Social Media Networking What is all the chirping about and why should you join in with the chorus?
Viral Marketing and Advertising Strategies For Facebook
What Is Social Networking? Social networking is a wonderful tool that will enable you to get connect to thousands of people, virtually overnight. DEFINITION: It is the joining together of individuals into specific groups, often times with similar interests. To put it in simpler terms‌if you were a member of any club in high school you were involved in a form of social networking. However, today it is largely done online.
What Is Social Networking? Today social media networking is mostly done on websites known as social media sites. They basically act as an online community of internet users and often times revolve around specific interests. For instance, Assurance I.O.O.’s and Customers can connect through their common interest in Assurance Inc. Facebook was launched in 2004. In July 2010 they reached 500,000,000 active users.
The Largest Social Networking Site Facebook is the largest and most popular social network with over 530,000,000 million active users. Demographics provided by the site (i.e. Male, Female, Age, Location) allow companies to have a better understanding of their target audience. Facebook is a great way to create a profile page, and enhance your web presence. It is also the most powerful prospect generating tool at your disposal.
The Largest Social Networking Site There are more than 3,500,000 billion pieces of content (links, news stories, note posts, etc.) shared each week. Purpose-built or “target group� Facebook pages have created more than 5,300,000,000 billion fans. More than 80,000 websites have implemented Facebook Connect since December 2008 and more than 60 million Facebook users engage with it across these external sites each month.
Interaction and Communication Building your business with Facebook is about interaction. Advertising opportunities are available, but even then the key is to communicate with your prospects and potential customers. Interaction and communication begins with developing a social network or “friends list.� People are more likely to trust a friends recommendation than they are an ad.
Interaction and Communication Building your business with Facebook is about interaction. Advertising opportunities are available, but even then the key is to communicate with your prospects and potential customers. Interaction and communication begins with developing a social network or “friends list.� People are more likely to trust a friends recommendation than they are an ad.
Facebook helps you connect and share with people in your life.
Your Goal Facebook will help you connect with customers and potential business partners. Spread the word about your Assurance business, and increase your credibility. Establish relationships or re-connect with friends, family co-workers, classmates, etc. Generate interest in what you are “doing� for a living so that other people will want what you can give them.
Social Media Is All About CONTENT DELIVERY: Putting the word out there. CONTENT VISIBILITY: Generate interest and allow people to see what you are doing. CONTENT VIRALTY: Broadcasting the word to everyone and duplicating your efforts so that it “virally” spreads throughout the social networks.
The Demographics 56.7% 43.3% 24.9% 17.8% 58.4% 14% 34% 12% 12%
Female Male Ages 25 to 34 Ages 35 to 44 Have Some College Education Non-White Executives, Professionals, etc. Fulltime Students Have children under 16 yrs. old
In 2009, 35 to 54 year old users experienced a 276% growth rate. This the fastest growing segment and it is doubling every 6 months.
*Source: eMarketer: Social Networks Five Consumer Trends for 2009 February 2009
The Demographics Your target audience is uses Facebook! There will be an estimated 44% more social network users in 2013 than in 2008. Consumers are increasingly relying on social networks to get product related information. Two-way conversation – The old model of the one-way conversations is over. Customers want to be part of the dialogue, so make sure you’re listening.
What This Means For You Word of Mouth will always be the best form of advertising for your organization because friends trust and take advice from other friends. But social media has drastically changed the definition of who your “friends� are.
There Is No Silver Bullet The key to successful use of social networking is to be consistent. Use your time wisely. This may mean a few hours less “farmville” time. Be observant to your friends profile updates and engage them in conversation. They generally will only talk about 3 things. The weather. What’s happening. How rotten things are.