Stubbs for more information at (970) 382-9753 or chandra@sanjuansymphony.org.
Southwest Civic Winds allows volunteers to sell tickets at venues, distribute programs and usher guests to their seats. The organization also has some positions available for behindthe-scenes stage management. For those with musical talent, join the organization and perform alongside other musicians. See information www. southwestcivicwinds.org.
United Way of Southwest Colorado
is seeking volunteers for various events and programs. See more information and fill out an application online at www.unitedway-swco.org.
Volunteers of America Colorado Southwest Safehouse & Durango
Community Shelter is seeking volunteers to assist with weekly grocery shopping, cooking and meal preparation, reception, donation organization, house and yard maintenance, office work and interest group leaders. Some volunteer activities require an interview, training and background check process. Contact Laura Schmerker (970) 238-1469 or lschmerker@ voacolorado.org.
Closing the Gap
Making a difference
... with exchange students
Many high school students from southwest Colorado, and throughout the world, have benefitted from the life-changing adventure of studying abroad as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. Rotary operates one of the largest and most respected international youth exchange programs in the world. Youth exchange advances International Understanding and Peace, a major focus of Rotary’s activities across the globe. Rotary is the world’s oldest non-political, non-religious humanitarian service organization.
Normal Meetings are as shown below. Due to COVID, call ahead for possible changes to meeting time or place.
Rotary Club of
(970) 946-4856 Tuesdays 6:00 PM Strater Hotel Rotary Club of
Pine River Valley (Bayfield)
(970) 799-3487 1st, 2nd & 3rd Wednesdays Noon Tequila’s in Bayfield Rotary Club of
Durango Daybreak
(970) 769-8331 Wednesdays 6:45 AM The Powerhouse Science Center Rotary Club of
(970) 739-0077 2nd and 4th Mondays Noon Cortez City Hall
Rotary Club of Durango High Noon (970) 903-0063 Thursdays 11:45 AM Durango Elks Lodge Rotary Club of Dolores (970) 799-7808 Tuesdays 6:30 AM Ponderosa Restaurant