Db 20(4)1998

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Dutch Birding

Dutch Birding HOOFDREDACTEUR Arnoud van den Berg (te l 023-5378024, fax 023-5376749, e-mai l Arnoud.vandenBerg@inter.nl. net) ADJUNCT HOOFDREDACTEUR Enno Ebels

(teil fax 030-296 1335, e-mail ebels@wxs.n l) (teil fax 020-6997585, e-ma il laan@bio.vu.nlJ


FOTOGRAFISCH REDACTEUR René Pop (te l 0223-690141, fax 0223-690142) REDACTIERAAD Ferdy Hieselaar, Peter Mein inger, George Sangster en Ro land van der V liet

Internationaal tijdschrift over Palearctische vogels

REDACTIE-ADVIESRAAD Peter Barthel (Du itsland ), Klaas Eigenhuis (Nederl and), Dick Forsman (F inl and), Ricard Gutiérrez (Spanje), Ted Hoogendoo rn (Nederl and), Lars Jonsson (Zweden), Pau l Lehman (VS), Anthony McGeehan (Noord- Ierland), Killian Mu ll arney (Ierland), Gerald Oreel (Nederl and), Kees Roselaar (Nederl and), Frank Rozendaal (Nederl and), Hadoram Sh iri hai (Israël), Gunter De Smet (België), Lars Svensson (Zweden) en Peter Symens (België) REDACTIEMEDEWERKERS Ruud van Dongen, Gera ld Driessens, N il s van Duivendijk, Remco Holland, Graham Ho ll oway, Diederik Kok, Hans van der Meu len en Peter de Rouw


Dutch Birding Postbus 116 2080 AC Santpoort-Zuid ederland fax 023-5376749 FOTOREDACTIE

Dutch Birding p/a René Pop Postbus 1007 1780 EA julianadorp ederland ASONNEMENTENADMINISTRATIE

p/a jeannette Admiraal Iepenlaan 11 1901 ST Castricum Nederland BESTUUR

Dutch Birding Association Postbus 75611 1070 AP Amsterdam Nederland COMMISSIE DWAALGASTEN NEDERLANDSE AVIFAUNA

CD A Postbus 45 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid Nederland

PRODUCTIE EN LAY-OUT André van Loon en René van Rossum ADVERTENTIES Peter Me ij er (tel 0348-43 1905, fax 0348-4302 16, e-mai l meijerpc@worldonline.nl) ABONNEMENTEN De abon nementsprijs voor 1998 bedraagt: N LG 65.00 (Nederland), BEF 1320.00 (België), NLG 72.50 (overige landen binnen Europa) en NLG 77.50 (landen bu iten Europa). U kunt zich abonneren door het overmaken van de abonnementsprijs op giroreken ing 01 50 697 (Nederland), girorekening 000 1592468 19 (België) of bankrekening 54 93 30 348 van ABN+AMRO (Castricum), ovv 'abon nement Dutch Birding'. A lle rekeningen zi jn ten name va n de Dutch Bird ing Association. Het abonnement gaat in na ontvangst van de betaling. Dutch Birding is een tweemaandelijks tijdschrift met nummers in februar i, april , juni, augustus, oktober en december. Het pub li ceert originele artike len en mededelingen over morfologie, systematiek, voorkomen en verspreiding van vogels in de Benelux, Europa en elders in het Palearctische gebied. Het pub liceert tevens bijdragen over vogels in het Az iati sch-Pac ifische geb ied en andere gebieden. De vo lgorde van vogels in Dutch Birding vo lgt in eerste instantie een klassieke 'Wetmoreindeling'. Binnen dit raamwerk worden voor taxonomie en naamgeving de volgende overz ichten aangehouden: Lijst 98 Nederlandse vogelsoorten door A B van den Berg & CA WBosman (1998, Santpoort-Zuid) (taxonomie en wetenschappel ijke en Neder landse namen va n Nederlandse vogels); List of birds of the Western Pa/earctic door British Birds (1997, Blunham) (Engelse namen van West-Pa lea rcti sche vogels); de door C S Roselaar samengestelde lij st in Geïllustreerde encyclopedie van de vogels door C M Perri ns (1991, Weert), met aanpassingen en aanvullingen door A J van Loon in Vogels van de wereld complete checklist door M Wa lters (1997, Baarn) (Nederlandse namen van overige vogels van de wereld); en 8irds of the world door C G Sib ley (1996, Version 2.0, Cinc innati) (taxonomie en wetenschappeli jke en Engelse namen va n overige voge ls van de wereld). Afw ijkingen van en aanvullingen op bovenstaande overz ichten zi jn gebaseerd op beslissingen van de CSNA (cf Dutch Birding 19: 21-28, 1997; 20: 22-32, 1998). Een lij st met tarieven voor de vergoed ing van auteurs, fotog rafen en tekenaars is verkrijgbaar bij de redactie.

Dutch Birding Association BESTUUR Theo Adm iraa l (pen ningmeester), G ij sbert van der Bent (voorzitter, tel 0714024547), Peter Meijer, Marc Plomp en Chr is Q ui spe l (secretaris, tel 071-5 124825); tevens is de redactie van Dutch Birding met een zetel vertegenwoordigd BESTUURSMEDEWERKERS Jeannette Admiraal, Gera ld Driessens, Ron van den Enden, Hans Gebuis, Leo Heemskerk, Remco Hofland, Paul KnolIe, Sander Lagerveld, Ger Meesters, Arnold Meijer, André van der Plas en Kees Tiemstra DUTCH BIRDING TRAVEl REPORT SERVICE (DBTRS) Ib Huysman, Postbus 737, 9700 AS Gron ingen, Nederland, tel 050-5274993, fax 050-5272668, intern et http://www.mebweb.nl/DBTRS

Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna (CD NA) TELEFOONLIJNEN

ederland : 0900-20321 28 (vogellijn, 75 cpm) 078-6180935 (inspreeklijn) België: 03-4880194 (vogel- en inspreeklijn) INTERNET


LEDEN Max Berlijn, Ruud van Beusekom, Bert de Brui n, Karel Mauer, Jan van der Laan (voorz itter, tel 072-520309 1), Kees Roselaar, Jelle Scharringa (secretaris, tel 030-2523801) en W im W iegant (a rchivaris) De CDNA is een commiss ie van de Dutch Birding Assoc iation en de Nederlandse Orn ithologische U ni e. De Commi ssie Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna (CS NA) is de subcomm issie van de CDNA betreffende taxonomie, nomenclatuur en status van Nederlandse (onder)soorten en bestaat uit Arnoud van den Berg, Corneli s Hazevoet, Kees Roselaar, George Sangster (secretaris, teil fax 071-5 143790, e-ma il sangster@op lbio. leidenun iv. nl ) en Rona id Sluys.

© 1998 Stichting Dutch Birding Assoc iatio n . Het copyright van de foto's en tekeningen blijft bij de fotografen en tekenaars. ISSN 0167-2878. Drukkerij Rob Stolk bv, Mau ritskade 55, 1092 AD Amsterd am, Nederl and








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Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 Wim M Wiegant, A (Bert) de Bruin & CONA


hi s is the 17th annu al report on rare birds in th e Netherlands to be pub l ished in Dutch Birding. Thi s report comp ri ses records from 1996 as wei l as be lated and reconsidered records, dating from 1995 back to 1896, wh ich have been eva lu ated by the Dutch rar ities comm ittee, Commissie Dwaa lgasten Nede rl andse Avifauna (C DNA). Severa l record s for 1996 and ea rl ier years are still under consideratio n, for var ious reasons. Deta il s included for each accepted record are, if ava il ab le: date(s); locat io n and/or municipa lity, province; number of birds if more th an o ne, plu mage and sex; type of record if trapped, photograph ed, videoed, sound-record ed o r found dead (and w here spec imen is stored); names of up to th ree observers invo lved in findin g, identifyi ng and reco rdin g, and releva nt references in th e literature, w hi ch normall y include (inter)nationa l and not reg io nal journ ais, and publ ished ph otographs. Records from 1995 lasting into 1996 wh ich were already publi shed in th e 1995 report are repeated here without references, fo r th e sake of compl eteness . Sequence of records is from 1996 backwa rds, with records w ithin one yea r presented chronologica ll y. A compil ati on of most of th e birds videoed ca n be found in Opperm an et al (1997). Numbers after eac h (sub)spec ies' name refer to the tota l number of indi vidu als 7 from 1 Janu ary 1800 to 31 December 1979, 2 since 1 Janu ary 1980 but exc lud ing 3 the current year. Sub(species) marked w ith an asteri sk * are new to th e Dutch li st. The fo ll owi ng CDNA members voted on some or all of the records in th is report: Max Berl ijn, Ruud F J va n Beusekom, A (Be rt) de Bruin, Jan van der Laan (chairm an), Karel A Mauer, C S (Kees) Roselaa r, Jell e Sc harrin ga (secreta ry), Gerard H Stein haus and W im M W iega nt (a rc hivist). In Febru ary 1998, Gerard Ste inh aus left the committee and was succeeded by Bert de Bruin. Records shou ld be se nt to CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands, preferab ly us ing standa rd form s, w hi ch can be obtain ed free of charge from CDNA. Dec isions regarding taxonomy have been delegated to th e taxonomi c sub-committee, Comm iss ie Systematiek Nederlandse Av ifauna (CSNA), whic h co nsists of the fo llowing mem-

[Ou/eh Birding 20: 145路 167, 1998[

bers: Arnoud B van den Berg, C S (Kees) Roselaa r, Corn eli s J Hazevoet, George Sangster (sec retary) and Ronaid Sluys . The CDNA has decided not to cons ider records of Pont ic Gu ll Larus cachinnans cachinnans (form erl y named Casp ian or Po ntic Ye ll owlegged Gull ) from 1 Janu ary 1998 onwards. Although prior to 1997 there were very few reco rd s, if is now clear th at thi s taxon is not rare: in the w inter of 1997/98, at least 60 were reported. Also records of Ba lea ri c Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus and Ice land Gull L glaucoides wil l no lo nger be considered fro m 1 Janu ary 1998 onwards. Of co urse, o lder record s of these spec ies are still welcomed by th e committee. In 1996, a cumul ati ve total of at least 356 species was record ed with three spec ies new to the Dutch li st: Wh ite-throated Need leta il Sw ift Hirundapus ca udacutus, Isa belline Wheatea r Oenanthe isabellina and Myrtle Warbier Oendroica coronata. There were second record s of Lesse r Scaup Aythya a ffin is, Semipa lm ated Sandpiper Ca lidris pusilla, Red-necked Stint C ruficollis, Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii and Bl yth's Reed Warbier Acrocephalus dumetorum. Other hi ghli ghts in cluded a long-stay ing male Ste ll er's Eider Polysticta stelleri and two Short-toed Eag les Circaetus ga llicus together at one site for seve ral weeks .

Systematic list of accepted records Hutchins's Canada Goose Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii 0,-,Greater Canada Goose Branta canadensis parvipes 0 ,-,22 February, A ij en, Bergen, Lim bu rg, two, photographed (J J F J Jansen, C van der Wardt, P Pa lmen); 12-13 May, Wo rku merwaard , Nijefurd, Friesland (A van der Spek); 28-29 December, Dirksland, Zu id-H o ll and, five (R-M Lafonta ine, M Peero). 1992 12 Janu ary, O udemi rdum , Caasterlan-Sleat, Friesland (R E van der V li et) . Foll owing the CSNA dec ision to include parvipes in Greater Canada Goose Branta canadensis rather than in Lesser Canada Goose B hutchinsii, the identificat ion of sma ll G reater Canada Goose from Hutchin s's Canada Goose B h hutchinsii has been put in a di fferent li ght and has become quite difficult. Therefore, the reco rd s above, accepted as either B c parvipes or B h hutchinsii, w ill be reviewed together w ith the only prev iously accepted record, at Pi aam, N ijefurd, on 23-30 January 1994 (cf Wiegant et al 1996; Dutch Birdin g 16:


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 86, p late 62, 1994, 18: 107, pl ate 104, 1996) . A prev iously accepted record on 25 janu ary 1995 at Gaast, W没n se rad iel, Fri es land, has been w ithdrawn by th e obse rver and is no longer accepted. Black Brant Branta nigrica ns 7,58,3 3 February, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Hol land, two, adu lt, photographed (P M A va n der Wi elen, K Hend ri ks); 25 Ap ril , Hoorn, Terschelling, Fri esland (T Bakker); 24 October to 18 May 1997, Texel, NoordHo ll and, two, adult (A Wass ink); 14 December to 16 Feb ru ary 1997, Normerpolder, Wie ringen, NoordHo ll and (R E Brouwer, B de Lange; Dutch Birdin g 19: 233, pl ate 236, 1997). Th e Tersc hellin g indi vidual has also been recorded in 199 3-95 (cf Dutch Birding 19: 99, 1997) and th e two of Texel are co nsidered the same as in previou s yea rs (s ince 199 1). The tota l number is unclear due to wa ndering and returning indi vidu als. Th e reco rd of two bird s on Vlieland, Fri es land, on 8-27 May 1995, publish ed in th e 1995 report (Wiegant et al 1997) shou ld be deleted. Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis 0, 1,1 13 Jan uary, Lelystad -H aven, Lelystad, Fl evoland, adu lt male, photographed U 0 Eerdman s, R M va n Don gen; Eerdm ans & va n Don gen 1996; Dutch Birding 18: 52, pl ate 41 , 1996). Thi s bird was seen by on ly a handfu l of b irders, contrary to the first, a lon g-stay ing male at several sites in Zee land from 20 November 1994 to 21 June 1995 . White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocepha la 5,6, 1 5 A pril , Oostvaardersdi jk, Lelystad, Fl evoland, adu lt female, photographed (P Symens, 0 Symens, J Eist). Thi s was the fi rst record since 1991 and the first for Apri l. The other records we re from November (4), December (2), Janu ary (2), Febru ary (2) and March (1). Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri 0,3, 1 20 May to at least 24 Jul y, Verdronken Land va n Saeftin ge, Hontenisse/Hulst, Zee land, adult male moultin g into eclipse plumage, photographed, videoed U M aebe, MA Capeil o, P L Me ininger; Meinin ger 1996, M aebe & Meininger 1996; Dutch Birding 18 : 153, pl ate 166, 217, plate 216, 1996; 19 : 68, plate 68-70, 1997). Th e bird was seemin gly pa ired w ith a fema le Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna. Thi s behaviour also occurred w ith a male in th e German part of the W adden Sea in 1991. The fi rst record i n 1980-82 co ncern ed a mal e pa ired with a female Common Eider

Somateria mollissima. Falcated Duck Mareca fal cata 0,5,0 10-28 Ma y, Lauwe rm eer, Oe Marne, Gron in gen, ad ult mal e, photographed (T Bakker). Thi s indi vidu al is co nsidered th e sa me as th e one recorded at th e same location on 21-22 May 1994 and from 3 M ay to 12 june 1995. CDNA has not vet decided w hether all reco rds should be regard ed as referring to escapes .


American Wigeon Mareca americana 5, 16,1 1-9 June, Lepelaarsp lassen, Almere, Flevoland, adu lt female, photograph ed (R AC Halff, M va n der Aa). 1994 23 February to 20 March, Wijk bij Duurstede, Utrecht, ad ult mal e (E Bos, A Sch aftenaa r, J J F J j ansen). 1991 10 June, Oostvaardersp lassen, Lelystad, Fl evoland, adult mal e (0 Kok, J de Bruijn). Thi s year's reco rd is the first of a female. Th e 1994 reco rd was pub li shed previous ly for 23-27 Feb ru ary (Wi egant et al 1996) . A previou sly accepted first-winter male at Megen, Oss, Noord-Brabant, on 5-7 january 1991 (cf Dutch Birdin g 16 : 134, 1994) has been w ith drawn and is no longer accepted. Blue-winged Teal Anas discors 6, 14,2 4 May, Terschelling, Friesland, male, photographed (A Ouwerkerk; Dutch Birdin g 18: 149, plate 163); 30 November, Veenhui zerstukken, Stadskanaa l, Groningen, male, photographed (K va n Dijken). The 30 November record was the first to be documented via the In ternet, on a homepage, rather than by photograph, film or v ideo . Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis 6,6,2 3-18 Apri I, Ti enhove n, Maa rssen, Utrecht, male, photographed (H R Ru sse r et al); 21 Ap ril to 16 May, Keihoogte Inl aag, W issekerke, Noo rd-Beveland, Zeeland, adu lt male (T Koppejan ; Dutch Birding 18: 149, plate 162 , 1996). Ei ght out of 14 indi v idu als we re from Apr il. Th e other reco rd s we re in Jan uary (1), Ma rch (2), May (1) and November (2). White-billed Diver Cavia adamsii 20, 10,1 4 Ap ril , Terschelling, Fri es land, adult male, found dead, photographed (A Ouwerkerk; Dutch Birding 18 : 145 , plate 153, 1996). 1995 23 -24 December, Maurik, Ge lderl and, imm ature (H Feith); 30 December to 20 Janu ary 1996, Reeuwijk, Zuid-Holland, first-winter. Poss ibl y, the bird at Maurik was the sa me individu al as the one reco rd ed from 30 December 1995 onwa rd s at Reeuwijk w hich al ready was included in th e 1995 report (Dutch Birdin g 19: 97-98( 199 7). Cory's Shearwater Ca lonectris borea lis 2,5,1 27 September, Fijn aart, Fijnaart en Heijningen, NoordBrabant, found ex hausted, taken into a bird hospital , w here it died, skin retain ed by Nationaa l Natuurhi stori sc h Muse um at Leiden, Zuid -Ho ll and (H W esterlaken; Dutch Birdin g 18: 273, pl ate 259, 1996). One wo uld co nsider an inl and location not a good pl ace for findin g rare seabirds, but there is also a reco rd of an exhausted Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis at Rotterdam , Z uid-H o ll and, approx im ately 30 km inl and. Curi ous ly enough, th ere are no inl and records of th e mu ch co mmoner spec ies such as Sooty Shearwater P grise us. Currently, all records referring to fi eld obse rvation s are under review, since Cory's Shea rwater C borealis has now been spi it i nto Cory's Shearwater C borealis and Scopoli 's Shearwater C diomedea .

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996

107 Short-toed Eagle / Slangenarend Circaetus ga lficus, Hoge Veluwe, Gelderland, 5 August 1996 (A rnoud B van den Berg) 108 Tengma lm's Owl / Ruigpootuil Aegolius funereus (found dead at Zwo lle, Overij sse l, c 14 October 1996), Zwo lle, Overijssel (Kees Moeliker) 109 Greater Sand Plover / Woestijnpl evier Cha radrius leschena ultii, fi rst-summer female, De Cocksdorp, Texe l, Noord-Ho ll and, 1 August 1996 (Leo J R Boon/Cursorius)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus 5,47,12 7 June, c 48 km west off Texel, Con tin ental Shelf (P A Wo lf); 19-20 Jul y, Camperduin , Schoorl, Noord-Holl and (N F van der Ham); 5 August, Camperdu in, Schoorl, Noord-H oll and (F J Maas, N F va n der Ham); 7 August, Camperduin , Schoorl, Noord-Ho ll and (N F va n der Ham); 11 and 29 August, Camperduin, Schoor!, NoordHolland (N F va n der Ham); 23 A ugust, Noordwijk aa n Zee, Noordwijk, Zuid-Ho ll and (A Steenvoorden); 24 August, Schevenin gen, Oen Haag, Zuid-Holl and (A Mendoza, B va n den Boogaa rd ) and Katw ijk aa n Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holl and U Dijkhuizen, M Verdoes, A va n Egmond); 25 August, Camperdu in, Schoor!, NoordHolland (F J Maas); 29 August, Schiermonnikoog, Fri esland (N van Dui ve ndijk); 6 September, Domburg, Zee land (E Nieuwstraten); 27 September, De Koog and Westers lag, Texel, Noord-Holl and (D Kok, D Groenendijk, A Schaftenaar); 28 September, Camperdu in, Schoorl, Noord-Holland (N F va n der H am, S Lager-

ve ld). 1995 9 Jul y, Camperduin, Schoorl, Noord-Holland (N F va n der Ham); 16 Jul y, Camperduin , Schoorl, NoordHolland (N F va n der Ham); 31 Jul y to S August Camperduin, Schoor!, Noord-Holland (N F va n der Ham, A de Bruin , F J Maas); 2 A ugust Vlieland, Fri esland U J F J Jansen); 4 August, Camperduin , Schoorl, Noord-Holl and (N F va n der H am); 8 September, Westkapelle, Zee land (P A Wo lf); 16 September, Camperduin , Schoor!, Noord-Holland (N F va n der Ham); 5 October, Camperdu in, Schoorl, Noord-Holl and (N F va n der Ham). Accord ing to th e observer, sight in gs on 11 and 29 August at Ca mperduin co ncerned the sa me indi vid ual. Th e sightings on 24 August at Katwi j k and Schevenin gen are ass um ed to refer to the sa me indi vi dual since th ey we re on ly c 35 m in and 15 km apart. The reco rd on 7 June co ncern ed the first accepted rarity see n from a fl y ing plane, albeit during the co unting of seab irds . European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus -,50,3 29 A ugust, Westkapelle, Zee land (P A W o lf, T 0 V Muusse); 9 November, Oen Helder, Noord-H oll and U Bi ssc hop, S Bernardus); 22 November, Westkapelle, Zee land (P A Wo lf, G A Davidse). 1995 28 September, Westkape lle, Zee land, two (P A Wolf, M Hoekstei n, S Lil ipa ly). Still more than half of th e reco rd s since 1980 date from a sing le influ x in September 1990. Squacco Heron Ardeola ra lloides -,13,1 11 June, Berkenwoude, Bergambacht, Zuid-H oll and, ad ult summer, ph otog raph ed (fam Houwe ling) . Thi s first record since 1992 co nce rned an ind ividua l photographed in th e observer's back-garden; certainly a magnificent ad dition to someone's ga rden li st! Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 33,65,2 18-2 1 May, Belt-Schuts loot, Brederwiede, Overij sse l, photographed (R 0 Winters); 27 September, Boxtel, Noord-Brabant (M Renders).


1994 25 June to 10 Jul y, Loo, Apeldoorn, Gelderl and, immature, photographed (E A W Ern ens, M Hageman, D Zoetebi er). 1993 29 August, Baambru gge, Abcoude, Utrecht UJ F J Jansen). 1992 15 May, Broekhu izerbroek, Broekhuizen, Limburg, two U J F J Jansen); 24 May, De H aeck, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-H oll and, two, adult summer (K D D ijkstra). 1987 25 Jul y, Wormer, Zaanstad, Noord-H o ll and (A B va n den Berg, P Munsterman; Voge ljaarka lender 1989 :

15) . 1983 13 September to 8 October, Hoogkerk, Groningen, Groningen, photographed (H-J Wight, S de Bruin). For th e 1994 reco rd , the latest date has been extended; for th e 1993 record, Baambrugge was erron eo usl y situated in Zu id -Ho ll and in stead of Utrecht; the locati on of two bi rds in 1992, already publi shed in the 1995 report, sho uld read Broekhuizerbroek in stead of Broekhuizervorst. Glossy Ibi s Plegadis falcine llus -,49,0 1995 3 May, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Gron in gen, photograp hed (E Koops); 14 May, Lau wersmee r, Oe Marne, Gron in gen (H A Di ephui s) For the first time since 1988, there we re no accepted records . Maybe th e 34 individua ls in 1994 and 1995, co mpared w ith an ave rage of one per yea r ove r 198093, shou ld best be attributed to an influ x rath er than a sudden increase. However, CDNA sti ll awa its information on a flock of 20 reported at A lph en aa n den Rijn , Zuid-Ho ll and, on 4 October 1996 and a flock of eight at Oosterh out, Noord-B rabant, on 23 October 1996 (cf Dutch Bird ing 18 : 293-30 1, 1996) . Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus 1989 10-23 September, Makkumerwaa rd , W没nsera diel, Fri es lan d, photographed (S Bern ardus). This species is no longer co nsidered fro m 1 Janu ary 1993 onwards. Short-toed Eagle Circaetus ga llicus 3,5,2 4 August (p robabl y ea rl ier) to 15 A ugust, two, one until 29 August, Hoge Ve luwe, Ede, Gelderl and, photograph ed, v ideoed (H J P Derks, A Vin k et al; Birding Wo rl d 9: 301, 1996; Dutch Bird ing 18: 209, plate 200, 2 13, plate 205, 1996). Thi s is the first reco rd of long-staying individuals . A ll ea rl ier reco rd s referred to dyin g or dead birds or bird s flyin g past. Th ese two birds were first m isidentified as Common Buzzard s Buteo buteo or Ospreys Pandion haliaetus by severa l birders, because two Short-toeds together were cons idered too unlikely ! A lthough exchange of prey between th e two bi rds has been recorded, the re was no reason to bel ieve th at th ey were breeding. little Crake Porzana parva -,6,1 15-27 June, Hard erbroek, Zeewolde, Flevo land , singin g male, sound-reco rded (H Zevenhui ze n, N va n Duivendijk). .

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996

110 Collared Pratincole / Vorkstaa rtpl evier G /areola pratincola, Lepelaarsplassen , Flevoland, 1 June 1996 (Marc Guyt) 111 White-rumped Sandp iper / Bonapartes Strandloper Ca lidris fuscico /lis, adu lt, Wagejot, Texel , NoordHolland, 13 August 1996 (Ruud E Brouwer) 112 Pectoral Sandpiper / Gestreepte Strand loper Ca lidris melanotos, juvenile, Julianadorp, Noord-Holl and, 28 September 1996 (Arno ud B van den Berg) 113 Great Bustard / Grote Trap Otis tarda, Ro lde, Drenthe, January 1996 (patriek Palmen) Baillon's Crake Porzana pusi/la -, 17, 1 2 1-23 June, Singraven , Oenekamp, Gelderland, sing-

ing, sound-recorded (0 de Bruijn , P Knoli e, C Derks). 1995 11 May to 13 June, Kleimeer, Langedijk, NoordHolland; sin gin g, so und -recorded (M Platteeuw, R E Brouwer, F Voge lzang); 3 to at least 7 July, Oude Waal, Nijmegen, Gelderland, male, sound-recorded (0 van Hoorn , E A W Ernens). 1994 20-25 May, De H amert, Bergen, Limburg, male, sound-recorded (H A lards) . The first date of the 1995 record at N ijmegen was previously published as 4 July (cf Dutch Birding 19:

1995 29 December to 2 January, Den Hoorn , Texel, Noord- Holland, male. The 1995 record already was included in the 1995 report. Most reco rds were in late winter, and the majority of those sexed were males.

102, 1997).

Great Bustard Otis tarda -,65,1 13 January to 9 March, Rolde, Drenthe, ma le, photographed, videoed (R Di ll erop, A Derks; Dutch Birding 18: 46, plate 38, 98, plate 91, 1996). After a number of blank years from 1988 to 1993, this is the second recent year in which this species turn ed up.

Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax -,7,1 19-27 March, Westerschouwen, Zee land, male, photographed, videoed (mr van Li enden va n Zandenburg et al; D utch Birdin g 18: 101 , plate 94).

Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus -, 16,2 30 March to 1 April, Westenschouwen, Westerschouwen, Zeeland, photographed, videoed (M Berlijn et al; Dutch Birding 18: 101 , plate 97, 1996); 11 July to 20


Rare birds in th e Neth erlands in 1996 A ugust, M o kbaa i, Texel, Noord- Ho ll and, ph otograph ed (A B va n den Berg). Th e bird at W estensc houwe n was wea rin g a red rin g; it was co lo ur-rin ged in En gland. Collared Pratincole Clareola pratincola 5,5, 1 29 M ay to 2 Jun e, 14-1 6 June and 7-11 Jul y, Lepelaa rspi assen, A lmere, Fl evol and, ph otograph ed, v ideoed (H S Li chtenbeld, K A M auer; Du tc h Birding 18: 140, pl ate 148, 1996) . Thi s indi v idu al co uld be recog ni zed by o ne broken tail strea mer and w as poss ibly also see n in En gland. Black-winged Pratincole C lareola nordmanni 12, 10,1 10 August, Lauwersmee r, Oe Marne, G ronin gen (E Klunder, R Romijn) and 11 August, Bandpo lder, Dongeradeel, Fri es land, ad ult summer, photographed, videoed U de Jong, H A Di ephui s et al ). Thi s is the first reco rd sin ce 1988. M ost indi v idu als we re reco rded in August (11 ) and September (4); oth ers we re in M ay (3), June (3) and November (2) . Collared / Black-winged Pratincole C lareola pra tincola / nordmanni 3,3, 1 1990 15 September, Itteren, Maastricht, Limburg UWouters, P Wou te rs, KLemm ens) . CD NA co uld not ag ree w ith th e bird 's identificati o n as Co ll ared Pratin col e C pra tincola based on ca ll s. Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenau/tii 1,4,1 3 1 Jul y to 2 August, De Coc ksdo rp, Texel, Noo rd-H o lland, female, photog raphed (A Wassink, E Bos, R E Brouwer; Birding W o rld 9 : 300, 1996; Dutch Birdin g 18: 20 3, pl ate 206, 1996) . This bird belon ged to o ne of th e large-bi li ed subspec ies leschenau/tii o r crassirostris. American Golden Plover Plu vialis dominicus 1,6, 1 3-5 O ctober, Aagtekerke, Mariekerke, Zee land, adult (T Koppej an, K Kuijpers) . Th ere are now two record s fro m M ay, fo ur from October and tw o from November. Pacific Golden Plover Plu via lis fu/va 9,6,2 26 Jul y to 4 Au gust, De Putten, Schoor!, Noord-H o lland, adult, probabl y male, summer plum age, ph otograph ed, v ideoed U J F J Janse n, J M uld er; Dutch Birdin g 18 : 208, plate 198, 219, pl ate 218, 1996); 3-11 A ugust, Bandpolder, Dongeradeel, Fri es land, adult summer mo ultin g into w inter plum age, photog raph ed (M Berlijn , L J R Boo n). 199 4 21-27 Jul y, Bakkersdam, Petten, Zijpe, Noord Ho ll and, adult summer, photograp hed (L J A Edelaa r, R V Iek; Ebe ls 199 4a) . Th e 1994 record has bee n extended w ith o ne dav (cf Dutch Birdin g 18 : 111 , 1996). Poss ibl y, it was the sa me indi vidu al as at nea rby De Putten in 1996 . With th e first field reco rd of ' Iesse r golden pl ove r' P dominicus / fu/va as recent as 1989, it is quite remarkabl e th at w ithin seve n yea rs th e total (includin g those not specifi ca ll y id entifi ed) now stand s at 1 7.


