DV8 Bournemouth August 2012

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AUGUST 2012 www.dv8bournemouth.com




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Jess Yarham @ Alika


DV Contents front runners

03 | From the Editor 04 | August Agenda 06 | Bournemouth Hotlist


10 | Richard Branson 12 | Kite Surfing 14 | Open Water


16 | Fashion Frontline 18 | Steal Her Style 22 | Beauty


28 | Greed 29 | Entrepreneur 30 | Jane Jones PR Machine


32 | Food News 36 | Dining Guide 40 | Parting Shot

Credits managing director | matthew churcher matthew@dv8online.co.uk

contributing writers sarah kingsbury charlotte stpierre | yasmin brown victoria louise davies | rebecca gribbin simon bloomer contributing photographers janneke reeves simon ackerman | robert newton illustrations rose eads

KNOCK KNOCK DV8 House, 28 Poole Hill, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5PS.

RING RING 01202 388388 CLICK CLICK hello@dv8online.co.uk website: www.dv8online.co.uk // www.dv8bournemouth.com


Disclaimer DV8 is a registered trademark. DV8 is published 12 times a year under licence. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, photographic prints and transparencies are accepted only on the understanding that DV8 accepts no liability for loss or damage. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those expressed by DV8. DV8 is not responsible for breach of copyright through the reproduction of photographs within advertisements.





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N O . 182 AUGUST ISSUE Cover photo Andy Lesauvage

SALON MANAGER £30,000 PER ANNUM Salon Manager vacancy for a beautiful Poole based salon. The successful candidate will be experienced and energetic with a management background. Schwarzkopf and Kerastase product knowledge preferred. Managing a team of 20 commercially and artistically, this is a great opportunity to join a growing company. Please send your CV to email@jobshopuk.com for the attention of Lucy. WE ARE ALSO RECRUITING:-

editor As per usual, much of the August issue of DV8 was put together under the dark, depressing cloud that continues to produce so much rain in what we now affectionately call British Summer. We distributed the July magazines in the rain, went to the Sand Polo in the rain, watched Wimbledon in the rain, and got wet more often than not on our early morning stroll to get a coffee from yes you’ve guessed it the bloody rain. As a result this issue has taken on a bit of a water theme. Firstly we caught up with local Kite Surfer Craig Sparks who alongside Sir Richard Branson successfully navigated the English Channel by Kite and nearly got arrested in the process upon arrival in France. We chatted to local kite surfing outfits about learning the sport. We got on the water with a local boat charter business and took a spin around the bay. We talked boardshorts and bikinis with iboardsport, and met up with local entrepreneur Nicki Grainger from ‘What Alice Found’ on the beach to talk shop. Always the eternal optimist, and in the vain hope that Summer is infact around the corner, we have dedicated much of our beauty and fashion section to beach attire and looking good on the beach. Enjoy. We have also introduced a business section which we aim to expand upon in future issues. We caught up with PR Guru Jane Jones to talk well PR and Party in The Park Episode 12 which takes place on the 2nd September. We hope to see you there. Here at DV8 we hope we provide a service that’s beneficial to you, the reader. We’re not printing a listings magazine that emulates ‘Time Out’. We want to provide good quality editorial and interesting interviews so please if you are interested in writing get involved. Oh and thanks to all our competitors that continue to make our magazine look good. Until next time. Enjoy. Digest.

PT Office Assistant – £15,000 pro rata, 20 hours, Poole Account Manager - £19,000 Ringwood Accounts Administrator – various positions Customer Service – Bmth £7.50 per hour 3 mth contract Audio Typist – Bournemouth £8.50 per hour

1 The Triangle, Bournemouth, BH2 5RY.

Telephone: 01202 674488 email@jobshopuk.com | www.jobshopuk.com facebook.com/jobshopuk | twitter.com/jobshopuk





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firework display at 10pm. It’s the perfect way to start any weekend, see you there! 0845 051 1700

Swim 05 Bmth Southbourne Beach A real must for anyone looking for a challenge. With either 2.5km or 3.8km courses, there is something for a variety of abilities, even if you don’t fancy the swim yourself, come on down and show your support, set against the beautiful backdrop of the Isle of Wight and Studland bay, it’s sure to be a great event. 0754 090 2612

The August Agenda There is plenty going on in Bournemouth and Poole this month. This is our pick of the best, hereʼs hoping for nice weather...

Mr Kyps. Yes, you read correctly, one of the biggest ever ska/punk bands will be squeezed in Kyps on the 9th to promote their new album Candy Coated Fury, the first original material in five years, and the seventh album in the band’s twenty-year history. It’s going to be a great night, and sure to be a sell-out so get your tickets now! 01202 748945










09 Reel Big Fish

Talent Call O2 Academy Bournemouth’s biggest local variety and talent competion. Since its creation in 2008, the show has been going from strength to strength with a line-up of nearly 200 acts for this year’s live shows. There are six shows throughout August so come down and show your support. enquiries@talentcall.co.uk

Candlelight Nights

09 Focal Smokin’ Aces Cocktail Bar & 03 Free Running

The Littledown Centre New for summer 2012, PEEL Heritage are bringing free running, the spectacular urban art form combining agility, strength, and skill, to Bournemouth’s Littledown Centre. Come and see the athletic performers execute awe-inspiring stunts on the 3rd and 4th August. For more info contact 0844 720 1111

Bournemouth Lower Gardens. A popular event every year, Bournemouth invite you to light candles in the gardens to create a magical atmosphere at dusk every Wednesday throughout August, perfect for families.



Summer Smasher


O2 Academy - The original and most loved Drum & Bass night in the UK returns to the Bournemouth O2 Academy on the 3rd August. The line up includes Hazard, Original Sin, and Micky Finn, Get your tickets! o2academybournemouth.co. uk.

Lower Gardens/Pier Approach It’s that time of the year again! Make your way down to the pier every Friday in August for a night of circus workshops, fire performances, stilt walkers, and more, all rounded off with the ever-popular


Whiskey Lounge A night dedicated to the celebration of female vocal talent. Hosted by VIDA, a band made up of three ladies with incredible, powerful vocals supported by a tight and impressive backdrop of the four guys, each month they invite new female talent to show us what they’ve got. As well as the great music, the bartenders provide the perfect accompaniment with their range of cocktails and drinks offers throughout the night, don’t miss it. 9th August info@smokinaces.co.uk.

Open Air Cinema Stars Under the Stars – Corfe Castle Fed up of watching films in a dark room? Fancy a change of scenery? Then this is the event for you. Perbeck Film Festival present open air cinema in the grounds of the historic Corfe Castle. 24th – 26th August, films to be confirmed. 01929 481 294

Labours Lost 08 Love’s Brownsea Island Open Air Theatre. Take a short ferry journey to the centre of

Poole Harbour to experience Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost in the beautiful surroundings of Brownsea Island. One of the biggest theatrical projects in the south, ticket prices include the island landing fee so why not come across early and explore the grounds before enjoying one of the Bard’s most loved comedies.

Sailing 03 Olympic Weymouth. We’re lucky enough to be hosting the Olympic Sailing events right on our doorstep so it would be a shame to miss out. The waters of Weymouth and Portland will play host to ten exciting events for the games which all demand a combination of skill and nerve. Team GB has topped the medals table at the last three Olympic Games and are hoping to repeat their success, so come down and show your support. Various dates until 12th August. 01305 785 747

Festival 30 Air Bournemouth Seafront Yes, it really is that time of year again. There is something for everyone at this years festival with incredible display teams, Royal Marine beach assaults, live music, and three miles of pier-to-pier trading and ground displays, we’re sure you’ll find something to entertain you. Festival site opens daily at 10am from the 30th August – 2nd September. 0845 051 1700

Live Music Pop down to Aruba every Thursday to kick-start your weekend and enjoy the new live music offerings. Bands are on 9-11pm so grab a delicious cocktail from the new menu, kick back and enjoy the night. 01202 554211




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Join the full moon frenzy... with Danny Francis + Special Guest DJs

bank holiday sunday 26th august 2012 9pm -3am. Exeter Rd, Bournemouth. Tel: 01202 203050 www.bar-so.com design by magicboxmedia.com




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Polish born, Marcin Kolendo, has been living in Bournemouth for the last ten years, and has fallen in love with life on the coast. Marcin is now working as a visual effects artist in London. Although he has to put up with the daily commute to the city, in return he gets to work on such films as Inception, The Dark Knight, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

DV8 LIKE.... Unwinding, You’ l l Love … T he Ha rmo n y B a r a t Ha ve n Ho te l . T he re c e ntly up da te d o u t s i d e a re a , no w w ith a J a c uz z i a nd p l u s h s o f a be ds o ve r l o o king the sa n d y s h o re s o f S a ndba nks be a c h, H a rmo n y i s a n i de a l lo c a tio n to re l a x a n d re juve na te . T he p o o l b a r s e rv e s a s e le c tio n o f s na c ks , i n cl u d i n g p i z z a s , s a la ds a nd f ruit s mo o t h i e s . w w w. har m ony- hav en . co m DV8 LIKE.... Converse, You’ l l Love … C o ns ort i u m i n A lbe r t R o a d. A n i ndep e n d e n t l y run s ka te s ho p w h i ch wa s e s ta blis he d i n 1 9 9 3 a n d h a s b e e n ro l ling e ve r s inc e . S e ll i n g a h u g e va r ie ty o f s ho e s , C on s o rt i u m o ff e r s a va s t s e l e c tio n o f co n v e rs e tr a ine r s . w w w. c ons orti u m . co . u k DV8 LIKE.... Spa treatments, You’ l l Love … T he Ed g e S p a i n A l um C hine . Fro m E y e e nha nc e m e nts , ho t wa x i n g , a n d bo dy tre a tm e nts to s i g n a t u re m a s s a ge s , the f r ie ndl y t e a m a t T h e Edge w i ll c a te r f o r y o u r e v e ry ne e d. w w w. e dg e s pa. c o . u k DV8 LIKE.... Giving, You’ l l Love … N um b e r 8 3 , A q uir ky gi f t s ho p s e lli n g a v a ri e t y o f unus ua l gif ts a nd ca rd s . It i s c e r ta i nl y the p la c e to v i s i t t o f i n d s o m e thi ng tha t s ta nds o u t f ro m t h e c ro w d. N e w s ho p i n th e Tri a n g l e . w w w. num b e r 8 3. n et DV8 LIKE.... History, You’ l l Love … 1 8 1 2 . H a v i n g re c e ntly c e l e br a te d t h e 2 0 0 t h bi r thda y o f the p re m i s e s , a n e w c o c kta il m e nu i s la u n ch i n g i n A ugus t. J o in the m t o s i p a c a re f ul ly c r a f te d c o c k t a i l wh i l s t s o a ki ng up the h i s t o ry. w w w. e i g ht e e n- t w e l v e. co m


ON MISSING BOURNEMOUTH..... When I’m away I really miss my family and relaxing at the beach. I am also a "coffee culture" fan, so I love having a peaceful snack in one of Bournemouth's fantastic coffee shops somewhere close to the sea. LUXURY LIFE..... I think it has to be the fact that my everyday consists of being with people who make "magic" happen on the cinema screens. I get to see the finished films way before they premiere in the theatres, attend cast and crew screenings, and take part in creative aspects of production. London is extremely creative, and gives you the opportunity to experience theatres, cinemas, clubs, gigs, and events, any time of the day. CAREER HIGHLIGHTS A very recent achievement I am immensely proud of is winning a BAFTA - ‘best visual effects’ – for the last Harry Potter movie. It is a thrilling experience to hold the award and share the feeling with my co-workers. We also, as a company, received an Oscar and BAFTA for ‘outstanding visual effects’ for the movie Inception.




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RNLI LOCAL FACTS Lifeguards in Bournemouth and Poole responded to 1,533 incidents in 2011, down from 2,661 in 2010 (a quiet season due to the poor weather) Five lives were saved by lifeguards on Bournemouth beaches in 2011 - lives that otherwise would have been lost if the lifeguards had not intervened. August was the busiest month for the Bournemouth and Poole lifeguards. Lifeguards responded to 20 incidents involving inflatables, compared with 8 body boarding incidents


WHAT ALICE FOUND T o f W a B p R c o O 0


T T ep T C w fa B w B h R


e are all incredibly lucky to live in such a beautiful area, and I’m sure we all enjoy spending time at the beach, or out on the water, but how much attention do we pay when we’re there? Poole is home to the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution), and their lifeboats and lifeguards are on call 24 hours a day to help keep us safe.



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Since it was founded in 1824, the RNLI has saved more than 139,000 lives from 235 stations nationwide, that’s an average of 22 people a day, and their vision is to completely put a stop to preventable loss of life at sea. Such vision however, comes with a hefty price tag; the RNLI costs £385,000 to run per day, which includes all equipment, training, and maintaining the fleet, but considering how many lives are saved by the teams, it is a small price to pay. The organization is completely funded by charitable donations; they receive no help from central government, and the service is almost exclusively provided by volunteers, which I’m sure you’ll agree is an astonishing, and highly admirable statement to be able to make. There are several different ways for you to show your support, whether it be by volunteering, fundraising, or a one-off donation, everything is greatly appreciated. To find out more, visit their website: rnli.org, or call them on

0845 045 6999. 08 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM



rfer turned RNLI Bournemouth su d up for the busy lifeguard is geare a It may seem like summer season. ve ha s rd ua eg lif t bu glamourous job, ing and av es lif in d ine to be highly tra d must be able to casualty care, an , der 3 1/2 minutes swim 200m in un in nd sa distance on and run the same th wi job gh tou a s. It’s under 40 second re the su I’m t bu y, ilit a lot of reponsib rth while. sun makes it all wo

NEW RESTAURANT R Ne loc rem ca in cre ex an ar cla tim Ca










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AUGUST 2012 www.dv8bournemouth.com

incorporating several safety boats on the water, as well as staff on either shore. There were 15 surfers taking part altogether, including Branson and his son, an Apple project manager, instructors from Necker Island, and 5 sponsored kite surfers including Craig. The crossing took around 3 hours and 45 minutes, a lot of patience, and stamina. Although they had originally planned to make the crossing on the Saturday, and made it nearly half way across, a shift in the wind meant that they then didn’t have best equipment out on the water to make the most of the conditions, and had to abandon attempts. Finally, the weather on the Sunday was perfect, and they were able to complete the challenge 2 years after its inception.



