Fun Activities for the First Week of Class Clarissa Andrade Leticia Gonzalez Naiara Felipe Tania Fontes
Fend for Yourself
Aim: Call students attention to communication, above all and taking risks
Material: vídeo from Youtube, HO and Premier Skill (British Council)
Time: 80 min
Fend for Yourself ď ľHow
many footballers who work abroad can you name in one minute?
Fend for Yourself
What did you think?
Was he uncomfortable when he was listening and answering the questions?
Did the reporter understand him?
Have you noticed any interference from his mother tongue?
What message can you take from this video?
Fend for Yourself
Mosaic Pictures
Aim: Give Ss the opportunity to share their holiday experiences.
Material: photos of the T’s Holiday and blank sheets of paper.
Time: 60 min
Face to face
Rapper’s Talk
Aim: Students will practice listening for specific information; and will have semi-controlled and freer speaking practice.
Material:E-board (internet for videos and song), handouts for Charlie’s video and ‘Hard Knock Life’, lyrics of ‘Hard Knock Life’ and current popular songs, smartphones or computers.
Time: 80 min
Rapper’s Talk What
kind of music do you like?
What’s Have
your favourite band/singer?
you ever been to a concert? (elicit back up questions)
Rapper’s Talk Do
you like rap music? what do you think of it?
is it popular? Can you understand the lyrics?
Rapper’s Talk What
do you know about Jay Z’s like? Google it!
a “Hard Knock Life” like?
Get Inpired: write a story!
Aim: to have Ss write a short story based on a song.
Material: Eminem’s video “When I’m gone”, lyrics of “When I’m gone” and blank sheets of paper.
Time: 80 min
Get Inpired: write a story!
T gives yhe SS the lyrics of “When I’m gone”;
In groups of three ss discuss the plot;
Ss create a story based on the song;
Ss write their story down;
Share their writings;
Ss watch the vídeo and compare with their story;
Share opinions and impressions;
Post ss writings on a blog.
Subliminal Messages
Aim: to use a video to provoque discussion
Material: “I’m on top of the world” vídeo, flipchart and lyrics
Time: 80 min
What do you know about subliminal messages?
The first shot is Danny from The Shining riding his big wheel. He also has the all seeing eye with that Snogard sticker (which is also on Danny’s shirt). Snogard is a term for ‘dragon’ which is obvious a reference to the band’s name.
The window says ‘Stan and Brick’ = Stanley Kubrick: The crowd is watching the Apollo moon launch, which is tied into The Shining because the conspiracy theory behind it is that the Apollo moon landing was faked and Kubrick was the man who shot the fake footage
Did you notice the word ‘Monolith’ at the bottom of the TV? Monolith is a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is the film that the government supposedly funded in exchange for Kubrick shooting the fake film landing. The monolith is the large rectangular rock that shows up to help the evolution of humanity. 2001 used front screen projection, which theorist Jay Weidner argues is the proof for the fake moon landing, based on the footage.
Here’s the carpet from The Overlook Hotel in the background
The house number is 2001; again a link to 2001. We see this as the first Beatle to leave for the fake moon landing:
Here we see the second Beatle getting in his yellow Beetle (no puns intended here), which is the car from the film The Shining, even though Stephen King’s Beetle was red:
Here we see a reference to Room 237, which is the room that Danny goes into and sees the ghosts. 237 is important in theories because it was considered the miles from Earth to the moon back in the ’60s when Apollo 11 happened (237,000 miles). Scenic Overlook is reference to the The Overlook Hotel. Notice the red, white, and blue tires, which the film The Shining is full of as themed colors:
Take a Sit and Make a Friend
Aim: build raport
Material: vídeo “Take a sit and make a friend”
Time: 80 min
1) Where and how do you usually meet people? 2) What are the three most common questions you ask a person when you meet them for the first time? 3) What was the most unusual place you met someone for the first time?
Take a Sit and Make a Friend
How do you think people will react?
Which pair is going to be more comfortable in the ball pit?
What do you think they’re going to talk about?
Which pair is more likely to find something in common?
Take a Sit and Make a Friend
How did most of the people feel during this experience? Why?
What called your attention about the vídeo?
In which way this experience could’ve changed people’s lives?
Would you like to have the same experience? Why(not)?
Take a Sit and Make a Friend
Now, it’s your turn!!!