Sociable Lapwing Va nel/us gregarius 12, 17,2 3- 14 April, Lopik, Utrecht, ad ult summer, ph otog raphed, videoed (A Boe ie, M Berlijn ; Du tch Birdi ng 18: 95, pl ate 88, 98, pl ate 90 & 92, 1996); 18-20 M ay, Le usden, Utrec ht (K de Vri es, E B Ebels, A B va n den Berg) and 12 Jun e-26 Jul y, Benn eko mmer Meent, Veenen daa l, Utrec ht, ad ult, p hotog raph ed (B va n Do rt, W M Wi ega nt) . A b ird at Swa lmen, Asse lt, Noord-B ra bant, o n 17-1 8 Ap ril , has o nl y rece ntl y bee n subm itted. Semipalmated Sandpiper Ca lidris pusil/a 0, 1,1 18- 19 Jul y, Lepe laa rspl asse n, Almere, Fl evo land, ad ult, p hotographed (M Berlijn ; Berlijn 1997; Dutc h Bird in g 18 : 215, pl ate 211 , 19 : 185-1 87, pl ate 195, 1997). Th e seco nd reco rd and the f irst to be documented ph otog raphi ca ll y. Th e mu ch debated first record in Fl evo land on 12-1 3 June 1989 (va n der Veen 199 1, cf va n der Laa n 1992, Scharringa & W ass ink 199 2) has bee n reconsidered and remain s accepted. Red-necked Stint Ca lidris ruficol/is 0,1,1 25 Jul y, M o kbaa i, Texel, Noord-H o ll and, adult (A Wassink, E Sandberg). Thi s seco nd reco rd , after the first o n 29 M ay 1987 at Lauwe rsmeer, G ro nin gen, was cl ose to bein g rejected (fo r in stance, sin ce Sa nderlin g Ca lidris alba mi ght be in vo lved) until co nvin cing field sketches emerged . White-rumped Sandpiper Ca lidris fuscicol/is 1,1,3 13 A ugust, Wagejot, Texel, Noord -Holl and, ad ult, moultin g from summer to w inter plum age, ph otographed (A W ass in k et al; Dutch Birdin g 18 : 215, pl ate 212213, 1996); 18 Au gust, Ballum, Ameland, Fri es land, adult (R F J va n Beusekom ); 7 September, De Coc ksdorp, Texel, Noord-H o ll and, adul t, moulting from summer to w inter plum age (A W ass ink). Acco rdin g to th e o bse rver w ho di scove red both bird s, th e two Texe l reco rd s refer to d ifferent indi vid uais. Th e (o nl y) previous records we re at Ijmuiden, Noord-H o ll and, in Octobe r 1977 and at Ho lwe rd , Fri es land, in A ugust 199 4. Pectoral Sandpiper Ca lidris melanotos 9,64,2 1 September, Stichtse Putten, Zeewolde, Fl evo land, ju ve nil e (R F J va n Beuse kom); 28 September to 2 Octo ber, Juli anado rp, Oen Helder, Noord-Ho ll and, juve nil e, photog raph ed, v ideoed U M W alh o ut, T 0 V M uu sse) . 1995 31 Jul y to 3 A ugust, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Gro ningen, adult (E J Boekema, A de Bruin). 1990 19-2 0 May, Lauwe rsmeer, Oe Marne, Gronin gen, adult, photogra ph ed (E J Boekema, A de Bruin ). Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola fa lcinel/us 23,50,7 16- 17 May, Broekhuizen, Li mburg, si x, photographed (A Ovaa, J J F J Jansen); 16-22 May, Starrevaa rt, Leidschenda m , Z ui d-H o ll and, ph otog rap hed (M Ve rdoes, B D va n der Burg, M va n Duin et al). 1964 22 A ugust, G roote Pee l, Asten, Noord-Brabant, filmed (P H Kemp).

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996

114 Pacific Gold en Plover / Az iatisc he Goudplevier P/uvia /is fu/va, De Putten, Schoorl, Noord-H oll and, 26 Jul y 1996 (A rnoud B van den Berg) 115 Great Sn ipe / Poelsn ip Ga llinago media, juven il e, West aan Zee, Terschelling, Fries land, 27 August 1996 (Hans Gebu is)

15 1

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 There have been several records of more than two individuals are rather scarce. Groups of three were recorded at Lauwersmeer, Groningen, in 1987 and 1988; in Flevoland, groups of three (1973), five (1971) and eight (1984) we re reco rded. Th e 1964 record was rejected during the revision of the Dutch li st (van Ijzendoorn et al 1996). However, after exam in ation of the orig in al fi lm which emerged recently, it has aga in been accepted. Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis 3,6,1 18 May, Oud-Sabbinge, Veerse Meer, Goes, Zee land, adu lt, photographed, v ideoed (P L Mein in ger, P A Wolf). This is on ly the third spr in g record. The others were in May 1986 and in June 1993. Great Snipe Ga llinago media -,11,4 23-28 August, West aan Zee, Terschelling, Friesland, juvenile, photographed (N J Dingemanse et al; Dutch Bird ing 18: 219, plate 219, 1996, Birding World 9: 359, 1996); 23 -24 September, Kelderhuispolder, Texel, juvenile (A Vi nk, J M Walho ut et al); 6- 13 October, Noordoosthoek, Vlieland, Friesland (P M A van der Wielen et al); 24-25 October, Broekhuizen, Limburg, ju ven il e (J J F J Jansen). Four records in o ne year co nstitute the highest total since this species was cons id ered from 1977 onwards. Previous yea rs w ith multiple records we re 1980 (2), 1984 (2) and 1994 (2). Long-billed Dowiteher Limnodromus scolopaceus 0,11 ,2 12 June, Krammerse Slikken, O ud e Tonge, Oostflakkee, Zu id-H o ll and, adu lt sum mer, photographed (P L Meininger, P A Wo lf); 11-1 3 A ugust, Workumerwaard , N ijefurd, Friesland, adult summer, photographed U Bisschop et al; Dutch Bi rdin g 18: 2 17, plate 214, 1996) . 1995 6-10 May, Molenplaat, Bergen op Zoom, NoordBrabant, adu lt summe r (J W Vergeer, J M Wa lh out). With a f irst record in 1983, thi s spec ies has now been recorded an nu all y sin ce 1986, with the exception of 1993. A ll records are from May to August, apart from one in November 1989 and one in January 1990. Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris 8,0,0 1896 September, Can isv li et, Sas van Gent, Zeeland, adu lt, shot, sk in retained at Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voo r Natuurwetenschappen, Brussel, Belgium (De Smet 1997; Dutch Birdin g 19: 231, plate 235, 1997). Investigations by a member of the Belgian rariti es com mittee revea led that this indi vidua l has been shot on Dutch ground. It becomes the th ird of a tota l of eight records of this highly endangered spec ies, the last dating from 1947. Th e cha nce th at th is former rare w inter vis itor, with records in September, November, December (2), January (3) and February, w ill be recorded ever again may be cons idered practically nil , although one reported in England in May 1998 (C leeves 1998) raises hope.


Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 1990 3-8 May, Stevensweert, Maasbracht, Limburg (W Helmer, S Wo ldh ek). This spec ies is no longer co nsid ered from 1 Jan uary 19930nwards. Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 1, 11 ,1 3 May, Buggenum , Haelen, Limburg, ad ult sum mer, photographed (D Meeuwissen, I Meeuwissen, M Berlijn). 1993 16 August, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zu id- Ho ll and, adu lt summer (T 0 V Mu usse). Interestin gly, the individual at Buggenum was at the same location as one in May 1988. There are now 13 records, eight of w hi ch were in May, with the remainder in June-September. Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis 0,4,1 1 Ap ril , Woerden, Zuid-Ho ll and, second-summe r, photographed (D Kok; Dutch Birding 18: 149, plate 159,1996). With so many reco rd s on the Atlantic coast from Morocco 10 Norway, one may wonder how many are overl ooked.

* Baltie Gull Larus fuscus 0,1 ,0 1992 18 October, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adu lt, photographed (R 0 Winters). The CDNA agrees w ith the conclus ions reached in the recent review of Dutch records of thi s taxon (Hoogendoorn & va n Scheepen 1998). Therefore, all previous records, w hi ch all referred to ringing recoveries, have been rejected. Thi s impli es that the above record constitutes the first of this species. A lth ough the spec ies is likely to be not as rare as its current statu s may suggest, it is bevond doubt hard to identi fy. The combination of a mantie as black as th at of Great Black-backed Gull L marinus, preferably seen in direct comparison with both G reat and Lesser Black-backed Gu ll s L graellsii, the v irtu al absence of dark head markin gs in winter plumage, a mou lt timing different from Lesser Black-backed, and a sma ll er and thinner bill all are useful identification pointers.

Pontie Gull Larus cachinnans cachinnans 0,8,0 1989 4 March, Deventer, Overij sse l, two, adu lt (G Groot Koerkamp); 25 March, Deventer, Overij sse l, subad ult (G Groot Koerkamp); 19 September, Zutphen, Gelderland (G Groot Koerkamp); 2 October, Zutphen, Geld erl and (G Groot Koerkamp); 29 October, Deventer, Overij sse l (G Groot Koerkamp). 1988 19 September to 16 Novem be r, Zutphen and Voorst, Geld erl and, photographed (G Groot Koerkamp, E B Ebels et al; Groot Koerkamp & Ebels 1997; Dutch Birding 19: 282, plate 291-293,1997). This series of old records by a sin gle obse rver indicates that this spec ies must be much commoner than the low numbers of accepted records suggests. A number of recently subm itted reports from Twente, Overij sse l, are st ill under cons id eration. The 1988 and 1989 records precede the on ly previously accepted

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996 reco rd at Gelderm alsen, Gelderland, on 11 December 1991 (Ebels et al 1996). Iceland Gull Larus g laucoides -,60,2 12- 14 January, Arcen, Arcen en Ve lden, Limburg (J J F J Janse n, T Cuypers); 18 Feb ru ary, De Putten, Schoor/, Noord -Ho ll and, first-w inter (R E Brouwer). 1995 22 January, Stevensweert, Maasbra cht, Limburg, second-yea r (J J F J Jansen, T Cuypers). 1992 15 January to 4 Ap ril , Scheveningen, Oen Ha ag, Zu id-Ho ll and, first- or second-winter, photographed U Regeer, G van der Bent, M Berlijn ; Dutch Bird in g 14: 66, p late 64-65); 5-7 March an d 16 May, Katw ij k aa n Zee, Katwijk, sècond-w inter, photograp hed (K J Ei genhuis, R va n Rossum). 1984 8-20 Apri l, Ijmui den, Velsen, Zu id- Ho ll and, firstw inter (A B va n den Berg, H Schouten; Voge lj aarkalender 1986: 4) . The two records from 1992 we re publi shed earlier, but now the dates have been extended. Th e 1984 reco rd refl ects a gradual change in policy of the CDNA; it is now quite co mmon for th e CDNA to accept photographi ca ll y documented reco rd s whic h have never been offic iall y su bmitted. Forme rl y, it was the policy of CDNA th at reco rd s should be submitted, if th ey were to be accepted. Th e relief of thi s policy puts documentation of records in a more important p lace th an th eir fo rm al submi ss ion. However, in cases of spec ies difficult to identi fy or of ve ry rare spec ies, CDNA may require more documentation fo r its co nsideration than a single publi shed photograph . Whiskered Tern Chlidonias h ybridus 1995 3-4 May, Braakman, Terneuzen, Zee land, two, adu lt summer, photograp hed (A Kind , A W ieland). 1985 30 June, Ijzendoorn, Echteld, Gelderl and, ad ul t summer (H J P Derks, J Scharri nga). 1983 28 April to 6 May, v loe ive lden Suikeruni e, Groningen, Groningen, adult summer (E J Boekema) . Thi s spec ies is no longer considered from 1 Janu ary 1996 onwards. Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle -,33,2 29 August, Sch iermonnikoog, Fries land, first-summ er moulting to second-w inter (N va n D ui ve ndijk); 24 September, Westers lag, Texel, Noord-Holl and, adult w inter (K H Scholten, R Hofkamp, S Luin enburg). 1994 31 August, Oost-VI ieland, Vlieland , Fri esland, ad ul t summer (W va n der Waal). 1993 26 September, Egmond aa n Zee, Egmond, NoordHoll and, adu lt w inter (R A va n Sp lunder); 26 October, Egmond aan Zee, Egmond, Noord-Ho ll and, probabl y ad ult wi nter (R A va n Splunder). 1951 25 December, De Hors, Texel, Noord-Ho ll and, ad ul t w inter, found dead, skin reta ined by mu seum EcoMa re, Texel, Noord-Holl and (G J de H aan, A Oosterbaan). Th e September 1993 record is co nsidered to refer to the sa me bird already record ed on th e sa me date furthe r north off Noord-Holl and, at Camperdu in (cf Wi egant et al 1995) .

Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator g landarius 7,9,0 1954 12 A ugust, Hijum, Ferweradeel, Fri es land, firstsummer fema le, found dead, photographed, ski n reta ined by Fri es Natuurhi stori sch M useum, Leeuwarden, Fri es land (va n der Ploeg et al 1977) . A photograph of the mounted spec imen was publ ished in a book on the bird s of Fri esland but was neve r offic iall y submitted. Eagle Owl Bubo bubo 1,4,2 3 March to 26 Ap ril , Cad ier en Keer, Margraten, Limburg, male, photograph ed, videoed, so und-recorded (J J F J Janse n, P Palmen, F Bos; Palmen & Jansen 1996; Dutch Birdin g 18 : 146, plate 154, 1996); " October, Rogge l, Roggel en Neer, Li mburg, photographed (m rs Sch ra; Dutch Bi rd ing 19: 35, plate 36, 1997). Snowy Owl Nyctea sca ndiaca 7,5,0 1992 8-9 April , Ameland, Fri es land, first-yea r fema le, photographed (Vers lu ys et al 1997). Thi s record is co nsidered to refer to the same bird th at was recorded on Schiermonnikoog, Fries land, on 28 June 1992. Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus -,5,0 1993 c 14 Octobe r, Zwo lle, Overij sse l, found dead after crash aga in st sc hool w indow, sk in reta ined by Natuu rmuseum West-Ove rij sse l, Zwo ll e, O ve rij sse l (D Tuitert, T C M Kemperman). Too sad thi s hi ghl y so ught-after species was fou nd dead. There have been no reco rd s of li ve bird s since 1987.

* White-throated Needletail Swift Hirundapus ca udac utus 0,0, 1 22 May, Middelburg and Veere, Zee land (E Sanders, S Lilipaly, P A Wo lf; Sanders et al 1996, 1998). Th e first record of this extreme rari ty. No photograph s we re taken, but the bird was di scovered independently by two (g roups of) observe rs. It was re located about 10 km north of th e p lace of di scovery, not to be found aga in by some 50 wo uld-be observers. Alpine Swift Apus melba 7, 18, 1 23 May, Molenpl aat, Bergen op Zoom, Noord-B rabant (J J Blankert). 1995 27 May, Velsen-Noord, Velsen, Noord-H o ll and (D J Moerbeek). The b ird at Molenpla at was di scove red as a co nsolation prize by a birder desperately seeking for th e White-throated Need letail Swift Hirundapus caudacutus seen th e day before at Midde lburg and Vee re, Zee land. Middle Spotted Woodpecker o endrocopos medius -,7,4 28 Janu ary to 9 February, Vijlenerbos, Wittem, Li mburg, photographed, videoed (J J F J Jansen, P Palmen; Janse n & Palmen 1996; Dutch Birding 18: 101 , pl ate 95, 1996); 14 December to 8 February 1997, Heeze, Noord-B rabant, ad ult, photographed (R G Bouwman et al; Birdin g Wo rl d 10: 9, 1997; D utch Bird ing 19 : 42 ,


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996 plate 41-42, 1997); 22 December, Vi jl enerbos, Wittem, Limburg, photographed (K Lemmens; Dutch Birding 19 : 43, plate 43, 1997); 25-26 December, Ter Ape l, Vlagtwedde, Groningen, photographed (E-J A lbl as, H A Diephui s; Dutch Birding 19: 43, plate 44, 1997). After long years with very few records, a sudden in crease in numbers became apparent, indicating a possible return to its former status as an (al most) regular, but rare, breeding bi rd.

Short-toed lark Ca landrella brachydactyla 3,16,0 1995 28-29 October, Dintelhaven, Rotterdam, ZuidHo ll and, photographed (G De Smet). This indi vidu al was killed by a Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor whi le be in g watc hed by bird ers. A lthoug h see n by many, it lasted for almost two yea rs before it was subm itted.

Jun e, Twiske, Oostzaan, Noord-Holl and, sing in g, soundrecorded (E Groenewoud) . 1993 22 May to 6 June, Ruigoord , Amsterdam, NoordHo ll and, sin gin g, soun d-recorded (H Groot, F GSM H ieselaar). The 1993 record origina ll y was published for 22-24 May (cf Wiegant et al 1995).

Red-spotted Bluethroat Luscinia svecica svecica -,29 ,2 19 May, Oost-Vli eland, Vlieland, Friesland, male (E G roe newoud); 22 May, Uithu ize rm eeden, Eemsmond, Groni ngen, male, photograp hed (P H W ij k). 1985 13 May, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, ma le (E Klunder, K Koffijberg). 1980 27 May, Schiermonnikoog, Fri es land, male (J Scharri nga). A ll post-1980 records fall with in the period 10-29 May, except for o ne on 1 May and o ne on 1 June.


Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica 2,26 ,3 18 Ap ril , Wageningen, Gelderland (M Soes); 24-25 April, Terschelling, Fri es land, photograp hed (T Bakker, A Ouwerkerk, T Hek; Dutch Birding 18: 146, plate 155, 1996); 1 May, Breskens, Oostburg, Zeeland U W Wierda). 1995 2 May, Den Treek, Amersfoort/Leusden, Utrecht (E Lindhout). There are now five indi v idu als from Ap ril , 17 from May, two from September and seven from October.

Blyth's Pi pit Anthus godlewskii 0,1,1 25-28 October, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed, v ideoed, sound-recorded (M Plomp, PC Meij er, M Berlijn et al; Plomp & Meijer 1996, Berlijn et al 1997; Dutch Birding 18: 283, plate 275, 284, plate 278, 335, plate 324, 1996, 19: 178, plate 186-1 89, 1997). O nl y the second record, and the first field observati on. The first record co ncerned a bird trapped on 13 November 1983 at Westenschouwen, Zeeland. The identification process was quite typical in the sense th at, initi all y, observe rs cou ld not dec ide whether this late and large pipit was a Richard 's Pipit A richardi o r a Tawny Pi pit A campestris, until the co rrect identification was clinched. Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola 0,5,2 7 Jun e, Berkheide, Katwijk/Wassenaar, Zuid-Ho ll and, male, photographed (K D Dijkstra, R van Rossum; Dutch Birding 18 : 140, plate 151 , 1996); 25 August to 1 September, Stichtse Putten, Zeewolde, Flevoland, adu lt (R F J va n Beusekom). The slow but apparently steady westerl y progress of the breeding range of this species is perhaps reflected by the fact that, for the first time, two were recorded in o ne yea r.

Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia 7,27,3 28-29 May, Berkenplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, si ngin g, sound- recorded (R Keizer); possibly 25 May and 6- 12 June, Westerplas, Schiermonnikoog, Fri esland, singi ng, sound- recorded (R Keizer); 29 May-2


Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maura 9,14,5 3 October, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland , firstw inter female, photographed (N van Duivendijk); 1216 October, Oen Helder, Noord-H o ll and, first-winter male, photographed (R E Brouwer; Dutch Birding 18: 335, plate 321); 14-16 October, Petten, Zijpe, NoordHo ll and, first-w in ter female, photographed (R E Brouwe r); 17 October, De Koog, Texel, Noord-H olland, first-year male (T M va n der H ave, R E van der V li et); 18-20 October, Cadzand-Bad, Oostburg, Zeelan d, photographed (E N ieuwstraten ). 1995 4 October, Campi ng Stortemelk, Vlieland, Friesland, first-winter, probably male, photographed (W A va n Splunder, R A van Splunder) Thi s is the seco nd-best year for thi s spec ies. In 1977, six we re reco rd ed, amo ng w hi ch twice two together.

• Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina 0,0,1 21 October to 8 November, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid- Ho ll and, first-winter, photographed, vid eoed (J W Maas, W J M Dijksman; Maas & Dijksman 1996, Dijksman & Maas 1997; Birding World 9: 399, 1996, 10: 29, 1997; Dutch Birding 18: 284, plate 276, 333, p late 316, 1996, 19: 161, plate 167, 183, plate 190193, 184, plate 193-194, 1997). Thi s bird needed a real 'second look' before the observers realized th at it indeed was an Isabe lline and not a pale Northern Wheatear Ooenanthe. It stayed in the same area and in the same period as a Blyth 's Pi pit Anthus godlewskii. Th e bird was very popular and became less and le5s shy during its stay; apparently, it had lea rnt th at hu mans carry ing telescopes wi ll retreat upon approac h!

Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka 0,4,1 17 November, Stroe, Wieringen, Noord-Holl and, fi rstw inter male, photographed (P van Franeker, R E Brouwer; Bird in g World 9: 464, 1996; Dutch Birding 18: 335, plate 319, 1996). This is the latest record; othe r records we re in May and October (3 ).

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996

116 Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterb lauwbo rst Luscinia svecica svecica, Uithu izermeeden, Groningen, 22 May 1996 (Piet H Wijk)

117 Citrine Wagta il / Citroenkw ikstaart Motacil/a citreola, ma le, Berkheide, Zuid-Holl and, 7 Ju ne 1996 (RenĂŠ van Rossum)

Western Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica 3,1,1 2-4 Ju ne, Aagtekerke, Mariekerke, Zee land, first-summer male, photographed, videoed (M Klootwijk, S Lilipa ly et al; Klootwijk & Kuypers 1996; Birding World 9 : 215, 1996; Dutch Birding 18: 140, plate 149, 154, plate 168, 1996). There are now five reco rd s, datin g from 1937, 1970, 1975, 1982 and 1996. The c 100 birders search in g in va in on 2 Ju ne fo r the nearby Steller's Eider Polysticta stel/eri had little distance to trave l to tw itch this bird. A police man show ing up brought some pan ic to many w ho had pa rked their ca r inco rrectl y along the road but th e man wanted to see the bird and had had no time to change hi s uniform .

one in 1977 (van Ijzendoorn et al 1996). The first was at Groningen, Groningen, from 31 March to 3 April 1981, and the second on Sch iermonnikoog, Friesland, on 9 October 1982.

Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti 1,3,2 30 October to 12 November, Grafelijkheidsduinen, Den Helder, Noord-Ho ll and, adu lt ma le, photographed, v ideoed (H W ij nja, M Wijnja, M Renden; Birding Wo rl d 9: 464, 1996; Dutch Birding 18 : 268, p late 254, 334, p late 317-3 18, 1996); 14-24 December, Westernieland, De Marne, Groningen, first-winter male, photographed (A Zahavi, T Groothuis et al; Dutch Birding 19: 45, plate 49,1997) . Except for one spr ing record in Ap ril 1989, all records co nce rn occurrences from October to Decembe r. Black-throated Thrush Turdus ruficol/is atrogularis 0,2,1 4 Jan uary to 20 March, Den Helder, Noord-Ho ll and, first-w inter fema le, photographed, videoed (N H Harder, R A C Halff; Brouwer et al 1996, 1997, Barthel 1998; Bird ing Worl d 9: 12, 1996, 10: 30, 1997; Br Birds 89: 265, plate 11 3- 114, 1996; Dutch Birding 18: 43, plate 28, 103, plate 100, 1996, 19: 270, plate 278280,27 1, plate 281,1997; Limi co la 12: 44,1998). This bird was found in a tiny garden during a co ld spel I. It was on ly the th ird record after rejection of the

Cetti's Warbier Cettia cetti -,42,1 22 August to 6 October, Haagse Waterle idingduinen, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holl and, so und-reco rd ed (A Remeeus). 1995 16 October, Ouddorp, Goedereede, Zu idHo lland (P A Wo lf). A bird see n an d heard on V lieland, Fri es land, on 28 September and trapped on 4, 11 and 17 October has not yet been submitted. Thi s species has become very rare from 32 indi vidu als (26 records) during 1980-83 down to an average of less than one record per yea r since 1984. Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis -,34,1 19-26 Jul y, Fochterl ooĂŤrveen, Norg, Drenthe, male, photographed (R Hov in ga, S W itvoet, H Feenstra) . 1995 23-24 September, Kroonspo lders, Vlieland, Friesland, max imum of six (R Schol s). Records away from th e alm ost regular sites in Zeeuws-V laanderen, Zee land, are ve ry rare. River Warbier Locustel/a fluviatilis 7, 19,3 21-31 May and 24 Jul y, Sint Janskl ooster, Brederwiede, Overij sse l, singing, sound-recorded (R Messemaker); 2- 12 June, N uenen, Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten, Noord-Brabant, singing, sound-recorded, v ideoed (R Buij); 4-8 June, Kerkrade, Limburg, sin gi ng, photographed (N W Schaafstra). From 31 May to 20 June 1995, asinging bird was reported at exactly the same loca li ty at Si nt Jansklooster, but not yet accepted. Melodious Warbier Hippolais polyglotta 2, 16,2 25 May to 28 June, W ijlre, Gulpen, Limburg, two, breeding, photographed, v ideoed, sound-recorded (R Gold-


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996

118 Siberian Stonechat/ Aziatische Roodborsttapuit Saxico/a maura, first-winter male, Den Helder, Noord-H o ll and, 12 October 1996 (Ruud E Brouwer) 119 Desert Wheatear / Woestijntapuit Oenanthe deserti, first-winter ma le, Westerni eland, Groningen, 23 December 1996 (Leo J R Boon/Cursorius)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996

120 Western Black-eared Wh eater / W estelijke Blonde Tapuit Oenanthe hispanica, first-summer male, Aagtekerke, Zeeland, 4 June 1996 (RenĂŠ Pop) 121 Desert Wh eatea r / Woestijntapuit Oenanthe deserti, adult male, Den Helder, Noord-Holl and, 8 Nove mber