Unsurprisingly however, it was not without its complications, this time not from weather conditions, but from French immigration, who were less than pleased about the events, sending out marine helicopters and officers to apprehend them. At this point, as Craig says, the team adopted an ‘everyman for himself’ attitude, and the boats turned back to the UK. Luckily however, the surfers had their passports, and as it was around 6:30pm on a Sunday, after a few tense moments, the authorities let it slide. It is certainly a fantastic achievement for all involved, and a testament to the fact that anyone, any age, can kite surf. DV8 send a huge congratulations to all those who took part.

Flexifoil combined year, Virgin and On the 1st July this 15 people, including group of around to forces to send a own Craig Sparks, and Bournemouth’s Richard Branson, English Channel. kitesurf across the

BILLABONG | £65.00

D.C | £44.99

If this story has inspired you to get involved yourself, check out our pick of the best schools on the next page.

kitesurfing 2010, however, for in the pipeline since water The trip has been of wind speeds and to be perfect in terms find. Despite the weather has is very difficult to British style, this was determined swell, and in true schedule, Branson to and such a busy as the oldest person several setbacks and set the record of his to complete the challenge, in somewhat belated celebration channel, the team the across with kitesurf operation, crossing was a big 60th birthday. The

Open water Struggling to find the perfect way to celebrate that special occasion? Sat on the beach wishing you too were out on the water? Then we have the perfect solution. Sea Events is a local motor yacht chartering company that allows you to experience the luxury lifestyle you’re longing for.


ANDY DAVIS | £60.00

Established in 2007 by professional skipper Mark Everington, Sea Events is a luxury powerboat chartering company based in the stunning Poole Harbour.

enjoy the Olympic sailing events taking place over the summer, the spectacular Bournemouth Air Festival, or even the Friday night fireworks.

Sea Events offer their fully staffed 40ft motor yacht, Nirvana, for a range of unique experiences; from two hour evening sunset cruises, to full day hire, and everything in between.

All charters offer refreshments supplied by local catering company Beales Gourmet Catering, whose options range from light evening snacks, to champagne brunches, and gourmet picnics, so whatever the occasion you will be sure to find the perfect accompaniment.

Able to accommodate parties of up to 10 passengers, the charters are perfect for any occasion, whether it be a corporate floating conference, a special birthday, or just a family outing, everyone is welcome, although please note there is a minimum age of 5 on board. Before setting off from the historic Poole Quay, passengers are welcomed aboard and given a full safety briefing. Once this is completed however, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the beautiful and relaxing surroundings. The yacht is available for hire to visit areas around the Solent and Isle of Wight, to as far as Weymouth, and Dorset’s stunning Jurassic Coast. Why not take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to

We live in such a stunning area although I’m sure a lot of us take it for granted. Sea Events offer a unique opportunity to see the coast from the best position - on the water - and along with the great range of food, and professional, friendly staff, it gives you the opportunity to relax and really appreciate the beautiful surroundings. All prices are by request. Quote DV8 on enquiry. Mob: 07887 780764 Tel: 01425 477383 www.seaevents.co.uk


business... Richard chats


or one of the richest men in the country, Richard Branson is about as normal a bloke as you could ever wish to meet. The chairman of the Virgin Group may have built up a personal fortune of $1.4billion over four decades - in doing so making him one of the most recognisable figures in the UK. But speaking to the 62year-old is not how you would imagine conversing with one of the world’s most famous businessmen.

“I believe in living life to the full, making the most of every single day,” Branson says in his unfailingly positive tone. “I just live for the moment, which is a cliché but it is true. I have a great life. I would be a bit sad if I didn’t make the most of it, wouldn’t I?”

KS CRAIG SPARold, girlfriend Craig and his

Twenty four year Sir Richard Branson crossing with , pictured post ly from Norwich way. Original and has has come a long Cross last summer, he moved to Ashley kiting, kite his love of power been pursuing since the move. kitesurfing locally 8 years, buggying, and ng for the last kitesurfi been since he was Craig has been power kiting although he has he gained the that this for is ble for 12, and it were responsi Flexifoil, who He is sponsorship of with Virgin. channel crossing and organising the the current UK fessional, and now a semi-pro n. When he’s buggying champio Craig European kite competitions, travelling for are.co.uk. not training or vividsqu – ign company runs a web-des

Branson is not wrong when he says he has a great life - you just have to look at his 74acre Necker Island home that he shares with wife Joan to recognise that this is a man who goes by the maxim ‘work hard/play hard’. “It is my favourite place in the entire world. It was love at first sight as soon as I saw it all those years ago. It’s like being on holiday when I’m there because it is such a wonderful setting and there are always

REEF | £59.99

parties going on. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.” Branson left school at 15 with no qualifications – he has built up a worldwide conglomerate that now has over 400 companies and happily for budding entrepreneurs, he has revealed his secrets in a new book Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach you at Business School.

But it isn’t just his inspirational ideas that have marked Branson out as a visionary, it is the quality of service too, and his message is simple – go the extra mile. “You will only be a success if you are offering your customer the best they can find,” he says with certainty. “It is absolutely vital. If it’s an airline, it has to be the best. If it’s a trainline, it has to be the best. If it’s the internet, it has to be the best. And if you’re offering the best, you will earn people’s trust.”

“I get sent so many questions from people – via text, via email, via tweet – that it is impossible for me to get back to everyone, so I thought I would answer everybody’s questions in one go by writing the book. And I’ve enjoyed it.” So what are Branson’s key pieces of advice?“I always think that for something to be successful, it has to be an obvious labour of love for those involved. I am passionate about all my projects because if I’m not passionate about something, why should anyone else be?

Branson says that business school and qualifications are not the be all and end all for aspiring businessmen. “I learned to survive by doing it, making mistakes as I went along, and that can happen today. Anybody can make themselves a success – you just need the idea. And perseverance. I have had my share of failures but I’ve never let any of them put me off trying something else. You can succeed even if you’ve failed.”

But the idea must be a great one. If you have a great idea that will improve people’s lives, then you can’t go wrong. You have to have products that people can see will make their lives better.”

So what of the future? “I want to carry on, definitely,” he says merrily. “I feel fit and healthy and there is no reason for me to stop. There is still so much to achieve. Who knows what tomorrow might bring?”

REEF | £59.99

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

PROTEST | £24.99

ROXY | £60.00

ROXY | £52.00

PROTEST | £24.99




HOMETOWN HERO Polish born, Marcin Kolendo, has been living in Bournemouth for the last ten years, and has fallen in love with life on the coast. Marcin is now working as a visual effects artist in London. Although he has to put up with the daily commute to the city, in return he gets to work on such films as Inception, The Dark Knight, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Established in 2004 by current head of training for the BKSA, Andy Gratwick, Easy Riders are based in Poole Harbour and are a fully qualified school, offering tuition from beginner to expert, as well as supervised hire.

They may be the largest school, but their focus is firmly on quality with a maximum of 4 people in each teaching group. Again, all instructors are BKSA qualified.

One Day Lesson - £110 Private Tuition - £40 p/h Two Day Lesson - £199 Supervised Hire - £25 p/h Three Day Lesson - £289

One Day Lesson - £129 Private Tuition - £40 p/h Two Day Lesson - £195



01202 744055

01202 738448




With lessons every day, all year round (weather dependent), and with start times of both 9.30am and 1.30pm, Poole Harbour Watersports is a popular choice for many budding kitesurfers.

Carve Boardsports has been teaching kitesurfing since 2001. Qualified instruction is provided 7 days a week, all year round, with classes available for all abilities.

Based on the Sandbanks peninsula and part of the Sandbanks Hotel, The Watersports Academy provides instruction for all abilities from BKSA/IKO qualified instructors.

One Day Lesson - £99 Private Tuition - £40 p/h Two Day Lesson - £175 Three Day Lesson - £240

One Day Lesson - £95 Private Tuition - £30 p/h Two Day Lesson - £165 Three Day Lesson - £235

One Day Lesson - £100 Private Tuition - £125 (3 hrs) Two Day Lesson - £125 Three Day Lesson - £289




01202 700503

01202 744055

01202 708283


Swim 00 Bmth Southbourne Beach A real must for anyone looking for a challenge. With either 2.5km or 3.8km courses, there is something for a variety of abilities, even if you don’t fancy the swim yourself, come on down and show your support, set against the beautiful backdrop of the Isle of Wight and Studland bay, it’s sure to be a great event. 0754 090 2612

The August Agenda In the Southern Hemisphere, August is the seasonal equivalent of February in the Northern Hemisphere. Hereʼs hoping for a hot month....




09 Reel Big Fish

Talent Call O2 Academy Bournemouth’s biggest local variety and talent competion. Since its creation in 2008, the show has been going from strength to strength with a line-up of nearly 200 acts for this year’s live shows. There are six shows throughout August so come down and show your support. enquiries@talentcall.co.uk

DV8 LIKE.... Converse, Yo u ’ l l L o v e … C o n s o r t i u m i n Albert Road. An independently ru n s k a t e s h o p w h i c h w a s established in 1993 and has been rollin g ever s i nce. Sel l i ng a huge variety of shoes, Consortium o ff e r s a v a s t s e l e c t i o n o f c o n v e r s e t r a in e rs. www.consorti um.co.uk

ON MISSING BOURNEMOUTH..... When I’m away I really miss my family and relaxing at the beach. I am also a "coffee culture" fan, so I love having a peaceful snack in one of Bournemouth's fantastic coffee shops somewhere close to the sea. LUXURY LIFE..... I think it has to be the fact that my everyday consists of being with people who make "magic" happen on the cinema screens. I get to see the finished films way before they premiere in the theatres, attend cast and crew screenings, and take part in creative aspects of production. London is extremely creative, and gives you the opportunity to experience theatres, cinemas, clubs, gigs, and events, any time of the day.

DV8 LIKE.... Giving, Yo u ’ l l L o v e … N u m b e r 8 3 , A qu ir k y gi f t sho p sel l i ng a v ari ety o f u n u s u a l g i f t s a n d c a rd s . I t i s ce r t a inl y the pl ace to v i si t to f i nd som e t h i ng that s tand s o ut f ro m the c ro w d . N e w s h o p i n t h e Tr i a n g l e . www.number83.net DV8 LIKE.... History, Yo u ’ l l L o v e … 1 8 1 2 . H a v i n g re ce ntl y cel ebrated the 200th b ir t h day o f the premi s es ( i t was the first house in Bournemouth), and with a new cocktail menu la u n chi ng i n the co mi ng weeks w ww.ei ghteen-twel ve.com

Candlelight Nights

03 Free Running

The Littledown Centre New for summer 2012, PEEL Heritage are bringing free running, the spectacular urban art form combining agility, strength, and skill, to Bournemouth’s Littledown Centre. Come and see the athletic performers execute awe-inspiring stunts on the 3rd and 4th August. For more info contact 0844 720 1111

Bournemouth Lower Gardens. A popular event every year, Bournemouth invite you to light candles in the gardens to create a magical atmosphere at dusk every Wednesday throughout August, perfect for families.

CAREER HIGHLIGHTS A very recent achievement I am immensely proud of is winning a BAFTA - ‘best visual effects’ – for the last Harry Potter movie. It is a thrilling experience to hold the award and share the feeling with my co-workers. We also, as a company, received an Oscar and BAFTA for ‘outstanding visual effects’ for the movie Inception.

kite surf guide illustration: rose eads

Kitesurfing is one of the fastest growing sports, and its now an Olympic event. What’s more, we live in the perfect area to learn, Poole Harbour is little more than a metre deep in places so perfect for gaining confidence. If you haven’t already here is our pick of the best schools in the area.


enough to be hosting the Olympic Sailing events right on our doorstep so it would be a shame to miss out. The waters of Weymouth and Portland will play host to ten exciting events for the games which all demand a combination of skill and nerve. Team GB has topped the medals table at the last three Olympic Games and are hoping to repeat their success, so come down and show your support. Various dates until 12th August. 01305 785 747

09 Focal Smokin’ Aces Cocktail Bar & Whiskey Lounge A night dedicated to the celebration of female vocal talent. Hosted by VIDA, a band made up of three ladies with incredible, powerful vocals supported by a tight and impressive backdrop of the four guys, each month they invite new female talent to show us what they’ve got. As well as the great music, the bartenders provide the perfect accompaniment with their range of cocktails and drinks offers throughout the night, don’t miss it. 9th August info@smokinaces.co.uk.


Summer Smasher


O2 Academy - The original and most loved Drum & Bass night in the UK returns to the Bournemouth O2 Academy on the 3rd August. The line up includes Hazard, Original Sin, and Micky Finn, Get your tickets! o2academybournemouth.co. uk.

Lower Gardens/Pier Approach It’s that time of the year again! Make your way down to the pier every Friday in August for a night of circus workshops, fire performances, stilt walkers, and more, all rounded off with the ever-popular

HERE ARE FIVE OF THE BEST FAKE TAN LOTIONS So are spray tans worth the risk? Until recently, spray tans have been seen as the safer alternative to natural tanning or sun beds. However, new information released by the FDA (the United States Food and Drug Administration) suggests that this may not be the case. The sprays used by salons contain a chemical called dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which has been shown in lab tests to cause genetic mutations. So, if you don’t fancy taking the risk, take a look at our pick of the best fake tan lotions below.

