1 minute read
Leveling the field
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are the latest targets in the rightwing culture wars, following closely on the war against teaching honest American history in K-12 schools, colleges and universities. What will be next?
If DEI is bad, what do the culture warriors want? In nature, diversity is important for species survival. Animal and plant populations that lose genetic diversity for whatever reason are at risk of being wiped out by disease or some environmental change.My understanding is that human cultures around the world and throughout history have had social prohibitions on inbreeding. Almost instinctively, they have created ways to bring genetic diversity into their reproduction.
Diversity is strength. But it apparently inspires fear in some people. So what’s their alternative?
Equity means fairness. Even young children recognize when something isn’t fair. Sports fans are outraged if the refs keep calling fouls on their team, even for minor things that are overlooked with the other team. But some people are distressed by fairness. What about inclusion? Don’t we all (unless we are recluses) want to feel welcomed and included in group activities? Were you the kid that always got picked grudgingly and last in grade school when they were picking teams? How did that feel? How did it feel to be the new kid in school if your parents moved to a new community? How does it feel to be demonized for your very existence?
But some people obviously feel threatened by DEI, maybe because it might mean extending these values to historically marginalized and persecuted population groups they don’t like.
Unfortunately, ambitious politicians like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and others in states controlled by the GOP are taking full advantage and not just stoking these fears for their own advancement, but enshrining persecution (especially of children) in state law. The GOP wants to make that national.
So we see what the opposite of DEI is. Maybe the next target in the culture wars will be the last phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance – “liberty and justice for ALL.”
– Carole McWilliams, Bayfield