1996 (Diederik Kok)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 bach, M Berlijn; Dutch Birding 18: 149, plate 160, 1996; Limburgse Voge ls 8: 71, 1997). 1993 14-27 June, Ankeveen , 's-Graveland, Noord-H o lland, male, sin ging, sound-recorded (W J R de Wijs). The 1993 record was already published for 14-26 June. The Gu lpen b ird s concerned the second breeding record for the Netherl ands; the first was in 1990 in Flevoland. Paddyfield Warbier Acrocephalus agricola 1,6, 1 27 August, Makkumer Zu idwaard , Wûnseradiel, Friesland, trapped, photographed (Vrs Menork, W Bil, K A va n Eerde, J Taal ; Dutch Birdi ng 18: 274, p late 26 1, 1996). Four out of a total of eight reco rd s refer to birds trapped along the Ij sse lmeer coast of Friesland. The onl y field record, on Vlieland, Friesland, in September 1994 (van der Veen & Ebels 1996), is currently under review. Blyth's Reed Warbier Acrocephalus dumetorum 0,1,1 20 June to 1 Jul y, Walem, Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, singing male, photographed, videoed, sou ndrecorded (J-E Kikkert, M Berlijn et al; Kikkert 1996, 1997; Birding World 9: 260, 1996, 10: 32, 1997; Br Birds 90: 91, plate 4, 1997; Dutch Birding 18: 154, plate 167, 213, plate 207, 1996, 19: 274, plate 282 -285, 1997). Thi s was (on ly) the second reco rd and the first field record, givin g many birders an excell ent oppo rtunity to become acquainted w ith this difficult spec ies . Booted Warbier Acrocephalus ca ligatus 0,6,2 31 August to 1 September, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, ZuidHo ll and, photographed, videoed (H Zevenhu izen et al; Dutch Birdi·ng 18: 273, plate 257, 1996); 9- 11 September, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, photographed, v ideoed (B D van der Burg, C Zuyderduyn et al; Dutch Birding 18: 274, plate 262-263, 1996). The 1996 records were unusually ea rl y; all previous records we re between 19 September and 11 October. Subalpine Warbier Sylvia cantillans 5,24,2 21 May, Rottumerplaat, Eemsmond, Gron in gen, male, photographed (G Kasemier, D Lutterop); 22 May, Rottumeroog, Eemsmond, Gron in gen, female, photographed (K va n Dijken, E Koopman; Dutch Bi rdin g 18: 146, plate 156, 1996). 1983 25 Apri l, Vrakelberg, Voerendaal, Limburg, male, photographed (F Schepers). The 1983 record add s a remarkable inl and location to that yea r's influ x of a total of six indi v idu als, a num ber still unsurpassed. Sardinian Warbier Sylvia melanocephala 0,7,0 1995 12 November to 29 December, Egmond-Binnen, Egmond, Noord- Ho ll and, male, photographed, soundrecorded (W van der Waal et al). There were two ea rl ier late autumn and w inter records, also of long-stayin g birds (Amsterdam, NoordHo ll and, 14 December 1980 to 22 February 1981 and Lauwersoog, Groningen, 30 October to 22 November 1993); the remaining records we re in Apri l and May. A


bird trapped at Mokkebank, N ij efurd, Friesland, on 24 April 1996 has not vet been submitted (cf Dutch Bi rdin g 18: 148, 1996). Greenish Warbier Phylloscopus trochiloides 6,9,6 23 May, Rottumeroog, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed (K van Dijken); 25 June, Rottumeroog, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed, sound-recorded (K van Dijken, E Koopman; Dutch Birding 18 : 215, plate 209, 1996); 15-16 August, Rottumeroog, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed (K van Dijken, E Koopman); 30 August to 1 September, Neeltje Jans, Veere, Zeeland, first-year, photographed (M Hoekstein; Dutch Birding 18: 273, plate 256, 1996); 1 September, Neeltje Jans, Veere, Zee land (R E va n der Vliet, A van Kleunen); 9 September, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-H oll and, photographed (A Schaftenaar, H Gebu is). A record year. The tiny islet of Rottumeroog and its warden Koen van Dijken have now been in vo lved in five out of a total of 21 records . This hi gh incidence of a sin gle locat ion and a sin gle observer in records of a spec ies is only matched by Nick van der H am's countless, and uncountable, records of Balearic Shearwater Pu ffinus mauretanicus at Camperduin, Noord-H oll and. Arctic Warbier Phylloscopus borealis 2,6,1 2 October, Oosterend, Terschelling,. Friesland, firstyear, photographed (A O uwerkerk, R E va n der VI iet; Ebels 1996; Dutch Birding 18 : 277, plate 270, 1996). This is only the first field record. It appeared to have ju st arri ved, since it was seen coming in fro m the North Sea during a seab ird watc h. Except for the first, w hi ch was found dead on 2 November 1935, all previous reco rd s were of birds trapped between 9 September and 11 October. Pallas's Leaf Warbier Phylloscopus proregulus 9,59, 19 10 October, Breezanddijk, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, photographed (R E Brouwer, R A C H alff); 14 October, Bloemendaal, Za ndvoort, Noord-Holl and, photographed (Vrs Corneli s van Lennep; Ebels 1996b; Dutch Birdin g 18: 278, plate 272, 1996); 15 October, Breezanddijk, Wûnseradiel, Friesland (J Bisschop); 15 October, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland (J Bisschop, S Bernard us); 15 October, Noordoosthoek, Vlieland, Friesland (J Bisschop, S Bernardus); 15 October, WestTerschelling, Terschelling, Friesland (A Ouwerkerk, T Bakker, H Neuteboom); 22 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holl and (A Wassink); 23 October, Breezandd ijk, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, photographed (W A van Splunder, R A van Splunder); 25 October, OostV lieland, Vlieland, Friesland (N L M Gilissen); 26 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord- Holl and (E Nieuwstraten); 26 October to 10 November, Petten, Zijpe, Noord-Holl and (R E Brouwer, P Spannenburg); 1 November, Se lwe rderhof, Groningen, Gron in gen (A de Bruin); 8 November, H aastrecht, Vlist, Zu id-H o ll and, photographed (C Oskam, M Sch ild wach t); 13 November, Coendersborg, Groningen, Gron in gen (S de Bruin); 16 November, Den Burg, Texel, Noord-Ho ll and (F J Maas, H Brugge, M Brugge); 16 November, Maas-

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996

122 Desert Wheatear / Woestijntapuit Oenanthe deserti, first-winter male, Westernieland, Groningen, December 1996 (Rudy Offereins) 123 Isabelline Wheatear / Izabe ltapuit Oenanthe isabellina, Maasvlakte, Zu id-Holl and, 23 October 1996 (RenĂŠ Pop) 124 Booted Warbier / Kleine Spotvogel Acrocephalus ca liga tus, Katwijk aan Zee, Zuid-Ho lland, 10 September 1996 (H ans Cebuis)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996

125 Melodious Warbier / Orpheusspotvogel Hippo/ais po/yg/otta, Wijlre, Limburg, 30 May 1996 (Roy de Haas) 126 Blyth's Reed Warbier / Struikrietzanger Acrocepha/us dumetorum, Wa lem, Limburg, 24 June 1996 (H ans Cebuis) 127 Aretie Redpoll / Witstuitbarmsijs Cardue/is hornemanni, Groningen, Groningen, 6 February 1996 (Rudy Offereins)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996 v lakte, Rotterdam, Zu id-H oll and, photographed (A Schaftenaar, N L M G ili ssen); 15-19 November, Westkapelle, Zee land , two on 18 November (M Zekhuis); 7 December, Breeza nddijk, W没nseradiel, Friesland (S Bernardus, M Berlijn). 1995 28-29 October, Hargen aan Zee, Schoorl, NoordHolland, sing in g (R E Brouwer); 30 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland (M C Witte, A Wassink). 1988 19 October, Tegelen, Limburg, trapped (P H J Maeghs). The record of the sin gin g individual on 28-29 October 1995 was erroneously dated 23 October in the previous report (Wiegant et al 1997). This year's total eclipses the previou s best year 1989, wh ich had 13 records. Remarkably, one lucky observe r discove red three individuals at three different locat ions on the same day! From 1 January 1997 onwards, reco rd s of thi s species are no longer considered . Hume's Warbier Phylloscopus humei 2, 11 ,0 1995 17 December to 3 January 1996, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (T J C Luijendijk et al; Dutch Birdin g 18: 45 , plate 33, 1996). 1981 18 October, Midsland aan Zee, Terschelling, Friesland, photographed (R Schols, R Foppen). Identifi cation of the 1995 bird was partly based on a so nagram . Th e 1981 record becomes the third. Radde's Warbier Phylloscopus schwarzi 2,4 ,3 11 October, Korverskooi , Texel, Noord-Holl and, trapped, photographed (A Wassink; Dutch Birding 18: 277, plate 269, 1996); 11 October, Noordoosthoek, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (F Ossen dorp, J Scharrin ga et al); 12 October, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Hol land, trapped, photographed (Dutch Birding 18 : 277, plate 268). Three records in one yea r, and more specifica ll y, in two days, is quite excepti onal. Contrary to Dusky Warbier P fuscatus, this spec ies still manages to elude most twitchers who are eager to see it in the field. A sonagram was of great help in identifying the Vli eland b ird w hich, w ithout detailed photographs, wou ld have been hard to get accepted. A bird trapped at Kamperhoek, Dronten, Flevoland, on 3 October has not yet been submitted. Dusky Warbier Phylloscopus fus ca tus 1,18,0 1994 21-22 October, Hargen aan Zee, Schoorl, NoordHolland, photographed (S Lagerveld, W A van Splunder). A trapped bird photographed at Zandvoort, NoordHolland, on 8 October has not yet been submitted (cf Dutch Birding 18: 277, plate 271, 1996). Western Bonelli's Warbier Phylloscopus bonelli 5,12, 1 31 August, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-H o ll and (A Wassink, H Prinsen, M C Witte) . 1995 6 May, Esserveld , Groningen, Groningen, photographed, sound-recorded (S de Bruin). 1994 10-20 August, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland (T 0 V Muusse).

1991 21 September to 14 October, Kornwerderzand, W没nseradiel, Fri es land, trapped, photograph ed (J Bisschop). The 1991 record was prev iously publi shed for 14 October on ly (va n den Berg et al 1993). Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita tristis 0,6,0 1995 2 November, Groen e Glop, Schiermonnikoog, Fri es land, first-year, trapped (B N ij eboer, A Meenink, K Kraa ij eveld). 1985 26 October, Spaubeek, Beek, Limburg, singing, sound -recorded (R Schols). Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis 23,2,2 16-19 May, Lange Paal , Vlieland, Friesland, first-summer mal e, photograph ed, videoed (W van der Waal , G va n Duin, M Berlijn et al; van der Waal 1996; Birding World 9: 175, 1996; Dutch Birding 18: 146, pl ate 157, 1996); 12-14 October, Terschelling, Friesland, first-winter mal e, photograph ed (A Ouwerkerk, R van Rossum; Dutch Birding 18 : 335, plate 323, 1996). Th ~ other two post-1980 records also we re in one year, in May 1985. A ll but four previous records we re in May; others were in April (2), July and August. All records refer to males ex cept for a trapped female at Maasv lakte, Zuid-Holland, in May 1985. With the increased knowledge of identification features, one may expect more autu mn records in th e future. Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris 1994 7 October, Lan ge Paal, Vlieland, Friesland, two (E B Ebels, G J ter H aar, G H Steinhaus); 4 November to 5 February 1995, Lauwersoog, De Marne, Groningen, photographed (K va n Dijken). 1975 25-26 December, Domburg, Zee land (C J G Scharringa, J Scharringa). 1972 24-26 December, Overduin, Oostkapell e, Domburg, Zeeland (C J G Scharringa, J Scharrin ga) . The 1972 and 1975 record s have been publish ed in the past for 24 December 1972 at Westkapelle, Zeeland, and for 25 December, respecti ve ly. This spec ies is no longer cons idered from 1 January 1995 onwards . Turkestan / Daurian Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides / speculigerus 0,3,1 8-11 December, Lau wersoog, De Marn e/Dongeradeel, Groningen/Friesland, photographed (P Herkenrath , D G Duff, T Bamberger; de Bruin 1996; Dutch Birding 18: 339, pl ate 327, 1996, 19: 43 , plate 46, 1997). Currently, CDNA in vestigates al l previous records of ' isabelline shrike' L isabellinus/phoenicuroides/speculigerus. It may turn out that both phoenicuroides and speculigerus are invol ved . Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor 21,11,1 8-9 June, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, photographed (C Bennink; Dutch Birding 18: 140, plate 146, 1996). Out of 33 records, 19 we re in May and June, w ith other records in July (5), August (2), September (2), October (4) and even November (1).


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996

128 Myrtle Wa rbier / M irteza nger Oendro ica coronata, male, Oost-V lieland, V lieland, Fries land, 13 October 199 6 (A rn oud B va n den Berg) 129 Red-eyed Vireo / Roodoogv ireo Vireo olivaceus, Lange Paal, V lieland, Fri es land, 6 October 1996 (Hans Cebuis)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996

130 White-crowned Sparrow / Witkruingors

Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys, adult, Spaarndam, Noord-Holl and, January 1982 Uan Kleiberg) Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator senator -,39,4 26 May, Blocq van Kuffeler, Almere, Flevoland, adult fema le (P M A van der Wielen, A PLeegwater); 27 May, Rottumerplaat, Eemsmond, Groningen, male, photographed (G Kazemir, D Lutterop) ; 30 M ay, Texel, Noord-Holland, female, photographed (A Wassink, M C Witte); 11 June, Hoorn, Terschelling, Fri es land, male, photographed (B Koks, T Bakker, G Krottje) . 1993 1 May, Vlieland, Friesland, male, photographed (W va n der Waal). House Crow Corvus splendens 0,3,0 The two individuals at Hoek van Holland, Rotterdam, Zuid-H oll and, remain ed all year (cf Wiegant et al

1997). Rosy Starling Sturnus roseus 21 ,25, 2 14 September to 12 October, Kroonspold ers, Vlieland, Friesl and, adult (P M Gnodde, B de Lange, K de Vries); 3 Nove mber, Bussum, Noord-H oll and, juvenile, found dead, skin retained at Zoรถ logisch Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holl and (T G Prins). 1995 14 September, Vlieland, Friesland, juvenile (L Steijn); 15 October, Petten, Zijpe, Noord-Holl and, adu lt (R E Brouwer, RA C Halff). Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus 0,4,1 3-8 October, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed, videoed (P de Knijff, E B Ebels et al; de Knijff & Ebels 1996, de Knijff 1998; Birding World 9: 400, 1996; Dutch Birding 18: 277, plate 266-267, 337, plate 326, 1996, 20: 12, plate 2, 1998).

Th e first record concerned a window crash at Wormerveer, Zaanstad, Noord-Hol land, on 13 October 1985. Three other records referred to trapped birds: on Rottumerplaat, Eemsmond, Groningen, on 19 October 1985 and on VI ieland on 24 September and 2 October 1991 . With three out of a total of five records, Vlieland is certain ly the location to find this species .

131 Pine Bunting / Witkopgors Emberiza leucocephalos, fema le, Katwijk, Zu id-H oll and, November 1996

(Marc Guyt) Arctic Redpoll Carduelis hornemanni 42 ,3 1,12 13-14 January, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, two (T 0 V Muusse); 19 January, Broekhuizenvorst, Broekhuizen, Limburg UJ F J Jansen); 27 January to 18 March, Lopik, Utrecht, photographed, videoed (M Berlijn; Dutch Birding 18 : 45, plate 34, 1996); 6-7 February, Groningen, Groningen, two, photographed (T Bakker) ; 8 February, Haren, Gronin gen (T Bakker); 8 February, Appe lscha, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland (A McGeehan); 23-24 February, Bergen, Noord-Holland (S Lagerveld; Dutch Birding 18: 104, plate 101 , 1996); 10-22 March, Sneek, Friesland, photographed U Bisschop); 2-3 Apri l, Texel, Noord-Holland (A Wassink); 20 November, Wageningen, Gelderl and (A Schaftenaar). 1995 4 November, Blaricum, Noord-Holl and (R F J va n Beusekom); 11 November, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, trapped, photographed (Vrs Cornelis va n Lennep, F Cottaar); 14-1 5 December, Brouwersdam, Middenschouwen, Zee land (P A Wol f).

* Myrtle Warbier Dendroica coronata 0,0,1 13-15 October, Vlieland, Friesland, male, photographed, videoed, sound-recorded (T M va n der Have, G M L Bulteel et al; van der Have & Deception Tours 1996, va n der Have & Bulteel 1997; Birding World 9: 401, 1996; Dutch Birdin g 18: 283, plate 273-274, 333, plate 315,1996,19: 226, plate 229,227, plate 231-

234, 1997). Th e find in g of this bird, just one week after a Redeyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus on the same island, made birders reali ze th at American landbird s are not beyond im agi nation for the Netherlands. This first reco rd was not the first for the cont inent since one was seen on Utsira, Rogal and, Norway, on 8 October 1996.

* White-crowned

Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys 0,1,0 1981 mid-December to mid-February 1982, Spaarndam, Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude, Noord-Hol-


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 land, adult, photograph ed (J Kleiberg; Kleiberg 1984). Cu riou sly, this reco rd has never officiall y been publish ed in CDNA reports desp ite being publi shed in va n den Berg et al (1990). It has taken some 15 yea rs before thi s omi ss ion was brought to li ght. It is worth wh ile to men tion that the photographs dated from j anu ary 1982, not December 198 1. Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocepha los 15 ,9,6 26 Febru ary to 25 March, O irschot, Noord-Brabant, two, male, photographed, v ideoed (A Mendoza, H Vrolij k, M Berlijn ; Ebels 1996a; Bi rdin g Wor ld 9: 134, 1996; Du tc h Birdin g 18: 101 , plate 96, 1996); 3-1 3 March, Mossel, Ede, Gelderl and, male (B de Bruijn); 14- 15 October, Vlieland, Fri es land, mal e, photog raphed (R A va n Sp lunder, K A Mauer); 24 November, Oirschot, Noord-Brabant, ma le, photographed (A Mendoza, R G Bouwman); 24-27 November, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, fema le, first-w inter, photographed (M Ve rdoes, A va n Egmond, A W J Meijer; Dutch Birdin g 18 : 335, pl ate 322, 1996; Birdin g Wor ld 9: 463, 1996). For the firs t time, two bird s we re found together. Th e bird in Oi rsc hot in November might have been one of th e tw o th at were also present at the same location in February-M arch. The total of f ive records is equal to the tota l of 1994. Two 1994 birds have still not been subm itted to th e CDNA: a bird trapped at Westersc houwen, Zeeland, on 14 October and one stavin g on Tersc hellin g, Fri esland, on 27-30 Octobe r. Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica 13,39, 1 23 September, Westkapelle, Zee land (P A Wo lf). 1995 29 October, Vlissingen, Zee land (P A Wo lf). 1993 15-25 May, Oosterend, Terschelling, Fries land, male, summer plum age, photographed (L Steijn; Dutch Birding 15 : 186, plate 114, 1993) . Th e 1993 reco rd was prev iousl y publi shed for a shorter period (cf Wi egant et al 1995). Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla 27,52,0 1995 13 September, Sch iermonnikoog, Fri es land, trapped (B N ijeboer, K Kraaijeveld); 2 October, Oostvaardersdijk, A lmere, Flevoland, first-yea r, trapped (C Li ebregts-H aaker); 2 November, Schiermonnikoog, Fri esland, trapped, photographed (K Kraaijeveld, B N ijeboer); 18 December to 10 j anuary 1996, Katw ij k aa n Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Ho ll and, photographed (M Verdoes); 19 December to 17 March 1996, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zu id-Holland U Dijkhui zen). 1994 16 October, Schoorl, Noord-H oll and (S Lagerveld). Th e two w interin g bird s in 1995 in Katw ij k we re already included in the 1995 report, w ith different dates. For the th ird yea r sin ce 1967 there we re no record s; other b lank yea rs we re 1970 and 198 1. Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocepha la 2, 1,2 26-27 May, Ameland, Fri es land, first-summer male, ph otographed, v id eoed (E Bos, M Berl ijn ; Bos et al 1996; Dutch Birdin g 18 : 153, pl ate 165, 1996); 31 May, Westplaat, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam/Westvoorne,


Zuid-Ho ll and, male (P L Mein in ger, P A Wo lf) . 1993 4 june, Krimpen aa n den Ijssel, Zuid -Holl and, adult male (A P Ros). Th e d iscoverer of th e Ame land bird was astonished to see the bird behind a yo ung rabbit pointed out to him by one of hi s compa nion s. Th e w il d provenance of birds in May-June is now less disputed th an in the past.

Systematic list of records not accepted This li st co ntain s all records not accepted by the CDNA. Records marked with @ we re rejected by all committee members in th e first or second voting. Most records were rejected because th e identification was not full y established (aften due to lack of documentation) or w hen th e bird showed signs of captivity, suc h as dubious rings, excess ive wear or aberrant behaviour. Species for w hi ch th e CDNA unanimously dec ided that all records refer to birds of captive origin are indicated w ith *. This includes reco rd s of bird s of w hi ch all ancestars are assumed to be of captive orig in (introduced species of British category Cl . Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser alb ifrons flavirostris 21 February, Broekhuizenvorst, Broekhuizen, Limburg (@ description not co nv incin g and conta ining mistakes); 7 March, Bles kensgraaf, Graafstroom, Zu idHolland , two (brief descr iption lacks compari so n w ith White-fronted Goose A a albifrons). Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus 2 August, Rottumeroog, Eemsmond, Groningen, two (description inco mplete; details of undertail and head are missin g); 7 August, Vlieland, Fri es land (fi eld sketch includes inco rrect detai Is). 'greater shearwater' Puffinus gravis / Ca lonectris 27 September Texel, Noord-Ho ll and (@ bird too di stant for any definiti ve concl usion). Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus 30 September, Wageningen, Gelderl and (C D NA has the opin ion th at th is taxon, due to man y intermediate morphs, is v irtu all y imposs ible to identify in the field). Long-Iegged Buzzard Buteo rufinus 25 Decem ber, Kampen, Overij sse l (@ most probab ly Common Bu zza rd B buteo). Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina 15 September, Ramm egors, Tholen, Zee land, imm ature (Steppe Eagle A nipalensis not full y excl uded, some criti ca I features not desc ribed). Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos 4 A ugust, Dalfsen, Overijssel (@ descripti on incomp lete). Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni 10 March, Oen Helder, NoordHo ll and, three (@ seen too briefl y for positive identification ); 11 August, Eerste ExloĂŤ rmond , Odoorn, Drenthe, two (@ description incomp lete). 'Iesser golden plover' Plu vialis dominicus / fulva 13 August, Waalwijk, Noord-Brabant (desc ripti on not quite co nvincin g; grey underw ings as onl y identificat ion mark not considered suffic ient for identifi cation ). Semipalmated Sandpiper Ca lidris pusilla 12 October, Oostvoornse Meer, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, juvenil e (co mplicated description does not fu ll y exclud e worn adult Littl e Stint C minuta). Pectoral Sandpiper Ca lidris melanotos

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 30 September, Grafelijkheidsduinen, Oen Helder, Noord-Holl and (bri ef description with inco rrect details). Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis 27 August, Wolphaartsdijk, Goes, Zee land (@ descr ipti on incomp lete) . Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii 9 September, Camperdu in, Schoorl, Noord-Holl and (@ flying bird , seen too briefly, without chance of 'second look'). Bonaparte's Gull Larus philadelphia 13 Apri l, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Ho ll and (desc ription of very li ght mantie co lour not correct for this species; aberrant Black-head ed Gu ll L ridibundus not fully exc luded). Baltic Gull Larus fuscus 21 September, Texel, Noord-Holland (a lthough see n by man y birders, parts of the descriptions are contradictory; determination on mantie colour alone is co nsidered in sufficient and description lacks details about the moult pattern of the wings). Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii 19 June, Neeltje Jans, Veere, Zee land (see n very bri efl y, wing pattern not described , hybrid not excluded). Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maura 9 Apri l, Amsterdamse Waterleidingdu inen, Zandvoort, Noord-Ho lland (va riability in summer plumage of male European Stonechat S rubicola is large; white rump is in itse lf not diagnostic). Western Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica 18 May, Kollumerwaard , Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, male, videoed (video shows very little detail , no description was made). Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka 30 May to 5 June, Vrouwenpolder, Veere, Zee land (@ too little detailed in description for exclusion of other rare wheatear spec ies). Lanceolated Warbier Locustella lanceolata 1 September, Ijmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland (a lthough the description fits quite we il , CD NA considers 15 sec of pure observation time too brief for critica I examination of su eh a rare species). Arctic Redpoll Carduelis hornemanni 10 Mareh, Breskens, Oostburg, Zee land (@ identification of this spec ies in flight pushes it a little too far). Pine Grosbeak Pinus enucleator 24 Mareh, Melissant, Dirksland, Zu id -Ho ll and, adu lt mal e, photographed (De Zoete & Meininger 1998; Dutch Birding 20, 69, plate 36, 1998; Sterna 41: 54-55, 1996; @ identification accepted, but co nsidered escaped; critica l examination of the bird on the photograph s revea led extreme ly long claws, at least twice their norm al length, wh ich is reason to assume it was an escape). * Long-tailed Rosefinch Uragus sibiricus 19 May, Kornwerderzand, W没nseradiel, Fri esland, photographed (@ identificat ion accepted, but co nsidered escaped ); 1-3 October, Terschelling, Friesland, photographed (@ identification accepted, but co nsidered escaped) . 1995 Hutchins's Canada Goose Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii, 25 January, Piaam, Nijefurd, photographed (w ithdrawn by observer, most probably invo lvin g B h minima). * Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus 13 February, Houten, Utrecht, adult female (@ identification accepted, but co nsidered escaped ). Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus 22 July, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Ho ll and (description of underparts lacks sufficient detail). European Storm-petrel Hydrobates

pelagicus 28 Mareh, Camperduin, Schoorl, NoordHolland (margin ally rejected; th ere is always mu ch di scussion in CDNA about birds on which white on th e underw in g is not described; in this case the description is considered insufficient). Pelican Pelecanus 8 August, Brouwersdam, Westerschouwen, Zuid-Holland, photograph ed (@ identification of genu s accepted, but escaped species not excluded). Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 8 August, Workumerwaa rd , Nijefurd, Fri esland (description of 30 words considered too brief). Golden Eagle Aquila eh rysa etos 15 January, Epse, Voorst, Gelderland (photograph of very distant bird without desc ription did not rule out White-tai led Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla). Bonelli's Eagle Hieraa etus fasciatus 2 June, Almere, Flevoland, adult (adults are considered extremely rare; therefore, all details should be included in the description, some of wh ich we re lacking in thi s case). Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides 1-2 April, Arcen, Arcen en Velden, Limburg (a n improved version of a description of a rejected record always raises the question of how much one can improve wh en a particular detail is lackin g in the initiall y submitted version; in th is case, CD NA se es no reason to change its op i n ion about the rejection). Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea 16 November, Westkapelle, Zee land (description of bird flyin g-past lacking sufficient detail). Melodious Warbier Hippolais polyglotta 10 September, Monster, ZuidHolland (description inco mplete). Dusky Warbier Phylloscopus fus catus 28 October, Petten, Zijpe, NoordHolland (@ description incomplete). Western Bonelli's Warbier Phylloscopus bonelli 14 May, Vlieland, Fri es land (description inco mpl ete). Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla 24 September, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Gron in gen (description not fully co rrect). * Desert Finch Rhodospiza obsoleta 12-17 December, Vlissingen, Zeeland (@ identification accepted, but considered escaped). 1994 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus 11 Apri l, Rutbeek, Enschede, Overijssel (combination of dark body feathers, ve nt and undertail with reddish uppertail see ms inco rrect; anyhow, CDNA considers this subspeci es not safely identifiabl e in the field unless in typical plumage) . Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos 29 October, Lauwe rsm eer, Oe Marne, Gron in gen (marginally rejected because description of underside and legs lacking of bird see n in bad weather) . Western Reef Egret Egretta gularis 17-18 September, Verdronken Land van Saeftin ge, Hulst, Zeeland, photographed (bil l co lour does not seem to match this spec ies; escaped Eastern Reef Egret E sacra not fully ex cluded). Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus, 16 August, Terschelling, Fri esland (@ description too little detail ed for exclusion of Greater Sand Plover C leschenaulti/). 1993 Demoiselle Crane Anthropoides virgo 9 May, Zeewolde, Flevoland (fly ing bird, not seen we il , mainl y identified by ca l I); 10 May, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland (description of flyin g bird includes incorrect detai ls).


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996 199 2 Baltie Gull Larus fuscus December, M uiden, NoordHo ll and (cf Hooge nd oorn & va n Sc heepe n 1998) 199 1 Ameriean Wigeon M areca americana 5(-7) Janu ary, Megen, Oss, Noord-Braba nt, male (@ f irst accepted but now w ithdrawn by observe r; re-id entifi ed as hyb rid , probab ly Euras ian x Chil oë W igeon M penelope x sib ilatrix) . 199 0 Siberian Chiffehaff Ph ylloscopus collybita tristis 1-2 April , Schiermonn ikoog, Fri es land (@ sound reco rd refers to a tristis-so und alike, but most probab ly runt Co mm o n Chiffchaff P c collyb ita) . 1989 White-throated Needletail Swift Hirundap us caudacutus 28 M ay, Philipp in e, Sas va n Cent, Zee land (@ altho ugh fi eld sketches quite con v in cin g, descripti o n in compl ete, and partl y in acc urate). 1987 European Storm-petrel H ydrobates p elagicus 2 7 September, Westkapelle, Zeel and (descripti on in compl ete) . 197 8 Baltie Gull Larus fuscus May, A meland, Fri es land (cf Hoogendoorn & va n Sch eepen 1998) 1976 Baltic Gull Larus fuscus 10 April , Akkrum, Boarnsterhim, Fries land (cf Hoogendoo rn & va n Scheepen 1998) 1968 Grey-headed Woodpeeker Picus canus late summer, Katlijker Schar, Heerenveen, Fri es land, male, mo unted specimen photog raph ed at Drac hten, Fri es land (Vanellu s 38 : 20, 1985; there is no origin al repo rt by th e finder: the prec ise mo nth as we il as the circumstances of th e find are unknown; mo reove r, mo unted spec imens of thi s spec ies have been imported aro und 1968). 1967 Baltie Gull Larus fuscus August, Bri ell e, Z uid-H o ll and (cf Hoogendoo rn & va n Scheepen 1998) 196 1 Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 21 O ctober to 29 November, Harderw ijk and Ermelo (@ co nsidered esca ped; after renewed submi ss io n, CD NA uph o ld s its dec isio n of mo re th an 30 yea rs ago sin ce it is unlikely th at a bird mi ssi ng a num ber of p rimari es and active ly app roac hing observers to less than 5 m is of w ild o ri gin). 1950 Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bru n iceps 28 Janu ary, locati on not know n, Zee land, male, found dead, skin not retain ed (@ poor descripti o n).


