The Application of Youth With A Mission’s Foundational Values Through Different Cultural Lenses

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62 individual. Three of those times were from collectivists and one from an individualist. It needs to be mentioned that this individualist was born in a collective culture to missionaries and lived there until 16. So even though his passport is from an individualistic country, he often thinks like a collectivist. The responses of the collectivists seem to be connected to power distance and honor. If a person has a high power distance, they are in a place of honor. Therefore, they do not need to listen, but they can ascribe honor to someone by listening to them if they do. C-5 mentioned that he would greet the guest in hospitality, "It is an honor to meet you." The second most mentioned response by three participants believe in the individual (two by individualists and one by a collectivist). That was followed by believing in someone's calling (2 individualists). Two collectivists said you value the individual through friendship. Interestingly, collectivists saw valuing the individual through relationship. They talked about listening, being friends, and one even mentioned spending time with someone. On the other hand, individualists value the individual by believing in their potential and calling. Evaluating the responses, the individualists echo what is written about the value: believing in someone's gifts and calling. However, for the collectivist, valuing the individual means embracing that individual into the collective. Servant Leadership The following three questions bring us to the value of servant leadership. The value reads: “11. Exhibit servant leadership YWAM is called to servant leadership as a lifestyle, rather than a leadership hierarchy. A servant leader is one who honors the gifts and callings of those under his/her care and guards

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