Sailing 03 Olympic Weymouth. We’re lucky

Mr Kyps. Yes, you read correctly, one of the biggest ever ska/punk bands will be squeezed in Kyps on the 9th to promote their new album Candy Coated Fury, the first original material in five years, and the seventh album in the band’s twenty-year history. It’s going to be a great night, and sure to be a sell-out so get your tickets now! 01202 748945





30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

DV8 LIKE.... Unwinding, Yo u ’ l l L o v e … T h e H a r m o n y B a r a t Haven Hotel. T h e re c e n t l y u p d a t e d o u t s i d e a re a , now with a Jacuzzi and plush sofa b e d s o v e r l o o k i n g t h e s a n d y s h o re s of Sa n d banks beach, H armo ny i s a n i d e a l l o c a t i o n t o re l a x a n d re j u v e n a t e . T h e p o o l b a r s e r v e s a selection of snacks, including p i z z a s , s a l a d s a n d f ru i t s m o o t h i e s . w ww.harmony-haven.com

DV8 LIKE.... Spa treatments, Yo u ’ l l L o v e … T h e E d g e S p a i n A l u m C h i n e . F ro m E y e e n h a ncements , ho t wax i ng, and b ody treatments to s i gnature massages, the friendly team at The Edge will cater for your every need. www.edgespa.co.uk

Poole Harbour to experience Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost in the beautiful surroundings of Brownsea Island. One of the biggest theatrical projects in the south, ticket prices include the island landing fee so why not come across early and explore the grounds before enjoying one of the Bard’s most loved comedies.

firework display at 10pm. It’s the perfect way to start any weekend, see you there! 0845 051 1700







Festival 30 Air Bournemouth Seafront

Open Air Cinema Stars Under the Stars – Corfe Castle Fed up of watching films in a dark room? Fancy a change of scenery? Then this is the event for you. Perbeck Film Festival present open air cinema in the grounds of the historic Corfe Castle. 24th – 26th August, films to be confirmed. 01929 481 294

Labours Lost 00 Love’s Brownsea Island Open Air Theatre. Take a short ferry journey to the centre of

Fake Bake

Laurens Way

St Tropex

Transform Luxe

One Night Tan

The latest addition to the Fake Bake range, 60 Minutes Self Tan is an express fake tan liquid that develops into a natural looking tan in just 60 minutes, what’s more, the lightweight formula won’t clog your pores. (£24.95)

You can now get TOWIE star, Lauren Goodger’s bronzed summer glow at home with the Lauren’s Way range of fake tans. The Bronzing Mousse provides an instant glow, but it is also a lasting formula that develops for that deep Marbs style tone. (£17.95)

Always a favourite among tan-fans. Their new Firming Gradual Tan is an enriched easily absorbed lotion that’s your onestop product for tanning, toning, firming and moisturizing. The innovative melanin technology works with your skin to achieve a bespoke, natural glow, whilst also improving tone in problem areas. (£20.00)

Transform Luxe From Xen Tan is a must-buy. Containing more active tanning ingredient than other gradual tanners, as well as vitamin E and shea butter, it lets you achieve a darker colour after just one application. (£24.99)

One Night Tan is the ultimate tan for one night only. Lightweight, velvety, and nontransferring, it allows you to build a natural-looking, rich tan in seconds that washes off when you say so. (£24.00)

Yes, it really is that time of year again. There is something for everyone at this years festival with incredible display teams, Royal Marine beach assaults, live music, and three miles of pier-to-pier trading and ground displays, we’re sure you’ll find something to entertain you. Festival site opens daily at 10am from the 30th August – 2nd September. 0845 051 1700

All of these products are available from Debenhams, both online and in store.

ASK THE HAIR EXPERT // LYNDSEY FROM LEVEL Festival season is well and truly upon us, so that means we need fuss-free styles, I recommend side fishtail plaits and messy buns for an easy but glam way of getting hair off your face and ready to party. Fearne Cotton uses hair extensions to wear her fishtail plaits, but if your hair is long enought, create the look by splitting hair into two sections, then begin plaiting one section at a time starting loosely at the top and working your way tighter towards the ends. Whitney Port and Michelle Keegan on the other hand, show off their high wearing buns with the more texture to the hair the better! Tip your head upside down and tie with elastic on the crown of your head to secure, then bending and wrapping hair over, pin into place - this works even better on dirty hair, L'Oreal Super Dust is great way of getting more texture and body into your hair for that ‘just off the beach’ look at any time..

Live Music Pop down to Aruba every Thursday to kick-start your weekend and enjoy the new live music offerings. Bands are on 9-11pm so grab a delicious cocktail from the new menu, kick back and enjoy the night. 01202 554211




BILLABONG | £55.00








This beautiful little vintage boutique is a gem set in the crown of Bournemouth’s antique quarter of Pokesdown. The boutique is a collaboration of pieces exclusive to the store, as well as featuring items from ladies online boutique The Cherry Closet, and Ikkonik Vintage menswear. With both companies under the same roof, you’re sure to find an eclectic mix of vintage clothing, accessories, shoes, and bags, as well as unique collectables, and original art from budding Bournemouth graduates. They also offer a personal shopping experience, and are available for private hire. REPUBLIC BLINK STRAP PATTERNED WEDGES £30.00



Recently named among the top 10 vintage shops in the South West, it is a wonderland of ever changing affordable vintage treasures, a fusion of art and fashion, and a stunning juxtaposition of old and new, offering an exciting alternative to the high street. Opening Hours: Tuesday – Saturday (11am-6pm) 01202 929 531 / whatalicefound.co.uk

ANGELS ARRIVE IN LONDON Victoria's Secret finally looks set to open the doors to two London stores. The Angels will almost certainly be in town en masse for the launch - with even new mother Alessandra Ambrosio hoping to be there. www.victoriassecret.com


John Anthony are exclusive stockists of national treasure, Vivienne Westwood’s, MAN collection. The latest range has a loose Olympic theme to celebrate the importance of the games for Great Britain. The range is available from £65, and with many items now reduced, everyone can show their support in style. www.john-anthony.com



The Bourne Legacy The fourth installment in the eponymous Bourne film series. The main character Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner) faced with the public and political fallout from the events of The Bourne Ultimatum must find a way to escape before CIA agent Byer (Edward Norton) can have him assassinated. Released: 10th August



S? JASON BOURNE NOVEL e.co.uk. Q. WHO WROTE THE and to odeon@dv8onlin your name and contact details Simply email the answer

s story of a that Guy comes the hilariou

creator of Family John makes a wish TED: From the no other. An eight year old grows up and his bear

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TOTAL RECALL: Be careful what you wish for. Despite having a beautiful wife, factory worker

Douglas visits company Rekall for escapism through an exciting mind where he is a super spy, but something goes wrong, and he is trip soon wondering which of his memories are real as he finds himself killing him – including his once lovingrunning from people intent on – and not knowing who to trust or what to believe. Released: 29thwife August

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At DV8 we understand it is important to get your company noticed. Advertising in DV8 is a great way to leverage your marketing budget and grow your business. If you have a business strategy to promote to Bournemouth’s discerning consumer then get in touch. We promise we wont harass or try to sell you something you don’t want. Send us an email or call us....


advertise@dv8online.co.uk 01202 388388

A FILM E LINE FROM R FAVOURIT th Find us on twitter: @dv8bournemou TWEET US YOU


NEW RESTAURANT RHUMBAR OPEN New to Bournemouth is Rhumbar, a Caribbean Cocktail Bar and Grill located in the heart of Bournemouth and created by a group of friends reminiscing about holiday memories. Rhumbar is a place where people can eat, drink, chat and most importantly, have fun. Visitors are instantly welcomed by fresh decor, palm trees, and upbeat music, creating an unmistakably Caribbean atmosphere. Rhumbar offers a extensive selection of cocktails, including rum-lovers favourite, Mojito and Rhumisland Iced Tea. Cocktails start at just £8 each, while punches are £12 for a sharing jug. The food menu includes some Caribbean classics such as Curried Goat and Jerk Chicken, both £9.95. So, the next time you fancy escaping reality why not pay a visit to Rhumbar, a Caribbean restaurant where the sun shines all year long.


to feature? you want us k 8online.co.u Any food news editorial@dv Get in touch.

CARIBBEAN COOKING Flavours School of Cookery

01202 424445 Based on Christchurch Road, Flavours was created by chefs who wanted to share their passion for food with the public in a fun yet relaxed environment. The school offers a range of classes for both adults and children. We went along to ‘Café Jamaica’, an introduction to Caribbean cooking, and would highly recommend it. The class is very relaxed, so you don’t feel out of place for not knowing your scotch bonnets from your bell peppers, and you go away feeling confident that you can bring a taste of Caribbean sunshine into your home. Adult evening classes are priced on average £55pp.

HEAVEN IS A CUP CAKE The cupcakes at Lulubelles in Canford Cliffs are all named after children that are special to the owner. The cupcakes are made on site and there are twelve core flavours. We sank our teeth into a chocolate cupcake with red turkish delight call the ‘Rose’. It was delicious. Dangerously so. We washed it down with a cup of tea and some homemade marshmallows. Also made by hand on site are sculptured cakes and Birthday cakes. WORTH STOPPING FOR ALL CUPCAKES £2 EACH. Haven Road, Canford Cliffs 7.30am to 5pm / 6 days a week 01202 707429 www.lulubelles.com hello@lulubelles.com 38 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM


making Louisa Harman has been thirteen. cakes since the age of to Her career took her first then Southampton University upto London as an Advertising Director. and Marketing Account was Her true passion however, the baking, and after running two business from home for the leap years, Louisa finally took in of faith and opened Lulubelles it, Canford Cliffs. ‘I’m loving one of my when people pick up and I see cake creations it makes it makes the smile on their face everything worthwhile’.

the Sand Polo_2012


his summer’s weather has played havoc with outdoor gigs and the Sand Polo was no exception. The organisers coped well with the torrential downpour and although it did affect those wanting to view the polo it didn’t dampen spirits for the evening parties. Amika, London presented ‘Beach Party the Polo’ bringing a touch of their West End magic to Sandbanks. The live music line up was very good and they did a good job warming everybody up. The Polo does it’s bit for charity ‘Help for Heroes’ and this year attendees raised £2500. Well done we say. For info on next years event: www.sandpolo.com

ASK THE EXPERTS // BODY SUPPLEMENTS Pre-workouts have become increasingly popular over the last year, with the majority of those available containing caffeine, creatine, select amino acids and occasionally carbohydrates. Pre-workouts increase blood flow and nutrient delivery, improve mental focus, enhance muscle pumps, increase energy and delay fatigue, increase strength and muscle mass, and promote fat loss. Yes, pre-workout products will not hinder fat loss in any way. In fact, many of the ingredients will help speed up the metabolic rate and enhance fat utilization. Also, often while dieting to lose fat energy levels can run low. This makes a pre-workout product an excellent choice to keep intensity levels high while in the gym. Pre-workouts are designed to be taken 20-30 minutes before you workout and most pre-workout supplements


should be taken on an empty stomach. If your product contains caffeine and you happen to be sensitive to caffeine, its effects can be minimized by consuming it with a small snack. Pre-workout supplements can help you in a wide range of sports such as bodybuilding, power lifting, football, rugby running and many more. Our top 3 pre-workouts we would recommend are Surge Workout fuel, Sci-mx Xplode and Dymatize Xpand. (Pictured above) All the above products are available from Body Supplements 232 Holdenhurst Road Bournemouth 01202 552 598 at the very lowest prices.

PRIMITIVE GYM OPENS.... Primitive Gym is a privately owned friendly gym specialising in bodybuilding and heavyweight training. Providing strongman equipment, personal training, massage therapy, and diet and nutrition advice. Primitive is based in Parkstone and offers Membership from £25-£30 per month. What makes Primitive Gym unique from many others, is that owner Ryan Petford does not enforce any contracts or joining fees and includes the induction free. You can find Primitive above CO-OP on Ashley Road, or contact Ryan for more details. ryanpetford@yahoo.co.uk / 07892 709921

If you want to lose weight, get healthy and/or build muscle, hiring a personal trainer can be a step in the right direction. A good trainer can help you set up a program that meets your goals and teach you the best way to exercise. Finding and choosing a trainer can be a little confusing and, for some, intimidating. It's not easy asking for help, but going in with more knowledge about how personal training works can make it a little easier. A personal trainer should be certified through a reputable personal training organization, have an updated certification in CPR and/or first aid, and have experience, especially in relation to your goals. For example, if you're a bodybuilder, you want someone knowledgeable in that area. If you have a specific medical problem, injury or condition (such as being pregnant, difficulty getting pregnant, heart problems, diabetes, etc.) make sure your trainer has education in these areas and will work with your doctor. Evolution personal training are offering free consultations in August so now is the time to take the first step. tel: 07989 387157

JODIE MARSH BODY BUILDER This September 9th brings a bodybuilding competition to The Pier Theatre with special celebrity appearance from glamour girl come bodybuilder Jodie Marsh. Eighty athletes, male and female from the Bournemouth region will compete to impress the judges to win one of the seven titles available. Bodybuilders display an amazing balance of size, condition and symmetry, and special guest Jodie Marsh wil be demonstrating her successful transformation into one of the country's most impressive body builders by performing her routine on stage, meeting members of the audience after the show, and offering advice.