1942 Baltie Gull Larus fuscus 21 Janua ry, N ummer Eén, Oostburg, Zee land (cf Hooge ndoorn & va n Scheepe n 1998) 1936 Baltie Gull Larus fuscus 3 Decem be r, Schil dwolde, Slochteren, Gronin gen (cf Hoogendoorn & va n Scheepen 1998) 1930 Baltie Gull Larus fuscus 28 Decem be r 1930, Wate rgang, Waterland, Noord-H o ll an d (cf Hooge ndoo rn & va n Scheepen 1998)

References Ba rthel, P H 199 8. Rätse lvoge l 63: Bechstein d rosse l Turdus rufico llis. Limi co la 12 : 44-45 . va n den Berg, A B, va n Loo n, A J & O ree l, G J (ed itors) 199 0. Voge ls ni euw in Nederl and. Ed e. va n den Berg, A B, de By, R A & CDNA 1993 . Ra re bird s in the Neth erl and s in 199 1. Dutch Birding 15 : 145- 160. Berlijn , M 1997 . G rij ze Strandl o per bij Lepelaa rspi asse n in juli 1996 . Dutch Bird in g 19: 185 -1 87 . Berlijn , M , M eij er, P C & Pl o mp, M 1997 . Mongoo lse Pi eper op Maasvlakte in oktobe r 1996 . Dutch Birdi ng 19 : 1 77 -1 81. Bos, E, de Bruin, B & Me inin ger, P L 1996 . DB Actu ee l: Zwa rtkopgorze n op Amelan d en Westp laat. Du tc h Birdin g 18 : 153 -154. Bro uwe r, R E, Hal ff, R A C & H arder, N 1996 . DB Actu ee l: Zwa rtkee llij ster in Den Held er. Dutch Birdin g 18: 51. Bro uwer, R E, H alff, R A C & Hard er, N 1997 . Zwa rtkee llij ster in D en Helder in j an uari-m aa rt 1996 . Dutch Birding 19 : 269 -272 . de Bruin, B 1996. DB Actu ee l : Izabel kl auw ier bij Lauwersoog. Dutch Bird in g 18 : 339 -340. Cleeves, T 1998. Sl ender-b ill ed Curlew in Northum berland : a new Briti sh Bird . Birding Wo rl d 11: 181- 191. Dijksman, W J M & Maas, J W 1997. Izabe ltapui t op Maasvlakte in o ktober-novem ber 1996. Dutc h Birding 19 : 182 -1 85 . Ebels, E B 1996a . DB Actuee l : Twee W itkopgorzen bij O irsc hot. Dutch Bird in g 18 : 52 . Ebels, E B 1996 b . DB Actu ee l : Boszangerparade in o kto ber. Du tc h Birding 18: 28 1 . Ebels, E B, Kn o lI e, P & va n M ui sw in ke l, J M 1996. Kaspi sc he Geelpootmee uw bij Gelderm alsen in december 199 1. Du tc h Bird in g 18 : 302 -305 . Eerdmans, J D & va n Do ngen, R M 1996. DB Actu ee l : Kl ein e To ppe r bij Lelystad-H aven. Du tc h Bird in g 18 : 52 . G root Koerka mp, G & Ebels, E B 1997 . Po nti sc he Geelpootmee uw bij Z utphen in septem ber-november 1988 . Dutc h Bird in g 19 : 280-283. va n der H ave, T M & Deceptio n To urs 1996. DB Actu ee l: Klei n A merika op Vli eland, deel 2: Geelstuitza nger. Dutch Bird in g 18 : 28 1. va n der Have, T M & Bultee l, G M L 1997. M irteza nger

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7996 op V li eland in oktober 1996. Dutch Bird ing 19: 225230. Hoogendoorn, W & van Scheepen, P 1998. Status van Baltische Mantelmeeuw in Nederland. Dutch Birdin g 20 : 6- 10. van Ijzendoorn, E J, va n der Laan, J & CDNA 1996. Herz iening van de Nederlandse Avifaun istische Lij st 1800- 1979: tweede fase. Dutch Birding 18: 157202. Jansen, J J F J & Palmen, P 1996. DB Actuee l : Weer Middelste Bonte Specht in Vijl enerbos. Dutch Birdin g 18:52. Kikkert, J-E 1996. DB Actuee l : Stru ikrietzanger te Walem. Dutch Birding 18 : 155- 156 . Kikkert, J-E 1997. Struikrietzanger te Wa lem in juni-juli 1996. Dutch Birding 19 : 273-276 . Kleiberg, J 1984. Witkruingors te Spaarndam in wi nter va n 1981 /82. Dutch Birding 6 : 64-65 . Klootw ijk, M & Kuijpers, K 1996. DB Actuee l : Blonde Tapu it bij Aagtekerke . Dutch Bird ing 18: 155. de Knijff, P 1998. Roodoogvi reo op V li elan d in oktober 1996. Dutch Birding 20: 11-13. de Knijff, P & Ebels, E B 1996. DB Actu ee l: Klein A merika op V li eland, deel 1: Roodoogv ireo. Dutch Birdin g 18: 280. van der Laa n, J 1992 . Grijze Strand loper in Oostvaardersplassen in juni 1989. Dutch Birding 14: 226227 . Maas, J W & Dijksman, W J M 1996. DB Actuee l: Izabe ltapuit op Maasvlakte (Woe rden slaat toe). Dutch Birding 18: 281-282. Meijer, PC & Plomp, M 1996 . DB Actuee l : Mongoolse Pieper op Maasvlakte (Woerden slaat weer toe). Dutch Birding 18 : 282 . Maebe, J & Meininger, P L 1997. Stell ers Eider in Verd ronken Land van Saeftin ge in mei-juli 1996. Dutch Birding 19: 68-71.

Meini nger, P L 1996. DB Actueel : Stel lers Eider in Verdronken Land van Saeftinge. Dutch Birding 18: 155. Opperman, E, Plomp, M & ter El len, R 1997. Dutch Bird ing vid eojaarove rz icht 1996 . Videocassette . Den Haag. Palmen, P & Jansen, J J F J 1996. DB Actuee l : Oehoe in groeve 't Rooth. Dutch Birding 18: 104. va n der Ploeg, D T E, de Jong, W , Swart, M J, de Vries, J A, Westhof, J H P, Witteveen A G & van der Veen, B (edito rs) 1977. Voge ls in Friesland. Leeuwa rd en. Sanders, E, Lilipaly, S & Koppejan, T 1996. DB Actueel: Stekelstaa rtgierzwa lu w bij M iddelburg en Veere. Dutch Birding 18: 152 -1 53. Sanders, E, Lilipaly, S & Ebels, E B. Stekelstaa rtgierzwa luw op Walcheren in mei 1996. Dutch Birding 20 : 168 -1 72. Scharringa, J & Wassink, A 1992 . Grijze Strandloper in Oostvaardersp lassen in juni 1989. Dutch Bird in g 14: 227-228. De Smet, G 1997. Dunbekwu lp verza meld in Ca ni sv li et in septem ber 1896 . Dutch Bird in g 19: 230-232. va n der Waa l, W 1996 . DB Actueel: Witha lsv li ege nva nger op V li eland . Dutch Bird in g 18: 152. va n der Veen, L 199 1. Grijze Strand loper in Oostvaarderspiassen in juni 1989. Dutch Birding 13 : 83-85 . va n der Veen, L & Ebels, E B 1996. Veld rietzanger op Vlie land in september 1994 . Dutch Bird ing 18: 13-16. Ve rslu ys, M, Engelmoer, R, Blok, D & van der Wa l, R 1997. Vogels va n Ame land. Lee uwarden. Wiegant, W M, Steinhaus, G H & CDNA 1995-97. Rare birds in the Neth erl ands in 1993, 1994, 1995. Dutch Birding 17: 89-101; 18: 105-1 21; 19: 97-11 5. de Zoete, G & Meinin ger, P L 1998. Vermoede lij k ontsnapte Haa kbek te Meli ssa nt in maart 1996 . Dutch Birding 20: 69-70.

Wim M Wiegant, Bornsesteeg 79, 6708 PO Wageningen, Netherlands (wmw@haskon ing.nl) A (Bert) de Bruin, Albertine Agnesplein 8a, 977 7 EV Groningen, Netherlands (tete@wxs. nl) CONA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands

Corrigenda _ _ _ __ _ __ __ In Dutch Birding 20 (1), 1998, is ee n fout opgetreden in de nummering van de p laten. Ge li eve de p laat va n de Fluitzwaan Cygnus co/umbianus (Dutch Bird ing 20: 50, 1998) te besc houwen als p laat 20a. In de fotob ij sc hriften van p laten 62-65 in het artikel over de Lach meeuw Larus atricilla (D utch Birding 20: 107-11 0, 1998) wordt een ve rkeerd j aa rtal genoemd . U iteraard dateren all e foto's van 1997. REDACTIE

In Dutch Birding 20 (1), 1998, an erro r occ urred in the plate numbers. Please amend th e plate number of Whistling Swan Cygnus co/umbianus (Dutc h Birdin g 20 : 50, 1998) to 20a. In the captions to plates 62-65 in th e paper on the Lau ghin g Gull Larus atric illa (Dutch Bird ing 20 : 107110, 1998) the wrong year is mentioned. Of course, all photographs we re taken in 1997 . EDITORS


Stekelstaartgierzwaluw op Walcheren in mei 1996 Erik Sanders, SanderJ Lilipaly & Enno B Ebels


P 22 mei 1996 stonden Erik Sanders en Sander Lilipaly aan het eind van de ochtend op de stoep van het ouderlijke huis van SL aan het Seisbolwerk in Middelburg, Walcheren , Zeeland. Na een ochtendje vogelen samen met Tobi Koppejan hadden ze hier koffie gedronken; TK was net vertrokken. Om 11 :35 zag ES boven het hu is een zeer snel le en grote gierzwal uw met een witte vlek op de onderbu ik. Een minuut later vonden ES en SL de vogel laag sc herend boven het water van de buitenvest van Middelburg terug. De scherp afgesneden witte keel en het duidelijke witte hoefijzer op de onderbuik, de forse bouwen de zee r sne lle vlucht deden hen direct beseffen dat het om een Stekelstaartgierzwa luw Hirundapus caudacutus ging. Nog tweemaal v loog de voge l langs; de laatste keer, om c 11 :45, zagen z ij (samen met de telefonisch gewaarsc huwde en vervolgens in all er ijl teruggekeerde TK) de witgrijze ovaa lvormige vlek op de bovendelen. Andere vogelaars die terstond gebe ld waren kwamen te laat. Om 15:45 zag wij len Koen Kuijpers zonder optische hulpmiddelen een Stekelstaartgierzwaluw in noordelijke richting over zich heen scheren langs de Landschuurweg bij Veere, Zee land, c 6 km ten noorden van Middelburg. KK was al de hele dag buiten aan het werk en hoorde pas van de waarneming eerder die dag toen hij TK belde om z ijn eigen waarneming door te geven! KK zag de voge l all een van onderen; hem vielen het grote formaat en de zware bouw op, het zeer donkere uiterlijk met contrasterende witte keel en wit hoefijzer op de onderde len, de korte en recht lijkende staart en de zeer krachtige en vooral snelle vlucht. Om 15:30 had Pim Wolf in Middelburg gez ien dat groepen Gierzwaluwen Apus apus langs het Kanaal door Walcheren vlogen in de richting van Veere, om de talrijke buien die over Walcheren trokken te ontwijken. PW besloot bij Veere te gaan zoeken . Om 15 :50 werd hij in de auto gebe ld door SL over de waarneming van KK. Bij het binnenrijden van Veere om 16:15 zag PW de Stekelstaartgierzwaluw met een groepje Gierzwaluwen rond de Onze-LieveVrouwenkerk in Veere vliegen. De vogel vloog enke le minuten rustig rond de kerk maar al snel 168

verhoogde hij zijn sne lheid en maakte duikvluchten de stad in, waarbij hij uit beeld verdween, om na en ige minuten terug te keren naar de groep Gierzwaluwen . Hierna vloog hij niet meer rustig in de groep maar op enige afstand en haa ld e regelmatig G ierzwa luwen in . Om 16:25 maakte hij opnieuw een duikvlucht, passeerde op c lam afstand en op ooghoogte en verdween vervolgens laag over de buitenvest va n Veere uit beeld. Om 17:25 werd de voge l nog eenmaal gez ien door Rob Sponselee, Richard Witte en PW; hij vloog toen op c 800 m laag boven het Veerse Bos, verdween daar naar beneden en vervolgens voorgoed uit beeld. Vele la-tallen vogelaars uit de wijde omgeving bevonden zich op dat moment op de verkeerde plek op Walcheren of kwamen 眉berhaupt te laat (cf Sanders et al 1996).

Beschrijving De beschrijving is gebaseerd op notities en schetsen van SL, ES en PW, opgesteld direct na de waarneming. Er konden geen foto's of videoopnamen gemaakt worden. ALGEMENE INDRUK Verenkleed overwegend donker, duidelijk donkerder dan Gierzwaluw, sterk contrasterend met w itte delen. GROOTTE & BOUW Zeer forse gierzwa luw, duidelijk groter dan Gierzwaluw, waarmee meerdere malen direct verge lijkba ar. Lichaam en kop zwaa r, achterlijf kort, dik en rond, vleugels lang en breed. Vleugelvorm minder sikkelvorm ig dan bij A lpengierzwa lu w A me/ba of Boomvalk Fa/co subbuteo. Vleugel lengte ongeveer gelijk aan lichaamslengte. Staart zeer kort en recht; tijdens wenden staart zichtbaar niet gevorkt. Snavel kort, verge lijkbaar met Gierzwa lu w. Door zwa re bouw ongeveer anderha lf keer zo grote indruk makend als Gierzwaluw. KOP Donker bruinzwart met duidelijk afgesneden witte keel. Bovenkop egaa l donkerbruin. BOVENDELEN Lichte w itgrijze ova le v lek op mantel en rug, breder bij nek dan bij stu it, doorlopend tot op stuit, diffuus overgaand in donkerbruin aan randen en contrasterend met verder bru i nzwarte boven delen, kop en bovenstaart. Stuit bruiner dan overige donkere bovendelen. ONDERDELEN Borst en buik donkerbruin. Anaalstreek zeer opva llend wit, hoefijzervormig, contrasterend met donkere buik, borst en ondervleuge ls. Punten van w itte

IOuteh Birding 20: 768路7 72, 79981

Stekelstaartgierzwaluw op Walcheren in m ei 7996

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FIGUUR 1 Stekelstaartgierzwa luw / White-throated Needleta il Sw ift Hirundapus caudacutus, Middelburg, Zee land,

22 mei 1996 (frik Sanders)

hoefij ze r doorlope nd tot aa n achterz ijde va n vleugelbasis . V LEUGEL Boven- en ondervleugel egaa l donker bruinzwa rt. Af en toe zichtbare groenb lauwe glans op bovenvleugel. STAART Bovenstaart donkerbruin tot bruinzwart. NAAKTE DELEN Snavel donker. Poot en oogkleur niet vastgesteld . V LUC HT Zeer sne l en krachtig, sneller dan G ierzwa luw. Lange gli jvluchten afgewisseld door enkele korte 'maa iende' v leugelslagen. Bij rustige v lucht (ci rkelen) vleugelslag zee r ond iep met stijf gehouden v leugels; bij duikvluchten v leugelsl agen dieper en v leugels in hoek naar achteren gehouden. Meestal v liegend op c 20 m hoogte, boven water dalend tot 1 m.

Determinatie Hoewel de vogel slechts ged urende en kele afzonderlijke ogenb likken werd gez ien leverde

de determinatie weinig prob lemen op. Het voor ee n gierzwa luw grote formaat, de zware bouw, de lange maar ook brede vleuge ls, het donker bruinzwarte verenkl eed, de grote witte hoefij zervorm ige vlek op de anaa lstreek, de contrasterende en recht afges neden w itte keel en de grij sw itte v lek op de bovendelen en de zeer snelle vluc ht pasten all een op Stekelstaartgierzwaluw (C hantIer 1993, Chantler & Driessens 1995) . De karakteristi eke witte voorhoofdsv lek werd niet vastgeste ld; door de waarnem ingsomstandi gheden en de grote vliegsnelheid van de vogel kan dit kenmerk gema kkelijk gem ist zijn door de waarnemers. Apus-g ie rzwa lu wen konden worden uitgesloten door het versc hil in postuur met sma ll ere en meer sikke lvorm ige vleugels en de minder krachti ge vlucht. Geen van de Apus-soorten (afgez ien 169

Stekelstaartgierzwa lu w op Wa lcheren in mei 1996 van afw ijkende exemp laren met gedeeltelijk wit verenkl eed) vertoont een ovaa lvormi ge witte v lek op de bovendelen. Verwarring met de over ige drie Hirundapus-soo rten is mogelijk, hoewel geen va n deze gez ien hun verspreid in gsgebied en trekgedrag als dwaalgast in West-Europa verwacht mag wo rd en (cf Chantler & Driessens 1995). Witbuikstekelstaartgierzwaluw H cochinchinensis (oostelijk Him alayageb ied en ve rspre id in Z uidoost-Az ië, overw interend in Th ai land, Maleisië en West-Indonesië) lijkt sterk op Stekelstaartgierzwaluw, met name door de verge lijkbare I ichte vlek op de bovendelen maa r heeft een minder opva ll ende, vuilw itte keelvlek, die ge leidelijk overgaat in de donkerbruine borst. Reuzensteke lstaartg ierzwa luw H giganteus (zuidpunt van het Indisch Subcontinent, Zu idoost-Azië, Palawa n en Culi on, Filippijnen, en Grote Sundaeil anden, Indones ië) is grote r en heeft een minder opvallende I ichte vlek op de bovendelen en een vee l minder co ntraste rende li chtbruine keelv lek. Zwarte Stekelstaartgierzwaluw H celebens is (Noordoost-Sul awes i, Indones ië, en Filippijnen) is bijna gehee l glanzend zwart en mist zowe l de lic hte keelvlek als de lichte v lek op de boven delen (C hantl er 1993, Chantler & Driessens 1995).

ren ten minste 17 geva ll en bekend, waarvan de helft op de Britse Eil anden. Voor de Br itse geva llen is lastig exact te bepalen om hoevee l verschi ll ende exemp laren het de laatste 15 jaa r gaat.

Verspreiding en voorkomen Stekelstaartgierzwaluw broedt van Centraa lSiberië, via Noord-China en Zuidoost-Mongolië, Noord-Mantsjoer ije en Korea oostelijk tot Sakhalin en Hokkaido en Noord-Honshu, Japan, en overw intert hoofdzakelijk in Oost-Australië en het zuiden va n Nieuw-Guinea (H c ca udacutus). Een aparte en ni et-trekkende ondersoo rt komt voor in het Himalayagebied (H c nudipes) (Cha ntl er & Driessens 1995). In tegenste lling tot de andere Hirundapus-soo rten is het een langeafsta ndstrekker. In samenh ang met het trekgedrag zijn er verscheidene waa rn emi nge n ve r buiten de regu li ere broed-, doortrek- en overw interin gsgeb ieden. Op het zuide lijke halfrond z ijn exemplaren vastgeste ld op de Seychellen (2), Fiji, Nieuw-Zeeland en de Macquarie-eilanden. In de VS is de soo rt vo lgens National Geographic Society (1987) ee n dwaalgast ('casua l') in het voo rj aa r. Op 2 1 mei 1974 werd een exemp laar geschoten op Shemya, A leoeten, A laska (G ibson & Kessel 1997). Volgens Chantler & Driessens (1995) is er één geva l bekend va n de Pribilofeil anden, Alaska. Roberson (1980) verm eldt twee geva llen aa n de Amerikaanse westkust; waarsch ijnlijk betreffen dit bovengenoemde waarnemingen. In Europa z ijn inclusi ef het geva l va n Walche-




3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11


14 15

16 17

8 juli 1846, Great Horkes ley, Essex, Engeland (geschoten; Dymond et al 1989, Evans 1994) 26 of 27 juli 1879, Ringwood , Hampshire, Engeland (verzame ld; Dymond et al 1989, Evans 1994) 21 mei 1933, Nu mmi, Finland (leve nd gevonden, later overleden; Lintumies 19 : 78, 1984) 20 juni 1964, Cape Clear Island, Cork, Ierland (Dymond et al 1989, Evans 1994) 17 mei 1968, Noorwegen (R0nnest 1994) midden-november 1971 , Faqqanija, Ma lta (geschoten ; Sul tana & Gauci 1982) 11 juni 1983, South Ronaldsay, Orkney, Schotland (Dymond et al 1989, Evans 1994) 25 mei-6 juni 1984, Loch of Hilwell & Q uenda le, Shetland, Sc hotland (Dymond et al 1989, Evans 1994) 27 me i 1985, Fairburn Ings, North Yorkshire, Engeland (Dymond et al 1989, Evans 1994) 28 mei-8 juni 1988, Hoy, O rkn ey, Schotland (Dymond et al 1989, Evans 1994) 21 apri l 1990, Kr istiin ankaupunki, Skaftu ng, Finl and (R0nnest 1994, j ännes et al 199 1) 4 november 1990, Betanzos, emba lse de Cecebre, La Coruiïa, Spanje, mogelijk juveniel (de ju ana et al 1992) 26 mei 199 1, Wierton Hili Reservoir, Maidstone, Kent, Engeland; 1 juni 1991, Blithfield Reservoir, Staffordshire, Engeland; 3 juni 199 1, Belper, Derbyshire, Engeland ; en 11 en 14 juni 1991, Noup of Noss, Shetland, Schotland (naar wordt aangenomen steeds deze lfde voge l; Evans 1994, Br Birds 85: 532-533, 1992,89: 509,1996) 10 mei 1991 , Hanko, Lan gören , Finland (R0 nnest 1994, j ännes et al 1992) 22-27 mei 1994, Umea, Västerbotten, Zweden (Bo nnedahl 1995, Far Vage lvä rl d suppl 22: 137, 1995) 20 mei 1995, Li sta, Vest-Agder, Noorwegen (Br Birds 90 : 87, 1997) 22 mei 1996, Middelburg en Veere, Zee land, Nederl and

Een waa rn em ing op 6 augustus 193 1 op Fair Isle, Shetland , Schotland , is nooit aanvaard maar wo rdt door Evans (1994), in navo lgin g van Dymond (1991), we l als ser ieuze meldin g genoemd. De melding op 25 juni 1993 bij Kautokeino, Finnmark, Noorwegen (B irding World 7: 32, 1994), is (nog) niet aanvaard (cf Var Fu glefauna suppl 2: 15, 1998). De nad ruk op geva ll en in het late voorjaar en de (vroege) zo mer is opvallend . Slechts twee geva llen (6 en 12)

Stekelstaartgierzwa lu w op Walcheren in mei 1996 dateerden van het najaar. Dit patroon w ijkt sterk af van het beeld bij vrijwe l alle andere soorten uit Centraal- en Oost-Azië (voorname lijk ste ltl opers en zangvoge ls) die in Europa als dwaa lgast word en vastgeste ld : verreweg de meeste gevall en dateerden uit september-oktober (met kleinere aanta ll en in juli-augustus en november-december) en maar weinig uit het voorj aar. Opmerkelijk is dat het handvol waa rn em ingen van Siberische Gierzwa luw A pacificus in WestEuropa uit dezelfde periode (me i-juli ) stamt (cf Vinicombe & Cottrid ge 1996); deze soort heeft een met Stekelstaartgierzwaluw overl append broedgebied en een verge lijkbaar trekgedrag. A nd erzijd s is dit voorkomen ook weer niet zo uitzonderlijk : zo worden de uit Zuidoost-Azië afkomstIge Oosterse Vorkstaartplevier C lareola maldivarum en de uit Oost-Siber ië afkomstige Dau rische Kauw Corvus dauuricus eveneens vooral in het voorj aar (me i-juni ) in Europa waargenomen (cf Vinicombe & Cottr idge 1996). De waarneming van Middelburg en Veere is door de Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Av ifaun a (CDNA) aanvaard en betekende het eerste geva l voor Nederland (Wiegant et al 1998). Een eerde re melding op 28 mei 1989 bij Philippine, Sas va n Gent, Zeeuws-Vl aanderen, Zeeland, is onl angs in ged iend en na behandel ing door de CDNA afgewezen (Wiega nt et al 1998).

Dankzegging Wij danken Annika Forsten voor het versc haffen van inform atie over de Finse geva ll en. Summary WHITE -TH ROATED NEEDLETAIL SWIFT AT WALCHEREN IN MAY

1996 On 22 May 1996, a Wh ite-throated Need letai l Sw ift Hirandapus caudacutus was seen during four short spe l Is between 11 :35 and 11 :45 at M iddelburg, Walcheren , Zee land, the Netherl ands. It was seen in fl ight (includ ing a low flight ju st above the water) by th ree observers. Later th at dav, at 15:45, the bird was seen independently by a sing le observer 2 km east of Veere, Wa lcheren, Zee land, c 6 km to the north of Middelburg. The bird was seen again over nearby Veere from 16:15 to 16:25 and again briefly at 17:25 by three more loca l observers, before f in all y disappearin g. No photographs cou ld be taken. The bird was identified by its large size (co mpared w ith Com mon Sw ifts Apus apus present), dark blackish plum age (darker dan Common Swift), conspicuous clea r-cut white throat sha rply demarcated from the blackish breast, consp icuous w hite ' horse-shoe' on vent and undertail and greyish-wh ite, diffusely bordered oval patch on the upperparts. The wings we re long but broader, less sick le-shaped than in Apus swifts. Furth ermore, the flight was extreme ly sw ift and power-

fu l. This comb in ation rules out all swifts (o r other fastf lying spec ies), includin g the th ree other Hirundapus species (w hich are, however, extremely unlikely ever to occur in Europe). The most simi lar species is Wh itevented Need letail Swift H cochinchinensis, but this spec ies has a du ll er w hite throat, less sharp ly demarcated from the blackish breast (cf Chantler 1993, Cha ntler & Driessens 1995). This record was accepted by the Dutch rar ities com m ittee (C DNA) as the first White-throated Need letai l Swift for the Netherlands. A prev ious sing le-observer repo rt at Philippine, Zeeuws-V laanderen, Zee land, on 28 May 1989 was submitted only recently and was rejected by the CDNA. There have been 16 other European records of this eastern As ian long-d istance m igrant, mostly in spring (May-June). There is one record in Ap ril (in Finland), two in July (in England in the 19th century) and on ly two autumn (November) records (Ma lta and Spain). Th ere are now seven records from Brita in (including records on different local ities presumed to refer to a sing le bird), three from Finland, one from Ireland, one from Malta, one from the Netherlands, two from Norway, one from Spain and one from Sweden. A ll records are summ ari zed. The strong spr in g dominance is remarkable fo r an eastern vagrant to Europe, as most tend to occur mainly in autumn. Thi s pattern of occurrence is, however, shared by a few other vagrants from the Far East, including Pacific Swift A pacificus.

Verwijzingen Bonnedahl, J 1995. Taggstjärtseglare Umeälvens delta 22-27 maj 1994. SOF Fage laret 1994: 149-151. Chantler, P 1993. Identi ficat io n of Western Palearctic sw ifts. Dutch Birding 15: 97- 135. Chantler, P & Driessens, G 1995. Swifts: a guide to the swifts and treeswifts of the world . Mountfield. Dymond, J N 1991. The birds of Fair Isle. Edinburgh. Dymond, J N, Fraser, PA & Gantlett, S J M 1989. Rare bi rd s in Britain and Ireland. Ca lton. Evans, L G R 1994. Rare birds in Brita in 1800-1990. Little Cha lfont. G ibson, D D & Kessel , B 1997. In ventory of the species and subspecies of A laskan birds. Western Birds 28: 45-95. Jännes, H, Nikander, P J & Numminen, T 1991. Rariteettikomitean hyväksymät vuoden 1990 harvinaisuushavainnot. Lintumies 26: 24 1-262. Jännes, H, Nikander, P J & Numm in en, T 1992. Rariteettikomitean hyväksymät vuoden 1991 harvinaisuushavainnot. Lintumies 27: 253-274. de Juana, E & Com ité Ibérico de Rarezas de la SEO 1992. Observaciones homologadas de aves raras en Espai'ia y Portugal. Informe de 1990. Ardeo la 39: 7383. National Geograph ic Soc iety 1987. Field guide to the birds of North Amer ica . Tweede druk. Wash in gton. Roberson , D 1980. Rare birds of the West Coast. Pacific Grove. R0nnest, S 1994. Sja=ldne fug le i Danmark. Skjern . Sanders, E, Lilipaly, S & Koppejan, T 1996. DB Actuee l :


Stekelstaartgierzwaluw op Walcheren in m ei 1996 Stekelstaartgierzwaluw bij Middelburg en Veere. Dutch Birdin g 18 : 152. Sultana, J & Gauci, C 1982 . A new guide to the bird s of Malta. Valletta. Vinicombe, K & Cottridge, D 1996. Rare birds in

Britain & Ireland : a photographic record. Londen. Wiegant, W M, de Bruin, A & CDNA 1998. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996. Dutch Birdin g 20: 145167.

