INDIGO Sponsorship Opportunities
INDIGO June 29, 2018 SPEYS, Utrecht The Netherlands
INDIGO is the largest independent game showcase in the Netherlands, with a selection of over 40 unique games made by independent developers. • 1300+ visitors in 2017, including developers, students, publishers, press, and other professionals • Diverse selection of games: VR, PC, console, mobile, serious games, new prototypes, physical installations, and more • Games are presented on special custom-made arcade cabinets
Companies that attended INDIGO
INDIGO 2018 takes place at Speys Speys Jaarbeurs is a new location in Utrecht with bars, restaurants and plenty of space for events. It’s located in the same building as the Kinepolis cinema and the Jaarbeurs, the largest trade halls of the Netherlands. Speys is right across the street from Dutch Game Garden HQ, and a 2 minute walk away from Utrecht Central train station.
Sponsorship Opportunities For INDIGO 2018, we offer the following sponsorship opportunities: • Media Package • Badge & Lanyard • Professional Stand • Arcade Cabinet Customization • Sponsored Talk • Awards Ceremony • INDIGO Drinks
Media Package The media package includes your logo in our communications, including
• INDIGO website • Printed program guide • Dutch Game Garden newsletter (6000+ subscriptions) • 1 news post on Dutch Game Garden Twitter (6000+ followers) • 1 news post on Dutch Game Garden Facebook page (3000+ likes)
Badge & Lanyard
Every visitor of INDIGO receives a name badge with a lanyard, which a sponsor can adopt exclusively. • Full color logo on name badge • 1-color logo on lanyard • Incl. complete media package
Professional Stand Sponsors get a table at a high traffic spot during the event. • Table ( 1 x 2m) includes 2 chairs & power • Table can be set up as sponsors wish to meet their needs (matchmaking, meetings, networking, product promotion, talent acquisition, etc) • Incl. complete media package
Arcade Cabinet Customization
The games at INDIGO are presented on special custom-made arcade cabinets that can be branded with stickers. • Stickers on all exhibiting cabinets* • Full color logo on front + 2 sides (60 x 10 cm front sticker and 20 x 20 cm side sticker) • Incl. complete media package
* Customization of individual cabinets or a selection of cabinets is possible.
Sponsored Talk For sponsors that wish to get their message across, we offer the opportunity to host a talk or workshop. • Separate conference room with capacity of max. 100 people • Includes projector, screen and microphone • Incl. complete media package • 1 additional post on Twitter and Facebook about the talk • A brief description in our printed program guide about the talk
Awards Ceremony INDIGO visitors vote for their favorite game of the show. We offer partners to sponsor the award experience.
• Logo on award and voting form • The sponsor announces the winner and hands out the award, or is mentioned in announcement by a third person (optional) • Possibility to offer an additional prize (optional) • Incl. complete media package • 1 additional post on Twitter and Facebook about winner and partnership
INDIGO Drinks At the end of the day, INDIGO offers a fun, inspiring networking moment accompanied by drinks. A sponsor can adopt the INDIGO Drinks exclusively. • Open bar at the end of the day (limited time) • Full color logo on 200 coasters (one sided) • Incl. complete media package