The Tickets are £15 and are available from the BIC and Pavilion ticket office, by calling 0844 576 3000 or online at www.bhlivetickets.co.uk For more information contact pilotpromotionsinfo@gmail.com 00 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM


MOST FASHIONABLE Natalie Pope, 32 Tell us about your outfit tonight? My outfit tonight was chosen for comfort. I'm a firm believer if you’re comfortable in your clothing you’re more relaxed - there's nothing worse than fiddling with you clothes all night, I love the black leather trousers they are a wardrobe staple! The t- shirt was something I bought without trying on first, I just liked it. How would you describe ‘Bournemouth style’? Bournemouth style tends to be very dressy, guys are looking very groomed and preppy but especially with the ladies, I think it can go too far with the layers of lashes, big big hair, tiny dresses, dark fake tan - I think we give Essex a run for its money, I'd like to see a little bit more natural . What is your favourite item in your wardrobe something you’ll never part with? My favourite item of clothing is a Criminal soft black leather jacket - its so feminine but importantly it's timeless too. What is your greatest indulgence in your fashion life? My greatest fashion indulgence is without doubt shoes. I stay in shape by? I stay in shape by running and going to the gym, I still eat whatever I want as I feel I have a good balance. Favourite feature? My favourite feature is my eyes, the eyes are the window to the soul as they say. Go-to beauty brand? My go to beauty brand is Skinceuticals for skin care products, and I'm a fan of the high street for make up, brands like Benefit, Bourjouis, and good old Rimmel. Beauty secret? My best beauty secret is a decent nights sleep and plenty of water above any product! Best beauty advice ever given to me? The best advice I was given was to let your personality shine through, don't overdo yourself in make up, it ends up being the only thing you can see. Oh and my mum always taught me to take care of my skin by moisturising daily.

DV8 3 QUESTIONS Question 1: What is your favourite drink?

IT GIRLS JAGER GIRLS Local girls Emma Butler and Abi Pike can be found dishing out the Jager bombs in Aruba at the weekend. Both are hard working and humble and will certainly liven up your evening.

Question 2: Do you prefer sunbathing or swimming? Question 3: Where can we find you on the beach? LIZ BATCHELOR Loves Vodka and Tonic. Will pitch her towel anywhere along the beach in the sun and will dive in when it gets too hot. 40 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM

EMILY KITCHENER Loves swimming and sunbathing on Sandbanks beach. At the bar Emily isn’t too far away from a Disaronno and coke.

HANNA USHER Loves to drink Long Island Iced Tea. Prefers laying back on the beach towel near the pier than dipping her toe in the water.

IT BOY JOHN ROSE Work by day party monster by night. This is a lad with unique style.




Page 12


D R A H C I R N O S N A BR ned d Flexifoil combi is year, Virgin an th ly Ju t ng 1s di e clu th in n O 15 people, group of around arks, to forces to send a th’s own Craig Sp ou m ne ur Bo d an n, Richard Branso l. e English Channe kitesurf across th

kitesurfing 10, however, for e pipeline since 20 th in water en d be an s ha ds p The tri ms of wind spee to be perfect in ter Despite s d. ha fin er to ath lt cu we e ffi th le, this is very di sty sh iti Br termined e de tru s swell, and in ule, Branson wa such a busy sched d rson to an pe s t ck es tba old se e th several set the record as d an , ge en of his all ch ion belated celebrat to complete the l, in a somewhat ne an ch m e th tea e ss th ro th kitesurf ac big operation, wi e crossing was a 60th birthday. Th

KS ea CRAIG SPAfoR Craig has com ur years old,

oved to At just twenty orwich, he m inally from N rsuing pu en be long way. Orig s ha summer, and st la s os d Cr an y Ashle te buggying, wer kiting, ki s been his love of po move. Craig ha e th ce cally sin has he gh ou kitesurfing lo th al s, the last 8 year r fo g for in is rf it su d kite was 12, an ting since he il, ifo ex Fl of been power ki p sorshi ined the spon annel ch e th g this that he ga sin ni ga onsible for or iwho were resp e is now a sem H . in rg Vi ith European d crossing w an K the current U d an l, na aining sio profes hen he’s not tr champion. W ng yi weba gg ns bu ru te ki , Craig r competitions k. or travelling fo .u co are. ny – vividsqu design compa




Page 13

incorporating several safety boats on the water, as well as staff on either shore. There were 15 surfers taking part altogether, including Branson and his son, an Apple project manager, instructors from Necker Island, and 5 sponsored kite surfers including Craig. The crossing took around 3 hours and 45 minutes, a lot of patience, and stamina. Although they had originally planned to make the crossing on the Saturday, and made it nearly half way across, a shift in the wind meant that they then didn’t have best equipment out on the water to make the most of the conditions, and had to abandon attempts. Finally, the weather on the Sunday was perfect, and they were able to complete the challenge 2 years after its inception. Unsurprisingly however, it was not without its complications, this time not from weather conditions, but from French immigration, who were less than pleased about the events, sending out marine helicopters and officers to apprehend them. At this point, as Craig says, the team adopted an ‘everyman for himself’ attitude, and the boats turned back to the UK. Luckily however, the surfers had their passports, and as it was around 6:30pm on a Sunday, after a few tense moments, the authorities let it slide. It is certainly a fantastic achievement for all involved, and a testament to the fact that anyone, any age, can kite surf. DV8 send a huge congratulations to all those who took part. If this story has inspired you to get involved yourself, check out our pick of the best schools on the next page.

siness... u b s t a h c d r a Rich


or one of the richest men in the country, Richard Branson is about as normal a bloke as you could ever wish to meet. The chairman of the Virgin Group may have built up a personal fortune of $1.4billion over four decades - in doing so making him one of the most recognisable figures in the UK. But speaking to the 62year-old is not how you would imagine conversing with one of the world’s most famous businessmen.

“I believe in living life to the full, making the most of every single day,” Branson says in his unfailingly positive tone. “I just live for the moment, which is a cliché but it is true. I have a great life. I would be a bit sad if I didn’t make the most of it, wouldn’t I?” Branson is not wrong when he says he has a great life - you just have to look at his 74acre Necker Island home that he shares with wife Joan to recognise that this is a man who goes by the maxim ‘work hard/play hard’. “It is my favourite place in the entire world. It was love at first sight as soon as I saw it all those years ago. It’s like being on holiday when I’m there because it is such a wonderful setting and there are always

parties going on. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.” Branson left school at 15 with no qualifications – he has built up a worldwide conglomerate that now has over 400 companies and happily for budding entrepreneurs, he has revealed his secrets in a new book Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach you at Business School.

But it isn’t just his inspirational ideas that have marked Branson out as a visionary, it is the quality of service too, and his message is simple – go the extra mile. “You will only be a success if you are offering your customer the best they can find,” he says with certainty. “It is absolutely vital. If it’s an airline, it has to be the best. If it’s a trainline, it has to be the best. If it’s the internet, it has to be the best. And if you’re offering the best, you will earn people’s trust.”

“I get sent so many questions from people – via text, via email, via tweet – that it is impossible for me to get back to everyone, so I thought I would answer everybody’s questions in one go by writing the book. And I’ve enjoyed it.” So what are Branson’s key pieces of advice?“I always think that for something to be successful, it has to be an obvious labour of love for those involved. I am passionate about all my projects because if I’m not passionate about something, why should anyone else be?

Branson says that business school and qualifications are not the be all and end all for aspiring businessmen. “I learned to survive by doing it, making mistakes as I went along, and that can happen today. Anybody can make themselves a success – you just need the idea. And perseverance. I have had my share of failures but I’ve never let any of them put me off trying something else. You can succeed even if you’ve failed.”

But the idea must be a great one. If you have a great idea that will improve people’s lives, then you can’t go wrong. You have to have products that people can see will make their lives better.”

So what of the future? “I want to carry on, definitely,” he says merrily. “I feel fit and healthy and there is no reason for me to stop. There is still so much to achieve. Who knows what tomorrow might bring?”




Page 14



Established in 2004 by current head of training for the BKSA, Andy Gratwick, Easy Riders are based in Poole Harbour and are a fully qualified school, offering tuition from beginner to expert, as well as supervised hire.

They may be the largest school, but their focus is firmly on quality with a maximum of 4 people in each teaching group. Again, all instructors are BKSA qualified.

One Day Lesson - £110 Private Tuition - £40 p/h Two Day Lesson - £199 Supervised Hire - £25 p/h Three Day Lesson - £289

One Day Lesson - £129 Private Tuition - £40 p/h Two Day Lesson - £195



01202 744055

01202 738448

POOLE HARBOUR BOARDSAILING With lessons every day, all year round (weather dependent), and with start times of both 9.30am and 1.30pm, Poole Harbour Watersports is a popular choice for many budding kitesurfers.

One Day Lesson - £99 Private Tuition - £40 p/h Two Day Lesson - £175 Three Day Lesson - £240 pooleharbour.co.uk

01202 700503

kite surf guide illustration: rose eads




Page 15



Carve Boardsports has been teaching kitesurfing since 2001. Qualified instruction is provided 7 days a week, all year round, with classes available for all abilities.

Based on the Sandbanks peninsula and part of the Sandbanks Hotel, The Watersports Academy provides instruction for all abilities from BKSA/IKO qualified instructors.

One Day Lesson - £95 Private Tuition - £30 p/h Two Day Lesson - £165 Three Day Lesson - £235

One Day Lesson - £100 Private Tuition - £125 (3 hrs) Two Day Lesson - £125 Three Day Lesson - £289



01202 744055

01202 708283

Kitesurfing is one of the fastest growing sports, and its now an Olympic event. What’s more, we live in the perfect area to learn, Poole Harbour is little more than a metre deep in places so perfect for gaining confidence. If you haven’t already here is our pick of the best schools in the area.




Page 16


Open water Struggling to find the perfect way to celebrate that special occasion? Sat on the beach wishing you too were out on the water? Then we have the perfect solution. Sea Events is a local motor yacht chartering company that allows you to experience the luxury lifestyle you’re longing for.

Established in 2007 by professional skipper Mark Everington, Sea Events is a luxury powerboat chartering company based in the stunning Poole Harbour.

enjoy the Olympic sailing events taking place over the summer, the spectacular Bournemouth Air Festival, or even the Friday night fireworks.

Sea Events offer their fully staffed 40ft motor yacht, Nirvana, for a range of unique experiences; from two hour evening sunset cruises, to full day hire, and everything in between.

All charters offer refreshments supplied by local catering company Beales Gourmet Catering, whose options range from light evening snacks, to champagne brunches, and gourmet picnics, so whatever the occasion you will be sure to find the perfect accompaniment.

Able to accommodate parties of up to 10 passengers, the charters are perfect for any occasion, whether it be a corporate floating conference, a special birthday, or just a family outing, everyone is welcome, although please note there is a minimum age of 5 on board. Before setting off from the historic Poole Quay, passengers are welcomed aboard and given a full safety briefing. Once this is completed however, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the beautiful and relaxing surroundings. The yacht is available for hire to visit areas around the Solent and Isle of Wight, to as far as Weymouth, and Dorset’s stunning Jurassic Coast. Why not take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to


We live in such a stunning area although I’m sure a lot of us take it for granted. Sea Events offer a unique opportunity to see the coast from the best position - on the water - and along with the great range of food, and professional, friendly staff, it gives you the opportunity to relax and really appreciate the beautiful surroundings. All prices are by request. Quote DV8 on enquiry. Mob: 07887 780764 Tel: 01425 477383 www.seaevents.co.uk




Page 17




Page 18

FASHION FRONTLINE All items available at: iboardsports, 26 avenue road. 01202 971353

HURLEY | £54.99

QUIKSILVER | £70.00 BILLABONG | £65.00

D.C | £44.99


ANDY DAVIS | £60.00

REEF | £59.99

REEF | £59.99

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

PROTEST | £24.99


ROXY | £60.00

ROXY | £52.00

PROTEST | £24.99

BILLABONG | £55.00




Page 19

Reeves & Gallagher





Is Your Hair...Dull, Dry and Damaged? Curly, Wavy or Frizzy? or just unmanageable? Does it take far too long to style? ONE APPLICATION OF KERASTRAIGHT PUTS AN END TO ALL THAT * Same Day Shampoo * Eliminates Frizz * Straightens & Repairs Simultaneously * 3 Variants - Benefits for all hair types * Nano-Molecules of 22 carat gold * Lasts up to 4 months

14 East Street, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1DS 01202 884700 | www.reevesandgallagher.com




Page 20






This beautiful little vintage boutique is a gem set in the crown of Bournemouth’s antique quarter of Pokesdown. The boutique is a collaboration of pieces exclusive to the store, as well as featuring items from ladies online boutique The Cherry Closet, and Ikkonik Vintage menswear. With both companies under the same roof, you’re sure to find an eclectic mix of vintage clothing, accessories, shoes, and bags, as well as unique collectables, and original art from budding Bournemouth graduates. They also offer a personal shopping experience, and are available for private hire.



ANGELS ARRIVE IN LONDON Victoria's Secret finally looks set to open the doors to two London stores. The Angels will almost certainly be in town en masse for the launch - with even new mother Alessandra Ambrosio hoping to be there. www.victoriassecret.com 18 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM


John Anthony are exclusive stockists of national treasure, Vivienne Westwood’s, MAN collection. The latest range has a loose Olympic theme to celebrate the importance of the games for Great Britain. The range is available from £65, and with many items now reduced, everyone can show their support in style. www.john-anthony.com


Recently named among the top 10 vintage shops in the South West, it is a wonderland of ever changing affordable vintage treasures, a fusion of art and fashion, and a stunning juxtaposition of old and new, offering an exciting alternative to the high street. Opening Hours: Tuesday – Saturday (11am-6pm) 01202 929 531 / whatalicefound.co.uk




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the Sand Polo_2012


his summer’s weather has played havoc with outdoor gigs, and the Sand Polo was no exception. The organisers coped well with the torrential downpour, and although it did affect those wanting to view the polo, it didn’t dampen spirits for the evening parties. Amika, London presented ‘Beach Party the Polo’, bringing a touch of their West End magic to Sandbanks, whilst the live music line up was great and did a good job warming everybody up. The Polo does it’s bit for charity ‘Help for Heroes’ and this year attendees raised £2500. Well done we say. For info on next years event: www.sandpolo.com




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For nine long dreary months your feet were held hostage in closed shoes or boots in order to survive the cold, wet weather. Now summer is finally here (allegedly), so break out the sandals or flip-flops and let your toes enjoy the freedom they’ve been waiting for. We recommend the following....