Erik Sanders, Adenauerstede 44-03, 4463 Gl Goes, Nederland Sander 1 Lilipaly, Seisbolwerk 16, 4331 RD Middelburg, Nederland Enno B Ebels, Lessinglaan 11-2, 3533 AN Utrecht, Nederland (ebels@wxs.n/)

Striped Crake at Livorno, Italy, in January 1997 On 4 January 1997 around 09 :00, Fernando Forz i found a smal I rail in a lorry park at Livorno harbour, Toscana, Italy (43 :3 5 N, 10:18 E) . The bird was in paar condition and could easily be captured by hand . It was taken to the local bird rehabilitation centre where it died the following day. It was stored in a deep freeze until being transferred, together with other bird carcasses, on 6 March 1997 to the laboratories of the Istituto Nazianale per la Fauna Selvatica (INFS) at Ozzano Emilia . Only then we realized that it was not a European species. With the help of Ripley's (1977) identification key to the genus Porzana, it was identified as Striped Crake P marginalis. The bird was measured , photographed and prepared as a mounted specimen for the INFS museum. In size, shape and colour the bird recalled Spotted Crake P porzana, but it differred by its bright rufous belly and undertail, remarkably long toes, and high bill profile . Th e grey breast and neck indicated that it was a female, which was confirmed later by inspection of the gonads during the preparation of th e skin. M eas urements (in mm) and notes taken on the specimen befare it was skinned (after two months of sta rage in a sealed plastic bag at -20째C) were as follows: wing length 114 (maximum chord), p10 78, p9 65 (primaries numbered from inside), tail 50, tarsus 35.8, tarsus plus toe 86 (w ithout claw), toe 50.5, total head length 41 .5, bill from featherin g 16.2, from nostril 10.3, bill depth at feathering 9; weight 53.9 g, na fat deposit, pectoral muscles not emaciated. The remiges (especially the primaries) and rectrices were slightly worn. No tra ces of juvenile plumage were present and there was a single moulting feather onthe flank. The colour of bare parts was as follows : iris pale orange, eyelids bright orange, bill greenish-grey with black culmen, leg and foot greenish. Striped Crake is distributed through much of 172

th e eastern part of the southern Afrotropics and more patchily in countries along the Gulf of Guinea; th e northernmost occupied areas are in north ern Ni ge ria. It is an uncommon species within its normal ran ge and little is known about its habits and movements (cf Taylor & van Perlo 1998). Until the 19305, it was believed to be an Asian non-breeding visitor to Africa (cf Cramp & Simmans 1980). It usually occurs in temporary w etlands, where it breeds during the rain seasons and then retreats towards the Equator wh en the habitat becomes unsuitable. It is a nocturnal migrant and there are reports of birds being attracted to artificial lights and of birds colliding with glass panes . Striped Crake is unique among rails in adopting sequential polyandry as a mating system and also by the fact that adults undergo two complete moults per year. Postjuvenil e moult is completed within six months after hatching (Ripley 1977, Cramp & Simmans 1980, Urban et al 1986, del Hoyo et al 1996). It may seem surprising that Striped Crake could occur in Europe, yet a captive origin is highly unlikely. Neverthel ess, the location, where only the tyres of parked lorri es offered shelter, suggests th at unnatural factors may have been involved . There are na environmental features throughout th e harbour area which might have attracted a migrant rail to land, while several wetlands, reedbeds and wasteland with a cover of tall grass are all found around Livorno, within only 1-5 km of the harbour. Two different hypotheses on the bird's origin thus appear equally plausible: either it was attracted at ni ght by the powerful harbour lighthouse or it arrived on an incoming ship. In bath cases, th e totally unsuitable habitat and the presence of predators (Yellow-Iegged Gull Larus michahellis, cats, rats) combined with the bird's paar condition and severe weather between 30 December 1996 and 4 January 1997 suggest that it had arrived very recently, probably not earl ier than the previous night. From information supplied by the harbour [Dutch Birding 20: 172-174, 1998[

5triped Crake at Livorno, !tal)!, in January 1997 authority about shipping movements, entirely passive transportation from tropical Africa can be excluded. Although it cannot be established with certainty whether the lighthouse or a ship were partly responsible for the bird's presence, it seems clear that the Striped Crake had attempted to cross the Mediterranean and either succeeded in covering the entire c 700 km at the widest point (LivornoTunisia), but had failed to reach suitable habitat because of the lighthouse, or had failed earl ier because of reserve depletion and had landed on a ship. There have been at least four (of which three in the Western Palearctic) previous records of Striped Crake indicating dispersal weil outside the normal range: in Morocco (November 1989), northern Algeria (January 1867), northern Libya (February 1970), and Aldabra (lndian Ocean; December 1904) (Cramp & Simmons 1980, Snow & Perrins 1998, Taylor & van Perlo 1998). The Italian specimen fits weil within these dates. It has been accepted by the Italian rarities committee and it becomes the fourth Western Palearctic and first European record. Such longdistance vagrancy is not something exclusive to

Striped Crake, as similar instances are even better known in other rails (del Hoyo et al 1996). Allen's Gallinule Porphyrula alleni offers the best example of vagrancy from the Afrotropics to Europe and the Mediterranean and occurred twice at less than 50 km from Livorno during the 19th century (Arrigoni Degli Oddi 1929). There are more than 20 records of Allen's Gallinule in the Western Palearctic, mostly in October to February, with an obvious peak in December (Hudson 1974, Cramp & Simmons 1980). The only Western Palearctic record of Black Crake Limnocorax flavirostra, which has a similar Afrotropical distribution, is of a male collected near Funchal, Madeira, in January 1895 (Cramp & Simmons 1980). The date of the Livorno Striped Crake accords weil with this vagrancy pattern of Afrotropical rails. It is clear, however, that there is a far better chance of spotting the more conspicuous Allen's Gallinule in natural habitat than a secretive Striped Crake. We are most grateful to Fernando Forzi for having attempted to rescue the Striped Crake and for the details which he provided. Information on shipping movements was kindly supplied by Massimo Moniga (harbour authority, Avvisatore

132 Striped (rake / Afrikaans Porseleinhoen Porzana marginalis (found at Livorno, Toscana, Italy, 4 January 1997), Istituto Nazionale Fauna Selvatica, Ozzano Emilia, Italy, March 1997 (Nicola Baccetti)


Striped Crake at Livorno, !tal)!, in january 7997 Marittimo del porto di Li vorno) and by Va lter Rinaldi. Dan iele Marzi checked the f il es of the seab ird rehab ilitation centre (CRUMA, Li vorno). Richard Bradbury and Michael Wilson (Edward G rey Institute, Oxford, England) made a number of va lu ab le suggestions for changes to a draft of thi s note . References Arri gon i Degli Oddi, E 1929 . Ornitologia Itali ana. Milan. Cramp, 5 & Simmons, K E L (ed itors) 1980. The birds of

the Western Palearctic 2. Oxford . Rip ley,S D 1977. Rails of the wo rl d. Boston. Snow, D W & Perrin s, C M (ed itors) 1998. Th e birds of the Western Pa learctic. Conc ise edition. Oxford. del Hoyo, J, Elliotl, A & Sargata l, J (ed itors) 1996. Handbook of the bird s of the world 3. Barcelona. Hudson, R 1974. Allen's Ga llinule in Brita in and the Pa learctic. Br Birds 67: 405-413 . Taylor, B & va n Perl o, B 1998. Rai ls: a gu ide to the rails, cra kes, ga llinules and coots of the world. Mountfield. Urban, E K, Fry, C H & Keith, 5 (editors) 1986. The bi rd s of Africa 2. London.

Adriano De Faveri, /stituto Naziona le per la Fauna Selvatica, via Ca Fornacetta 9, 40064 Ozzano Emilia BO, /taly Nico la Baccetti, /stituto Naziona le per la Fauna Selvatica, via Ca Fornacetta 9, 40064 Ozzano Emilia BQ, !taly Emiliano Arcamone, COT, Museo di Storia Natura ie, via Roma 234, 57700 Livorn o L1, !taly

Trends in systematics _ _ __ _ __ Molecular study indicates sympatric breeding of Atlantic and Continental Great Cormorants in 8ritain In Europe, G reat Cormo rant Phalacrocorax carbo is represented by two subspecies: Atlantic G reat Cormorant P c ca rbo (hereafter carbol which inh ab its the coasts of Britain, France, Ice land and Norway, and Cont inenta l Great Cormorant P c sinens is (hereafter sinensis), w hi ch breeds mainly in inl and tree colon ies in con tin enta l Europe . In the early 19605, the north-western European population of sinensis was restricted to 800 pai rs in two co lon ies in the Netherlands. In subsequent decades. the population of sinensis in north-western Europe spectacu larl y in creased to more than 60 000 pairs in 1993 (va n Eerden & G regersen 1995). The increase co inc ided with a range expans ion to other European countri es. Until the 19805, in land nesting of cormorants in Britain was sporad ic but since 198 1 the number of inland breedi ng pairs has in creased to more than 11 00 in 1995 and breeding attempts have been recorded at 35 sites (Goostrey et al 1998). A lthough in land breeding is com mon ly assoc iated w ith sin ens is, the or igin and identity of th ese inland breeders has rema ined uncertain . Sell ers (1993) attempted to determine the status of in land breeding corm orants at Abberto n Reservoir, Essex, England, on the basis of th ree 174

plumage c haracters, the shape of th e gul ar pouch and rin ging recoveries . Differences in morphology have been described and di scussed on several occas io ns (eg, Stokoe 1958, Cramp & Simmans 1977, A istrรถm 1985) but assessi ng plumage and stru ctura l differences in the field is not always easy and may be subject to age and seasona l va ri ation. G loss to body plumage is greeni sh in sinensis and bluish or blui sh-purple in carbo but the difference may be very difficult to determine in the field and its va lidity has been questioned (Ma ri on 1995). Bath carbo and sinensis develop w hi te head-feathers and wh ite thigh patches at the start of th e breed ing season. These feath ers are at thei r brightest and most extensive in the early phase of the breeding season and decrease in intensity as breed in g progresses (Se ll ers 1993). Th e extent of w hite feathers on the head is much greater in sinens is than in carbo but same carbo, mostly a id males, may acqui re heads as w hite as typical sinensis (Stokoe 1958, Cramp & Simmans 1977, A istrรถm 1985). Therefore, the presence or absence of wh ite feathers is an inadequate bas is for ass igning lone birds to either carbo or sinensis. A istrรถm (1985) emphas ized a difference in the shape of the gu lar pouch; in sin ensis th e gul ar pouch extends further back beyond the gape than it does in carbo (Alstrรถm 1985, Lew in gton et al 1991). Mar ion (1995) q uesti oned the va lidity of thi s cr iter ion IDutch Birding 20: 774-777, 79981

Trends in systematics

133 Continenta l Great Cormorants! Aa lscho lvers Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis, Naardermeer, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, 12 April 1986 (RenĂŠ Pop) 134 Atlantic Great Cormorants! Grote Aalscholvers Phalacrocorax carbo carbo, Belfast Lough, Northern Ireland, 20 March 1993 (Arnoud B van den Berg)


Trends in systematics but Sellers (1993) noted that this appears to be an unusually helpful character to differentiate between the taxa. In Sellers' study, none of th ese morphological characters unambiguously identifi ed the cormorants at Abberton Reservoir as either carbo or sinensis, with the possible exception of plumage gloss which was bluish in all except one bird (of 109 checked) and was, therefore, indicative of carbo (Se llers 1993). The vast majority of ad ults was already incubating at the time of Sellers' visits, which compromised assessments of the maximum extent of white feathers. The shape of the gular pouch was consistent with sinensis in 13 individuals, whereas 87 showed th e presumed carbo pattern . However, conditions were never suitable to determ ine the colour of the plumage gloss in the birds with the sinensis-like gu lar pattern . Ringing recoveries in Essex and Suffolk, England, mostly concerned carbo from Engl and , Scotland and Wales, but included at least four sinensis from the Neth erlands and four from Denmark (Sell ers 1993). It is not clear whether these sinensis were local breeders or non-breeding visitors. Sellers (1993) concluded that the majority of birds breeding at Abberton Reservoir in 1989-90 was more likely to be carbo than sinensis, and therefore likely originated from within the British Isles rather than the continent. However, he pointed out that the possibility that some sinensis were breed ing at Abberton Reservoir can not be ruled out. Uncertainties about the validity of previously accepted morphological d ifferences led Marion (1995) to suggest that a molecular study may be the only way to resolve the identity of problematic individuals or populations. Recently, Goostrey et al (1998) have do ne just that. Their study was designed to establish: 7 the amount of variation within carbo and sinensis; 2 the level of differentiation of carbo and sinensis; and 3 the provenance of the inland tree-nesting cormorants in Britain. The team sampled no less than 541 individuals from 21 European populations . Seven of these populations rep resent sinensis from Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Neth erl ands and Sweden, 10 populations refer to carbo from England , France, Norway, Scotland and Wales and four are from inland English colonies (Abbe rton Reservoir, Essex; Littl e Paxton, Cam bridgeshire; Rutland Water, Lei cester; and Besthorpe, Nottinghamshire) . The technique of Goostrey et al (1998) is known as microsatellite analysis. Microsatellites


are short repetltlve eleme nts of DNA that are arrayed in a tandem fashion. The number of copies of these repetitive elements varies amon g individuals and populations of cormorants (P iertney et al 1998) and can thus be used to address variou s questions in population biology (parker et al 1998). The study revealed significant genetic variation in carbo en sinensis but leve ls of va riation are mu ch higher in carbo than in sinensis. The authors explained the discrepancy by differences in demographics (populations of carbo are muc h smaller th an those of sinensis and are separated by relati ve ly large distances, which promotes genetic differentiation), dispersion patterns (sinensis shows extensive migrations whereas carbo is generally non-migratory) and population growth (populations of sinensis have increased much faster than those of carbol . Goostrey et al (1998) found a 'd istinct and robust separation' of carbo and sinensis which they confirmed by applying several statistical methods. The authors point out that this result is consistent with a historic separation between the two taxa and confirms the current designation of carbo and sinensis as distinct taxa. The level of divergence of carbo and sinensis is comparable with th at identified between Hooded Corvus cornix and Carrion Crow C corone but is also within the range of conspecific populations (Goostrey et al 1998). Goostrey et al (1998) concluded that the taxonomic status of carbo and sinensis remains ambiguous (cf Marion 1993, YĂŠsou 1993) and stressed the necess ity of additional studies. . The most important finding, howeve r, was that the inland populations clustered with sinensis in phylogenetic analyses. The tree-nesting colonies thus most I ikely consist of a considerable continental European sinensis component, and are not simply the product of inland movement of carbo. Statistical analysis revealed that the inland colonies are not composed solely of sinensis but that both taxa occur sympatrically. Some members of these colonies had genetic characteristics intermediate between those of carbo and sinensis, suggesting that some hybridization is occurring (Goostrey et al 1998). Goostrey et al (1998) pointed out that their results have implications for the management of co rmorant populations. Large differences in mean body mass (2370 g in sinensis, 3100 g in carbol will most likely affect the energy requirements (eg, daily food intake) of sinensis and carbo. This means that different strategies may

Tre nds in system atics have to be appli ed to contro l overfi shin g by inl and and coastal breeding popul ati ons. Al so, if inl and popul ati o ns are a mi xture of th e two taxa, and perh aps include hybrids, it may become very diffjc ult to estim ate th e impact of cormo rants at f isheri es. References A iström, P 1985 . A rtbestamning av sto rskarv Pha/acrocorax carbo oc h toppskarv P. aristote/is. Va r Fage l-

vä rld 44: 325-350 . Cramp, S & Simm o ns, K E L (edito rs) 1977. Th e bird s of th e W estern Palea rcti c 1. Oxford. va n Eerden, M & Gregerse n, J 1995 . Lo ng-term changes in the no rth west Europea n popul ati o n of Co rm ora nts Pha/acrocorax carbo sinensis. A rd ea 83 : 61- 79 . Goostrey, A, Ca rss, 0 N, Nobi e, L R & Pi ertney, S B 1998. Po pul ati o n introgress io n and differentiati o n in th e Grea t Co rmorant Pha/acrocorax ca rbo in Europe. M o l Eco l 7: 329-338. Lew in gton , I, A iströ m, P & Co lsto n, P 199 1. A fi eld guid e to the rare birds of Britain and Europe. Lo ndo n. M ari o n, L 1993 . Cormo rants c6tiers et co ntin entaux,

so nt-il s génétiqu ement d ifférents? Penn ar Bed (B rest)

150 : 26-27 . Mari o n, L 1995. Wh ere two subspec ies meet : o ri gin, habitat cho ice and ni che segregation of Cormo rant Pha/acrocorax c. carbo and P. c. sinensis in th e co mmon w intering area (France), in relati o n to breedin g iso lati o n in Euro pe. A rdea 83: 103-114. Parker, P G, Snow, A A, Booto n, G C, Schug, M 0 & Fuerst, P A 1998. Wh at mo lecul es ca n teil us about popul atio ns: choos ing and usin g a mo lecul ar marker. Eco logy 79 : 36 1-382 . Pi ertney, S B, Goostrey, A, Da ll as, J F & Ca rss, 0 N 1998 . Highl y po lymo rphi c mi crosate llite marke rs in the Great Co rmo rant Pha/acrocorax ca rbo. Mo l Eco l

7 : 13 8-140. Sell ers, R M 1993 . Rac ial identi ty of Co rmo rants Pha/acrocorax ca rbo at the Abberton Reservo ir co lo ny, Essex . Seabird 15 : 45-52 . Stokoe, R 1958. Th e sp ri ng p lum age of the Cormo rant. Br Bird s 5 1: 165 -1 79 . Yésou, P 1993 . Le G rand co rm o ran Pha/acrocorax carbo: une systématiqu e co ntroversée. Bull Mensuel O ffi ce Natl Chasse 178 : 8-11.

George Sangs te r, N ie uwe Rijn 27, 23 72 JO Leiden, Nether/ands (sa ngster@op/bio. /eidenuniv.n/)

Recensies BEN F KI NG 1997. Checklist of the birds of Eurasia. Ibis Publishing Co mpan y Company, 34 20 Freda's Hili Road, Vista, CA 92084- 7466, USA (ibi spub@msn. co m). 105 pp.ISB N 0-93 4 797-1 5-3 . USO 19 .95 . No less th an fi ve majo r annotated chec kl ists of O ld Worl d bird s have appea red in the past fo ur yea rs. Two of these, by Bea m an (1994) and Eck (1996), focused o n th e Palea rcti c, anoth er, by Chri stidi s & Bo les (199 4), treats all A ustrali an bird spec ies, and a fo urth, by Inskipp et al (1996), li sts all bird s of th e O ri enta l regio n. Ben Kin g has now publi shed a very useful li st of th e bird s of Euras ia. The li st includes all spec ies recorded in th e vast area from Iceland, east to th e Berin g Sea and Japan and south to th e A rabi an penin suia, Indo nes ia and W all acea. In co ntrast to those by Bea man and Eck, King's li st does not include North Afri ca, th e Ca nary Island s, M adeira, th e Azores o r the Ca pe Verd e Islands. Th e 3062 spec ies li sted by Kin g are grouped by fa mil y. Th e li st d ivides Euras ia in to 10 reg ions. The occ urrence of spec ies in these regio ns is indi cated and spec ies end emi c to a sin gle reg io n are li sted in bo ld typeface. The introdu cto ry secti o n ex pl ain s that o ne of th e prim ary purposes of thi s li st is to stand ardi ze En gli sh names . A nyo ne famili ar w ith th e ornith o log ica l literature of Euras ia ca n attest to the chaotic state of En gli sh nomenc lature; Kin g's attempt to stabili ze th ese names w ill therefo re be we lcomed.

[Outeh Birding 20: 177·178, 19981

Th e li st is up-to-d ate to autumn 199 7 and thu s in cludes several new ly desc ribed species, including Mindanao Sunbird Aethopyga /in araborae (cf Outch Birdin g 19 : 149-140, 1997) . A ltho ugh thi s is a pos iti ve feature, I perso nall y wo uld not have in cluded M asca rene Shea rwater Puffinus atrodorsa lis and Cream-belli ed Muni a Lo nchura pa llid iventer beca use th e va li d ity of these rece ntl y proposed taxa is qu esti o nabl e. Th e li st also includ es Phili ppin e Woodcock, N ico bar Scops-Owl and Bl ac k-crow ned Barw in g - three new ly d iscove red spec ies that have not vet been fo rm all y desc ri bed . Th e autho r has cl ose ly fo ll owed recent taxo no mi c deve lopm ents in Europe. N umerous we ll-di fferenti ated taxa are li sted as spec ies, in c lu d ing Bew ick's Swan Cygnus bewickii, Tun d ra Bea n Goose Anser serrirostris, White-w in ged Scoter Me/anitta deg/and i, Black Scoter M am erica na, Balea ri c Shea rwater Puffinus m auretanicus, Greater Fl amingo Phoenicopterus roseus, Spani sh Imperi al Eag le A qui/a ada/berti, Macq ueen's Bustard Ch/am ydo tis m acqueen ii, Hume's W hi tethroat Sy/via a/th aea, Sm all Whiteth roat S m inu/a, Eastern Bo nelli 's W arbi er Ph ylloscopus orienta/is, Iberi an Chi ffc haff P brehmii, South ern G rey Shrike Lanius merid ionalis and Steppe G rey Shri ke L pallidirostris. Fo ll ow in g rece nt ph y loge neti c studi es, Kin g accepts Ma reca as th e generi c name for Gadwall M strepera, the w igeons and Falcated Ou ck M fa /cata, Casm erodius fo r G reat White Egret Ca /bus and p laces Haze l Grouse Bonasa bonasia in Te trastes and Lappet-faced Vul ture Torgos


Recensies traeheliotus in Aegypius. Overall , the taxonomy adopted is distinetly modern. The sequenee of families and orders, however, is fair ly traditiona l but Europeans may nevertheless be surp ri sed to find the loons and grebes between the Procell arii formes and Pelecaniformes. Other departures from the Voous sequence are found among the passerin es . For in stance, sh rikes are placed after buibuis and

before waxw in gs, and crows are placed at the end of the li st. Most of these departures are not the result of new phylogenetic work but merely co nt inue a tradit ion, albeit a different one from that of Voous (1977). There obv ious ly should be a market for this check li st. It is the most up-to-date li st of bird spec ies of the region and birders vis itin g Asia wi ll doubtless find it very helpful. GEORGE SANGSTER

DBA-nieuws DBA-vogeldag op 6 februari 1999 te Utrecht De traditionele DBA-vogeldag staat voor vo lgend j aar gepland op zaterdag 6 feb ru ari 1999. De locatie is het inmiddels al even traditionele Hoofdgebouw Diergeneeskunde aan de Yalelaan 1 (in De Uithof) te Utrecht, Utrecht, een locatie d ie qua li gg in g, bereikbaarheid (met de auto via afslag 'U ithof' vanaf de A27 en A28, na het AZUziekenh ui s de eerste weg rechts; met de bus vanaf Utrecht CS met de lijnen 11 en 12) en ruimte nog steeds onovertroffen is. Uiteraard wordt in het programma plaats ingeruimd voor bekende onderde len als de

'mystery bird-competitie' en de Jaaroverz ichten 1998. Het DBA-bestuur is druk bez ig het programma nader in te vu llen. In de foyer za l de gebruikelijke 'voge laarsbeurs' opgeste ld worden die tevens dienst doet als sociaa l ontmoeti ngscentrum. In een komende Dutch Birding en via de Dutch Birding-vogellijn (09002032128; 75 cpm) za l het definitieve programma bekend wo rden gemaakt. Ook deze DBA-vogeldag za l weer een soc iale, onderhoudende en leerzame gelegen heid bij uitstek z ijn voor onze begunstigers en voor andere geïnteresseerden . GIJSBERT VAN DER BENT

Aankondigingen & verzoeken NOU-symposium over vogeltaxonomie in april 1999 Op zaterd ag 10 april 1999 organi seert de Nederlandse Orn itholog ische Un ie (NOU) een sympos ium over voge ltaxonom ie in het Nationaal Natuurhi stori sc h Museum/Naturalis te Leiden, Zu id-H oll and . N ieuwe inzichten, vee lal veroorzaakt door nieuwe technieken zoa ls DNA-analyse, hebben het inz icht in de evo lu tie van voge ls verdi ept maar ook de discussie over verwantsc happen, soorten en soortgrenzen doen op laaien. Dat dit nogal wat tot gevolg heeft ervaren niet alleen professione le ornithologen, voge l beschermers en bijvoorbeeld uitgevers van voge l boeken, ook voge laars weten niet altijd meer waar ze aan toe zijn . In een vijftal lezingen worden achtergronden belicht en worden de voors en tegens van een veranderende systematiek uiteengezet. Het sympos ium wordt afgesloten met een rondetafeldi scussie waaraan onder meer wordt deelgenomen door de Commissie Systematiek Nederl andse Avifa un a (CSNA). Nadere informatie over het lezingenprogramma za l op een later tijdstip worden bekendgemaakt. Tijdens de lunchpa uze of na afloop kan men desgewenst de tentoonstellingen van het Nationaa l Natuu rhistorisch Museum/Natura li s bezoeken (neem dus uw museumjaarkaart mee). Plaats: A uditorium van het Nationaal Natu urhi sto ri sch Museum/Natu rali s, Darwinweg 2, Leiden (vi jf minuten lopen van NS-station Leiden), ingang v ia het Pesthuis; aanvang 10:00, afsluiting 16:00.


Photographs of Sy/via warblers requested The longawaited mon ograp h on the Sylvia wa rbl ers by H adoram Shirihai, Gabri el Gargallo and A ndreas Helbi g, illu strated by A lan Harris an d with photographs by David Cottrid ge is now near co mpl eti on. A lthough DC managed to photograph most of the species during the project, there are sti ll gaps in avai lable photographs of va ri ous plumages and subspec ies. Th erefore, other photographers are we lcomed to pa rti cipate in the book by subm itting (on ly very good quality) photographs taken in the fie ld of any species. Furthermore, the fo ll owin g spec ies particularly need more material of birds photographed both in the fie ld and in the hand: Tri stram's 5 deserticola, Ménétri es's 5 mystacea (mainl y the subspec ies 5 m mystaeea and 5 m turemenica), Cyp rus 5 melanothorax (juven il e), Rüppell's 5 rueppelli (juven il e), Desert 5 nana (No rth Africa n susbspecies 5 n desertl), Arab ian 5 leucomelaena (southern Arab ian and East African fo rm s), Orphean 5 hortensis (subspecies 5 h hortensis) and Barred Warb lers 5 nisoria and Lesser Whitethroat 5 eurruea (south-eastern (sub)species 5 (e) althaea and 5 (e) minuia), and the 'Afro-Sylv ias' (the former Parisoma), ie, Vemen 5 buryi, Brown 5 lugens, Banded 5 boehmi, Layard's 5 laya rdi and Rufous-vented Warblers Ssubeaeruleum. There wi ll be a fee (per photograph) paid by the publisher A&C Black. Need less to say that full credits w ill be given to th e pa rti cipating photographers.

