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Local First appreciates our sponsors helping us continue to support small, independent businesses through one of the busiest shopping seasons.

Now more than ever, it is important to look local for holiday gifts and goodies. Ditching national chains and online giants is an investment in your community. When residents support local businesses they create jobs, help the environment and connect with other people who call this region home. This leads to a more diverse, healthy economy and a connected community.

The end of the year presents an important time to boost the bottom line for every restaurant and retailer, and this year’s Shop Local for the Holidays campaign is an effort to engage with local customers and attract attention to local products and holiday sales throughout December. For a local shopping guide, updated event listings and more information about Durango Business Improvement District’s Holiday Rewards Program, visit www.local-first.org/ local-for-the-holidays/.

We know it takes innovative collaboration to ensure success, and we extend our gratitude to our members and local business owners for providing feedback and adapting with us these last two years.

Local First wishes a safe and happy holiday season to all. While Local First will not host its annual Noel Night, we are grateful to our sponsors for supporting efforts to engage the community in safe holiday shopping this season. Each of you has a part in helping dollars circulate locally year after year. For that, we can’t thank you enough.


556 Main Avenue | Durango

215 South Main | La Veta 556 Main Avenue , Durango , CO 81301 | (970) 880 - 9270

CODE OF THE WESTRealReal EstateEstate

502 Main Street | Walsenburg

W E D O B U S I N E S S A N D L I V E B Y T H E P R I N C I P L E S M A D E F A M O U S B Y W R I T E R Z A N E G R E Y :

The Code of the West

Live each day with courage. Take pride in your work.

Always finish what you start. Do what has to be done. Be tough, be fair. When you make a promise, keep it. Ride for the brand. Talk less and say more. Remember that some things aren 't for sale.

Know where to draw the line.

120 Main St Suite A | Aguilar

We support local businesses 431 S. University | Trinidad

and hope you will too – W W W . C O T W R E A L E S T A T E . C O M I N F O @ C O T W R E A L E S T A T E . C O M this holiday season, and always!

D U R A N G O , C O

First SouthWest Bank is Durango’s locally owned independent community bank working to improve the social and economic landscape of rural Colorado. We put loan and deposit customer dollars to work in the Southwest Colorado communities we serve.

With our non-profit partner, the First Southwest Community Fund, we ensure our region’s entrepreneurs, small businesses, and not-for-profit organizations have access to the inclusive and equitable capital they need to grow and enrich our communities.


(970) 375-1100 | info@fswb.com 600 East 2nd Avenue, Durango

2020 Business of the Year

Durango Chamber of Commerce

2020 Community/Rural Lender of the Year

Colorado Small Business Administration


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