ASK THE FEET EXPERTS // SILKI SOLES One minute we’re slipping our soles into UGG boats built for wind, rain, and storm. The next, we’re paddling bare foot along the sandy shores of Sandbanks beach. With the constant change in the weather, brings a constant change of footwear. Carole McGuinness, Chiropodist and Podiatrist at Silk Nails, Beauty & Health in Poole explains why it is so important to care for your feet… Carole advises that people look after their feet by keeping them clean, washing them daily, drying them thoroughly, ensuring toenails are kept at a reasonable length, and filing away any hard skin. Using a daily moisturiser such as E45 can also be beneficial, especially on dry feet to keep the skin around the heels moisturised, preventing them from cracking which can be extremely painful. During the summer months there are a few things that need to be remembered while stepping into sandals and flip-flops. Make sure the straps do not irritate any lumps and bumps on the toes, and consider adding an arch or metatarsal support to sandals that you wear often; this will assist in reducing abnormal foot pronation, along with preventing slipping, arch cramping, foot pain and bunions. Silk Nails, Beauty & Health has recently opened their beautiful plush new salon, which boasts expert knowledge and a calming atmosphere. An appointment with Carole is priced at just £27, where she will give you a general consultation and treat your feet accordingly. Silk Nails, Beauty & Health is open late nights and 7 days a week. For more information about Silk Nails Beauty & Health please visit www.silknbh.co.uk or call 01202 741007

The team from SilkiSoles

RELAXING FOOT MASSAGE // THE EDGE SPA The Edge Spa in Alum Chine offers an array of relaxing massages and treatments in a tranquil environment. One massage in particular is the foot massage inspired from Thailand given by therapist Rebecca Trim. The foot and lower leg is cleansed with hot lime before incorporating hot stones. Your senses feel uplifted as the treatment is finished with a soothing neck, shoulder and scalp massage. The Edge Spa gives visitors an experience to remember, as they indulge and unwind. Whether you have a massage, manicure or a wax, the staff at The Edge ensure that your time with them is luxurious, comfortable and leaves you feeling re-charged and rejuvenated. If you want a blissful escape for an afternoon, then The Edge is the place to find it.

Ground Floor, 2 Studland Road, Alum Chine 01202 540909 | 60 Minutes £35.00 | info@edgespa.co.uk 22 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM




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HERE ARE FIVE OF THE BEST FAKE TAN LOTIONS So are spray tans worth the risk? Until recently, spray tans have been seen as the safer alternative to natural tanning or sun beds. However, new information released by the FDA (the United States Food and Drug Administration) suggests that this may not be the case. The sprays used by salons contain a chemical called dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which has been shown in lab tests to cause genetic mutations. So, if you don’t fancy taking the risk, take a look at our pick of the best fake tan lotions below.

Fake Bake

Laurens Way

St Tropex

Transform Luxe

One Night Tan

The latest addition to the Fake Bake range, 60 Minutes Self Tan is an express fake tan liquid that develops into a natural looking tan in just 60 minutes, what’s more, the lightweight formula won’t clog your pores. (£24.95)

You can now get TOWIE star, Lauren Goodger’s bronzed summer glow at home with the Lauren’s Way range of fake tans. The Bronzing Mousse provides an instant glow, but it is also a lasting formula that develops for that deep Marbs style tone. (£17.95)

Always a favourite among tan-fans. Their new Firming Gradual Tan is an enriched easily absorbed lotion that’s your onestop product for tanning, toning, firming and moisturizing. The innovative melanin technology works with your skin to achieve a bespoke, natural glow, whilst also improving tone in problem areas. (£20.00)

Transform Luxe From Xen Tan is a must-buy. Containing more active tanning ingredient than other gradual tanners, as well as vitamin E and shea butter, it lets you achieve a darker colour after just one application. (£24.99)

One Night Tan is the ultimate tan for one night only. Lightweight, velvety, and nontransferring, it allows you to build a natural-looking, rich tan in seconds that washes off when you say so. (£24.00)

All of these products are available from Debenhams, both online and in store.

ASK THE HAIR EXPERT // LYNDSEY FROM LEVEL Festival season is well and truly upon us, so that means we need fuss-free styles, I recommend side fishtail plaits and messy buns for an easy but glam way of getting hair off your face and ready to party. Fearne Cotton uses hair extensions to wear her fishtail plaits, but if your hair is long enought, create the look by splitting hair into two sections, then begin plaiting one section at a time starting loosely at the top and working your way tighter towards the ends. Whitney Port and Michelle Keegan on the other hand, show off their high wearing buns with the more texture to the hair the better! Tip your head upside down and tie with elastic on the crown of your head to secure, then bending and wrapping hair over, pin into place - this works even better on dirty hair, L'Oreal Super Dust is great way of getting more texture and body into your hair for that ‘just off the beach’ look at any time.. DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM | 23




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The Bourne Legacy The fourth installment in the eponymous Bourne film series. The main character Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner) faced with the public and political fallout from the events of The Bourne Ultimatum must find a way to escape before CIA agent Byer (Edward Norton) can have him assassinated. Released: 10th August



? N BOURNE NOVELS SO JA E TH TE RO W .co.uk. O ine H onl W Q. tact details to odeon@dv8 wer and your name and con Simply email the ans

a rious story of at comes the hilaak th uy h G is ily w a m Fa es of r m John creato TED: From the no other. An eight year oldhn grows up and his bear e Jo lik e bl ip sh ita ev nd owever, frie life, but as is in st friends do. H t of the ou brings his bearmtoremaining by his side as be d Te to kick hn Jo hi ks as ith ri w s e and Lo bl ow si nd gr spon ng-term girlfrie is time to be re it e long is eal lif re a when John’s loth d on Te d st John an and a te apartment, boeir own lives with fun, laughter start living theleased: 1st August friendship. R

TOTAL RECALL: Be careful what you wish for. Despite having a beautiful wife, factory worker Dou glas visits company Rekall for escapism through an exciting mind trip where he is a super spy, but something goes wrong, and he is soon wondering which of his memories are real as he finds himself running killing him – including his once loving wife from people intent on – and not knowing who to trust or what to believe. Released: 29th August

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FROM A FILM E IN L E IT R U O R FAV urnemouth Find us on twitter: @dv8bo TWEET US YOU




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ASK THE EXPERTS // BODY SUPPLEMENTS Pre-workouts have become increasingly popular over the last year, with the majority of those available containing caffeine, creatine, select amino acids and occasionally carbohydrates. Pre-workouts increase blood flow and nutrient delivery, improve mental focus, enhance muscle pumps, increase energy and delay fatigue, increase strength and muscle mass, and promote fat loss. Yes, pre-workout products will not hinder fat loss in any way. In fact, many of the ingredients will help speed up the metabolic rate and enhance fat utilization. Also, often while dieting to lose fat energy levels can run low. This makes a pre-workout product an excellent choice to keep intensity levels high while in the gym. Pre-workouts are designed to be taken 20-30 minutes before you workout and most pre-workout supplements

should be taken on an empty stomach. If your product contains caffeine and you happen to be sensitive to caffeine, its effects can be minimized by consuming it with a small snack. Pre-workout supplements can help you in a wide range of sports such as bodybuilding, power lifting, football, rugby running and many more. Our top 3 pre-workouts we would recommend are Surge Workout fuel, Sci-mx Xplode and Dymatize Xpand. (Pictured above) All the above products are available from Body Supplements 232 Holdenhurst Road Bournemouth 01202 552 598 at the very lowest prices.

PRIMITIVE GYM OPENS.... Primitive Gym is a privately owned friendly gym specialising in bodybuilding and heavyweight training. Providing strongman equipment, personal training, massage therapy, and diet and nutrition advice. Primitive is based in Parkstone and offers Membership from £25-£30 per month. What makes Primitive Gym unique from many others, is that owner Ryan Petford does not enforce any contracts or joining fees and includes the induction free. You can find Primitive above CO-OP on Ashley Road, or contact Ryan for more details. ryanpetford@yahoo.co.uk / 07892 709921

PERSONAL TRAINER? If you want to lose weight, get healthy and/or build muscle, hiring a personal trainer can be a step in the right direction. A good trainer can help you set up a program that meets your goals and teach you the best way to exercise. Finding and choosing a trainer can be a little confusing and, for some, intimidating. It's not easy asking for help, but going in with more knowledge about how personal training works can make it a little easier. A personal trainer should be certified through a reputable personal training organization, have an updated certification in CPR and/or first aid, and have experience, especially in relation to your goals. For example, if you're a bodybuilder, you want someone knowledgeable in that area. If you have a specific medical problem, injury or condition (such as being pregnant, difficulty getting pregnant, heart problems, diabetes, etc.) make sure your trainer has education in these areas and will work with your doctor. Evolution personal training are offering free consultations in August so now is the time to take the first step. tel: 07989 387157

JODIE MARSH BODY BUILDER This September 9th brings a bodybuilding competition to The Pier Theatre with special celebrity appearance from glamour girl come bodybuilder Jodie Marsh. Eighty athletes, male and female from the Bournemouth region will compete to impress the judges to win one of the seven titles available. Bodybuilders display an amazing balance of size, condition and symmetry, and special guest Jodie Marsh wil be demonstrating her successful transformation into one of the country's most impressive body builders by performing her routine on stage, meeting members of the audience after the show, and offering advice.

The Tickets are £15 and are available from the BIC and Pavilion ticket office, by calling 0844 576 3000 or online at www.bhlivetickets.co.uk For more information contact pilotpromotionsinfo@gmail.com 26 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM




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words: mps


t has to be said that I am sick to the back teeth of selfish people; we human beings are consistently our own worst enemy. In one sense the worldwide downturn has done some good in that it has exposed many vile human practices to which a lot of people turned a blind eye when the going was good, but 'when the tide goes out you find out who's been swimming naked' as Warren Buffet once said and so things are just going to have to get even worse before they get any better. We are going to have to be forced to take a good hard look at ourselves and our greed (read: selfishness). Stupid bankers bringing an important industry into disrepute, for which there should be criminal proceedings instantly, and with potential collusion (and without doubt, bad regulation) via politicians, the law, Bank of England and general Establishment nearly everyone in power is in some way on the hook here. As more of the same comes to light again and again we are all, surely, fed up with venal and selfish, greedy, self-interested people whether it's journalists, doctors, MP's, Union Leaders, tax evaders, thugs or hooligans the list does not stop. And that is just in the UK. Europe is on the brink of a man-made economic catastrophe, albeit not through greed but by way of a politically noble and initially well-intentioned cause. Yet, unless Germany agrees to greater integration on the way to a "United States of Europe" the project is finished and our economy is screwed even further for even longer. Across the pond the USA is still struggling. In Asia, Japan continues to stagnate whilst China's banking system and property market is not as healthy as official statistics say it is- whole ghost towns have been built to keep the economy humming yet lots of these bad loans will have to go pop at some point. Politically, as the recent Arab Spring has shown, people in North Africa and the Middle East have had enough of living under autocracy, and rightly so. What do all of these problems have in common? Yes, human beings. We really do appear to be at a tipping point in terms of consciousness. What is the solution to all this self induced madness, apart from forcing all people to meditate on their thoughts and actions? I'm not sure, but full transparency and accountability in every walk of life would be a good start. It is no coincidence that most Swedish people and businesses pay their taxes when everyone's tax return is open and available for anyone else to see. And so we must throw the light on many other areas too. Secrecy always breeds corruption. If you can't rely on human beings to do the right thing without encouragement, proving the adage that you reveal the true character of a man by what he is prepared to do when he knows no-one is watching, then you must use peer group pressure or even shame to force people to behave. Trust underpins all human relationships and since the worldwide economic

downturn that trust has been found to be wanting by the truckload. We must utilise the deep rooted fear of 'not being enough', the fear of not living up to others' expectations to coax people into doing the right thing if they are not prepared or able to do it on their own. People are going to have to keep being reminded of their morality and their moral duty to one another; we really need to increase our empathy and reduce selfishness. And before the rest of us start indulging in Schadenfreude we all need to be reminded to have some moral humility and to take a good thorough look in the mirror and then see if our “feral” elite and their greedy, selfish ways are still not some reflection of ourselves. How many of us if in the same position would be tempted to do the same; fail with the same foibles? I think I would struggle not to. I used to think it a cliché, but feel more and more it a fundamental truth that we get the political leaders that we deserve. As oftentimes it seems that many adults behave no better than spiteful children in the playground, their stunted egos fighting for supremacy, demonising the “other” or gloating over relatively minor successes. This is pride and prejudice at its worst (fear at its best) and it is shameful on all of us. We do live at an amazing time in many ways. Current technology and scientific discoveries, to take just two examples, show that human ingenuity knows no bounds. But Homo Sapiens need to grow up. We need to raise our consciousness, develop our benevolence and increase our empathy as we stand at a huge crossroads historically speaking and I think it is going to go one of two ways in how we all now live in this technologically-connected, global village - although I am still optimistic about the future. But ultimately it comes down to us: me and you. No-one else; no-one else is to blame. We need to sort ourselves out first and take personal responsibility. We need to be brave, stare down our fear, learn to forgive, build trust again and be the change that we want to see. Only then can we can start to create a brighter, more selfless and less selfish future for our children.