[Outch 8irding 20: 778-779, 79981

Aankondigingen & verzoeken Towards the end of 1998, the final selection of the photographs wi ll be made and we request photographers to send the photographs as soon as possible to: David Cottridge, 6 Sutherland Road, Tottenham, London N17 OBN, UK, telephone +44-1 8 1-808 134 1. Vogels in Twente In september 1998 versch ijnt Voge ls in Twente, uitgegeven door boekhandel Broekhuis in Hengelo, Overij sse l (ISB N 90-70162-58-X) . Deze uitgave is bedoeld voor een groot publiek en bevat drie delen: een inleiding over (het ontstaan van) het Twentse landschap; een lij st van all e in Twente waargenomen voge lsoorten; en 15 wande lin gen tijdens we lke Twentse 'special iteiten' als Geoorde Fuut Podiceps nigricollis, Ijsvoge l A/cedo atth is, Zwarte Specht Oryocopus martius en Grote Gele Kwikstaart Motacil/a cinerea te zien z ijn. In de soortenlijst worden voorkomen en verspre iding van alle in Twente waargenomen soorten toegelicht. Van soorten die niet vake r dan 10 maal

Masters of Mystery

in de regio zijn vastgeste ld, zijn alle geval len verme ld. Deze zijn beoordeeld door de Comm issie Twentse Avifa un a (CTA) die voo r deze uitgave alle geva ll en van regionale ze ldzaam heden tot 1998 heeft gerevisee rd . Geva ll en van CDNA-beoordeelsoorten (Bronskopeend Mareca fa/cata, Steenarend Aqui/a chrysaetos, Kleinst Waterhoen Porzana pusilla, Kleine Trap Tetrax tetra x, Kuifkoekoek Clamator g /andarius, Middelste Bonte Specht Oendrocopos medius, Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica, Krekelzanger Locustel/a f/uviatilis, Roodkopklauwier Lanius senator, Witstuitbarmsijs Carduelis hornemanni etc) zijn all een opgenomen als ze z ijn aanvaa rd door de CDNA of als ze vo ldoende zi jn gedocum en teerd om alsnog aan de CDNA te worden voorge legd; in dit laatste geva l zijn ze duidelijk gemarkeerd. Het gebonden boek van 240 pagina's, met 10-tallen foto's en zwart-wittekeningen werd gered igeerd door Paul Knol ie, Rudi Lanjouw en Rolf de By en kost N LG 34.90.

cR__SW_~;_>t_~~--SK,-_I ---$OPTIK

Solutions of third round 1998 Th e so lutions of mystery photographs V-VI of the third round of 1998 (Du tch Birding 20: 125, 1998) appear below. V This swimming bird seen from behind was clearly not a give-away: eve n pinning the bird down to its family is already very difficult! The most importa nt features are the mainl y blackish upperpa rts with a large white area o n (at least) th e lower rear side of the head, white undertailcoverts, a w hite bar on the wi ngs and some irregul arl y distributed pale spots on the mantie and scapulars. This combi nation of features can not be found in any species of duck, diver or grebe but points in the direction of th e auks. Two characters of Little Auk Alle alle seem to be present: the wh ite 'cur l' upwards at the rear of th e head -sides and the pale spots on the upperparts forming a hint of Little Auk's white scapul ar stripes. The latter effect is actuall y caused by some water drops, and, above all, the mystery bird misses the compact, neck-Iess structure typica l of Little Auk. Therefore, Common Guillemot Uria aa/ge, Br端nnich's Guillemot U /omvia and Razorbill A /ca torda seem better options. The lDutch Birding 20: 779-78], 7998J

grey ish cast to the blackish upperparts (most obvious on the hind-neck) finally suggests a Common Guillemot, as Br端nnich's and espec ialIy Razorbill have deeper black upperparts com pared with the slightly paler grey ish-bl ack upperparts of Common (a lthough Co mmons from

135 Common Gu illemot / Zeekoet Uria aa /ge, Lauwersoog, Groningen, Netherlands, 4 February 1988

(LeoJ R BoonlCursorius)


Masters of Mystery northern populations are blacker than those from southern populations). Br端nnich's would also have the wh ite on the head more restricted to th e lowe r half of the head-side. Thi s Commo n Gu ill emot in winter plumage was photographed at Lauwersoog, Groningen, Netherlands, on 4 Februa ry 1988 by Leo Boon. Another photograph of the same bird appears as plate 135. It was id entifi ed correctl y by only six entra nts; incorrect answers consisted of a wi ld va ri ety of waterb ird s suc h as Harlequin Duck Histrion icus histrionicus (40%), Little Auk (17%), Br端nnich's Guillemot (14%), Razorbill (12%), Puffin Fratercula arctica (10%), Black-throated Diver Cavia artica, Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis and Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus

lobatus. VI This passerine w ith streaked upperparts, neck and crown is obv ious ly a lark; note, for in stanee, th e broad (and abraded) tertials of the mystery bird w hi ch are typical for larks, w hereas the tertials of pipits are much narrower. A prominent feature in the photograph is the lo ng, rather slim and pointed bill w hi ch reca ll s Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti. A closer look, however, ex poses several features that do not fit Dupont's.

Most im portantly, the bottom edge of the lower mandible is stra ight in the mystery b ird and not down-curved as in Dupont's. Furthermore, the crown is even ly dark-streaked, not show ing the darker latera l crown stripes of Dupont's. A lso, the scapu lars are diffusely dark-centred; in Dupont's, the scapulars have darker centres and are sharpl y fringed with pale, givi ng a sca ly appearance. Raso Lark A lauda razae, endemie to the Cape Verde Islands, is character ized by a long, deep-based bill, sti ll heav ier and not as sha rpl y pointed as that of the mystery bird . Raso also has a large ly pale grey bill and rather pa le ear-coverts (clearl y paler than th e crown), unlike the mystery bird. The str ikin g bill-shape of the mystery bird also does not fit many oth er lark spec ies (includ ing all members of the genera Ca landre l/a and Melanocorypha), because these spec ies have shorter, thicker and less pointed bilis. Bills more sim il ar to that of th e mystery bird are found in Crested Lark Calerida cristata (less 50 in Thekla Lark C theklae), Wood Lark LuI/uia arbo rea, Sky Lark Aarvensis and O ri ental Lark A gulgula (a lso known as Small Skylark). Crested ca n be excl uded as this spec ies should show a di stin ct crest (w hich may seem absent occasionally), a darker

136 O ri ental Lark / Kleine Ve ldleeuwerik A lauda gulgula, Eilat, Israel, 29 November 1992 (Leo J R Boon/Cursorius)


Masters of Mystery

137 Oriental Lark / Kleine Veldleeuwerik Alauda gulgula , Eilat, Israel, 2 April 1993 (LeoJ R Boon/Cursorius)

138 Sky Lark / Veldl eeuwerik A lauda arvensis, Grevelingendam, Zu id-Holl and, Neth erl ands, April

area on the lores, some dark malar striping and often a dark half-ring below the eye, w hich are all lack ing in th e myste ry bird; Wood ca n be exclud ed because this spec ies should show a different, mo re strikin g head-pattern w ith a longer supercilium. Therefore, the mystery bird mu st be either a Sky Lark or an Oriental Lark . There are severa l differences between Sky Lark and Oriental Lark which should allow id entificati on of the mystery bird, but individ ual and subspec ifi c variation in both species demands that th ese c haracters are to be used with ca re. A genera ll y reliable and rather well-known character is the difference in primary-projection. In O ri enta l, the primaries usuall y project on ly slightly beyond th e terti als, w hil e the primaryprojection of Sky is obviously longer. This feature needs to be hand led w ith some cauti on, because when the tertials are wom or in moult the primaryprojection can be longer than wh en fre sh. The mystery bird shows a substanti al primary-projection (v isible in th e photograph on th e right w in g), w hi ch might indi cate a Sky. Note, however, that the tertia ls are heav il y worn and th at the primary-proj ect ion w ill be partly caused by this. Most pub li shed photos of Oriental show birds in late autumn (when most Western Palearctic records occ urred) and, consequentl y, show birds in fresh plumage (both Sky and O ri ental und ergo a complete summer moult). These birds typically show very short primary-projections . Th e heav il y worn tertials of the mystery bi rd, however, indi cate that the photograph was taken in spring or ea rl y summer. Oriental in this time of yea r ca n show a somewhat longer primary-projection th an autumn

birds, and can resembi e the mystery bird in primary-projection. In fact, the primary-projection of the mystery bird looks toa short for most Sky. In Sky, espec iall y w h en wo rn , the length of the primary-projection is usuall y langer th an th e di sta nce between the longest and the second longest visibl e terti al, w hereas this is of about th e sa me length in the mystery bird. Furthermore, Sky shows two o r three widely spaced primary-tips beyond the terti als ; in the mystery bird, th ere are na widely spaced primari es visibl e between the wing-tip and th e longest terti al, thu s indi cating Oriental. Another feature for distinguishing Sky Lark and Oriental Lark is th e co lour of th e fringes of the primari es and seconda ri es. In Oriental, th e primari es and second ar ies are typ ica ll y ru styfringed, forming a rather wa rm panel on the closed w ing, w hereas in Sky the co lour of these fringes is co lder. The mystery bird does not seem to show any prominent rusty on the frin ges of th e primaries and secondaries, but thi s is difficult to judge from the photograph as these feathers can not be seen we il. There is a 51 ightl y warmer ti nge visib le o n the fringes of same primaries, but this can be present in bath Sky and Oriental. Other differences between Sky Lark and Orienta l Lark can be found in th e head-pattern, espec iall y the loral pattem. The lores of the mystery bird are entirely pale. Thi s is typical for Oriental w hi c h shows a wide pale sa ndy-col oured lo ral area, normally w ith out the dark lo ral spot of most Sky. The fairly braad (especia ll y just behind the eye) and lo ng superc ilium of the mystery bird is aften shown by Oriental, but less fre-

1993 (H ans Gebuis)

18 1

Masters of Mystery quently by Sky. Th e exact bill-shape of the mystery bird also suggests O ri enta l, as the bill of Sky is no rm all y sli ghtly less long and less pointed than th at of O ri enta l. This Oriental Lark was photographed at Eilat, Israe l, on 2 April 1993 by Leo Boo n. Plate 137 shows anoth er photograph of the sa me bird. It is interesting to compare thi s bird w ith the Sky Lark in plate 138, since both bird s were photographed in April and, consequently, both bi rds show heav il y worn tertials. Note that th e pr im ary-proj ecti on of th e Sky is mu ch lo nger than that of the Orienta l. Note also the w idely spaced pr imarytips, dark spot on the lores and relatively short and stubby billof the Sky. Plate 136 shows two not yet mentioned characters of O ri ental : the w hiti sh chin and throat w hi ch lack the dark spottin g of many Sky and the very thin, pencil-like streaks on the breast (Sky has on ave rage thicker breast-streaking on a more buffish ground co lour). The rusty fringes of th e primaries and seco ndari es are also better visibl e in this plate than in th e mystery photograph. Two further characters of Oriental not shown in either photograph of this bird are the unstreaked flanks and the pale sa nd y outer tail-feathers; in Sky there are usuall y so me dark streaks present on the flanks and th e o uter tail-feath ers are pure white (see plate 138). This mystery bird proved extremely diffjcult to identify and only five entrants managed to id entify it correctly. Q uite surpri sin gly, most incorrect

answers were not for Sky Lark (onl y 9%) but for Dupont's Lark (56%); other in co rrect answers included Crested Lark (18%), Raso Lark (8%) and Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi (7%). Th is ro und was even more difficult than the previous one: no one succeeded in identifying both mystery birds correctly, 11 entrants identified one bird correctl y, while all others identif ied both birds in correctly. The 11 entrants w ho identif ied either the Common Gu ill emot or th e Oriental Lark correctly are Th eo Bakker, Sietze Bernardus, Max Berlijn, Arjan Boeie, Hannu J채nnes, Harri Kontkanen, Jan van der Laan, Timo Marijnissen, Rients Niks, Gert Ottens and Dave van der Spoe l. They are the w inners of this round and from them Sietze Bern ardu s, Max Berlijn and Dave van der Spoe l were drawn as those who w ill rece ive a copy of Photographic handbook of the seabirds of the world by Jim Enticott and David Tiplin g, donated by New Ho ll and (Publishers). H annu J채nnes (Finland) and Dave van der Spoel (Netherlands) are now lead in g th e competiti on w ith five correct answers each, closely fo llowed by Sietze Bernardus, Jan-Joost Bouwman, Rob Bouwman, Jan van der Laan, Timo Marijnissen, Mark Nieuwenhuis and Gert Ottens w ith four co rrect answers and 23 entrants with three correct answers. A more comprehensive overview of th e leade rship of th e competition will be given at http ://www.xs4a ll.nl/-eland/d utchbirdin g.

Oiederik Kok, Pelmolen weg 4,3577 XN Utrecht, Netherlands (d.s.kok@students.chem.uu.n/) Nils van Duivendijk, C uldenhoeve 34, 345 1 TC Vleuten, Netherlands (duivendijk@multiweb. n/)


Masters of M ystery

Fourth round 1998 Pl ease, stud y th e rul es (Dutc h Birding 20 : 42-43, 1998) ca refull y and identify th e bird s in mystery photograph s V and VI. So luti o ns ca n be se nt in three different ways: • by postca rd to Dutch Birding Assoc iati o n, Postbu s 756 11 , 1070 AP Amsterd am, Netherlands • bye-mail to d .s. ko k@stud ents.chem.uu .nl • by Intern et via th e homepage of th e Dutch Birding Assoc iation , http ://ww w.x s4all.nl/-eland/ dutchbirding

Entri es for th e fourth round have to arri ve by 25 October 1998. From th ose entrants hav in g identified both mystery bird s co rrectl y, three persons w ill be drawn w ho w ill rece ive a copy of 8 ird Identification - a re ference guide by Kri stian Ad olfsson and Stefan Cherru g, do nated by Skanes O rnitologiska Fö renin g. Swa rovski Benelu x will award a pair of th e hi ghl y accl aimed Swa rovski SLC 8x3 0 WB binocul ars to th e overall winn er at th e end of th e co mpetiti o n (after si x ro unds).

Oiederik Kok, Pelmolen weg 4, 3511 XN Utrecht, Netherlands (d. s.kok@students.chem.uu.nl) Nils van Duivendijk, C uldenhoeve 34,345 1 TC Vleuten, Netherlands (duivendijk@multiweb.nl)

WP reports Thi s review li sts rare and interesting b ird s reported in the Western Palearctic mainl y in July-early September 1998 and foc uses on north-western Europe. Th e reports are largely unchecked and th eir publi cati on here does not impl y future acceptance by the rariti es co mmittee of the relevant country. Observe rs are requested to submit record s to each country's rariti es co mmittee. Correction s are we lco me and w ill be publi shed. Th e first Redhead Aythya am erica na for Ice land was a male at Ri f, Sn<efell snes penin sui a, on 8-10 Jul y. Th e next day, poss ibl y th e sa me indi v idu al was found at a di stance of 11 3 km at Fitj atj örn , Reykj anes penin sui a, ju st north of Sandgerdi, w here it stayed until at least 15 Jul y. A male Black Duck Anas rubripes return ed to Barrow H arbour, Kerry, Ireland, on 16 A ugust; last yea r, it w intered in the sa me area . Th e second and third White-winged Scoters ' Melanitta deglandi for Ice land we re males at Hva ln es, Lón, o n 4-6 June (for th e first record, see Birdin g World 10 : 56-61, 199 7; Bliki 18 : 31, 65 -67, 1997) . An adult summer Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps w hich returned to Rostell an Lake, Cork, Ireland, on 26 Jul y remained into September. A soft-plumaged petrel Pterodroma {eae/madeira/m ollis gave pro longed, di stant views on 20 August off th e Brid ges-of-Ross, Clare, Ireland. A noth er was reported at Newbi ggin, Northumberl and, En gland, on 24 A ugust. On 10 September, on e flew past Cape Clea r, Cork. A pelagic transect in ea rl y A ugust fro m M adeira to Li sboa aga in demonstrated that Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii and Little Shearwater Puffinus ass imilis are regul ar in late summer in Portu guese waters. Th e first Swinhoe's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma m onorhis for the USA was ph otog raph ed on 8 August at c 40 mil es SSE off Hatteras Inl et, North Carolin a; on th e very sa me day, a

[Outeh Birding 20 : 783·788, 7998]

Bulwer's Petrel was photog raph ed 40-5 0 mil es to the north . Th e second Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus for Denm ark since 1968 was see n at Trygge ler Nor, Langeland, Fyn, on 12 Jul y. A Green Heron Butorides vireseens was found in th e Azo res o n 10 September. A darkmorph Western Reef Egret Egretta gularis stayed in th e Camargue, Bouches-du -Rh 6ne, France, during Jul y. Th e first Little Egret E ga rzetta for Rhod es Island, USA, was on Bl oc k Island on 14 September; it was also th e first aged as first ca lend ar-yea r for th e U SA. Th e first Glossy Ibis P/egadis {a /cinellus for leeland in th e 20th ce ntury stayed from 10 June into Jul y at Sand gerdi. Th e co lony of Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus at Mo lentargiu s pond, Sard in ia, had an /tali an record of 3450 chi cks bein g rea red in 1998. O n 5 Jul y, a Black-shouldered Kite E/anus caeru/eus was see n 15 km north-east of Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany. On 13 A ugust, two were present in Avey ron, France. After no growth in 1950-80, the German populati on of White-tailed Eagles Ha/iaeetus a/bicilla increased to 301 breeding pairs in 1997; for 1998-2000, a furth er increase of c 20% and a furt her range expansion is expected (Voge lwe lt 11 9 : 4 7-63, 1998) . Th e seventh Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus fo r Sweden wa s seen in Skane on 5 Jul y. A maz in gly, one of the two Lammergeiers Gypaetus ba rbatus seen on 1219 M ay in th e Netherl ands appea red to have return ed in the French A lpes at Va no ise N P, Savo ie, in late May (cf Dutch Bi rding 20 : 128, 136, 1998) . A Lesser Spotted Eagle Aqui/a pomarina stayed at W oë l, Étang de Lac haussee, M euse, France, from 11 May throu gh Jul y. At Breuil-Magne, Charente-M aritimes, a Bonelli's Eagle Hieraaetus {ascia tus was record ed on 12 September. In Sicil y, Italy, a fe male Amur Falcon Fa/co amurensis was see n on 7 May and an adult male was photog raph ed on 19 M ay at Stretto di M ess in a (cf Bird-


WP reports

139 Sharp-ta il ed Sa ndpiper ! Siberi sc he Strand loper Calidris acuminata, adult, Ezumakeeg, Lauwersmeer, Fries land, Netherlands, 9 August 1998 (Arnoud B van den Berg) 140 Bai rd 's Sandpiper ! Bairds Stra ndloper Ca lidris bairdii, adult, and Dunlin ! Bonte Strandloper C alpina, Lound Gravel Pits, Nottinghamsh ire, England, August 1998 (Iain H Leach) 141 Red-necked Stint ! Roodkeelstrandloper Calidris rufico/lis, ad ult, Ba ll ycotton, Cark, Ireland, Jul y 1998 (Paul Archer) 142 Blue-cheeked Bee-eater ! Groene Bij eneter Merops persicus, Husby S0, Vestjyll and, Denmark, 6 Jul y 1998 (Hen rik Knudsen) 143 Turkesta n Sh rike ! Turkestaa nse Klauw ier Lanius phoenicuroides, Anglesey, Wa les, Jul y 1998 (Ste ve Young/Birdwatch) 144 Redwing ! Koperw iek Turdus iliacus, juvenil e, Nuuk, Green land, 15 August 1998 (Sven Achtermann)


WP reports in g World 11: 259-260, 1998). In Sweden, a pa lemorph Eleonora's Falcon F eleonorae was present at Resmo, Ö land, on 8 August. An adul t Sora Crake Porzana carolina at Tacum shin, Wexford, on 2-4 A ugust was the second fo r Ireland (the first was in 1920) . In th e Ebro de lta, Cataloni a, Spa in , an Allen's Gallinule Porphyrula al/eni was reported on 9 September. In Nova Scoti a, Ca nada, an ad ult American Purple Gallinule P ma rtinica stayed at th e go lf course of Harti en Point from 19 jul y onwa rd s (a t least until 25 jul y). A Grey-headed Swamp-hen Po rp hyrio poliocephalus was seen at Reth en, Hann over, N iedersac hse n, Germ any, on 4-5 jul y. A male in Cambrid geshire, En gland , from 12 jul y was prove n to be an escape from a nea rby aviary. A Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordman ni was reported at Fl eury, A ude, France, on 5 Septem ber. The second Ame rican Golden Plover Plu vialis dom inicus for France was an adult in the Camargue on 16-18 August. Th e 10th fo r th e Neth erl ands was at M iddelpl aten, Goes, Zee land, from 20 Septe mber. An adult Sociable Lapwing Vanel/us gregarius stayed at Spaa rn wo ude, Noord-Holl and, th e Netherl and s, from 25 june to 17 A ugust. In France, one was at Contres, Lo ire-et-C her, on 1-7 August. A Whitetailed Lapwing V leucurus on 18 November 1978 at Las Ga lletas, Tenerife, Ca nary Island s, was recently accepted being Europe's first for November (A rd eo la 45 : 9 7-11 6, 1998) . In the Netherl and s, surprisingly, th e adult stay in g at Assendelft, Noord-H oll and, from 21 February to 8 March returned on 4 September, still being present in large fl ocks of Lapw ing V vanel/us o n at least 27 September. Th e sixth Semipalmated Sandpiper Ca lidris pusil/a for th e Neth erl and s was a di sta nt ad ult at Slikken va n Bommenede, Zo nnemaire, Zee land, on 5-1 2 A ugust and another was at Ezum akeeg, Lauwe rsmee r, Fri esland, o n 9-20 A ugust. Th e second fo r Northern Ireland was an adult summer ph otographed at Belfast Lough during 13- 18 A ugust. In Ireland, up to two we re present at Tacum shin on 10-14 September. O n Terce ira, Azo res, one Sem ipalm ated and a Western Sandpiper C mauri were see n on 30 August. A first-w inter Weste rn stayed nea r Ma rais de Monportea u, Les Sables d' O lonne, Vendée, France, on 9- 12 September. A n ad ult summer Red-necked Stint C ru ficol/is was photograph ed at Ba ll ycotton, Cork, on 2-5 jul y. A noth er stayed for less than 6 h on 4 jul y at O udBe ijerl and, Zuid -H oll and, the Netherl and s (Dutc h Birdin g 20 : 144, 1998). A Least Sandpiper C m inutil/a was d iscovered at Lac de Momas, Pyrenées-Atlantiqu es, Fra nce, on 25 jul y. In th e Azores, after one at Lajes do Pi co on 26 jul y, eight we re seen during the first half of September. A noth er stayed at Rodgerstown, D ublin, Ireland, on 12- 13 September. In Germany, an ad ult White-rumped Sandpiper C fuscicol/is was at M eldo rfe r Speicherkoog, Schi eswig-H oistein, on 29 jul y and anoth er at Clauen, N iedersac hse n, on 4- 25 A ugust. In Norway, one stayed at FriEje, Mme og Romsdal, o n 1-2 A ugust. In Belgiu m, an adult was fo un d at Moerbe ke,

Oost-V laa nderen, on 2 August and in Denm ark, an ad ul t was at Agge r, Nordj yll and, on 11 September. In Britain, seven we re see n in jul y and aga in seven in August. In Ireland, on e was reported in jul y and two we re see n in A ugust. A lso in Ireland, from mi d A ugust to mid September, sin gle Baird's Sandpipers C ba ird ii we re reported at Tacum shin (tw ice), at Broad Lough, Wi ckl ow, and at Ball ycotto n. Three we re see n in England in A ugust and two in ea rl y Septembe r. In the first half of September, one was reported from O uessant, Fini stère, France, and at least eight fro m th e Azores . Ph otograph s of one reported as a first for Hungary, at Soseri on 7- 17 May (cf Dutch Birdin g 20 : 131 , 1998), show a Sanderling Ca lba . Th e seco nd and third Sharp-tailed Sandpipers C acuminata for th e Neth erl and s we re tw o adul ts at Ezum akeeg, Lauwe rsmeer, Fri esland, on 6-8 A ugust; one stayed until 23 A ugust. Th e fi rst Stilt Sandpiper Micropalama himantopus fo r th e Netherl and s was an adult seen by many birders at Bl auwe Kamer, Rhenen, Utrec ht, on 24 jul y. It was also onl y the second for Europe in the past five yea rs (th e oth er one was an adult at Minsmere, Suffolk, England, on 7- 13 September 1997) . In Ireland, up to six Buff-breasted Sandpipers Tryngites subruficol/is we re present at Tacum shin on 12-1 5 September. Th e 11 th fo r th e Neth erl and s was a ju venil e at Polder Eij erl and, Texel, Noord-Ho ll and, on 16- 19 Septembe r. A Shortbilled Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus was reported from the Azo res in ea rl y September. A n Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longica uda was bri efl y seen at Porth gwa rra, Co rn wa ll , England, on 17 September. In France, a large co unt of 20 Marsh Sandpipers Tringa stagnatilis was in the Ca margue on 22 jul y. A Solitary Sandpiper T 501itaria was reported from th e Azo res in ea rl y September. The fo urth Lesser Yellowlegs T flavipes for th e Neth erl and s was an adult at O ude Robbenga t, Lauwe rsmeer, G roningen, on 15- 17 jul y. In th e Camargue, th e Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus present since 1997 remained at least into August. The second Willet Ca toptrop horus semipa lmatus for France (a nd the first fo r th e 20th ce ntury) was a first-w in te r on 12-1 3 September at La Belle-H enriette lagoon between La Faute-s ur-M er and La Tranche-sur-Mer, Ve ndée. In th e Azo res, a Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia was seen on Terce ira on 30 A ugust; a juveni Ie was present at Bawdsey, Suffo lk, fro m 8 Septembe r onwa rd s. In Ireland, a Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor stayed at Tacum shin from 28 june to 14 jul y; oth er sin gles we re reported, eg, in Cae rn arvon shire, Wa les, on 27 28 A ugust (a ju ve nil e), and at Bun owe n Bay, Galway, Ireland, on 30 A ugust. In th e first half of September, one had arri ved in the Azo res, one in England and three in Ireland. A ju ve nile Great Black-headed Gull Larus ichth yaetus was photographed on 5 September at A ltwa rmbü chener See, Hann ove r, Germ any. From M ay until at least mid August, a secon d-w inter Laughing Gull L atricil/a remain ed at Bod dam, Shetl and, Scotl and. A n ad ult was see n in Dorset, En gland, on 15 jul y. In France, one was reported at Bouin, Ve ndée, on 4 A ugust and anoth er on


WP reports

145 Orienta l Cuckoo / Boskoekoek Cucu /us saturator, Li eksa, Finland, 27 June 1998 Uuha Poutanen) 146 0riental Cuckoo / Boskoekoek Cuèu /us saturator, Li eksa, Fin land, 27 June 1998 (Kimmo Neva /ainen) 147 G reat Blackheaded Gu ll / Reuzenzwartkopmeeuw Larus ichthyaetus, first- yea r, A ltwarmbüch ener See, Hannover, Germ any, 5 September 1998 (Oet/ef Gruber)


WP reports Ii e de Ré, Charente-Maritime, on 25 August. If accepted, a first-summer Franklin's Gull L pipixcan off l'Estartit, Girona, on 21 June wi ll be the fifth for Spa in. In France, an ad ult summer was present on Iie de Ré on 22-25 August. In Britain, fi rst-summer Bonaparte's Gulls L phi/ade/phia were reported from Druridge Bay, Northumberland, fro m 26 Jul y to 11 A ugust and again on 9 September, and from Musselburgh, East Lothi an, Scotland, from 17 A ugust into September. Sin gle Audouin's Gulls L audouinii we re seen at Thonon-IesBains, H aute Savoie, o n 6 September an d at Lac Léman, Genève, Switzerland, on 7 September. The seventh Ring-billed Gull L de/awarensis for the Netherland s co ncerned an adult present fro m 18 January to 11 Feb ru ary 1998 at Goes, Zeeland, w hich retu rn ed to the sa me area on 18 September. Th e third-wi nter Glaucous-winged Gull L g /aucescens at La Restinga, EI Hierro, Canary Isl an ds, on 7-10 Febru ary 1992 ha s recentl y been accepted (B irdin g World 9: 237, 1996, Ardeola 45: 97-116, 1998). It was see n th ree yea rs earlier th an the adult, poss ibl y the same individu al, photographed at Essaouira, Morocco, on 31 Janu ary 1995 (Dutch Birding 17: 76-8 1, 1995). In Norway, a Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea was reported at Brunlan es, Vestfold, on 9 Jul y. In Germany, an adu lt was see n for an hour at Westerland, Sylt, SchleswigHolstein, on 6 August. In th e Netherl and s, an ad ult summer flew past th e ferry to Texel on 21 August. In France, an Oriental Turtle Dove Streptope/ia orienta/is was see n at Marais Bréton , Vendée, at least on 1112 September. Up to two laughing Doves 5 senega/ensis stayed with Collared Doves 5 decaocto north of Arles, Bou ches-d u-Rh6n e, from 30 August to at least 6 September. A Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator g/anda rius was see n at Mölnor, Farö, Gotland, Sweden, on 18 August. Th e first an d seco nd Oriental Cuekoos Cucu/us saturatus for Finland we re sin gin g at Li eksa from c 15 June to 11 Jul y and at Karstula from 25 June to 4 Jul y. The first successful breeding of Eurasian Scops Owls Otus scops for the Czech Republic occurred this summer on the Moravian side of Bile Karpaty Mountains, south-eastern Moravia; there are only c 20 reco rd s for the Czech Republic, half of w hi ch in the 19th century. In Sc ill y, England, two sin gle Common Nighthawks Chorde i/es minor we re found ; one was an ad ult mal e on St Ag nes on 8-14 September (w hen it di ed) and another was on St Mary's from 12 September onwa rd s. Th e first for France was discovered at Prad Meur, Ouessant, on 17 September. In the Azo res, a Chimney Swift Chaetura minor was reported in mid September. If accepted, a White-rumped Swift Apus caffer at Ca po Murro de Porco, Siracusa, Sicil y, on 26 Jul y wi ll be the first for Italy. In Portugal, as usual, several return ed to Mertola and three we re present during June-Jul y at the breed in g site. Th e first Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus for Norway was at Lokoy, Fj ell , Hordal and , on 22 June and the third for Denmark was at Husby Sa, Vestjy ll and, on 6 Jul y. Th e eighth breeding record of European Bee-eater Mapiaster for Denmark occurred thi s summer at Kongstrup, Kalundborg, Vestsja= lI and,

w here three to four pairs raised yo un g. In southern Turkey, a Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus was seen near Aksek i on 5 A ugust. Th e or igin of a Bimaculated lark Me /anocorypha bimacu /ata w ith one leg on 5 Jul y at Günzburg, Bayern, Germany, was disputed. On 13 Jul y, a Black lark M yeltoniensis was reported at H amn in gberg, Blatsfjord, Finnm ark, Norway. From 2 1 A ugust onwards, a Crested lark Ga /erida crista ta stayed at Trondh eim , Sor-Trondelag . On 13-16 Jul y, a Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica was photographed on Hornoya, Vardo, Vara ngerfjord, Finnm ark. A male Black-headed Wagtail Motacilla fe/degg at Ja=ren, Rogaland, Norway, paired w ith a fe male Blue-headed Wagtail M f/ava was feeding youn g in Jul y. A nother stayed near Rattray H ead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, from 12 Jul y to 6 August. The third Rock Thrush Montico/a saxati/is for Sweden and the first twitchable was a male at Ho lmträsk, Norrbotten , from 2 1 Jul y to at least 26 August. Th e first successful breeding of Redwing Tu rdus i/iacus for Greenland was at N uu k thi s summer. On 4 August, a Paddyfield Warbier Acrocepha /us agrico/a was seen at Espoo, Finl and. Th e 15th for Sweden was trapped at Falsterbo, Skane, on 1 September. In Nieuwegein, Utrecht, the first breeding Blyth's Reed Warbier A dumetorum for the Netherland s co nce rn ed a male paired with a Marsh Warbier A pa/ustris produ cin g two yo un g in June-Jul y. If accepted, a Pallas's Grasshopper Warbier Locuste//a certhio /a see n on 14 September by two birders at Segerstad, Öland, w ill be the first for Sweden. A report of an all eged River Warbier L f/uviati/is in the Berlengas, Portu gal, in late May (Dutch Birdin g 20 : 133, 1998) appea red to be erron eous. Th e third Icterine Warbier Hippo /ais icterina for Portu gal was photogra ph ed in the Berlengas on 24 May. In Shetland, sin gle Arctic Warblers Phylloscopus borealis we re seen on Fair Isle on 29-30 A ugust and at Quendale on 13-14 September. On 30 August, one was reported in the Ca margue and another was briefly see n at Tienen, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium, on 11 September. An adult Eastern Bonelli's Warbier P orienta /is trapped at Grutness, Shetl and, on 27 A ugust stayed until 5 September and, subsequentl y, at Scatness until 7 Septem ber. A presu med first-summer fema le Turkestan Shrike Lan ius phoenicuroides stayed at Ceml yn, Anglesey, Wales, from 2 Jul y to 8 A ugust. The lo ng-stay in g Spanish Sparrow Passer hispa nio /ensis at Waterside, Cumbria, England, remained the entire peri od. Like la st yea r, th e two House Crows Corvus sp/endens present since April 1994 at Hoek va n Ho ll and, Zuid-Holland, raised a yo ung w hi ch was first see n on 9 Jul y. Th e sixth indi v idu al for th e Netherl and s and the first for Fri es lan d and Groningen was an ad ult stavin g first at Kollumerland, Lauwe rsmeer, on 15 A ugust (probab ly, from 9 A ugust) and presumably the sa me later at Winsum, Groningen, on 20 September. Two sin gin g Two-barred Crossbills Loxia /e ucoptera we re (still) seen at Bl auwe Bos near Duurswoude, Fri es land, on 19-25 Jul y. The first louisiana Waterth rush Seiurus motacilla for the WP at Tazacorte, La


WP reports Palm a, Ca nary Island s, on 10-26 November 199 1 has recentl y been accepted (B irdin g W orld 5 : 26, 199 2, Dutch Birdin g 18 : 143, 1996, A rd eola 45: 97-11 6, 1998 ). In mid September, a Red-eyed Vireo Vireo o/ivaceus w as seen on O uessa nt. O n Helgol and, Schl eswig-Hol ste in, an A meri ca n passerin e glimpsed o n 18 September was tentati ve ly id entified as a Yellowthroated Vireo Vireo flavifrons. O n 6 September, a Black-headed Bunting Emberiza me/anocepha/a was present on O uessant and a second-yea r female was trapped on Ö land on 13 September. A Bobolink Oo /ichonyx oryz ivorus was reported from the Azo res in ea rl y September. For a number of reports, publi cation s in A rdeo la, Birding World , Birdwatch, Briti sh Bird s, Limi col a, O rnithos, Va r Fagelvä rld , Win ging It, Win gspan and World Bird watch we re co nsulted . News from Britain was kindl y suppli ed by Birdlin e (089 1-700-222 or 089 1700-242) and Rare Bird News (0881 -888-111). I w ish

to th ank Paul A rcher, Rafae l A rm ad a (Turkey), Peter Ba rthel (Germany), David Bi gas, M ags Brindl e, P A Bu ckl ey, A lain Chappui s, Rolf Chri sten sen, Tony Cl arke (Ca nari an Nature Tours), Tim Collin s, José Lui s Copete (Turkey), Andrea Corso (Italy), David Cottridge, Mike Crewe, Eri c Dempsey, Gunter De Sm et (Belaru s), Joc hen Di ersc hke (Germ any), Hugues Dufourn y, Enn o Ebels, Peter Fraser (UK), Gonça lo Eli as, Tomm y Frand se n, Marce llo Gru ss u, M orte n Günther, Ri ca rd Gutiérrez, Erlin g Jirl e, Adri an Jordi , Yves Kayser, Chri s Ki ghtley, Gu y Kirw an (OSME), Pi erre Le M aréchal (France), André va n Loon, Jan Louw man, Bru ce M actav ish, Blake M aybank, Anthon y McGeehan, Ri chard Millington , Geir M obakken, Colm C M oo re, Gerald O reel, A ri e Ou we rkerk, Gunnlau gur Pétursson (Ice land), Stefan Aki Ragnarsson (Ice land), Co lin Rich ard son (UAE), Lu c iano Ru ggieri (Italy), George Sangster, Holger Schritt, Bob Scott, Ri ca rd o Tome, Ma rtin Vavri k and Rol and va n der Vli et for th eir help in compilin g thi s review .

Arnoud B van den Berg, Duinlustparkweg 98, 2082 EG Santpoort-Zuid, Neth erlands (Arnoud. vandenBerg@inter.nl.netJ

Recente meldingen Dit overzi cht va n recente meldingen va n ze ld za me en interessante vogels in Nederland en België beslaat voo rn amei ijk de period e juni-juli 1998. De vermelde geva llen z ijn merendee ls ni et geve rifi ee rd en het overz icht is niet vo ll edi g. All e vogelaars die de moeite namen om hun w aarn emin gen aan on s doo r te geven wo rden hartelijk bedankt. W aa rn emers va n soorten in Nederl and die worden beoordeeld door de Commi ss ie Dw aalgasten Nederland se Av ifaun a wo rdt ve rzoc ht hun waa rn emingen zo spoedi g mogelijk toe te ze nden aa n: CD NA, Postbu s 45, 2080 AA Santpoo rt-Zuid, Nederl and . Hiertoe gelieve men gebruik te maken va n CDNA-waarnemin gsformuli eren die eveneens verkrij gbaar z ijn bij bovenstaand ad res.


Een we l erg late Roodhalsgans Branta ruficollis bevond zich op 4 juni ac hter de kw elpl asj es langs de O o stvaa rdersdijk, Fl evol and. Op 15 juli verbl eef een groep va n 24 Casarca's Tadorna ferruginea bij de Sti c htse Bru g, Noord-H oll and . G rote aa ntallen Krooneenden Netta rufin a betroffen op 8 juni 25 in de Botshol, Utrecht, en op 9 juli 13 op het Velu we meer ter hoogte va n Hoophui ze n, Gelderl and. De Bronskopeend M areca fa/ca ta van de Ezum akeeg, Fri es land, werd daa r nog tot 7 juni gez ien. Grauwe


Pijlstormvogels Puffinus griseus werd en gemeld op 14 juli bij Ca mperduin , Noord-Holland, en op 15 juli (twee) langs Tersc hellin g, Fri es land. Noordse Pijlstormvogels P puffinus v logen op 8 juni langs Westkapell e, Zeeland, op 13 juli lan gs Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, op 15 juli (v ij f) en 16 juli langs Tersc hellin g en op 30 juli (twee) langs Sch evenin gen, Zuid-Holl and. Vanaf 5 juli we rden 17 Vale Pijlstormvogels P mauretanicus gez ien va naf Camperduin , terw ijl andere gemeld werden op 15 juli langs Tersc hellin g en op 31 juli langs Scheveningen. Dri e Va le Stormvoge ltjes O cea nodroma /eucorh oa die op 11 juli langs Huisduinen, NoordH olland, vlogen we rden later geherdeterminee rd als twee Stormvogeltjes H ydrobates pe/agicus en één stormvogeltje met een donkere stuit. A ndere Sto rmvogeltjes we rden gezi en langs Camperduin op 14 juli minim aa l drie en op 18 juli één. Een on vol wasse n Kuifaalscholver Stictoca rbo aristote/is w erd van af 22 juli opgemerkt langs de Oostersc heldekerin g, Zeeland. Woudapen Ixobrychus minutus werd en gez ien van 7 tot 12 juni bij Uithoorn, Noord-H olland, op 12 juni en pas wee r op 24 juli bij Ko llumeroord, Fri es land, en op 20 juni bij N ieuwe rkerk aan den Ij sse l, Zuid-Holl and . Ook werd in juni nog een Woud aap gehoord in Noo rdLimburg. Kwakken Nycticorax nycticorax we rd en waa rgenomen op 7 juni in de Kl otputten bij Eindhove n, Noo rd-Brabant, op 19 juni te Amsterd am, NoordHoll and, op 11 juli in de Ko llumerwaa rd , Fri es land, op

[Outeh Birding 20: 788-794, 7998[

Recente meldingen

148 Az iatisc he Goudpl evier / Pacific Golden Plover P/uvialis fu/va , De Putten, Sc hoo rl , Noord-Ho ll and, 23 juli 1998 (RenĂŠ Pop) 149 Gestreepte Strand loper / Pectoral Sandpiper Ca lidris me/anotos, adult, Neer, Limburg, 4 augustus 1998 (Kare/ Lemmens)


Recente meldingen

150 Steppekievit / Sociable Lapwin g Vanel/us grega rius, ad ult, Spaarndam, Noord-Holl and, 25 juni 1998 (A rnoud B van den Berg) 151 Steltstrand loper / Stilt Sandpiper Micropalama himantopus, adu lt, Blauwe Kamer, Utrecht, 24 juli 1998 (A rnoud B van den Berg) 152 Huiskraai / House Crow Corvus splendens, ad ult, Kollumerl and, Lauwersmeer, Friesland, 15 augustus 1998 (LeoJ R Boon/Cursorius)


Recen te m e ld ingen 17 juli in A lphen aan den Rij n, Zuid- Holl and, en bij Doo rn spij k, Gelderl and, en op 20 j uli b ij Haastrecht, Zuid -Holl and. Een Ralreiger Ardeo/a ra l/oides was op 22 juni eni ge t ijd aanwez ig op Terschellin g. In de gehele peri ode werd nog een 15-tal Koereigers Bubu /cus ibis gez ien. Er z ijn in middels serieuze berichten over geslaagde broedgeva ll en. In deze periode werden oo k nog eens c 50 Kleine Zilverreigers Egretta ga rzetta gemeld, voo rn amelij k in juli en met als beste pl ek de omgev ing va n het Ra mmegors, Zee land, waa r er va naf 20 juli c 30 verb leve n. Grote Zilverreigers Casmerod ius a/bus b leven schaars, met waarnemin gen op 2 juli ten zuiden va n het Naard erm eer, Noord- Holl and, va naf 27 juli in de Oostvaa rd erspl assen, Fl evoland, en op 28 juli ten noo rden va n Drac hte n, Fri es land. Zwarte Ooievaars Ciconia nigra we rden gez ien op 1 juni in de Bl auwe Ka mer bij Rhenen, Utrec ht, op 14 juni bij Appe lsc ha, Fri es lan d, va naf 20 juni achter de kwe lpl asjes langs de Oostvaa rd ersdij k, op 20 en 21 juni op de Strabrechtse H eide, Noord-Brabant, op 17 juli bij Fin sterwo lde, G ronin gen, en op 21 en 22 juli in de omgevin g va n de Ez um akeeg . M ax im aa l zeve n Flamingo's Phoenicop terus roseus verbl even in de Lauwersmeer, G ronin gen. Zwarte Wouwen Mi/ vus migrans versc henen va n 15 tot 17 juni bij A lphen aan den Rijn , op 19 juni ove r het A msterda mse Bos, Noord-H o ll and, en op 5 en 6 juli ten noo rden va n Hardin xve ld -G iessend am, Zuid -Ho ll and . Een jonge Rode Wouw M mi/vus ve rbl eef va naf 28 juli op de Bosc hpl aat op Tersc hellin g. Naast een geheim gehouden Slangenarend Circaetus ga /licus op de noo rd elij ke Ve lu we, was er een meldin g op 13 juni aan de zuidkant va n de Hoge Ve lu we, Gelderl and. O p acht pl ekke n ve rb leven deze zo mer voo r kortere of langere tij d Visarenden Pand ion ha/iaetus. Roodpootvalken Fa/co vespe rtinus we rden opgemerkt op 1 juni op Tersc helling en op 2 juni op de Maasv lakte, Zuid -Ho ll and . Een Klein Waterhoen Porzana parva we rd van 30 mei tot 7 juni gehoo rd bij Kollumeroo rd. Kleinste Waterhoenders P pusil/a we rd en va n 30 RALLEN TOT ST ERNS

mei tot 2 juni gehoo rd in de Tj amme bij Beerta, G ronin gen, op 31 mei in het Zwa nenwater, NoordHoll and, en va n 22 tot 26 juni in de Bl auwe Kamer, Gelderl and. Kwartelkoningen Crex crex wa ren uitzo nderlijk algemeen dit j aa r. Meer dan 400 terri to ri a werden vastgesteld, voo rn amelij k in het noordoosten va n het land (G roningen. en Drenthe) . Een adulte Kraanvogel Grus grus werd op 18 ju ni gemeld bij het Foc htelooërvee n, Drenthe. O ok in ee rdere jaren werden hier ' s zome rs adulte Kraanvoge ls aangetroffe n. O ndanks de influ x va n het voo rj aar b leven slechts we ini g Steltkluten Himantopus himantopus in Nederl and hangen: max im aa l drie va n 6 ju n i tot 22 juli in de Ezum akeeg, op 13 juni bij Bemm el, Gelderl and, en op 24 juli drie op de Krammerse Sli kken, Zuid-H oll and . Een Griel Burh inus oedicnemus zou va n 16 tot 18 juni gez ien zijn op v liegveld Va lkenb urg, Zuid-Holl and. Vorkstaartplevieren G/areo/a pratin co/a we rden gedeterm in eerd op 13 juni bij de Oostvaa rd ersp lassen deze b leef tot 23 juni - en va naf 29 juli in het Stinkgat

bij het Ramm egors. O pva ll end is dat op 13 juni ook nog een langsvliegende anonieme vorkstaa rtp levier we rd gez ien bij de Pampu shaven, Fl evoland. Een zee r fraa ie Steppevorkstaartplevier G nordm anni verb leef va n 1 tot 7 juli b ij Hooge Zwa lu we, Noord-B rabant. Een Morinelplevier Charadrius morinel/us pleisterde op 6 en 7 juni nog in de Ezum akeeg. Een Aziatische Goudplevier P/u vialis fu /va we rd op 18 juli ontdekt in de Pu tte n bij Camperduin en bl eef daar tot in augustu s. Een we l zee r honkvaste Steppekievit Vanel/us grega rius ve rbl eef va naf 25 juni tot in augustus in de omgevi ng va n Spaarnd am, Noord-H oll and . De derde Roodkeelstrandloper Ca lidris ru fico l/is voo r Nederl and was op 4 juli kortstondi g aanwez ig op een natte pl ek in O udBeijerl and, Zuid-Holl and. Meerdere Gestreepte Strandlopers C m e /ano tos wa ren aanwez ig in de Lauwe rsmeer: va n 15 tot 18 juli bij het O ude Robbengat aan de Gronin gse kant en op 16, 25 en 27 juli , moge lijk ze lfs drie ve rsc hill ende exempl aren in de Ezum akeeg . Op 3 en 4 augustu s liet een exempl aa r z ich fraa i beki j ke n bij Neer, Limburg. Hoewe l er nog een potentieel aa nvaa rdbare waa rn emin g in de map va n de CD NA rondwaa rt, we rd op 24 juli de eerste Steltstrandloper Micropa /am a himantopus voo r Nederlan d vastgelegd in de Bl auwe Kamer, Utrecht. Poelruiters Tringa stagnatilis bl even goed ve rtegenwoordi gd: op 6 juni in het Jaa p Deensgat in de Lauwe rsmeer, va naf 6 juni max imaa l vier in de Ezumakeeg, op 9 en 10 juni en op 19 juli op de Kramm erse Slikke n, va naf 19 juni max im aa l twee op het Ramm egors, op 22 juni in de Bakkersdam b ij Petten, Noord-H oll and, op 28 juni bij W oerden, Utrecht, op 5 juli in de M okbaa i op Texel, NoordHo ll and, en op 30 juli aan de Belkmerweg bij Petten. De v ierd e Kleine Geelpootruiter T f/avipes voor Nederland we rd op 15 juli ontdekt bij het O ude Robbengat in de Lauwe rsmee r. M ogelij k was deze voge l al va naf 11 juli aa nwez ig. Grauwe Franjepoten Pha /aropus /obatus pl eisterd en op 5 juni bij Den Oever, NoordHoll and, op 7 en 8 juni b ij Bu ggenu m, Lim burg, vanaf 28 juni max im aa l v ier in de Ezum akeeg, en op 27 juli in het O ude Robbengat. Middelste jagers Stercora rius pom arinus we rd en gez ien op 15 juli (ee n adul t donkere fase) langs Tersc hellin g en op 30 juli langs Camperduin . Kleinste jagers 5 /ongica udus vloge n op 12 juli langs Camperduin en op 18 juli langs Katw ijk aan Zee, Zuid-Holl and . Een opva llende versc hijnin g was de Grote jager 5 skua die op 13 juni bij G revenbi cht, Limburg, ve rbl eef. O p 21 juni we rd bij M arkelo, Overij sse l, een Zilvermeeuw Larus argentatus va n het 'omissus'-ty pe gemeld. O p 13 juni we rden dri e Geelpootmeeuwen L m ichahe l/is gez ien bij Grevenbi cht en va naf 10 juli we rden voo ral langs de Grote Rivieren weer enke le lO-tallen va n dergelijke meeuwe n vastgesteld. Pontische Meeuwen L cachinnans cach innans we rden al wee r gedetermineerd op 5 juni bij Neer, Limbu rg, op 13 juni twee b ij G revenbi cht en één bij A lb lasserdam, Zuid-H o ll and, op 21 juni twee bij M arke lo en op 12 juli één in de Erl ecomse W aard, Gelderl and . Lachsterns Ge/ochelidon ni/otica versc henen zoa ls gewoonlijk wee r in de kop va n NoordHoll and: op 26 juli twee in Po lder Q , op 27 jul i in

19 1

Recente meldingen

153 5teppevorkstaa rtpl evier I Bl ack-w in ged Pratin col e

154 Roodkeelstrandl oper I Red-necked Stint

C/areola nordmanni, Hooge Zwa lu we, Noord- Brabant, 1 juli 1998 (Marten van Dij/)

Ca lidris ru ficollis, adul t, O ud-Beij erl and, Zuid-Holl and, 4 juli 1998 (Hans Cebuis)

Polder Noord er-M, beide bij Petten, en op 31 juli 12 op een bl oe mbo llenve ld bij 't Za nd, Noord-H oll and . Er we rden 14 Reuzensterns Sterna caspia doorgegeven, voo rn amelijk va naf eind juni. Er wa ren twee meldingen va n Dougalls Sterns S douga llii; op 16 juni langs Camperduin en op 29 juni in de 's-Gravenh oe kinl aag, Zeeland . Twee Witwangsterns Chlidonias hybridus bI even tot 4 juni in de Ezum akeeg . Andere vlogen op 5 juni (één) en 9 juni (twee) bij Stellend am, ZuidHo lland, en op 27 juli bij de Ve ntj agerspl aten, ZuidHolland. Va naf 28 juni we rd en wee r Witvleugelserns C leucopterus gez ien bij D en Oever en op 31 juli dri e bij de Houtribslui ze n, Fl evo land.

ve rbl eef wee r eens in Zeeuws-V laanderen, Zeeland, en we l va n 1 tot 3 juni bij Hoofdpl aat. In de categori e 'kortstondig aanwez ige za ngvogels' werden opgemerkt: Orpheusspotvogels Hippolais polyglotta op 8 juni bij Stru cht, Limburg, en op 1 juli langs de N ijkerkerweg in Fl evoland, een Baardgrasmus Sylvia ca ntillans op 6 juni bij Breskens, Zee land, en een zin gende Grauwe Fitis Ph ylloscopus trochiloides op 1 juni in de w ijk Lewenborg te Gronin gen, Gronin gen. Ook was er een cl aim va n een paartj e Bergfluiter P bonelli met een jong, op 19 juli in de M ortelen bij Boxtel, NoordBrabant. De Kleine Vliegenvanger Ficedula parva va n het Robbenoo rdbos, Noo rd-H oll and, we rd daa r nog tot 14 juni waa rgenomen. Een Kleine Klapekster Lanius m inor ve rbl eef va n 15 tot 20 juni bij De Koog op Texel. Roodkopklauwieren L senator wa ren kort ter pl aatse op 8 juni bij H aps, Noord-Brabant, en op 13 juni op Sc hiermonnikoog, Fri es land. De Huiskraaien Corvus splendens va n Hoek va n Holl and, Zuid-Holl and, hadden oo k dit j aar wee r een succesvo l broedse izoen met één ui tgev loge n jong. Inclusief het jong va n vo ri g jaar zijn daar dan oo k inmiddels v ier exempl aren te bewonderen. Op 15 augustu s we rd een nieuw exempl aar ontdekt bij Kollum erl and, Fri es land. Witbandkruisbekken Loxia leucoptera bl even in Fri es land en werden ditmaa l gez ien bij Haul erve ld met op 19 en 25 juli twee zingende mann etj es . De Roodmussen Carpodacus erythrinus maakte n een dramati sc h se izoen mee : op de waddeneil anden werden nauwe lijks territori a vastgesteld, bij voo rbeeld op Tersc helling één (16 territori a in 199 7! ). O p 21 juni we rden tegelijk twee Zwartkopgorzen Em beriza melanocephala gez ien: bij Castri cum aa n Zee, Noord-H oll and, en op Schierm onnikoog.

UILE N TOT GORZEN De Dwergooruil Otus scops va n de Ooypo lder, Gelderl and, bl eef daa r tot 11 juni geh oord en soms gez ien wo rden. Va n de wederom succesvol broedende Oehoes Bubo bubo va n M aastri cht, Limburg, va lt te melden dat z ij na vee l probl emen met de expl oitant va n de groeve, nu in ieder geva l nog een jaar ru st krij gen. Opmerkelijk was de serieuze cl aim va n een Stekelstaartgierzwaluw Hirundapus ca udacutus op 20 juni boven A lphen aa n den Rijn. O p 6 juni werd een Alpengierzwaluw Apus m elba gemeld bij het Ja ap Deensgat. Een Bijeneter Merops apiaster we rd op 10 juli waa rgenomen bij Schiedam, Zuid-Holl and. Ook dit j aar was er weer een tw itchbare Scharrelaar Coracias ga rrulus en we l op 18 en 19 juni bij A lbl asserd am, Zuid-Holl and. Een Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica zo u op 31 mei en 1 juni aanwez ig z ijn geweest bij Zoetermeer, Zuid-H oll and. Late Beflijsters Turdus torquatus werd en gez ien op 6 juni op de M aasv lakte en op 17 juni (ee n z in gend exempl aar) op de Hoge Ve lu we. Een Graszanger Cisticola juncidis

Ruud M van Dongen, Taa lstraa t 762, 526 7 Bj Vught, Nederland Rem co Ho fland, Koningstraat 23A, 23 76 CC Leiden, Nederland Peter W W de Rouw, Schoolstraat 3-bis, 358 7 PM Utrecht, Nederland


Recente meldingen

België Op 1 juni zwom nog steeds een Krooneend Netta rufina te H archi es, Hain aut. Verder wa ren er waa rn emin gen bij Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, op 1 juli en te Escanaffles, Hain aut, va n 21 tot 25 juli (twee). Het vrouwtj e Witoogeend Aythya nyroca van Zingem, Oost-Vlaanderen, bl eef daar tot 8 juni. Een vro uwtje Rosse Stekelstaart Oxyura jama icensis te Moerbeke-Waas, Oost-Vlaanderen, bl eef de gehele period e aanwez ig. Bij zo nder vroeg wa ren de twee Kuhls Pijlstormvogels Ca/onectris borealis die op 18 juli langs Oostende, W est-Vl aanderen, v logen. Op 31 juli kwam de eerste Grauwe Pijlstormvogel Puffinus griseus langs Oostende. De eerste Vale Pijlstormvogel P mauretan icus voo r dit jaar v loog op 12 juli langs Wenduine, West-V laanderen. Op 18 en 25 juli vloog een juveniele Kuifaalscholver 5tictocarbo aristote /is lan gs Oostende. Op 19 en 20 juli zwo m een onvo lwassen voge l op een we l zee r be lachelijk poeltje (ee n reservo ir voo r een serre) bij Pu l Ie, Antwe rpen. Juve niele Kwakken Nycticorax nycticorax we rd en opge merkt te Dudzel e-Zeebrugge, West-Vlaanderen (max im aal zes op 20 juli); te Oudenaarde, OostV laa nderen, op 26 juni ; te O ud-Heve rl ee, V laamsBrabant, op 28 juni ; te Groen laken, West-Vl aanderen, op 11 juli; en te Doornze le, Oost-Vlaa nderen, op 12 juli en va n 20 tot 25 juli. Een exempl aa r in eerste zomerk leed ve rbleef va n 2 tot 5 juli bij Gent. Ze ld zame r was de waarneming va n een Ralreiger Ardeo/a ral/oides op 23 juni te Knokke-Heist, WestV laanderen. Op 21 juni v logen twee Koereigers Bubu/c us ibis langs Blokkersd ijk, Antwerpen . Eén exemplaar ve rtoefde nog de gehele period e bij het Zw in te Knokke, W est-Vl aa nderen, en ook te Wou men, West-V laanderen, werd op 26 juli weer een exemplaar opgemerkt. Kleine Zilverreigers Egretta ga rzetta we rden gez ien op Blokkersdijk (v ier); te Brugge, W estV laanderen (drie); Di est, Vlaams Braba nt; Doorn ze le EENDEN TOT VALKE N

155 Slangenarend / Short-toed Eagle Circaetus ga /licus, Brecht, Antwerpen, 26 juli 1998 Uef de Ridder)

(twee); Dudze le-Zeebru gge (v ier); Ertve lde, OostVlaanderen; Gent; Ka ll o-Doe l, Oost-Vlaanderen; Knokke (negen); Koo lke rke, W est-Vlaa nderen ; Mechelen, Antwerpen (d ri e); Meeuwen-Helchteren, Limburg (v ijf); Oostende; en Wil lebroek (twee). Op 21 juli liep een Grote Zilverreiger Casmerodius a/bus bij Schulen, Limburg. Op 1 juni v loog een Slangenarend Circaetus ga l/icus over Rijkevo rsel, Antwerpen. Op 25 juni was er nogmaal s een melding te Kalmthout, Antwerpen. Op 19, 20 en 26 juli ve rsc heen een exempl aa r op het Schietveld te Brecht, Antwerpen, en aan de hand va n het vere nkleed werd vastgesteld dat dit met zeke rh eid de voge l was die in mei te Kalmthout verbl eef. Op 26 juli (s imultaan met de waarneming te Brecht) v loog bovendien een ander exemplaar ove r Kallo. Op 18 juni werd een sc huwe arend Aqui/a gemeld bij MoerbekeWaas we lke op 25 en 26 juni gedetermin ee rd kon worden als Steppearend A nipa/e nsis. Op 6 juni en 20 juli we rd een mann etj e Roodpootvalk Fa/co vespertinus gez ien op het Sch ietve ld te Brecht. KOETEN TOT ROO DMUSSE N In juni we rd bekend dat er op 3, 4 of 5 mei een Grijskoppurperkoet Porphyrio poliocepha /us we rd gefotografeerd in een tu in te Neerpelt, Li mburg. Op 4 juni werd er één ontdekt te Ti enen, V laams-Brabant, en dit exempl aa r liet z ich op 6 en 7 juni door ve le waarnemers bekijken. Verrassend genoeg riep op 7 juni een purperkoet Porphyrio luidru chtig te Zolder-Voge lzang, Limburg, maar deze voge l werd niet gez ien. Te Dud ze le-Zeebru gge liepen op 4 juni twee Steltkluten Himantopus himantopus, va n 24 juni tot 1 juli verb leef een eerste-zomer bij Doorn ze le . en va n 11 tot 31 juli pl eiste rden er twee bij Fontenoy, Hainaut. Op 20 juli v loog een exemplaar over Brecht. Te Doornze le we rd en in totaal een 15-tal Temmincks Strandlopers Ca /idris temminckii waargenomen, verder we rden er exemplaren gez ien te Dudzele-Zeebru gge (drie), te Kal lo-Me lsele en te Li er, Antwerpen. Te Longchamps, Namur, pl eiste rde op 8 juni een adult-