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Nicki Grainger OWNER OF VINTAGE STORE ‘WHAT ALICE FOUND’ 805 Christchurch Road, Boscombe. Tuesday- Saturday (11am-6pm) 01202 929 531 www.whatalicefound.co.uk www.facebook.com/whatalicefound

Nicki Granger is a fashion journalism graduate, vintage enthusiast, and for the last fifteen months the owner of What Alice Found, a vintage clothing boutique on Bournemouth’s antique ‘Golden Mile’. We popped in to get the low-down on all things Alice. Originally from Buckinghamshire, Nicki studied Fashion Journalism at Solent University before starting as an intern at ELLE. The fashon world however, was very 'The Devil Wears Prada’, and so she decided instead to go into content writing and digital marketing, before working for local government. As you can imagine, this was hardly the ideal job for such a creative mind, and so in 2009, Nicki started The Cherry Closet, an online vintage boutique which became hugely successful, being featured in such publications asGlamour Magazine. Encouraged by her success, Nicki decided to open her own shop, and having considered London and Brighton, settled on Boscombe’s

antique mile: ‘I wanted to be there at the start of the area’s growth, before vintage went pop. Since I’ve been here, six or seven other shops have opened’. Having worked on the London fashion scene, Nicki wanted people to have ‘more fun with fashion, vintage especially is so expressive’, and this is certainly something that she has achieved. The vintage look has become increasingly popular over the last few years, with many highstreet shops offering mock-vintage styles. Part of the ethos behind What Alice Found however, is about supporting the independent stores, about ethical buying (all the furniture in the store was sorced from neighbouring shops), and offering people the original version of the highstreet. Nicki sources some of her stock in Hollywood, from stores in the eccentric back streets, so you’re guaranteed to find stunning one-off pieces. What Alice Found is more than a boutique though, Nicki also works as a freelance

vintage stylist, working with theatre companies as well as private clients. You’ll also find them at vintage fairs and even music festivals. As if this wasn’t enough, they actively support local graduate artists and illustrators who have a vintage, Alice in Wonderland vibe, and examples of their work can be seen in store. At still only 27, Nicki has been hugely successful in persuing her passion in life, so what words of wisdom has she got to pass on to budding vintage entrepreneurs? ‘You have to make yourself stand out, it’s difficult to be competitive, as such, in vintage as everything item is different, but it’s all about finding your niche, styling well , and being helpful to customers - a lot of people are weary to try vintage, you have to make them feel comfortable...when I first opened the shop it was a difficult transition but I stuck at it and it has all been worth it, and now have two interns and a PA to help me!’ What Alice Found is a great Bournemouth success story, so pop down and snap up some fabulous vintage. DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM | 29




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BUSINESS PR Jane has lived in the Dorset area her entire life and has enjoyed a varied career. She first became involved in Hospitality and PR in the 1980’s working as Weddings and Conference Organiser at highly respected local hotels, and it was within these roles that Jane began developing the idea of running her own PR and Events Company. Jane Jones PR & Events was founded in 1999 and since then, the team have built an enviable client base and reputation within their field. On the reason for putting on Party in the Park It all started 12 years ago when it was originally called Brunch in the Park, and was part of Taste 200 - Poole’s first food festival. The event just grew and grew, and after around 4 years the name got changed. The event is all about bringing the community together, and over the 12 years it has been going it has achieved this, as people from every age group can congregate on this small park in the knowledge that they will meet up with people that they haven’t seen for a while. The whole atmosphere is just so fabulous, and it is all encompassing, combining the music with food, kid’s entertainment, local arts stalls, and above all, the fact that people are able to have fun. On why there is a ticket price this year This year we are charging £3.00 per person with under 12’s going free. The price is kept to the lowest possible, but helps towards all the extra infrastructure we have to incur; the fencing, portaloos, bins, security, stage and sounds etc. We hope the local people of Poole will appreciate that in order to put an event on of this magnitude, it takes time and a lot of hidden extras that they probably are not aware of. Without the support of our sponsors, and indeed this small charge to attend the event, it would not be possible to go ahead, so in turn we hope that people will understand this and come to PITP like they have always done. On what people can expect from this year’s event An eclectic mix covering everything from Tarot Card Readings, through to Penalty Shoot Outs for the children. There will be clothes to buy, jewellery to discover, and much more, there really is something for everyone but with a Dorset, local artisan twist. Everything is in keeping with our lovely county, and any foods on sale will also be part of supporting Dorset. In terms of music, this year we welcome Island Glow, The Amy Mayes Band, The Steve Wilson Band, Empire Affair, Jackson Three, and DJ Martyn the Hat.


On being a good PR At JJPR we take pride in our creativity and dynamism. We offer our clients a bespoke, highly personal service, and do not offer our services to other companies in the same industry once a deal has been sealed. This way we can offer truthful advice, and a package that is no nonsense but is also cutting edge, always thinking outside of the box. Our clients receive advice that is entirely exclusive. On getting into PR With my hospitality background in sales and events, it was just the natural progression. I was always very good at English, and also had a natural ability to make many useful contacts, which have always stood me in good stead over the years. A pretty good memory has also been an asset, as I never forget a face or name and people really appreciate that. On the jobs market in Bournemouth Contrary to all this talk about there not being enough jobs, plenty of our clients are advising us that it is the level of candidates suitable for the jobs that is a worry. On Bournemouth Bournemouth needs to seriously look at its regeneration. There is so much potential, but I don’t believe that it is being fulfilled which is a real shame. On events in general If you are referring to our local area then I feel very strongly about this. I think it is about time we looked at how similar resorts operate with their events they put on throughout the year - even Swanage leaves us standing. Brighton is absolutely buzzing and Weymouth too. I think it is high time that some fresh ideas were injected into the local community, both in Poole and Bournemouth, and if the council needs assistance then we would be happy to help in any way we can. On the economy Well it is really hard for us all. We are all chasing the same jobs; you really have to make yourself stand out from the crowd. On Julia’s House This is the charity that PITP is supporting this year. We chose this charity because every year we support a worthwhile local cause, and this year we decided on Julias’s House. Their dedication to working towards giving children a better life in their time of need due to their illness is something that we all should stop and consider. They are a fabulous team delivering such care and assistance, not just to the poorly child, but also to the family coping with the terminally ill child. It made us realise that if we can give some help with the awareness factor plus a donation, then we’ve served our purpose as a community event.




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Build a winning CV Whether it is the first you’ve ever had to write, or you find yourself back to square one having been made redundant from a previous job, writing a CV can be a daunting prospect, especially in the current job market. To help point you in the right direction, we met up with Frances and Tracey from Jobshop UK, local recruitment specialists, to get the expert view on what makes for a winning CV.

What exactly is a CV? It may seem like an odd question, but first things first. The abbreviation CV stands for ‘Curriculum Vitae’ and means ‘course of life’. It should be a brief but factual account of your working life so that potential employers can gain an insight into who you are. Are looks that important? Presentation is the key, your CV should always be typed, no more than two A4 pages, and printed on high-quality paper. It should include these five key sections: 1. Personal details (name, address, contact information) 2. Personal profile 3. Work history 4. Education and qualifications 5. Any further important personal information. Personal Profile This is the most important section of your CV, but is often also the most difficult to get right. It is your first chance to make an impression, and should be viewed as an opportunity to sell yourself as a candidate. For this reason, you need to make it stand out: try and be creative with your approach, avoiding the usual clichés whilst remaining clear and concise. Try and keep unnecessary personal details such as age, race, or political affiliation out unless specifically asked for. While you are trying to highlight your skills in this section, don’t waffle; one short paragraph should be enough.

is no room for white lies or hyperbole on your CV, as tempting as it may be to elaborate, always try and represent yourself as accurately as possible. Education and Qualifications List all relevant training and qualifications including those gained in previous employment. Courses and grades should be included in reverse chronological order, however, keep in mind how relevant they are to the position you are applying for. It may be better to summaries GCSE’s and highlight further education or relevant training gained from a previous role. Personal Information Any further information you feel may be relevant to the position, for example; whether you hold a driving licence could be useful, being able to do the moonwalk may not. References Two references are usually given. Make sure you have some already lined up, so that you can supply them when requested. N.B. your dog is not an acceptable reference, not matter how well you treat him. Key things to remember: 1. Make sure that you are correctly addressing your CV and that names and titles are spelt correctly. 2. Ensure that there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. Don’t put your future in the hands of spell check, if you’re not confident yourself, get someone to proof-read it. 3. There is a fine line between selling and overselling yourself – don’t get carried away with superlatives 4. Keep it clear, concise and relevant. Don’t just offer a blanket CV, research the company and position you are applying to and tailor your CV accordingly. For more advice contact the Jobshop UK team on 01202 67 44 88 or email them on email@jobshopuk.com

Work History This section should be a list of all current and previous employment working backwards in chronological order. You should clearly show your job title, name of the company, dates of employment, and include a few short sentences to illustrate key responsibilities and skills developed. While gaps in employment may reflect badly, there DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM | 31




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DV8 Love The Supper Club at The Print Rooms. We have always loved the venue as a restaurant and now it is set to be even more accessible. Saturday evenings will include a live band and DJ to accompany a late night tapas-style menu. Think mezze platters, baked camembert, calamari, tempura prawns, a trio of burgers, and a selection of desserts. The night is pitched at attracting the movers and shakers of Bournemouth and opens it’s doors from 10pm. The Print Room Richmond Hill Bournemouth 01202 789669


is the Flamers in Charminster block new burger bar on the n on with a delectable selectio gic Ma a try not y Wh offer. ous Mushroom? A scrumpti h wit ped top 1/4Ib burger Onion, Red ed Fri yo, Ma a rik Pap xicana Me , oom Portobello Mushr gic ma s thi os, pen Jale Cheese & and ve icti add is oom shr mu ’d like a delicious. Or maybe you ger. Not bur r you on lish Full Eng e hav y a meat lover? Hey, the s plu too s ion vegetarian opt ing sides, plenty of mouth-water they d desserts & drinks. An ? one any r rge Bu deliver too.


r.co www.flamersburgerba


RANCHO GRILL If you have a big appetite or just fancy the challenge of pushing the boundaries of that waist band, then nowhere serves you bigger than Rancho’s – the true taste of South America on our very own Poole Quay. Although Rancho’s does cater for the vegetarian, it is all about the meat at this establishment with fish, pork, ribs, chicken, and the biggest, juiciest steaks you could ever imagine. And if you can’t make up your mind, why not order a combination meal? The Gran Parraillada, for example, the ultimate mixed grill of lamb cutlet, pork chorizo sausage, rump, sirloin, marinated chicken and corn on the cob. If 1Ib of meat is not quite enough, you can request a larger portion. Best of all Rancho are opening in Bournemouth town centre later this year.


A new record has been broken at the popular “Unlimited Ribs” night at Rancho. Will Rooke managed to guzzle his way through EIGHT full racks of ribs Unlimited Ribs are just £13.75 at Rancho every Tuesday night.




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WHEN IN ROME... OK, so the Great British summer may have let us down once again, but salvation is only a short flight away; in a couple of hours you could be soaking up the sun in one of the most impressive cities in the world – Rome. This year marks the two hundredth since England’s celebrated poet Lord Byron published the first two cantos of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, a jaded journey which led him five years later to Rome, and would incite him to cry “Oh Rome! My country! City of the soul!” It may no longer be caput mundi, but wandering the cobbled streets of the Eternal City, you can immediately feel in it not only the familiar beauty reminiscent of lost European empires, but much of the Byronic Hero himself: moodiness, pride and a sensual affection (in the Italian people as much as the architecture and atmosphere). The city is simultaneously seductive, thrilling, and aweinspiring, the kind of place whose spell you fall under almost instantly. Whichever direction you turn, you will be presented with something spectacular, whether it be the ancient ruins scattered throughout the city, the harmonious coexistence of modernity and history, or even just the vibrancy of the food. It is an unapologetic assault on the senses, and one that is more than welcome. There is an intriguing juxtaposition in Rome between the fast-passed urban city, and the quiet authority of the monuments and buildings that act as Lieux de Memoire constant reminders of times past. While Rome is no doubt a modern European city, the citizens seem to have transcended the stresses that we associate with urban living, preferring to take a more relaxed approach to life in which time poses no threat, a notion which you will find encapsulated in the charm of

Piazza Trisulla, particularly on Fridays, when it becomes populated by young Romans enjoying aperitivo with mischief in their eyes, and nonchalance in their laughs.

I of course make this statement with the exception of the Roman driving style, as the system (if indeed there is one), neither seems to reflect the Italian attitude in other aspects of life, nor follow any rules we may recognise as familiar - be prepared to hold on tight. Driving aside however, it is certain that the pace of life is considerably slower, and is a phenomenon that should be whole-heartedly embraced whilst you are here. Take a stroll through the winding streets or along by the river, enjoy an espresso with a view of the Pantheon, or spend your day people watching at Piazza di Spagna, an unavoidable allure for the traveller in Rome, full in the summer months of a medley of buoyant visitors from all over the world, and tranquil garden to the locals the rest of the year. The Piazza also boasts the Keats-Shelley house, final home of Romantic poet John Keats, containing within it paintings, sculptures, manuscripts, and relics of some of the finest literary names born out of England during the period.

If you have an interest in literature, I’d also recommend going to see The Deposition, a recently rediscovered artistic result of Franco Angeli’s encounter with a drunken Jack Kerouac, hero of the Beat Generation. The

painting, a spiritual adaptation of Italian master-painter Caravaggio’s Deposition, was sold in 1968 (two years after its creation) to the actor Volonte, and subsequently disappeared. Forty-five years after it was painted however, it has been rediscovered, and is being exhibited at Museo dei Fori Imperiali. Kerouac is back in the public eye this year with the imminent release of a film adaptation of On The Road, and so this is the perfect opportunity to take in one of his lesser-known artistic achievements. Whatever you choose to fill your days with, take them slowly, and allow yourself to absorb the culture of Rome. Unfortunately however, this is not a luxury available to everyone. If you are only visiting for a short break, be sure to make the most of it, and (although you will look like a tourist) try and see as many of the landmarks as you can; The Vatican City, The Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, The Colosseum, the list goes on, but they are all equally impressive and culturally significant. A surprising number of sights do not charge an entrance fee, including St. Peter’s Basilica (although the museums and Sistine Chapel do charge), and the Pantheon, so be aware of this as there are many tour guides touting tickets at imposed or inflated prices - the queues are never as long as they claim. A similar word of warning goes for bars and restaurants. Prices will always be high around big landmarks, but the food is just as good, if not better, in eateries hidden away in the quieter streets. Remember that you are on holiday, Italians expect you to take time over your meal – don’t confuse this with bad service. No matter how long you have to spend here, or how far your budget will stretch, this stunning city has something to offer; it is definitely worth a visit even if city breaks aren’t your usual style, personally, I can’t wait to go back. DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM | 33




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feature? want us to u yo s k w e n online.co.u Any food itorial@dv8 d e . h c u to Get in

NEW RESTAURANT RHUMBAR OPEN New to Bournemouth is Rhumbar, a Caribbean Cocktail Bar and Grill located in the heart of Bournemouth and created by a group of friends reminiscing about holiday memories. Rhumbar is a place where people can eat, drink, chat and most importantly, have fun. Visitors are instantly welcomed by fresh decor, palm trees, and upbeat music, creating an unmistakably Caribbean atmosphere. Rhumbar offers a extensive selection of cocktails, including rum-lovers favourite, Mojito and Rhumisland Iced Tea. Cocktails start at just £8 each, while punches are £12 for a sharing jug. The food menu includes some Caribbean classics such as Curried Goat and Jerk Chicken, both £9.95. So, the next time you fancy escaping reality why not pay a visit to Rhumbar, a Caribbean restaurant where the sun shines all year long.


CARIBBEAN COOKING Flavours School of Cookery

01202 424445 Based on Christchurch Road, Flavours was created by chefs who wanted to share their passion for food with the public in a fun yet relaxed environment. The school offers a range of classes for both adults and children. We went along to ‘Café Jamaica’, an introduction to Caribbean cooking, and would highly recommend it. The class is very relaxed, so you don’t feel out of place for not knowing your scotch bonnets from your bell peppers, and you go away feeling confident that you can bring a taste of Caribbean sunshine into your home. Adult evening classes are priced on average £55pp.

HEAVEN IS A CUP CAKE The cupcakes at Lulubelles in Canford Cliffs are all named after children that are special to the owner. The cupcakes are made on site and there are twelve core flavours. We sank our teeth into a chocolate cupcake with red turkish delight call the ‘Rose’. It was delicious. Dangerously so. We washed it down with a cup of tea and some homemade marshmallows. Also made by hand on site are sculptured cakes and Birthday cakes. WORTH STOPPING FOR ALL CUPCAKES £2 EACH. Haven Road, Canford Cliffs 7.30am to 5pm / 6 days a week 01202 707429 www.lulubelles.com hello@lulubelles.com 34 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM


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Page 37

THE DV8 GUIDE TO DINING AND NIGHTLIFE Photography in this section by Simon Ackerman for Priva, Phil K Dobson for V, Robert Newton for Alika Staff Photography: Janneke Reeves

SOUTH DEEP CAFE A hidden treasure. South Deep is a great place to soak up the sunshine and enjoy the waterside atmosphere while feasting on their delicious food. Make the most of the sunny mornings and enjoy a full English breakfast while taking in views of the harbour for just £7.90. (Breakfast served between 9am-11.30am) 01202 742915 www.parkstonebay.com/cafe

BOURNEMOUTH Restaurants TOWN CENTRE Olive Café A gem of a bistro. Great all day breakfast at a reasonable price. 48-50 Poole Hill, BH2 5PS, 01202 257984. Koh Thai Tapas Authentic thai restaurant and take-away in a stunning venue. Delicious menu; they take pride in their cooking. 38-40 Poole Hill, BH2 5PS, 01202 294723. Pinocchio Italian Restaurant A charming traditional Italian Restaurant which has been serving food for over twenty years. 18 Poole Hill, BH2 5PS, 01202 291081. Ristorante La Piazza Exquisite Italian cuisine in The Triangle with enough space for over one hundred diners. 14 Poole Hill, BH2 5PS, 01202 294094. Mint Leaf Indian cuisine fit for a King. The quality of the food has to be experienced to be believed. 32-33 The Triangle, BH2 5SE, 01202 299977. Café Flirt A unique and colourful bar which serves milkshakes, hot meals, alcohol and also has a DIY salad bar. 21 The Triangle, BH2 5RG, 01202 553999. Lolitas Restaurant Home-made Tapas cooked with passion and great Spanish décor. 95 Commercial Road, BH2 5RT, 07588065360. Cristallo Restaurant Authentic European food in an atmospheric restaurant with a large seating area. 3 West Cliff Road, BH2 5ES, 01202 556767. Tiien Thai A clean, elegant restaurant; serving charming platters and individual dishes.

Exceptionally attentive staff. 105 St. Michael’s Road, BH2 5DU, 01202 299412. Indian Ocean Located close to the BIC, serving Indian cuisine and delicious take-away. 4 West Cliff Road, BH2 5EY, 01202 311222. WestBeach Stunning location, situated just metres from Bournemouth pier. Warm hospitality and award-winning seafood dishes. Pier Approach, BH2 5AA. 01202 587785.


NEW SUMMER COCKTAIL MENU Aruba have recently launched their new summer cocktail menu. While you can still expect to find all your old favourites, they have given the rest a bit of a shake-up, offering a few more unusual but delicious combinations. On a selection of cocktails, the menu also allows you to choose which brand of base spirit you would like the drink to be made with, providing an exciting opportunity to subtly alter the taste of the cocktail, enhancing more subtle flavours. For the summer season, they have also introduced jugs of Pimms and a Sangria made with Licor 43, both of which are 2-4-1 throughout August.


Ocean Palace Chinese restaurant serving an exquisite selection of dishes from Peking and Szechuan Cuisine. 8 Priory Road, BH2 5DG, 01202 559127. 1812 Bar and Restaurant with a modern ambience. Popular haunt for those that love their cocktails. Exeter Road, BH2 5AG, 01202 203060. The Crab AA rated two Rossette seafood restaurant. Minute’s walk from the beach. Exeter Road, BH2 5AJ, 01202 203601. Key West Stunning restaurant situated at the end of Bournemouth pier with 300 degree panoramic views of the sea. Pier Approach, BH2 5AA, 01202 306155. Oscars Decadent restaurant as part of the luxurious Royal Bath Hotel. Bath Road, BH1 2EW, 01202 555555. Chimichanga New in 2012, this modern Mexican dining boasts informal surroundings and delicious cuisine. 61 Westover Road, BH1 2BZ, 01202 314206. Sushi & Roll Offering mouth-watering Sushi and paying attention to detail. 57 Westover Road, BH 1 2BZ, 01202 297999. Enzée A rustic and intimate Italian. 29 Westover Road, BH1 2BZ, 01202 555307. The Green Room Situated within The Green House Hotel and offering a six-course menu. Beautiful indulgence. 4 Grove Road, BH1 3AX, 01202 498900. The Garden Restaurant Situated within The Cottonwood Boutique Hotel offering delicious cuisine bursting with flavour. Quirky interior. 81 Grove Road, BH1 3AP, 01202 294449. Ocean City Oriental Chinese restaurant and hotel with attentive service. 38 Christchurch DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM | 35




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Nicole Milton and Isabel Navarro @ Bonsai

Road, BH1 3PD, 01202 552903. Noble House A brilliant, family-run Chinese restaurant. 3-5 Lansdowne Road, BH1 1RZ, 01202 291277. Kayla Brasserie A stunning, contemporary Italian style bar and brasserie offering delicious food. Truly chic interior. 42 Holdenhurst Road, BH8 8AD, 01202 554300. The Fountain Over seventy-five dishes from a range of Chinese food. 16 Holdenhurst Road, BH8 8AD, 01202 314689. Day’s New this year, an award-winning Chinese restaurant: buffet style. St. Peter’s Quarter, BH1 2AD, 01202 318888. Roosters Piri Piri New this year, specialising in spicy grilled Piri Piri chicken. 262 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1PF, 01202 294355. Little India An unrivalled range of authentic Indian dishes. 244 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1PF, 01202 317117. Baan Thai Chic styling and a Thai menu bursting with flavour. 203 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1JU, 01202 556595. Beirut Lounge Serving traditional Lebanese cuisine. Hearty atmosphere. 232 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1PE, 01202 311388. Cuccinis An authentic Italian restaurant adored for its regular jazz music nights. 218 – 220 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1PE, 01202 780882. The Mandarin Open daily for lunch, dinner and take-away. Exceptional Chinese food. 194198 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1PD, 01202 290681. Ciao An Italian style menu offering a la carte, salads, beautiful vegetarian options and a range of traditional pizza and pasta dishes. 144 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1NL, 01202 555657. Alcatraz Brasserie Specialising in home-made pastas and speciality dishes at reasonable prices. 127 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1EP, 01202 553650. 36 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM

Jemma King @ Alika

Indian Lounge Delicious Indian cuisine; available in-restaurant and also take away. 148 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1NL, 01202 293355. Steakout A classic steakhouse with attentive service. Just a short walk from the centre of town. 30 Exeter Road, BH2 5AR, 01202 298335. Funki Sushi A lavish Sushi restaurant serving pan-Asian and Japanese cuisine. 20A-20B Exeter Road, BH2 5AQ, 01202 252533. Valentino A conservatory style Italian restaurant with an informal, friendly atmosphere. Exeter Road, BH2 5AP, 01202 293332. La Tasca The Bournemouth branch offering speciality tapas. 23-27 Bourne Avenue, BH2 6DT, 08451262960. Tapas Plus A family-run, authentic Spanish eatery. A top spot. 53 Bourne Avenue, BH2 6DW, 01202 310100. Prezzo Housed in an impressive building just a short walk from the beach. Delicious Italian contemporary food. 58-59 Westover Road, BH1 2BZ, 01202 556399. Print Room An uber-stylish French restaurant situated in the old press room of Bournemouth’s Daily Echo. Richmond Hill, BH2 6HH, 01202

Sarah Crook @ 1812

Romy Simpkins @ Priva

789669. Coriander A Mexican restaurant with a unique and fun atmosphere. 22 Richmond Hill, BH2 6EJ, 01202 552202. Zizzi Simple Italian dining in a rustic, relaxed environment. 5 Richmond Hill, BH2 6HE, 01202 299010.

Restaurants Westbourne and Alum Chine Vesuvio A sophisticated restaurant serving delicious pizza, fish, grills, pasta and rotisserie. Alum Chine, BH4 8AN, 01202 759100. The Edge With stunning views of Bournemouth beach, this restaurant is open for elegant and al fresco dining. 2 Studland Road, BH4 8JA, 01202 757007. Branksome Beach A buzzing stop for coffee, afternoon pints and also serve breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. Sea view from every table. Pinecliff Road, BH13 6LP, 01202 767235. Café Rouge A charming branch of the national chain serving classic French dishes all day. 6771A Seamoor Road, BH4 9AE, 01202 757472. SOHO A stylish bar specialising in gourmet pizzas and home-style comfort food. 100-102 Poole Road, BH4 9EF, 01202 759000. Circo Lounge A swanky new bar with a bohemian, relaxed feel; serving delicious food throughout the day. 66 Poole Road, BH4 9DZ, 01202 540823. Indi’s A contemporary curry house with a special ‘Old Favourites’ section. 25 Seamoor Road, BH4 9AA, 01202 759200. Chez Fred Voted Britain’s best fish and chip shop in recent years, and offering take-away or you can eat in the restaurant. 10 Seamoor Road, BH4 9AN, 01202 761023. Zoukinis A vegetarian and vegan’s paradise. 18 Seamoor Road, BH4 9AR, 01202 766797.




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Restaurants Penn Hill and Ashley Cross Canopy Restaurant Located above Penn, this secret dining experience is first class. Penn Hill Avenue, BH14 9NA, 01202 710888. The Rajasthan Delicious Indian food with a loyal local following. 127-129 Penn Hill Avenue, BH14 9LY, 01202 718966. The Cow A trendy gastro joint with an extensive wine list and traditional pub grub. 58 Station Road, BH14 8UD, 01202 723155. The Grove A modern and contemporary bar and restaurant looking out over the Ashley Cross Green and offer brunch, sandwiches, salads and cocktails. 28-30 Station Road, BH14 8UB, 01202 749499. Isabel’s Candlelit Dining Rooms and A La Carte Menu offering French & English cuisine. 32 Station Road, BH14 8UD, 01202 747885. Patrick’s With a different vibe every night of the week and a stunning menu, it is no wonder this restaurant and bar is always humming. Regular live entertainment. 1 Bournemouth Road, BH14 OEG, 01202 734000. Mambo A rustic Italian eatery serving dishes bursting with flavour. 149 Commercial Road, BH14 0JD, 01202 731971. Lotus Lounge Chinese and Thai cuisine with decadent interior and an extensive buffet menu. 99 Commercial Road, Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0JD, 01202 731511.

Restaurants Poole Sammi’s Outstanding Indian food and glitzy décor. 189 Bournemouth Road, BH14 9HU, 01202 749760. Sevens Boatshed A beautiful spot in Poole Park with views of the swans and the lake. Cuisine at its best. Poole Park, BH15 2SF, 01202 742842. Rising Sun This gastro pub is adored for its continental style and exquisite cuisine. 3 Dear Hay Lane, BH15 1NZ, 01202 771246. Ma’s Pizza & Pasta An Italian eatery with a quaint garden eating area. 87 High Street, BH15 1AH, 01202 678600. Italian Gossip A buzzing Italian restaurant overlooking Poole Harbour, Brownsea Island and Sandbanks. Has a terrace for Summer al fresco dining. The Quay, BH15 1HH, 01202 681234. 38 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM

Carl Munhawa Aruba cocktail man

How long have you been in the industry? Almost three years What is your signature drink? ‘The 2012 Daiquiri. Made with Appleton Estate 12yr Rum and Licor 43, its my take on a common combination of ingredients including lime and honey for a natural and balanced drink’ What do you love most about Aruba? ‘We have a Parrot, Parakeet? It’s a bird, we have a bird!’