156 Krekelza nger / River Warb ier Locustel/a f/uviati/is, Zoerle-Parwijs, Antwerpen, juni 1998 (pa trick Beirens)


Recente meldingen zomer Gestreepte Strandloper C melanotos. Een adult vrouwtj e Grauwe Franjepoot Phalaropus lobatus ve rbleef va n 10 tot 12 juni te Ti enen. Op 13 juni we rd een Grote Jager Stereorarius skua gez ien bij Stokkem, Lim burg. O p 13 juni wa ren twee Pontische Meeuwen Larus eaehinnans eaehinnans aa nwez ig bij Stokkem en op 22 en 23 juli ve rbl eef er één te Pommeroeul , H ain aut. Geelpootmeeuwen L m iehahellis we rden waa rgenomen te Gaurain-Ramecroi x, H ain aut (10); Gent (twee); N ieuwpoo rt, West-V laanderen (v ier); Stokkem; en Zeebrugge (v ij f) . Op 14 juli vloge n twee Lachsterns Geloehelido n nilo tiea langs Oostende en op 31 juli pl eisterd e er ko rtstondi g één bij Ze i zate, Oost-V laa nderen. De tweede-zomer Reuzenstern Sterna easpia die va n 24 tot 26 juni bij Zo nh ove n, Lim burg, verbl eef was voo r ve len een we lkome gast wa nt pl eisterende voge ls blij ven in België uiterst ze ldzaa m. De adul te Dougalls Stern S do uga llii va n de Voo rh aven va n Zeebru gge b leef nog tot 5 juli aa nwez ig. Een tweede exempl aa r we rd hier gez ien op 11 juni . O p 10 juni zat hier ook een hybride Dougalls Stern x Visdief S douga llii x hirundo . Een Hop Upupa epops we rd op 25 juni waa rgenomen te Ka lmthou t. Bij Schulen zo ng op 6 juni een Ceui's Zanger Cettia eetti die de vo lgende dag reeds verd wenen was . Verrassend was de teru gkeer va n de Graszanger Cisticola juncidis naa r het M echels Broek, A ntwe rpen, va n 28 juni tot 5

juli ; in 1997 werd deze voge l namelijk niet waa rgenomen. Op 23 juli werden er twee ontdekt bij Oostmalle, A ntwe rpe n, en daar werd oo k nestbouw vastgesteld (tot ten min ste 30 juli). Va n 2 tot 11 mei zo ng een Krekelzanger Loeuste lla fluviatilis bij Mons, H ain aut, maar de waa rn emin g we rd ve rzwege n va nwege de ontoegankelij kheid va n het gebi ed. Op 3 juni we rd er één ontdekt te Zoe rl e- Parw ij s, Antwe rpen. Deze voge l was toe n reeds een wee k aa nwez ig en li et z ich tot 26 j uni bekijken. Buidelmezen Rem iz pendulinus ve rbl eve n te H archi es op 1 juni en in De Kuifeend, A ntwerpen, op 21 juni. De waa rn emin g va n een Roodkopklauwier Lanius senator te Kall o-Doe l op 30 juni we rd pas later bekend. O p 3 juni we rd een eerste-zomer mannetj e Roodmus Carpodaeus erythrinus ontdekt in het Zw in te Knokke en op 13 juni zo ng er één bij Stokke m. Deze waa rn emin gsrubri ek kwa m tot sta nd met medewe rking va n Lu c Bekaert (Oost-V laanderen), Peter Coll aerts (Ti enen), Frank De Scheemaeker (Mergus), Hugues Dufourny (H ain aut), Koe n Leysen (Limburg), Dirk Symens (Vl avico), VYill y Ve rsc hueren (Groenlink) en Didi er Vieuxtemp s (Lu xembourg). O ok de hulp va n al diegenen die (hun) waa rn emin gen in spraken op de Belgisc he Dutc h Birding-vogellijn (03-488 01 94) was hier onontbeerlijk.

Gerald Driessens, Pastoriestraa t 16, 2500 Lier, België

DB Actueel Steltstrandloper in Blauwe Kamer De Bl auwe Kamer in Rhenen, Utrecht, en W agenin gen, Gelderl and, is een 'nieuw natuurgeb ied' waa r door cultuurtec hni sc he in grepen enke le ondiepe pl asjes z ijn aa ngelegd en andere natte delen voo rz ien z ijn va n eil andj es . Afgez ien va n de in dit soort gebi eden gebruikelijke Grauwe Ga nze n Anser anser wa ren er dit jaa r meerdere Kl eine Z il ve rreigers Egretta ga rzetta en heeft er een Visa rend Pandion haliaetus overzo merd . In zomer en herfst bevinden z ich er altijd groe pen Ki eviten Vane llus vanellus en enke le G rutto's Limosa limosa, Kemph anen Philomaehus pugnax en ruiters Tringa; ook z ijn er af en toe enkele strandl opers Ca lidris te v inden. Het is de loeal pateh va n vee l vogelaars uit de regio. O p 24 juli gin g Ma rt Janse er 's oc htend s kijken en trof onder andere enkele Krombekstrandlopers C ferruginea aa n. Daa rb ij bevond z ich één voge l met een voo r M J onbekend kl eed. Bij zijn vertrek kwa m hij Aa rt Vink tegen, die hoopte de Reuze nstern Sterna easpia teru g te vin den d ie hij jui st boven de Rijn had z ien vliege n. AV we rd doo r Mj, die dringend weg moest, op de voge l opmerkzaa m gemaakt; na eni g zoeken zag hij de betreffende voge l en stelde onmiddellijk vast dat het niet een Krombekstrandloper maa r een Steltstra ndl oper


Mieropa lama himantop us moest z ijn, rui end va n zom er- naa r w interkl eed. Hij gaf zo snel mogelijk een semafoon beri cht door, met een on ze kerheids-reserve omd at hij vleugelte kenin g en stuit va n de voge l nog niet gez ien had; we l had hij groene poten en banderin g op de onderz ijde vastgesteld. De eerste toeges nelde voge laars stond een teleurstellin g te wac hten: de vo ge l leek te zijn ve rd we nen. Na bijn a twee uuur wac hten en turen bl eek de Steltstrandl oper echter achterin de pl as op een afstand va n c 500 m te foe rageren. Zo' n 30 vogelaa rs bestudee rden de voge l met de sterkst mogelijke vergrotin gen doo r de telescoop en kond en een aa ntal kenmerken vastste llen, zoa ls het Kro mbekstrandloper- achtige voo rkomen met een lange, bijn a rechte snavel, de lange pote n en het co nsequente waden tot aan de bui k in het water. Pas nadat de voge l eni ge keren ve rvloge n was kon va n geringere afstand door een klein aanta l toesc houwe rs de kenmerkende strepin g op de flanke n wo rd en vastgesteld en werd het laatste beetj e voo rz ichtheid (oo k in de se mafoo nberi chten) wegge nomen. Na eni g overl eg bes loot de beheerster va n het terrein toestemmin g te ve rl enen voo r een bezoek aan het geb ied zodat de voge l va n di chte rbij bestud eerd en [Ou/eh Birding 20: 194-196, 199B[

OB Actueel vastge legd kon wo rd en. Zo'n 140 li efhebbers mochten het gebied in en werden na enige moeite beloond; alle relevante kenmerken konden nu op een afstand van c 150 m worden vastgesteld en Arnoud van den Berg en Marc Plomp slaagden erin de vogel op beeld vast te leggen. Na de exc ursie kon de vogel nog tot c 18:30 van flinke afstand worden gezien vanaf het fietspad langs de Grebbeberg. Om 19:00 werd een nieuw bezoek aan het terrein toegestaan maar tot grote sp ij t van de vele be lan gste llenden was de voge l onvindbaar, dit keer definitief. Dit was het eerste of tweede geva l van Steltstrandloper voo r Nederland. Over een melding van 16 augustus 1997 in de Lepe laarsp lassen, Flevoland, heeft de CD NA nog geen definitief besluit genomen. Ste ltstrand loper is een zeer ze ld zame gast in Europa, met 40-50 geva ll en, waarva n c 30 in Groot-Brittannië en Ierl and. Verder is de soort vastgeste ld op Ij sland en op het contin ent zijn er gevall en uit België, Finland, Frankrijk, Noorwegen, Oostenrijk, Spanje en Zweden. Voo r het eerst in de geschieden is van het Nederland se twitchen we rd onder de bezoekende voge laa rs een inzamelingsactie gehouden om het ongerief voo r de Blauwe Kamer te verzac hten; dit leverde c N LG 500 op: ee n koopje voor zo'n goede soort! AART VI NK & WIM WIEGANT

157 Steltstrandloper / Stilt Sandpiper Micropa/ama himantopus, adult, Blauwe Kamer, Utrecht, 24 juli 1998 (Arnoud B van den Berg)

Twee Siberische Strandlopers in Ezumakeeg Na de acht uur voor de baas in Leeuwarden vo ltoo id te hebben besloot ik op donderdag 6 augustus de dag af te sluiten in de Ezumakeeg, aan de westkant van het Lauwersmeergebied nabij Ezumazijl , Friesland. Dit begin dit jaar ingerichte natuurgebied heeft in haar prille bestaan al het nodige aan ze ld zame voge ls opge leverd. Zo zijn er al een Amerikaanse Sm ient Mareca americana, ee n Bronskopeend M fa/cata, v ier Steltkluten Himantopus himantopus, twee Gestreepte Strand lopers Ca /idris me/anotos, een Grote Grijze Snip Limnodromus sc%paceus, vijf Poelruiters Tringa stagnatilis en drie Witwangsterns Ch /idonias hybridus waargenomen. De eerste indruk gaf het al en ige tijd vertrouwde beeld van enkele Krombekstrandlopers C ferruginea en grote aanta ll en Kemphanen Phi/omachus pugnax. Bij het afzoeken van steltlopers in een drassig stuk in het zu idelijke deel van de Ezumakeeg viel rond 18:45 mijn oog op een vrij forse, getekende Ca lidris, die mij in eerste in stantie deed denken aan een Gestreepte Strandloper. Bijna in de seconde dat me opv iel dat de borst van de vogel we l erg intensief gev lekt was en niet gestreept en dat de voge l een roestbruin petje had, v loog de voge l met all e steltlopers op vanwege een Bruine Kiekendief Circus aeruginosus, mij ac hter latend in het dagende besef dat ik zojui st naar een Siberische strand loper C acuminata had staan te kijken. Toen de ee rste ad rena lin e was weggeëbd en een ze nu wac hti ge blik over de weer in geva llen ste ltl ope rs niets opleverde besloot ik (zak)te lefonisch hulp te zoeken. Na enke le pogingen vo nd ik Sybrand de Bruin bereid zijn avondeten te laten staan en naar de Ezumakeeg te komen. Dit hi elp in ieder geva l mijn hartslag beneden de 180 te krijgen en ik besloot weer intensiever te gaan zoeken. Na c lO slopende minuten kwam de voge l mijn telescoopbee ld binnenlopen.:.in gezelsc hap van nóg een 'gestreepte' strandloper! Dit was hét moment o m eventjes gek te worden. Het waren toch niet twee Gestreepte Strandlopers, of waren het twee Siberi sche? De tweede voge l léék mij een Gestreepte Strandloper vanwege het iets grotere formaat, het blekere voorkomen en de, naar het leek, du id elijk begrensde borstband. Deze voge l v iel daarom b innen 5 sec al af (oei, oei ... ). De andere voge l was intensief gevlekt, met een vrij korte, li cht gebogen snave l, een roestbruin petje en opva ll ende chevrons op de flanken. Kortom: piepen! Mijn morele plicht om twee meer recreatieve vogelaars verderop ook op de soo rt te w ij zen zo rgde ervoor dat een nadere blik op de tweede vogel er bij in schoot. Op het moment dat ik beide vogels eindelijk in hun te lescoop had vlogen ze all ebe i op en verdwenen achter het hogere gras. Na enke le minuten zoeken ontwaarde ik de door mij gedetermin ee rde Siberische Strandloper weer op de oude plek en kon het twitchfeest beginnen. Dit duurde ongeveer v ij f kwartier waarna de voge l, ditmaa l opgejaagd door een Blauwe Kiekendief C cyaneus, uit het zic ht verdween. De tweede 'gestreepte ' strand loper werd d ie avond niet meer waarge nom en. De volgende dag werd de Siberische Strand loper al


DB Actueel wee r v roeg ontdekt, tot vreugde va n de ve le voge laars va n bui ten de noo rdelijke regio. Aa n het einde va n de mi ddag bes loten onder andere Ferdy Hieselaa r en Roy Slateru s naar een gemelde Poe lrui ter te gaa n zoe ken in het zu idelij ke deel va n de Ezumakeeg. Bij het afzoeken va n de slikke n ontwaa rde FH een strand loper die hij in eerste in stantie als Gestreepte Stran dl oper determin eerde. Toen RS de voge l zag rea li seerd e hij zich dat d it een Siberi sc he Strandl ope r was . Direct probee rden ze de aa ndacht va n voge laa rs c 200 m ve rd erop te trekken die de andere kant op keken . In eerste in stantie reageerde niemand ; ze hadden het te druk met het kijken naa r dĂŠ Siberi sc he Strandloper. Na en kele keren ' hij zit hier hoo r!' over en wee r geroepen te hebben drong het tot iedereen doo r dat er twee exempl aren zaten! D it tweede exempl aar zo rgde eni ge tijd voo r verwa rrin g en d isc uss ie. Hoewe l het postuur, de bruin rode kruin en oorstreek en de gev lekte onderstaartdekve ren uiteindelij k ove rdui de lij k op Siberi sc he Strandloper wezen, wa ren de chevrons op de buik en flanken moe ilij k te zien. Hi erdoor I,eek de voge l een vrij sc herp begrensde borstband te hebben. In co mbin ati e met de opva ll ende we nkbrauwstreep en de dunne lichte V op de mantel maa kte dit ve rwa rrin g met Gestreepte Strandl oper goed moge lij k. Beide voge ls b leven die avond honkvast en en we rd en bijn a tot donker door c 35 vogelaars waa rgenomen, steeds c 200 muit elkaa r. De tweede voge l werd de vo lgende dag rond 06:30 kortstondi g waa rgenomen door M ax Berlijn. D e rest va n de dag we rd echte r tevergeefs gezocht naa r beide vogels. Wel werd als troost een adulte G rijze

Strandl ope r C p usil/a op naam gebracht door diezelfde MB. De verrass in g was dan oo k groot toe n op zo ndagoc htend 9 augustu s het eerste exempl aa r wee r opdook en z ich de rest va n de wee k o nregelmati g maa r so ms erg fraa i liet bek ij ke n. De laatste waa rn emin g dateert va n 23 augustu s; in deze peri ode is de voge l door c 200 voge laars bezocht, waaro nder Belgen, Dui tsers en Franse n. H et tweede exemp laa r we rd niet meer waa rgenomen. Deze ontdekking betekende de tweede en derde Sibe ri sc he Stra ndl oper voo r Nederl and. De eerste bevond z ich va n 14 tot 21 september 1989 te Philippine, Zee land (Du tc h Birdin g 13 : 125 -1 27, 199 1). De Siberi sc he Strandl opers en de nog tot 20 augustu s onregelm ati g gemelde G rij ze Strandl oper vo rmd en de (voo rl op ige?) afslui t in g va n een stortv loed aan ze ldzame steltlopers gedurende de zo merm aanden, met onder andere de honkvaste Steppekievit Vanel/us gregarius va n Spaarnd am, Noo rd -Ho ll and, va n 25 juni tot ve r in augustu s; de Steppevorkstaa rtpl evier C /areo/a nordmanni va n Hooge Zwalu we, Noord-Brabant, op 17 juli ; de Roodkeelstrandl oper C ruficol/is va n O udBeijerl and, Zuid-H oll and, op 4 juli (cf Dutch Birdin g 20: 144, 1998); de Kl eine Geelpootruiter T f/avipes va n de Lauwersmeer, G roningen, op 15-17 juli ; de Az iatisc he Goudpl evier P/u vialis fu/va va n D e Putten, Noord-Holl and , va n 18 juli tot in augustu s; en de Grij ze Strandl oper va n Bomm enede, Zee land, op 5-12 augustu s. Het hoogtepunt vo rmd e de adulte Steltstrandloper Micropa/am a himantopus in de Blauwe Kamer bij Rh enen, Utrecht, op 24 juli. RUDY O FFEREINS

158 Sibe ri sc he Strandl oper / Sharp-tailed Sa ndpiper Ca /idris acuminata, adult, Ezum akeeg, Lauwe rsmeer, Fri esland, 8 au gustus 1998 (A rn oud B va n den Berg)





Birdfinders ..... ~ ~



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Oude nummers / Back issues Oude j aarga nge n ni et compl eet? Bestel nu uw o ntbrekende nummers! Back volumes incomplete? Order yaur miss ing issues naw! Speciale aanbieding: Voor het bedrag van NLG 170.00 zenden wij u franco alle leverbare oude nummers en indexen (tot en met vol 18, 1996)

Special offer:

For the amount of NLG 170.00 we send you postfree all available back issues and indexes (up to vollB, 1996) Kru is hierond er de gewenste nummers of de speciale aanbieding aan, vul uw naam en adres in en zend (een kop ie van) het formu li er naar / Please tick the bax(es) {or the required issues or the specia l offer; fill in yaur name and address and send (a capyaf) the farm ta: Dutch Birding, Postbus 756 11 , 1090 AP Amsterdam,


De vo lgende nummers zij n nog leverbaar / The fallawing issues are still ava ilable:

o Vo l 12 :4 o Vo l 12:5 o Vo l 13: 1 o Vo l 13:2 o Vo l 13:3 o Vo l 13:4 o Vo l 14:4 o Vo l 15:1 o Vo l 15:2 o Vo l 15 :3 o Vo l 15:4

(1990) (Aq uati c Warb ier) (1990) (Iesser gold en plovers) (1991) (No rdman n's G reenshank) (199 1) (ra riti es report 1989) (199 1) (Oemoise lle Crane) (199 1) (Ice landic Godwit) (1992) (Great Knot) (1993) (Sa ndhill Crane) (1993) (Med iterranean Gu ll) (1993) (sw ifts) (1993) (rarit ies report 1991)

NLG 5.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00

o Vol 16:4 o Vol 16:5 o Vol 16:6

(seabird in g in Japan)

o Vo l 15:5 o Vo l 15:6 o Vo l 16 :1 o Vo l 16:2 o Vo l 16:3

(1993) (B lyth's Pipit)


(1993) (As ian Locustella's)


(1994) (desert larks)


(1994) (birding in Japan) (1994) (species concepts)

8.00 8.00


Vol 17:1 (1995) Vol 17:2 (1995)

o o Vol 17:3 o Vol 17:4 o Vol 17:5 o Vol 17:6 o Vol 18:1 o Vol 18:2 o Vo l 18:3 o Vo l 18:4 o Vo l 18:5 o Vo l 18:6

o Speciale aanbieding: alle leverbare oude nummers en

NLG 8.00 8.00 (Ga rn et Pitta) 8.00 (yellow wagtails) 8.00 (ringta il harriers) 8.00 (rariti es report 1993) 8.00 (Wa ll creeper) 8.00 (rai ls & crakes) 8.00 (large Acrocephalus) 8.00 8.00 (hybrid st int) (esca pes / blue tit taxonomy) 8.00 (rariti es report 1994) 8.00 (revision Outch list) 8.00 8.00 (houbara bustard) 8.00 (Gebe l Elba) (bean geese taxonomy)

(1994) (rariti es report 1992) (1994) (w heatears)

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indexen / Special offer: all ava ilable

back issues and indexes NLG 170.00 Prijzen losse numm ers exclus ief porto / Prices of single issues exc/uding pastage De nummers va n vo l 19 (199 7) en vo l 20 (1998) va ll en buiten de spec iale aa nbied ing en zijn verkrij gbaa r voor NLG 10.00 per stuk (exclusief porto). De zes nummers va n vo l 19 sa men kosten NLG 60.00 (inclusief porto) / Th e issues of vol 79 (7997) and vol 20 (7998) are not inc/uded in the specia l offer and are ava ilable at NLG 70.00 each (exc/uding postage). The six issues of vol 79 together are ava ilable at NLG 60.00 (inc/uding postage) Naam / Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Adres / Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ H andtekening / Signature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Betaling na ontvangst van acceptgiro / Payment upon receipt of invoice


rï -;';;~t-t~-~~d;r-Aï~l~ -;~I~~; 4-(199ä~ 4i;;~;;)~ ----:


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Dutch Birding CHIEF EDITOR Arnoud van den Berg (tel +31-235378024, lax +31-235376749) e-mail Arnoud.vandenBerg@inter.nl.net)

Dutch Birding

DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR Enno Ebels (te l flax +31-302961335 , e-mail ebels@wxs.nl) EXECUTIVE EDITOR André van Loon (tel

f lax +31-206997585, e-ma il laan@bio.vu.nl)

PHOTOGRAPHIC EDITOR René Pop (tel +31-223690141, lax +31-223690142) EDITORlAL BOARD Ferdy Hieselaar, Peter Meininger, George Sangster and Roland van der Vliet EDITORlAL ADVISORY BOARD Peter Barthel (Germany), Klaas Eigenhuis (Netherl ands), Dick Forsman (Finland), Ri card Gutiérrez (Spa in), Ted Hoogendoorn (Netherland s), Lars Jonsson (Sweden), Paul Lehman (USA), A ntho ny McGeehan (Northern Ireland), Killian Mullarney (Ireland), Gerald Oreel (Netherlands), Kees Roselaar (Netherlands), Frank Rozendaal (Netherlands), Hadoram Shi rih ai (lsrael), Gunter De Smet (Belgium), Lars Svensson (Sweden) and Peter Symens (Belgium) EDITORlAL ASSISTANTS Ruud van Dongen, Gerald Driessens, N il s van Duivendijk, Remco Hol land, Graham Holloway, Diederik Kok, Hans van der Meulen and Peter de Rouw PRODUCTION AND LAY-OUT André va n Loon and René va n Rossum ADVERTISING Peter Meijer (tel +31-348431905, lax +31-348430216, e-mail meijerpc@worldonline.nl) SUBSCRIPTIONS The subscription rate lor 1998 is: NLG 65.00 (Netherlands), BEF 1320.00 (Belgium ), N LG 72.50 (other countries inside Europe) and NLG 77.50 (countries outside Europe). A subscription can be entered prelerably by sending a Eurocheque, w ith the amount payable in Dutch gui lders, to: Dutch Birding (subscriptions)( c/o jeannette Admiraal, Iepen laan 11 , 1901 ST Castricum , Netherlands. Payment maya so be made by credit card (Access, Eurocard, MasterCard or Visa). Please send your cred it card type and account number, indicating the exp iry date and appending a signature. (Note: this latter method ol payment is not appli cab le to subscribers resident in the Netherlands and Belgium .) British and Iri sh subscribers are requested to pay exclusively by Sterling cheque (GBP 26.00). The subscription starts upo n receipt ol payment. Dutch Birding is a bimonthly journal w ith issues in February, Apr il , jun e, August, October and December. It publi shes original papers and notes on morphology, systematics, occurrence and di stribution ol birds in the Benelux, Europe and elsewhere in the Palearctic region. It also publishes contribution s on b irds in the Asian-Pacilic region and other regions. The sequence ol birds in Dutch Birding basically lollows a classic 'Wetmore sequence'. Within this Iramework, the lollowing li sts are used lor taxonomy and nomenclature: Lijst 98 Nederlandse vogelsoorten by A B van den Berg & C A WBosman (1998, Santpoort-Zuid) (taxonomy and sc ientilic and Dutch names ol birds recorded in the Netherlands); List of birds of the Western Palearctic by British Birds (1997, Blunham) (E ngli sh names ol Western Palearctic birds); the list compiled by C 5 Roselaar in Geïllustreerde encyclopedie van de vogels by C M Perrins (1991 , Weertlh w ith modilications and additions by A J va n Loon in Vogels van de wereld - complete c ecklist by M Walters (1997, Baarn) (Dutch names ol remaining birds ol the world); and 8irds of the world door C G Sibley (1996, Version 2.0, Cincinnati) (taxonomy and sc ientilic and English names ol remaining birds ol the world). Deviations lrom and additions to these lists are based on CSNA decisions (cf Dutch Birding 19: 21-28, 1997;20:22-32, 1998). A sc hedule ol payment rates lor authors, photographers and arti sts is available Irom the ed itors.

International journaIon Palearctic birds


Dutch Birding Postbus 116 2080 AC Santpoort-Zuid Netherlands fax +31-235376749 PHOTOGRAPHIC EDITOR

Dutch Birding René Pop Postbus 1007 1780 EA Julianadorp etherlands



do Jeannette Admiraal Iepenlaan 11 1901 ST Castricum Netherlands BOARD

Dutch Birding Association Postbus 75611 1070 AP Amsterdam Netherlands DUTCH RARITIES COMMITTEE

Dutch Birding Association BOARD Theo Admiraal (treasurer), Gijsbert van der Bent (president, tel +31-714024547), Peter Meijer, Marc Plomp and Chris Quispel (secretary, tel +31-715124825); also the ed itors ol Dutch Birding have one seat in the board

CD NA Postbus 45 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid Netherlands

BOARD ASSISTANTS Jeannette Adm iraa l, Gerald Driessens, Ron va n den Enden, Han s Gebuis, Leo Heemskerk, Remco Hol land, Paul Knolie, Sander Lagerveld, Ger Meesters, Arnold Meijer, André van der Plas and Kees Tiemstra DUTCH BIRDING TRAVEL REPORT SERVICE (DBTRS) Ib Hu ysman, Postbus 737, 9700 AS Groningen, Netherlands, tel +31-505274993, lax +31-505272668, internet http Jfwww. mebweb.nI/DBTRS

Dutch rarities committee (CDNA) MEMBERS Max Berlijn, Ruud van Beusekom, Bert de Bruin, Karel Mauer, jan van der Laan (c hairm an, tel +31-725203091), Kees Roselaar, jelle Scharringa (secretary, tel +3130252380 1) and Wim Wiegant (archi vist) The CDNA is a comm ittee ol the Dutch Birding Association and the Nether lands Ornithological Union. The CSNA is the subcommittee ol the CDNA on taxonomy, nomenclature and status of Dutch (sub)species and consists of Arnoud van den Berg, Cornelis Hazevoet, Kees Roselaar, George Sangster (secretary, tel f fax +31-715143790, e-mail sa ngster@oplbio.leidenuniv.n l) and Ronaid Sluys.

© 1998 Stichting Dutch Birding Association. The copyright of the photographs and drawings remains w ith the photographers and artists. ISS N 0167-2878. Printed by Drukkerij Rob Sto lk bv, Mauritskade 55, 1092 AD Amsterdam, Netherlands



Dutch Birding Artikelen


145 168 172



4 1998




4 7998

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 Wim M Wiegant, A (Bert) de Bruin & CDNA Stekelstaartgierzwa luw op Wa lcheren in mei 1996 Erik Sanders, Sander J Lilipaly & Enno B Ebels Striped Crake at Livorno, Italy, in January 1997 Adriano Oe Faveri, Nicola Baccetti & Emiliano Arcamone



Trends in systematics


Molecu lar study indicates sympatric breeding of Atlantic and Continenta l Cormorants in Brita in George Sangster



Checklist of the birds of Eurasia by Ben F King George Sangster



DBA-vogeldag op 6 febrwar i 1999 te Utrecht

Aankondigingen & verzoeken


NOU-symposium over vogeltaxonomie in april 1999; Photographs of Sylvia warb lers requested; Voge ls in Twente

Masters of Mystery

179 182

Solutions of th ird round 1998 : Common Gu il lemot and O rienta l Lark D iederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk Fourth round 1998 Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk

WP reports


WP reports: July-August 1998 Arnoud B van den Berg

Recente meldingen


Nederland : juni-j u li 1998 Ruud M van Dongen, Remco Hofland & Peter W Wde Rouw BelgiĂŤ : j uni-juli 1998 Gera ld Driessens

193 OR Actueel


Steltstrand loper Ezumakeeg








Voorplaat / front cover

Voorplaat / front cover Grote Grijze Sn ip / Long-bi l led Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus, Vancouver Island, Canada, ju l i 1996 (Frank DrĂśge)

Abstracted / indexed in

Auk, Ecologica l Abstracts, Emu, GEOBASE (Geo Abstracts Database), Ornithologische Schriftenschau, W ildl ife Review, Zoologica l Record

Ib is,

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