EAUdeVIE This cosy bar and eatery also boasts a superb wine list. 46 Seamoor Road, BH4 9AS, 01202 540979 Westbourne Tandoori In the heart of Westbourne sits this delicious curry house. 42 Seamoor Road, BH4 9AS, 01202 767142. Red Bakehouse Offering an assortment of breads, delicious pasties and pastries . 125 Poole Road, BH4 9BG, 01202 760878. Himalay This Nepalese Brasserie offers a wide choice of dishes at reasonable prices. 10 Queens Road, BH2 6BE, 01202 565589. Da Mario A great pizza place with a charming and rustic ambience. 12 Queens Road, BH2 6BE, 01202 766988.



Tasting notes: This twist on the popular classic combines the expected Bacardi Superior white rum, fresh lime, mint, and sugar, but with the addition of dried chilli, and Aruba’s homemade chilli oil. Served long and topped with soda, it is still as refreshing as you’d expect a mojito to be, but with a devilish kick.

Rancho Steakhouse A contemporary take on the traditional steak house. The Quay, BH15 1HH, 01202 682020. Alcatraz Brasserie Reasonably priced and specialising in delicious homemade pastas. 4042 High Street, BH15 1BT, 01202 660244. Taj Mahal India A vibrant Indian restaurant near to Poole Quay. 38 High Street, BH15 1BT, 01202 675668. Karma A Mediterranean Grill and Bistro with an eclectic menu. 22 High Street, BH15 1BP, 01202 670181. The Thai Restaurant The perfect place to relax and enjoy the fruits of Asia. 20 High Street, BH15 1BP, 01202 672440. Off Quay A light, relaxed atmosphere with dream desserts. 18 High Street, BH15 1BP, 01202 680014. Storm Rustic charm and an ever-changing menu of freshly caught fish. A definite must for those who love to eat fish. 16 High Street, BH15 1BP, 01202 674970. R’s Kitchen New this year, food is served all day in a cosy and charming eatery. 14 High Street, BH15 1BP, 01202 672882. Hotel Du Vin A beautiful Georgian House with thirty-eight decadent rooms and a luxury Bistrostyle restaurant. The Quay, BH15 1JN, 01202 785570. The Custom House A picturesque Georgian building with a regal sweeping staircase; serving modern English and French cuisine. Poole Quay, BH15 1HP, 01202 676767. Oriel Café A restaurant with spectacular views of Poole Harbour and Brownsea Island. The Quay, BH15 1HJ, 01202 679833. Fishy Fishy Dermot O’ Leary’s own restaurant which specialises in freshly caught, seasonal fish specials. 18 The Quay, BH15 1HH, 01202 680793. Cafe Tea Rooms An ideal place to enjoy a light lunch; located within the beautiful Compton Acres. 164 Canford Cliffs Road, Poole, BH13 7ES, 01202 700778. Jazz Café Situated in the heart of Sandbanks and serving home-cooked food all day and a view of the beach. 28 Shore Road, BH13 7PJ, 01202 708346. The Seaview Located in The Sandbanks Hotel, this restaurant lives up to its four star rating. 15 Banks Road, BH13 7PS, 01202 707377. La Roche Placed in the Haven Hotel, this restaurant is simply divine, and uses herbs from the hotel’s own garden. 161 Banks Road, BH13 7QL, 01202 707333. Café Shore Cutting edge cuisine and interior design. 10-14 Banks Road, Sandbanks, BH13 7QB, 01202 707271. Le Café A laidback atmosphere serving an array of lunches and delicious light bites. 6 Banks Road, BH13 7QB, 01202 700464. The Cliff A gastro pub with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. 6 Ravine Road, BH13 7HX, 01202 492921. Harbour Heights Restaurant Serving top quality food; all products sourced locally. 73 Haven Road, BH13 7LW, 01202 707272. Loch Fyne A popular seafood restaurant where the fish is cooked so perfectly that it ‘falls off the bone.’ 47 Haven Road, BH13 7LH, 01202 609000.




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Boscombe and Southbourne


Koh Thai Tapas Authentic Thai restaurant and take-away. 487-489 Christchurch Road, BH1 4AE, 01202 914997. Urban Reef An informal and fun bar, café, deli and unique restaurant with a buzzing and modern vibe looking out to Boscombe’s Surf Reef. The Overstrand, BH5 1BN, 01202 443960. Urban Beach Hotel An award-winning Hotel with a stunning bar and restaurant and serving yummy cocktails. 23 Argyll Road, BH5 1EB, 01202 301509. Reef Encounter A trendy surf bar, café and grill close to Boscombe Pier. 42 Sea Road, BH5 1BQ, 01202 280656. Ludo Lounge A swanky bar/restaurant with a bohemian, relaxed feel; serving delicious food throughout the day. 34 Southbourne Grove, BH6 3RS, 01202 430699. Nativ An African themed restaurant serving organic, healthy cuisine. 563 Christchurch Road, BH1 4AH, 01202 398800.

Restaurants Winton and Charminster Buffalo Bar Our guilty pleasure! Serving up American-style burgers in a fun and friendly restaurant. 23 Woodend Road, BH9 2JQ, 01202 529861. Conto Lounge A swanky restaurant and bar with a bohemian, relaxed feel; serving delicious food throughout the day. 418 Wimborne Road, BH9 2HB, 01202 539274. Wonderful Kitchen A family run, modern restaurant offering Chinese cuisine and Japanese sushi. 257 Charminster Road, BH8 9QJ, 01202 515109. Breeze A beautiful bar and restaurant in a relaxed and modern setting. 1-7 Charminster Road, BH8 8UE, 01202 555145. Peppinos Italian restaurant twinned with live music. 31-33 Charminster Road, BH8 8UE, 01202 292727. Sal E Pepé Italian Pizzeria bringing a fine selection of dishes. 41-43 Charminster Road, BH8 8UE, 01202 291019. Nippon Inn A relaxed atmosphere serving delightful ‘Izakaya’ Japanese cuisine. 124 Charminster Road, BH8 8UT, 01202 258859. Starz An American bar and diner serving delicious food and drink. The interior design is movie-themed. 110 Charminster Road, BH8 8UT, 01202 524499.

Priva A premium nightclub with sleek and stylish interior in The Triangle. 32 Poole Hill, BH2 5PS. Smokin’ Aces This charming cocktail bar and whiskey lounge is adored for its live music and quirky interior. 103 Commercial Road, BH2 5RT, 07886953733. Aruba Exotic and unlike anything else! Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner and also a buzzing stop for cocktails. Pier Approach, BH2 5AA, 01202 554211. Bar So A premier spot in Bournemouth’s nightlife. Glitzy lounge with numerous bars. Exeter Road, BH2 5AG, 01202 438000. V Premier, exclusive venue just off the main square with regular celebrity appearances. Exeter Road, BH2 5AQ, 01202 295643. Viper Lounge New this year, vibrant and decadent lounge bar. Terrace Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5AQ, 01202 311005. Klute Uber chic and funky, this snazzy nightclub is a popular haunt for the Bournemouth socialites. 20 Exeter Road, BH2 5AQ, 01202 252511. The Lounge A fine cocktail bar with plush décor. 919-921 Wimborne Road, BH9 2BJ, 01202 546466. Bar Ventana Situated within The Cumberland Hotel, serving drinks and exquisite food all day. East Overcliff Drive, BH1 3AF, 01202 556529. Alika A hip hangout with plush VIP leather booths and raised DJ area. Adored for its various DJs. 6A Christchurch Road, BH1 3NE, 01202 290222. Le Chic New this year, glitz and glamour aplenty with unparalleled levels of luxury and sophistication. Dazzling interior. 224-226 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1PE, 01202 295050.

Restaurants Christchurch SOHO A stylish bar specialising in gourmet pizzas and home-style comfort food. 7-9 Church Street, BH23 1BW, 01202 496140. Sabai Thai Serves authentic Thai cuisine in a relaxed, modern setting. 8 Castle Street, BH23 1DT, 01202 486671. Tides Restaurant The pearl in the oyster of the lavish Captain’s Club Hotel. BH23 1HU, 01202 475111.

Sarah-Jayne Foster @ Priva

Sherbet Lounge This bar oozes cool with its vintage fixtures, bright colours and fantastic selection of cocktails. 163-167 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1JU, 01202 316664 Camel A hang-out for those who love their Shisha pipes. With outside seating. 174 Old Christchurch Road, BH1 1NU, 01202 291420. Lava & Ignite A multi-award winning nightclub, one of the biggest in town. Fir Vale Road, BH1 2JA, 01202 311178. Chilli White A prestigious nightclub with modern décor. 33-39 St. Peter’s Road, BH1 2JZ, 01202 318952. Bliss Two floors of pure decadence; a hot-spot for clubbers. 1-15 St. Peter’s Road, BH1 2JZ, 01202 318693. Ink Bar An elegant and up-market lounge-style bar with resident DJs. Richmond Hill, BH2 6HH, 01202 789669. Slug & Lettuce A favourite spot in the centre of town serving quality food at decent prices. Get 50% off your food bill every Monday. 4 Bourne Avenue, BH2 6DT, 01202 317686. Lola Lo A little bit of Paradise; a Tiki-style nightclub with a gorgeous selection of cocktails. Richmond Hill, BH2 6HE, 01202 298297. The Dancing Jug A warm and welcoming bar with a traditional yet chic ‘pub’ atmosphere. 20 Post Office Road, BH1 1BA, 01202 558399.

Nightlife Poole Penn Central A bustling and vibrant bar and restaurant situated in the trendy area of Penn Hill. Penn Hill Avenue, BH14 9NA, 01202 710888. Le Bateau This vibrant restaurant turns into a hot spot in the evening with a largely popular smoker’s terrace. Often packed. 141-143 Commercial Road, BH14 OJD, 01202 730263. Mai Tai A premier cocktail bar with smart and chic décor. 18 Bournemouth Road, BH14 OES, 01202 733881. Camden This charming, low-key eatery/bar is known for its vegetarian pizzettes and brunch burritos. 6 Bournemouth Road, BH14 OES, 01202 383879. La Cruz This vibrant restaurant/bar serves an array of Mediterranean tapas dishes. Great Sangria. 73-75 Commercial Road, BH14 OJB, 01202 710661 Mr. Kyps An intimate live music venue with great acts on a weekly basis. 8A Parr Street, BH14 0JY, 01202 748945. Banana Wharf Situated on Poole Quay, this bar and restaurant is the perfect spot to meet friends and eat and drink by the water. The Quay, BH15 1HH, 01202 665062. Slug & Lettuce This popular chain serves quality food at decent prices. Get 50% off your food bill every Monday! 35 High Street, BH15 1AB, 01202 670520. Bella Rosa A bustling bar/eatery with an array of authentic Italian dishes. 37 Haven Road, BH13 7LE, 01202 701101. Thirty Three A popular nightspot and extensive menu on offer. 33 Haven Road, BH13 7LE, 01202 706007. DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM | 39




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MOST FASHIONABLE Natalie Pope, 32 Tell us about your outfit tonight? My outfit tonight was chosen for comfort. I'm a firm believer if you’re comfortable in your clothing you’re more relaxed - there's nothing worse than fiddling with you clothes all night, I love the black leather trousers they are a wardrobe staple! The t- shirt was something I bought without trying on first, I just liked it. How would you describe ‘Bournemouth style’? Bournemouth style tends to be very dressy, guys are looking very groomed and preppy but especially with the ladies, I think it can go too far with the layers of lashes, big big hair, tiny dresses, dark fake tan - I think we give Essex a run for its money, I'd like to see a little bit more natural . What is your favourite item in your wardrobe something you’ll never part with? My favourite item of clothing is a Criminal soft black leather jacket - its so feminine but importantly it's timeless too. What is your greatest indulgence in your fashion life? My greatest fashion indulgence is without doubt shoes. I stay in shape by? I stay in shape by running and going to the gym, I still eat whatever I want as I feel I have a good balance. Favourite feature? My favourite feature is my eyes, the eyes are the window to the soul as they say. Go-to beauty brand? My go to beauty brand is Skinceuticals for skin care products, and I'm a fan of the high street for make up, brands like Benefit, Bourjouis, and good old Rimmel. Beauty secret? My best beauty secret is a decent nights sleep and plenty of water above any product! Best beauty advice ever given to me? The best advice I was given was to let your personality shine through, don't overdo yourself in make up, it ends up being the only thing you can see. Oh and my mum always taught me to take care of my skin by moisturising daily.

DV8 3 QUESTIONS Question 1: What is your favourite drink?

IT GIRLS JAGER GIRLS Local girls Emma Butler and Abi Pike can be found dishing out the Jager bombs in Aruba at the weekend. Both are hard working and humble and will certainly liven up your evening.

Question 2: Do you prefer sunbathing or swimming? Question 3: Where can we find you on the beach? LIZ BATCHELOR Loves Vodka and Tonic. Will pitch her towel anywhere along the beach in the sun and will dive in when it gets too hot. 40 | DV8BOURNEMOUTH.COM

EMILY KITCHENER Loves swimming and sunbathing on Sandbanks beach. At the bar Emily isn’t too far away from a Disaronno and coke.

HANNA USHER Loves to drink Long Island Iced Tea. Prefers laying back on the beach towel near the pier than dipping her toe in the water.

IT BOY JOHN ROSE Work by day party monster by night. This is a lad with unique style.




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